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or The cibcclatiow of Vie Wbstbbw M ail ha gvorctnieed to NXCZND that |Sf AMY OIHBR DAILY PAPBRfTt WALBS PREPAID SCALK or SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS so* THM "Of L'I W I NO CLk*HE% oj AUVfcJtiUt.Xt.Nid oM I.Y iTtATX«»8 \h.KD. i tlTVATlOW WAJTWD. I A L"' I &rUt.r8 "n. I mmm Wltnu). K* IIMKin ?t«TWe. Bcsum««S run SA»,^ Lo»f AND "OU.1IO. .1RÇ}.X8Q". WAXrB. .I.S".OI"t. ')F"I,1I8 <vBLicut'CHnzolmttSKii. I r&cIP¡C"'atICUUl ro* Saw n P"u WHI\4CT, If Mi t*t< <•" Ia w. t? orduary credit mte ).Ji to <)hM«d. I WJ&8TB&N MMb. 8(i Ita- w?tams MMh. a<t)t*t<t- "ordI. o? ???.? Ily Md InMrtiO*. iMMttOX? la??ttoM t?'?. *■ I "• *■ 8," d. 18 6 1 0 1 6 2 0 ? 8 1 6 2 3 I 3 0 36 1 2 0 3 6 40 45 1 3 2 6 3 9 5 0 54 16 30 46 60 63 19 36 5 3 70 72 2 0 4 0 ti°ISO 81 2 S 4 6 69 90 ■B-.t. i,„ ?w?, 3 6 1 0 ;Mtn? ) K,B.-Tlie ttm ntl< d«« got trptr to .adTdrtiae- 0-" t.. .'=' ml =. 0?<n shoWA .wo to t S=tm t?S*??<. ?M<<? W< CkHlI. W. 6". L Va. O"tir. ad- bo. U X^tWKRAIa 't)r »«ii i4U* ainni ylM>* t>r«. i := ow: 0 8»oood Cte» J IU .J 2 F*.rthQa*» .—m 0 OhOdna'a Carvia*. Foaml* fro« 18*. M. aaM] «#. ot. MAST-ifrangr. o?NDtPF AGIUM AND aUIPBENS, Omcm &JID Iuu." 1h"Qvux. 18, AMQBL ST.. CARDIfF, AD AT PBMABTH. « a—Oooi^rativa Pnet Lift pakliskad ia •ma and Ofc'a ABC Tiaae Taste. ■* aeathly, 2MU = Personal, T?&*??? ???. *t 6 M. 4id Mt m yo? ø.. at tile "-IOU IÙCltt B.>ly. *I. •totod. ri^MPORA&T "44-  WMt.d (or six weeks, T K •{*» Ot-ba L% w- p*riU Nrtb ".1.  w.[.b <?«t. t?ut Mt Mh<k.- ';II"C:!à..r AMUfcllD Omya&B, without «kUdrM4 detirei ?L TMtpMM D«iy or C?r?. inrtt. me.m<. !*??P' ?' '?'t??-AMftM XtTM?nt. 1, E7 vill..6 Elm 0'0", ?at?Mt. lt?? ^U&tfaL t ?_??_ A '('1gQ :=; ,Ip faiMftoo. .o.Ji t l.a 'I" W for a ma Itcil m\n iaOMwS (or a eoa«4dr>ho«.-Ad>irN< Z, i, II. Oflo#, t:.rùdf, un"*> ASWidTANT W@??l, for lop' M'w ?W pf?. ?.  crlfewff; 0« JM# W—Um oz., di. 1137A10 JbuicaL BANKS, Tiaiiain, 68, Adua ttrct, SujdI.m E BaUs, Pio-anw. Ao., attb Firwt+i*M <9triurn Han at Ik. t kol. ilcbalwttc. A0ZKMA1V Ladl i. d?tr u< ot <MtM? with .a A 0 Ov'U'4e.. t. Tuui Omldtau ?, a "A ? H.7, Ba8t.o. ft?"" B,t. t*L i/71«0 ATonac Lad1 ris<urwl 1- a< UniJT  L Qpfen— !ot t"u httt<UiTtt,Me«i<ttX' M<i t? ?A?MM fhm?. fttmm )10_. Ne*Mtt, «?- lgytaa PlAliOfOBT £ t ttm<t?. Dtu?.l??pM.iMrtM JL •A. Utta vpil nDder ?.,rMm trj<<MMft. 1'8ail eofcooU J'jf"w.; Utn^ 1IIIØd6  MUNO Ldy. dmi- fe«?<mnut M U?er A '?'?, <mwiM <uhc, ajd Fraaclj. ?)? ?. "i*k )M?MM.t:<Md ntmM-Uw KomA. M, ami, MmO. 1MU22 SHUkTUAMD CLA-Po-bso. "'b' p m" p M 7, Mwm?ttU Clla8M8. *< 15 <raWa). C«m?t«e.-eaMe.o?M<M. I'" M. 1187a ()1'7 :"ftê I ) G.t to*'<? Mutraaa, Of .1 P. T., a, a «m»ii Buod Naticiml 6-hcl; aalary from iiO and '"?' botiM.—Addraw tdward Jo- Taiudra, li»o. < 7?_ *"? i &<? WANTED iaata(lut«l^.aBati.iakM>t AfaaMr^ a*W7, X ??'?i''?m.-At?y.withtMt<?ou)?<t(ontt<t). "> mr. J. u. Ut«'K)M,?MU.)tdOt«).?tBtM.t'ODtt. "w. UM? W 4JloJlO::Č'b" Uortiaotttd ttKtfMt ?r Ouloiu-oaa Ctiuron ol Aac^aad Uckoal. C.nn- l..?cmt Md mMic?.-App? &e. J, JeMt. t.-M)n?. Hn??d. ?_ ? t?:? WAMTltD Io.m. *oly( f U]y Caitlflctod  t? Ci t*> tAkw "*? ?-'?''< 'r !«• mo?th? o Uio Gitla i>* IUlfot. 6wiomi ParovhicI tfc'h.jk. Ais" a ?t !•«. "?'rM popU (?M.An<t/ '? Me»A*fr^ i*), Westburj etr«oi, ttt?? WAN rEv. i.K U- m Horary Uotereeee tv younrf children. ldlllHUl of 1191-11" *.? 1-tt.?.?t'td? 0 M.P..W«t<ru)tM)Ut?.8.Mt«. tU.it? "VVr AVrKD, a Yo ui# » » <tM<t?LM?'? "?" U?fMT.Ut. 1 wk tro$t. LooJon, W. I\ '11<' ¡Cp:,=.(.t.¡:dd UUttM ??"???"CT r. i??..? -d 8.c:io. Plotting, w.tå edjmuiMie of Imilr imt'et Mer be <-MM<?t.. "'<? ??'p??'i'??:-2!? 'JIIØCiIaeer.. If- 08.. S,, Xua'Jumaon Aj= "? ?*'°' ?'"?? ??? WAJiT.:1), CeriaticeUl Tdejher fr *? "'?'' *&>; po»«:o5 wir ytuiU—Adireee R?. H?, M'ot.r*r?M. 'K??'a? ?* ???_ 1. 61 ^*tr 8^'TA '0Br l«r|e ocuntry ?hc'Mt)M)Mn?jMtm*<tM..d?raJM T*rm? yd, <rrte eed ?'?'?''??"" ?' "? Br* y, tft.U-. 4berp.ona" UlI iowwttt »«baati Wanttfi. WANTKD.t re»-peoUble youag yeveon, &or. 17 W4? M ParW)umet4, im to five =:¡; anoe in houeework,—U 18# Wertem MaU, '^krdjll. »iy ANTED. a food, etroBif Barfamt (1.rl; in.ift be abte Vo itj».—Apply pec»oaaUy at Oambriao lua, N th. H71fc«3 WANTED, a rood Oeaerel S.allt.1I.t uudor- ntand )}¡alu co)luu«.1 be au oat it rleer.« Appl,2'. Broad"at. 1>11. L2Voa^ WANTAW.. g.,A e^cr?AUt, able to waih aad iron. Go«xi oharao^er iodie^at&ble Broolu" H- VA.I.d road. CDr II" W4ll:r¡a::oKJ,ppï; 'Uuta<.b??. AkogirlM K,t.L.id. -Apply l?.h )l;teJ, ?/ Hs?? N.=I, :t'I<>JC:8,am Apptyati7, Bcuart-eire^t, D 1, C- I 11. 14 v. e., WAki'flW. N-d. u«ed W char^a of 'O\l;; I vV <Mi<M« Mtj cur^ry ApD.y. ??' r'?fj?? a" N.ft ",al. c"d 1"7a WANTED. Lautnirf aad NureemA>daT ai |jfA am -we (i., z4gim7 <?*. Mt. Qreat FrvoIonok .weet. lArd. ] !3 LAi>Ik8 requiring 8w,-t. be toiled at Mr*. BvowM'e Oueral am-WY U&oe, lot, Or»ut Krederlck e'»reot« l:a.üUI. l^u-ii tM/ANTKM immeJtMty. wetTtrUMt. Mp<ttMO<d W Boeee*sid. witA at ieeet TtM't tood chM- aCI" Moet kaow how to wait table and t»e a ,o>d -1.1I18D.4,m. Coed Fk. Cwuuvon. Tai* bacb. WANTKD, Gjod OeaerAl Serraat and Piaio Cook ta mbaII f-ily wb- -tb- fevale eervaat is k'Artl;, 1"JI1 to Mrs, Wood, i, Buokin^baa ",I, near ludrmary, C.,did. 1"¡ T^LAIN ^Cook Wanted. Not tinder 90. Saall ,Uury:-Uwy=?, Mr. IliWb4m. Tb Dep^x, lUOdtik WANTI,1, gou o_l a.-s. &W 6* do plaia oook\u,<; u.t bate a good -pø -I. city 1M<? ?!?"' ??' <t<Mt? t?t?-hMtutM at '?. Qro, 8- 1UII419 ???': 0<*<"? a<?*nt*. OeotM. t*d Houttm?M* "w '?  ?? chtt*ct<f btdtt?MMbt<pp? .I!,W?Qtl 8- !Mt? W '=-u:= W  lK>° U »«d do '°'? ho?w?rk. U?d r-fT^Jt, eBoae r.eqi.nxL—CJ, ru.t-.Bo., Martkyt, i Il«ta2! -"T "^kboarkood (X .V«ih. j"i. '?- to  w!Ri7zp. -t ;i (;4:k; #A.Lat?9 ii CoUIIII. &lid ->doo.Aol.u- full dAi,7. w-t'y -4 l^ienKidook, eu-tMuIùre. 1l\8 w?'?- b- 4.^ 30 oul, toro fo1UÜ1: i. liD tbe t'')\¡DV7 W:l?1 Adl, a. \A7 AMTKO, U?M?t aM?.t. »aatwaah«iMih^r W ÜTKO, O.¡ llenaot; ao>at w&ah aIId ØoD I "'l w. tbwo.ghly aao«*| ao* akjjrt to m«M iawama* M Ubls.-Jjpii, .IICK eb to" inat"'ble.Pp1lc.. >um to k. aiade by l»tt«r. atauo« U1 pankiaiuj ?M?)y.t. Ha. W. Mch? BrySnourBrKl?. W- AJIITBÐ. M one* a G.J 8enaat. aî w*th W Mt B-M. *D? to?at ohUdM.?, T* *?<t*t!y. <t ? Oowhhd« M<d. OMtcm. OarlA MSt AllflU). A th. Uth o< Otb-w «koto<xkly _tu1 so-.W Lao a avpwto* Oh) M aa- KaMt.