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PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. PBSPATO ADVERTISEMENTS are inserted in the "VSWIKKN MAIL" according to the subjoined scale. LINZS.  OSE TURKB SI* • USE.S» «W• OR. DS. JJIJKUXIOS. INSERTIONS. I'LNSRBTIONS -¡a:l6:ed'I: ls 'ed. 3 1 24 9d. 1e. 6d. 2s 3d 4 ¡ 82 Is, Od. 2% Od 38. Od. & 40 Is, 3d. 2a. 6d. 3& 9d. 6 48 le. 6.1. 3a. Od. 4a fld. 7 60 is. 9d. 3s, 6d. 68, 3d. 8 1 64 1 2s. Od, 4a. Od. 8a. Od. ,rws scale spphe. only to consecutive insertiom of ,??D.1 =,,nts. If not prepaid, thew ad"r- 'ewent. will be chrg.d ?rdidg to the PUBLIC NONE* SCALE. REMITTANCES MAY BE MADK IS POSTAOB STAMPS. Cheques, Post-office Orders, Ac., must be made pay. able to H. LASCELLES CARR, 1I1A:-IAGKR. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. Persons answering advertisements are requested to obierve the following instructions Address" (to advertiser's name or initials) means tliat application must be made by lotter nl,. We tr,?.gly d,i. persons answering advertisements ,)t to send original testimonials. but copies only. Advertisers requiring replies to be I"n.ardeù Ie them must furnish a stamped and direckd envelope. ™ J-Jg ■ lnifa1. CiLKRICAL.-WANTKP, » CI.KROYMAN, to take tem- go ary duty (or Sunday 'Ittics? for tw. ?th.. -Addrrw J T C, Forit-oQice. Sw. 12x18 WrANTKD, a TITLE for Marck Ordination, V.ngliah and M W,W? Sti end no obj wt. 4?j W..krn MaU" Oflic#, Cardiff, U". A-(Ù:R(;YMAÑ:¡;;P;;ï', O?l. ?i.b.t.t?ith A..('LL CHARGE or CURACY. The Di.- of 81 D., ill Li..dff preferred.—Address Cl,ri?. P.t- ojtice, C arc! igaa £ dwla;Stif. \\TANTKD. REEN(iA<iEMKNT AS GOVERNED Aokiiirem?,ats.thor.)ti ??F.tig ILh;=c,, draw iw,-Add,-Alph.,7, Park street, Brutol. 15x2$ 'V A;'l a.i1\'rft:1 MAfcTER -i:tSr:,d small village rW national school. Fm-nUhod cottar adjoining. nowlct1g of harmonium am1 sineiug desired TIIU is a good neighbourhood for prhat.e pupils.— Aeply at Ollce W Rev A. Oridith., "artha, 11. Ahor. "fOUllY 13.19 YJ|7ANTED.~ki a Clergyman'* Åan1 in North Wales, a IT TUTOR for Three toys. A guod classical scholar re- quired -Addre«. with full particulars, "Clericiu," "Western Mall" Office, Cardiff. 13x16 1^\AILY GOVKRNKS8—WANTKD, In an Establishment \f for Young LadU*, a LADY to attend d ily from 9.30 a.m. till 5.30 I'w ?st."I.Y.I Sundays excepted.) Re. ■luiromeate, Mwùc, French, aud Drawiug.- Address Air& Pbilip Morgan, Morriatou Hou. Morriston, sw. lZx15 A PRO"FS()R OF THE FRENCH LANGITAGE, 1. g-i Switzer I" and. will have a t the end Of'J:"I\{r ÁÁdÿ tfI.n:I'H. BÕ} aa boarder*, to take the places f two who th,?. laave. F.?h <k.ln the tta"mfl:cre£Jh." ,Il en? M de Poury, Marlborough-terraee, 2, 'Iaple-road :reJ'l-)1r. John 'Sw, Rock Ho,?.' P?.?,y, 8."tb W.I". 13x1* A- YOUNG LADY DK8IRES a RE-ENGAGEMENT as 01?Nt. LADY RKEN(4A(;i,)if-.NT- -Add,- N" I'oeVoffioe, C-li.. 18 Otl1tøtic Jmantø Wmtti, ANTKl), GENERAL SERVANT for a l?ublie-ho? kWlio. (*- weekly. Ni. 1)1- l«Jg« X, 62, Õl';j'.l. rS'b;.rIøon'5 WA?NT?il D,l YW o??eS OENERAi" SERVANT. Small family.. Wages, il4.-Harrl«ms L. R try (►Wees. 52, Oldhata-street, Manchester. 15\J0 ANTED, at Harrison's large Registry Olffces, 62. Old- ham-street, ?r. a mbyer f (??EtIER?kL BERV 11, CooK, and UIRLS. Servants bi.gi'; their clothes sent to pl^oee day of arrival. (,-d..g.. Letters answered. L foond. ]Paybuit,.L 15x20 W" ANTED iinmetliately, an experienced O&'l&RAL WA ??R?'A.NT, who uiia-t?,.& p.8- ?.h- I", put out. Apply t 67, St. Mry-t,.t, £ ardiff. 15.17 WANTED, (4E?;EI'AL 8ERTANT for the country.- Apply in the tint pla? M Belve«Jere HOUAC, It. Clli 15.')D "IITANTED, 1..m.11 ."ily, HOUSEMAID hje pllll-li'd kept; *.vould b?r, 'Ur?d U) -IS% 1. _11i",Ir:i;II. '"It:ur;¡.- m- Fa?k?, W?tW?d, P?typcool 15x17 WANTED;r"bJe NURE)fAID with'-¡r>oo aara4?. Apply at C"tta¡e. 32, -L'?.kbwn. Cardiff. 15x20 CCARDIFF INFIRMARY.—WANTED, a COOK.-Apply j at once to the Matron, 15x30 «yANTEDagood GENERAL SERVANT, able to do Jfyf plain cooking, baking, waahiug, aud ironing, Imtl tb* duties C1Ï sniaU dalrJ. -ApIII, \0 liT, Edward Benn. Llangyfplach, Swansea. 15,17 WANTED, a good Plain COOK, in a gentleman's fil in a nuiet place in the country must be an active person with a knowledge of baking. Good charaoter indis- pensable. Lil-eral wageto given.—Address A. B., Post-oifioe, Krwood, R. S. 0, 15x17 WANTED iabout 25, as 1* DAIRYMAID and Plain COOK in a small family.- Addrew Mrs. James. Manor Deify Rectory, LlandjssuL 15116 ANTED, a good GENERAL SERVANT, one tome,1 to plain ?king.-Apply to )fm Emery, 61, Oonway-road, Canwn, Cardiff. 15xlo TIT ANTED, a)od GENERAL SERVANT. One expe- W A; w,ttchildren God h-t?, i:'x -Apply at 47, Ad&str?t, Codiff. 13.,9 WANTED AT ONCE, a GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, age about 17.—Addrtstt, with reference, It C., Post- ollce, Tail's Well 13xl6 TTITANTED, a respectable YOUNG GIRL, to 1-k ftr ,y A br'n '1'=:};¡: r,,M. T.gr?ph Ho,"l. Cardiff. 13X19 ANTED, a NURBEMAID iii?t be ?tiswnitd to child",n-AppJ, at li?at ?field Ho?, West gmve, Tradeprrllltl, Cardiff. In 18 W An;D. a "pèctl.¡,ï;;ïï;'¡-ÑUAAEMAID, about 15 years of age. Good relenw" required.—Apply at 165, Bt, =, Cdiff. I WANTED f?edistely, SE RVANTS of ?ll kil.- Apply to Mm Brooks' Regtetry-oflioe, Stow-hJU. New- pm? M. UxlS W Am' the New Year, a GENERAL SER- VANT Apply ?,i?.7 Thuraday next? at 27, Words- worth-street, R-bb, Cardiff. 12X15 W A::iE.:paliLac: MAID.- Apply L L?.i., 290, (?."g 12.18 AN TED Immediate I" a l;i SERVANT. W Two in family. Good wages.—Apply 10 Bedford viu" P.-t?idge-d, R..th, t?wjff. 11x17 ANTED immediately, a Good HOUSEMAID. A wl1 to M- Roberù, tb,, B..b f U.?- Note' Aberdaic. IlxI7 WANTED, a GOOD PLAIN (;OOK. Good rel?? .I. -Aptly W (Mrs. Evans, Br- Old Bank, Merlhyr TydfU, 11x17 \\TANTED, a GENERAL SERVANT. X.t u!?d.?- -d Plt. C-ki.g. Addr- A. N., %3. B,,t?r-d Cardiff. 11*17 WANTED bmofttely, a GENERAL SBRVANT, 'V f,I;If.,D:f.dlyaIari1.: 0,5,, Mc?rthyr-T7dti1. 