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A CERTIFICATED SCHOOLMASTER and SCHOOLMIS- TRESS (certificated, if possible) wanted for the Beaumaris Paro;l 5rhcol. Salarr! 975 per annum, with a house rrnt and y ^free. They -ilL be entilled also to all Go'erument grant??*'B APPLICATIONS to be addressed to the MA Yon, Be.umari.. WANTED, -n' 1.10R Llanidan School, Anglesey, a SCHOOLMASTER and 1 SCHOOLMISTRESS, hmband and wife, father and daugh- I ter, or brother audsi-ter. They must be competent to te?ch English, ".ntlg, and Ant.hmetlc, thoroughly. A knowledge of fa)m SlO';lg IS also requlred, and re$pectable references mut be ghen. Fo further particulars apply to Mr. HUGH JONES, P""I,.? Han?efni. LIBERAL REMUNERATION. i AGEN'TS WANTED, in all places of 5M!ntmMtants ?'d "P. ,,d, 1: 1, 1 N G'r 0 N A N N U IT Y S, 1, 1 F E A S S U It ANCE S061?,TY, (established under Act of Parliament in 1853). -35.001 Policies issued. INDUSTRIAL Policies effected, with Weekly nd Monthly payments.—Particulars and Forms to be had of MRWM. HASWELL HILL. Superintendent, Branch Office, 4. J"I¡II Dalton Street, Manchester. WANTED FOR NORTH WALES, f!1H1ŒE or FOUR RESPECTABLE SIEN of good address, 1 to So t?l CIT 011DEU9 for two NEW BOOKS, now pub. I lishinø h\" Mr. Wm. Mackenzie, of Glao'IV AIo. a smart man as lVlivtrer. Applv, personally M hy??< to' ?!?r'!?s.' 1" MCDONALD, Agent for Mr. MACKBN?;10, 51, S,,I.?t,e,t, I.i;rone apply but respectable Men, with good reo fetences aud security. ANGLESEY HUNT, 1859. THK Comptroller hope? to be fa»our,d with the company of the members and friends of the meeting- t the B:,Ii, on tt?''S9?'?'?'l Thursday, th O,h of November next, and at the ?rocession and L,die Ordinary on Wednesday, the 9th. ?t?°-? !?<'??'y°*" Thursday, P? 'iuLh''  All sub('riptions for the present year will be revived by the Honorary Secretary", who will issue vouchers admitting to the Dalls and Dinners. Non-members 01 the Hunt are reqnested to make as early ap- pUcation for vouch,,? ,,? convenient t? 'h?. 'N ,%I I'T6N, Comptroller. JOHN WILLIAMS, Hon. Secretary. Catle.street. Beaumaris. MALLTRAETH AND CORSDDAUGAN MARSH. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, fPI HATthe first Meeting of t??,i??,i?ner? f Brihgo, ,?" Bangor, on Saturday the 3rd day o September last, and adjourned to the Buirs Head Inn, Llan- ,efni, on Tue,day, the 27th 1,, of 8cptember last, ,tand. further adjourned, to be held at the BULL'S HEAD INN, Llangefni R ?ore- said, on SATURDAY, the 22nd day of October instant, at 19 o'clock at noon, at which time and place the said Commissioners will proceed to put the powers and prQvisions of the Malltraeth and Corsddaugan Marsh Act, 1859, into exec ution.  RICHARD WILLIAMS, Clerk to the Commissioners. Beaumaris, 13th October, IH5!J. BETHESDA IMPROVEMENT ACT, 1854. SUPPLY OF GAS. TUP Bethesda Impron-ment Commisionen are (1?irotis to end r. for the manufacture and ??PPI)' of (Jus to the Town Q{ Btl,.d., Carnar\'onhire, for a term of three )en:. The Contractor to have the ue of the Gas-works and Premises belonoin* to the Commissioners, taking nt a valuation the Stock on hand, and ifnding all that is hneafter necessary for the pro- duction of pure Gas-To keep in thorough tenantable repair the AVorks and Premises. Payments to be made to the Contractor