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SHIPPING NOTICES. CARDIFF TO NEW YORK. DIRECT 8TNAM OOK. ?MJL?t? ?? MUNIOATION BBTWMM ??St?THE BRISTOL CHANNEL ASn TBB BNITHD STATES OF AMERICA AND CANADA. BOUTS WALKS ATLANTM @THAW" 00.'1 New. Ant-cla* full-powered, Clyde built Steanuhips GLAMORGAN 8,800 Tom 600 hX PBMBROKB 20M TOM 5M h.N CARMARTHEN 8,000 Ton* 800 h.p. Or other Ftrst-claas Steamers. will aall regularly bstWM OARDIFF AND NEW YOu. almmwpg an baut esvm* in Em Tnd% md up "h all 5<tttetttmnMt<!tMBtttorHMe<<mtett and eon. ot Cabin and Steerage P.-g.. L;t?age Pmm4pn pMYlded with matft?m A atewwdm c?ried for the female amigrmto. The 6LAMORQAB, Joseph Laybourne. Commander, wUl Bail about the middle of January. For farther particulars, apply to BRlI!TOL Budgett "Jamee,U, HEW PORT G. W. Joaea, Heard, and Oct GLOUCESTER W. C. Looy and 00.. PONTYPOOL T. Walte and Son. PONTYFTUDD Alexander Brathen. RISCA John B. Taylor. MKHTHYR TYDFIL. W. J. PreeawaU, 1, Outlft-etreet. ABEBDABB B. 6. Prioe, ha&cTbOlD""onr-atnet, OOLKFORD H. B. Trotter. FKHBBOKB DOCK B. B. Sketch. TLNBY Richard Kasen. MAKSTEO John Ohiren. H AV EUFOBDWKST J. May A Co., S, Victoritt-phM. CABDIGAH 1.U-I-t ,??11 pbw% TRhMGAR T. M. W, Sirhowy LX. BI.4KKNEY Samuel Charley. RHYNRY B. Ev?.6 Poet-offim ABPEAVOX IL E-, SMoaar. tr:'l:? hvr.'Óh=¡'oè-oIBœ. TRE< UKT William William., Grocer. TRE, 1, gv J. H. N. Judd. Beaufort Hong% BH?SMAWB J. B. N. Judd, Beallfort n- BKlTOf) FKRKY John Jone., Tallow Chandler. Or at the Oompany*. Offloe, 1. DOOK-OBAMBBBS. CARDIFF. Beepectable AGENTS WANTED where the i8 not yet represented. JOBS LAOQHLAHD. Managg. BSQtTLAB LINK Of PAOKBTB rao. BWARSIA TO TALFABAISO. OOQOTMBO, dD OALOKUL y| nnHR Cmdermmed intend ae. .j???- W!chin)t F5<t?)t«t ahipt at t?<m7? '*°**?* ?tttrtiM lot th< abor» named ???Sst Next a-p-tre.- PATAGOWM" for JANUARY, OOQDIMBO and °?'?' about 13th JANUARY, 873. for (nil BMttca!Mt of ttt« of belcht Md p<M*M<, apply to HKHRY BATH k huI Hotuw, London. B.O. QTEAM COMMUNIOA- ono h BmrwREs bwabbba And ITALY.  One at the 8t<MM« at *A AZ.b- Line wui be a-Ptch-d. at regular monthlr blten 'rro::uJrw.GrLJIQ htto-Tttt, MMSINA, <nd PALERMO. God..nftdQ (mtm revieusl7 tuH) until the ?TA day bd" OSUin& Next 1. pwtu?ROMA, a a., about January 29th. tMftU)p<)?t??tM'{!*o "= !M.d BOH. Bwaima. and 63. gresham House. Londoi6 ELO. STEAK BBTWKEN CARDIFF. BRUTAOT, GREENOCK, AND GLASGjW. ^4^. FAILINGS WEEKLY.— ?3?3?.. ?.s. '? The Sr.? 8t?mmhip. PRINOE88 ALEX &NDRA, Up. J??????? tain Mi)b; ANTONA. Otptf?n Passmore CLHTIIA, Captain Buckman; AIL8A. Captain Pry; are intended to Sail with Goods and Passengers from gut But. Dock hin (unlu. prevented by ci'cumstanoee), as follows, during tole month of JANUARY CARDiFF TO GLASGOW AND BELT AST. 6 Wrd.y 1' p.m. 20 'o 9 p.m. ] 19 g: ?"I M 0' 13 ?FBOMBKlSi'AM'TO CARDIFF. 6 'Y 2 p.m I 20 Monday 1 p.m. 13 Monday 12 noon 37 Monday 12 noon °'G?8QOW TO OAHDIeF, ??A BBL9AST. Saturday 2 p m. 118 Saturday 2 p." 11 Btd 2 p, gt.rd.y 2 p a, Wih Jiberty to Tow &bd AMiat V"elø. I'U9. Belfast: Cabin, 17.. 6<1.; Steerage. lOa. (;?t,mk or Glasgow Cabin, 10, &-M 12B. 6d. Good, to be alongside W time for shipmwt Two Hours fore the d,.tid time of sailing. .ad Co. G,w Apply in Glasgow to William Sloan and Co.; Greenock, t,) IF?U.m Lid.y Swanmg4 to M Joum ana Brother; PelfMt.toBcbett'Bmdenontndaon; Bristol, to Mark WhitwtU and 8on; and in Ciu?ie. to G. F. WEBB & CO.. _Jn-te Dock R??dd W2rZo? A LIERATION Off DAYIj OF SAILING. OOBK, NEWPORT. CARDIFF. t—nasT-CLAaa eASsasoEB STB AMERS leave CORK (or NKW- MM MB' POBT and CARDIFF with Goods d P-ag? e?y MIND AY, ..t MILFORD t-i?., to. ?SS'POM every ;Wrr=DlOJJisö:V, mntil futher notice. Fares—Cabin. £1 1. Deck, 7s. i Cabin Return Ticket, MtittMe for one month, &III& 6d. For further pmuou. I- .maIl hllla.auTS. OARD!PF-Mr. E. 0. Downing.'?Mpbfotter. Bate Do?ks. NEWPORT—Mr. ?- Haddocks, Dock-street CORE—The City of Ooyk St?mm Pwket O?, PenMt?qa?. 17 BRISTOL "D OAfU?t? 6TRAM EL% A? GR9%71LLR or WYB.-JANUARY. M, From Bate Docks. I Wednesday 8 11 man j I', 9 12 noon I WtM*y ?. !0 ? 1 ?er ) It 2 Mottdty.? t3? 31 after I TMt? ?4 _kk aft- From Bathurst Basin, I Bristol. W.hood.y 8. 2t ft. I 'nMmdty?. C M 8( after Friday 10. 4t after Saturday :7 11 after Monday M13 7 14: 74 mwa .&&a.-&n8 ar.IIbI, hft o.bla, la. aa. To- Md-tro day or next (provided a to-and-fn ticket be taki>n) i After Oabin, 9a. | For. Oabin, as. To-and-tro Bdattt wm the he Mtfd an Bttudty. -a" fm the -t. trip = moew. BMtt & O?nf*? aetttt. OttU? Bheep. fea- M)d Tndghta tor Merchandise may be obtamed ot Mr. JOHN TBOiMBL at«m PM)Mt WhMt. Bat* Beeh. CttdMt. EMIOBATJOK TO ALL PARTS OF TBE WORLD. All those who are IMTKNDISG to RMGBKTZ to either ,Kw ZGALAND, AUSTBAUA. the UIMZD STAT&% CAHtORNIA, or any pt of the OA?ADAS, ho4Wd wI or write the und??iisrntd, who mu at all times s?um good berths t th. 1.?.t p-?ibl. t?. i. the best m/Ir h; g?ut? good employ- ment, cn arrival, for any ,b?, of go(i mb..1.4 Ar,i?Wt.T" Lb. Domestic Se-.t4,, &0. N. B.— Ihoee who wish assistance to any part of America, California, or Canada, should send their nAmee, ages, Ac.; as sotn as possible, in order to seoore passages early in thecomiug Hpriu?. Parcels forwarded to all prt. of the United States and Canaln by Paroel Express on the shortest notice and lowest tern s. Maps, Pamphlets, Ac., forwarded ti any address ou receipt of postage. All Lette," by po.t will meet with due attention. Enclose stamp for repiy. Address JOHN W. DOWN, General Emigration Agent, Terminus Hotel, Bristol. 3h PUBLICATIONS. The DISCUSSION ON THE POSITION OF THE CBURCH IN WALES AT THE LEEDS CHURCH CONGRESS On October 11th, 1872, W,JJ be ready on Monday, the 6th J.y 1873 and W,l b. ;r,,P.? if,??. or "died. On p?ll. beh Pon80nby, Acting 8ecreUr7 Charon CDgre" tio,, to Mr. Ponwuby, Adi ng E6cmtary CbLuron C,)agrem, '°°" '?HNaL'B COPIER, 8TXPBCE. In Fifti? or B undred. at Rednmd rat? for distribution by Clergy, Employers of Labour, Ac. Trades DIRECTORIES of ENGLAND, TR:J:t:h:e:aci Co. B,?Udi.tr Trd. prioe 25. -,I W.t?h and 01.(?k 7 including Goldsmiths -d J-?ll- .?4 the it'pQd! "i:;d T:ri:'¡ Gr«*ry, &c; O?l and Colo? Trad?; including the Con- fictionery and ¿ c;r:: C:e;n.: coir.prisiDjr the Manufacturers of twts and Shoes, &;l:;n:"JhÎ.th::=r:.f 0: and ?i%= Builders, r'i. 20.. Ch-i?t.d Dr. i?U ( blibd r1f;;er; St?ticnen. Printers, Booksellers, Ao, pr,c, )5. I ? eF?l, works mmpri?? the Names of every Merchant, Mannfacturer, and T.A", in any way -ted with the .e ouhjeoh, in the following 10rm :-llntly,'D Alph? b,,t,-] Li^t of ??.ry ascertainable -do, eh par- t,, :ar trae in London and its auburba' nwndly, simi ar list for the r?t of England, bwU??. and Wal?; t,I ? :e:f:RI:b:=":n::J or ».U»ge where the bwin*m is e?ed am J L"don; Ktnv t Co., 51. G?tQuewfftmt?LinoWni, he Fi?ld.. W.C. AL?ONIC JEWRLS, CLOTHING, BOOKS, ?' RTATMNBBY. Ac. (x-i-e-). at London prioes. ?'?n.ad priM* pot trm -CHAIL AUG49. Maaonio D:r:,s2s:' :tree. J(.& for the }'r 86 NOTICE. M*'O" The WoBUJUf HAIL may be imrnTwinU daQv at Uu PADDU.GTON RAILWAY STATION, \Ed at the  *<w uoømm lit  b, Aiea*. F, 8, cS»«to.kSe, Eo. &nD, A. B? k Oo.r.0. BOOT. 8, ^rohln-laneTia BtMt. 0. W? CtUMntMoxtit, TEwet HtD. Bcu!M?Jj?.?M..M.X.X\BS.C.. ?M*.W. J? M. & Meetnre  tMt C Eo. CLU. -Md-sod%4ki^ 3LO6 OMMt. 10, Bed Lion-œvt, M044tm% B.a Oaoø8J.n, 0. 