10*1* A GENERAL SERVANT or NURSEMAID WA NTED Ck_l r, -AIlr:; W., "WMtom M?i' (,M." Ne""ort 11100 11><1. il/ANTKD immediately, a thoroughly experieaced SKR VA NT, from 25 to W, to u?ert?e the work of a Housemaid and Plain Cook; t- iu family. A Boy kept. -Apply at 6, ttrisbt?ti-6emcti. Cardiff WA.NTED,.oiNiRALtïiRVANT; nod cb- TV from lastplaoe reuulred. wg. £ 14 1* ye»- Apply 23, Higb-.t,.t. Cardiff. Vixm 1TTANTED. in a small family, a good PLAIN OWK, who "Ã;t: h.0:¿£ M..E"? and C., Grocers, Hi&h_.t",t, Cardill 9.15 TH7ANTED immediately, a good GENERAL SBR_ VANT. W ? ?'A???'A??e'"?"< ??_ VITANTED, Cooks, Parlourmaids, Ntwsexaaida, General Xf .Vrvants, Housemaids, Sc.-Apply at Mrs. P^dlor'a S<rv?X' RqiaUJ, 12, St. John-street, Cardiff. hUi AXTF.D ?mmeditMy. *.?'?'°???'?.'?"y? II MA It) in g?tlet? 'Yf=,-Addr? T.,We»- hvid. Buiith. 'V At:D,.¡,3 1' BEliVANI? oan cock do W"L- Apply at n. ??-= -t. Roath. Cardiff. hli ANTED, a competent SKRV ANT to Woøll-ii?:.J¡b" W ?'?A?*t3Sr? 3ri?? ?A??S?Si?SM'? l?,,C TXiff! G"tW, 2, Al.d-, A\ "ANTED an active Person, with gooi erfereaoes, as \V???<K?(??8??K?pER <M'S tn 'tto country. Sl.e mtwt be a good Pl?i. (3..kL-Add- Box 7, S)t?ce! S?n<Mt. ?'t WANTED, at Michaelmas, a good COOK labeot» !oo ▼ T family in the eoontry.-Apply M A&. #%rro*, John- \V -i':i,tO::ecI- olmm bar- if D<fu. and capable .fattoux t. the raerai datiai and to work ,onùt1 m c-* .dwI.- ASr<? M.?h?. W?tem MM. ?mteo. Hwifawlwwt. ^owtintic Jfm-aatjv waul fbrni. ,)VSEKK>J'r'R or. LINi:NKEEPER, »y a ^rmers c "'I"hly d.U-9.,L -Ad- .?) tS't? Pot ttie, A?'t*?"?. A « Hnl'HEKEEPEE, by a Respectable WkWw, *r to A »" UVA n^her or iu any llgkt buai»esa.—A4dwss J, H. T, Pi -'t-o^lce, t"1t1 «VFAVTFT> a"SITUATION as experienced NCRSE; W MliewellrJimnfcnd.d. Addr«-C. Davt^ Pj«t- oltice. Cowtrlilje. lIdS #UuatioiMi t'aøå W\V AXTED, a respectable MAN as alw) Wanted to Purchase, n.light OMNIBUS.-Apply B..I.ld, Mermaid Hott-l, Mumbles. iiTAVTvn -?Wt;?t "ILTA B.HLER f- b-d WASS.-Aa ^^w! T-U, 1. :u.: 15.20 JJT>Y WAX"-14' rM?' Cardief, xl5 ]Yt.if;: 1:.Trclmr. ?  LA i) I Fg f., tlh..c to vbig Yi)[I Apply to Harrb ?..j ( \\auailitr\. wawa. 15.20 W A-NMD.. GARD. anl (;R(K)M tiwmuutry. YV -Ap??to Wm_mHUwr?uB?SwM?__U? DR-?PERY,-VA('ANCY .?.r a 'etibblo pubiag D''??.t.???Y<.t?HA?J'X?'%?? to 0, Beddce, Oxfoni-strect, Swansea llXW  WA;t?(:,In'IiDt;ft BOOT'lW1, at the Wuten's Hotel, Cardiff. \v AílJio{:fY'i: aøGAâj ?V A?T for the Dmitry Trl.-Apply to G -[ oM* Ww.loo House, Pembroke. 111<27 To CHEMISTS.-J. James. Dowlals, is h» immediate To WANT of an ASSISTANT. Must be able to "ak the Welsh language. Lf>x20 ANTED, an ASSISTANT w Ihe (rmory ??t f>rapery T?.l?. 15 to Id ymrs f .4., Iliiq ?, make bin\8el?:fbm.)f\r-}t'r:icn to i1t¡ )oe p.t-.fh ",YPrKi(t. 15x r PRINTERS -WANTED ¡;îâ-¡;i;JOBBINH p HAND (accustomwl U> W?l.h) -d a TURNOVER Arplyt. J..I-b., lh3?,?.y 15,Í1 a •♦ood active JCNIoR.- (1R^CERYWANTED, t,r,? .?(i reference, to IJ- F Trade-ball, h?"'<M?r?. ",yuma", 13\ 15 WÃn:ltK, MARRIED MAN, as TIME an* STORE- KFt pR. Wife to clean ofd-. ? ?t week and cottage Apply to Heath and Co,. !aiDd,: CIIf. ??ia 'tHrAXTiKI' A RE^ECTABLE YOUN(i Pt;K?)N to I?tk,n" to the shop and make hi??it ?fiil Mist )<tt*H?n)"?t j;(«t tppetfMC.. ApyJt??t'nt.Me. re ♦ •wired, age. aud reference, to C. M'Caskie, Pernimer, Swansea. t:hW. -J WV* RAPERY.- H. Cromwell has Vacancies !o. JUNIOR I 1 ?A?TA"?1'6, made and it 12,13, and 14, Hi^h- street, Newport. Mou. 13x16 CAr.e(f. C:Wo;: t;:¡; J: Who)? Ste*)* Ct'?uct Worh.. [!ro?tu..td. Hri..t.)L 13<16 TlfTLLlN KRY.—WANTED, FIRVR HAND Winu-diatelr ifl M\*t to thoroughly experienced.—App'jto Jonesaiwi tv, rcu?r?J. 130 \lrANTFI>, A MILLER, to take charge of aud work a ");nl :to P" k{t,of \l;'Ot: terms a.1 reference., to Mr. J. W. Yo"n" Neath. 13"6 TO DRAPERS WANTED, .,? ACTIVE BOY, ..1 TO f.:rl(: A:D;. Wh thorough knowledge of the t.1, -Apply to W D. Jones, draper. Anchor House, Aberavon. 13x19 11{ONMONGER% WANTED t once, a JUNIOR Il( Á:¥,n-,f "iK{.; ÄtlJ "t/ 111 J amen, lroumoiuer, Merthyr Tydhl. 13119 rI po PARENTS AND GUARDIAN ^WANTED, a TO .r:ttf'?H oAfJ-¡1'i NISHING and GENERAL IRONMONGERY BUSINES6. —Apply to William James, Ironmonger, Merthyr Tldtil 13119 WANTED, at the Bush Hotel, Merthyr, & r"i>fJ"lle YOtTit BILLIARD MARKER. 13.1, W A:t'fo"2:r; "I':fc[oh;l and P.,Im," Trade. Personal application preferred. Apply to B J Evans, Li.. Tea Warehouse, l,,?riffd. 12x18 rX jpO WHEELWRIGHTS, &WANTED i.dit?ly, a Tg?.d HAND, amwwmt,t to light -d h.a" work- Apt4y to J. D.,i., Dy.??.r Aims ..t.rdw:. Swau8ea. 12x18 j)r.:¡'ïtl:ntJ:v1rE )'o w a to cut mantles.—Apply, statJogfull parti- <uI" to T, WiW?m, London Ho? Crickhowell, 12?.18 W ANTFI), &YOUNG MAN to D?H,?r God?, ..d n? \V AFæè "orGT:t¡d.\OOI".o\r T?,IOW. 12.15 \VrANTED, a good SHIP SMITH. Apply at John Sh.y.' .,t Do ?,k!? Newport. tl2,l3 GROCEItY.-WANTE?.t I T NT.- -Apply, t.t t, gfl pocted, to M=ager, Co-operative Stores, Troedyrhiw. uear rth?r. 1 ,.18 W/ANTED, an ASSISTANT 10 the GRO(7ERY TRAÐE.-Apply, atatig age andsalary required, to John Griffiths, Treory. 12.13 \V r;a:Fi. heavy work.—Apply TV t- 1).,i.. .d S. Price-street, Rhy..?y. J2.y8 TOBAKERS AND CONFUTIONERS.-WANTM. y MAN, in the above Ihie, wt? u ia Egg Goods. -APthï:JkIluÎko; :r:b:: Rb,WIl"" M. 11x17 "1 ANTED, an di,? b?, MAN, to look "fter two WANTED,.R I drive one.—Apply to 060"" Hopkins, Grocer, Abcrdare. 11x17 X\TANTED immediately, an experienced BARMAID. W AYl..¿¡a:b'W':¡J1raOOO desirable, but ua Ily, to ?. Roberts, the iid.Hr.I'nl, to M" Robe¡i"x{io Bunch of mi? H oUl, 11x17 J-c-LiöYIi:-pharmaœUtical Chemi.t, Bridgend, hu a J. VACANCY for an APPRENTICE. 1.17 mma -iUNIOR HAND, .1?", 1- REQUIRES immediately a JUNIOR HAND, also an IMPROVER. »\17 \\7ANTED, Married Ob,C<;¡ft. Cart Horses: mwt bD bl. to pl.?4b. Cott g.?d r, "=4 f- Good wages.—Address W. N?j. W-t?- t!-7it" (,M^ Newport. l To JOINERS.-WANTED, >X)UR god JOINERS, TO ..1c'W ':tA- to ¿::eIlyE. Hery, LI?tri?t. Glamorganshire. lId7 \T ANTED, a Y?g Man u CLERK in a )fembant' W AÔT.D, .;t,ohu.;r:[et¡f,3' P. 0.0,. Poat-oflicc. Swansea. IUd/) BOOT ANDSi'ïõETRI!;D, J I iOR ""d ASSISTANT and APPRENTICE.-Apply to B^rle and Ca. Cardiff. 