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- - -.- -_-MONEY MARKET AMD…

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MONEY MARKET AMD CITY INTELLIGENCE. (1..CM OUR CITY CORRESPONDENT.) I 'Vf;D;'JESDA Y Kvrxijjo. The fortnightly sottlemcntiu shaves mid Foreign Bonds has been the ail-absorbing topic on the fc-tttk ExcLaiige to-tUiy, and, apart froxi the trans- actions ncecstary for an adjustment, the business doing has been very moderate. Nevertheless an absence of activity has been the feature of the mar- kets, ird values in most instances have been fairly maintained. Spanish Bonds in particular have commanded attention, at a further important iiii- provement. Consols have been firm* at H4 to !J.H- fnr money, and 1 )4,L to [I.U for June. Reduced and New Three per Cents, 9ii4 to 92 V; Exchequer Bills, par to 5s. prem.; Bank Stock has marked U33 to 235; India Five per Cents., 113i to 114; and India Bonds, 20s. to 25s.prem. English Railway Stocks have been rather quiet. Metropolitan has been flat, and has receded }, and a fall of; has taken place in London and North Western. Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire also has fallen j. On the other hand, Great Northern A has risen J, and North- Eastern (Eerwick), i. For Indian Stocks the market has been quiet, but prices have ruled firm. Canadian Shares have been steady, and the First Preference Bends cf the Grand Trunk have risen J. As re- gards Foreign Shares, Lombards have been flat, and i lower. There have been no bullion operations at the Bank to-day. At Mark-lane wheat was quiet, but prices ruled firm. At a meeting of the Vancouver Coal Mining and Land Company, a dividend at the rate of 15 per cent, per annum was declared, carrying for- ward 'i?? LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE—WEDNESDAY LATEST PRICES. (EY TELV."AL 11.) GOVERNMENT SBCUKiTISS. Tkw. V,, Ccrt. CoLsols )4 W? Litt*, 5 P c, ditto  Do. fci AucuU$4; BruxUUic, 1S», £ pc. M Th." t??, C".t. R"I."d K: M) E,' 7'illi?IS&1:7p. M ?. S«w Itrtc ptr Cf»t. Wi 0cjen.,7pc. 1),) lM b<.bt<)UM?.iUt,J?ich par, 5 ltiUirfB* lbOl, 5 per cent* oow   pm Penmau, liu% 5 p 0 sbj M>i Ditto, Jme par 5 pm portn['ms<. ls&), 3 p c.  341 BM? Stcck 2^3 2J5 Russian, l*ki, 5pc Wj I.dii, 3 r- C,.t?. Ut Do. Nicolas, 4 p c M W Ow>. 1 c, i& July, Spani^h,1^7,3 pc. 3""i £ M>i ?-?' ?;?..?07<?) ?.??'t' -?  Ditto, bvet Cent., ditto tot STurkish, 1^54, u p c *0 8s Ditte, 5p<-r Ca.t., <Utto &Nt K't Turk?h. 1?, u p c. ? ? 19(0 ?-' 'P' ? ?. SS: ?:?" ?  We? Scnth Walt* 5 P c, Ditto, lS0i> (vJ ''??"?.f.? ? P"???..pc.? ?. New Z«aULd6pc# 1691.110 112 18&J « 8*1 '>'» Ditto, 5 per ci'itt 67 sW Ditto, &<i Do. 5 p c Comwl"!Qt(it 97 M Ditto, :<?0 Bonds, 5 p 5 1) c I ?L'. 110111 IM ?. s?? &; Victori&ept.jM.act] Erie Stans, 100 dols, Ju!y.? :M I all paid -S. RAI W,& Bristol Mid Eseter t-0 ? I Bcm.. Bar" &; Cl. Ind. g. Caledonian 74* 75 "'?. ) "?'?? 0.. Eastern 4"; 4; 1 F-?t Indiaguar.i p C.1USU5! drat Northern lii l I Gma 1runk of Canada 15 151 Ditto, A i Ditto, 1st Pre!. Shares. OS 661 6KatWMttm. '? ? "?.?'???"