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WANTED, A Gardener. Wages, 16s. a week. Apply to Z., pOit-Office, nuljhe.d. WANTED, AT CARNARVON, A CURATE in Priest's Order—English and Welsh dut). stipend, £ 100 per annum. Adtireis-R(!v. J. C. VINCENT, Vicarage, Carnarion. WANTED, TN a small family where the cooking is super- intended. » Servant of all W.-rk. Washing done at llomel Good charactor and respectable reference iudispensable. Libera. Apply-1, Frondirion Terrace, Upper Bangor. WANTED, ABOUT 100 Tons of Lime Stone Chipping, AaItitable for the walks of pleasure '"ppiy'to?E?P'???HWA't?"?.?, the Albany, Li,?,r, 01, .tat? th? price pr t.. delivered on the quay.u.L.Y.rp.ot. LECTURE ON GALVANISM. ON Thursday, the 8th of March, at 7 p.m., \? Dr KE-<WOKTHYwm deliver, in the GLRL'S NATIONAL ?OOL.'R?M St. A.aph.a LECTFRH on QALVAXISM. OT VO?TMC ELKCTRtCtTY. which win be Utu.trated by a ?reat ,?ri.ty fFxp?riiu??lt'. R?r?"' Sea?'" ?" Lr"?d'6d. Children, half-price. The proceeds will b. given to the Sunday School. PROPOSED ALTERATIONS IN THE ANGLESEY & CARNARVONSHIRE FAIRS. A Public Meeting will be held at the TOWN A HALL. Lhn?M. on the ?th March i,,?t. d.?),.t One o'clock in the afternoon, for the ptirp?se ot tuKing into con- ??r?i'o? \'h. d?irS?of re?rxa.?u.g??.? Counties of Allgleey and Crn,o ?ti,-e and to adop; such steps as may ?' be ?'e?' ?'t adviseable for effecting a judicious change. judicious «h»»$ ??K)XSOy. E.q Wig, in theChai^ BEAUMARTS LITERARY INSTITUTE. 0' N THURSDAY NEXT, March 8th, a Lecture U will be delivered in the Tows HALL, Bcaumaiis, by the "Rpv W. A. TATTERS ILL, M.A., Incumbent of Oxton, Birken- h'e'?i?T?''S???:"AN EVENING W?rS SHAK- SPEARE AND "ENN,'VSON ??o??rb:?.?-:t h..f.p? 7. The L?ture will commence at 8 precisely.. Non-membeu will be adm med p}'mt'nt l ^i ec. 1\. I. HOOl'PELL, MA., lion. Se.. LONDON & NORTH WESTERN RAILWAYS. HER MAJESTY'S LEVEE, WEDNESDAY, TTH MARCH, 1860. TV 70LUNTEER Officers presenting their Com- V mi?io-M at the ?riou< Stations on the London and Nnrth "'estrnf Shropshire Cni.n.Che.ter.d))o)yhMdM_i Lancaster and C.rlil?tth,zh t'ickets to Lnndon are issued, mav obtain I't Cl ?,k?t. to London and B?k. at a ,!n?)ehrefor the double jonrn.y.-a?ii?te from the 5th to the 10th March INCLUDE Q Tickets not trallaferrable. I By Order, W. CAWKWELT,, eneral Ianagrr. ANGLESEY VOLUNTEER CORPS. IN compliance with a Requisition to me di- ,eeted' 1 do hereby summon anil convene a 'It'ding of THE Inhabitants of the County of Anjpescy to be heUl at THE HlnR BALL in the Town of Beiumuis. in th »A\U C<YNNT>, on L RI ?h'e' 23rd day ?° March ?.t''th.'honrorn.?\-c.? in the afternoon, ("r the purpose of or?.?.n? a ? oiunteer Corps for the Connt) of for the County Of'ORGF R ICHARD GRIFFITH, Esquire, Pencralg, Feb. 1\ 1*60. H.gh-shenff. FESTINIOG, MAENTWROG, AND HARLECH TURNPIKE TRUST. NOTICE is hereby given, that the General i\ An? Mttin. of the Trustees of the Festiniog, Maen. twrog, and Harle(,h T?iTnpike Trmlt, ?ill k, ? held hi t'?? DLUZ  HURSD,%Y,ttlet',i-htlii d7??   at 12 o'clock at noon, for the purpose of !?"??g liti'e the Accounts of the Treasurer of the said Trust and for tbe ?n?n? ?h'ojer business ay be required relating to I the Mid Trust. JOHN ROBERTS, TreMurer. Caecanol, 16th February, 1860. CARNARVONSHIRE TURNPIKE TRUST. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, 'THA r ttio General Annual Meeting of the i. Tn.jtces of tb. said Trust win be held at the GRAND JURY BOOM, in the T»»» of Carnarvon, on SATURDAY, the ?en't!L d?TtM?rch* tSM"? ''EX?"?'?ck°in the forenoon, for S.epur?e of Aaditin! the Accounts of the TreMurer. Sur- T?or? and other P"ri' ??t?,d with the t?t. and to J:?' the Report .,I E :Ii .Ie. from the Su.vey.r.dth.n for other general business of *• £ »«». ,„. Tru.t.e,. 0, JONL?S, Clerk to the Trustees. Castle Square, Carnarvon, 7th February, 1860. "LLANDUDNO IMPROVEMENT ACT, 1854"- WANTED, A Competent Person, conversant with the Welsh and English languages. to fill the offices of Surveyor of Public Roads and Sewerage, Inspector of N uisances, and In- .nMtor of Market and Pro,ièions; also to enforce strict ob.erv- Inc? o?he.e.era? Bye.La?. for the Regulation Hackney ,o trriage?, Ponies and Donkeys, Bathing Machines. Pleasure Boats, Markets and Fairs.wi.th testimonials, to be sent b.> ?' Ap?a'M.nt' stating ?).???i?  to be sent by the 15th day of Mareh next to this di?e.  Th?er?n ayVO,?tq will be required to devote the whole of hb time to the Commis??o.?r,. By Order, JOHN WILLIAMS, Clerk to the Commissioners. Commissioners* Office, Church Walks, Llandudno, 27th Feb., 1860. SAINT ASAPH UNION. TO LAND SURVEYORS, &c. T1 HE Guardians of the a bove Union are pre- JL pared to receive Tenders f"r a Survey. P)an. and Valuation of the Parish of Abergele, withiu the said Union, the area of "Ricb, aecordiml' to the Titbe Commutation Map, is 9001 8cres Cerate Tenders are required for the Plan and Valuation but rt i 'av tender for the two combined, or each ,rat,IY. ^hGuwdi.de do :'?M=!;=' accept the lowest Tendu nt.' hottT"dme pr" TA coVrect%^rveT nd plan«i' be rTq^n^o be on four sep?t- rate pieces 8nd drawn on a cale of three ehainj to an inch. A. iddit1onaT plan MthT ToVn Aherge^ inSjj* nann, will *lan be required on a Beale of one chai. to an n?h. Pensarn, will ThContrct or eon tr?, o be nl d into will .nt.l., a olauw resecting the eo-P l?ti.. of both Plan and V.I..ti.. fshould both be undertaken by the same party), to eighteen Cal= rmonths, otherwile six months, subsequently be Allowed for the Valuawon from the d??the'?c?n'?n: Ct' T Roo nf fa?so will he requirii for the effectil I wrrrlw■ out • ?t"" ?!??t' with !wo ?!S?ie'nt Sureties, or, if pre?en'e?, Security for that'amount by a Bond with depo.it of Ti???De,d, will be accepted. Wi Applications, enclosing name of Suretie and Testimonials, to be forwarded to me, the tindenigne?, on or before Wednesday, the 21st day of March next, superscribed—' Tender for õf th: P?ish of Abergele,' se?,or dptug u whether only one or tbe two are tendered for. tw. are ??