-Atpty.ttttm M<<Mnc? Md -u1nd. &0 010_, Pectyphd<. wa •CTTAWTEO. )taM< tor I*dy'a 8Nt baby. £ W~ iT W "Xn. D*Tt«. -_011\11 ro.d. W«MI. MMMaap. lOWaM WAVTED aA oao., a irood utaady Qvwral S« V aot.— 141. NwyoH, 10750.. WAirXD, "¡do <? o? Lsd$. B?4 "M the WI Mtedlt. W.bo.6 <? Jt-Ion *tMhtM. -)h*. Ge?Mt. Park Loadoat. W. =-' ANTSD. Companioa% Ouiwiw—ja, Hoa» ?? koo..?. M*tMn«. Bother -i **<)«* Mtttot?-Mtt Oodint. tM Park '"?*t. w.s. W,  1070.4 £ 7AJtTU>, Wok -d BowMlt ? a yooiw ?V -ttnttd kAy.-Km Bt*t«. tten?eothrj?J, ?'??*?.Jt_ fexJoMatamp. WlaM \JU A»TTO,Cook Ho<"a|nnar tor a Print. Hotel ■ W»<(« good.—Knoloa. aore o «■. Um C««My, PMk ol?t, L?dOJ4 W. )<M7?} TIrrSS.,l,,f?^ aupanor, aad aaaaral atoodpUiU. cvi. ?tM.'< a?t )t?i?, o S e? T wM  Cmnfsttr ^erbants iKanteft. 'Y\7'*NtEt).tt<e.<t''?i.t)?-?i?,tMf..r?MMt' <h" "<"bU.—AJdraaa '?'. ?"eJ:. M. V ot >.i» 1?1) AC K W.)hTN HJTt?L. 8WAf?<t.-W*K'd  ?tu?t..?,y, t tf?m. M..I' «?L wer ?. ae k'airntaAM); als », i<iain >eth, a Puluuœ'u'J; «*p,f*. eno -i i« WAitii.g at Ub»e, a*d f jud r fo*ew>e«.—  1 Airn. 8toee tOUaM t?'A-?TKO.? .M.?ttb!. r?.?-). .)m?t*d< Uookmt; AH,i Wamui >v, wb»*re H »u*'inAid *oJ Nrifl aro k^ft i c ne ft.. !lte OOUIIU" iii. 4,)d ohAT.^ifriodut^eitAabUa—Appl/ Bo#e»>uJ*t, Newport Cn-diff. 0. !¡'i, ??"M'f<y't?M<?' '?" ''°-' k  Kitcb.>xia..aken- tioed rvt*r*a™* f"?.r.t —Apptt WiLd., H*'6:. Bat< Doc?.C"?'? iU?? Bomcstic &atmita 881d,laul W"TED,Wm O!tm charaotor.—Add* M., ♦. Weaioni Mail Cardiflt. Wialt c.OUB.A1D. 0.hJ:J' ea,1 116: I) aad )Ukà.aald, wi M?tUMt ehtftete?.— Mat. *«<« *B< pmuc?Ard M r. M? Z., Po.4-ogoo LitudtW. I M t t \\TAHTHD, by a rt y «tau«) Wi io», ttia ?,?? ?V t Ol ikr? cbildrao j Wr? inolen,?.' AUir- 104, Sortra -d. Cum. 1AW.Is ANTAD, l? bi%mU? lot Uow Mmda, <to? t VV )MMt. & NMMMid? expattMM?t U?R, Wrk. tag HomaUarm, MTM?J.?? ,t? ??h go>d re(ancc«; ilKO*o«an, deI"lD;I';ht.o MM. PedJu' "'B.'?r ptw ?f,)t<. 'a?tM WANTXV.Sbii JM ?f'? ?".?'?"« '?.m?.dTTu.d.. Ak|.ly ?':?-?'?' ? ;? ?o??.?d.,u??) ?fT?t i..?[Tt..?. .I.e 2'. UOV< r.¡..eQ.A<1<ko.. M.. tI. TaJlor, T" \III.n. Jl6d"" 'W??S?.?'?'? ?' ?"' ?'?? 3*8 >, t djuu it(99t, CudUL pretlln'8d.Ad ??f-. 38, Uoion aUøet,l.Azdüt. lk:JJ ?'li.. llit.-loi1 Ãtrlâ¡. 1.Jcm. Go¡¡¡fõlÍa: VV Ttct«r. SwM.Mtot N-th p,d.d. -x B S-MCutt?.B?,. Bhton F. UtTtH" W^o. • Stf?Mo* M W. -d ne? W,, -0-, ",0., "1" S T.yi. 0-th T., TLr. wiL iip W ^>.bT. ra.p*«ol« Parnwr-a Uaugbt«r, a iV 0* Hunaekoapw ahar. a Mrvut u kt*J p*. Ago "Addr A. LI., Wtvra al(-:I.e: II Cerd HffaM AQUimKiN -_4 Mt Mo<ue. JE?. ksep« to t?te C- o< 0<<t? to,ht.b«m Ai £ i*» ?. WtUrn Mail SwaIkT e, t^rrtiB. WU'ÏJiD-¡¡ciatlõ8"JO"'h".Mä1 8enaJù1a aaaUt.a!l,X.. œn ol Mr Tk». U.Ujr?B<UtJtt?. Utntrj.Mt. M!)t3" 1„02^?J5S,*e?¥ii? » '•pooaabi. (.only a*. ? 1*. Mot tttt<Mt t«M?-A<iSMM U.. Po.t.o(? M.e. II9ffIIlt W???'S?S?.fSS'?y W.NW. K.IU Odi"% ;?Xr-A= tl links, Assistants, to., CLL^h *• »*»d Wftll ? u. tm a<)tr«.-?ppjy. w.thr?MM.?J) WttchA. M. 8? M?T Mr.t. C?Jt?' 'C& AWTM>t a Clwk waipotn it to anin in th« W"TZ.?Di b= iw to. on?- ply to Mr. ""bar! W?tt<r. 8«)iciMr B»:dg«d. SLLSU.A W,UlTED¡"ediäi8i;.&1-L\d7ü B,-id. :L't.. J,?.???- ??.s'? :tI, Oiliwyaattv.t, l(M4al3 PR 6 VLSI,49-T RA tmm<d.*t?y J.n?, ?. UMMu)th)y up m ptOT??n?-App? t. U. J-qw .nd C" 1 ftfi.mop t. DowhtiM. if<? W A:['f MM.?MM'tot p,.?? ;,? W > tc?UMtt *tiMt.—t.aotoo. ecTetjM MM u? ?-. t?? ???.m< atrjat, ————— tMe?M }l J,L.7i:u,wai:J ?<?'?????-'? to W. (Uiord atr., SwlmtM. W?J??.?';?. tba Oioony and jpro Timcu tAJ", to T Ltu uou, ^r;h, &25 ARM") W?tad imw:d?-tLolig'?uu B •■xpananoa ot '[.Ilk 0,1=tt.l w reocmmeoUoO. S.lary h?,4 photo ith t.,7 4)1 f., ^n^M^_Jj_Wg*t»rn M*ll <>ff >#. M#»r»hrr. >29U"Q Tb"1.1I!dVbao Boone. Neetb. l £ {*26 Wtthhe HUliaery l>epartaeet, WuUh lodtapenenble. 'L £ X:*l ";P Twuoea you JWy weerreU wtb,i,su,.u .p ."It Pbiliip., vt.11- t4. N..th. 26 M,t b, h-d- ;Lpyly to U, Ju.,24,L,.?,. NCY 'D"RMAI"LILY.-V ^ANCY iDRAl'fcltY.—VaoanjT for good dnleeman T ii IJ. T. kdwanjri, 0*fonl street S. li6edi 1-1. T. H?bsl, dera," V to ;i;\ W, wKy?.t.?..x l^lAiJ I,Lot T?M.-?,u,Md. U Aneistant. tt?a ->- ,nd 0" dr_u.i_"w"w ¡ abe.I', (I. 4rltell, M, Castl.rC«dia tutle roW. CtlZWII. 1183&. Eru^Draiw, Shtp niMt, Bnoon. ]t S!o  M filLü'UY AbD OL-TWrrmu.-WMtad u. r-. diatejy, a food Junior Hand (>r Beadj-aadee.— Apply Jb, C" ro?. UtKUa. ? UMtS 1???'???'????'?' J? °'' ? ,na W.Ih "Kli'iwoaabw.-Apply to J* ,11, ™ 'tOBatOn?t. ?uu?pfMt(i. ilWali (; K';tlr;i=ntat:o: Ja?o,. wtilinn di.<i*)aitiou and itwuu «bara.!tor — App'y to J. Jtoad^jj, '.laael'y. UyOe^O T° ?'" i ?'? FUlJkor iuTcu., th-» JJv>rourfb win^ .u^^a^o^ViM.^V m iuS?ilSW DKAPIL'ky imuoxiuutlr. Mpt.??o<J wJ»uViL7^'arU'MJUUtw'  ..„„ W Sott) fn aouth ?*'et.tthotu?h??.? p ?MHMu? tud HM?.k?por. n??*?? A.u ? ?.  ufh, 11, D,. Af,i, WA.Ni:b.t7).3113 41 "'Ilured. b 17, Jfaii, Cardtlf. 101 Bitnaliotis Bacant W AL'> • thoM-?h tudoor ij.r?..t. Km,i u.cucddrt? tMn AUoalad "? "TlU; rhi.? ?.ht?? oT.r 8 BW, ?'  *u" "'?M M '"r ?bn.ty. ?..  j '?''?'?P*?' adtU08d uL M. P., cari <rfM»  ^Oatmaeter, LUngadopk 31 lOAkly tor M AMM*c.t. ?tu.ry T'^AN^Al), Oon^actor for an AutiuaciM Coluory >.r.Bo^ th> tit:  T°n^.KS^rW«^ ^m.V^int Bttk^r, wLo ^^au»juii^dM gaxd«Mr ke and wife to uudMtak. ftbi. iM.J? Oott?. Md ?M fOT th.i! ??S? ."? Mdtddr?.. Z..Cou.ty Oah.c?m m?X WANTKU, aa aatm y<MB< Mao. ttMtt M  UMOm. wbc will Mt objtct to m?.&S? pn ? a.?t.-A?t, to st«#U«isoo, Alaiaadw, *a4 Co? ??Men'.Chtmb.M.CMdA ? ?uT &  ?TA?tD.tT.uth..iMd H oin?'tX??.t? Bar j UII d" Uood "'I..ua¡l8Dab¡.. —aad^rwa X., 0«>. LL U,Lgatb., liviit=P"-bl? llAtalil W M*a4»f i«^ala<l w tba Ata. w??. df:,II.Oo ??'R?'??" '?' ??" M'?'ss?. .b.k. 1),, 118UW \V  Ta:i-?t;-tbi W: ^«„.tcSd5i:w to I Dulte e,t, CaldiØ. 1177ù9 TUc.;¡!tT,"oTl-rJ I *.lootru-siguale. To an um(u1 ,,d g-I _n ..t"ut .?to?.K w.U be 't'??fp? X?M?'? ??'?!?? '? '?** upa^tad, toBaVid U.? I :,r' "'C"c!or:f:;ed, to ;i" II????.??TX?'!hS?T.?f,?. ttat.ni, CabuMt Makara. Mattraaa and PaiUaaau Mak era, MtU CxbttMt Mtd CMixt Sa1, 9 to t< Tt Mt? atr<et)and 15, Trinity itree^, H?r' WA[w,U:-C:oc« -d bcaltag, at Uowor Tiu.. id. %■*>, nt'?WU.m.WtHUHT?-W?. iiam«Uaw^r~a -A Pt*eM? M?. uwd to h<ht M I U."r w?A iu ?'*?? .?'Mtt cm?t?tMat. Mo)M othM* wJP £ hIirdJ<UVa1ir' M?iit?'t  M -W.T"S":Q: ..= W '*c* b«>ob a Latb &en Iw, aad an £ agin» d 7iIT <M" ba* aokar lata c.ad apply,<itato wacaa =B=¡;,y: ta w bib oraaeuoc-k. 1043aW W.