0.1 l WANTED, COLLAR ?.?d HARNESS ?4AKE& \V AC.t jObl'tyR 10"d J n£ertu aaut. 10x16 TO GROCERS' ASSISTANTS. WANTED, an motive T° y't I£J¡l'T,tf:ä::°:: I.ry, .d reference, Richard Atiif?, Vi?tri., Ebbw V.I.. 10x16 y..t-h INVOIIE CLERK, who h. Vf till"" a slwU.ituaUo. -Aprly..tI>Ung bIl1, &c., by letter, to Cognac, Weetem MIÚl' Oftlee, C"rdUr. 10x16 WANTED, APPRENTICE to the ROPEMAKING. _Apply at No. 6, Angel-otmt, Cs"t. 10x16 V\^ ANTED, a CLOCK JOBBER, who can repair Jewel- I I L1 -d to make himself genorally usefuL—Apuly to D.,i=dso., j?', 1"y \V Ar.;EJiiptA'i:in.oo' experienco Tv in a shipbroker's office. -Address, in o?i hand writ- ing, stating age ? d,ry .L,d, X. Y. 2., Post-office, N w t?rt, o O^OLLIERY AGENTS.-WANTED, for a Colliery in I.1 and a th..iwbly p-ti?? M.? UND AR- MANAGER. He mut have wrtitimto of wryim u requirt?d by the r?.t Mine Act T.. first-rate energetic man a li ?.1 .?d progressive salary, according to e'tt.. will be paid.—For further particulars apply to Messrs. Elford, ip,,1, -Forturtber p ig t. M-Elfrd, ilud (?.mp.=Pper Ow sv MASONS WANTED for Bridge Work.-Appb to W R.b,?rWR&il?yContm Bridi-tL 9x5 VITA NTED. a SMELTER l*top- who Ih, roughly 'mdo !d. the building aud working of a Lead Blast Furnace. He would be required to assist in the work J. ? of n?1-Apply to Elfor%l, WiW?, and Co., Swansea. 9x. ??ANTED. t good WHEELWRIGHT. 5s. ptr?? of If nine ho? Con.t?t work.&d&- K., Post-onice, Neath. 9x15 fl^O DRA PER'WANTED, a stm tive JUNIOR HAND Good r-a? reqitad?-Apply t. G ?-??,o .rp., S., HÔRTHANUCLERK WANTED In a !Iolicllo"'s Office in Vwùllf, Aid- with references (no tesUnwnlalo), and also stating age and salary re'4.1.d, Ix, W..arn l" TO ;RSGA. 'D, T. Osbout 17. Good n n? requisite.—Apply to H. H. bolo:n-, 43, Jam??L?t, Docks, C"iff. 9x15 UTAGGON BUILDERS WANTED immediately at Bax- ▼ I endaleand Heald's Waggon Works, Chorley, Lan -I,im None but steady and oompetent men need apply. (?o_t..t .k for good men.—Apply direct, or to their Ageuts, Drummoud Brothers, SWWJ,:1gea. 8x' MX WO good LATH CLEA\"ERS VANTED, also a prac- tical good MILL SAWYER, fit for a circular and rack bench, and a log fnwe; aU to have ]»eriu&nent employment -Add,- A. 6. C., W.U- MaU"0thce, Cardiff. 6x* KDICAL.—WANTED immedlatoly. an APPRENTICE by a Surgeon in a practice in a mining district ill Glamorganshire.—For further particulars address Mediqis, care af brt hom?, E?.q., ?30 11-itr P. IF ciiffi:S-Ã.k>dweJ:rou Junior ASSIS- T- Also, a wett-eduoated Youth as aa Appren- tiee.-AddMMtA. H. ??m MtU" ?SiM. Cardiff: 21r* AGENTS.—Money made rapidly without interfering with present occupation. — Particulars, One Stamp, Pare and Co.. -Bidrmi.. 9x15 GENTS.-WANTED Immediately, AGENTS for Jewel- lery and F?c Oood& 8?d addra?d ?velope fw price list to Jam" g immom H"ufadurius J.,?ll. 28 1 Edgbaeton-street, Binwth-. 9.15 PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT. Active, l,t,114-1 P'2FN Z?.m £ 5 weekly in taking 0? ? ?r ('u D8veltleø-.emet.h1wr new bought by all chwses. Rare op- Frvt elt W No previous knowledge requir 'd* -Addr G. (UI. Bacon Co. 121 113.26 llfANTED.-The Ad,,rti., is open to SELL ll..? and if yteam Coals, also Oils, Ac., on commission.—Address Alpha, Post-office, Morriston, Sw- 13.16 To GROCERS.—AS MANAGER, TRAVELLER, or ERANCH MANAGER, by?t?.. I 8W1 aged 29. Highest erferences and ..u?ity.-Add- P.? 11, Stanhope Ground., Abergav?uy. 13.16 1MN-PLATE, IRON NIANU ITREfLi,.?d Otb' 1 Au AGENCY :y¡, upon merchants. • .bipp,m in.g?r., ?d consumeis, through United Kin,ùom, Repr"ned one flnn. "bliJbed J, 13 y.rs. Ad,- G, J. D" 69, Temple-strtet, DUston. 13xl 1AW COSTS.-A IleDlauuWOt-.rleD.e, "ib high I, t..ti.,)?ia,C ? ?dt?rtake tho working up of A?R??"°A'!dM?T. ,dTeW.o{(, ?c?. Swansea. 15.20 AS TRAVELLER. REPRESENTATIVE, OR COL- A BLmtYJTJ¡:JMrNfi good mo?tile hou?, by a bcrou¡bl, OOWp"t.D of .?e. year*' experience. Reference and 1,? it r q uired,— .:r.:1t¡,r Box fi:d"W; mil?u- ire(L Cardiff. 14d- jBtuatidiu WxsUA. JAD1ES -? h.,? LESSONS in aU kinds of Berlin w?l _j work, knitting, netting, bt It lace, &?., ?ith., a,1b.r'INC:'it.Át;' Cathedral-road, Card iff. 15xl1 ,f6-' RApk'M. -WANTED, SITUATIONby.Y 9 MAN, age 21. G,?ld rf-Addr- H. J., Post .M., Ab?n.y. lifl7 \V !n¿k,Õ:bJb:,u;' in tb Puwnbroking business. Has bd f-ul years'experience In 'he -w Age 17. (,d character.-Addre8 E, 0., "'WeoMr?'?it" 6&M. CMuiN ?' xl5 'V À! by k:o;E.Gj;.LJ.í rd" to '?-P I.A. Books ported aud .k,? out his acoounts. Teruw ..d,,r.w. -Add-, Beta, Wuleln M?t' om" St. MMy-ftreet. CanliU 15x20 T0 THE BOOT AND SHOE TRADE.-WANTED, by a TO f\V;f(. s: IJt:TW NaT¡.lt BRANCH ?IHOP. 7b? man to all up W. time with cutting, fitting, and machinery. Adderss "Levant," Pos&-offioe, Aoor"aYtmuy 13x16 rA po. BUTCHERS -WANTED, a SITUATION by a 1- poctablo Man, aged 25, who th.,r.ugbl d?.t-(U tbe Business.- Addre<*« W. W" Post-jftice, Abergavenny. 12x18 AN ,dy..u DESIRESa RE ENGAGE- BARlAiAdd? X* }:t! Mail" Offices, Cardiff. 12x18 A RESPECTABLE trustworthy ?o. 36 Ymn of -a.' AAnd a good -?W w-t.. 81TUATION to keep accounts, or to be pat in a plaoe of trust. Godr? f.c. ""r.t °roH' t úJa?bf:'h;: 12xl. I WAry Y.g M- 21, a SITUATION b, the grocery. 8 years 'I. -Add Grocer's Assiatant, P,.I,.M' !Tob4?rd? 11x17 YOUN(TdRNTLEMANlage22) wouldlike to meet .ith light EMPLOYMENT, oommeuclug Jan. 1st, Ir, ot much an ,bj?t u a view to promotion; ..d i.Äd:1:st Box 20, :nStmok w, mu YV ANTED-VilTUATION as CLERK in a foundry or II ironworks. Untiumtd""IJt? mfmn? -Address A. 0" 1..t.ottim M.th. 1.17 (1ARDENKR (miÁDI.(¡: Lanllo" =rried, ? family K for ytan gardener Ie h, I.w R. B W??.yl Esq., Devon, I. open to a RE-ENGAGEMENT ?ith .y g-?.ti?. Man iu want of a good practical man in all It, b.?h., :l'h: :ulti:W-1ttt:AùitV.b: Lyme R"IIo. D,?-t x15 \r ANTED, by a Young M3i.1:;h-;l¡;-Wl': IT TIMEKE,ITP h. 'Tightokd Hi.bL t references. -AddreM J. R., .rW.tn 14ailàfoo, CA"lItr, 9x15 B(K KEEPER.—WANTED, by the Advertiser, who I. )1 capable of taking charge of a set of GAGE. MFNT as B(X)KKF.EPER in a Merchanffl Ord.Fi.t- class refercuces. -Address A F., "Western MaU" Office. (;.difr. 9.16i WANTED, by a YOUTH, a RWENGAGEMI?N M JUNIOR CLERK; hvig W some experience in an fo. before; good refelono. App17 D, W. T., *W?? MaU" Office, Cardiff. 