/?- ROB. EDW. W]LMAMS_ B) Order, Clerk to the Ouardi-u? of the said Union. Buard Hoom, St. Asaph, 83rd Feb.. 1960. SAINT ASAPH UNION. CONTRACTS FOR PROVISIONS, &c. &c. A LL persons desirous of Contracting wth the ..D .1C'tiardiikns of this Union, t(, ?IIPVI" Bre Flour,  to be "u'r"ted for iepariktel)), ?,,oceriea, Butter, Buttermilk '??" p?. po,??. ?,,il other ar- tides of ,nuptl for thi Saint Asph Workbous? for the Quarter ending the il!h "J_ay of requested to d?- Hyet' at my Oftiee in te Worklo"Se' on r before Wednesday, ?atmyOtnce _n the ?'? with Samples of such the 0 'ar n the 7(h 'y.?'? "b" ;J?hed! ?t no Tender w,U br ArtiOe.required ? and addr.ed e?? the Chairman of the Board of Guardians, and stiperocribed fr -.n T AJ of t'h tides separately. Parties may TfiÄrL? O"N'TîicrcTØrotel)', Name! from the 25th ?1-1 ii6o to the 25th Marc, 1861. .HOEs.!¡'or Men, Women, anlIiy oti t hs a9 may be required d,?r. ,?,, i or fo. tlie :(If 2 t, I I years. -COAL9 A,,b SI,\CK-At per ton, delivered at h. W.rkh(,u?? COFFI,ls AND S[IROUDS-F.rthe 9e?r., di-t?i?t. f t ,e rt"onNlnfwV^UD |h; comns to be made of 1 in. Deai k e c d or El. b.d.. well-seasoned.. Workhouse  tOXVEVAXCK OF THE the Workhouse to whichever Parish within the Union, tnehlve b.lo02ed. T'e 'f ,,D,id,d b? fit, Gnardlan. PRINTING &c.-s ofwhich may be seen on application to me' at Offi,? I. the NA' PoTTlNrotesf^-K'particular. ?' can be ),,d b y a pl%?ing 0" F'r??nd.r?be?dat"nT ONce. Security may be ?ui?d X'r?rf'or..anc..ftheCoutracts. nryrf)3f —_■ HEREBY GIVEN, That Account. aRaln8t .ON MUGT BE GENT TO MY 0fflce in the Workhouse on "r °efor. dy, tb.2nd day of April next, And that I h.ll atlend at intb: Workho",e on S-tur- Md that  't" 't my ? ?. hour, of 10 and 2, for the r.y;'eot .1 h .A.d .11 Bille not c alled for between those orer unti l the end of tbe .I 5? ? By OrderonheB^ofOuaidi. ROB. ClH)tteth<"t<C'?"'  j  ??.?<'?'?* ? T UPLINE. W. V. WALLACE'S New Opera. JLJ Vocal, and also Amngement. as Solos and Duets for the Piano F.?te, Waltzes, Quadra.&c. PjêoAr'D::8& .d:Ve;lt Street, London. THE MANCHESTER ART UNION. THE MAYOR OF MANCHESTER (IVIE MACKIE, ESQ.,) PRESIDENT. PARTIES desiring to become Agents of this Socily, are r,,uestedto apply immediately to the under- sIgned, with references as to respectability. KICHARD ASPDEN, Secretary. 9i, Mosley St. Manchester, VINEGAR. PATRONIZED BY HER MAJESTY'S GOVERNMENT nONDY'S pTTENT PURE V CONCENERATED MALT VINEGAR. Families, by using this delicious VinegftT, ensure purity, and effect a saving of ftfty per cent. See Report of Dr. Letheby, City Officer of Health. Dr. Hassall, of THE LAUCBT Commission, d others. Sold by al) firsuclass Grocers. and .tIale,bki. ;Wj¡¡.?odon Bridge, B.C. COUNTY OF CARNARVON. INTERMEDIATE QUARTER SESSIONS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT an Intermediate Quarter Sessions of the Pence, for Criminal Business onlv, will be heid at the COUNTY HALL, in the Town of Carnarvon, in and for the said County, on THURSDAY, the 15th day of March instaut, at the hour 01 Ten o'clock in the forenonn. Dated tlii. 1st day of \Iarch 18:'0. WM. THEARSBY POOLE. Clerk of the Peare. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, rH 4T the GENERAL ANNUAL MEET!NGof the TrtMteM T I t ¡:Iee?e i'I'pi ;o;¡' hr;,ITt [,t:IIed'I:: to w'? 'l'? Mold ?"t'' Denbigh District/' The DenM'gh and Ithyd(ii. "'I'h. Coti? ay Distri.ct d "'I h, Saint A..ph 1) ?tri?t" f Tr,?pik? It..d., ill be held at the Offlee of us, the undersigned, situate in the City of Saint Asaph, m the conntv of Flint, on iUESDAY, the sixth day of MAUCH ned at Twelve o'clock at noon, for the purpose of receiving, .diti"g. and settling the accounts of the 'rreaur<'r. 8nT\'eyoT, and 't' r' empl()ed in the receipt and expenditure of the monies b?lnill, to the said several and respective Trusts; and for transacting sneh other matters and things relating to the s-ud several Trusts a??br re'?i?d. ° WYATT & SISSON, a ma' be re(luin'd. WY,KTT 8, SISSON St. Asaph, 4th February, 1810, COUNTY OF DENBIGH. AS TO THE TIME OF HOLDING THE NEXT GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS. WHEREAS, at the General Quarter Sessions VV of the Peace of our Sovereign Lady the Queen, held at in, in and fr tl?? County 'e""ig"the ti?,? 5tt? .1 January )Mt. We.theunder?ned.twoofHerM?f? f t?'