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FREE FOR ONE STAMP. U f\T8KA8E AND IT8 SELF CURE." by the newly-discomed \j pme.. of LOW And Constitutional Treatment. Di.- covered abroad by a distinguished Physician, which supersedes eotiiely the absurd and futile English mode of treatment; the use of mineral poisoi.s, which destioythe Digestive Organs and confirm the malady, and the aid of certain doctor:, who profess more than they perform. A TABLE OP SYMPTOMS accompanies the above, which enables tile reader to detect the precise disease, and how t > aliply TUB CIKTAIN MODE OF ELF CURB," which is given away solely from motives of benevolence, for the benefit of the aftlidec1 public, aad will not be sold under any pretext whatever. This Is not an advertisement to get pO\!ltae-.talllp8. and can readily be dis- tinguished from that c'ass.—Send address, and the 'hove will be forwarded post-paid per return, by M.LANNBS, :0;:0. 16, Brook- stieet, Regent's Park, London. POST FRKK I''Ot fTWO STAMPS. EXTRAORDINARY DIVOYEIZY OF AN ENTIRELY NEW THEORY OF CURING DISEASE, B? INO the recorded experience of ti.irtv )'ar9 Spedal Practic(? in Great Britain Franct and America—with the latet S. tnti? ?e,, l,taiii, 'N'r. itedCi, e: ;I: ¡ i;J: i) e"t;i f); I: t; l I i 'U can practice for ?i'?".)f ??at?. S'lc r.   smallest co5t, thus avo din? doctor. K ,;Tu .ons. The -Nw MODI!" is an KXTi1 lW0,I1{1 Vo r ,nh erd p i- CO VERY for .he tr..t,?ut .? Setf-Uu? ,of ;:Jcrat::rL); :i: ;I'E:)t ¡I\l:$i'18tt '5t! r.c :I: efSpintt.LoM of t?.,?rg ?P;,I.titt?, in Limbs, i'lit, Sel'-distrust, Dijzine* Want of F,nv v ;iitII'i;J:Î$. '¡:I¡1iI;I.)tth' I;;i;:) I:S:\ in the Head and Ear*, indecision, Wretchedness, In"u;Ub, Discharge, Impaired Sight au.1 Memory, indigestion, and Umb. Prostration of thedId Meii- tal and Physical Incnp icity, &:0.: and supersedes (in th above complaints) l'ùiionoU8 Drug., which are iven under .<10"$ dis. guises, o the utter ruin of the patient's health. With Iuvaiua- le Information on Chemical and Miorosropie tests, which reveal hidden mysteries. Also HINTS TO THOSE CON I'iiMPLAT- ING MARRIAGE. l?"Ti?,. novel and ,dentille American di3co"Iry d,? tr.t,g the absurdity of the "lIglih treatment ot such case and will prove a BOIl to Snff6ring Invalids, who m., safely anJ speeJily regain pristine health and "¡gou,. by adopting the lHean p.- leutrd, Evening ^im.* "Anew and xlraord¡nary eia in th science of medicine."— Globe. 14 The important fact tb,,t t?,,e alarming compla nts may eaily be reotoveu ith -t D. ?,g, i clearly demonstrated, ?,d "Itii !y? entirely nw :md highly sssf.1 tre, ne;:t, as adopted, fully esplamed, Medical Review.' 111 order aU cianes m'. avail themselves o llie the author has not, and will not, allow the sam I'! to be sold, but he will lorw-trd it to those who send their address, "IHl two stamps for pastas* Address tI,u.-W. HILL. Esq., 31. No. 27, Alfred Pl tc Bedford Squaie. W.C. New edition Post fre for Two stamps. EXTRAOnDlARY SUCCESS OF THE NEW .MODE OF TREATMENT. NEVEU KNOWN TO FAIL. 8eventy Engravings. Pt-st free for 2 stamps open ends, or 12 Stamps in a sealed envelope. THE MEDICAL Al) VlsEB on premature decay of the system, and its speedy restoration. Chapter* on all the wore common diseases of the generate e )8tcm, with the oet means b) which the most obdurate cases may be speedily cured reu »rk9 on the use «.