?"6?6: Bouth Wales — — I Gt. Western cl Canada 1f]1 16; ?CMh??Yc')!?..? 130 t Madras g.5 e.M 110 L B'-d South Cst.. '?5i 40 1', rIhi? (I 1,17 108 ton. Ch?t. ?d Dowr. t? ?? j Scinde. F'm jaub, d.o.M?IM Loa. A 2fortla-Westera.iie»il2tfi l Dutch abtiEJsli S5i 25i L?tSo??ii-W?teru.? ?u & List4?m of Fr=te 3 -4 Man., She# & L.ucoUi. 51J 5j; [ Great iaieml-cars 13J U. MetrcpcliUa 74 7 'I, ,Jrtec f147 13 Midland 126JI26t Ottm. (Smyrna to Ai?b.) 7?'7 h"A 3<? if(lII'i t5? }f Nctth.t.M?mrtnt.i: 115J136 I SMPfnJo(L.) g. I p ?.. '?k) -Mt tttto, Letds ?7 89 1 South A.strli-k I. Dit!o Tork 132 133 | lardo-Venetiaa 11J 15.? Pcnth-ERBUro 771 77!) W, asaN.^Y, ol Fr-wce a fit. BA>KI.Sa COMPAS1B9. M. I Pd Am P..k ?L)A 10} 11 10 1Ott, &g :t!): i1j:1 I ?O l? ?Chr.ofAu,.tyli?21' 2+i ,o AD?'?u?t?.H c2,) London MdConnty 49) 5??, » An¡.'Jo-pt¡¡ (Li.) 2? &t 15 I?Ddou Jat.tack. S4? N; 10 "A,?' 53 65 20 London iWstmiuBtr 6' 64 ? Cb.?Icdiit* A,?tr"7 1 181 10 Meuopolivan 41 9. SS Cb.Mc fl.di.. 31 a20 Mid.d(Liited) 1,IL, par 10 City Hi i2$20 New South Wales 29 41 tS ecieBia). 43 45 25 OmU. BLk. Co-ptfn.w ?, 41 4C.LCate(I (Lim.). 1I 7i 1 1p,? .,I123 5 Union of Austra1a. 4S 47 0 Eng.,Scot,tfAust. C 17j 18} 13 Uaíon ot Lod.u 37\ 3d Isperial (Iainited).. 1 '< i lb? TTLIOEAPM COMPANIES. Pd. I Pd 10 A1IgJo.Amemn(L) 17 17? 10 Great Northern 11 m 100 Atlantic 12 13 ) 25 Imto-Eurpn (Lt-1) 15 20 BitiFb iL) 33i(1_IS )JMet).Ext.Mion(L). 5' (q ,3 0 B?tsh I.,l Svb (L) K I iili.'lpla 1ll1 7 Fal,Gihraltar,Sc.(L) Si b,! 5 W.U,,&C.' 7: MISCSLLANEOrS SECUlUTIES. Pd. Pd. 10 BerlinWflterwksfL) Mi 15 5 Intr, Financial (L) 1^ l.i dia 27 Canada Company. 78 M) 100 Maelras Irrigation 10 Ion ComparytL) 03., (im f.S p c lOt 105 aO ¡a:.I.Ll:;¡i 5 NbïCtiLi;ll: 10 Cred.fonci.rcŒ(L) 2' ? 5 Ocean Marine 13il4ipm 100 P. 22 50 Pninslr&OrntlStm 41 4o 13 Fer?.ft w bIL) 5;pw 2'J Tel. C0.trction. ?; 2? 74 ae.. CredIkit T?b.c,61.L.,u. MGtB.S<m?!avit:ata..N M bylt.ii.SvrMaatM ? Ho(.ptt'sM.Wot)t!S-! di< 5 Tr?t & L?m of L Hudson's Bay 12^ 13 Canada 5 } pm 66 I.Rub ?? r,G.P.TeL Work. 41?4 IBEISTOL STOCK EXCHANGE.—WEDNESDAY. LOCAr, AND IUSCSIJANEOUS STOCK. IIbre. Amount Paid. Prices. Block.Bristol and Eieter jEIOO SI 82 Ditto 4 per Cent 89 90 25.Bristol & South Wales Union 25 16$16J Mock.Great Western 100 721 73 Ditto, 5 per cent. Eent Charge ,,J0S £ l09i Stock. Midland 100 .13Cil27 stock Monmouttsbire 100 94 95 Stock.Do. 0 per Cent. Preference. 100 .lO-lJlOSJ Stock.Khymney 100 56 5S Stock.South Devon 100 46 4S Stock.Taff Vale 100 .1G3 10U IO.Do. Class C Shares 6 5, 5 £ p.m. 8tock.West Cornwall 100 63 65 10.Avor.sk!e Engine 10 3t31 dia. 10.Bristol City Hotel (Limited) 10 31 4 10.Clifton Hotel 10 101 10i 10.Col!ege Green Hotel 10 sl 1;1 1*7.9.0.Bristol Dock Shares 117.9 83 90 x\ Stock.Bristol UmtH Ga« 100 .ISC IS7 xd 25,Br.rtol Commercial Booms. 25 IOJ 11 200..JBrit-tcl Steam Nivi-ation 130 71 73 xd 25.Bristol Water Works 25 41 43 10 B.&S.IV.R.W::ggc?nCo.(L.) 5 i; :2?p.a. 10 Clifton Sn?MMn Bndge 10 4 41 10 Western Waggon 10 61 7 20.Bristol Waggon Works (Fry) 10 11 1 (lis. so West of England r.nd South Wales District Ba-ik 15 16i 17