. Peace in C t, w,re .i t?,1, put?t °? a? A???e'd"in the fo?h y?r'.fth<. Reig of His late Ma)e<tt King William the F-,?tb, chapMr torty-Mten, to fix the day for holding the next General Quarter Ses.ion. of the Peace for the slid County, and to gi, -? Notice thr,,f pursuant to'' the A t. We a rli, I fi the 1 wenty- Lc.ndday of March next for ho)di? the next General Quarter SeMions of the Peace in and for the Mid County. Gi.cn under my hand th. Sixth day of 1860. (,ABRIF,t, HOBERTS, HIE;¡ MAURICE. COUNTY OF DENBIGH. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, PURSUANT to an !_d passed in the fourth vear of h, reign ,I Hi, late Majesty Kin* WWiam the fourth, chapter ?' ?h. G?'E??A&? SESSIONS ol the PEACE, in and for the County of Denbigh, mH be held At tho COUNTY HALL, in Denbigh, on THURSDAY, the .Nndday of Marcn_ IS at Ten o'clock in the forenoon, for the transaction of the Finance and Police Business, and will be continued at the .ame place on the following day, at the .ame hour. The bueineM .elating to the Acts made and passed regarding the Police, win commence on Thursday aforesaid, at 10, and "he huine8s relating to the assessment, app leatio.?' or management of the County 'S'?c? or' Rate, ivill e.Ommence on the I.t- ???ti..ed day, at II o'clock, at which time all bills and demands against the Countv must be laid before the Court. ?fhe Grind and Petty Jurors, and all persons b)U?)d by re- co'imanoc to prosecute and give evidence, ?, to surrender in .t?Shar?e of** th'e??a?are tt.?pe'aratth'e'p?ce aforesaid on t R? DAY, the 23rd day of March next, at Ten o'clock in the f?e- SEP^ PEERT, N° Clerk of the Peace. Rutbin 14th Feb., l8C?- Clerk of the Peace. N B —Instructions for indictments should be' sent to my ?m'ee (if practicable) four days at least before the Sessions. ANGLESEY FAIRS. AT a Public Meeting, held in the British A School-Room, Llanerchymedd, on the 29th ult, The Rev, JAIES WILLIAMS, Llanfairynghornwy, Chairman. Th?fono?infRemh)tione were unanimously adopted  Moved by Rjciiabos. Esq., Ynys, seconded by the Rev. H. OWBN— That the changing or altering the times of any h: been ttert;:rn::ral :h\ town, :à ?'i?h?' fully satisfied the reqtiireiiielits of the must e o f t e toca)tty. muet i'?j"ri. to t??: interest of all classes, and especially of the ctgricultural class." "?ed? Mr! ?wuN EVA?3, Tfnllan, scconded by M,  AUBREY, printer-" That any meMtin? with long MtaM,.t.dj Fairs must prove injurious to the public interest, as evidenced by the recent attempt in Carnarvonshire." Moved by J. W. P??Nl-, E-q., ?-.w(,, seconded by Mr. L< OYD HyMi.)ion-" 1 hat a depntation from this meeting shall attend the meeting at Llangefni on the 14th March, to oppose the proposed eha?e.; and-further. that hi. meehn? .trongly recommend other localities to adopt similar ?-PId The following gentlemen pr,,pf,,?,d and duly ?ppointed F.? q Ll.yd the deputation :-The Ch iinnar,; Roht. I'rit-hard KEL ^d- iarJ th Eseob Rev. H. Owen, Llanerchymeod j; tdwd. Richards, E« y.y. Michl. Jones, E?q., Geirn J. W. Paynter, Esq. Amlivch and Mr. Hughes, Neuadd Cemaes. ?,'o??" Mr?T?? P,?, rald..r. .econded by Miciu. JON? E? Geirn-" That this .?.ti-b pledges i,.??f to adopt all constitutional means to oppose the Pr°P°Jfd°"w' Moved by J. W. PAYNTER, E?q seconded by Air. HCOHBS, .Neuadd Cem?e. That the th?,.k? of the meeting be g?,??- to the Chairman, for his kindne$s in coming over to preside at the request of the Committee.- WlII. EYAS, lion. Sec. TOLLS. TO BE LET. FESTINIOG. MAENTWROG AND HARLECH TURNPIKE TRUST. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the ToRs arising from the several Toll Gat? within the above Trust, will be LET BY AUCTION, for On?e.rtoc?enc. ?m the 12th day of May next, at the times and places undermentioned on MONDAY, the At the OAKBLEY ABMS HOTEL, Tanybwlc', on 1II0NDAY, the Mthda?. March next, the Tolls of the follo"ing Gates, which produced het year the sums set opposite each Gate, over the expense of Collection Festiniog Gate £ 55 0 0 t?rog G:t?. 260 2 0 Garieg Gate J# e « :t' S 8 g Bont-newydd Gate 8 J" J" day of AttheV??ON!* INN, .?anbe.i?on TUESDAY, theS7th day of March next, the Teth of the M?ingGat?.whtchpto. duced last ?eM the .nm. set oppo!ite each Gate, over and u. o;cuoc 0' OuUc;û.on aU°" Ga?: ?" 0 0 Barmouth Gfte—.«1 0 0 L&iDuG;u-v:v:v:v »» 0 N 11 ,eer happens to be the htghe?t Bidder must give security with sufficient Sureties to the satisfaction of the Trus- tees, for the punctual payment of the Rent at which such Tolls may be Let. '"?eb'?ar?Mth, 1860. MENAI BRIDGE. THE TOLLS TO BE LET. T1 HE Commissioners for carrying into execu- tion the Act 3rd and 4th William IV., Chap 43, intituled, An Act ?trans?r? to the Commissioners of His Majestya Woods and Forests the .evera) power# now vested in the "HOLYHEAD Road Commissioners, and for discharging ?e la3t-mentioned Comi,i,"er, fo, the ?e,?,r. nd 3:et \ni;:r:, td fiee.f:9un I their Care and ?l.n?,etn??t." And also the Act 14th and 15th i't.ri?, Chp. 42, i,,tituled, An Act to make bettei Pro%ision for the Management of the Wood., Foresb, and Land Revenue. "oftheCrown.andfortheDireetMnofPuMicWor?and Buildings," DO HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, THAT ON WEDNESDAY. THE 4T« DAY OF APRIL NEXT, At Twelve o'clock at noon, AT THE PENRHYN ARMS HOTEL, BANGOR, IN THE COUNTY OF CARNARVON, WILL BE LET BY AUCTION, THE TOLLS To be taken at the Bridge, which Tolle pro- P duc"ed ? ?the ".)M? t ?"eaar ??n? .oo. B.. above the Expense of ,.Ile?ti.?g th? 1- l 7 ;CI,445, J ?? ? ?? ? THF, HI„HE6T Bid¡' B&?or-theTe? at O,I Year, from tt: ?, of May ne xt t B'dd or D'dd I ?ho?.?happen.Mbethehi??    