22d* W ANTEDr^SITUATlON as Clerk, Collector, or any W.ATFD,,&S]IrLTATION u ?lmk. Collector 6zaAny ?.tmt TBMVY? expejdmm ferenceAddre gott. 7tNE POUND REWARD. L(MT or STOLEN. <rom 0 E?Md HouM, Newc-Mtte. Bridj;.nd..hM?m. cur)y Sttr KKTRtt.VKK DCKL, M?weri.? to the n&me of ? R .v?r'" .11 MMk but the bMMt. which b ?hi.. -AP,IY to Mr W Lt"i..Mt'MM. '?'°_ I"' >IVE POUNDS REWARD. LOST, £ 30 In feur » }'1' k'A.Tbènn "de rt ?W'ed??'Mt. Tbe ftader, If hon..t. wiU pi?. ftthe ? Sr??"?. fcU?'ft'or. Aber.ychM and the iMer will be edlewol, thMiMuL J .? L ]- OtÍT-T;d;y.'eulni9thr, a mt*U ],L V itbr I. tha neighlwurhood of ?' 3&Xh.±w?''?h??rw??d? w ?"dW'he, I.o.i? Station, Car III* f OST, on the 8th inBtant, a Black DOC. crem  I i iju 8th i.t-t? NA1, d- ,d J,e.AAd- Th;- M 14. 15 reward gi.»n — AAlrtes Thomas Mlla, Ferndale. ltt15 L (;¡,J;-¡;GeJ1f: 3:Mt"-1rr" Mr. B. E,? G?? elli L?encir PIfaw, M?teg. 11»» li RA I)NO R SHEEP, muked VI, K. on 'he left lj Side, and fig. 8 on the rúcht; red on the neck .ud r'?p?'Ad?AT???t?e?tn.d P.ntre. A liberal n'w.f(l gi" lOd6 10t16 LXIIINI), on 'h011h ínatïA GREY DONKEY. Owner f can have her on appllmtion to Edward Smith, 37, North-lane, Tredegar, on payment f ?,.t f kl-P and ad.ertialnl, WillI.. If not claimed b??fo, Satui'da^ ?MtW)t« to  t ?ARHU'F.- t'unt?hMrArARTMKr)T8 to LL=: I J Sitting-mom, with one or two bedro ¡m.- Address /». A W..tr. Mail" offi., cawic. 10,IG I ?ARP?F-WEMBUURNECM?OEKT.-A HOUHK V-' to LET unfurnished, containing l IOOUJS and a d :U\X'ia"tl;i?'if'ffic::Jd 12.18 "l>OATH. APARTMENTS ('A'ordaworth- XV Gentlemen or married COUlJk TeT19. 32a. 6d. iD. t)tMit(!Add? Spero, '"wStX? Madl" Odic., Ctniit 9.15 CCARDIFF.-To be .LET. Two or ThrM *??? > ROOMS, for aingle gentlemen. Apply at 182, RuW rotd.L'trdia; ?_L?°?'  °? -— ? T EWI'ORT,Öomfo;t;¡;¡;¡PARTMI.;¡.TïIi.h.höie i.1 of the bo?, furnished.—Apply at 16: ,tjoy-Pi N ."port, °*?' ? 9'? 1TV\ IEWPORT.—APARTMENTS to LET, at 4, York-place. Ktow bill. 1' WANSEA,-Furnished APARTMENTS to LET. Terms SWANSEA,-Fum"ed"&RTMENTSto LET. T- -Apply t 9. F-t.1d.,10.16 gtparttttfnt# SWANSEA. WANTED, TL,,?, or Four UNFUR, C) Ms'!iM) Mt'MS. near ?e Bunow<Ad?reM 6,,n ow., Wmtem M oftim, BW?& luxis gtmtiiei), etc., to GET. CARDIFF.-To be LET, a HOUSE -d SHOP, tt 26, CAt;o R..th. -Apply t 19, ?;'t,a: diff wl5 R °1.:lŸtT.\f.TNlf¡,,ntuii. Apply to J. R. Nicholas and Co., Bute Docks, CardUI. 13.19 PóIucf¡;1f'Cr-ro: Apidy to G. Corp, Auctioneer, Haym, ff. or LLANSTEPHEN.—To LET, fi?ished, on The Green, ?J Ufmttoph.m. SEMI-DETACHED YILLA, contain- iuj!tw?ttiu?uLbe(ir<xmM, kitchen. <.&; IiÜO one unfur. nished, coutainiug on sitting, three bcoma, kith{)u, tc. Both ltaH gardens, .uù are tadug the sea.—Apply to Cap- "In..}" 1'1ø. "Y'llIarthpn 13x- XTEWPORT.- To LET, a Furnished HOUSK-Add- N¥to.1fTi;oe"igffø T?. EATH.-OFFICEs to LET, situate on the Parade, -"t .ll door 10 lb. L?.d- and .Provincial Bank.—ror P-rti- culaR apply to F, Broughton, Neath and Broo^u Railway, Brecon. 13x19 W and COACHHOUSE TO LET, back of 3. Richmond-villas.—Apply to Thomas Broad- wood, 18, Phiiiip's-parade^ 9x15 ??AKt?A.-To be LET, ALBERT VILLA Walter's roa<l, containing dining, ilrawiug, .d breaJtfast-roouis, tive "ood bedrooms, bath-room, two w.c.'s, and uaual omcw. Alw. a large U.?d, whkh may be moo as a kitchen garden, or converted Into a croquet iwmid. It has a side door and Uck t I)t e, is ",ry Ily 1 0 t .Oj8il,a:ai is e2í ::i::dtly ¥a; is now li..h.1 'the gm is put hrouah the house? with fittings all oolUplo. and the house is ready for immediate posses- sion.—Apply to Beyuon and Hughes, Auctioneers aud House Agents, CutJo-lqu&re, Swauaea. 151 t TO f :\?;M'J¥: :i"'á"o possession rpo be LET, Wi?w Months, very desirable FAMILY A for the RESIDENCE, it-W but li?, miles f= Llanelly. Th. House _pri? drawing, dining, and aitting-rooms, 6 bod- loorns, dressing-rooms, kitchens, and offices. Also, good Stabling, Coach-bouses, a largo G.uden, d 3 i;.t- Fields.—For particulars apply to Mr. F. G. Go ugh, Auo- tioneer, 4, West Unù. Llanu1J1. fJU- I ARGE WAREHOUSE and STOREROOMS, with • X J tt)ling, wacbho??, Ac.; whole or portion. Flue .p,.i.g for Whol.W. Grocer -,I I'romioll XmbAut.' of S..th W.1-.Addr- 333, W.t,?. ?di uM, I 3.v LLANDOVERY. To LET, R.w-ry. M?thpuM. and storeroom, with eY convenience, ud now in rkluk order. Also a large dw"% ghou ke-For f;uth. parti- c??l?, Pllly to p ^troww, ek., Wanted. /CARDIFF.—'WANTED, a BUS!NE83 PREMISES or no V "?L" ?7hi?b V1? uvert?? to a shop, in or li?r L,kh,?,bt.w,?, Cdid.-Addl- A. IL, Pos^ofiioe, X. port 15.16 ARD1FF.-WANTED in oentro of ho town, Hou8E and SHOP suitable for a Tobacconist.-Apply to IL Maroh, ThriMell Houae, Stapleton-road, Bristol 15I1. >ARD1FF.-WANTED, by the tint ?k in Januw7, 1 C HOUSE, with not leas than ° Bedrooms, in easy walk !OEi:ld,e == and rent, A. P., 29, Wordsworth street, U-th, Cardiff. 13xl6 X1 EWPORT.—WANTED, two well-lighted Roo 8 euit- b I. t. hi pbk,??,. gN. r?*-A X. Y. Z., Post-office, New tort. lo.? WANTED, i. Newport or S.b,.b., ?ith i-di-t- W?oS??. ?S?"or°Ei?'?m?W??'? HOUSE, it ,d tt-h,,d' R..t nt t d £ o0 HOU_SR?L.±A, H2, Post-office, Cxuuilin, M°n^ 9xl5 Laousto, lad, ttt., for jfalt. CANTON.—TO BE SOLD, by PRIVATE CONTRACT ? about d8M <MtM of good lyND?-M-.tl 'P'M?<' view aud ite for ho?, within '8 H. of Cardiff; two V, ILLAS EI1.l, nine rooms In «wh, and lane 'gardens and a backw&y; loftM, 999 years, from June M? ;et"o'In;J= =.1: = = garde"s ..tiig fruit fr-; both freehold; price £ 1,050. RM°' ?r?uM Hotmim ptiot  A piece of I?ad in C)he-ro?. 20 feet fronts. 1M feet ?'?'m*?'' of Land in Llandaff-road, 101 feet frontage, about 180ft depth. ot c(Ll}f:. Houses :tIuofro 0-din; several iu Temperance-town, Newtown, Splottlands, Roath; several Villas in Partridge-road, from £ 350 each* several Houajs OD 5?) &WM C?)S; &pit<t V<mlt< iD (?Mton (trM). To be fi:'T:J.: wd J V.IÙ:8h:' the middle of CIUdi1t; I And for building InW1IoI"road, CUve-road, and I)kuugJ=2itt4l87l. Abo.t four acres of Land adjoining the railway, for a factory, be- tween LlaJJdaJf and El7. A Iw¡e Hot,.llo X<et in Cardiff; tw" nine-roomed Villu and Iw¡e gardens, rent £ 30 Jev; S?mM S?SttM?t-Mtd. d JMU t ???? Y l? Thomas Davies. h.- and laud S..t, 34, C,.wb?idg-d, Canton, Cardiff. mw* FOR SALE or TO LET, excellent bW.- PREMISES, and 14, Crockherbtowu, Cudiff.-APPly to W. H. Daviee and Co., C ?? vSt oSe. H.Y. CM?