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I FOREST OF DEAN NOTES. (FlWM OUR OWN CORYESPONDE NT.) BLAKKNEY, SEPT. 24. f Singular Impo'ition at Lonsrhope—Good Samaritans taken ¡a-- Medical n,t F:lIrlt-Tile iNld Water (Jure -The iSappo.- J Case of PuiIi1ÍUg at Cimlcrford; what the L:mcd slid abo; t it-T. t' ëh tlW uf tilj CiwLrl'oni Town Hall—Th«< t'hL"I,'J I of Hewett, C.E.-tte^ults of the Ham-st h) \!? Fornt -L JLing tho Beersullers—liow the LkcllCCS WUc Grmted. In spite of the vigilance of the police, and the stringent measured of the county magistracy, in dealing with vagrants, a rC¡l'.nl'k:11Jl, ? instance of imposition waa revealed at the last mei t'ng of the Board of Guardians of the West- bury-on-h'evcrn Union, in which a young woman styling herself Ann Wood, figured. The farce run. thus: On the evening previous, at the illage of Loiighope, a report'' got i wind that a woman, apparently in the 1:?.?t stage of mor- tality," was lying on th road side near the viHa!!e, and soon sevcral good Samaritans were on the spot, who, after rendering assistance in having her removed to a cottage, sought means to communicate as speedily as possible with the local authorities. In the meantime Mr. Hack, a resi- dent, most kindly had restoratives brought for her, but which the patient refused to allow to enter her mouth, pretending to b, perfectly dumb, and apparently senseless from exhaustion. A Mr. Charles Hampton, a local celebrity, who for the nonce assumed the functions of medical practitioner, pro- nounced life to be almost iustinct. To quote correctly, he said to the parish guardians that he could walk across his garden whilst the poor thing's pulse beat once, and she was almost gone." A professional medical attendant was sum- moned Jrom Mitcheldean, and attended, who considered the woman in a bad way. She was placed upon a temporary bed and watched during the night. Morning still finding her in the same condition, a conveyance was procured for her removal to the union, it happcning to be, as above indi- cated, the: board day. The unfortunate driver of the ?trap was in &cat consternation. Upon his arrival, in- .rming the master that he had brought a bad case, and had driven as Jasfc as lie welJ could veeausc he was ateard sko would a died on the road," a large arm-chair was ob- tained, and the sufferer cushioned up, was carried to a lower room, and Dr. Grant was imme- diately called. He, too, felt her pulse, and examined the patient, who was still dumb. Believing in his c,1 mind that he was dealing with an impostor, he proceeded to test the same, and ordered three buckets of water to be brought into the room. This ha, ing been done, the doctor took No. 1 and dashed it over her, which had ihu effect of raising her from her couch to lean on her olbow. No. 2 was similarly administered, which brought the young woman to her pcor feet." No. o being throv _i over her. loosened her tonb le, ami a tirade of abuse fol- lowed, in which she declared she woulit smash ever) ihing and everybody if they kept her in such a place as that." Under considerable pressure, or fears of a month s im. prisonment, she was silenced, and was or.lere,1 to bell whilst her garments were dried. This little epi?od(? was conveyed to the board, when the Longhope £ jnrdian, being hard of belief, 'i.d the impostor, ?lie instantly re- ,I her old game; but upon th order of the doctor for more water, she quickly exhibited signs of considerable animation. Later in the day she was set free, with a caution as to future conduct. The late case of supposed poisoning by strychnia in this district has called forth the following article, which ap- peared in the Lunojt of Saturday last" In a case that has recently O'-wred at Cinderford, in the Forest of Dean, the w:fe of a clergyman, who had previously suffered from some mental e lection, rendering her confinement requisite, went to bed apparently well. The husband followed her in the coursu ot an hour. In the early morning he was aroused by her heavy breathing, and, in reply to questions, she stute,j she Was suffering from cramp. She asked for water, rapidly fell into Solent convulsions, and quickly died. The i.itorest of the caso centres in the fact that three me,iieal men gave evdence to tho etlect that strychnia was the cause of death, though an expert analyst was unable to discover any iraees of that poison in the contents of the alimentary canal. If our information, which is taken from a local paper, be correct, this seems to have been a somewhat rash and ha^iy conclusion. Considering how many pathological conditions may occasion convulsions, it would surel? have been more prudent to leave the cause of death an open question, than to conclude, from the mere occurrence of com alsions, that strychnia had I)een ingested, but bad been entirely removed by absorption. In a crimina! case, even where strong jvesumptive ei Idence of malice ex* i.ts, such an expression of opinion is of veiy doubtful 1'1'0'1 priety, but whcn the cwdcnce is, m in this instance, rather opposed to the idea of poisoning, it can only serve as It cloak to ignorance, and tend rather to confuse than eluci- date the matter." Wneu doctors disagree who shall decide P Anent the unfoi lunate Town Hall at