immediately givJe inW mritinl. the Names of two sufficient ametie, immediately ie in Writing, n ?d, end also, at the ame ,lid pay one Niorth', Rant timeI' sign an "e'  exer;ii tiing a Lease, with the aid SureUe..forth,dueP??o?t?? Rent by Monthly Instal- Sureties, for the J^nCe ofBuch cnants and Conditions d  l d at the time f the A-,t'' ?U?deC?eda?h?t???X"t? .„ ?, be ('o:je;u: Ii;: T,ticbh:adm;: l _tin. the same may be bad be Let. and furt.h" L throfflce of the Commissioners' public B%Udiull.. N o. 2 Whitehn Jrw. nJ-'il'SW,«EafloMT. 11. "1>1 180 =^5— Vr TO BE LET, ?' FOR A TERM OF NOT LESS THAN FIVE TEAKS, E,?RELIED UPON IMMEDIATELY, ? ? A SLATE QUARRY, situate close to the Tg A pike Road at P.trh?. ch. in the several Panshe. of ? gybi and Abereirch. in the County of Carnarvon. 'J This Quarry is within four miles Ili-mllce of the ea-po?, Pwllheli, where slates may be conveniently snipped. The Plant and iii a? ??,?er, on the il?em6"- at.d onw In" wOTking order, will be so?d at a valuation. Ine M«ic^.«iBM worked by water power, with a constant ample supp >  For further particulars apply to Mr. THJMAS ELUS, Soh,?e?S Pi:'rch, 1860. '.t 1st March, 1860. < SALES BY MR. DEW. ? TO BE SOLD BY AXJCTIOli, BY MR. W. DEW. J, At the BULL'S HEAD HOTEL, In the ToWt.ofUm?M,.). tM?;. County .< An!)?<y. <.n THCJ?DAY. tb. Sth day of Mar«, IS z at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, iiubject to ( ditions then and there to he pn.dueed- A LL that DweUing-House, Shop, and i??- A mitM called PEN YG f,AIG, situate in the Paruh.fU?.? dffr?f.tn the Coon? of ?n?t.ey. together with the u* àtn',ioyag:' :'P: t:: ;.ïlhng\ o- For farther particular apply at the OiRve of Mr. THOS^W. OWEN, Solicitor, Ll.ng?fi. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. FREEHOLD BUILDING SITES FOR SALE IN THE CENTRE OF THE CITY OF BANGOR. TO BE SOLD BY AtCTION, BY MR, WILLIAM DEW, In the month of March next, A LL that Piece or Parcel of Land called Jx CAE LLEPPA, subdivided into convenient BALDING LOTS, further particulars of N? rich, with Lithograph Plan,, mil shortly be iseued. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. WILLIAM DEW, On THURSSDAY, the 15th March, I860, at the SI AKLBY ARMS INN, Holyhead, at 12 o'clock at noon— THE following valuable FREEHOLD LAND lying in the Parish of Bodedt rn, in the County of Anglesey: LOT 1. AU that ten compact r ,Ij,iing the Holyhead poet road, L and called TAN- YK-ALLT, in the occupation of W ilium Owen, 88 tenant from year to year, aud comprising an exc.l ent larrn- ???' 'wiXcon?n!enr :ti" 0?uid.n?. and 7? 2r ?n of productive Land-the whole being well arranged and fenced, and in capital order, The tenant is under notice to nu? LOT 2. All that Cottage, with the EncUures of Land kn»> Is Pen 1-V.wys E ern, now called PE 4 YPALLT, M the OCCIU pation of Oweii Prichar 'd. as tella?t f,r?? year to J ear containing Ir lr 13p., a,'jolning Lot 1, and .Ituate on a delightful eminence, commanding extensive and varied prospects, which render thie articularl) eligible for buildi ^RLFEBOVEVOPENYIS ckisiT to thf Vill?g. of Bodedern, and i. abnnt three miles from the Valley Railway STE'.ONANDAHOUB miles from Holyhead. It n? no )andta?.nd oner?n exceUent opportunity for love -t et ":u,io.. For further par tialars and conditions of Sale apply to MEssn;. ROBERTS, BARBER, & oJ 1?UGHES, ?olicitors. ?n .r ANGLESEY FREEHOLD ESTATE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. WILLIAM DEW, At the SPORTSMAN HOTEL, in the Town of CarnaT""n, on the 7th dav <lf April next, at 3 o'clock in the ftternoon, in ?or; t?Lan??t to Buch condition, 88 may then be declared (unless pr?iS! d?ed of by p,iate contract, of which due notice will be i,e,?)- ALL"those'F?old Messuages, Farms, and APremises, called Llai" '?awr, Tir.mawr, and Hafoty; an& the Messuages or D%velliaig.?ou?s called Tai Ion Dowad, aU in the Puish of Newbor.ugh and County of A.?'esey. Thi?ertyi..ituaL clo to tt4? Ti" and within 3 miles of the thriving market town and railway soatin of Carnarvon known to be the best market for agncultnral produce ?h?'to? ePrincipaiity. and about 0"R,VEN MdB?or??an N of the Che.t?, and ail,,y A,° T RS^U ?ery RE^ET DE8LRAB^ either an INVEST- G THERP ^PERTY^DIN^ PURPOSES| as it commands malt ?.t?..ive: INO thç BUI i" within 8aB)" dh.tallce o f 't ?r ?Sar.  to Mr. Jon? W???s Jc?  1!.r pl, to ,Il. 10.x W&TKlx JoN. So)?.r Be?m.ri.. or to Mi. R. RRICITARD, Uwydtarth Esgob, Bangor, Agl?.ey. FOREST TREES ON SALE, TO PLANTERS AND OTH EllS. Tin-r.T, be sold, cheap, a quantity Trans- TV planted Forest Tfeet-about 30,000- remprising of Alder. E" ilh Oak, Ash Lu?l IFl,, and other descriptions, from 1J fe,?! to 3 feet hi?h. Prices to be had on ppl..ti.. to Mr. mh:e:dII. rT' ;Ie1¡.appheation to Mr. F YAOHT ON SALE, "THE MINONA," 16 tons, now lying in the Port of Pwllhell. Ti-i- well kaown Cutter Yacht "as built "YI of Lymington-hauxeellentaccommodation-2 Cabioa, Pantry. Closet, Forecastle, and Sail Room-is well lound in every respect-a flrst-cl^s sailing boat, and the winner of several cups -is also well known in the R. W. Y. Club. Apply to Mr. (I, T. Picton Jones, solicitor, Pwllheli. TO BE LET, FURNISHED, WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, WE Mansion and Demesne called "BOD- J- BT OKOBfl," with Gardens, Stable?, Coachhouøe8t and Pre- miaes most de,i,.bly !ilu. 1, a Ile distant from the flourishing ?. P?iL?' and .en(,id b.?M? b.h,? ?hhh i. equal to eotM. The proti.ion markets are well mppHtd. *Ad eil*rUc?ei,6f consumption are sold at very moderate Pi. *?p'p!y ??.' 