Ñ"TW, tlawW;¡;¡; an I iujmtmo?t. C'?L. '?? '-?"?** 'WI. N.wputt 5 ut Chth? i clrJoL se, TcZ*rS<&XigJ M)t?j W??-? :t "'v'" "3 K £ L^K.1cSs*9* J-Batt- !fledlu8 W- -m&D.1ID ¡nduoc Iba, úte4 to bur. Md -nmM W4-. v him:??g P-"kYd  Bitsatimts VUmbit. 'V km/a "10 a SiWw"" M W BMtMtd ct H<Mt<ti«t«.—Aj<tM« r f? tM?.Li?MiU.MMf?taS. lat¡r. QKMM'?-WMttt. *tt?tio. aa Sbpberd. )k.? Thorot?tr M?tMtMdt tf«(Un<. bu?tM. Md ?Ui? ot ?<)t.-A<MM< C. W..UM.w.r? Cly.. d<t?<o. 8.W. _t!?? 'L'.DC aacI "KIWI 0«tntto.4mt. X per\ ..<1111. rw.na t?tMMt OK TwMty 8&P8riø- La c. tiaa.. H4gk.it rrfartnria iililrw Alidia, lHuu-i* ;U' UM<? t ?MeattAt.MTiaFM. N.<&oMm.eo..p?tn? ? gOM eat to "?'?'*?'" 'MMh.-A4dM< Muna, W««ao MtU v-. OM<M. MW»>b W V aait aa Bainaid, Salary Mooodary nmaliiara tlon witk oomforWbia booM.—AQdTMa Mua BwuMtS. 8v, High Taunton. WAMTIO.a aituaUoa a. BaraalU llaajaot b<em oat batons bat aan b. woll noonunandad. L?, FUUWG Am., Usth.?y, go.. to?ft" (J.ABDANKB,—H«ad Working. Karri. 1, age »i tkorvugbiy coiapMaut in «?«vy b,=h. laraaM,—Adilrw. *"?'?' urautlll* miMt, to. 1II000b. 8116Jei8 GI1;=- M 6M?r«)o<t '??O??SS ""?'"?'-?'? w -I. itsuos-Odm B?S??-WMM.hyM Mp??i M? m" M by I'IY.te. Z7w >~ •^aumji^t oaa.. tArdta. l*«a2 W»*i«n}nc«i Toang La ly, a «tu- abatalaag, a?.?'?-?'- ??0..  sWAaab t"aara saasadaiggfBitama°°oa*atl. d U^&d to 'V.b: I'8Ihaoe4 I!i<la. II.. Õ04p1aY:I8a& ALbLu" -4.tL Light ?H:?" '?"'?—?'M?St <M. fcrd atraM. CaJdnf |y Ai%TJU)6 a .0 ?,,(,t—— ?- A?J?SS:'??"- <'??? "4 aA 4. W^SSSnS^TsTSS T- y?? **p<?*-?-i3S?.F<5tmL*?* T?:' aiMUr, AbwwUl/* UM2K ^ttoationa (^tantcb. riI W UKAl'EBS.-Waa 81. 10 a, pre.t.oi >,ti I i. )i.a *r*t?d cwbt in 1 tr<« wi-aHI a uu ut W.I ap iBb.ihiaag«'g<*—AdJraa»P.roai,Po toll I'gctb. ?tt'M ralQ IK"NftlO VOKUd Wan od, tjituiuon L. j.ptt.'t'OMr?MMt'Ot?.ri?M.UM./?t.?a,  —AildrHia I K., «, s«* :<»i ||j j} fA | «J alii i.K u v- VV utid, a dnn>ti,a w, >p»ly M,Ile,. L. K., ty*tw: » Otfw, 1'aroaL' HKt-3 "Aaiirtaat, l"0S? ,e^ilrvrfJerJe »oe i^et e.¡o,¡ ia, 44 1>. M a. *i. Cradook atM.1, if»«  wS,y; c»,d •J*1"—■A^re« ». M..<t. WoodtlU" r"¡,lJ6' cia"g«IUBIt KUKl'liit.- H.'?" ?"NM ?Tf?UXtt ?M?-titt: Jto? c???r wbo '?'" ?' ? ?"? ? lddm. ?W.,? U.9 060,i. alloA.20 00re winUii^Mioi M M?d t?t?ghy ,u, r,-A retwo-m-A ?- B ?tf.. UQ- IIOK Lkdrbdod Wdle. abo".h J, — ?_ iimnm r1ïo BtKE&S.-WMttt.bytTo? th? ..Mt?!.t ? M 8e00'" or ttdi< kMKi.-AttiMot M.. ?Mt?a iMfa-l,, l^Swaneea. I«JaM W- ÜTB)) by "xperienoed yoang aK", a fitJ? W Uoa M Grocei A?KtMt.-?ddMM B. X, )?M<<m«<<!<?tM, UMtM. 1 7.M 'w .1'II==-=..A"'Š: a^« Tf L SatlsltoUirj Mt.tt<M«.—A<t dta« a d., totteace. 0<?bt.d<e. ''<? W- .TE:)' a Yoea^ Mt »kh UMfr.Jt. a BallA!i"" N' Por, Bottler, 0" to 1 >ok fetor hera'. — Ad'irvee B S, W««^#rn If,w. Cardiff. 19 a -FitINtOtAL-A maa, oC Ia JL end vaneJ «xpert»noe U OY" rmaa. MeD. >0 ae luch, P <e*6Asee tb >roull!h praoUoal B. l, Western Mail OtIc", Caruil. W»AtO Hfimdcs, BraMiers, IfCt EMPLOTMEHT.paiBMMUogfortpwatlma. <tM H< to?!MMt*Mt?<«tttFttta<d. At*tttt*nte? for saw anlolta l?t.Lmd ia "Orr oMoe, koma, and .h.L Bar. ,81- • Do rtak. Ho prerloWl M?OtM D,-U, K. M4 Ce? S?'?? loeAou. "?'y WANTFD. r? m Tkr? Ednotttd WtlttmM, for tba Tariou* nrauUea al 8uQ "aI.. 8al1 a tirat-o/aa. wort, "Huwofiioa y t ??'' *? '?' of W- I Z k J.r.y di d' 01 a -b 'f tomtttbie ?M.-tp?'y \0 Mr. Ateb.?d C?die. *L Collea. >try«t, H".aa««. lavsut AGk^TLtMaN, w.U kaowa j. C_did. Ls a.iiroua Aof ?tiug ?g?t tw aata. thorough g?d im4 in M'l iiwtaotablc mtJe.-N? tfo?m ?dt 0? mial9 SP::=.:=o.fj: BUNwa only.-Writa, aMIm MoofUiaa. ta A. J. o?.'°???'?????TSSS.? ? tory.«?.tM??.t?M. &ttt.MM.4Mtt A QMT6.' tt?Mt A8-ta T.tMM e?.tMM Bmitt ??. AmehoMOtgMttM Matted b» tppot?ta?b ?*ttUH?t<M)<t«? W-PP.i-t SLb. towma 0 OwCom P-Y. M, Ao<*tMMow<. OM<tft. H<t LITBBPOOir TIOTOU& LBOLL FMtNDLT ij t??Tr. i? s?tt L-Mt)?<?cS?- WMt?..<:ditiCMiC<tH<otM* M<t oSt?tr?-Yp,)T wnwly, I tw?tlaadgp,u6 lAboatm.??tp? ta -uø lUMaSa AQRNTd yranted la .wry t.wa aud nilaga for Ui. ProgreaaiT. in re Ac, eat Aaoooiatioii.— tddroaa au. L mhard atwrt, Loudoa. tOttttM ?IJ?C?OtMdC?tMMt W-bd lor 'he Hf? ?' pool Vtotoh* lApl Fi-dly 8-1?ty. L,b?r.1 *? ?7'?'??°''?*'°*?'? t?'OM?ty. b<t?Mc9 a"nfd ? 8, at M, WMt )(tu? atwat. a*MMt. 10«^N TKkVJCLLKtt.—Wanted, aa auur. ::(Jj I A. DMMht?tt.totbt?Ot?tottMwUtutitMM Work ot gmt i.uwt..a.01?l P"rtI1 both M -y be C-d apoa,-Apnly to Vu-ta and C?ptNy. LImIMtl., 1110. "tlw_ i??te P"?S.?'!?f<?N'!l!r'°?* '? LW- p- T.. Ia «oaH«r aad ku P-W = to u t.. ? ?.?? ?!XS*??' agaau at iaaportora' pnow No boanc rnqulard.—Writ, foe paitiouinr. and praaa ,.q T t? P-U.W- -d p- ?tmottteUit?.Othtt.tta Oo.. T? 1A»ponon, il, Booth, road, Ixiadon, M, 8W7d fartnersbips. fTllMB £ b TBaDB,—Wanted, a Mauaginx Partner (or UlrI.i»glnlllDdto_InJl W"Ie. Hi<hMtrefMemot tft'eaMd MquiM<t.-AM)? 'fvu. We?tent M ill < »m< c?d?. sme? T?' F?"?,*?''?' a rMMCt with?boot JJ <N?t ?tttt tbrM a lw fro. H"&D"'i..cd tt.? nW, -l.-Apply \0 0, H. bto., Po>nm,M' s- ? Ila" P,(íj;TÑIílIiI (Al,'TIVlluB ..w.:l!;l'INU¡ '¡'U. J- WMMd. <iM< to O.ttO to ,Urt VyLg 4ui.,6.. -B. I" WMMrt ""1, t tntia. itS?7 Km ad yonnb.  NKW?BU.-Lo? M? h? ? Uiner Do,?. <tMd? .itht. In O?kh.rbl to*? .t? OM "turalag to M. Partridge '0." Ho<th -?ll rsil. tb. bo,. rtwtfd. AnMM d.t?nt? )t .n.t tM.we. ill b. ?.cat? ? LIVKB and W)tM SMBM. to«?<rnt DAwe 0/ ?J "Mt?." -i- ts. 1, i-L Fin&r will be :?'?'?y? '"?'?- NMt<?. ?. Ht M.r? 'ttw?. CMdM. IMS?tC ).   c??. ttti? ufM?r?.?r. AI J will **°" '° W, Fenbroce ?trtot, w U c -1. oe. reward. 175.tU -L?C?D.. ?roWB NtM?! ?M W?M }"'OT' ..eb a, ?'"?"fM<?tP'YWiUnua S?pot, Oomm?..X I treet, temdale. lUlAW ?p<riMMm ?aMM. AI'.&&TIU:Nl'S "all&84. I" te lMIa"bourhood 01 »»aiUre Nie of ofathfl^d street • — ™, HtX?.?MMtOtat. i^S W"TRO. t Rfttk U*at?. sittig" ,,j T.. -0 m«, furniBh^d, wiui u"" ot *»tche 0 atteud.ooo.. Ter. Iwata per ..Hk,- \'f.lrp.. S" ??'? ?*?')f ''?"* w?- ?.)r? apartments to let L t'BUT8JDt.'a"To Let, Winter A,, .t th. }:RY81D¡,T,' 't, W'lIwr .&I'moQt.a at the J ohno'f.d; Ie,' iliUM tt?tj3 L'UM??Nttt.K ??utma?tt (FermeueuiTT TeTma ..L" '"? f?' '?' *?"'t?MM. M iod<«r. wo i t 00*  (t., A P "1'. at 13, T)?. ^taL railioo, I!^Vi^ tr-yarf I'te, ?'?'nf" ? ?' ?d Al,tineut. to L?t, at ? 9, t<tt U'ove, Trxd?M??te. C?HJtt. 1? ?t T? ? Three or Four Rwws. '"?rnith? or UAtur-  ???' "'?*«'?'