17. momlaw-dnd?    ?wa<m.W-<. h 1134 Oi.-M-d'eBuILC. D?cM., t? a?.?j5).3t.SS.S,? Ro. .17. Boya -Rohw% ALCL ?M??????S??XS??? =h,Y_o. "?"?*'?"*??' *'°' =:r'- '?' 8ol'œAft, 'WJ!.IoI.UIo ..0. ???t??'M?!?t?t<t. KurØll81lJlT II 00;.110 en-. ""0. lIu, 0. 79. Øftaoioh lIu, ? t e<X, 1, W. *»™« A BMr. n. Ckmmtphn% A(L Mn?t? ft04 v. a ND. 12 and 14 W IIøIMt, II.. JJoon. Bm? J. F. t Nanttw, t? e«))!)t<?ht<t.TEMhm RBnnM.tBMt,*t.O&Metn?S<,?0. ==t.øg:e W.o. JIA BA W.-ClkW ?ott. 1UL ahm&W.O. &mB. W. B? k So>. 184 to 1877strandT W.O. toun Baoa., 6, SerWatreet, IinoolnVinn. W.a Bnuatr, 8., !? OemMt. N.O. Vic?BM.J. "2. -n. 0ørIIIIID" a.a. W-tn!,B.? &.<!tet- S IL LONDON OFFICE or "wxsnour .AIL" amf 'wmKLT MUL"- 10, BED LION-COURT, TLBEMTBEBT, MK. WILLIAM OOION, Aenrr. Advertisements received up to 4.30 p.m. at the above Offloe will appear in the "Wzmaz Hail" of the following day. BBiarot. AGENOT. (Were t. ee Advertiasmenta, Jr., lecWfed by Meaais, Baaaian and Hiaa, Acoountanta, St. Leonard's Obam. oers^Nlchnlai rtieet, Brlatol, to whom >11 Aocounte must be pù4, AUCTION APPOINTMENTS. MR. D. T. ALEXANDSR. Furniture, at Glyntaff, near Pontypridd 9 MESSRS. BARNARD, THOMAS, OAWKXB. AND OO. Stock-in-Trade, Furniture, Ac., at Bwan- Jan. 8 MESSES. BARNARD, THOMAS, OLAILKB. AND 00. Ship's Hull, at Cardiff J-. 22 MR. HORACE CUTTING. Horses, at swom jjn, MB. T. E. GEORGE. Timber and Coppice Wood, at Newport Jan. 15 MB. P. G. GOUüB. Live Stock, Ac., at Llanelly. Feb. 3 MB. B. HOWARD. Clipper Birque, at Swansea .Jan. 112 MR. B. IL JEWKINB Laroh, Oak, Ash, Alder, to., at Pumpaaint 15 MR. JOHN M. LEEDER. Pmee Deals. at Smnam BMlyinjMUMT FMtn? St-k. at LUhpnt. near Mumblea Jan. 10 DrMght Bones, at awMMt. jM. 11 Stem* and OfB 6 at ew-?* J-. 11 Jan. 21 Ira. W. H. BEES. Fancy Good.. Harmonium, Ac., at Neath Jan. 9 MR. B. BHORT. Schooner's Hull, at Cardiff Jan. j0 Logger's Bull and Materials, at Cardiff Jan. it 11& J. D. THOMAS. < Household Furniture, at Cardiff .Tau, 14 MESSRS. WM. TRIOKS, BON. AND 00. Outfitt-,e- Stock, at Bristol Jani 9 FMehotd PMn MR. HOWEL WILLIAMS. Freehold Farm, at Brecon jan. 11 BALES BY AUCTION. Port of Cardiff. M B. RICHABD SHORT has been instructed .tM to S»LL by PUBLIC AUOIIOH, on FBI i)AY next, the 10th instant, at Three o'clock in the afternoon, the ?mMtd HULL of the afHOONM Bag?e. thTe l4l: B:re will take phoe at the Bute Dock Hotel. F.rl her PLrticulan -:r be bad from tbe Auctioneer. C.diff. '? ?y' Port of Csrdiff.- For the benefit of whom it may conoern. x B. RICIEFARD SRORThas been instructfd to BELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, on USSDAY .?.t, the 14th i..t. the HULL of the 9*?.b LUGG12H 'hentemonsin, of Hantes, of the burdm of about 135 tons d.w. Immediately after the age of the Hull, the KA. TERIALS of the Yb. will be MM in ?tra? lots. ?he P?ewill take place at 1130 a. on board the ,e..I, l1ing In the Gl-.?g hire Canal. Further p.rtiouJan may be had fJom Mr. F. Ternon, Cardiff; or from the Auctioneer. 347 CommercW goje Roola sChur'oh..tmet aLrdifl.-Impor. t"t Sao of Few and =dhaud Furniture, part of a MB. J. D. TBOM AS has been in8tructdd Bankrupt'. Stock. has been instructed to PBLL by AIYMION CW the bm.fit of b.. it may ) cn TUESDAY Next, January 14,1873, at me='ii: uJ..u assortment of D,izg. Bedroom, and otllt md?rt?t meet of it .,y handsome and q.i,w. For full particulars aee Bandbiill, or apply to the Auctioneer. The Goods may be seen on Saturday next and up to the day of We. d.; b .rut:tIOIleeJ' olicitsmewlyinqmUou. A.:Ii?- Offl- and 8a. Wo., 13. Church street, Cardiff. Jan 7,1SP3. 359 Port of Cardiff. Messrs. barnabd, thoma*, clarke, and Ce. have received instructions to SELL by AUCTION, on WBONKSDAY, January 22, at the north end of the Bast Bate Dock. Cardiff (where the vessel now lies;, the HULL of the sailing ship JANE J. SOUTIUBD, lately damaged by fire in the Penarth Roadl; built at Richmond, U.S., in 18" 1190 tons register, futened with y?,1- meW and i- ;?A .1.d nine y- The ab p-?t.. favourable opp..t"ity for anyone reqniring a floating p,.t.. for a landiagtm or a hulk for storing Tho we wm tùe plaoe at Two for Three p.m. pr? si.Wy. TermB of pmsntone-bait mlb, and the re- I der 'p'.mille:t:h:Ud,,d e reo 1 be vessel may now be riewed, and further Wticulan can be obtained, on applimtion to Mr.'J. Viison Thomu, Dock Ob..b-: C.,dift, or of the Aumon" 4, C,??kb.,bto-, Cardiff, Sd J-y. 1873. BALI: TO-DAY. Swu_-Ia LlquldAtloa.- CI- Ba? of the m mainder of the Stock of Jh Op.4 together with the Household Furniture annd ixmrom. M ES8BS. BAKNARD, THOMAS, GAWKER, and 00. i?.t-&d to BELL b AUCTION on the i, arTD¡YO::k'1),A J"uwy the Otb, the remaind? of the 8TOOK-IN*TdADB, ÛötTU: ;8,°:f øep'& str?t. Ow?es, comprising electro plated tM, dmort, and dinner lpoonl ana for<, todet alUeel, paoket h3d?th and db:DIP l\nlvn and f jrVs, and r,sœ'8, a.,dsW.d t-) howg] and ?hades. hair, cloth and other :r._o: .='WJ:!e:Ir.t:Ud match blaokIe84, ink.. tationery, and baberdmbwy, large variety of toy.. i:t ornaments of wary d_lptioD, -.few. f t ture and fixtures. Pale to commenoe on Wednesday at 8Ix o'clock, and on Thunday (if necessary) at Eleven 010100L m.- Dated Swa?w.. Jw. 2nd, IsMm Preliminary Notice.—First Monthly Sale of Live Stock &.1 TVTB. F. 0. GOUOEI begs to announce that MRbiø1.?t JtL SALK OL::K &o will take piaoe I. the Llanelly Pig Market, on MONDAY, the 3rd day of February, 187 at Dn. p.m. BwM,ri. If. 0.1t:?-a Pat and Store Cattle, about U Fat Sheep, 80 Brwding Bweø. and about 15 Fat Pigs and Porkers, &0., &0., of which full particulan will be given In future aavertisemeat? P The Auctioneer rcqnests the particular attention of Butchers, Farmers, and others to the above sale, as the Stock will be of very excellent quality. All farther entries for this sale must be made to the Auctioneer on or before the 20th inst., to enable the sale to be properly advertised. 3, Murray.Bt»Oct, tlanclly, 'h'1; :"fcllY, 3G3 Monmouthshire.—To Colliery Proprietors, Timber Mer- ?h-t% and othcn.-Jmpûrtallt Sale of Timber ,.d C.Plpf?e WOOÙI. MR. T. E. GKORUB will SELL by AUC- 1\1 ÆNt &e tI:eY MD on WBDNESDAY, the 15th J.ry, 1873, at Three o'Oo??kn In th9 Al.bj-t to .,h ?..diti.- of sale .i.? tl,, be p,,?d,?cd, the fil..ig .I..bl. TIMBga acdCOPPIOK WOüDd. >5x:- Lot 1. Thirty-four OaJc Tree?, 34 Ash, 7 Alder, 3 Beech, 4 Wild Cherry, 3 Sycamore, 2 PopJar, and 7 JLarcb, num- bered respectively with whito paint. Also in the wooù. 160 Oak btores and 2 Beech btoren, marked with 1\ dot of white paint, all standing and growing on TyDypwll and Graiff-y-oeiliop .&"n., in the P"ish of Malp, about th.. mile vi?t-t from Ncwport. .B.-AI1 Trees not marked, and those numbered with red paint, are NSelvr,1 in lot 1. Jlr. lWei, Tynypwll Farm, or Mr. Warren, Grikig-y. ceiii^g Farm, will show the trees. Lot 2. 'ite Twyn Gwyu Wmd?4 about:;3 y?'growtb, .lt-t? in Ihe p.,j.h .1 Mynyddy^l^-n, ?.d within mile of Newbridge Station on the Western Valleys Bail- way, ad about two miles from the Tredegar Janation w,Szy?c,on the Sirbo" and ()mt WeeWra R&Uwa", consisting of about 10 of excellent Oak Coppice (with 215 strong Larch therein), and of 3 Brakee of Beech, Ash, aDd other wood near thereto, containing about 4 Acres, excepting aud rCBerved all trees numbered and ri. 