>f the microscope: observations on marriage; directions for obviating tertain disqualiifcations; rules and prelõnÎpliun8 for lelf-treatment, &0, By W. DR Itoos. M.D., 01 the Kcole de KedfCine. Pari4, Graduate in Medicine, Surgery, and M dwifery. To those who contemplate marriage its perusal is especially recommended.—The knowledge it imparts must come some time, and happy they who do not possess it too hte.-Cure i? :e,in &ad t?appy tt,e) jewl ?, .?,d Pf,,w are they which are not in,, ,rv ;ur?l a complete rc\olulion in the treat- &0._It is cale U"ted t? e4.?ect a colllplt?te revol?ttion iii the treat- ferer may cure himself speedily, p,?,.t,,I, and at the leait pObsibj cost Po;ronI long practical observation of the treatment pursued in the mot famous institutiolJs of this cnuntrv and the Contincnt, for those diseases referred to in the above work, the author has bad somewhat umuual facilities for acquiring thai uniform suc- cess which has hitherto characterised his practice, in which the di8tresin co.sequencesjresulting from the injudicious employ- .0, ?e r? ?r and 8,uÜ:ar dangerous medecines are entirely avoided, Wtingbetieflitcit? only reasonably be expected at the hanf\s of th: who d??.teieireli et ,,tte?ti?. to these di. eale8; & to such only can confidence be safely extended, Dr. Hell, refers with pride to the numbers he has been matrllmeutal in restor- ing to health and happin* ss; and to all who need such aid he offers every assurance ot speedy restoration. Patients at a distance .hould forward a detail of their ca*e by )?-tter enclosing the fee of gi h., when advice and medwine will be cut by retu" Foit-office orders to be made payable at the General Post Office, 1,.st.office orders to be iia( e PUa, y? er n er? St., 0.St., London, to WALTER DE lloos, M. D., IU. Berners St., Oxford St., London, At home daily fron li tLI 3, Sundays excepted. DR. DE'ROOS' GUTTÆ VITX, OR LIFE DDROI'S, protected by Ro?at Letters Patent of England Seals of the Faculty de France; Koyal College of Prussia, &c., have in numberless instances proved their superiority over every other advertised Remedy for lprlaturrhma, langour, latitude, want of eDery, depression of spirits, irritability, anger, excite- ment, fear, distaste and incapacity for society, study or business, indige3tion, pains and palpitatinn in the ?id?. giddiness, ?oi .?. in the head, impotency, impediments to m(\rriae, &(?. This medi- cine 8trengtlH!nS the vitality of tbe whol 8) teld. gives energy to the muscles and nerves, thus speedily removes nervous cothplaints, epilepsy, paralysis, &e., renovates the impaired powers of if,, and iovigorate¡;¡ the most "hattered constitution. For skin el"uptlon1 lore throat, painø in the bones, a'd those diseases in which mer- cury, saisapirilla, &c., are too often employed not only in vain, but to the uttei ruiu of health, its surprising efficacy has only to be tested. Before waiting valuable time in seeking aid from instruments, and other re f ab*urdities professing to s*t aside medicines, •ufferers will do well to m,ke fair trial of a remedy which con ??t?,i on scientific ,rinciple! cannot f-i" and may be carried about the person, or left any wi. ere without exciting a suspicion of its nature. Price 4s. 6d. & Us., or four ti, the latter t33.. p.r bottle, and in L p,k.ges (by which £ 1 12*. re .?d,) through alt Chemists, or direct from 10, Derners-street. Extracts from letters which can be seen by art" one. •• I am happy to that 1 was never better in my life, thanks to you and your m 'dioiue of medicines."D.P. St. a,h,'o?r ei cine has done me more good than any thin! I enr tOvk. Lissington. 