0.T. pi. J- soqcitor. 1?wllheli. EXCELLENT FREEHOLD FARMS IN ANGLESEY FOR SALE. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, THE Fee simple and Inheritance in posses- T"i" of and in all that compact and desirable Farm, formerly o.i?,l as two tenemenh. and called by the evetal names o' ??s and TKEFFYNNON. situate in the Parish of Aml"cb. in the Countv of Anglesey, and comprising a Farm Houso and Outbuildings, and 77 acres 2 roods and 34 perches of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land. The above Farm lies close to the hi-h road, and is distant only about a mile from the populous Town of Amlwch Port, which affor.ls an excellent market for farm produce of all description. A)M. the Fee simple and Inheritance of and in all that other d?.ir.b.e".r., At W.?, or SIMDDA WEN, situate ??Pari?ofX)anf?' in the Parish of Llanfechell, in the said County ?f A6,ilae ,o,pri 'i"" an excellent Dwelling House and Building., and about 40 set, of tr?bl. Meadow, and Pasture Land, now in the occupation of the Rev. W. Johnson, Vicar of Llanbadrig, under a lease. &.t moderate rack rent, for the term of his incumbency as '"?-or?ew of the Property apply to the Proprietor, Mr. JOHN f B,,pgl.lneilpipn, and to treat for both or eithe of .he Farms ?pp ?ications nia y   [°Lh0™b°™y^0ffi'!ea of MR. HERY LLOYD JONES. Solicitor, Bangor. Dated 13th February, 1880. IN PARLIAMENT-SESSION,. 1860. HOLYHEAD WATER BILL. TN pursuance of an Order of the Honourable 1. the House of Commons of 28th instant, Notice is hereby given, that the Standing Orders of the Honourable the House of Com- mons, that have not been complied with in regard to the ppli?4 tion 'o Parliament for the above Bill, have been dispensed with, and that the Bill will be proceeded with. Dated this 29th day of llebr,?.J, 6, H1N 860. 2, New Square Lincoln's Inn, Solicitor. ?* DYCORE, No. 2J, Parliament-street, London, Parliamentary Agent. ESTABLISHED 1825. RFFIOWN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. LONDON-33, NEW BRIDGE STREET, E.C. Funds !nve,t.d.?.eM7.0M Annual Income CMm.Paid .UM.OOO Sum Aaured 2,425,000 BONUS YEAR. Per.oneAMurinfonor' before aMh March will be entitled to one full year'.ihareinthe profits of the last seven year. then to The pro?ts will be divided in every FIFTH Year 'AFTER. be' The Bonuses become vested dte? payment of the THIRD Year's Pr™m Extra Premium is charged to the Assured 1 Volunteer Corps within the United King?-, during rewo or :.?*?' B.8AHTODD. Secretary and Actuary. Persona desirous of ?curing the above advantage should make early application to the Secretary^ | AIIENI r e w e r Mold—Mr. WILLIAM JONES, Brewer. LLANRHYDDLAD, ANGLESEY. TO BE SOLID BY AUCTION, BY MR. WILLIAM DEW, ON THURSDAY, THE 15TH MARCH, 1860, AT THE STANLEY ARMS INN, HOLYHEAD, AT ONE O'CLOCK IN THE AFTEMOON, tee0 R By order of ttie Mortiga I ee, under poivers of Sale contained in his mortgage deed from the Official Trust.. of Charity Lands and By order of the Mortgagee, underpowersofa c;t¡,ey °hh;¡0h9vrc from the late Rev. James Hughes, Clerk, deceased ^ana sanction of the Cbarity CommbsioneTØ- ^JT. HEHFOLIOWING FREEIROLD PRO^^ composing the Church Charity LANDS' in the Parish „ i Uamhyddiad, in the County of Angles.y- ?'? Quantity. Name of Occupier. Annual Rent. No, of Name of Tenement.. No. on Quantity. Name of Occupier. Annual Rent. Lot. Tltbe Map. B. 1'. I: s. D. à g:¡"¡,n:tf %e; l:fll I Hugb Roberts 5 2 Piece of Land, put of Maen y F&NWI U o" G 37 Thomas Owen 3 Q.illet I- Ty M?,r 14 0  37 Th.? Owen 010 0 4 ( House and Land, called Sgybor Bach and.) ,2,n 0 4 2 0 John Thomas t 4 ,?ott.? in ah 20 0 4 MarxaTetWiUhmt 15 0 j Cottage in Sgybor Pach V? 1 3 10) 6 Quillet in Ty Newydd 0 3 201 Thoma. Pricbard 4 0 0 6 Ditto ditto :450 1 71 Ditto ditto .?. '|l» i 0 I 7 7 Cottar and Land calMGhn, rafon 28 0 2 0 WiUianJonet  0 8 Cottage and Croft part of Merddyn Fadyn 41 0 Thoma8 Hughes  00 8 Cotta?andCroftpartofMerddynFadyn 444 4 ? ? ? e ? g0 o TMhaormyMThHom?ahB M ? "X 9 CottageandGarden.pa.tofdttt. 0 7 Peter Jones 1 50 10 Ditto ditto # „ 7 EIi..betb Jones. } 1 ? S °0 12 j?aMandCro?aUedP.n.U.niauJ .the?e)? 3 24 William Owen 8 0 0 Ty'-gwrthwyneb »S 0 2 10 13 Quillet in Hafodty 13 10 )j Richard Fury 10 14 Quillet in Rhydynghirad 1 3 8 Ricbard Parry 1 10 M QuiUetin!thydyn;hMad 62 1 0 0} WilUam Owen „ 00 M QuiHetmBonw 63 120} WilUamOwen 0 0 16 Ditto ditto ? 0 3 0) nun   dilto. 70 0 3 0 P.ry 0 140 \l ^.ofLa^«»; ° SwiS' 2 o1 3° i« n:lt :Wd>;¡ryntiri;" fl97 Os 12} Jon. William. 1 1 0 21 A piece of L?d call ?d ditto I," 9 0 .4 %} Tboma. 6 10 0 I Cottage., Garden, ud Croft, called Tower Hill 164 l S 1 ^To'ne, v: r:: 4.S5 0 23 ??andCroft.caU.dAberpwU 165   ?& 4 1.0 24 Croft in B0a"" 0 7 6 ?t ?