'd "ith white p?I.L !ot 3. A ,mall p,- of Wood at Bryn.gwyn, in the parah of Ja;n;ddyelffyn, about la. Or. 20p., -i?t?.g ef øtroaR beech and othei wood, "boat 35 year.' g,.??th, amd a brake cf wood of about three rood., adjoining th.to, excepting and merved all trees numbered ?d tinged with white paint. rim ?b I w.(l I. Lot 3 lies about the same dist?ce from Newbridge and Trtdegar Junction Stations a. the woods in Lot 2. All the fences and trees therein of Lots 2 and 3 aro reserved, Exmpt such treee &s a?e marked with a cribs. A,, tlot. to be .Id by 1,?.p. Mr. David Thomas, the tenant or Twyn Gwyn Farm, adjoining l et 2, will i b- Lt. 2 ..d 3 a'1IIIï:be 2,Jà":Ipry" to Ml. T. E. (Ho, F-brido., near ,-Prt, MOD. 311 BALE To.1IÐRROW. 9&.? outattees Stock, aw TifBlBSHS. WH. TRICKS. SON, ami CO. ITJL will BULL by AUCTION, t their spacieus tW.- room,I!£= "l1'Ír.:gOr: DrJr. Jan. 9th, a portion of the STOCK of a GBNBRAL OUT- 7172iiR.d for aonvenienoe of .-le, wmpriswg nefen and overcoats, woolleDI In lengths for trou?n and nib; 50 wool gmwis? of superior qll&Uty, 10DWies' clah and wool aW jwkets. ladi.' fur mutIN of various .kim; about 7 dcn p.i. of IiiW and gentlemen's I U?t., of good quality; -J b- b.- -1-th- l:nïft.o:n3:? 3 = ur:bo *aa miscellaneous article*. The mle will 001818- at Mem 0010&- AucWo 011101, City-ohaabersa liabob&stroot. Bristol. 323 MB. JOHN M; LMDEB ,Ul BRLL by MR. JOHN H; LBBDEB will 8RLL by elate ,.fuu..BLIOA,=== the 8PRUOB DitAM Meerert? from the wreek of the P-M f* j.h. R.B.. of about 140 ttM*d<? -? landed X-thet.Burmwe, near the Wanon Wora, Swannat In lot* to nit p..h-. in lots to =iWt I?a sidinp within few b.?dea yM<h, w:l:\hIt:taa': JUlIa. 1'a7JllenApprond Bills at onrooc {ortMh, pl, owt6 1 he Me will take p!Mt, it fin on the t (otherwiM at the Auctioneer's Booms, Oxford-street, SwMtet). Aa omnibus will run over for purohasera. Ulltont, near Moinbles. MR. JOHN M. LEEDBR has received in- structimm from Mr. Thomas Trew wbo has left th-pni.1m.6 to BULL by AConON. <m KMLT. the 10th day c< January, 1679, the thuawtag WR-OM aA vblra ODW, to oW In Mamb; a onmw fered yearling heifer, two Berbhirewith 14 7"DI p!M; be?t M tpwh, a bay =are pOBy. m has& Ugh, i a:'d Md drive; f?wheal da?oMt. w!S me?Ne eit, to OM-ry 8iz; Whittehtp? dOl.aut..u- -ted hmtM. thiea wheelluron, lawn mowing machine, .-d, tl., &0. ?*? M'c?'nce on the arrival of the two p.m. train hom SwUff.. Oxford Chambers, Swansea. a93 MTojColliery Prostom Oontncton, and Otbom  R. JOBN M. LEBDSH baa Mcetved ???- ?I-t strnctions (rom Mr. F. Rammens, oontractor, who bu tOMiy completed his matmet m the awuum Vale BtilwM.?MBl.LbyPUBUOAOOnON.tttheJt&M't > Arms. xtwd4t?et? 8wuaea, m 8ATUROAT, the HMt "ay o( January. 1873, the (oliowing y.untr and valuable A*V '0 W.40V:.nd MA g..d wk..) "Lc?B? Mw% Diamond," 6 ytM old, an active ti'Z::å. Brown HonM, Dk," 6 y. old.it. tipper. Lot 3. By Bone, "Tmv*Uer, 6 'earl old, capital Lot 4. Bay Be? Dr"=." 6 yam old, <?M worker. orkq.ru.atity of MANNS and 8BOT HAR?Ma? wtnr:l'ril DOG-CART for a pony 12 40, Metoeomm?fettMo'eteett. Oxford-chmba% 8waJ> S44 To 00111 and other Merchants—Exoe lent Investment. MB. JOHN M. LEEDBR has received in. JLTiL ttracMoM from the Proprietor of the Pmniew to BILL by AUCMON, in one or more 1.* at the Keck- worth Hotel, Bwansea, on TUESDAY, the 21st January, "13 Inbject to emditioBt to be read at the time 3:Z: the whole of those substantial MR]IB mA 01,79?z 81 in number. including iffdpohmdlm Grab4 Fhmr, Fottto, Mt.md NOW BtorM, W i?6, maoae? known as .1?CdL ton WLrehonw'4" situate an the PnbUo 3:ca::te:jI'=':= and Float, and ,V*Pw-ns ::4t.- and B?rbonr B<?w*y< (high and low level), with three valuable hvutam They we held by lease from the Owpomtio% at a low groun rwt? for terms of which 00 ymn and 40 ymn o.: thu.b..t.n unexpired, and mb- fully let prodnoe a :ea:ux B:tnw fell:'=":a; be .ad. to the pre?I.& But little annual repair II needed. One-half the puroh? money ma, remain on mortg&M Se te wmm-m at Three o clock in the afternoon. Oxford-street, Bwansea. too JmpCttMt te Contractors, Pmprietorsof Works. Wa?lm,4 Builders, Ool-iery Owners, Ac.—Bale ot Valuable B-. the Purplus 6n m of &Th"r ritor MB. HORACE OO?tN? ?iti SBL? by T?M U- BP. DBLIO AUCTION, at the OMUe Ho'el Yard, BwMtte, on 8A tURDAY, Jo.?m7 11, 1873, the under- mentioned usetal 73ORM, nUDel, Lot 1. Dr.I Gelding. „ 2? Pai]S°B<yS9id?g.*?*?' 3. Derby, Ba, li- „ Jory. By GeldiD" ? 5 Me?*? Bay ?Sding. C.,ti.. Oht..t 3=,. 7. Boxer, Bay Gelding. Poveral of the above an powerh a "a horn& they are all useful and good wor1rer4 t?d?e A?eneX withMto ceU the leIa1.ttentlon of intombag buyers to the above rare and genuine 1Ùe. The t ale will commence at Iwo c?olook sharp. Terms cash. Auction Cffloes, 42, Castle-street, Bwansea. 367 To Shipowun and othen. JfLMJJrL B. EDWAnFT?OWARD' ?iU SBLL by JLU. AUCTION. at the Mackwwth Arm HoteL Win& street, Swansea, on WEDNESDAY, the gftd J-uy. !S?a, at the BOM- of Thtee e'eteck h the aftwuson. the w,Al-k. CLIPPER BABQUB A-iMn% SMtoM register, A 1, Md M to= burthen (valon pnvio=tr W'd of by pti?te contrMt, of whteh dne notim will ,?), and now Iyln.ln the South Dock, B- 8he 18 well found in nUi6 g?, &0., and matLUed and oaulked from keel to gunwale in September, 1671. For inventories of ltoreø and further pwticalm, apply to the Auoticneer? or to Mr. R. 0. Buigin, thipbtSSe? B?. Marine Anction Offices, 7, Quay-parade. Bwansea, 1st January, 187:1. 240 8ALB TO-MORROW. N.tb.-SWO of 'an", Good.. &e., Ao. MB. WILLIAM HABRt BBBR begs to AM. Mnonnce that he will BELL by AUCTION at his Room% OhMittTUie-piMe, Ne?th.TO-MORROW (TBOR9- DAY), Jan. 9th. a mnowummt ot well.= FANCY GOOCf, tptmeid HARKONIUM, valuable BEGRLV- INGS. <me oth<r TEML On view the morning of sale. Sale to oommenoe at Five o'clock pm. 390 Carmarthenshire.—A highly important Bale et Larch. Oak, Ash, Alter, Ao. TiTB. &VAN RUGEh J?NKtNS *M-BIILL -tM- by AUOTMN, bet- 0. md Two P'olmk Po" (Bubject to such conditions to be then and there produoed), tU:äArO::Ith:s& of January, 1873, the whole of the GBOVB by Pmpeaint Schoolroom, the OAK GROUPS by the boundary of H"'&S.°? "M<moi F«nm. Penttawen L&ROM PLANTATION, &o., a due lot of ALDB4 &n4 ASH on the laid Farm o( LI?dre, in Iou loti. l ot 1. BeiDI the whole of the Grovaby PnmpMint Bcheokoom, in the parlh of O=wU QMe, mow standing .d owtv g; NMed and aotted M ia-o;n;o? w Tb!—2e5 Oak !LI=,;c:b of v:cilm-DI 3 P?ot?h ditto, 83 Be..t4 A Ih. AMM? Tco? *?'ont This lot of nBe grown \imber, II upwuh of 50 yeMe growth, and are very OODftllientlJ II_ted to transit, being close to the tnmpiko Mtd tetdittg to IJ-v,rd.,wd Loupt?,.t.Lti.os. Y?t 2. Being the Ane Frown groups ot OW4 Aa, which ar;ILr of ey:l:OW:tC: standing and grow n? on the boMdary at the fams of UM?te tnd MMtmot in the said pMith of C=wU GaIø, bhuea and aouu*i M follow, viz. I 720 Oak Timber and Poles, 70 Alder, Ao. ThM tot is conveniently tt..td w<tMn 80 yMde at the pMhhrotd leading to the said turnpike road, and dM<mt th-trom only onemUe. Lot 3. Being tbM weU.gMwn group ot I<Mth of SO yew.'growth, tcmther with Oak Po 81, &0., nowttMdtng 1. I Zowi.g.. r thwvtithklakPoes,&o nowfftatdi and growing en the farm of P..l-wm4 in the awo:z ?"