1 shall not require more, thank God, and I hope he wiU reward you for what you have done for me.A. C" Hartlepool. If my tongue could speak, or my pen could write to express my grat tude to you, I should feel happy, but neither word nor pen of mine cali do so,"— H. A., Birmingham. II With- out you I should so>»n nave been in my yrave, hut now I am happy train."—D. F., F. Inverness. •• 1 can never thauk you suffi- ciently. Had I never reatl of the Guttae ViLf where or what I m ght hsve besn now I cannot tell,V.G.. Wet Pelton. PAINS IN THE BACK, GEAYEL, LUM- BAGO, GOUT, RHEUMATISM, DISEASE OF Tlig KIDNEYS, BLADUKR.&c. K}pllst;.o<)¡:gÚ'ND RENAL PILLS are a most safe and speedy remedy for the abo\e d In{CrOU3 compbill8. dis- charges and diseases of the Ui. ar,, 0,?? eneuilr. ?i?h too frequently harass the sufferer over the letflil,. ,,?d end only in an agonilill death. They ",?e with the most delicate stomach, and in three days effect a cure when capivi, cubebs, &c.have utterly fai,, 4. Is. li,i., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6e1., lis., and 33s, per box, through all tnerauts. It I have bken your Pills and always derive great benefit from them."—W. W. H.. Queen's College, Cambridge. 41 have taken your Renal Pills with the most happy results. "-p. H-.Cork. Your Renal Pills did me more good than anything. —M. J. Dur?l1I « Sold by H. Hushes, Ctiemiet, Market Place Bangor and by at leapt one agent in al iioit ev cry but sti.uld difficulty occur, cucloe t:,e am,)?knt by r?t-offiee or otherwise, to 10, JJerllerø.t" Odord..St, London, and they will be sent securely packed pei ret CAU T,;i,ufferers shou Id guard against the recomnienda- tion ot mju:to\U imitations by dishonest vendor?, whn thus ob- tMn a larger profit. The genuine have the ?.rd. WALTER UB Ro19, Lo?,DON," print dwhite letters on the Comment 8bmp, to imitate which ii felony. DO YOU WANT LUXURIANT HAIR, WH SKEIII, MOUSTACHIOS, ami EYEBROWS ?—Of the numeroue p?,p.?i,ti.n. introduced for the 'll" have maintained such ?'br? ??.?'E DK?-S CfUNtLINH. which is guaranteed t, .y prod. ubc"e Ni I1,Fl CRIN.Lllqk,, ??inh? ?.ranteed ?PJ?'"???"?,?- eminently success- ?r i» nourishing, curling, and beautifying the Hair, checking rrevness in all it..ta?e., .tre.?thenin? ,e!k U..r and proven Fn;7i'INillI: In the reproduction of Hair in baldness, from w?er cause and at what,?,,r .?e, ONE TRIAL will prove its the bad sis of a beautiful head of hair. Price 29, per bottle large Istonishiiig power. In the nursery it is indispensable, for.?. bottle containing more than four times the ..all n,,s, 5s. each. "d by every Chemist in the world, or ent post free, on receipt 5? »4 penTr stamps, by Miss.. DR\S & CoijimLE, Hair R6- •torers &c'B9 Castle-street, .Newman-street, London, \V. ,X?,,CT, R,. LKTTERS :1 ,y h-i' rapidly conlin l in a week after Uilng your Crinilene it ceaeed. 