—?tpty?.Bfoot<M? 1M'" Oold'i_- .r-. OaN. 11 T??TjtC. (ieuUeoan Bj.t?,r. i.. ?ut?) TV reeideooe near Bewport. Term* moderate •• ?'? 'L ?? Pot .«. t?.w.c? ? uS?O ?"?'Sy .:¡ik¡;¡uf: Bd-?-4 .1 kitlh- NoohUdreuTTerins ?.dtMt?-t: 11, ??t?. it?j p? C??"!<? "UUlKltoHEU Do?t?Mdd? btdro )m Md <tit?..<- t(J* ? '"< gcuUeajen.—Apply #, &iy ^ruaVo, vmatoe. Uo7ail CIOMFUBTABLT hniabe48lUInC Boom and Bed- ?/ t?m Xft )?U<mM«t two Mwdo.-App? a\ ROATH aoAD.-8¡W';¡¡roõmm; te, Loi-Rcroee ntrvet, BoatB. 5?,?'?*"?*?' ?"?.<?*?*Cti<Mn.tte.t. T° LE?- Lw?YiltyX?, W:  t? ,.? "■ M h i*' y '?t.'??'—?'"?'' w, M. T., W"I.ro. iiii?as- 113 h.Y I1\O.Le".aoeLNc .,û.me. Jttnl;; w.??&))'?S '?y '?'?-?'?" c ti. weetaro Mall Otte, Card iff. 1130a « ?'UMifUtttAM.tt?ptmMut. Wt.h)d; b?',(,Mt. (' 5-U. fxbto=i't.17 (; W.0- 4fa«sUaxdiA. lu^iy B1:-C. 5itBa?Mom'<otyon? 'ioLtlauaa, *?*"? f'?-?'P'T ?. Alura .trœt, I.ANi4. Wr.a. X"1 U RA 1H HKD AparlaMata, Mttiag^ooa aad One or mltabla tor OaatlMawii no .hildr-tk iLi?h-J. to?-% JLM%H. C.,dUL- l.'ikobT BlUiag-tvoBi aal Badrooa, Furnitb^L-for -a- on. or two gentle wen. Turin, moderate,—Annlv IA South Luton plao^ Oardtff. lOSn J ^i 1 ( )7 »b».UmiCA BTuKKT. 0.M.J, LWortl ?.\? < < *b!o BiiUiig-room Md K?tj?um t?r 0? Jr two gem It-man.-Apply aa aboi? 1018.10 HAVkhtOB 1)W k ST.-«fWtati.d Arartm^.t," t. ii I?.t8mt? u Lodit. i a ?i,ht? ?.L?' I .10<1,. ,Uu. t.O U.U?.t th..H?T. fi.? .SM?: lor x ttd? MK g-tl- KJ? Ft¡i.DM: a^UbtefSVfaaii^, or E t?o fbe.t Hon? *M&i<ht<t. 7. w.M'b X fM £ jz: -7- w^"» Btoellinlf.Bogm te Vet T'O I?t. MUttpr?th HOIU, with good ,arJou, Uir? n-ilwi In ia ?"to?. < nu<WM tt*tMH.—App!y to H.t torn well, Aroade Ckaabew, ?h &=t. re. '? mg.. tMMS nio b« Le>. Moal T.lia, Broadway ÍI:¡:t iub.Il.? N .1 V-14. Brow. li, Oakfloll .tr?t: Boa)h,C<r<l ,g. lJ)Uj. ?t ?e "«)-»lanm>d Houaa la Uumbiee J- Mp*Aue, UAiditt.—epply et No. 41, lilVett* P- u¡-¡¡¡;Ïii:=-W-.¡-)'uaiMecl H?. to W. ow. to »w» »aar tk. Uaob, diawtng, dl.i=,. t.di<?,M!.? 'X'? )S?M?S''??'X' =,û. "tfaO:b. jl ±S?''?'"? to '?- '*< 0_. 2, alz **°*?*- silo."  D. WUUJft1-UOUSI w Let, o:1- fI1() Let. 8. Of.1I08Ite 1. VI  fPO Let, !««!«M NqaMt. M..? aoa* w. 10 ..L room*. ?'tt.t?:<?-iaq,titt'8?.?? ?wbt.? road. UMto*. U?iB T° ? '<<* H.i<L with ?m?Mt??ttt ?o?Mion. a TO, hMd?« ¡\"K' t?'??"X*' walk from ?' *? ?'"?'? T? IooQ.,e -.Ie. eC-o. 1fOW>4 B<tor.. dt*«? ?.m. MtMO)? M t?, d.t? t<mm. is ? b? 12 (.t,% ?**?** ??*' "'? kltohMTRuUery. -d Oth. o'i.¡, tw-tTt b BMtm?hetMdM? SwSa^ur Hbbaatuk, w w .o., AAJo. O* **<M' teM-t.woiMM Sd la b.?m?t-WtM and lennI MX?.h ththtch *r. <*?tM. cMqMt Jma?t..Kr.?.,t).S «2«aSbdJ«f, ^oio>JaobhAk jVia^e, *?bV araaa. rooaa. "'0.. R008, and k>ft.PW w M. Lawia IkJUa-. BI1I1d_, «Saa^tjrhi! Ctidt; « M M*. a. IT. Hill, Solicitor, <- *'— H4)tN f|K»LM,^lMaaii Bnoge aowe.~brtwoao n i -t. t? t?.M ''?M.8t.S<" C.-Pawy I<_u., t..K!)M,?tb.M?b!.My)?s.?? annnm K,, at ?r. iHirid Mof?K. eMSS!e-&? SaaiMl u?j. ?<t?. ?TjaEtpX; ?''?" MM<m .[11 110lJd liõT&L, J(wuial" 11" ±) te)Ml«. with tm-?iitt..f<<M..S.S; MhOtMyMdttM. <hMtM?*mah. ?XMt.tEX ?Mi.y Mt.'M, h?. d<Llag Mta. 10 M4 uual oMom I alao stable and ooaoh 1Ioa8. I-lac ?Sf.-A?' lij-. MS"*?&. AjMtt??SS BO,Á! b- SUOld  6?? ?itJMto Let ba 00DW87 twd. T8-a A~ cb7 etMu*. ¡¡W witk "8.. to 00IIIbt. h<*tthy -.11080 Botimaut 1Nt.-Tau- '1- Ooa -A C" HMtJ? aK> u1.6 ?r- ?e2..n- kr.T-. N. U. 1'w- J. WIdp 04tb.&Pp1, to U.. Ue??ntMa. L "It. RO"L Kt?<& A J'uiiiiiØ.Bï>äQü.¡-Ka,e.U8 to Let by?t uy UIai may be upon. It Ia «th? <?.!Xtt3iour'x?&<<*E3t ?S? SMt? AypJl te 1Ir. Hot^ jwau- '1^ .a V?U* at K-bk.1 beMB  ? "?'?K?.'Mt'? t «W Titw. whh ""¡¡oo iu ??«'n?M."B?. <x«)h?o<tt. JI¡q., C'M???MMMaM?i.e'?tSt. "?M ^rtmiats, ku, Blanttb. I uuarde i, roSurd, anl I V 10 u> .U c ■ of k ueteio J.. 'J 8 lit .bla JM J* >i ce^.—Ai p j Mr. ra, Briavvi's, ?r.oi j ( 1 I.IO CP8'8r b *« l AI-'ULB t Ll\.+n.tc.u U D>M4U u 11 uu a4. oo A ,'ulJ:lk..LJ.6"lr.uHU'O'f"UIJ-ü.¡.uJ I i .t. .k.I :t\i;.):l):oiw.r.: p JJii "lpor!q"I" Baajl onpttau TIÑ h)UH Dot otl. 81 tQ. O. •• > tbou. 0*r tilt. I 4U13 Y¿:r Heil<way»iUo »*r««ni*ee re(utr<»a w ▼ ▼ 8u r.^jp pur-we-, eitbtir *Jar«l-t*, N««p fi, O' R'UM8,.ot ".&ek.si.e Qrojud t -or indup-»ia»b'e — Addr B. 6. W^t. ro )(,. ,)o,rdld, 109!a]\ AttTEO. a >boe, "r t*-»rt 01 dho. i. or Ðf-U Qnei* .ueet. for a Pamo> Bo* nerH* Ai< dtMt<i"t!f,?<*<?Z? 1011.20 4 Bomises. &t.. ta Bet f|lO be Let,*a Shop 't?k Dwelïq Hosse, 7 roo! J_ M<t!Mt«?<itM''MMtoaty*K.t)!?dMti?' lor a OiUliuer's, draper's, ^rooer's, bo aaa «he*, or baMhet't b'tt'tc't—?t.? h ALz. 8"-16 M 8wl»a ball < 'b?oms. Cardia. !!t?t HUUeL and bhop te be 1-? Sold, 71, 8 -tN-k Boatk. .0p pi I 8, street, c 1. TIWu Or uud t? Oliko? U?A lew. L-e ? or .tk'r?, Po-m" IfA p,Apply 11. Ujurc .-? square,Cardiff. iwiart 8WUI:JE.t.T.. JAi;t!iëBotUlUlld 8bep, witJtTM? s plste^lass window, No 17 3 Hi^h street, oppoaiw s t" Joim'n thnf(! -.pply II. $4ileast?t lOUvO X Briton Perry,—To b) Let, rwo tibope iu tb. bt tM>fiitk>a in the place.-Enquire of Mr. Pratt, Wh Liou lun, erMr. W. t;. Morria, Auotioneer, st>*»th a^O 13IL£Lr.:r.i:ùr. i?L-Appis W l'ro:>i;í¡" H Aol Hot*I, ?M?t. ? 'M?M Oh ifiuk*8.~beveral 1Iui- e< spaoioos, wea it){<tM? OIIIoea W Let, on leaee or_r"1u the W".rn MtU BaiMtBtt*. &„ Mary iNeft, OM<M.—t?* par> tioulars evplY to Dojaial Owen and OoM Bt» Mary street, OMdit. Tnu is one o< the aeat oowimatiding potltlons in the town, oonMgoous to th. Qreafe Western Bailway titatioo, and wUeu tbe new -d eontb ot tA* Custom HOUM bndp, -W I oount c?t oowtrwtion. U w? Uw direlit routo ft?ou,bt? hit ry iotr?t m Oteb, ->fO"t!J i<«t| » opACious t&ooic uuoer tu« «* > V t JL suitable -A to 8. J. Daviol and CiJoe Nt. 1, The Heree, Usr-difl. 19 SHOP AND CcvLL.AU, 9T. MABY STBF.BT 0 CABDUP.—A otpitt!.)ar?t,woH-)t?h"'t 8bp iA 81 Mary ttM<t. UMtM. 'i.6 wk..d depth of ::ï' w!ià MM entranoe, two plats-glees i. I^. KU7 at" with m r? =l=t.to C Let on oMthL, :W-P% Peru JUanlel Ltwm md C-u-, ft NMy BU- ?=JP193 A)AW0S.I of the ifcoet oon.maudtnf aoeiaous ta the town, ooa* tif "tbo. .a nto- th. .14" W. r-.x1rw bz zk?. .0-0.1. road sooth 01 the Iro- BrM|e» DO" in 00- of eonstroettcm. U oompletsd, will be ea .the direot route from St. Mary str*<et; to the rwviV*. W>«Aa lmnlf (Crajtng &c. fTX) ba Lfit, and ntatnd upoa tbo 1st of February A soxt, 1>Ybewtd Farm, oooaiating ol aboat 161 aotss, olcee adjoining Llantarit Station, Tali Vale Bailway.