quarterly, upon the Quantit) (pel" thousand cube feet), as registered bJ the Consumers' Meters. Approved security to be given, if required. Tenders to be sent o me, the undersigned, with the names and a(l(i? -c??s proposed •»eties, endorsed Tenders for Gas Manufacture," on Of lelre ^'nesday, the Second day of November, 18>9, from whom furtl.f parti('ulars ayb,.bt,,i," Te"\ommisionets rescrve to ,it selve? the right of rejecting the who" or any tender. WM. YOUNG IIARDIE, Engineer atid Clerk to the Commissioners. }angor, Ocvxber 4th, 15 R U T I N C H U RCH. THE RE-Ol'ENING of this Chnrch will be celebrated by 1>J VINE SERVICES md SERMONS, a. follows ENGLISH. November 1, TUESDAy-H. 30 a.m. The Right Rev. the LORD BISHOP of St. As ph. 3. 30, 1'111. The lUg-ht lIev. the LORD B IS ll(()P of Bangor. 6.30, p.m. The Rev. B. H. KEN- NEDY, D.D., Prebendary of Lichfield, and Head Master of Shrewsbury Grammar School. M. A November 2, §ha|stone, (An Address to the Sunday Schools.) November 3, THURSDAY—7. p.m. The Rev. J, C. ROBERTS, oemer. LSA M.A., St. Mark's, Wrexham. November 6, SUNDAy-H. 0.111. The Rev. The WARDEN of Rnthin. 6. 30*p The Rev. G. LLOYD ItOBE,T?s, WELSH. Nrvenber, FRIDAY—7. P.í.t'neY. R. O. Hughes, Incum- bent of Prion Church, Llanrhaiadr. Norember 6, SUNDAY-5 p.m. The Rev. W. HICKS OWEN; '?A..Y?r of St. Asaph, and Rural Dean. Collcctiolls will be made at the several Services, in Aid of the R'8tori\tlnn Fuud. Clery attending the morning Services on Tuesday,1"t November, are requested to assemble iu Surrlice. at 11 v'i., in the County Hall, whence a Procession headed by the Mayor and Corporation of Ruthin, will walk to the Church. TESTIMONIAL TO JAMES WYATT, ESQ., LIME GROVE, BANGOR. Subscriptions already advertised £ 274 0 3 ADDITIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. Mr Vm. Jones, the Antelope, Menai Bridge 0 10 6 Mr George Jame?, Fair View, Bangor 0 10 6 E.? G"t°?)),?q',Ca?n.t??)' '? l '%Ir G, NN Pr??-, 0 10 0 C,,ptt,?. R.?l?nd,. t Ell, 0 10 6 Mr John Lloyd, jun., Old Bank 1 1 0 Wm. Dawbam, Esq., Liverpool 110 Miss Elizabeth Y. Dawbam, ditt. 11 0 Mr Wm. Y. Dawbarn, ditto ?. ;?' 11 0 11,!n'u;c?ïtlrï:iil;il b, ?l.?,d W?*tl?, 31i'?f October in Intending subscribers are requested to semi in their 1" ?r b,?for, that lat, The next )Ieeting of the Con.mlttee will be held at the rE- RHYN* ARMS HOTEL en FRIDAY, the 4th No.ember, at Four o dock p.m. WM. FRITCHARD,) j „nn Sec,. ?'?.THOMAS, "<Seci,. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT TO MR. JOHN WILLIAMS, OF nODAFOX, Agent to the Mostyn Estates, ''C" Llandudno. AI'I:nr.IC DIXXI'.II will be given to Mr. JOIIN WILLIAMS at the ST. II.T?!L, L ?.dl? till 31 ?t October, 1859, when the Presentation ,i, i b? ..d(? :— The Hon. T. E. m! LI. Mostyn, M.P. The lion. T. 1' I, "o:? yn, NI.P. Rev. J. :\1organ. Incumbent of Llandudno. Rev. M. Iorl{an. M.A., Vicar of Conway. Hev. Tho. l-1uhs, Vicar of Llandrillo-yn-Rhos; H. S. Westmacott, Esq., of London. J. Jones, Esq., Llysmadoc, Llandudno. Wm. Ilughe3, Es q of Conway. Dinner on the Table at 5 o'clock. Tickets, 5s. each, to be had at the Ibr of the Hotel. It is respectfully requested that all friends who intend to be present, will intimate the same to the Secretary as early as pos- sible in order that comfortable accommodation for all may be provided. GEORGE FKLTON, Honorary Secretary. Fenrhyn, Conway, tith October, 1859. w TESTIMONIAL OF RESPECT MR. WILLIAM MASON ( ROWTHER, OF BODELWYDDAN, AGEXT TO THE BODELWYDDAN ESTATES. AT I Meeting of t)K. Tenantry of the'!otMw}ddmKst?. A h?d'on OCTOBER 'S"'?.?.?,,????