1 Hickson, Eldon-street. Sheffield. In ? shorl; time of oi» fort-  \VilSden'I' t can no* bo t o a a.f hajr, hi.? nun)" Cdnnot; I was ite ?'h e c,r,,wn f y h,i he,? b,?,a  u ? in Tlf ?h .n the crown "?"'??. ?o'? ?t?e"-?. F iõ; Ci;l: 5Praiil:1'e.stret.- London. ?.'?.? O? ??' M.%NAOE31EN', OF THE HAIR," WhhkeM. &c., with Tettimoni?!, Lilt, of Agents, &c sent post free for four penny stamps. KNOW THYSELF! The Original Gra- I\. phioto?t MAKIE COUFELLE.continu..h.rtnid..nt.- MMinjt?.d useful delineations of ch?raeMr from the handwrttt? of tndhidui?. in a tyle peculiarly her own, and which can be bat badly imitated by those tvho prete d "f this b tif. desirous f 1, thir ow,? h. t?'i?i?. or?ho? o! ?y 'f?? 'houtd writinr. staling sex, ael or 'up"' d &c., with 13 ut?ct?t ??;t?°p??r?',?d ??pe, ''??i???? ■ft. (,. i.nn A nn W h?. thev will receive a length- ened detail of the talents, tastes, virtue*, failings, &«., of the writer, with many other things previously unsuspected, and cal- culated to guide in the every-d*y affairs of life. The thousands who acknowledge the value an18CCl1raC)' of M188 C.*s sketches, establish their great utility. Ii It i$ proulJUDced <Witeextraordinary."—Charles Hamilton. It You described my character so tru y, that I oould not have done it better. Lots is RiTiOr. I cann t too highl coplitncnt u. "-G eo.Stuckey. :nel L:keJ. c?m)¿cii'n:ruJ= .d Beckinghain, Newport, Mon. The chu&cter you ,l to mj friend Capt. H. is strikingly t. -E ?:.tRutt'. B8Q., HalJen. Tenterden. he bet judges pronounce it true to a 'f C. 1 You have given the exact chaTacter ot the persons. I am almost afraid how you get your knowledge. All I can 8titli its wonaeriui. ~a. u. bh:;on. mnIOd. "Some traits pointed out I believed to be to anyone bui m??"M0'Har<. CMhMtown. N??;? M??°?T?- Tares bsorio, returns many thanks for M8?. correct descrip- tion of her M.d'.ch.rMt.r.Uh.idford?.?,ChMt chh- Hanu.. COMMON SENSE ?N A 'L 18HELL! ?FVERY ?? HIS OWN "OcloK. For two tA,,Lurrerer.ma)- a'oid the !han chrome.), rup- ture-cunng. and other '1Vindlet who pLlbli¡Jl fictitious reyiewa and extracts f do not .exist, profess to cure dUeMe,r without iiiedicil^fli wi^1 other absurdities cruel thPV n?ai;,l i. 11?e Ir? of A?p W,man, _n,ive)t<-n!:a? in t^e treatment of debility, urinary diseases, inarital »»»• »"» ."J ''™ menl.t and lIenous affction8 re-ultuij ihcref.oni, m{iuenJa g«.ee on receipt of a penny stamp to prepay p '"t n- taining his highly successful on I)' sat| e • a £ ^en*i witb all t b a neces-,) tr di,c,,I h nfF»rprs mav > cure theID;;ehe. at trlftin¡ c081. A(ldreu Mr. Lawes, 1\Icdical Hand Court, Holbutu, London. AN UNUSUAL OrPOBTUNITY?' ?A Gentleman haing advanced money on a much larger Quan" tity of Wine than he requires, c.mdistiug of ver) flr6t.rate dry 0? Port, r?h f?t-a?o?d ?ort. and A VBRY 111111111 Pa'e Sherry, is willing to dliJpOf.8 of a portion to thl)le who would like a few do..n. of cboice wine at 48s. Addre" E. Eller, Esq. 22, L.gh.t?,.t, L..don, W. LEA & PERKINS' CELEBRATED WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. PRONOUNCED BY CONNOISSEURS TO BE THB "ONLY GOOD BAITOE," AND APPLICABLE TO EVERY VARIETY OF DISH. EXTRACT of a LETTER from a MEDICAL GENTLEMAN at Madras to his Brother at WORCESTER, May, 1851. -'Tell LEA & PEttft[NS tllllt their SAUCE is highly es- teemed in India, and is, in ray opinion, the most palata- ble 83 well as the mOflt whole- some Sauce that is made." The success of this most delicious and "nrivallert cnndimen ha\'ill caused many unprincipled dealers to appl1y the name l ?? ?OMPO?