??''?? G.I?, '?? Md counted M follows: 7;Oak Timber and M". 119 Lareh, of lap dimensi-s 1 13 Scotch do., 32 Py?more. Ao, do. This lot also is ?*'? oon?uiwuy Bituated. Mm within WO yard. of the Wd turnpike road W&Mng to I"uwrds and Lampeter t.U??. Lot 4 BeiDg a rare lot of nne Alder md Asb, of np. wards of SO years' growth, now steading and growing on «T "iSJV?!of liandre, blazed and eounted as follows, vis 1—220 Alder and Ash, of large 7bls lot Is situated within half a mUe of the said parish road, snd within It mile of the said turnpike road. An tre8 are reøerYed, woopt those marked with white paint. WT"bt. Auctiomm feeh very great pleasure in etmng the stwow attention of r&U?y centrMtOtt; timber aer- chmt? Md othen to the above rare I8ta 01 timbef. mu. -id.i.g them mo.nt the best lota ever ?" the ..owned t"to a' which they grow. P?p??how?e?'?'' of <?"?' P..Pswnt, ill b? w the lotl T For turtber wtiewan apply to D. P. Mvio, ?" Troedyb,y. Li..dUo. Glasranell, Cava, Pumpmbt, T-1-ndila 887 Dc(emh?r ?.t8?2. e? Brecknockshire.—Parish of .-Valaable Prmbold Property for ma. MR, BOWELL WîttlAM8 will s?.? .tM of PUBLIO AUOTION, t the OaaUe ill the  '??" ?"! 8ATUBÐ'Y,the l1thdar ofJ_1W'J, t Two o olrck in the atternom4 that dllinh:e i1vRiKEHOLD FARM, called Pant ^th House and large Outbuildings, containing 15a. Or. lip or tbembouts, with extu.ive right of Common, in tbq occa. pation ef Mr. Thomas Price. M yearly teMnttht?S !hisf,rmh situato within h?.JmUeottheTnhS of Lt:;i, B the high road 1.&&.g tn. lg,Mto C?"k"w'?ll,d wi,bi?.o., mile. of the 'M? boiitstailon (if the Brtcon and Merthyr Railway. T?; 'arm 1, bounded by the property of Km Snead and Mr. Da.MP.?1" The ]an- ia dry. with ??Sn?deeP'Bo?, .ud this ?pot ecaM be made into a chMmint summw?a tMtdmce. cnmmmdmg one of the mt pi?turaq.6 ercLPH In WsJes. For further particulars, application may be made to Mi»ar«. O. F. end G. James, Solicitors, Merthyr Tydll'- or to the Auctioneer, Pant-y-Gertinen, Aberdare. 27s SALE TO-MORROW. CVIY utag, I'mr Pontypridd. T. ALEXANDEki is justructea to ? ''TAUCTfON. TO-MORMW (TdtUR!. ?n*?vi '< ??'n?' ?? ? "<' °' t' BOU? Giorpe Ocz4?us Suttou, (41y"ttl Tr,fr%t Sale l'URNIIUEtp, -It ?Ifft., the prp?,ty of Mr. S.le to ""mm, Rt TW.I??k No reBePYe. 'P"1i,:ulara' "PP'y to Alexander B.th?r., Poot'v.tldd, I" Pontmtuto Chamhe*, PontyoriM. D.. 31,1872 2i2 To Ironmongers, Seed Merchants, Mdethan. F SALE by PRIVATECOKTSACT Fi- 0- L-t. b& ? Valuable BUSINFA% with tbi STOCK-IN-TRADE, FiXTURKa FITTINGS. MASn! FACTUBINO PLANT, MACB?NM.in?f? OF TK*M!. Md BOOK ?SBTa.tM??.?.W? .?d O.d. 1-fo-d-,6 Agi.iaZ.1 I.Plms,,t f?Mc?'?M'?d ?.MedMe'"t'?chfm? tt, Hmo., ..mati.9 Dm SSd Behedule% to '?<"?? ™ s:-  2so P!M)t. W,MhiBery, &o. Beo)t D e h te. s?soo Th. b..I. (t. ?rr oM M?Mt.htd on? ?tOM"MT W:i:D,;neJs aw :.o,:hn:to:o i, ,3! Meort?. .d the plant and m<Mhi.e? o.B?.e Mm ::m ;rd h:e.:gn:t:ria:m":Z d..b.d?, be -.t profitble Inyeatment If well .ged. For further p'Lrtimlan, and for po?mbwon to view the property, appiy to Joseph Joseph, Esq., Banker. Bream! prop T. K:O 80-tol. ? ii.=.wČ=n, 8S8 MEFISRS. BISBICKS BBOTHBBS, i MACHINERY AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, COMMISSION AGENTS, MILLWRIGHTS, AND ENGINEKB8, 8 E A B L A N B PIPB-LANE, And 31, TEMPLE-STREET, BBISTOL. ALL KINDS OF PLANT AND MACHINERY PtJB. CHASED FOR CASH, plan add? &U commnniaatloni to 84 fills s. mil' Briitci. IMPORTED SALES. BALlI TO-EAt 0arcWf. X?OR PUBHC BALZ, at the Waoom, JC B 'W baU% Nut B?ft Do?k. OMdUt, TO-DAY (WDN ESDAY), 8th Jaa=zy. W3. &* Two WaQ pre- d Wy. 2,000 Do- PAMBMO OBANQm. &t 6t<tndMd," 2coa W AN Mi?Dgk 3t ToD. FMNOH POTAtOB? 50 B.p BABOBLONA NUTS n 50 cags "?°? BPANM ?ora. For Catalogues, Ac., and/ to For *?WM?Md eABMNZRa? Ih,okm I l"" Bnte Do* Oardiff: Mid 9. Q-4qu-S. BM-W; And t the Whaifspes 099* Ema Bu% DoW4 OwdUL SM PUBLIC ROTICBB. iff 189 BELL MOBOAM'S GRAND CONCERTS, With ARTISTES FBOM THE ROYAL ACADEMY, JIB. A. LEWIS, CARADOG, Etc., WILL TAKE PLACE AS FOLLOW TON-Y-PANDY J<m<)My 8 ABERDARE .T-ole" 9 FORTH January 15 FOHTIPRIDD January 16 Tickets should be leoared early. 221 H IB OP NBA. Lieut,-Col. BILL aad the OFFICERS of the THIRD GLAMORGAN VOLUNTEER ARTILLERY aOBPS. Have tbe honour to anaoaaM that their ANNUAL CONCERT" In aid of their Band Fund will take place at THE DRILL HALL, CARDIFF, On MONDAY, S7th JANUARY, !873. At Qit e.Wak. MDLLE. TITIENS, MADAME SINICO, A MDLLE. JUSTINE MACVITZ. (Her first appearanoe). BIGNOE TOMBBBI, SIGNOH BORELLA (The Eminent Buffo), SIGNOB CAMPOBSLLO, uo SIGNOB AGNES1 (The Admired Baritone Basso). Solo Violonoono MONfl. BALBERT. Solo Pianoforte and Conductor JIB. F. II. OOWICN. Reserved and Numbered Be,t>,6s.; Unreserved Beats and O.Ilwy, SL S& I -M.. IL A F)M ot the room may be MtB. and Beau mum, at MtMn.Ltwit Md WilUMM't, Dke-str..4 = at 169 DIRECT SPANISH TELEGRAPH COX. -L' PANY (Lipiited), NOTn?m EMIDDY GIVZN. that the Dhwt Bab- =mine Cable recently I&A between BaboN in BWR, &M the LiMrd, in Cornwall, is NOW OPZN for the DAB MM10N of MBOAGEN. at a iMMfot 8i. for the bo twenty words indudwg names mA addrages, &ad an =tb:E:1* U:U:na: or tn? "on of tMn word.. Nesm4patortbielmmMbsraWTed at Md t-o,?ittd from J( the Po.W TaWphiftU=g In the United Kingdom and all the Xelegraph Staiions in Spain. ftblle to- the only direct line at ammunimuon .J: =,e =:m oomm1Ul1c8tion Besieges will also be _had tra=mliniou to p<??"It a tMUt of Bs. (or the first twenty words, mcluding names and addressee, and Ad= it obsp of 4a. 6d. ts?, e'ay additional tm wardg6 or fmouon et t4m Word#. Putio- wishing to ba-a a e?t bv this Cable 1riJ,:ew'b&ot'¡. the message form, and these two wonts will not be charged for a. put of do meawke. By odor, .? ?. WALTBB HU8HNB. Bem*tuy pfo t-. 106, OMmoo-?Met, 14-don, Ro.. D- 80, IM. 352 AMBBOE ROBB&TSBAW WH'THAM, ±— D-.&-Pwo"nt to <m Act of pseW..t, V2 ad 28 Vict. cap. 35, intituled An Act to further S.MmOTd ItOhN e L18 aw HoICf HLB*BQi"Vig to relieve Trustees." NOTICE 18 BIBBB VICN tbt U Omdit- and other Nrum- b.,ing MW OL&IMS ai..t the BSTATB tt ?MB? 'M&S?AW?W??A??? 0?? BMO, C!diff. in tbtMantrat R.Wby M"6a -9%a-&-4 deeeMed (who died on the 24th '=:ro87'ndof whom pfttw-l ftto. MttM of admbibir-;iV?- were on the 19th d? of n?b?- MM. Vanted to Jtmm Whith-, of M, Metbonme. tmaa% O)d.road, Mmobfttw), are hereby required to Ind in MUc?lm of their GWM and demands to the wWanimmA on or before the 1st day ot Fe, 1873, ????L?'?S ?"'?'?'Sf 1rill p to atMMbtte <%t wwbof N)t ?M deeeMea MMM the per sons entitled tbmto, having MgMd ..IT to t d=. obba?6 and de?-da. of wWoh he sh?U then b.,e had nettee, and the .'4 Administrom will mt be liable for the amts, eg anj nut theml so dutibuted to mW =-c:. Or:her:tt.. he )hxn net H)tn htre ?«d Gum. Dated tM<- <Mh day ? Dmmbw IRM Daw:UB.r BO?LBY. 2, darenoe-buildlngs, Booth-strMt, Manchester. 21. )MMt«ttto the mM Adminstrator. NOT)OB-GROBOR KBNVYN. of the Finn tom?l UVAU DAVM% XBNVYN, ud Oo.. L"Wiff, bep to ::u:. b. .ad his wa?e-W. wM th. aboe, and is OPZN to TAIN OOMMMIOS& 7, to- Bridm.b-k Pbtyp-1. TO MASONS, CONTRACTORS, and PIT. SINKERS. ANDERS are invited tor SINKING SHAFTS and the MMTION of NtaiNM at CARNOGOU COLLIERY, four miles from Bwan- on the Looghor.nxtd. FMttenJm to be bad m 8ppUoatton to Mr. :obn Glw bMek. Mor,bt-n. and t?nden to be e?.lowd, m?xkd TTlwa for Ht., to Mr. B. M BiehMd? M. P Brook- !