Cinderford, repol;s of which have appeared in the IVfJatcmMail, a rescue has ti,med up" in the person of Mr. Thomas Flowett, C.E. ?his enterprisin gentleman has issued an address to the clergy, gentry, tradesmen, and inhnhibnts g-enemIJy of ?.,t Dean and 0;?tri?t," in which he :«ays, in conS"tUenCè of hearing £ rom a large number of the shareholders that the useful and ornamental building 1'0'" ntiy erected in your tow a was likely to fall into the hands of the liquidators, F have, with a full knowledge of the additional labour and responsibility it win place upon Ill", determined to rent it. and hope by judicious management to devote it to objects worthy of your interest and hearty support, and at the mme time benefit those who have invested their money in such a useful and laudable rndert iking." In other paragraphs of the address, Mr. Flewett poiuta out the way in which he in- tend. to appropriate the large and clelmat \oom in con- nection with the bu "diug, vi7. by a wries of lectures aud entertainments" calolllatcll to amuse and instruct." He also proposes to imlte some of the most eminent il i rint-s to assist in free religious services. Other 8ohmes are shadowed fotbh, which, if only a portion of the good calcu- lated upon is revised, the shareholders will have the satis- faction of knowing if they cannot get heavy dividends their Town-ha'l will be saved from the tender mercies of liquida- tors. The harvest mar be said to be generally gathered, and many of the district formers have already thrashed their corn and disposed of it, recent prices obt incti being from 6F. ad. to 6s. 4d. the bushel, for good qualities. The a^.u- culturists here about are too well-to-do to render the dis- posal of their b.-ain just now a matter of expediency; but rather, the heavy crops in wheat-gro^lug countries, and the r'rczdy flooding of the English markets as an earnest of what is to follow, induces them to believe that wheat is at its maximum price for many months to come. The potato crops are generally good, and free from disease; t,.x)wers arc aslr'ng from 12s. to 14s. per sack bag for them in this neighbourhood. Great havoc was recently made by the heavy winds with the fruit trees in this neighbourhood. The frivt in hundreds of cases was blown down by the gales in a half-ripened condition, considerably detcilorating the' vr^uo for the market or home purposes. A coup de (inlcc has been ^Iven tD the beer-house cer- tificates in the Nevtahain petty sessional d-vision. After four long sittings (during which much legal elo- quence was breathed with regard to the meaning of tho proAIsions of the Beer-house and Wine Act), the curtain was draw a on Monday evening last. The ma- glstrates have undoubtedly acted throughout from the best motives, in their refusal of ceuificatcs to many applicants, and there are few who would ventre to say that, after the recent pi aning, there are insufficient beer-houses to supply the wants of theForesters. At the same lime there is dissatis- faction, for instance, in the parishes of Vi esthury.on.Severn and Longhope. Both are agricultural parishes, of prob- ably populations similai. In Longhope not one was re- fused, whilst at Westbury-on-Severn it was rice vers a. Longhope is an inland parish, and Westbuvy is bounded by the Severn, upon which there are traininglvessels passing up and down, as well as being a direct route from this dis- trict to Gloucester. Tho following is a list of thcappli- 1 cations heard on the above day;—Plough Inn, Guns Mills. Mr. Taynton, of Gloucester, al,pl;ed on behalf of Mrs. Barnard, who was refused at an earlier meeting he asked the magistrates to allow him to re-open the application, which was refused, when a longdiscussion following, in which Ir. Taynton contended against Mr. Carter, that the new act did not require notice to be gix-eii until next year. Mr. Whatley, on the other hand, held that all the certificates given in where notice htid not been sent in by tloo applicants were useless. vlr. Cook asked for leave to appeal, which was refused, wheu he told the magistrates that he would make this n special case in the Com* of Queen's Bench. Longhope Parish.-Nng's IIead, Benjamin Berj^tt, cer- tificate granted.—King's Head, Hy 'TO.Pkill' -granted.— Drybrook Inn, Samuel Bahlwm, refused. :Mitehel¡]can.-Crown Inn, Hy. Webb, refused. Newnham.—Horseshoe Inn, Mrs. 7<^0bbs, certificate to sell out of doors.—New Zealand, Ld\^>'m^d Blewett, granted. —Kings Head, Charles James, 'wCr^ificate granted, skittle alley refused.—Charles Bailey was allowed an outdoor licence.—Ayleford Inn, IVa. Lucas, certificate to sell off the premises.—Mason s ^vms, John Waite (Sewdlev), liccnc nl house 3: yeara, '0l1e conviction in 1801. Refused. Blakeney.—Victoria, Inn, John Williams, grnnted.- Ti-ite Heart. Joseph p-ethram, refused.—Plough Inn, Richd. Penn, to seller premises. M Hart, refused. Hawthc l1l's Hotel, John Bradstock, refused. Adjourned.— Crown I'an, Cinderford, J. Harvey, to be reconsidered.— Red I >,n (Flaxley)," Saml. Gitzisor, to sell off the premises. og. Cinderford, gr:tiiteil.-Nagi Head, Plump-trill, Sarah S'janonds, granted.—Hy. Jenkins,, to sell out of (loori. iiwjamin Coborn, Flaxley, refused.

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