-DS. the fUBHC ia tf.illy and .rne?ty r??edto.? that the nam? of 1,-?' & t'HRBt? are upon the WRAPPER, LABEL, STOPPER, AND BOI I I.E. MMUhctured bv LBA & PRRRINS, Worcester. Sold by CKO'SE & BLACKWKLL, London and all respectable Drus?MM, Groccrs, and Italian Warehousemen throuvhout tho World. ?'reM<t?Mt-e 0?? Nothing brings on Nervous Debility, Premature Old Age a;«?t?M Iluuan Life, "'M? </MM Diseases of I the Chest. UNDER THE AND ;H PATROAGR OF THE -V-T -AS THEFtSCtPAL CjuBEs £ NOBILITY. THE ONLY HEAL CURB WITHOUT INWARD MEDICINE IS p OPEll'S KOTAL BATH FLASTEPv^, for Coughs, A,tt..? ()(:n;. y îi;.tlr. ::i:iI' OOhO't. A:: H ^n? Couh, Influenza, Chronic Mrains, B»ui?es, L\mbago or Pain* i-'1 the Back, Spinal and Hh eumatiu Aff.?tin?, Di ?' -f t? Che?,?"'?"'?"? i the Chest, THOUSANDS OP WONDERFUL CURES. Pitchley Hal!, jear Marbro*, March 18, 1857. Sirs,ti'thtiea!t'te!t?)'atitud<:thatf")in'thMehwhn?. i?l order that utfreI'8 (;?ml)l;iint8sii)iilar totht,?.?d,r which t h.?, Y.,)f fb,).r?,l ?l..?e ??bfr, t8M. t have been afBietcd at wttrvals ivitb Croup and Spasms, and although I have tried many remedies, they ere all next to useless, until a short tune a^o when friend romiiv- from Sh ffield brought one of or Roper" Piastre; anlr siiue that time 1 have expel1cnced no recnr- rence of 11,p ol are ?t perfect liberty to make any use of this letttr. 1 remain, V01,« traly# ROBERT POTTER, I Sir.-Havinstrstelred remarkable benefit from Unper's Royal Bath Plast-r, I wistv'to ma.e my case known fortlie use ofothers. Some months ayo I (rt\+r*ht a severe cold, w ich broufiht on Rhak.. in? Fit.. These sett^d in mv ohest. I brc.une so ill that I in- quired constant attendtftice. Out of the Roper 3 Piasters was ap- plkd, whirh produced relief at on«.'e, and now I tiln fast progrese- ing to a recoverv.—1 am, SI*; yours respectfully, HANNAH ROBINsOX. To Mr. Reinbardt, Chemist,-Market Place Hull. Mrs. Granger, Whith.mi, Esses.-write.—I have received much ,flt from the use of your Kopet's piasters, once form a sprain of the back, and at another time forpaitt in tile side. Dated Feb. 5, 1857. BED-PUT 1.11 FAT# "O"TUS. il. M ? id?i, of l? 'ury, has g p?in to ?s Ri;l l\ Son "'of Plaiter, by  ??Wt!?m Dutson, Earl-street, B"y, for a severe inftan;- mation of the Lungs. He was bed-fast 101 four months, and IS q? it tie -.erlaiith? tgh i i through the tin?oty tMittance of your valuable Hoper'e P) ster, which be p,,??h.d t my shop. You are at liberty to make use of this in any way you think pro- pJr, for the be.,(It of the public generally. M ?? W. 1853, Unprincipled Shopkeepers, for the sake of gain, bavp vend.es. spurious imitations. Purchasers are therefore cautioned to NOTICE the words "ROPER'S ROYAL BATH PLASTER, en- graved on the government stamp, and the Proprietor's Autograph on the back. pl, F, pARED ONLY BY ROBERT ROPlm AND'SON, CHE, MISTS, On Medico-chemicul principles. Irom Britisli Herbs and-tbe uuma and Balsams of tbe Eastern Clime, where ''The tres drop balsam, nd on all the boughs Health sits and makes it sovereign as it flows." Full-sized Plasters, 1. 