&. 261* 3uoiutooto for LoinooliL RAPER&' VALUER, over Twenty Years' Experience in buying stocks by tender; also in IL fr others, with and without second .Iu.Apply to John L?''tT!rtieS UouM.' ?wMMt. 15?27 £ CARDIFF.—CAPITAL FULL LICENSED HOTEL, V^ .,?ll MI-t?d L. the id.t.f. P.P.I.- and Improving Iligh?ourhoo,%I and u? the site of ma utwtoi. I- oou.ne of er t,on.,mvery ?uable.-Appiv to M?. J" ¡:oa, A.?ti. k., 2G, High-.tr.t, C.Wff 10.16 C"ARDlFF.-For immediate DI3POSAL, at valuation, a;. t old?tablishw ReWl COAL BUSINESS.—Apply t? Mt«*«. J.nkins and Maynard, Au.ti-?.m V ,eM &?., High-street, Cardiff. 30*1" LANDAFF.NEAR CARDIFF. -Capital Doublo-lioensed PUBLIC-ROUSE; rent and price moderate. Apply 1, N.eti8lti. JtnkilUl and Maynard, Auctioneers, Valuers, kc., 20, High-street, Cardiff. 10*16 CARDIFF.—A ve'7 ld-t.Mib.1, Free, Doubl.llœnsed rU BIAU-"(U k"mte in the upnerpartof the ""wn. Iri.d,?,.t?,-Ap ly (0 Mmm Jorbim and Kumd. Auctioneers, Valuers, Ac., High-street, Cardiff. 10xl6 ~W A NSEA^TWOcapiial PUBLIC HOUSES for SALE; 8 'bout iL70 each.-Apply to T. M. J?ei, P.t-.tti. Buildings, ¡¡".n. 15x17 R. HARRISON, 62, Oldb?.tr.t, Manchester b- to 1\¡EfII:i ftmlÎrfilII village Good house, with garden, &e, Incoming, aboutiffi Keut, i'35. 15.:10 MR. HARRISON, 62, O?,lh.?tr.t, M h. a }fau£:tlfoiJ1id-tiv;.niÕÎÍ on that great thoroughfare, Oldham-road, Manchester, ."If. to live barrels wm ly. IngOin¡ù; R?.t, 135. 15.20 R. HARRISON, 62, Oldham-street, Manchester, has to LET some r? m free 13EER ,01 8 .?.8; &L? BEER- HOUSES with Shp,? Groat standing I. M..?ht,,r. lugoiDgs, £ 30, £ 40, X45, X50, XCQ, to XM. Frw PUBLIC- HOUSE, £ o50 15.20 R1STOL.—Capital Free SPIRIT VAULTS,|dtuate in a T?ki.iIit ?-t.t: I can be'made, £ 100; bPR-IT VAULTS, near Railway Station. £ 50 only; where many fortunes have been made.—Apply to sr. Weeks, Bristol bridge. 15x20 DRAPERY.-A go-jd DRAPERY CONCERN f.1-. diate DISPOSAL, In a good llitnaUon, Flnt-rate pre- ?W-Apply at No. 2,8tp.?yt,?t, Lbw.II1, 22a* TO LIVERY-STABLE IŒEPERS and OTHEM.-TO 90LD BUSIN 'M' G..dwil? d Stock I. Trad"f a Olf4.g.¡¡.t;}tt=4:¿ premise* very centrally situate, l>eing in capital working order, and otttfist of good stable, coach-house, covered yard, harn- roem ?dfow..?mwtw4? A good oppor- yw(l r??m 117? ?7:A ? t!yto ynon md llugr"w, Auctioneers -d itat-e t?nta qwt?, Sw? 2M, }O\tt the STRANTON IRON & STEEL WORKS, t-t t Wtt I"rlll in 11, oI Durham, now in full and profitable operation, Th.=ko- -,I valuable Freehold Works adjoin the North Eastern Railway at West Hartlepool, .,A the ?,?ilway III d.?., both .itl,i..d without the w.,k?, is conveniently &rraDgeJ and ?.tl? I.di.g and ..I?.di.g .? chel)' etI. 'rh wLtrk coi.sist f p,,ddli. forge, ilh 25 ? f- a,, t hi'?L ;\):.r":f-tll;iu:f;\tc:;d.i ;f; condition, are capable of producing 200 toni of puddled bar per wee k over the entire year. There are two shingling ham W. by well-known makers, capable of shingling the iron from 30 furnace& The foue tnm wnsit. of three W..1 rolls, &davted for rolling bars Ir lllat, angles. or r.u& The .,ill.?it ,f 20 1.,1, plate, calculated to produce lW to 106 tcus 01 finished plawa pcr week, with excellent guillotine shears MDÙ vthn appHallœd, the workniaoshi throughout "Ig very good, I ,he lgi, of P.?i zy t-cl- ;gwi.OQ(l a ;:ü :i:,Dl)l:s:l 150 to 2("J tons 01 finished rail per wek and a small bar mUl, with two furnaces, for te production of merchant iron, ,.P.bw f ki.g IW to 120 tons of br iron par ??,k ?'be work>hope and offices oon sist of a commodiaus foundry, ntting -d iatbe shop*, ?t-s. and offices, -d a fo\\r.ho stable and outbuildings, The Liquidators of tboStrauton Iron and Steel Company (Llmittxl) are prepared to receive :1Of8 for the n: of f:l):: works. For fulipar- ,¡cnlulÕ, -,) -d, to view, apply to the Liquidators, at their office. o110, C-.0.7. Lüut!Qu, RC.; to Md68T8 Cape and H..i?, 8, Old Jewry, London, KC.; to Frederick it: :I:& J7!cl,eE;ri.'t. or tc the A'.t the,Works, W?k "arUeV.I, k. ill tTo h? Plant, Stock, and M-bi"y on the Works will be wJd by taluatkm in the usual way. x15 "Qoxm, Carriage, livt Jtød&, tit. VOW on SALE, at GWATKIN'S CLYTHA CARRIAGE i.1 WORKS, Claernce-place, Newport I-ri? N., W..?tt,, (on the ?.e, t principle, W4 wn_ £ 60 vortitle rnto a Stanhope phaeton) New Parisian Vis-a-Vlo Vony Phaeton 3& p. 27 N ew dog-cart 30 New pony Gadabout (The "Clytba") 18 t?.helor's 9 for po 20 ?w agricultural ?.rt 25 N, kt cart or f-?'. 20 :l;faiDd seat) ewly-raioWd park phaeton (on!lt byMulliner) good condition, cost £ 80 40 ]:bl;, wie' k.' .âe' and .månu¡Oao. tured on the premises ?y thoroughly ..peneneed workmen. kl CARTS and WAGGONS for SAL&-S-e?-.1 now Fi.t O.rt.. -Apply J. S. I)'ne, 1)..k-.t_t "orb. New]»ort, Mon. a I?OR SALE, Two TROLLEYS, broad p heavy Fotb 3-inch axles -id be altered to any 9-g- with little expense. Vowù w' al the Great te,. lUilway Station, Tonyrefail, Pontypridd.—Apply to Mr. Morgan, Three Horse Shoes. Tonyrefail. 9x15 H()R»B FOR 8ALE.-A Ub?uut HORSE, 5 off 15-1 lull of bone and muscle, .-I thorough-bred, suit able for either saddle or harness, and looks like hunting a luck o' b. ri, !;?(Ile or harness, wil lwke11V1eh,t' -Add,- A. S. F., P. ,H,% -■ I BR ftOU).—A Bay Gelding, five years old; ORSE TO BE SOLID.-A Illy (double and Bingle). l'ri« e A?5O.-Apjly to Mr. Beynon, -y Park^Pem- bn>ke. 33t*6 I >AT SHEEP ? Forty or Fif? for SALE, cither by weight }'A r 'l;f¡;;r d FiJtflA'jr dt A. S, F., Po?ty?o Home, I?ttemton, South W&IM 10xl6 OGS and FERRETS FOR SALE? two Spaniels ..d Fv, mI gh t nWcCtmiu?eAp ply D.,i. 3, High-otr?t, Sw.. ? 9XI5 }"OR HALE, a Dalmatian DOG, two Y?m old, very hand- ?o..a follow. a .rrig,, ?,,11.-AddTm E. J. W., Post-office. J>ontarùw61 neaf Swansea. uxio KAHMAS^nd Half-bred B.h. toe April (,bilk early layere; can be seen at the Malthouse, Wcstburj- vApply to M r.J Wi¡:r7 -IGHTBRAHMX OOCKERELand PULLET, well I j feathered: .t .?Id 1, )?..t' -Add- D. J., P.-t-ofti., Blidg"-l x15 kat V —A 1. e-tity ,f CEFSE, TIJRKEIW, II DUCKS? and FOw Z s in the Sw.- Flh Market, -.t,,t.i,i .16 parhiwert), ZOOLFI, &r„ fat ale, I-' V)R SALE. VERTICAL BOILER, 10ft. by 4ft. 61n" two .I.' On cross tubes, new, tested to 120 lbs.; two6in. 