°;i?''??M? ni'xle of nianifesting their regard and esteein for r. W"'l ?'! ;? (''?"??'?''?? 31''tto tl??"t'd,??""y <ir John Hav Williams, Bart.; and now about to re- tlg'lesea, to take charge of the EstatLs, in that C ty, i' "1,.dy Sarah ll,,y Williams, I' Ui. v W. H. Owen, NI.A., %'icar of the District in the It wa< unanimously Resolved, :trl;a11nu(3Ie(:.lrieÐdS assemblcl1 at this Meeting k\\¡!I for a long series otyears, had ample oppnrhtit.ies ot wit- 'i!!< tll" I1rril!t and honest ?n,lu,t of Ir. "¡lham Ma»on ? "?'" ?'r, hc is quitting the Agency, to rccord publicly ot )us earnest and successful endeavours, to \w?/? ot his benevolent emptier, byttdnptm.'an Ij,t.h U-r the improvement of the property, and, at • une, by afJ'ordin every just and considerate encouraoe Itnal1tS. It a Subscription be entered into f, or provi.d.i.ng sllch ,r.JV f .•>. 1'1, »h,» warm appreciation in "Ihich this ■ v> > i Mason Crowther's unobtrusive but r\. ilord and tenant, in the discharge -i.ua tl.e iii.uned Ten:mts and Friends b, rc- V-t-«1 t.) Jel is a Committee, to carry ont the objects of this OWEN ROBERTS, Esq., M.D.. Mr I) \V1D PARKY, benol Fawr, Mr. EDWARD (iKM 1 ITllS, Gwernigron, Atr. EDWARD ROBERT*, Mr. EAIRCLOl'GH, Mr. ROBERT GHUHniN Mr. J.J. II. HARRIS, -NJ r, J. 1,1,01'1) Dr,?7gi?t. 411:-Tht O. BuBHtTs. Esq., M?U.. be rt?.Mte? to act as trt..t-rM, ?d Mf. Ho?EKf! of Rose Hill, as Hon. Secretary, ,V ,X\ E_, Chairman. SO.-Thatthe cordial thanks of this M?,ting be given to the licv. W. H. O%N'EN for his senices m the Chair. ?'K.'?J'b?io? ??f ??'dJd"' to O. KOEEBTS, Esq., M l)., St. AMph. or to his account at the North and South Wa)M BMk, RbÝI. or to the iatio.?l and PtoviMtH Bank, Dn\¡lh, WANTED, A DETACHED COTTAGE, Unfurnished, within a short dis- tance of Qkrnarvon or Baugor. Address, witn particulars,rent, &c.—R. EDWARDS, Auctioneer, Carnarvon. IRON RAILINGS AND GATES. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE TREATY. rWO Pair of Double Gothic Cast Iron GATES, 10-3 wide, 1 6ft. M'?. ?i?h°"75'' ;\?GUrnc'\o; RA.UXf? 2-10 high, set in 15 inch Coping (free stone); ')2 Yar(l? of Gothic C.Mt Iron RAILlG,4 fel high, ?'t in 2-*» Coping (free etone). Offrr (stating amount) for the purchase of the above tobe made, under sealed cover, to the Chapter Clerk, Registry, St. Asaph. TO BE LET, HARRISON'S ASSEMBLY ROOMS, in the Town of Bancor» 51 feet by 18 f"t, and two Booms below, to,?ether of equal dimension?, for Warehouses, being used for militia drilling and armour depository, and well "'P"' for a Rifle Corp3 for thP Tow,. of Carnarvon and Bangor, to avoid borrowing loyalty and a gu; rdoof f honour on a i?it from aur Queen. For first trial, good Target Ground, including the Buildings and Yar? below. All letters to ?"" T. WILLIAMS, Brynbras Castle, Carnarvon. VALE OF CI/VVYD, NORTH WALES. DOLBEN HALL, SAINT ASAPH. To BE LET, for a t,rm fFurnished or Unfurnished, TO \TIl about fSJ :crt8rf c)c?lt ,tIa :II\ldd about 600 acres of Shooting at a ruoderate distance. May be entered upon on the 1st of May next. The above elegant