°?' ?ob?e?a?urcha?r: of quiU.t. not adjoining public road.. and entirely grounded by the land. of o?ther  At tet"" p rt 11 t this Sale, many of the Lots being vluable as accommodation Lands, or for the for natio, .f Ctt ge t..Idi,?g,.d thi whole   tbe Mortgagee, under directions of tbe Court of Ch.  of Llaurhyddl  ..d, Apply to Meura. KOBBRTS, BARBRR. and HUGHES, SolicItor., Banir;r. or to tbe Auctioneer, at the Briti.b Hotel, Bangor. ARTIFICIAL TEETH. BANGOR, CARNARVQN, AND DENBIGH. ^MTJE IST IB ~W" DISCOVERY^ A.RTIFICIAL THETU SELF ADHESIVE! WITHOUT SPRINGS! VULCANIZED INDIA RUBBBB AS ABASE! PROTECTED BY HER MAJESTY'S ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. ATTENDANCE IN  CARNARVON .?.K Mr." Pepper Street. Th. Ir M.A,, 1.h7llo.?h,;t Mr. I The first  C HESTER. Ro b,?t., Watcb Maker, HIgh Street. Uxbridge Arms, Hotel, PrIVate Boom..  THE CONVENIENCE OF PATIENTS FROM THE COUNTRY. Messrs. Gabriel's hours Of attendance in BANGOR will be from 9 a.m. till 8 p:m. ? "<tSfyrTCSE-.?FOK :?::x S CARNARVON, from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m. Messrs. GgLbriells next visit to BANGOR will be on Monday, Sth of March. CABNIMVON TuesdaV, 6th „ DE" Wednesday, 7th „ >» 0R JUST PUBLISHED GABRIEL ON; THE TEETH, POST FREE THREE GRATIS TEETH! their L.. ..d  011 Gabriel'. New  of CapillaTf Attraction and Sucllon combined, by  of a Soft "'lexible lining with I.IL?T GUM-COLORED TNDI R in Ill.. bone or metal, there are no  o  rtd "r, ,hol nd entirely free from ta.te or .men, are ea.y and co e on "he '???????? b.. or r f .r Y ,r, ""8, tr.?. I. a., way effected mO.rb:a:iI:il1a¡r.:I :r!:i:¡t; l:r:;redff: thm balf tbe ordinary co.t only by MESSRS. OABRIEL: (D?nti.t. to the Prince 1YOttej?ri, E-tablished 1815,e I D 1LO, REGENT STBM. 134, DUKE STREET, &É1iJL bi.õDó:,o3aj&n¡4'î.ÅIiü.LjN10, REGENT STREET, JRANtHES: BANGOR, at Mr. RoMM-s's, Wat? maker, High-street. CARNARVON, at the UxiMDGE ?M8 HME! Gb,iel'. Treatise is of great importance to all reqtuiirin it Dmtio?'. aid, and emanating from such a source may be confidently S..vic. GAZBTTH.ne ?,hits E.T?. per4ekeN the Gtitta Perch& is. ?d., b, th f. to  and the Itoy.1 » t «all operations ap. abriel's celeb,,t,d Preparations-the Wbite Enamellio. per Pl'cke" the Gutta Percha h. d., bOlb or stoppmg, and the Royal DENBIGH, at the CROWN Ho'!&, sUCCEo fNl Too t h Powder for restoring the Tedb ay be had of any of tbeir t. h,.ugh any cbeml.t m tbe UnIted Kingdom. n    DECA YED Ti;:e:í;a¡g :aW"NMEíGJtJ:r SUCCED&NIUM, Presents furtheT The beet In Earop?, ?v.,rrantedtoretailt?lirlolo.r,fr(,-3a.6di .p.'t.-th. 8?t.'g4 4., MESSRS GABRIEL, In tt?,nd-n, daily, from 10 to 7,, Rod may b,:o.Ited onthe Los. ofteeth.and all operation, ap. CITY ESTABLISHMENT, 33. L n ihg State j?irt imurance Offict and pertain? t. D.nti.try. at their ???tu?.ot ???'? GTËetÍiILL.. tC13I4T. Y D.k I', I-gtT $itbLLIsp ;11?gT, 33, LUI)GATE Particulark observe JW the entranCC is up the privail# passage between Jhe State Fire Insurance Offic# agd  BeleNt-ftreet, Nogs Jfechi,f. Ifsffsfsj&ssssssxssis^ssssssaasasm^sssss^sm^iw* I I  FIRST-RATE DYEING, CLEANING, CALENDERING; BLEACHING ,& .11 FIRST-RATE DYEING, CLEANING, CALFNDER11fa, DLEACHIND EM-1?YSgtNO 1 LL orders sent through the Agent# eamage paid. MOST MapectaMo r?rene? given in A anv part of the Principality. ^UTOEABD, 1 DTEB, 1 LLAJrKWJt. Llanrwst, February 21, IROO. ,W: tB, DTEB, LLA.'NJS'IIII'. GRIFFITH DAtEES, FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT, BANGOR. CARPETS IN VELVET PILE, BRUSSELS, KIDDERMINSTER, TAPESTRY, VENEMAI* DUTCH, FELT, PRINTED DRUGGETS AND FLOOR CLOTHS, COCOA AND INDIA MATTINGS, HEARTH RUGS, DOOR MATS, &c.. TISSUETTS, REPS, LASTINGS, DAMASKS, AND UNION MOREENS, TIS8UETTS REPS, VELVET, TABLE COVERS, TOILET CLOTHS, UTRECHT COUNTERPANES, BLANKETS, SHEETINGS, TOWELLINGS, BED TICKS, TABLE LINENS, DAMASK CLOTHS, NAPKINS, BLIND CLOTHS IN ALL WIDTHS; CHINTZES, DIMITIES, &c..&C.; FRINGES, LACES, GIMPS AND BORDERS. IMPORTER OF SWISS WINDOW CURTAINS. "PAPER HANGINGS," IN PLOCK, GOLD, BLOCK AND MACHINE MANUFACTURE, GUTTA PERCHA PAPER FOR DAMP WALLS; GOLD BEADING; BORD^S AND CENTRE PIECES FOR CEILINGS AND DECORATIONS. HC^YHBiUD HARBOUR WORKS. T UITDERS, SHIPWRIGHTS. FARMERS, AND OTHERS. TO BE SOLD, A BARGAIN, A LARGE QUANTITY OF QUEBEC YELLOW PINE AND BALTIC TIMBER, IN LOGS, PLANKS, SCANTLING, BOARDS, &c. fH E TimW which was w?.bed down from the North Breakwater durin? the recent gales, is equal to new, and will be Mild b* rHi;v1È \YrhC.; .tt:'1 t)\rtr:¡"r:V¡tri11 :e r;f:t or: 1St;lti of nt' ;iUBUbj nn ai TIIRNAV M^ARCH 10th I860 to commence at 12 o clock at noon preci.oe, ?ly. For ^iwtkular apply to Mr. E. CORNISH, Harbour Works, Ho yhead. MR. ROBERT PRICHARD Ha. ?ivfd induction, from !n. J. & C. Rigy to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, abont 100 Lob of the?boTe Timber, oa SATURDA Y, ?n 10th, 186 to commenee at 12 0 clock at noon prec..<?. above. CITY CARPET AND FURNISHING WAREHOUSE EASTGATE ROW, CHESTER, BECKETT BROTERS (LAT I'RICHARD'S.) Mucous BECKETT BROTHERS beg r,peetfnlly to announce that tl.ev are now howinll at their Furnishing Establi.hment cM1oUm. ?pn?EsM.?ntx !at?eK?owX(hLte??'?????a?"??????"