'ER. TICAL ENGINES, strong A frames, heavy fly wheel, "'w in Hwanwa and 'Et.I:=e delivery.-Apply to I bi ilw.. d C- E-gt-W-, 8- 15i20 FOE SALE, very fine pair Horiwntal Oumpound Eipaa- r MvetMt CmdeMiDt ENGINES, bf R?"U, of Bolton, eaual to ne"; l1n"re çJhnner, 20 In,; 1o". pressure cylinder, *'?'m.?S°?SS<??'t"'?. M? ttmoKd rtt*nt)mt of cost; ma¡ud':J:b:['jt1':i "en time» their nominal bom p"wor; are complete ith airpunm. feedpump, 1..0. valves, piping, 15 ft. apur- ?hSf&)..?S?S&. '?S? ??' ??'Mir. ?? Mom A banIvJn,.torimm.te remov-ÅPPlY to Wheauey Kirk d Prioe, CoDBuJt ED¡lnee. Manchester rl'u OONTRAO'l'OB8, ENG k-Por SALE T"t?S?S??MT'?&.AM ENGINES from I to SD-honte power,, several SIT^AM BOILERS, several portable eniioea. Øe8m onne, OMtrlfllpl pumps Ions Ü-IDoh, by Owynne and Oo., °?S?tS?'?°<SSS??*?'? mN-BMrniI?Mwerfntmbwin??Mtt?te?pume? crane, blocks M? chains; t)M *e'M*t tnmiat! lathes, screwing maobines, powerful lever punchingmachine, ene ditto, drontM sawing a<Mhine fm mMMtron. DMIW .?bi. boiler td?M thtMnf;, plWl1mer"f,Q .d beuiDpl..t 1,000 pulle, YI-. Mttf?. betlewt.te. -?pS te &mictt. Broth- BDIIn- MMUaMT A"o- Commission Agents, Ac., Bear-lane, lit'1: th.T£.="¡ FOH SALE. ODe 10 h.p. PORTABLE ENGINE,asgood ONE NEV^Vh^'paSTABLE ENGINE. ONE 8h p. PORTABLE BOILER. ONE 6 h.p. MARINE BOILER. To be at work at the Tredegar Show. ONE anhd .p. PORTABLE ENGINE by Clayton Now am box -d tib- ONE PO RT ABLE ENGINR ONE 4 Fh. ,? 3 :fJi¥IWl<UNE ..d Boiler 0 NE N bined. ON'EC 3 b.? HORIZONTAL ENGINE. Oan be seen at its work in Nowport. Proprietor taking it out to put One In hrice the ?iye. ONE*r3MM°?LE GRINDING M!H.byS*M?o< GI.-W,, 3 ft. 6 1.. ?to. Will be eihiblted at Lord Show. 0ä:J:8;:8 CASK WASHER. ONE NEW PIG IRON A)øo about 100 other M?hiuei?, Carta, and Implements. At CHARLES D. PHILLIPB'B E-KW-li-9 .w?7Nt? PO:reE8èo\\JHS,:gM'1. gear (if required ) CORNWH BOILER4, 4 and 10 VI?R TICIL BOILER, 6 h.p. STATIONARY GuY::If 9 IL O;Fi d p1'tT=n Glouoeø\er. 15x1O PO1¥JîlW:' S, 6, 7, and 8 te.; 8 foet I and & WbIID??ll ? ND'R"J"M ? 0 '?A'?rl' 6N I R Y EV6 i N'EB- '2 WINDING DRUM BTAlrliNARY ENotNES, 2 and 8 h.p.; 42-inch 8AW BENOH; VERTICAL BOILAR $h p. In excellent order, OOoa¡¡.-F/eJd!Ds owd Piatt, Engineers, Gloucester. 9x15 ORIZONTAL ENGINE FOR 9A:LE.-12i. y 16in? etmke'ith link £85.-1. w Boulton. Aht.d?,.Ly-. 5x PAIR OF NEW COUPLED HORIZONTAL ENGINES FOR SALE.M.IDoh cylinders, 4 ft, stroko, with wrought-lron oranks and shaft. Pair of ditto, with 26-inch cylinders, 4ft. stroke.—I. W. Boulton, Ashton under-Lyne. 5, tlt'i-INCH CYLINDER, 5 feet stmke, HORIZONTAL 0/4 ENGINE, new, FOR SALE, ?ry hmp.-L W. Boulton, AAt.. d Sx Srx";?oELuINd ;=; motion. Alo 4 feet drum enda and gear; ready for delivery. Priw, £H5, maL-L W. Boulton?E4 Lyne. 510 O^-HORBE PORTABLE ENGINE FOR SALE. Pair 20-I!f'Ju:R;ytkeEii?JE .e,tJlmor, -1. W, Boulton, A. b?t.d_Ly. 5., 1 i*i-INCH CYTINDEP? 3 f.t tmke, ZONTAL ■ O ENGINE, new and complete; ready ?iO.-P Boult. Ashton-under-Lyne, 5xJ I PAlRNEW OOUPLED 15-inch cylinders, 2 ft. i In..troke, HORIZONTAI, ENGINES ready for agvst, I W. &ulton, Athtou-?du-Ly.. 5x AIR OF N COUPLED HORIZONTAL WINDING pAIEgF."wyft.rrf.& drums; and also a PORTABLE BOILER, with iron ijy And all necessary .-ti-P both engines and boiler u'y be :U t i uor& in three d. and do not require ith brοk r ?tcwork 7A pply, L ??d r.0 Lyne. 5x FOR BALE, COU?IERY WINDING AND PUMPING FOtk;¥l.Egl:"DmMg ?ili.d. 'It, stroke, w'fth revenlng slot IW.?t o.d double 4ft A.k., W,i I? g  h.ft' 9ft. lin. "Him to donble ecoentrlco, -ft'l. cn.nk shaft, 9ft. lin, centre to centre, 6 inches square, .mi.g 15fz. diameterly-, and pinion 3ft. 61 diAmeter on 'h line, by 11n, "ldth of weth, 38 in number, working iuto 6ft" 6in. cog-wheel on second motion shaft, 7ft. 4in. long between centres, and 1. square, carrying a rope drum of 5ft in.dI ft 9in. do, ""I-iron centres and wood lagging diameter over e, 7fL 6in" break .?g.t bolted to we, 7fL .11 diameter bv 4k1n. wide on f?, with ?itrw breath and le.NO attached, gemv;1 Ole wmplete with plumber blo. bed plal &c., &c. A U?wlyljuut Ili h-p?- n .tll ;àiu&e'no'1;I11':J'b1 2ft s, ou,l?t?imn crank en wrought-iron turned abaft, 3ft. 9in. between centres, and 6 inches diameter, carrying 12ft. fly- wheel, double eccentrios, work 1. Uu .i pinion in t, b y ''?i. al, cog-wheel f:I;e, "¡à¡'"¡g w;;ree' to strong "rought-hon second-motion sbMt.. 4ft lin. heween -t, -d I ii.. diameter, carrying on ouWr end a out. iron i.ul.' -.it wheel for t.n to yumps, 6fL .k?; tho ,,&ie.. m.IYe cast-iron bed-plateo, the wbole ooœM., with mrriag?, bolts, 4c.—For particulars 'PDIY to ?u bam, &'1, Ci P.1 and Mining g?.- t?Uti.- street, S""n-. -l ALANGED SLIDE-VALVE, warranted te move as ea^y with steam on as ff. and be tight Lock-up D. i- .?ti.g SPRING SAFETY-VALVE, warranted to one with t?.. SAI,'RTY-t l ? V"11, W..rdV b.. b.1 t,* four times itajzf? by any other maker, and to be aboob. beyond the reach ,f being tampered with. Steam E made to wmume,  ,1., 2 flbt. FZr?d I "IM ate_ B 4 1 m*de to consume under 2 £ lba. of coal fditd h.- power Der hour. Engineers supplied .-Th- Adams, j-, F,?gi? ,h. G. .?? b,?g..gW. kt;, F;e'}. YOR BALk'?,1Id r, fit. ko, with fom pump, govemora, and throttle valve attached. Wrought hammered shafts, with fly wheel, lift diameter, about 3| tons weight. This ?ith 113-wh?.1, Ilf, w, TI?U :eJ: r.'I," Fd:?& T.w,I'r-' 6x* FOR 8LE -'k NEW FIRST CLASSS HORSE-POWER P0R&TA'BLH ENGINE, by It.- and Stewart, of Eanbur" al Mlll-lan6FoundQ', Cdiff. 13.19 F('R SALE, MARINE Bolrm &h .b.t work at Charles D. Philips's stand, Tredegar Cattle fehow, N?wp.- 12.18 l>OR SALE, a Portable BOILER, about 8-horee power. }'O "'nü.1e JaU;,mes:i SAWDUST.—For prioe, to., apply to W. Ranilall, Burt, Boulton. and Haywood, Creoaoto Woru and Saw !,k. MORTAR MILLS of best wustmetion, Ww PORTABLE ENGINES, 'or BALE, at MiU-lace F.-dry. 0anWt # BOYT TANKS, -d CISTERNS f rariotu dsas are always on stook ,t T"- W"w Lend Tank Works, West 8ide. ?to DO." C. imu gIzden made to order. Prioe Itot t h- NOTJ:s¥t':ti,-e:t delisn, Hallntamps, Pendents, -.8k .rbw Shop Lamps, and every article of BfitM..w -d second-band, at Thomas Harries c.u:tn'{;¡. .1. and R,tidL A C.U..tr.?t, Brid.L !In I ?