—Apply, for partioulan, to Ulamenatone, Bridgend. llMiia GI:4 VA oapital farui..0 Let, ou tbe 2~d ol jfaUruiu-y Ltxt, situate near h6 towa 01 O>"lori<lo.e, fi'0'M iO" Go IIW aone aaoh, witb good Una bouaea aad oittvuive moderA farm ¡""I4iap. The 1 iraaa are in gool state of ¡ouIU..Uoa, ud wall aiapt.d for rearing aheap, ol.. 6e.- Particular, may bo bid oa application to M.. Jb. TbuttM.?? ?tMt, (?«tbnd? '3?t' WANTED, la tbe nelghbrarkood of Qtrtitf, riold ior tb. us. of a aonool for orloket or football.—*pply to EL tlh."loroou, Monktjn Houaa, TredtgaCTil! OudiS. liSltll WANTED, <o Beut a Ftftm of 30 ?90 airos, wÚb thr mil m of No.port.-Addreta, Ur6 of Mr. tllJ undtl, koaiiflt, Hitfb a ro t, Ndwp rt. KKfeKi linstatsats,ta Btspoaal, ABKUDAbE. — To L'it, a Fies Do<ib:e ii :e Howe t'ro*ai**oud' Tuvoea, Win l-itwoSj J mi< ABE Tayarn, Win I.Itr?a? i d IIstllrels, lie" at vernation,—Bor further pa-.ticaUr* ?i-P y tt- pr.U1, I'), Let, tbe Cb.- Hotel pp. deorne street. ']'0 <.<t)'.T<Ap'tt nn th? )   .? ? 7Mtrt, — l>OUHLB-LtCBtNH&l> BueiuM* tw &7,5d9 :X,,l ta ? o j? ? r trade, which ouuld be easily incraaaed ooneidaraoiy by au fUeJ geUo joreoc. Pmont teoant )eevi»jf 00 80 rouat of wl-h«dth.-lppljf Beyeoa and Hugbej. AuoUvMrtt -d lIoU18A¥6ut4, Viotoria Libaaitjein, rtwausea. SWlii-: Beerhouse to tj.t. b?t uo<7 ?o ?* l^ooming m u.. low. L.O.g toMe.-Ajdm. J? aLI ua?e. 1 j a iA (,!WANBEA.—TOU HOCESd.-?T? be Diapo?a of. a KJ B08 in the abo,. town. L- tiefeu ytAts' Jiituree and stock at valuation, ?bo?t"?MO'??; W f'8IWD Mail umoa, 8"'D8' 12SIS TLJJ?TBLStND PU BLIC?HOUaES?-PMtLM'w?M')* to IJuy or ? oau '? "?'* ?'? "? rot' T. M. JS;V-a1I t.bolr' o -WÃi>I".lU.T. It JaW8. b.. for 'Mtpon) t?o' artt- o ..te Free PuU"'bQ" in High .t. ',n 1- 1'rke, 4WO, _? mM?H £! 80. j:'8e1l OVy e JaxiH'i, Seanrea, is loatruoted to Bali « thotoUKhiy ((oa?ao Bp1rh V,wt8, (Um? about 'I' w^Wy, U"Lgo"-UY&OW16 A tortaM 1, g I baidf, lSWaM KABB CHANGS Fall and ffM 'jtMn?d?L.? RA ..trli -t-t. B',nlD" Lioeuc*anl re »t low. (Doom! About .50, Touohors abow Ukiun fnuMdittt poMMtMn.-Wm. F*u'?.'?u??<?* "X? "B'"?"? -??_ uw pVii'rpOOL.ro L-k Uae UtmbrtM tan..i?Met Wm, :UII"i" ? ▼aluatioa,—Ap^ly to nm. w.^b A.l-crheog. 123 —^UOl-iWeu. d L.u. U». ulll« oil. ol !:t1 U. -uL;J:øtJjJ hc??. to.-Oee?o X tit?Mt. i,  't.u? «'?0)t. tt?j) ???(? "?'* ?°* c^ntr. or Mo.ii ,r S»UtlV/. ttplcndldly H ied nul furn t». d th,L.Ut. Long lease, Satistaotoir rm, lor ")'8,,gO'" øretto7ü; ):. ''?'?? '?'?' A? .i .1 i 1 —krtjo iiotrtiouda, utaui tit r.; Af t -2- O. -:ne' \t??'?'?*?? ?J\'??? vh.uc«.~(jMiige Arejott, d, High (ttreot 11,1. :1 KAIL WAY INN, 1.11'mu, muNiim YA„ZTt ro l«t, with iuiinodiat. pji<^iiji>u, tneuojro uutel. Bitualo ",pI-H)"it.ll Ifasrad ot .rion, ia i V.1.) 1\lt. way, and ia the couite of tuia poonom d .not — a\ir I htnuulara, ,"d tQ treat, app" to Jolia J.?,?, Hiil. y „ Arm», l)&M. near l'<¡- ^110 b. Lt r Sold, a S'ation.fy and )Paaoy Hu r. TOu V:IU: in hP. 1' l?er w'lb the of tbo i1U»p*m Premis-j, ri, IlIUU" bu D e.Ubii.hed about 16 JO4. -APillv .l 8H. Osfo", etreM. H.'¡HM. u tT| riu> COAL MEdCHAMld AM.. OPKoKa —A rara JL op?trtaui f. T? be Df.?«I „l b Prirat. co?. tr?t.tt..Uoodw.nof Coal wt?. L*Civato L;ou h*e yan' t..diLg. U,?"d .d btook ton. Uk.u ?''??°"' ?'.?'*°'??'? ?*?"? <??' v a. t. b t b-?. ,hd ia<ohlna, aud th?, uaia i '<I'b_e atem.ih"?!f,ct<.?'?!? tor gl'in( ??1 fuUp.r,i,I-. ,p,,) L., 'Le" apply I" U"?" -d J.a? Au?uou?. ? ?h M?y ..tMet, kA,d?I S\Ia21 (^ABDIfF—Pne Beerhouse in driuk ng noightionr- c?  hood Close proximity to works, Ao., Iroui which it d.i,. ntTt?tt?tiitt tr?e. i?M. K mt low <e?'ia< <HM. AcothM. Hm.tMtT weU tita?t? w?th t !Mg "8*d ?.C., 77, ojroli?l, (J*?'?'?''??*f?" ?'? <o.<ttM.t., 8t-J,=.0\iJVJiI- Bteed ttd Co., .Crookberotowa. Oarddt. ?tr.joN (;UUNTAV -.d Uoase. U.oir?.?M ?Ld Vi lngoisg low. R.Ut Aitl uar MBt)?-B?!?' Co., 77,h.1tb<.o" ea:J;. 113«J_*J W.K:N ft* TtT?n. In b?t P£\ w Wli,.011"4 !tMptottbte trd.. 45W.r H-ph.l. Dan. H. tH?h t,_I, Newport HM??  JL? turDi.htd. CMh. <tS.-Mr. Hamp ht.t<u?? '? Hth'tt-t.?wt?t. ? ?m?'' C???"??''J? ?"??'?t Hum?hM,. DtTiM. tt. Hi<h tt??t?.?,.?* a^ TjXBAktbMrbooM, Sulsndld buauieaa ;<tuM' FM X-tM%C. I. two eood th«MMMM«. B<ut «? <k»t>l,a«M'1y made bjaubl.tUng. Tory large buaim-M fN8I8w.1V<I..ta, bia ,bn&itb'. K Tw. it, ?.'T?????. ?- Diwui ig Si' vJotrtHa ntre«t.. H H q'rM. lrtiwo-' ?n?t?'tu u<tut.t?,?in.?,ur .?-? ..T 0 CtUemttitu*? M?W?t.?tha??? d1!rJ uteosiU. to (rood aw?Ui?-hotUt. MMi cow i.k ? T? '6oTthM bee" ouceeMfuhy oMTted ON 'J, (. ? TM?— ??tM?uM.«.<.pt?? at M, P.tor C**iu- lomatu OtUPkBT.-To be i??<t.)M.MM?,),?t ?,. U fa Oonaty Towum 8ou W»iw. Reo. .t ???'? '??<?"'?' -A"'t- u.tM a .a- 0.?dPi-ly M,.  FMe ?ut?.?.m £ÕO threo bararla waakiy. iMmedialo poswCiiou *aoto"* ?p.-?. Auctiousari Hi.t.00d. 1'I.1a:lO T?"i"!°'?' ?* '-?' '?YL?"'< t.(.nt. A? to be Let oa ??.o.. ,e?? mjt)tm?.MM? c.n?i. H.?.tM<t. ?)y M.-T.?J?..?? Uoiee^ Hwaneea. i-flSkid 'HO W Lit," witT iHunadUtT PM:='" t. HettMj rttbUo-h?Mo. MttadM. N.w?! ?(?<m.M.t. <MT t<n.P.nMt?Tp?? to Newport. ? '?- ?'*  L'??'?'tS'? R*'?'? CLIVTO.,1 JJiOTBiCT.-i-ws Wi^iVn'd ?' ??'? V?aiU.; b<«t btMtMtt JOMiio'" a?t ?p<,Mm BrM? t?w? Bti-,tly afS 11 iBr^idg. Kailwsy Station i magaiBosutly ttt'od if8 twJ In-oommg raweratei l.ss. V ot<>r. 11: 1. 9ítå 11/ rllO Dnnt?ttMtMtd aoMe.WMteHMrtt?. L .?yp?t ?.???.?<?-App?""? h<u- iit6.H.19 [- be Là or aoM. ct LtMtd. t tBtan?dWooH?n maoh'.aai eompletoi oanlln, eiurlnaa, fcAl '='=-t.. Paotory u ooT- sftth W4-1s!? poweamn—Apply W. J. J.>o.u., PœVo- H. ATAJlDooaa.B_,œ, ki-?? so b. INIIIJ 0"1 ia sissts^fsisstts^s^' .d w4t" J -XO-P P-16-W t'ttf ) —DyhlsllwM,*Ho<ie»latk.eoaniry.r« -t (3 O.-ID-,o Oo, Pkuhumonw CbaubwL .,I —Oku, deaklelloeased House, l« a £ MUflURUD h? aad ImproTtoj aeigboourbaod. •"l10?? trade, no competition rent Bodanta.- JchBjMtJUa. MMt Co.. PhU?M-onie ubkmhars. Car- dtfI. IS ,OIId ;t'I 9 On -??1-Do.b?Uc.M?H.M.. .tl,200. to, *«y itr? trade. Oo?t '<.?-J?t J8&lø8 Md Co., PitlthMMoaM Chtmb«. t*"ug- initial loniw, Set,, for Bolt A J5!.7 :=  '? Bought Cb* if an applies- ?"  ?'M' -*d. t. J* ? N.. w« M?d S?t. 'te? ?td.e. 1I -tnot? obe In DamfrlM plaoai j-rt,ue .U.roawo ia Baparra straet, tkn. ta John Meet! fioMk, and a Hooae and Bkopln Buto rotd.—Por par. M?, sy ? ?. ea.-4 AMtSM.T.?h? SS. 1006tK ^^IlGrr?