*Bdt,BwtMt<.net]*tetth<mtheSimMt.<mt. The OMBpMy do not bind them<ehet to Meept the Ioftat or any t4ader. CARDIFF PERMANENT BENEFIT BUMDING SWIM. Tauamai WK. ALZU"IM Esq. lü:t.:a.1 I CRAIL W. DAVID. Bøq'I ) (mayor ol cum.) NEW APPOINTMENT. AS AGENT NOR SWANSKA AND NEIGHBOURHOOD- liB. T. M. JAMBS, Poer-omcn Onimnm, SWANSEA. TO INVESTORS. Money can be into at any Use, in the form of iBama, or on ranut, at a fixed rate of interest, R.B.-n- tud society that ftbmits Ita sow=tb lkdn Actowy. Apply to any of the Agents, or to the undersigned. m PRIOE, Secretary. Dated, 8ooIetJ'. omoe. a. 'S3 IMRIGADB OBDEBB by I ient-Colonel IDLL. ^JMJommaidlujt 1st Administrative Brigade, Glamorgan Captain and Adjutant Pitman has been granted leave of abtenooo, which wlU expire on'the Slat inst. Cant. Pratt, of tMSrd.Corps, will perform the duties of Adjutant or the BriW. during the absenoe of Captain and Adjutant Pitmau. By Crde,, B. P:rPtaln and Acting Adjutant. C%rdiff, 6th Jan., )873. TJEGlMENTAL ORDERS by Lieut Col E. VOUi taars C0BUBa)1^ 3rd Glamorgan Artillery Volunteers. 1. !be Otrpt wiU parade at the DriU Hall, In chumb PMtde order (full dr. with "ist belts =4 frogs), at two P.M.. on t?mtM next. the 12th instant, for tbar. pose o( %tte.di,,g ,,t?4 Lhtndt<r0tthedr*t. ":dOft: attend, ';cÍm= Iag:th Po..dat].Ibp. Th.Offi?wO??m.-inghptht the oaeert, non-eommtMioBed oeeeM, and membm will we their utmost endMvonrs to be present at this, the annual church parade of the corps. 2. Gun drill every evening u 7.30. By Ord., PR:J.?l:. and Aeth? Adjutant. I.t Ad.?l.Utrative BORaft Bœd-Quarten, OMdMf?tJh J?* ??''?'*?? PUBLIO AMPBEMENTB. TTDTCHinSON AND TAYLRUB&i -■J- OBAlID CIRCUB, CABDIFF. a '?T?M?? WEDNESDAY, iauuwy 8th, A ??MNABLB ?VKMiNa PBRFOBVANOB :i:-lI'lII :ird.of .JrD,T\iÑw¥[D"r the N?.?' ?" WtD?v AND CHILD of the hte WILLIAM PERRY, Police-officer, who was ameHY "t??et Me oc Tae<d?. Dee. Sttt, 18-2. 'ncbtt to be had everywhere. EVEBY WVW» 1W«». THE MABVRLLOUS YOUNG ENGLAND BROTHERS! in J TRULY WOSpROUS^nD-AIB FLIGHTS. Th. R..o-ed n. M. ÐE CABTBO TROUPE! OF MALE AND FEMALE AOROBAT8, in new Classical Feat. THE RIGB OF MR. BRIGGS! By Mr. BOORN, ow. and the WBOLB COMPANY. 305 I THEATRB BOTAL, CABDIFF Miaasn Mr. BSMONDK. TO-NIGHT (WBlImAT), Januw 8th, Will b- iranted THE GOBGEOU;Ri PANTOMIME, Entitled GULLIVERS TRAVELS. v Introducing nearly 1C0 TRAINED CHILDBBN.  w" 1o.a¡¡- ObUdm balf-pim Boz,ollloe at 11_ LIwI8 and Wi"- a, Duke-stmt. '?????"?MTwiN )x nt AUt m Me BZNB]NT OtW.Wl 12 WandORPKANvtbelOA BPBOlVrU%5*HABW w » BPXvIAL AND BTABTHNe Pa()enKML -+- VIOTORIA OONOBBT BOO., V BT, MABY-STBEBT, CARDIFF. Sol. Proprietor Mr. F. W. HOFFMANN. BVBBY EVENING DURING THE WEEK. GRAND CONCERT CBnANm'fu.n.. AD D Ps OLG %Bps RSSNBUTB .1 USUAI. ?S?'?Sn* °d?'??*?'?*??"°?*' whm th. Promenade Oonoert and Daocing oommenonT vom op-atbw-pmt6, togo-momati. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. TO-NIGHT (WEDNESDAY), January 8th, an EVBNINQ CONCERT Will be Given for the BENEFIT OF THE WIDOW AND wnrp Of the Unfortunate POLIO B-CON STABLE W. PBRRY, Wt.?tM. Life -Ma such sad droumstanoH csi D.amb? 31-% IBM On Wbfh -.ioD th- will be No BItIf.pt(œ, aad no NmtW or OomPliam" Tiokeh wiU &!?MmtMd e. 30G rpBMPERANCE D ALL, II II R T B Y B TYDFIL. W. H. EDWARDS'S GREAT PANORAMA, illustrating LIFE AND SCENES IN AMERICA, With Original EOI GO, ANECDOTES, fcUSIC, ft LECTURB. TWICB EACH DAY. Aftm!OOD8 *A 2.80; Evening* at 8. $Cbooh M!A r% hilf-pno., -'?.  Prœ' $L, P I BGM% 1.. ¡ G&Ucry. G& Tickats atMr. Wlihln* Poat-offlce. Md the doors pr"lm to eKacrh. Mth6POKWMW% a" at the doon IpHEATBB BL. BVARiilA Director Mr. JODI. LAOT THREE SIOWN OF BOBNMN osaao? TONIGHT (WEDNESDAY). Jan. Nth.-LMT NIGHT b?TWO ct thtSOBGoca PANToSiM? ROBINSON c B u 8 0 B rbm,,t=00?bdb= -tire South W&W Prm to be one 01 ??!?"P'?'*°'°?"P'<?M<a Be?Stnl MdBrfmMtTtmtfonhttionaeette. Preoeded night by a Comedy Draw& Dœn open at oomm- at W-PSL so fflHB STAB BALL OF V ABIBTIBS •M. (&tte AmphithMtM). ?- ?WtNb &TBBMT, BWANBPL. »a.aro. Mr. KBLVlLLB. THIS EVENING fwji DAY);, January 8th, Great Change of Programme. New and Important Engagements. Profenor ud Madame Thomas, in the Great Willialll Ten leal Now. Jourdalae, with hi* Beautiful Dioratnlc Tims of Pii.. M it -dw the 00-1U18, L. &0. Htny mtm, Will Foster, Hose Mmore, Ktty Omer, Brothers Anliud.roQoerx de Clarion and Lo Lo, the thing Lady. AlobLiW o Lto. C ittm amalffamtion of Pirmt4m Talent wiU appear Every N1¡bt dnhn? the week. EDUCATIONAL, 29, OHARLES-STREET, CABDIFF. BS. a. J. DA VIZWS HOHOOL for Young Ladies BIC-OPZNB JANUARY 20th, 1873. A WINDSOB.PLACE.CMeUterbtewn.CMdm. (19 Um HARTIB'8 SCHOOL will RB.OPmt on MONDAY- Janau Mth. M& 876 4 WESTBOUBBTE-ORESCENT, CARDIFF. The DUTJIS of MISS HIBBM 80300L BE-COM- MENOB on the Ifth Instant. 106 38, CIffAWXS STREIRT, CARDIFF. MU Hi BT(PP"URB pRKp?RtTORT WWI)T for a Odect N=ber of YOUNG GMTLAKZN wiU BB-OPBB on MONDAY, January 20th. 8 3% J-. 4.18M 328 F MBION, GBBMAW, MUSIC, AND J- DRAWING. No.. A. BIEVpUHN, Its of St. Hubert, ""11; BL John's, London, fa,, Ac., atetnds Bebotiiand Families iu 0J*1 :;krAd iU TMnity.-AddMM 11. Bridge-otrest? or 10, itwenr.place, Bewpon, Mon. j? mBE !BENOB AND GERMAN CLASSES JL AT NBWPOBT (VICTORIA ROOMS, opposite the Assembly Rooms) will oommenee- Tor Ladies and Gentlemen, on Jan. 16th, at 7 o'olook p m. For Juveniles, on Jan. 18th. at 4 o'clock p.m 339 PRZPARAI OUT SCHOOL FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN. Conducted by the Misses JAMBS, 13, BRUHSWICK-QUaRH, a Pa, GLOUOtSTER. Du BRIMMID(Dv.)onthe2etain.t, Vacancies for Boarders. References to Parents of Pupils. 121 I CHRt-STOW HRA.MMA hOHOOL II BDtrOATESlnr COMMEROe. the PROrS:!8IONiI. and the UNIVERSITIES. Ni..ipa_GEORGN DEWDNEY, B.A.  0 N M 0 U T B. M 0 U T B. The MIBBEB DAVIES' SOHooL wiU RE-OPHN on WhDNBBDAY, January 22, 1873. Proaptotua and references on applioation. May Hill Home. Monmouth, December 31st, 1872. 252 W ELLS (SOMERSET) GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Head Waster-Mr. J. PALMER, London University, A.O f., F.B.e.a., &0. Tho attention of Parents and Guardians is invited to this School, the object of which is to afford a suitable and superior Education at a moderate expense, and with s j peelal regard to the moral and religious chaxmcter of the he Courn of Irstruction wrAnrim-The Baentfù Trntbe of Cbri.tianity. O1Be.=e"=J Phil?opby, mithmetio. Bookkeeping, PnwttW Land Surveying, Mapping, Drewi?. Butoe7. GWWmphy, English G:=dc:.r:J"&ta:øø1a, and othw ,l. a sound -,T.d.1 Education. PupU. are prepared for tbe University Looal Rxamiua- tiens. Old Service, the Science and Art Bxamlnattous, 60 10. Mr. Palmer has much pl_.re in stating tht the Dean .nd Chapter of Wells have -t-t.4 to his oare the edneation of the Choristers of Wells GathedraL Prospectuses on application, and unexceptionable refer. ences to Parents and Guardians of present and former Pn"ilI ud others. thehHttthiBemottheCityotWethitwetHMwn.Md its poition in the ?nty of Momemd points it ORt as a ven desirable Scholastic oentre. It is readily aooewble to South W.1e.4 ,th. ?i4 Bit?4 P., Bi.Wl -d But? Bailway, or vid urnham, "d th-c.a &=ant Dcrtet ?aUwM. TheDDTHMef the &bool wiU (Dv.) be BB3UMBD on the Ifth instant. 