Mansion, now in the occupation of the Rev. F. G. Tipping, is delightfully situated on the banks of the River Ehvy (a not-d trout and salmon stream)-commands a most charming view of the celebrated C, fn roeks-jg distant from St. Asaph 3 mBes. and from Denbigh 4 miles, both first class sta- ti., on the Vale of Clwyd Railway. The House contains Dinin?, Drawing, 8wl Breakfast Rooms, Butler's Pantrv, Servants' Hall, Kitchen, Scullery, Larder, and Dairy, with 11 Bedrooms and Housemaid's Closets, and good Ce taring; Stabling for 8 horses, and a Byre for 7 cows; Pig- geries, &c. The House Stables and Premises are excellently supplied with water, and an replete with every convenience suitable for the resIdence 01 a geutcel Family. Cards to view, and any further particulars, may be had on ap- plication to Mr. Richard Roberts, R Be Hill, St. Asaph, or to I lr. Gardiner. Chester. 'VllliJ the Reverend THOMAS BIRCH LLEWELYN BROWNE, Rector of Bodfarri, in the 'o t" "lot' Clerk, and PHILLIP PENNANT PEARSON, of Bodfarri, afore- f(I i< i: til Pr:: :ri n;¿> dJ' f'r; of The Acts for the Inclosure, Exchange, and Improvement of L..d," in the Land and liert!ciitamen t: set forth in the Schedule hereunder written, with the Easements and Appurtenances there- unto beJonxin, and being desirious of ff,?ti., Exchange .1 the <tnme have made application, in wriUn, to the T?elosLire Com missioners for Enland and Wales, to direct enquiries whether sueh proposed Exchange would be beneficial to the Owners of such reepectivc Lantis and .Hereditaments, and to proceed with the same under the provisions of the said Acts. Now the Inclosure Commissioner* for England and vVales, being of "pinion that such Exchange ,?ld be b?n,! fii?l, and that the ? tertils thereof ale just ?d reasonable,hereby give Notice that they will ,,et? be frame d .,?l confirmc!, uNder their Hands and Seal. ..0"E change in the matter of the nid application, uiil?s notice, in writing, 01 disent to the said proposed Exchange be' eiven to them by some person entitled to an Estate in, or to a charge npon, the said Land and Hereditaments or any part thereof, 011 or before the 23rd dayof January lIet. THE SCHEDULE To which the foregoing Notice refers. Land aud Hereditaments in which the above-named Thomas Birch Llewelyn Browne, as such Rector as aforesaid, is inte- rested, situate in the parish of Bodfarri, in the County of Flint, and proposed to be exchanged for the Land and Heredi- taments hereinafter specified. No. on DESCRIPTION. Tithe Map. Al R. p. 37 Quillet in Weirgloddv Bont II 3 t) 56 in Caer Colomcndy 0 0 2" 6)i:,D,I.l S,?t Vawr 0 1 0 ,7iT),? Ffo dl 91 I! inCaerPorth 0 1 0 194 in Caer Merlljn •••• 0 2 0 2,V) „ i Cae Kanadl 1 1 20 417 i,i (i J) a Tenci? t.0110 ;j 2 30 Land and Hcrcditamcnts in which the above-named Philip Pen- nant Pearson is interested, situate in the parish of Bodfarri, i.; the County of Flint, and proposed to be exchanged for the Laud and Hereditaments hereinbefore specified. No. 011 DESCRIPTION. Tithe Map. A. R, r, 67 14 4 2 8 Witness my hand this 6th day of October, In the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and fifty nine. H. PYNE, by Order of the Board. WHEREAS the R tend WILLIAM EDWARDS, Vicar f W 1eR:rslcl 1:ne;:In ;y \¡ ;nr ;gh :r and EDWARD EDWARDS, of the Hand Hotel, in Llangollen ?f,,r? aid, Innkeeper, being respectively interested under the provisions of "The Acts for the Inclosure, Exchange, and Im- provement of Land," in the Land and Hereditaments set forth in the Schedule hereunder written, with the Easements and Ap- purlenanccs thereunto belonging, and being desirous of effecting an Exchange 01 the same, Ilave made application, in writing, to the Inclosure Commissioners for England and Wat s, to direct enquiries whether such proposed Exchange would be beneficial to the Owners of such respective Lands and Hereditaments, and to proceed with the same under the provisions of the said Acts. Now the Inclosure Commissioners for England and Wales, being of opinion that such Exchange would be beneficial, and that the terms thereof arejust and reasonable, heieby give Notice that they will cause to be framed aud confirmed, under their Hands and Seal, an Order of Exchange in the matter of the said application, unles not ice, in writing, of dissent to the said pro- posed Exchange be given to them by some person entitled to an Estate in. or to a charge upon, the said Land and Hereditaments, or any part thereof, on or before the 6th day of February next; THE SCHEDULE '1'0 WIIlcn THE FOILEOOLNO NOTICE REFERS. Land find Hereditaments in which the above«named iiliam Edwatds, as such Vicar as aforesaid, is interested, situate in hc Township of Llangollen fawr, in the Parh=h of Llangollen, in the County of Denbigh, and proposed to be cxchangcd for the Land and Hereditaments hereinafter specified. N.. on DESCRIPTION. Tithe Map. EXTENT. 132 (part of) A small Garden or piece of en-\ closed Land, in length 35 feet, f and in breadth 18 7,?t, in the > 70 Square Yards, occupation of the said Edward i Edwards Land and Hereditaments in wnich the above-named Edward Ed- wards is interested, situate in the To.,sh!p of Llangollen fawr, in the Paris: of Llangollen, in the County b!gh, and proposed to be exchanged for the L,,l and Hereditaments her, i.b?for? 'p"i', N?n DESCHn'HON. Tithe Map. EXTENT. l3 (part of) Part f,?? c"clD'ed Yard adjoin- in M Square Yards, 1,gtl? 39 t and ,having an i averse breadth of 21 feet. ) Witness my ha:d"r:1í1 \r;ti.dt,\laI:/ :tt:¡,, in the year of our Lord One thousand eight 11lllulred and fifty-nine. 11. PYNE, by Order of the Board. WHEREAS RUDOLPH WILLIAM BASIL, VISCOUNT 'V IJ f;¡{I,DOLS\l1it:t1e ;y oiIt; PE,?NAN'I' PEAI',SC)N, a at.t in tl?' i::t: of Cambridge, being respectively 1,, )i-isioi i of "The Acts for the Inclosure, Exchange, and Im- emetit of Land," in the Land and Hereditaments set forth in the Schedule hereunder written, with the Easement and A ppurten- ances thereunto b,l-gi?- and being desirous of effecting an Ex. changeof the same, have made application,in "riUng, to the In- os"re Commi?ioiiers for England and Wales, to direct enquiries ,,h et?ier such proposl 1,tang, would be encttcial to the ÜwtWTS of iueh rspe<:tie ,??d?. HeredItaments, and to proceed with the same under the provisions of the said Acts. Now the lnclosnrc Cominissi fr E d nl Wa' being ot pl,?i.. that such E.?lla,? would be beneficial, and that the terms thereof are just and reasonable, hereby give N otice th,1t they-illtob e framed and confirmed, under their Bauds and cal, an Order of Exchange in the matter of the said applicatioA, uiiies notice, in