^ 2*- 4*»,id«. Pla-«y euSrt" FUU.t?? Ho-ose. tot-um with tnc't, JIro&4" 8oa17 \0 Ih. Jolla Tu10r. Mo..4 ot. -u.. 100id -.AI/pI, \0 0. HI\deJ,tfhtd8lor road. 1000000.o OpUEBal^ thrae PieAoId Cot tag a. goodsariana Building Kndi baauti- lul j Tiew. PoatMpioAk. Dtnaa Powis —Amj/i «u?ii No. a.IV.ac I^op /^ABDIPF.-Cwtn of TownT Long Lmwkold Bonses, tanb. let.. for Bale. f I Private Coauaot, Uronnd Beau of TV; ]1 U s J Met* Mount t. AIM I- .-pi, .wU7' "?' '?* reau '?"?"?* -A,. b the I- expires iu pay fte«riy *6 p.T A fMmil? tt*S"<?m P«X?k?h?t. <?? 168 aores of land, good ftshiat and sboo^ng, aad w>tniu ?u<.)j<t«frttUw?*t?o)n p?uea?.?M); tiUp? tr? 8i to Mt -t. Fnur Vi)?, in t?e Otmtmt« Ot"ot..)MMt?yeM?fram tS77,pho« JI¡ couM ?e eoM In two lata, t?o-thifdt of tho pm ottM moMy :'¡II' Beveral S>roomed Uouam. m'  ffM?MM? baok MttMMe.hfMM 9?8 yeara, mmf «? tMh, ?ht Ft?hotd H- 1""UIÜD a S'?P.?S.?.MC) e?M HMU?t. rmt* OM J8.. Heaeee, priee BMOt twe Houses, Bakehouse, rent B8i a year, prtoe tl)oluding h? 8UOp and cttaUe and Coaoh-hme^ prtoe 0m. BOATIL -IwoTiUae in Upper- Oeoige street, prtoe B85#; four ii'= -I¡I: Honsen, ^olndmg a ConMt sho t?** <M< ten =: jM.MC, =-=-. ::= ?X*? ?*? '?' "< t*'?om? V,U", wtth oeUsr, bathroom, aad nasflttdae* mostly In every ,.4 B8DC, two»chirds o^ the purohaeo meney oould remain on mortgage-Apply Mr. Tkomaa IJaviea, C* eu-. 0az.WL Sf76a Berses^orriages.libe Btack,^c. 110 It!,??ld =. Is oeM?ntM* .< ewner winter abroad, a verr haadn^me Chssnot Poty.exnr.. ?a p<-t<?? ?M?, B?kM!? rnl er,of Hath,- Four-wheel Ocycart, wheels4$inckee- roor<hte! P0"P Bt.t? Ctrri?t, mth *ome hMQM). To ?z?imme(u .U dt4at a two*st ili h.I., U.?h.hooM. Y??, \A UIe Parddo, O?dta. -AtPtytoA. &t4. CttdUt. tM?O hacdwome Bay Fouy, eix yam oiu, a out \1.. hands buh I sound; quiet to riie and T. trø, FUB 1Ia1e, CarrIage uo_, "'? <"?* ? ?"?. rising d., ¡ 800d aotioa; quiet iD saddle ?MneM) '*tNBteS MMd.—?'UI? 0<&)-' ?3. P;ot? place, 11""11- t I BAY Cart ?Hant. Mt t?? ?tM ?;? CapitsJ HA Hg:"6 ? by =r.t8, uener. P.c?m P)Mt. 0.0- mt.N L?RSt)., pooy. Cart, aad Harasan,—Apply M, -C '?'U'MmMt.N.?Mtt.ttM.)!9Mt "WTEBY kaadsome aad osstal Mare, imt elf, sound, IS T h.nh 1 ti,«tber W¡tk a rery strong Trap aad %*°' f '?'?* '??' ?J!X/?Kf, 'X tny Haroec«a, ht b'?M<DMoombe. Baker, CMth Mf), ;t,"d'a- i(Y7&n FVt.W'lb! <; M-? Has be« °?Tta iz al»si. db-$ h. _dZ:11"_y 1.4.-Aisdwdlj-l W..too. )!(all 0110'" C,IIL n3k V?!' '? Fo-.I,.w PtMton: T*o .?kw DM Fose.,t. byh?d ZI. Se*: Silver-pUtea uuraw, ??0 Beoond-haod a*t.—TtomM .T?mif, 61, Lk.-y -d, CatoD, I. ri'BAP f bal», ch?p, ofMohmxe tot Ut?t OM TB:a r: £, Jte'r:. R-th. _? MMtW FOB 8? w<U built BfeMhta 1. «M< F ORw*U b.111 R.?fi .st4 119k.% to ux. wa"Ngw4 VV^ AGGOHETTB, auporlor, excelieat oondltlon; "ahlon^ Prtoe jet. Ou be aaen and trIed.- A<idr?i??hmM<dt'Q? ?1?!*? llftmt W"J:r e c:r-r=r. constantly ou Sale at William N, Tnunaa's CtMtnM?l<?)? "'orb, ?[i<t?* ??S? |j OB Stte, t hm(hoaM ro. ??I. Dog I C. Wat A 7momtM. a?dpedigtMtWttlan?atptead.d .o¡:n; 0..? '8:Ñ:-&&h. ?VW |UB DiKpoaa], a handsome priie bred Black tnd T<m .? ? I'*T*? ??! d..o.. .Z-"A b to Wir 'lob. CarUett. HtTeTfuMWttt. 1I18 HAMLSOMErough^ioated B k ?.T Un MMtch H. Ct-Uey Do< two year, j good b,? i lond of h,)i-1 ?-a tLm. Fo gOs.—John Cole, Haverfordwest, 1053.w WANTKO, a WccMTSujpiy o! RthMtt. tftppod or TV ferreted) nlso Qtm?—Appjy J. L*w Z A Castle road, OartliS. v7ut9 Iftonrs to Vend. /^AEDIFF MUTU A L A?AN bOCIETV. L<M? cAr. t':oU:Z "t'o 05, lt?"cl\;Ybo;m of Cuditt, on turtomt Mouruy. Iuterest 5 p?r ..t. Wft?jy re-paymontsof 6d. foferery £ borrowed.-Aa- '?-?-'L??? ?*. t. Tk» B?t? *7177 i-1 U,() 0 () .°uLS Ai^rr ?A?t?7??t &í wMhUttA?atMcetofTttMt ??-???h?iSTXSSd ?.?fX t<)?, blumagw, 6. bt. Jobs'. quu% OudUL MMt 'l1u?Ay°w hOAet A £ IU DUl('r COXFANT' coil,,olyw i-A ?. C.d! "UOUI"" Co to Mm? Tradeaneoplc and otb«r Hou^kolders^itb Mc.?. tiom *10 to *SCC. No.ureUa.t?utMt BepMtM.by tM? h stalmente.-M.B. The tMh U tdTMoe?oadM el appboatioa. As no gonoiaa osas la erer erfused, none tat M?cttMt tptU<m«tt are invited to applyTofloo kou»» ?iM ?m. t. Miae p.m. Di?M.M M.S jec.t. nmsd GBMTLAMAM, Tra fl fi.. 1SII ranMll, ma = UT M.eM?.dMtAd.!S. S,M?tfS ?S *lM ? '?'??? '??'? MMhS. W.?X   .k..rn-Lt6ol?T??bog%wiwl:z? CAI .,B.-la awJieu'" an nmJadÑ II, S-'i )= tb h: :-1II;n:O.1Q't: PricoipxliVy,—Beajdenoei BocUcul Hoao? Ntwj-oft- Eotti- ?-. ? Newport- (;Ltf: Farmers, Clerlia, UhofkeeMn, and ? "ec?Mttx oM m-8 Ad= upon ranitare, tc. (without ..maul) ?t oM< by wntta? to Mr. J. J. JoDet. M, Cou.-t. a?MtOt. Distanw ao e?'eM. MMe?? ?i &UU ht,?d *? ?, A". civ:l | t/U|( W) i t,oDeerø, 77, Crookberb'.own, J&rdllf, are commissioned t? &dmuc? thw %a. oa persoall aetuilty on T6 y reuonable torm? *M:*?;?!t??.t. t?'eO. rttMt) appboatios reqm«tod. tONtS ?u'tLY;-m-m p 1,-t,qu.td. nonoato .£4 Tull f-w IL*.w L<T<tn. JX[tMtM?M.?M..t<rtMe. OardU, a?M Ãl i W. "Mi ?. BfcKN, Auctlo«xeera, 7a, an, ?i- MMy KMet, CMdia («ttMtthed laM). [Mko Auraiicw on every dHoriptlon of Proper", toolt or fr un.itm. oonatgned for ab^lut. ale. aoSTQ ACAPii'ALioT cdon to ?*"?< Uù, b.ld-%i. to.. r oountry, at a day's no ioo Cwb Aooommodntion their Furniture, wittioit rjtu?t!. ?n ?y MDM ot Jut?rs" ?d M?rmMtt'— 'I;,Y;n tO ?. Jt"Q3: e?M-t. MwMMt. j!MM tKOTIUt?TO HOMOWBBa. £ 1 0 TtX'??CAdtt Mto r m.n "p, a.'?.\? T?cMOeuMty.toM?otFem? ?Mn ?MOBtt?eeMntjr, or up?n aortgsge et t?rai?. atoca, plant, orep., and (arming Implements, wiiii vit )ett.e?t. ?)M opM de<<!<ot&«?!td -t'¡J j roperty at 43 pe, ocnt.—Apply personally, or state t:='r:: ;&60°:b= :Z(?- t lr= t,.U ri4= MSMd SOUT8-W4LaLOTN-ooïip¡¡¡- C! from" pmft to ao<u<h?d«? hnun, <md otbere. Ic to- or -w, on tU Ma<t< 01 aeoarity. .m. by =h=-t. ?* oonveni.no. of borrowsn.—Apyly to tho Manager, lmao Saline. 41tœd&tlœ 'K:1 Th? tSSt SS!&. 'SX?!. Unanaeai at ?godmbm tMr.?WMtM'jS.? Wodneeday TmapertMt Botej. 3d.. O aMn .tittt, .tb, Ibursday, WB79& ??ABB AdvMc?'ap?n p<montt -4 T<et .ani. few bctira* aotioe. all kind, at BortgUM fTMttd.-Jth? Ht<? JtHMa.?. M. John <qS?SS* tewad !• 1 f I TO 0,000,—A Qontloman not .oosawted Mv wtthMyC*FdienMMy)M)d.r.TdfSee! Moai.yoasko.teM notioa,-Addma ? '?p m UNM?J?t LOITDOM DJGKBUT <M)B-M' M u:IIT.-TIae .:L-=-r: BlCtoAWOOln towa at aoBatry.alk day's aotioa. oa pnm«l eeonity, deeds, lsnees. poliotesi lIm upon Jundtore, piMt, 6ropa, or fanAag scfrnk, wtUSot t?M* 'md MY" -t, !a ad<8 a j'i oountry pa^ga. 3lUod iMfUMAMT TO BOABOWBBAk t«l TO Al.