{jM<!tMt«M ?HtX. St Paul's, l\'lR.Auj St. ?*?. )Mte pSce ?r Sd?'S!?0?)?? L?FT-0'M??E'S I n "PAP.El, BEDDING,&. P.?tiewitd upon ON parcels fr?.,ded. F.t-th- "rd?- iDBtantl1 ?-i, irj?OR' SALE, a first-class made DINING-ROOM SUITE, oi? Leather nearly new, consisting of six small chairs, two Miy ditto? Md?oXca.App!y <tt Pincotf.. 78, 8l Mtty street, Cardiff. DINING TABLW, Swih U.b.g. y& F'O..èw:r<;LK81U S afO'.d JL nearly new, three insertions, large sizes, £ 7 10s. and ?. ?7?*e ??e*?NO?RT?Lpp)y' at 32, 1).io-street, Cardiff. rpWO Second-hand Tel?pe DINING TABLES to be TWSOOLD chp.- Apply to W. J. Davies, 20, The, Cardiff. TjxjlTsALE?a Second-hand Cottage PIANO, full compose, Fl?. mahogany case; capital tone, price 16 guineas.— Appty't?PtneoS? FrWt- W-h. 78, St. MaI7..tre"" Ctrd!? ARMONIUM, by Al?-im, soft-toned, seven 'top'' jTt walnut case, piroe £ 10.—Apply to NUm Heddon,Ck. ?hwt, Newnbm, GTo?terbi- 12?15 RGAN FOR SALE.-Twelve sounding stops; eight fa great organ and four in BWelL—For particulars apply to ORGAN FOR SALR-T?ive wtmding tDpm: eight in BEAUTIFUL toned full-compass COTTAGE PIANO, walnut, by one of the best London makers, to 0, Diapo??. K?? new.-Apply to Mr. F. H. P 6, HIg .trt, C.,diff. 17d rpo BUILDERS, FARMERS, AND OTHERS. A good 1 tumiy of White Lime to be h&d at Norton UM Worts, Mumbles, 8-. 1°a0 ?OR'SALE. EigM ActM of Prim. SWNM?-Ap?to FU.. I.?i. Sp?..r, -Ibe-, uw Cardiff. IPX  COBDIKG, 10, Royal Arcade, Cardiff, ProfessiouJ <J Mtd -d Ai..l PreMner. on new and scientillo prindptM. The l&qcst tok of GI.. Shdt,- in CMdtt, 1 TRY FRANK'S Powerful COUGH LOZENGES tor 'Ï'R&.I1i¡'£? k; t?ney Sweet Warehouse, wholesale and retail. ), MtuMt-htli. HtyM-bridte. C?dia. IMt HAVAKNAH CIGARS of the cho)ce)tbrtnd<*Jwy< 1:¡:It /W'8eèl¡=Ç,i <,teet, "'&nUI!, ETKRINARY l?ilURGFk-We J. DENNIS, Veterinary 8Iu"n. 18, Willlanntreet Shoeing Forge: Union- <tiMt?3S?tKet. Newport, Moo. Oo.UuU 6??etinte for yearly attendance. I yOUR?UTURE: M*m yeMt, '? ?" IJltlms X twelve; )«j-« Chann, .("teen. SWO g& Methm ton. Post-office, Daventry Pimllaiuottl WaaW. 1 RON OPE WAGGONS. -WANTED, to HIRE 15 to 20 I L.?-.id?d N.- G..&? WAGGONS, suitable for Liirryicg Iron Ole, 6 to 8 ton. e&eb, They would be rend red S' wor? between Monmouth ?d b?uth Wslm ?ttoM. &nd would be taken upon weekly or monthly Hire as an" w*Id 1! "kk. bv L.t por obr f.r? the 9th I..t., fit J.iM,bfo:.nCIJ'õi:e: IVANTIiD TO PURCHASE, a SECOND-HAND ,y Al:fARTAtA co"ndlt? suitable for an office.-Address, with dimensions, full particulars, and price, t. Box 37, Post-offlcc, C-dW..19 ?H/ANTKD, BILLIARD BAGATELLE TABLE Second-hand.—Apply, stating sire condition, and price, to the N?l =ht? .y, rkluff OD'. Club -d l.Ut., m.t-t, Netth. I*5 WANTED immediately, a Dod seooad-haad PIANO W A:;Im:1l(l\f:Pg ~cTr\Y\r\ GENTLEMEN'S LEFT-OFF COATS .d ,),??? TROUSERS WANTED, to -,pll M order for the Colon! Utmost value given. P_I. 'Ot- warded, Post-office orders instantly remitted. Address Mr. Austin, 5, Windsor terraoe, St. Pauls, Bristol. 2:ldx19 ETROLEUM, PARAFFIN, and TURPENTINE BAR JT RELM. Mid .11 kid?.f Bptl C?a.-D. Tl,(, of the East Bute D-k C-pm?, Cardiff, is prepared to receive offers 0 any goods as above, f(r present or future d':û!fÏf..g"p"'j" :e1: in rÍ:tfu;' disposing of them, he is bl. to pa the highest price. ::f 111mine n.¡¡ cases, ft :Ih:0f.1 goods are sent off.—Consignments to b? made to D. Thomas, East Bute Dock Cooperage, near South Wal? Atlantic Steamship Company's Wharf, Cardiff. kly HAT IS YOUR MONOGJtAMr—ttend IS stamps to if GLASS & CO., Cardiff, who will forward yX 12 sheets of cote paper and 12 envelopes, stamped in colour with -Y one, two, or three letters, or an? Wji name. Aiso send f..of GLAS8'S '*?K' ?CKET8'" c??ttint? 12 different designs, sent post free for IS stamps. Five quires of paper and 100 envelopes stamped In any colour for 6ik 6d- °-1?0U'B*SARD?St*?<t tt. M. tn )t*mtx to (11- -d Co Ctn)M. who w!Il en<mTe four plate with yoarnMM, and print you 100 Ivory Cards, and forward them post free to au address.—To Merchants, Tradesmen, and others.—Glass a =tt Tradesm:? Ith y.- name, busl< =n:"="\Lõm same _Ted on a braes or xino plate for your door, from 5s -Glass's Stencil -L-L-. 4" KYti-i- -d name 9s. 6d.; only. Is. 6d. Sent post free to -Y CJXM on reoeipt of stamps to Glass and Co., Engravers, Di.. sinkers and General P rinters* Cardiff. PØlt!1. L. ONDON AND PROVINCIAL BANK SHARES. Prioe Si 10s. net, including cost of tran.ler.-Applr to H. Russell EnDS, Dock-street, Newport, Mon. 15.20 Buyxm 'I SELLERS of all the b???-i-I -? other W=i:.ttEfï:. a;JO: Fbh.t-t, Sw- 15.20 ONEY. —Tradesmen in want of Immediate CASH wil M BNd? cMht?S?ertc? PHILLIPS for aDr kIndof BURPLUS STOCK they -1 re to c,, pm of? A y- :rIff'JjH JOb' s:1::l 'J'i:O 42 d 43, Bute- fftifI;t:c?:u.e=, Cardiff. All t?tiou ctly pri," Distance no ob ject. Town or country. z STRICTLYPRIVATE. MONEY ADVANCED oa 0Nt. of hand or Bills to tradesmen d others, 110, £ 10 and upward*.—Apply to George Goodman, Park-street, Treforest; also 21, Castle-road, Roath, Oagdiff. TRICTLY PRIVATE AND OO?IDKN?ML?m. MEDIATE CASH ADVANCES to E[a..holdm T.A- F-.M 0.?k. and others. Th. W.,i can obtain advances on their furniture, stocks, and effects, Z,A -o ="M, t- 6:=-dt(? rW, way; also, if required, without pubUolty.-Apply to Mr. L. Bamett (Private House), Belmont House, Oharlentiapt, C.digL No charge -I- the money Is advanoed. OBšËÏiVE.-MOÑ:EYADV ANCED on the SHORTEST ? NOTICE, to any etttat. *t 12 par .,?L per annum, on Plate, N'y :t,r = other 8ecurtt"-Ap.p\1 to Mr. Freedman, im.H?tmtreet.pr 17, Northampton ptMe. Swansea.—Pemons within? to dh- DpM of Stock, 0 JebLcte. &nd Propertr, pplyu above. yprivate. T0 THE NEEDY,-à Gentleman b. the f.Uwii.- T oiMONSYtoput on Mort<am:-jeM. ?M?, ?0. JMSO, £ 100, .MM. ?M.iC400. jEfM??OO. Md ?I.ixM LoM tMt.M'DMMtMdM*. DMd Mt m? -FM partloulln appl7 &0 F. H. F- a, 6, Hlgh^treet, Cardiff. «> XVVVTIO if TN uuooiiii .R MONTY VANCED UPON A SHORT NOTICE. I- rA-e. and th?,? may .b W ()?SH .ufV'lÑcJ'ES :£;ó'1.o e: n:= otbd =d ????S.'