??? KIDDEBMINSTEIt and TAPESTRY CARPETS, compr^isinng i?a a gr?l?t varietv of neW and superior designs. In the purch ise of these 5oods, M<?r.. B. beg to )ay they have been Sa?h?ha???,t?? ? ?)y such qM'itie. ?n(f c.tounn? as they can safely recommend. Messrs. Beckett bj a;<o to that th ey li»»e just rocel\'ed a New Slock of IMPROVED METALLIC BEDSTEADS, and CHILDREN'S COTS in IRON -4 °???' Al.n NEW DAMAQKS, DIMITIES, CHINTZES, AND MUSLIN CURTAINS. Mes. B. having at their New E t??li&hment the advantage of every facility for a ).,r?Mten.Mn of their Furnishing Trade# respectfully soli?it the .?.f fanuhe8 about to f. b and beg to say they fetl M.nrpd that ).y the punctual, economical, !ho?n!y' ?c!e? n..?r i?hich they are prepared ?..ate orden in every branch of the Furnishing Uphol.tery bu.inM., they will not tose,r, "'° re "'? ??TRAS?ES FEATH'E? BEDS, AN D BDmNG OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. BECKETT BROTHERS, (LATE PRICHARD8), EASTGATE ROW. CHESTER. FOREST TREES, &c., FOR WALES. GE^«^laS.^»«Se« for Mmntain Planting, and the largest Stock of Tran.- ,1,,t*d A In Great BTitaln. Fur.haser. are invited to IFSSI"'MCKDS dflivered free at any Railway 8' T,,e. ree omme de(I O^CAN supply all the Seeds and Fruit Trees recommended for North B i?', Book n Welsh G.,d Chester, December 20tb, 1859. TCBNITUEK GRATIS, a new and elaborately illustrated CataloJuø. conmining over 300 de.lgn. of Fu^iture, Imn Catalojd4ing, &, w 'ith mp=raen e? J..w or U s.d.te.e. 'C-ntry D" CT*? L?: /UKAD C, ? ?'M. a- ?"?..?. BD London. Kni?t.bjrid. L.?.? ? ?.?,? Drawi?-roo-n Snite to bc .(,Id'yfo, 33 gl.eas, recently cost 60 g.?neu D"ig- rnnm ditto in splendid Spanish Mahogany, 28 guineas; and two HAN^SOM^ and complete Bedroom Suites, In fine Mahogany and Birch, with winged wrbr"b e. d marble-top as stan e, 2,5 ?neaJ The ,n.l. ??bo.e are decided bargai THE PROVINCIAL WELSH INSURANCE COMPANY. (The only Insurance Company Established in Wales.) CHIEF OFEICES. HIGH-STREET, WREXHAM. 49 MOORGATF,'?3T.1.T.L.IDb., .C. 77, BUCHANAN-STREET, GLASGOW. TRUSTEES. TH. RIGHT HON. LORD BOSTON, M?Me-iquMe, London;  and Lianit an, A.gl, The RIGHT ilON. LORD 'FREDEGA'  i;rk, on- mouth.hire, and 32,  L don. STU WATKIN WiL?TAIII?"Z B.?MIS'St' Jamests.squue. I..ondon. aud WynnstaYt Denbighahire. of  MYDDELTON BlDDULPH, M.P., LOTd Lieut. of the  of Inbi,h, Chirk Ca,tle, Dt?nbig ,se*  E.q., M.P., U. t f?.?nan, Den- bigh,bire. MLON?'WATKINS. M.P., Lord Lieut, of the County of Brecknock, Pinoyre, 13rerknOcksh?' F??k?.'C'H'A?  Puthin Castle, Den- bi h?hile  HE?' MOMAS Esq., Chairman of the Glamorganshire Q"'rter 'e"I""  Bre,tieke I?re.  Westmin.ter, and Lownde.-squ.,e, London. HUGH OWEN, Esq., Barnsbnry, London. TRUSTEES IN IRELAND. VISCOUNT AVON MORE, EnnismoTe, '0 L^T&FEY^T H-W CASTLECoiinel, County LIM' T? HON: FREDERICK YELVERTON, BeUi.te. County Tipperary. DIRECTORS, CHAIRMAN 'THOMAS BARNES, Esq., Farnworth, near Man- ,:he.,?r, ni"t' 8a)op. Stanot l l,odge, Wrexham,  Uv(m{tEi, q:'t;àodge, Wrexham. THOMAS I'AINTKR, E?, 13odlondb, ,??ayor of Wrexham. R C RAW LINS, Esq.. Hope Mills, ,?,res ham. DV Sè'1 iai;,(it: A « WUITIHT IEA GTe.rord Bank, Wrexham. XE HON W. H. YELVERTON, WhiUand Abbey, C. thenshire. BANKERS. THE NATIONAL PROVINCIAI. BANK OF ENGLAND. THE NORTH Ar.0 SOUTH WALES BANK. CONSULTING SURGEON. T. T. GRIFFITH, ESQ., Wrexham. CONSULTING ACTUARY. GRIFFITH DAVIE8, ESQ London. SOLICITORS. Messrs. EDGWORT El AND DEVEREUX PUGH, Wrexham. D. THOMAS, ESQ., Brecon. SURVEYORS. RICHARD KYRKE PE'NSON, ESQ., Swansea. M. GUM MOV", ESQ., Wrexham. SECRETARY TO THE COMPANY. ANTHONY DILLON, ESQ., W..b-. LONDON BOARD. C.??-TheHO? ?H?VERTON.Wh? Abbey. -TI.. P Junior United Cl COLON EL POWELL, M.P., Junior United Service Club. ?HUGH O?WZN. EM.q., BM:?n.b?ury. Lo?nd?o?n???. Mayfair. HUGH OWEN, Eaq., Barnsbnry, London. M.?.H????-LLOYD. CONSULTING SURGEON. JOHN PROPERT, Esq., 6, New Cavendish-street. SURVEYOR. I RICHARD H. MOORE, Esq., 4. QueenVterrace, Regent's Park SECRETARY TO THE LONDON BOARD. JAMES BENNET, Esq. GLASGOW BRANCH. Olliceø. 77, BUCHANAN-STREET. MANAGER. W. J. CARSWELL, Esq. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES. TTPFI —Stamps paid ''h! C?Ill,M,diel Re f?-'id fr ,.rtp.P,.Y. i:Ÿ :t:.d,J Expenses very moderate, and chiefly borne by the Fire De- partment, eo as to increase the Bonus.-Non-forf,-itu. i ¡:. 0 ailicr;r:ebytneUt;T[iu¡ Offices.—Members of Vol unteer Kifle Corpe a.sured without Extra Chatge. E' t; F=e: Twelve months credit on Premiums if re- quit to Interest at £ 5 t.-This is a new and ,p".rte,adi feature, to lnter?-at at X*5 pere;?, on!y. ,4.d?r.t? Pe"u"-P'O. t nd 1iber;l ettlemeDt of to?6.-?F?ng ?o?nmred ?4? per cent., provided the amount be sub-divided as directed in the C-.p?,-y'? Forms u heretofore, or at 59. per "e'lt ifnotM)ubdmded. t're 'a- surances effected in other Otncet may be transferred to this Company free of any for Policy or Stamp. Secretary to the Company. Chief omc.o, lui&tz"9 STALLION FOR 1860. OCEANUS" will serve Hares in ANGLESEY at Al eaeb Mare, Groom's fee included. ACEANUS" is by that celebrated hoMO, V/ the Flying Dutcman." out of a Picaroon mare; b: 19 a rich brown in colour, with beautiful action and fine tempe? OCEA us" will be at RARON HILL on MONDAYS and TUES- DAYS; at the BULL'S HEAD INN, Llangefni, on WEDNESDAY* 3ud THURSDAYS; at the VALLEY HOTEL, LI Dlnghendl, ON FRIDAYS and SATURDAYS. Ioney to be paid for Mares ?erved at Baron Hill to FDWA 0 COTBS, Stud ro?m .at ?, .,?g ?f,, i, to Mr. RIBN&Y RUM*HRB*0# Bull's Head and at th« VALLEY HOTIH,. to %fr. EJ.LfA.. Baron HiU, 16th Feb ? MM. AONDY'S PATENT FLUID, \J OR NATURAL DISINFECTANT. Not only deodorizes but disinfects perfectly, and DESTROYIS po. EVBR the cai-e of infection. Is not poisonous, A- it may be used to purify water. Erolref no?no?ou?'