1r1. j and for Children, 9Jd.-eatn, or direct by Post on receipt of Is. 4d. or Is. each in Postage Stamps, Sold bv most Patent Medicine Vendors in the United Kingdont, B&WARE OF IMITATIONS :-Be particular and 1IIk, for ROPER'S PLASTER. R U P T U RES., By Her Majesty's Royal Letters Patent. WHITE'S S0C-1OT LEVER TRUSS it, ?,o, I, e I spiing round th e body, i, recommended tq,wi .it.t. t".e'i li'Y application; 2nd, perfect freedom from liability to chafe or ex- c r ?e 3rd, it may be worn with equal comfort in any p?ion 0"" "dy or izht'4th, it d i .'its of every kind of exerdse, without the slightest inconvenience to the wearer, and is F,ri?ttly concealed from observation. .?? do n.! he'?a?. gh'e lo Ih.?cntion our ? unquiet approbation, and we strenuousl) advisc the use of it to all th.?,: ?tnd in need of that protection, which they cannot so fully, nor with the same comfort, obtain from any other apparatus or ?Ja?fion. that w'?h' we ?'e' th'? highest satisfaction in thus recommendiAg.Church and St.t? Gazette. Recommended by the following eminent Surgeons :-MiUiam Ferguson. P,.f.?.r of Surgery in Kinz'-? Co\\ee, SUtgOl\ to King's College Hospital, &c. C. G. ?h?. Esq., Surgeon ? the Royal Westminster Opha). n?c Ho?a?; W. Bowman, E?q., F.U.S., A..i?t?,,t Surgeon to King's College HospiUl; T. CaUaway. Esq Senior As- sistant ?.,r?nntoGut'6Ho9pita); W. Coutson. Efq.. Surgeon to ? Ni ,,dl?',H.I'T Mi?d Curting, Esq., F.R.S., bui ?.n to th, London Hospital W. J. Fi,her, Esq" urgcon-in- Chief to the Metropolitan Police F. Aston Key, E?q.,Surgpon to Prince Albert; Robert Liston, Esq., F.R.S. James Lnke ?q.?u?eontothe London Truss Society; Erasmus Wilson Bsq., "Iin. ny ot ere. '"? descriptive circular may be bad by post, and the Tr? (which cannot fail to fit) can be forwarded by post, on sending the circumference of the body two inches below the hips, to the ,Ufa?ture?, "?"Mr. WHITE, 228, Pi,??e'illy London. Price f., Single Tr.?., 6d. nd 31..6d. Postage, is, M Double 1,, 6d., 2?., nd 52..6d. Postage, Is. 8d. Umbilical,, 42;1., and 5,2.. 6d., Postage, Is. 10d. Post-office orders to be made payable to JOHN WHITE, post-office, Piccadilly. ELASTIC STOCKINGS, KNEE CAPS, &c. The material of which these are made, is recom- mended by the Faculty, of as  ELASTI( nieiltied by the Fa@ulty, I'H B TNN'PINTION foi ?d '?MPR??L'E? ?THE?ES? ?ENT.ON  °rt in allease$OfwEAK, ?E'sn?'?.e???tr' LEpcrs.  in texture, and inexpenbivi Hntl is drawn on like an ordinary Stocking. Price from 7i. 6d. to 16s. each. Postage, 6d. JOHN WHITE, Manufacturer, 228, PICCADILLY, LONDO smay be seen in the Crystal Palace. V- u (m" 1 r? A i7?, A N D.7? G X ) ? M? tLLUST?TED CMAL? ;:¡¡ r.n B k.LJ .:r. u t, I.i,U I C0SJT.WS cn-.UK AiMonms of«» »ir.tut«T, A:'f 1'l.S OF ROD"I FUR.U. ?OFtMBEOST'-AOSAHJf'MCES I Of A4°v AoV° BEDt'inc ??-MT F?:?? ?Y ror»T' Fr N,AUlir AC i vJKSP.S ?.?.-rc-rTE?.;? -.——?'-?? t-n?f,N? -=:=:



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I London ...... I II " I u…

I Carnarvon Arit ■ 11 ' "…



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