810 2m 00KT0BTB OF BOJIJI AND OfiBISTIAll TRAINING, COMBINBD WITH A THOROUGHLY PB07BSSI0NAL OB OOMMBBOZAL BBUOATZON. ALSTON 0 0 L L 3 0 B. DAB PPAMN. LAHOABmm. Reoently enlarged by the erection at three Sehcel-tooa*, Students' Ewl, ThwbgW md Bole.Une IMO." Ball (inohidliig R.II- Obso" zw- tory, PrisU Bt?dish Dining Bklh6 1u1ie.th, Gymnasium, and "Mioa 8anú- WA OWNSW W-. Room- REV. T. ABBOTT PEBBB8, MJL VlOD-Paixciril.:—REV. J. a. SKINNER, BoA. Paorissou Bev. T. ABBCTT PtTMa. M.A, DMnity. her. J. a. axn,,Tk M?., The Claum and A-akat BiBtorJ. Mr. H. J. HDDEBBO-, M.A., JtmfofOtMt?. Mr. Cbavlxs Fobbasx. B.A., Mathematics, Nt?Mthm, MA the N?9L.M ?B?t?HMiory. Md LAtastm. Mr. E. Cumeht, Ph.D., Oboaddry, matmrg PhOosophy 'fB?ertmeht<J ana mathmatiall). tMMh. and Mr. J. RocHroBD, O M„ English and Junim NdhomaUeL Mr. T. DAVIUS JUUWR KngUsh. ;'J. Signor LUIGI CIA?T, B.A., Dmwtug. Mr. W. H. Jons, Muoio (Oepm and Pimoforto) Md Singing. Mr. R. Nichoi, Librarian. Sergeant Gaimn, Brill Instructor. Three annual Exhibitions, ooen for general competition to all td-t?, and t?..ble for tbrw I- s i.1 a a formed for re ing student. for th:cl"M:dt:í I:r. ::=:t:i: S. X?,,wi?ttou-; and for ent? to Wwlwioh. C.w,'o Hill..d the 1-gli?b, Lih. and Boot?b Uai. versities. The Religious Teaching is based 011 striotly Pro- testant Prindplee, in acooroanoe with the Doctrines ana Liturgy ot the Church of England Students requiring a commercial education only an exnppt from the classical OOunf, if deelred. The year oo?isu Of two t?nu4 during which then are no holidays, the aWy wamtiomn being at Midsummer and Christmas. Use of all olass booki6 valuable library, stationery, cbeol requisite*, laundry, fto* (exoept Mathematical Iwrtmwnts). iaeluded In the tatat s- High Bohool-boudmta from 161. 23 years of age. me Sebool-tfudents from 12 to 18 ymn of age. Preparatory Babodk-Otudents under 12 yean ef age. TWMS moderate, and stnstlv efehistes. B'" nqalnd previous to tU-.1 01 a BtudenL *beat siz =Uw of a St?dOouDULSP emb d t!aa =Us from LovKddge mile* hom P.Mu. and bait a mile from Iaongridge Hall- way St&Uou I is in Immediate pmximity to h«MttiM mountain mnsi7. within b&U AD houes nda of the obiet watai-V place* an the western coast ot Lancashire, and is oonsidered by Medical Profeuor* to be one of the httKMMt JooaUtIe8l11 "d- tMt taaMmtty proved by th. remarkably good health enjoyed by th. student*, aad androw by the haU-Yesrly a report*. t?ve Oheket Grounds an &twhad to tM ODUMS Parm% Wm a spmious 0ImI'8d Gymmdumo m4 Stmdmte Ball, snftble for romvatiom6 bm Report* of all examination*, along with th* came@ of Repwto of who dietti. thenuwtw at the OcUsp oW <ttCniTtniti«t.M Mod-Uioto Md Phit. men. also the room of the late -i-stiom togetbw with imm of th< O?Ug. tmUdingt, <md tU neeeaaary :¡:mOII,off:WUeøe08 .1 of to Dr tel Mr. GEORGE CLIFFORD, Secretary. Rdwoms M? Mmitted to the examiner*. Bar. T. H. UtdMT Leary, M.A, B.O.L ,0..) ?Mttttnt Kamlner to the Ot?U Service OmmiWon. Ala=&. OTo-ri-"Y IMW- T. W. &m an?., L.LD. (T.O.b.) Nigbtingtie VU! Lower 8_004; ProfeMsr BoetMte. B.8., 0 1., MMMthMMr; Pgotar Pgd, U?tpooh and the PMte<t*nt CtNf?, NoMlity.Md BtohMtoBtt '=J:g:a:: In London, 0144A"rpoei Manchester, Birmingham. Ohotef. OM<Mf. 1Iwu-. Aberystwitk, Lt?ortty, Lampeter, Holy well, Aberdare, Moetyn, and various other town* ht England and Wala, the a munent ot )hu0t)? tb4 'Iœk. and the UAIW aos 01 BMB.Oab*. An. Ac., who OlD bar am* tmumony to the .erI. of the <Mtt<e. KA-raxr THEM OOMMM JAN. 1873. PIHTOWBLL.-CHIUWBLL GRAMMAR %J BOBOObi 10 ife. from TA?d?n. New h-. 1671. IfetMrtt F«t, 60 '1ÜD88.-App to the B<ad.lIMter, vkarft% chowo*. 2U WELSH COtLHOIAT" INSTITUTION, LLANDOVEBY. NOTION IS GIVEN that FIVE WELSH PRIZE3, of TWO GUINEAS EACH, will be Offered for Competition, to Frch Pupils only, at 9 a m. oa FRIDAY, January alst last. The kxsminalion will be in Welah B8.aiDtf, Trans- lation, and Composition. 259 T AUGHABNB G"MM*R SCHOOL JU M. 01-ARM OAMABTHMaBIBX. Bud Nabw-T. J. MOB6AN. Papth r*Wve .:=t.i the L8rMd Pref- or 0M..Mw PrsitL Laugharne, ?tMtedMM the in one of the tBMttttMhypheM r.=.az.¡.; T?)td)MtUe?M?!t<<tSiy:BwU<h. TtnMT?y awdaat% limb. TWMS M ,ST. DAVID'S COLLEGE, LAMPBTBB. This College ha* by Charetr tbe power ot CONFERRING the DEGREES ot B.A. aad B. D The Ooana at Study embnee* the Preparation for other Pnfowloat as well 1M far Haly Orders, aad theenttfe neottttur enenae* da not 0.080d <45 per annum. ST. DAVID'S COLLKOE, LAMPBTBB. THREE SCHOLARSHIPS, of the value at 05, <24, and <12, wUl be OMN for (MttPMITtON at the b8øiD- IIInIl of ut Lt?t Tam A'Ml!Sott IICIEOLLRSW. at the ?Jat of <M, h The -rVrt.-MINATION will be& In C*UW9 ø.u: On WtDNNBDAT, Jm?My Mth.tt 10 Mt.,whmOMdt. d.t.. fm Nui..btka in vnmt tht)Me)T?. AU Membm «< tht OoUtgeMttebtBt?tnt?WMBhM Obard, cn Saturd*y, February 1st, 18M. 37? "I"WDBPBBDEBT COLLEGE, TAUNTON. Pxmcirii^-Bev W. g. GBIFFITB. M.A. BttCMTAM-Itr. EDWABD iL?Y" PUPILS are PREPARED for Matriculation at the Bwmwlti-. or for OomM<:M ParmitL TmM. 2% So MA 36 Cmh)tM mmm, MnorditW to W& The lle:: :B.Igr: Y tol'r" on appUClttloD. 675 VICTORIA CLASSICAL AND OOM. V MBROUL AOADBMY, BTATmN-aTeMT, NEWPORT, MON. KB. H. G. REYNOLDS, For Twenty-two Yean Bead-master o< the Do. Works Schools, begs very respectfully to inform the inhabitant, of Newport and ito Yicinlty that he has taken the loftv aud commodious School Premises oppoeite the Victoria Hall, where be intends, with competent Assistants, to carry 011 a Private Commercial Academy for Young Gentlemen. Terms on Application. 254 OLD (MYPT COMMERCIAL BOARDING AND DAY SOHOOL, fA School over MO T..s. ) 8OuritQ=TJ Principal: Mr. W. A. CARTER. The P?pils of this Bo?. Iom guy trained a a *Mmd Md pntcMett English Maet6on, ad thwo?gwy prepared for MeretBtHetntdOomMMn pa..ita. Bpecial attention II dIreote4 to ?eaul U?ainW. ad the formation of good to. fol E tdeot, <md Umittd in number. Terms; Boarder?, ø to ?? '? frouck Halt a out.. extra. 400 BRISTOL GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Thta School, pronounoedto be second to none in the mntdom, having I?Myhtd one pupil become Third Wnng'er at CambtM?e, Bnd another Tutor at ()bdt. OBUT College, Oxford, takes no BoMdeM. Mr. Bowell prepolt. to supply this want at Thorabury Heme, Whiteladies'-road, Clilt-in, Bristol. 