? °?!ea?ant gas. Cannot be mistaken for any other fluid thereby :nting death an d isew, and is ther -om th* bes?'' safest, cheapest, and? mod pleasant disinfectant erer inl,,dllled "'Vh??d has been e?mined and reported upon by the Board of Health aU the most eminent Men and Chem.st..F the day, in all cases in the most satisfactory manner p..ssihle.. ''??r??h?c ?re recommended to"e this '?u'id.%ropertydi))uted with water, frequently and h?i.u.Uy in Ide, ?ul!eries, ?'Mes musty cMk?, sick mom!. e)oM p, ace., &c„ as it has nnmerous advant?et. ::i :de wnh certam tmmedhM and pefect .afety. '"?d??'.tt?e?.P.nt. 2s Ha)f-pint<?.,Mdinbu)k 10s. per Gallon. Sold by all flr-t-elms Chemists. Wholesale-63, King William-street, London Bridge, E.C. BURROWS AND CO., WHOLESALE WINE MERCHANTS, LIVERPOOL. STORES: Lime St. OFFICES: 54, Duke St. TInPOtlrsNe:; "¡:f5 i:h: atten- tion of the Trade, ? o ,bi e, and the pu?tic n g? Reral to their esteusive stock of choice "'nee.o.?-intake.. H?nd Co. are not di8osed to "'in"'epurity of a  n dC.- ..t di.p*" to t their '?iM< which is dily most laudably acknowledged by the pu?ic and eminent men of all countries, as the increasing pa- troiiageoftliehig!he.tfi,i?ie.i.th,l?,?di-iff,ie?tg. %r?te. T"' b "g to 'a?ll particnlal attention to their pure Tonic Wines, being so valuable to invalids and persons of weak 'to.?.. A Sample C,»se, c'on??' ?r'ee ?.Szed Wine BoUles, '? be forwarded to any address on receipt of po?t omee order for U. Mit U a weU-known fact that impure and adulterated Wine. af| i, a well.known lact tbat impure anel adu:terated Wine. at" the neatest foes to health, producing acidity in the stomach and debUitatiM the d i"tive organg, wh?i ,,e pure Wines acceler?te the digestive powers, invigorating, strengthening, and bracml the nerVOUfi! system. th "'te n i.,?dmitted to be most 11.?nti. Ito i., lidr, -?e.r'?c ?S'n? i. admitted to be most e?entiai to inratid? both old and young, and should never be absent from the homes of the weak and sickly. Its properties are duly acknowledged, and appreciated by the eiLding men of the f aculty, both at h.-M and abroad- "?prevent impo?tion. each bottle is .ealed with the name of the firm, All orders to be made payable to HBNRY BURROWS. DR. DE JONGH'S (Knight of the Order of Leopold of Belgium) LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL, Prescribed by the most eminent Medical Men throN;hmt th* ?ord as the safest, speediest, and most efectua) remedy for OO?CMP?O? BRMCMtT[S. MTHMA. COUGHS, tHEUMMt.H BOOT ENRRAL DEBILITY, DISEASES OP THE ?!N. gl KETS INFANTILE WASTING, & ALL 21?ROFULOUS APPBCTIOS*. DR DE JONGH'S Oi[ is the mo.t etBcacious. the mMt MMtt. ) b!e and. from ttsrapM curative e £ Tecta, unquMMoB*b)y the ;*?.t ?-onomica) of all kinds. Its Immeuurable h_ ?rior? overot,,r.ri.ty i: estabh.h.d by iDnnmenb. .?nS?oa. t'llIm"i?l. from Physicians and Sur?. of KM<?. peaD reputation. SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS:- BARON FOUQUIEB, Professor at the Univerrity of Paru, PAym<ta)t<eNh lc* Jfajesty Louis Philippe, tc-4re. "I must openly eknowledge t?ac you ave rendered m aml. nent .ervice .?ience by acquainting practitioners with tb. cause of the frequent irregularity in the ecreets of Cod Liver Oil .d directing hir attention to a proper choice. It i. th fore'with the greatest pleasure that 1 Pay mv tribute of well- ¡tia\: fori.t:s:u::¡::le er\.l tralb:le:¡t: and chemist, whose researches after truth have cost him so man* sacrifices, and who has shown us the way of renderix highly ffectual the administration of one of the most powerful dues we are acquainted with." HENRY LETHEBY. ESQ. M.B., F.L.S Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology in the Mediss I College of the London Hospital, Medical Officer of Hea?A to the City oflondon, 6-c. 6-c. 1. all .e? I have found Dr. de Jonah's Cod Liver Oil pos- ,e.,i,g the same set of p,.pr among wbieh the pmence of cholaic compound. and of iodine in a state of organic combiD** ?o'n ?M ?he*? re?rkabte'; 'i'n*' ''?t* ?e 0? ??'J* its characters with that named Huile brune," and deMritxd M the best variety in the masterly treatise of Dr. d eJ*'g h" It is 1 believe, universally acknowledged that this d?.?riU. of Oil has great therapeutical power; and, from my tionsIhave no doubt of it. being a p and unadultere.1 article." R. D. EDMTMBE, ESe., M.B.C S., Su^raeon to the Ruyal Dispensary, c. t. I hOTe used Dr, de Jongh'. Oil In myown flly WIth _keel 8ucee8S, and believe it W be in lto etffieet superior to p?arati? ''?"d'e???troducin?t into tbe R.y? D? penssry! of wbich I am oue ourgeon., 'old ONLY in IMPERIAL Half-pints 2s. 6d.; Pint., 4.. 9d.{ Quar., '??a'p.?an'd 'M")? "?' D?. ??'?H'I t-P ?.?nat'ur? WITHOUT WHICH NONE CAN roM.BLT M ..NmN.,byr?.pe?tE,bl?Ch,?.ilt.. SOLE CONSIGNEES ANSAR, HARFORD, & CO., 77, STRAND, LONDON, W.C« CA UTION.- Where the least difficulty exists in ob. taining Dr. de Jongh's Cod Liver Oil, Messrs. ANBAS, HKILFORD& Co. totII forward four Half-Pints, CABMAGK PAID, to any part of the United Kingdom ON receipt of remittance for ten thillinqs. I'