= A?Mttt at a Dirt ""Ia MU To_ OoutQ. w IIIÑ8 1118 1I}108 penœù -n1iJ.. nt aaten attMBtM? ttoe? ctMt.etop*. MX tMmhM wttbcet up= FA?piwoozr Domo!b 6*0 oant. b =:=:=ï. =,=. "'aIn4.-=lCLa..t **?* nouar. 13EPOW ELM <7, TMi< Bond, Wgataiaater Brldn 204L=ftai BPBOIAL MOTIMC ????** ft8 U'fU&c" tt?t MMaM at 8&PIW.. h? =bk "A wiahing to wo-d Uw '-Uriii.s to p*«Mtt MtMiM tatSaCeam?.M<pa<MtMtABpU<)Mi<t will ..ft mo maun SSS?tTm?* im *?*' arplioaUoc. Mo M.L- oroponl mtmPO4. 17 T Aft '??H??F)tMt<>6.S.i?MtH?. ill in Companies lata Aous?m Pc Worka. 00Iüer' CoTnob.= Ptmt. Crop-b\ a?M.or LoMomtomMMOXL AQftII-1D&de 4ùIw T 1, Busa, S-, OoUep .treet. Lampeter t aad 3, Mtute?Mtt. Abet)??** °"* ?M** MNSSBS. W. M4 B. MMBM, B)«m <t«ath 11 .01 WMMBt-?M?OM?tMMFM?tS'MSnX t?ecoea NMtM?ot tfetteMTMEtt m M? of from tUMO ?jnXho, tMmMOta?N.Mt M<?. ttMw ot iE!rtaU °* ,M*hot!i PW»*«Sr and froai M t? <MO on pttMMttMati?. "?"" V7#2 Xl 0 >'K £ B°»daak Ad van oaa taaflD otBLVOOon i? borrow'" own acurttj-;—J, M'Outhy, t? Oo?- .MMitt?rtet. "tw? ?an. rrMp.e K.S witrdwl gratis on appuoatlon. KS87 MO!U;Y WITHOUT tOBmoB.-?Btt? .po .SL??K?? l&"t L.mMtd.? Onat ftUrlw ttt)? Bhmht?htm.wMS <m <ih<x wt«t MtpetttMt BezMtHM am Immediaetly ottaia .o?th? e? -'Q, S a much lower iobspset tkaa shagged by Loan Sootottsa a mu L=WMS" v IUW-.r UWM 18<1. -d Ut8 strtotwt tc?t? etnteoh? nUad a?x?-Atp?ptttoatttt. <x gtata aawunt raqnfawd, aad wkeo. DAVID YUUUBL k'taW' MJl—Dtetaaee ao okfoot, Tka aosiy ad- vano by tba sbov. Baak doriag tha put law Mia uOMds TWO MILLION B. sad ao good wvltatttoala svar NIU8CI. ^UbhnhZl im. 40174 ."r»4. JFOR Bale, a tm.d8M oM Bbelaar a Tlolio, c-4 JD BowJPtdier bolder, Violin Sokools, Mualo litauda. Violins»a PianoMasiO! alaoa flrat-olaM Oaltar, aad 000 Aocotdkra.—Apply to T. Clsry, I ClihoD eteMt. Boatb, Oirt*. Mbit ??TNNattIMJUG ?HAttta i. the British iip ZW r-bl-bo-ApAy IS ID- pi.P-% U.. 18S8v!<> IjMjK Sale, tka Loan of £ 40o, tne of lntsnet, tor s A? t-m ot Ut yttm -Ptte* Md tMthtf pMtienlMt t.- J. H. B, WtaoD i hambsri. NiehotM ai-t. Bfi*«? 126" Cf a-LNcH BICYCLK, genUoman's roadsteri exoel, 0\? lent condition j ?6, eett 414 10a.—T. Duoa, bkbuc,?d cmd, OLYDA US1 IjH>B bale, a i'late-glaes Bkop hoa.. witb J? CMbe sew at ?o.t3.6t.th? ?tfe<Ct?? iO.— APPI"c:rrD RiehMd*. Bni?, Newport. t9< |jti>a bale, quantity of Boards ud ?'- suitable tOl i? Bhed. Also uiMt (oc Ot<enhe<m.-6t, Ad<? w7"4. CMdM. .t-i"A LHPl 08. 0( Sale, Stock ot Prtot's htea\ MMptOot A.A Bafw of v?ious sizeL-Ap9:.L .6.lu d-. L?d Co., &Mdit/ '?**°*M7" WABTH PAP KM—To be Bold, a quantity ot oM Wme?tjKt (t)<M Mtd <A<dtt. ndtable Uc p<Mt. n« ,mpgess or tec «ho,kaspeca. at Id. par .t ????StStJ O?n <t???op? E?tmt<* K Mary-aue*. CaidiS JRisctllmteons IIautI. COBTBACTOB'S Oaoe WMted. about H. by an, ? t)a<t be i. c..d eoadttton.—Addrttt, X. i?. Wow Mal), C?diZ. UMtM WaMTKD, b ..h. atc<md.hind tMU?td-ttHtT 1a Vy toed eMtdMta.-?aU JlU\loùnto U. J making. KUtb.?U.B?MMV?.y. tM<S" .? MABMKD 0?<?, w.tMnt ehUdMa. d..I,. to adopt YOUI Child. Premtom wuitsd. References given M mod"-&A&m M, A., ??tm mad UMQ% =&. UMtM Aliscrltant.-uii Wiitt. AS l LL Tubular B-il.' wante n*w .1 seonV A I!b,kbT'e t:r"ù;'I: D 0t ;i fs ti oil Ca i tt, Utt?t tt '.l?t.—W med.tb?t-uTouB e? dh???l n.t. '■ r ?.Y.Add. Box i', Po t C«td ff. io* t JRiaollsneons* A BBBDHKH Onalte Mmm?eBtt. tfem £ 5, oarria <1 AD f-.pti- *4t.4 b.tf.'] pl,. Md Pi." t-. ?t*. boutpwr, Abe is A NO" Ladies' KID&'?l Almawk kud P?roliy Nu i d? ^<r !or l?so. sd. p_t f_all "P. l'uol1l1 skal by Dir. .B. rooe, Dorking, and k. A. Orr. Clap. ban, Lnn*n». B W. W77.M fiwnsw? A"4 ladl^ Left-offl Omhil OTteafU K440d Kn. UuoUmatna O— I"M 'OPPB«*i kOtPBBal UOPPABdl inaa. tt. and l(A.^aek«et. ay b. kad a, tks '?'? In 0 W=,z A4 ,ABUf a" Qenkloawn s saac-ott Oiotking g« i u ]:erQdor:1=.. OM?t. &1& pHMtMit, Ht.Sd?t.Et.X? .bry. SON v OM" ..apt .1 U 6&, AndMtM.' Abb^tT Mir E?M. U will MDd pœUne *)trt<ti<«Itdf*rat?? *?'??' Tt dh '?" <* ?WmUombo?d on.tbe front.—Andsceoa. Abbott, '? Aadarsoa, India- rnkber Manafkctnpwa, -new MM, TO BICTCLIBTS, tb>!t you Wantja 11M,. of A m Kamm.t&. Oisooont, order boat U ouu¡.wa tllaU,ord8l'treœ utdsiTfam Maaamotiv Bowing CarHsge, U yon Want to -ablow yoor t r .-i.i-. "ad to fl y)M WtntMa?SSE* So?tMd?? U tM Ww r-oI DaeilrtpIWordarfroll It yoa W-t yor K&Catm Bt^alred, send t so 3 o: ;== .tl:Ot4 U yoa Went war Machine eg AeoaaMctM saat Ou dag* tb- Nre¡O 0. MO??t? POnrnlDD. Or 16, ?fOML aTREZT. CABMPF. Tk. Largwt. OwuMt, aad Oldert kletablished agwey In Soutk Walaa. 1"reMIØ Stock Uuger Uou U¡at of all other Agent* la Booth Waft <t4d*J togothw. U,t of .ar= D. m  OIlW. POBTLABD O"ZMT of she bs" JLA q-obty. mm?btt6d i?e Loadoa pmusd Oo»«nt Onmn (Umltwl.) WkolMala aad Beteil at Boaaq- Be?hMd TtmhM?tS. sw-. 11.,4 pRJ:UfG:=nblt'=" A ?t?p<<??h*?t??Uh<)?<tc? ?Mti. Steam ?l= A=IL-tlllt?u .1 56 6L Cutf&P paid on &a owfutwvolol 3" ?Ht BHnj?NO. Fott<Mt MtTBBtt STAMPS. OftL8, :t:; Vl7:. (patented, 100,000 oi wbetk weca sold during tka Bxkb St?D<!Bot<een?ttm?a<<rT<<<? now .t.4 -k? Ulanoe Mtlon, wnamellad dial, glAW dO?6. WMtmt? 'IIe= t?oeh Novert '!o?tM?. P..U str"t. Lon?m. W. 4 ??MCH MtUjDBM.-LMMe?ood Skafw, B..t Timber, Axleo, Bprlnn, lAtnpjk Trimming., and "=too'=Tl ?aet, Bath street, &i.ia M6d LBFT.OFP OLOTHBB.—Me. and K.S. ?My, 9 JU SeadoMtreeA Bewtowa. 0-ftm PttKEStM? I"We md e.uU- Wwring AppanL AU o-4-m 9 t-W UNA" 6o ttso 7M= r eama 1. d err T. L?MCOMBMKi CO., M. BMtdw?TTtc.tt!, wholw. sea. K:Z;;849W PtUiMt MttmfMtuMt*. Tn?a =.4 449t wftt. SUgM -DA?NT TtU* a?t. p!?M< by I*t' ? Ckambeclaln. Pole, Md Co.. Bri*t<A ttOWd T^aTBiOPSil -Tumpm I I Mn?jLorMt) ? 0-6 Bho ODS" novd. .= = 1. T,htm M«<nTb.Dtt d't?B 1M Oo?tMy, M. Mi<ty< M<t Prinftg Wo -k,. LI.,DM MCosmts lItO BollietQ Seiinisitea BAIL WAY WAOGUt4kL-Lism ?d a<OMt?MJ JH) *tTen.tttht..MMtt<a-t&cCpttMd Miaw w.l. lona for &LIe. U% or Bedempt'on PuTohaee«—Apu;y JCLtb B. %Uou Ma Ca." ?t<SwtT W<S!)? ?? -"t. Bute DooU. 0vdI1I. M1 JHacbinerc, Boots, fat dit" T7H> (Sale, cbnp pair of mw »-il.cb syiiader Windlor .C E?tDtt. with *.t?t ?am?'"ge2??L t'"?? ??S?,ESL? '?-?w? t?mL?e'MOfHU.tM?IUNNMTMMtaiMh C Cr tk- paM)iM<ot<tJ.o<tUUndj.o<eMm<).. ?"?*' ? 'MehuMty.-Wote ph)&ritMt. ChMtM 0, I,Z. N.wpon. Mon. M<trat I^OA bale, a ftttt quMUty oF Conhtctot'tt'?ut. iu,Iudi# loo.ti,o e-gi-, It- crane, strain tl'u.!Jen, portabls engines, earth wa,npU ?a?..M« <?.ry lar. 