7he Grammar 8ohool has bix Scholusbips:-Two of A!ICO, two of LM, one of £50, and one of £20 a year BefueDoeto Bey. J. W. Onldicott. M A., Head Master Mir. Hewell has also a t'chool of hiø own at the above nsldenoe. Such as value Christian training and high-elaa* edg. cation combined ma, thus secure both. Refraenee to Rev. 8. A. Walker, Rector of St. Mary-la- pert, Bristol. proapeetu on application. WESTON MIDDLE CLASS SCHOOL. PnreciFALi MR. BROWNING, B.A., AS8UT1D BY EXPKMKNOED RAWJRIL Established 1830. This Behoolll situated about one mile from the beauti- ful and healthy city of Bath. Its object 110 to provide for the middle classes, at a modente out, a praotlaal training, which shall prepare pupill for the aotive duties oc Commercial, Manufacturing, and Atrriecltnnd Mtt. The Oonrse of Instruction oomprise* every branoh of a sound English Education, including Book-keoptng. Land 8urveyirg, Mathematics, Dnirisg, Drilling, French, Latin, .0;. The Npib treated MnettUy. due nprd b paid to their gentleman-like conduct, 4 the most .0-P.10. *ttect)on h gitem to üiJ: ::r: instruction. The. Principal is a Graduate and Prizeman, and has I oeen tor many years engaged in the important work of tuition. The Schoolrooms, Ac., aro spacious, aed the Playground is provided with U>mnasia and every requisite for physi- cal development A field, pleasantly situated, ten acree in extent, affeids accommodation Ion Ortaket and other out-door sporta. TBBHt (Including Board, Education, Waabiog, and Stationery), <6 PO QtriBTKa. During the post year Pupils of this school have passed th. Otford Mtddl. class E.m.Mhon, the Prelim. Exami- nation ot th. Pharmaceutical Socisty, and th. Setsne. and Art i'ramMiaiMm. Several have obtained lueraties appoint, flients M Banks. IttrchanW Ofilcxs, Jtc. SSBOOL Dmus wfll be Rsauuzv on ;T..y 16th. .Moes to t. f Ppil. -kUg in the -ntim ofl:t Ou-&?thok .d Ptmbtoke* 175  ) HOTEM.  A L B i 0 N BBL, OANTON. MRS. eBRBNFUL bep to acquaint oommerdti gen- tI:u:tf:'raFIJ!t::r "f: ten iminutee walk from the OMdiN Arawk i* Mptete with every mmfort. ChwWes strwy modsmto6 57 NEW COMMBBCIAL HOTIL OOMMBRCIAL TRAVELLERS AND OTHERS 0.. he ??odated with emy eoidor% embinw with *°*° modtMtecS?M.ttthe *°°' MOIBA HO?L Withi. tbm ab.W .Ik of the Taff Vok md 1 Rhymnsy Bailway (station*. 97 <XM'!?SS& BT 11. **S* ?ONe. 97 N-B w B A MIL Y HOTEL. TREDEGAB HOTEL; SPLOTLANDS. OARDIIP. OM?NB JOMM (bft of th* fwzND?mr Horn) bag* toc:!f:t= aW ptt?t)* tatt ht htt ttjMe?e above Hotel where he hopGa, by otHA attentim <? beat =Yia?to, -.it. OOD&úluuœ at the gman *0 UbtttUyttttowtd upon ht? at hi* htt hMm. 1 Jleøt4';c, h8':ki: 145 Nzw INN NOTRU PONTYPMDD. Av MtMttt in the cents of the minhw ditMeh Posting to all the surrounding valleys at th. Shortest 80uae. Notioe. POBTZM MEET EVERY TRAIN. 100 souce.Ponz"BmJMI" 1M NOTIOa OF BBMOVAL. MB. E. B. JOHNS Ifill to announce that he hu REMOVED trom the NZO INN, ABXRSYORAB, to the BAILWAY HOTEL, BLAZNAVON. 685 1VT ORGAN E. WI LLIAMS (formerly Chemist AM- at HmMNmt) begs to mAke it known to M< numerous acquaintaroes thorughout the dist'iet that he ?*SS!SSNOzS*?8lSS§a M an INNBmPEB? where the b..t Bwr and Spilit. are r-t?U-d that the Trade supplies. Note tbe Address: The WHEATSHEAF, near the Pontypridd station. 121 SBIP BOTEL, WIND-STREET, SWANSSA. intOT-CLASS ACCOMMODATION roa TRAVELLERS. Ohabsks Modkbati. S09 lORN BEEg, Pbopbietob, BBEOON. fiWAB FAMILY, AGBIOULTOBAL, ?D 0 OOmBBCIALHOTHL. Good acooounodation for visitor*. )x) Moderate &wM Billiards. Good in the neighbourhood. as JAL WMLUM16 Pmpdotm._ 73 THUNDBBBOLT 8TREBT, Brieto!.— < <-? K?Mt'o now old-e"bUdmA Rom fw Break- lilt, Dinaan, Tea*, and good Beda. BURINBSS ADDRESSES. CHRISTMAS 18 COMING. Christ." is oomisg, and what will it bring ? Sorrow to many, and hunger and cold; But h. will grow light when merry belI8 riog, And Christmas must come for peasant aud king; Eo weleome it in for young and for old. Ohristma* is ooming, and what will it be ? Frosty and fine, or foggy and wet ? Young hearto an hoping a tip-toe with glee, M Snowball* and skating," thoy whisper," for we," But nobody bowl-nobody yet. Christmas Is coming, and what shall we wear ? What is the newest relating to clothes t The newest, if you have a moment to spare, I he neatest, the best, y..U find it all there. At those outfitting shops In Bute-street of Toes. VEAfMAN'S YEAST POWDEIL- JL Pr"A wAs at home in a few minute*. SzoeUsum with Economy. Delioiou* Home-made Bread, Pastry, and Pnddings. YBATMAN'S YEAST POWDER.— For Puddings and Pastry. ftas Bn8 and Butt. M Bread made wiih Yeatman's Y?-t Powder 11 highly nutritions" (Lancet) Nevor spoils by keeping. YBATMAN'S YEAST POWDEEL- JL Used in Her Majesty's kitchen, and adopted by the Army and Navy. IsEold Bverywhere in Packets, Id. and 3d.: Tim, OL, Is., 2s. 6d., and 5*. lOSBPB N. FLINT, Wholesle and Retail Srwn tad Proflsiai Merchant, DUKE-STREET, OARDIFF. m J. 111. B A I M B, COAL MERCHANT. LARGE BOUSE COAL, THEOUGH-AND-THROUGH Dmo, LARGB LANTWIT DITTO, SMITHS' OOAL, LARGE BTBAX OOAL, NUT STEAM OOAL, SMALL STEAM OOAL, No. S COKE, Dalivand in any quantity at the shortest notioe. Orncii BRITANNIA.BUILDINGS, DOCKS. Bbiduci No. 1, EAST GROVE, Trxdbgabvill*. Orders received at above addresses immediately attended to. 47 ED W I N D 0 B B I N, E J) S:;B. ffrl.:r¡Iofn.B IN, We. 1, ST. XLRY STRZNT. OARDIFF, Invites innetion of his large collection of CHRISTMAS BOOM, tc? Work* 01 F.Um, by tU the p?.?. AatII- The atteptlcsi et Schrol Managers aad othen Is raspect- tully soiielted to the large anoitmSBt elf bound NoWc4 suitable for pttttrntttiao.. II tr DI Ie'. LIBBABT. Tibms-12 Month* <1 1 0 < M .?.OM6 i g Ii 0 1 „ .?.?.?. 0 2 6 The eumnt Reviews and MttMmf an indaded in the Libgary. Ha 1, ST. MABY-STRBET, CABDIFF. M VIIO BOOMS, CABDIFF. MR. J. IL RIGHTON, TEACHER OF TEN PIANOFORTE, VIOLIN, Ao., 7 4, OBOOKHERBTOWB. PIANOFORTES. E By POLLARD ft 00. PIANOFORTES. By EIBKMAN ft 00. HARMONIUMS. t By ALEXANDRE A SON. UFABON AND HAMLIN'S ?M- OtMNET ORGANS. Taaiat proatptly attended to. 179 D. I C B A B D S. HATTER, HOSIER, GLOVER, Ac.. 13, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. [BSTABUSBED 1816.] NEW GOOSE IN BVERY DEPARTMENT. LABGEBT BTOOK. SBBAIBST VARIETY, NEWEST STYLAK AID -MOST MODERATE PRICES. D. RICHARDS, HAlTEB, HOSIER, GLOVER, ftc., 13, BIGH-STREBT, CARDIFF. 151 GAMUBL P A D T, 72, OBOOKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF, TAILOR AND BREECHES JIAKEL ALL THB LEADING NOVELTIES FOB WlllTD WEAR. REGIMENTALS and LIVERIES at every dceeripttan. EsiaxuenBD 1857. 61 JOHN DAVIE 8, MANUFACTURING CABINET MAITWR, UPHOLSTERER. AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHER. i, ST. JOHN-STBEET, C A R D I P P. OFFICB8 AND PUBLIO 800118 FITTED UP. LINOLEUM AND FLOORGLOTHB. 357 CYFIAWNDER I'R GWBITHWR; CYFO]rm ra WANTED, every WORKING MAN to BUT the WOBKMAN'B BOLAOB TOBAOOO, to be had of all respectable Grooers and Tobaooonlsts, or at FOTHEBGILI/8, 4, STUART BALL, CARDIFF. At tId. per Half-Quarter. One trial guaraateea aatictaotioo. 153 THE NEW REMBRANDT PORTRAIT. TAKEN DAILY, from 9 till 3 p.m., at T. L. HOWE'S, ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO, 8, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. ENLARGED PORTRAITS IN OIL, rom U 4s. Specimen* on Viq. ALBUMS in great variety, suitable for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. THE GLAMORGAN SAUSAGES. SAUSAGES AND SAUSAGE MEAT, For TUBKBYB, FOWLS, Ae., lfade from cboioe Dairy-fed PORK, by BENBY a. *°* HAMMOND, 288, BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF. The demand for these Saurage* -uate8 our making almost evwy hour, henoo their uperiarity then coming from a di.t?, which often =&as some day* g: th y rsch the wnuumer. 219 JOHN WILLIAMS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in RAY, STRAW, CHAFF, OATS, BEANS, BRAN, BARLEY MEAL, POLLARD, Aa STORES.- CUSTOM HOUSE WAREHOUSES, CARDIFF. 