?n'HO?r"S?M?K. tn*S. .tdet- :MtufirdnlttZ without publicity, repft?M" by -r latalm8lltL D- for rent. Sheriff's and County Court execution paid out on the ahorie8t oot!oo. °A^yfayleMerwI^nonaIlr to B. BTiAIBKRQ, Bute errace; Avon House Charles-street, Cardiff. 101". HI ONEY.—A Private Gentleman wishes to ADVANOR BI CASH to fMpeettMe P<?OM? to?.M?tntt-y from & per oent In_t, In amounts from £ 5 to £ 600, ex- tending over :.PI Z= d & from twelve months to fire Jeam, KM?k? ?My ttnttimen? or at the end of term, M"*y mt n. ppli-t,. nvenimm 00 the bdmwe of band <So?. ??t?te.or 'took. without remote "rdopMtt 'o:r ;'èa.wI:r:= N.sll f? Apply penoMUy. or further partioulm _t on m *ep of a stamped directed envelope, and stating the amount "fr.d::W- Approaoh, directly opposite Booking o- .1 L.4o. t:is:'l[.rfo.o:fD t?. no object. Repyme?t. be made br Poet-cace .r,luororo.sedch?? NEW WINTER OVER COATS ANDYACHT ING JACKETS. MESSRS. W. PRICE AND SONS' NEW OvEl"?TS co=Ututo a leading feature In their Stock. They .d? from variety f mdtbl? into- :Of e:F, in Tble _te- A. PRINCE OF WALES OVI?COAT is a fasmonable and leading style, 10 the new materi&la, variously trimmed. n. ULSTER OVERCOAT still continue" a popular f? ToteU:.1Tilllaœ r:& mawu as the Fashionable Overcoat fer Boys and Youths, for hom a more wmfortable garment cannot well be Imagined. '?eWMTm YACHTING JACKETS, MAde frem B)ae wfftY=G,te. Be The 1. may be used for an Ove?t, U well as Walking C^nie Hosiery Department 1s well stocked with Winter ..d. %Wki. p.. and V??t?, (;. Jackets Wool Scarfs and :IIh;'fll: Fancy Flu, ?S &c. WoctSca ADDR&,is-TH9 CARDIFF HOUSE. FF. S T. Att;¡"-?HT RC:i.FFC Ot n. JYBJB E N HA M AND F8EKBODT Respectfully invite those about FURNISHING to visit their Bstablisliment, which affords unusual advantages and fdlities for SELECTING or ORMKHfU :1tR. NITURE. Their ftptcialiU forMBDt?VAL amd other ARTISTIC FURNITURE is now b?ming widely known. By t e i ?,?r ppli?.. to ensure excellence nd econo- :0'tt:I,duAû"'1t4uRn3 S? CliASS FURNITURE of sound workmanship and go?l design (under the personal .4upomt4?n7d,?n? of their le- skTitrs ) t moderate prices. C? AVENDISH U?g, C?UTZNHABL CHARLES D. PHILLIPS WILL EXHIBIT AT LORD TREDEGAR'S AGRICULTURAL SHOW, Held at NEWPORT, DECEMBER IS and 17, 1873. PATENT UNIVERSAL STEAM PUMP PORTABLE AND HORIZONTAL STEAM ENGINES. CARTS, WAGGONS, CARRIAGES, IMPLEMENTS OF ALL KINDS RICK SHEETS, WATERPROOF COVERS, And the General Requirements of Ironworks, Collieries, and Agriculture. PRIZES [at fiord Tredegar's Show, 1870, 1871, 1872 Glamorganshire Agricultural Society, 1873, N.B.- New and Second-hand Portable and ether ENGINES, various sizes, aim the Patent UNI- VERSAL STEAM PUMP will be IN MOTION and AT WORK. SevenU Good Second-hand WAGGONETTES, STAN. HOPE PHAETON, tc., will be Exhibited for SALE ADDRESS,— WATERPROOF COVER MANUFACTORY, NEWPORT. MON. LORD TREDEGAR'S AGRICULTURAL SHOW, NEWPORT' MON. DECEMBER 16 & 17.1873. For eighteen yeare In succession thefirst Prize for the best collection of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Has been Awarded to J. S. STONE Proprietor of the old-established Works, Dock-street, Newport). J. S. STONE Begs to thank the Nobility, Gentry, Farmers, and the Public generally for their Patronage for the past quarter of a century, and respectfully invites the favour of a VISIT TO HIS STAND AT THE FORTHCOMING SHOW, Where will be found the LARGEST AND MOST VARIED ASSORTMENT OF STEAM ENGINES, THRASHING AND OTHER MACHINERY, in motion. CARTS, WAGGONS, CARRIAGES, and every description of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. OLE AGENT FOR MILNER'S FIRE AND THIEF PROOF SAFES. M. EDWARDS AND SONS, STEAM CARRIAGE MANUFACTORIES, St. Mary-street, Park-road, and West Wharf, CARDIFF, Most respectfully -.o-. that they intend exhibit- i.4- ?or?en?ot their higuy-tiihd carriages at LORD TREDEGAR'S AGRICULTURAL SHOW, to be held at Newport, Dec. 16th and 17th next. ]¡¡¡y5x17 pABSONS, FLETCHERfc Oo.'g INDIAN STAR FAI. a TRADE MARK-AN ELEPHANT. DIPLOMA OF MERIT, VIENNA, PARSONS. FLETCHER, & Co. 's INDIAN P2:J!BI or Purity 'Bnti'I?IAN ARSONS. FIETCHER, & Co.'fl INDIAN J? STARCH fr I.M, M-h-, &c., t?. PARSONS, FLETCHER, & Co. 's INDIAN STARCH wiU not adhere to the iro.L PARsONS FLETCHER,-iCõ!àINDIAN STARA wiU retain it" atiffnwe in the d=post weather. ARSONS, FLETCHER, & Co. 's INDIAN STAR& h higwy ..Me.d-d to bundreMM. ARSONS* FLETCHER. & CO.'S INDIAN ? STARCH. The increMed demand m proof of its excellence. P" ARSONS, FILETCHFR & Co. 'a INDIAN PJ!ø I. pkd in.j. 1. md g':Wf lw in boxm and In 61b papers. Work"mvel Lane, Southwark, London. MAY BE HAD EVERYWHERE. IENNA INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION The Medal for Prepress" has been awarded to J. S. FRY &,SONS, Manufacturers of the celebrated Caracas Cocoa. IIRY'S CHOCOLATE & COCOA. J' The A,,rd oi the "M.L-?l f. P?ogr-" at the yi.. Exhibition i.. fresh proof of the high position =:tJ'I; Cet ::ro'Sj,n RY Is CARACAS COCOA. F A;etSdeUSo d :eicl'Sd "Tke Cr.?. C of such choice onality. -<' .FooaT ;r and Air Fdited by Dr. H" Ni?e Y- Med.U??ded ?J? FRY & SONS. m w "'?ErESTERN MAIL" STEAM PRINTING WORKS. ADVICE NOTES OF TRAVELLERS, TRADESMEN'S ADDRESSES, BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS. PRICE LISTS, &a LITHOGRAPHY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. BOOKBINDING. CHIEF OFFICE: ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. WEEKLY MAIL ALMANAC. FOR 1874. On Saturday, December 20, a. magnificent Sheet Almanart containing a beautifully ex- ecuted PORTRAIT of the MARQUIS </ BUTE will be presented, to each purchaser of the WEEKLY MAIL. The WEEKL YMAIL ALMANAC will also contain a useful Calendar, showing the Changes of the Moon; List of Fairs ingouti, Wales and Gloucester- shire; Postal Regulations Royal Family of Great Britain Population of Welsh Coun- ties and Town; Rate of Income Tax; List of Prime Ministers of Etiglaiid; Ecclesiastical Information Bank Holidays Eclipses for 1874; Her Majesty's Chief Officers of State; Distric Officials; County and Borough Men. bers of Parliament; Members and Officials of Ltcal Corporations; Boards of Health, School Boards, tf-c., &e. Price of WEEKLY MAIL and ALMANAC, Twopence.




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