'Jua"Uty 01 ?t oTererv dfMr?'tion.—For txrnoattrs tut) t ? tre?t .poly to Mr J.b'Ú.ft:A' tr:.l'iI.  tmdØ li^OE fctle (chtap), owing to bad health, a Six horae A Power Portable Stam Engine aud Tbr».liia* JaaibiEe. equal tQ "1 Ia SO) "ork oÑM; t'i alloweu price, £ 100,-Apply to Mr. Morgan, Lower afreet. Crick ho?eU. 9MtM FOB Sole, three Kin. Owond b?d Iron Ventilators, ooniplote, to Board f Traderequiruments, suitable fer 8t< anier pri. 9,3 the eel.—Pioud -d H t* V t?lt.r Mk.r D-k., ??'?'? M?* IIBACTIO* -Eft'- UM L* .d M OKtiBM? 'Mrf -W,-o o*so. M roùOla Jr.C;' qioQcester. PUBTABLB Bsgiue, 7-horse, in working order, CUll Paige B»,—Fielding and PlAt»« Ulon. osstsr. ?tORT? Mill., Ot. to 7tt, DiMMSTN? }1 °1f[.t:" tna ?imt, J.Ho<nie<? Ij'GG'WiD Boiior, with dome .mi fitting, ooinpl<)te. Jit Hi-bono power,—Fielding M<t fkit. *° ?u. o»ter. Î)O.llUBl,lI: E""ID" tQ 10-h wM or without -'L winding par, S<t!a ? *?". ehMtt?-FM.tdtL? IJ"-OJUZUNT¡l; EmttDM. tO and ?hn.?.).w'wtth AJ. exi>anaion gear, new, chttp.—fielding And Piatt. Gln. t6.«d ?. ti? <uM Mtn.?.tu-ht.? t?ftmoM MM o^at Htau. i v '??**? ?°' ^borae power apwtarlai SJortv, Mills, Saw Renchw. ?J?." In ""? it k;.I.. Hire at Pow-H ad U. a?L.Chi?? Stor' P8IWU't.IIœd" CtrdiB. Bpeol4.IùDa "Ud ._t. lut all ku.cla ot t^hlnan free on Vrb-ti- -114 'Ti?RKOTrPlNa APPABATUS. — t^tluiTbox, ITXBWTYPLLI(??,,b pi lete^to out ni*n ?., ?J'JSu.' wfth .tentl08 for (mailer size, Hoe. L?dm, ? good u Mw) four stww b?U ? <mt omi.4 pu.% have bMB "W very UtU<) WK =1IÙIoIf=' :Dg- 1.i.1 H. UiUagana, London. Th.bon will be «>11. cheap to an immeditteporchMM'FoT ttie% addna mr. ? B j¡'Ée.¡;p = .dB RIOK OOVEBSOK OOVEttSI! JUTE, 1411. 6D. TO 47a. 6D. BEST FLAX, 173. to 160s, BEST IMFROVBD WATBBPBOOP BOasa, CART. AND WAGGON OOVERS. LU ALL SLIHS, BEATTICE CLOTH AND AIB TPBINO. NOETHALLEETON MANUFACTURING COMPANY, MOMBALLtMON, AND BUTB DOCKS, oabdi rr. 0 J M A Y. AGENT FOR SOUTH WALKS, Ac. somi BUTE DOCKS. TMPBOVK THB APPEARANCE AND X. CONDITION OF TOUB HOBSSS bY VS1HO CHARD BROTH.EI:I.' OONDlMENTAL FOOD. It 18 a mixtan of rdjw so?d Oom and C?ndimm" mixed in piopa proportion^suitable for all Masons of th. ift)u-. coBttqMBttye?caitttd to k,.p hone th. voaarn, d in good oonditioa. To bt had only of the K-fttm- ORARD SBOTHBBS, CORN MEBCHAMTd, BABBS SIBEET, BBISTOLi In Bsim—t cwt., 1 owt, -d 2 ?.t amh t Its, p«r ewt?w& \¡:i;Or""? or;' =',= 'ÚI. -Iu bftt?g UIeIr 1.0.6m" T,.d KLtk 7- "JUa1 WpoU 08 th* by Walter BttddMtt F.C.a., M C,, k, u4 Angnstn* VMtottf. n.a '47 TMtd?t. ThMt?ytt, Mt< Mttct! at? MM D w 0 rr'f 1 B m 10 LTk D LIVER PILLS. Tsh.ON.T ..n. Ap.,i"t ?Tj-?? .?corr'?NJuouaANDLivRB PILUI :Wood D&* SWrr$ BlUCCaYND Lrveu piiZi P"t. D*-UQU ad -t. A p?"t'i E soon's BILIOUS AND LIVER PILLS Chronto swtion and Wind, D& scoxrs Bujous AND UV £ tt PILLS Axew,Mu?,d?. 0- .4m Prioea— l8. Ud. and S. 9d. 2n8U ANDRUSON, ABBOTT, AND il ANDRYA-JON I PATENT WATEfiPHOOF SUITS. Oom?t* 8-it. Co-S, ::tokinr u o? tt* Utht<et S<tit eTM OMtd? COAT 3^8, mi.kimmi 8 0_.  tlQQIK(lB.MHii.« 7s. 6d, ,*4,9 ownoee* KAT.?. 1 0-? ILATI. 5;, SUIT-CU-IIPLINTR 8U,6 8u" earriage naid, to any part R the kiurdom, oa receipt ol P. O O otiequo, md. pyLb t. AND?BaON, 'ABBS?T?'' AND E?'HMO!t I ANDliRut:KJ-ÁtB.S)N, 8 W A N 8 B A. XMM U T U M N A T T I B B J3L FOR GENTLEMEN, BOYS, AND YOWTHS. tEasBa. W. PKIOT 80N9 A- aow tkowlng & Ism veriety of Mew 8"1" md An =. ? A!tmm ?<? The OIlDa DZPA r "plebe with Co<?ttM,Bot<tD)t<. M< Tronserlsg^ (rem ?Mt m*t?M C"T. %?A' DI?READS D&PAILT t.11 ( O.'s-04 owam ftits of Pkww. Oe coat* ot ligkt aad Hdi-a test ud lmproe1 t? <thM VM<t«Mttt W-w=-O & TM JUV):N!LB DItPAMUtST?Mtett mo.t attractiv. display of OWt. -d O.tita fo tb. T-.g. T)? w)!ett? &< Stook in -kA in I'W. rwuma at 1.0." 3" Piom Hste, Cap*, Shirts, X-dwy. so. TMrna-Oae Prioe, Ho A be tenant, Beady Moaay. ÀDDRltfll; THE CARDIFF HOtTSK, Caraer of Caroline street, Bt. Mary street, CarJiS. KBSP IV4, MOVING. BMPLOY THB gTAB pOENHUBB VANS, THB LABorST AND DINT 111 WALES PUBM1TCRB BKMOVXD BY ROAD OB EA:r To my Pan of tb4 CMM matdM? IRSTMAT= F?M. LABGK DRY ROOMB ^E WABBHOMING wUaa S. J. DAVlia AND OO, THB BAYES, OABDI FP. TXTHSKLT MAIL, V V LASQEBT CIBCULATIOM ? A" WAn.Tl'UUœ OQU= WALM I THt WUiT END BIjA,ckino DOBS NOT BKQUIBB Ban-HING. rilHI- WR8T END BLAOCINQ ,,111.1" ? HthU M au ? T?.A-?'?'S ?<)'< flMlK WMT KND UL*CKlNa A DKii:s imiBi-mg' .y, Tïi¡. WEST END BL?CKtNO ± KS Ot NrL?v NN?s a(l? OT??-?.Ki) tTOft 1'BE WEST END BLACKISU ron t?DtXo' BOOT«A«» ?anw?. amE WEST END BLACKING 'l'o:1r!Ji'.T'UNnÀIJ!'J. nX iHE WEST KND BLACKINO .L FOB HtRMMS Ai-U OABBIAOB TOPS. "'HE WEST END BLACKING ?- EI,D ONLY BH ?'rUM TWWB ? WBHB riTHE WEST BN? BL&OKINO TB:ElYJ 1''IttJ1fJ*.iET W'RATRE& nj?HK WMF END BLACKING X DUES NUT CO E UFF Qt) TftS CMr?INQ ,HF: WEST END BLACKING -L ?9M KUT INJUBA rH. hMATMR. THE WK8T END BLACKING WFST END BLACKING rilBE WEST END BLACKING -? BOOTS CAN B?CHANttD IN O?t ttHfC]'? rIlHi-wEiTEND ØL&CKING X M H» BBsT OF ALL BLACKINGS. mHE WMT END BLACKING Whol"Kl of B. H. U. ASHU&N. BRji>2^StO- k £ AD, BrtatoL « OMLT THB BUT.- TXTAOIMTHS, .rUUPa AND OTHER Ai FMWM ROOTS. J. G ABA WAT ). wm rwmq &bk pint I.Pott. Hon of tha above in Aogutt, J. GAEAWAI ft CO.-The CLIFTOM "A" COL LBOTIOM, 4k, oonsteting of S80 best aiwtoul BIIlIII tor Pot Cultivation. The CLIFTON B" OOLLECTIOK 41s. IBulIll for opsa (round), oouist* of I.OU b"nkftod to that porpoaa, SMALLRE OOLLBMOIW. no. 1111.. and 1ØI. ftZ 4U Otdat, onrBte. Carcl^. paid, J. GABAWAY & 00.. DU"IRA-DOVM imaBBiBa. $W?6 CLIFTOM ..BBISrOL T\JEW DRESS IIATUIALS FOB TAUs: AUTUMN dKASOM, DBBENHAM AND HBWBTT B??R'?*'?* ?*' ? '? ooUwtion of A EW DKM9 MATJEB1,AX,S for the approaohi&g ssaeoa Is aow oom* Slcte. It oompriafs the beet ?ro?uoti Mot the !*tt. ?I p. t. ?It o- foreign Mfmut?o'ttr?f. b?)uht dl-wt a, ?he Mmidwtuiwo6 ww to be ooLZ &t the I.t pemble r.wo.itd for p?..pt .t _b p,y. œevts. Complete a'. of P.tt. r!U be f.,?Acll &0 Ladle*. po»t, (tm. on ep^Hratlov. ?CAVZNDMH 'SoM?HKLTmntA?f JfcWlCK'B BAKING POWOMtt FOB PLUM PUDDINGS and (JAXII jgDEWlCK'S BAKING POWOKB, FOR BREAD and LIGHT PASTRY. J^ORWIOKTS BAKING POWDER. A WALDOD FOUBOOLD HBDUS, JGOOO t'ACXAqBB goll) Wigelil jr. WM VALU#MA ON BOABD SIJIF




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