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- - - -. -.... -<0-MONEY MARKET…

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-<0- MONEY MARKET AND CITY INTELLIGENCE. (FTAOM OCR OWN COKHESKTNDSNL.) V'VKDAY JEVEJ1NO. rrtc dCm40H(: \r ltforny tan been rather ihtivt) for a Stturday, butl; ..t t'le Kauk D;scou:it Ottsco .,nl c .itsi'to, and ut< s raetl urni «t about 4.[ per ceut. No bullion ojt.ations were njH te<l az the Bank. Tho 8toe;; Markets have been generally steady. i..ulvwkys were t.rm during tiit3 e.irlur but f rices relapsed toward* the close in realisations, .'I)<>ialy s¡."th'll liii*s, in anticipation that the truth- rctUii.s will K- unsatisfactory, owing to the .A.te fuggy «c..the:. listen:* were exceptionally gcKKl t'fl the helki that a dividend will 00 dv.-Ltfri f«? the pwnt half yt-J.r. Western f C¡u¡,.d;o shares wrrc in active demand on .cv .nl of the endeavours to close the largo ioaii Consuls and New and Reduced «n<haiigel, Exchequer Kills done at 7 dis. India yivvH 1\11; to 1011/ Colonial liuvernments tjuiet t. ttim. ludiau Railways unaltered. Foreign Se<- ritieaoontinae ^xiiet. French Scrip closed at "I\(>u: I'¡. ¡.Ienl, Spanish without change. Italians weakei. Turkish Fives declined ditto Sixes ♦ IK*HV«1 f.(>r lower, Egyptians steady Khedives Mb<;r:: r.V.; Hungarian* receded k, Uruguay 'J Hi "UfoS Ay res 1, Costa Rica 1 to 2, and Honduras U» 1. Mexicans improved to 17. remvian.; io t-.t.. New Russian Scrip about li prem. Hun- I!"n¡¡n l to 1, pi-cui. At Paris, he-to and New 1?..? )?(:d bftt?i. rnitt? Sates Bon?s con- tinue steady Ten-Forties better Enes declined towards dose, leaving oft lower; Atlantic# (juiet; Extension Certificate* remain 1 to 1 prew, New York Central, Jower. Railways opened dull, but prices ruled firm during the earlier hours. Towards the close, however," leaction took place, and the market left off Hat. JiiigLtons touched 1'9, but closed lower than yes- terday. Shertields, Caledouians, Midlands, and Northern "A" gave way Westerns, North ¡,tcrn., and Chatham*, Lancashires, Metro- »(,litaa., Districts, alld );orthBlÏtih, J and South Easterns relapsed On the other hand, Easterns Mivaneed 4, Khymney, 1, and South Devons, 2, or U 70 to 7-. Bristol and Kxeters remain 1:.Io to Edinburgh and Dundee, 1 better. Western of 4 aiada roee I at the close, and Trunk [. In Foreign Railways Orientals declined 1, aud Lom- iardoe t to n, Telegraphs quiet. Anglos unaltered. United States Direct Cable, better. Chartered Mercantile Bank of India advanced 1, and Alliance J, Bank of Commere 1 10IVor, Ottomans unchanged. Miscellaneous securities very quiet. Share In- vestment Preferred rose I ditto Deferred 1 lower. •Edinburgh Tramway# declined 1. Glasgow Tram- ways improved J, and J^ebong Tea Fonciers a shade firmer. Hudson's Bay firmer, at 14 j to 15. I.nanos receded J, and Val de Travels Mining market tirm. Granville improved to 0; to iJ, Crebor, 4A to 5. Carn Brea, 01 to C,>. iWs Kitchen, 11 to 12. South