1040 c H R 1 0 T H A 8, 1 8 7 2. CIGARS!! CEGLYSAU!! CIGARS!! LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF WELL-PBSSEBVED CIGARS. To meet the requirement* of his Patrons, FOTHERGILL, 4. STUART-HALL, HAYES, OARDIFF, Em bought va7 Choice An?tment of 01 of tbe beat quality and :r: which he at really low pri-. *0 that nothing may be wutiq to =&M THE FESTIVE SEASON OF o B a I 8 T MAS. 1 8 7 2, ENJOYED BY ALL. Addbbsst 4, LLYS-STUAILT, OAERDYDD. SALE OF IRONMONGERY DURING THE MONTH OF DECEMBER.: PREVIOUS TO REMOVING '1'0 nn: NEW AND EXTENSIVE PREMISES IN QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF, JOBN WILLIAMS OFFEBS AT Hid OLD ESTABLISHMENT, 27, DUKE • STREET, AN IMMENSE ASSORTMENT Of IRON BEDSTEADS, COAL VASES, FURNISHING A BUMBEW IRONMONGERY, At Price* Worthy 01 AUuUoi6 SPECIAL QUOTATIONS TO WT TMSS tU JOLLY AND SONS FAMILY LINEN. BILK. AND DRESS WAREHOUSE, Smll, eObLMMBBEN, BRISTOL. J^ILLINBRY ESTABLISHMENT, 1, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. JIBS. FURSE Bega to Anncunoe that her SHOW-ROOM IS HOW OPER, Vacanciee for Apprentice, and Improver*. SO pIANOFORTE13 AND HARMONIUMS. LARGEST STOCK IB WALES, THOMPSON AND SHACEELI. WUEHK-STREET, CROCKHEBBTOWH, CARDm I 11 UÐ 13A. GUILDHALL^jUARE, GARWABZMM I pIANOFORTES By all the Bed Makes 1 PIANOFORTES For Sale rond Hire, on aaey tormas pIANOFORTES Supplied on tte Din. Years* ^yftan, A R M 0 N I U M 8 For Chur&es ud Cbapoi& S?BMONI???°?- For tble Dm".room, ag Babodgaft or the Cettfte. HA EL x 0 N irms BuppliÑ for moat* P472MI& Music half-price t Put tree to any addnas. Qaplabuo and Shippers supplied on liberal tetM. PrIoe t lal pQat free 1m applioatioll. THOMPSON & SHACK KLL, CARDIFF AND CARMARTHEN. 8 T I M B E R TRADE. J. GRAN I' AND CO TIMBER MERCHANTS 4 UMBER BROKEBS. CAKDlt F, Beg to wn4Dunm that they liavo t?IY l?,,?ted v?" )fM)?e&te<-k'? TIME f"? ???''?tf.i??f?J? *S? ?'i"f b¡ ..d ?'i Timlx,r; <?' elm, I; WripLt pine dealj, -taves, an.l lathwood *Thev hMe tim imported h?cjy (rom the m,ic, &c .ma tMtchlen Otr?on from Memel in pM-ticu)M. oooiUting of øœllent cro?, first, and ?c?u d iddi?ing red fir timber, rd dws oak timber, ciown stave*, and lath- woed. J. G ?d ?4D. b?Lve also 'in st.k t.k d heart timber, mahogany, ølate" cement, latho, k, Ac all at FtmM?bty t?* p?ceB. ?*' '??' '*?*' *°" ? BUTB EAST DOCK TIMBE3 YARD. TYNDALL-STREET, CARDIFF. IN GENUINE IRISH POPLINS. No _terial 1* mon .uitable for the dem?.m4a?'? Bo:1'¡, outlast -t-W "-G-rh "They have aÐY8r been i?? t. b;l?ty ad elegance.— Court Journal. ZT.r:?l- o tboroachly becoming/^ Btlfravia XagatM*. so. O'REILLY, DUNNE AND CO.. 30, GRZIN. DUBLIN. Maxtrracnruaa to EMR MAJEBTY THE QUEEN, dD H.R.H. THE PRINCESS OP WALES. Patterns pot rtree. Panel* delivered aarriwe paid. tRIPH POPLINS. IRISH HOUSEHOLD LINUS. 93 IROR DALB. E NGINES, MACHINES, IMPLEMENTS. PENFOLD'S COMBINED ENGINES. PRICES:— 2t Hone Power  <55 2 Rm PG*W <85 4 Bora* Powwr .oo. <85 Tie above can be made up to any size, prioe in proportion. They are tha CHEAPEST AND Motif kdoaOMICAL ENGINES Yet intreduoed, and can be Mea in motion ai 37, Great Dock-street, Newport. JAMES HAL- A 00.'8 FIXED AND PORTABLE GRINDING MILLS. P IL 10 B 8:- DiABun ov srom. 2ft Sin aft 8ft6in 4ft 4tt6i> gittea with Derbyshire ØJ2.. 1Q5. Ago Fitted with Frenoh Bed Stone and Mtoy Runner i M.. <60. £ 72. aIS.GOO Fitted vlth French stn.. £ M. .&8. £ 9u. ags ello If provided with I- k..),?y extm A w If provided with Irnvrovcl Crane, to lift go E?ner Stone for dr?ig ext?a As Lek THE "VICK" CHAFF CUTTER. No. C. First Prise Chaf fCutter, for horse bower—<& lis. 1'0. B. Ditto ditt. hand pww AV Ift. 50. C. Ditto ditto hand poww.N Os. ENGINES, THRASHING MACHINES, A»I> IVHt DKSCBIFTIOa or AGBICCLI URAL IMPLEMENTS, TARPAULIE8, Ac. ADDtlfSi- EDWARD DANIEL, tfl, RIIÁT DOOK-STBEET, NBWPOBT, MON. Seoond-band Port»M» and Vortical Engines, from to 14 horse power; Thrashing Machines, Boilers, Ac.,atway* on hord. 217 J|J O T_ £ 0 E. On 04 8ftn the I?M of 110_ W% LZBSM la PHOTOGRAPHY every Evening (rom 8p.m. to 9 p.m. Uy BZBR GOLDMAN, F.Ekv.&iL&, at tJ6 pbd.- gmpbi? -d ft-eagm Ow?p-y. &uaios. 4% WhA. street, 8wu- (It. At&-). %-a. -pply by W? pttMMUy. St.deoU wiU be pMridtd with Apparatus, "?-?-? aad all accessary appliances to study the Art. 6t8 HERB JEAN govdman, F.r.s.rra. H -m At the GERMAN AND FBEffOH PHOTOGBAPHIO AND STEREOSOOPIO COMPANY'S WUDLO% 45, WINP-STREET, SWANSEA, b Mw t<tMM the NtW OAMt MMTOaRAPm. tat S??2S"??°° ? PktwlW humywttESt,? Bee 6peStMmtt Mx ?tiA?tMtt "It- op— bm 8aA. tw 10 p.m. WWd- qW from Sa. WI (!& ANDREWS.) AU JrqmUvu tanBMiy taken by Mr. Andrmn h W =.=:' ?hwe "P8ri« Ooti*. are reproduced M half the formw prioo& 460 1872. TBE undermentioned Notice of PRIZES for ki-t-d- MACMUNBRY wal imtod. to Age,.I. turist. and oUmts tbe GREAT SUCCESS OF LEWIS A CO., SALOPIAN IRON-WORKS, SHREWSBURY. At the )IldcJletoD Al'J'Ù'IÙtual held oa tbel8Ua and 19th Sept., 1872, FIBSr PRIZE SILVER MEDAL tmor d M &p ?,- PRTZB smvsa MED?AWL fo, r T?TIbRTRTI. P ;Tg TZR.. awarded to MWI9 AND CO., in competition with ttt?n. EW._d .-A Oh-dl?r. K. PkkkT. gi?.. Md ft. and th? leading akm At 0** North "pt, Ao-ioattm*! Society, oa the lmdi.tg b. NogN?BLLVICXL MBDAL for B"r !3?? UjM. BtLVKtt MtDAL tot Bett At the Sta? A?ienttatt! Soelety, the 10th, Hth. Md 12th Beptembet. It72, F[MT edlZH IULVS& MEDAL for Bett MOWIaG MAOBINE. At the Wcn?etaMhire A*yicultnr.1 Society, the 27th, 28th, and 2Sth /ugnst, 1S72, FIRST PRIZE NLTE? "t .?AL for Set CHUP OUWI]L At the Wirrall Agricultural Society, August 21st, 1872. FIRST HtlZE 8lLVBR MKDaL for Set HOWING RACBME. In addftioB to the fo"oinir, L md Co. h?e gsimd Forfj^ix Boyal and other ircportantAjrricuitur&lSociettcs* .7P,I- gfl"r M?ds", Cup.. Md Money Pri?? .!Doe 16M The aboTo to be had at DAVID lewi s's IKON A BRASS FOUNDRY A IMPLEMENT DEPOTS, BRIDGEND AND PONTYPRIDD M^RKEM. TAFF-STREET, PONTYPRIDD. — NOTICE B d RkHOVA-JOBN MORGAN. P<Hnt<f Md Decorator, b. _0Yed to more ,d,- P,?mi. .d iB BO? eMMed to offer the public m exoeumt _ort- .e.t.f Paper HM<?<? of the ?,t ptt_ at ablc pi-. Pier Iw- of the best quality, -d hwffm of "ew..t dwgs li- and Venetian d.?. bruabm of all kinds. 112 rTHE MIDLAND WA?OM OOMPANT, ? MIDLAND WORKS. BIRMINGHAM. K"UFACRUBRBB OF RAILWAY CARILIAG= AND WAUOK3 Cf every description, for cash, deferred payment over a series 01 years, or ou hire. Bepairs by contract, or otherwise, undertaken in evey distnet. Pecond-haud CbW, Cbke, and Imnstome Wagam tw Sale or Hire, including repairs. ect e.tn 171 N. A"OLD. MmaM. h. JACKSON. Seorafeuy. CHIEF Omm: MIDLAND WOBKS, BIRMINGHAM London Offices: 1, Broad Sanctuary, Westminster. 95 HOMCEOPATHIC MEDICINES. j?OMOEOPATHIC MEDtCtNBS, J. M. =:tILP.8.. BXM% TORQU& AND PLTMOCTH. May be obtaieed in great variety of bi. MA&LE AGRNT FOR 6WANMA. MR. J. BAVARD WILLIAMS, 4, oxpol&D4nM= 76 mBB PETRtFYt?G SHIOATB PAINTS. T7n all ml? lor House, Ship, aad General mat)nfMtnred by ?e SutcaS'Sa ubmmykU= have no ?emieat aotttm? IM. <<t? %eta will ?.'???'.? ? ytho?Ni?ri?, !?. will de the _rk of I owta. LM4 PaiD. 4nio1e m Engineering, 26 J&L. 1872. DAMP WALLS, DAMP CHURCHES. Ac, J r cured by the Petrifying Liquid, at a eoct of 2d. to Mter square yard. See Artiole in Builder," MmA, For particulars aad TMtimoaiala, apply to the SlUQATt PAINT OOKPAMY 118 ?M?t??TMZC.H?mMOtt

Family Notices