Frances, 10 to 1 J. Tankerville, 10 to 10J. West Chiverton, 5. f lagstaff receded and Richmond and Pedros, J&nima Mine unchanged. After official hours: No bullion operations at the Bank. Consols unchanged. Foreign steady. French Scrip about 8^ prem. Erie# lower, at l%\i ?,cl'Ïkai'i:I: ¡¡frert::t'i; 34' 'L to :16.. Riti l witys 8tti ul f reni. Eries lower, at Ui 12\ A[et.polit.?rw, 08*. Western of Canada advanced to 16?. T?legi-?,ph. unchanged. The diret<'n of the Ebbw ?'?e Steel, ?rf??, aud Coal ( ompany (Limited) have declared an interim dividend at the rate of 5 per cent, per auuum, payable after the Hist inst. LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE, I SATIKDAT. I LATEST PRICES. I CoMob. MoMy.?.  Consols, Account, Jan. 6 \l'2t ^-1 N?u Md Ktdu?. 104 '? On .?Kaattrn Mt oil = Xt.rt?m. l;ij 11 Oieat Xortbem A M? ;?? On-at Western 1271 1271 lAiic;whire and Yorkshire 1471 US liondc-u and Chatham -4 241 London -d Brighton ssi ssi tj: ';es' lt London'and South-western Metropolitan CS ::tl='D¡;'tričt' GSl ti.'lt Muiland ..?. 137i K7} M-,h, Sheffield, &; IJncolnabil'6 sot SJ! North British Sheiffeld, & Lincolnshire SO? Si)i I NorthBritidt 73 7? 7H=: !i U¡ 8cvth-Eastern ? 100 Italian ClOt 001 J 18 1st I Turkish Consolidas 40}' ?'t Rty ti- 18t!8. ? ? Mexican  ? ? 65t Pent?nm. tSM.?.. rJ:o:ZHH; U. S r?20t 921 92* li?,i, ?t SUI Illinois 0,t Wemm Canada 161 Hi OnmdTTunk .??????? 20 Mt Loxembourgs Great Lombanloo, Anglo American Amalgamated 851 s:;t A.,t!,?i4 1.'Ii I.di. R ?bb? F-b C?bl 'r<!e(?'phCcn?ruction .? ?. 311 311 Imperial Ottoman Bank Consolidated KRISTOL STOCK EXCHANGE.—SATIRDAT. I LOCAL AN D MISCELLANEOUS STOCK I Dare, Amount Paid. Prices. I ggock Bristol and Exeter £ 100 120 121 Ditto Four per Cent Prefeience — M do eteck Bristol & Nth. Somerset 100 24 27 10 Bristol Port Rail <fc Pier 10 5 51 8Uck Grf«t Western 100 127 12;t Ditto New Allotment 11 I pm Stock Llynvi an(i Ogmore 100 137 140 Stock Monmouthshire 100 115 116 Bl.k Ditto 5 per Cent. PROL 100 110 111 £ 10 Shares 10 1| 1| bl,k Rhymney 100 69 61 50 Severn and Wye 50 28 Wxd 8,.a South Devon 100 60 71 Block Taff "ale. 100 1M 186 10 Ditto Clasa C Sbarea.. 8 71 8t pm 11 Aht,)" Yale Iron ud Coal, Limited 26 !7 28 Ditto, ditto New i # pra 10 .rjde Engine. 7 '?l Pd'L 147,9 Bristol Dock Shares.«147.9 88 89 s Block Bristol United Gas 100 177 119 BLwl Steam N.Vig- ?n(UmKed) 14 1 !i?d!a SB .O? C.. .2b — 18 9 xd Bristol Water Wi?rks.. 25 621 &34 90 New 4 — 9f 9l pm 10 Ct&n'Sus?enzionNg 1&0 6a 10 BrMt? C?y?ot? (L 10 ? 6 6} g ïlte\L i:: 14? 15 1?0 o Coll Htl..e.ai?. r.  0 121 d 10 CUton Hoto). 10 12 12 xd Oreat W_rn Colliery ]7 K" 32 90  „ 'New8.10.012 ]6! pm 100 London gd S..? w western Bank 20 51 41 dI8 10 B. & & W R Wgg-, 10 Bc:'m s. (Limited) 4 1; 2 pm M Bristor;aggoD Worn 10 1 )dia 10 Western Wageon 10 8 ?t ;:d'd 10 8 8 S. Wae? Dwtr. Bank 15 271 !T) 1JI WUts and Dorset Bank 10 40 41 6 Crown Preserved Coal 5 8 81


















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