writing, of dissent to the said I r, Posed Exchange be given to them by some person entitled to an E,t,le in, or to a charge upon, the said Land and lieredi;nt, or any part thereof, on or before the 6th day of February next. THE SCHEDULE TO WBICn. THE FOUI-UOISU NOTICE REFERS. Land and Hereditaments in wlicll the above-named Rudolph William haHJ, Viscount Fielding, is interested, situate in the Parishes of Holywell and Ysceitiog. in the County of Flint, and proposed to be exchanged for Land and Hereditaments herein- after specified. DESCRIPTION. IN IIOLVWELL PARISH. A. u. r. Calcot IsS3. in the occupation of Thomas Davic, and comprising 21 Calcot U dia, in the occupation of Thomas Ba- and. 61 0 21 1313 1 2 IN YSCEIFIOG PARISH. Merll)"!1, in the occupation of William Williams, and cOlnprlsing 12 3 19 Ffynnon Graianan, in the occupation of Edward 12 3 32 2-3 3 II Land and Hereditaments in "hieh the above-inmed Philip Pen- nant Pear«ori is interested, situate in the Parish of Ysceifaog, in the County of Flint and proposed to be exchanged for the Land and Hereditaments hereinbefore specified. DESCRIPTION. IN EXCHANGE FOlt A. R.I'. Gellie love day, in the occupation of Edward Ed- ? 13 wards,audcOlJlprslllg- 107 3 ]3 Part a I Croes Fain, in the occupation of Edwan\ Da\jes, and comprising 19 1 2 '\Yoo'? ?t' U,Ili day, in hand, comprising ? ? 25 131 3 18 E XC 11 AG I' F OR Part o Croc5 l ain, in the occupation of Ed?d D.ad comprising 3136 W???m?haiTth"fi?h day of October, i-n lthi' e c Lord One Ihoue_nd eight b d fift),-nine. U. {,fN, by Order of the 130ard, ADELPHI WHOLESALE AND RETAIL UPHOLSTERY AND CABINET MANUFACTORY, 3 and 4, BANELAGH-PLACK, LIVERPOOL. JOHN ELLIS begs most respectfully to call the attention of Partion requiring J GOOD AND WARRANTED FURNITURE, to his extensive and valuable STOCK, comprising Suites of DRAWING AND DINING ROOf, LIBRARY, HALL, AND BEDROOM FURNITURE, which beinjr his own Manufacture, of thoroughly well seasoned Materials, the greater reliance may be placed on the Q VALITY, combined with the lowest possible price. SPRING, HAIR, AND OTHER MATRBSSES, CURTAINS, CARPETS, &&_c.; also, a large Awortraent of CHIMNEY, PIER, AND DRESSING GLASSES. Export Orders to any extn'. 8hip,'Cabin fitted ?p. Export 0rde J,^ij^e Glass, China, Paintings, &0., Packed and Removed to all Parts. MANUFACTORY. 31, LAWTON-STllEET, RENSHAW-STREET, LIVERPOOL. N.B.-Extensive Dry Warerooms for STORING FURNITURE. AUTUMN FASHIONS MESSRS. BECKETT BROTHERS, BItlBOE STREET ROW, CHESTER, Respectfully announce that they are now Showing FASHIONABLE NOVELTIES, For the Autumn Trade, in every department, and would direct special attention to their SHOW ROOMS, In which they are displaying the CHOICEST PRODUCTIONS in FRENCH MILLINERY FLOWERS, FEATHERS &c.; ALSO THE FIRST STYLES IN MANTLES OF VARIOUS FABRICS SUITABLE FOR THE SEASON. THEIR FANCY DRESS DEPARTMENT also will be found to merit Inspection, its contents being of the most varied description, embracing very numerous NOVELTIES of French and British manufacture. NEW DRESS TRIMINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION SUITABLE FOR THE NEW DRESS MATERIALS. BECKETT BROTHERS, BRIDGE STREET ROW, CHESTER. T. HUGHES AND CO., CABINET MAKERS AND UPHOLSTERERS, 45 & 47. BOLD STREET, LIVERPOOL. HAVE always in Stock a large assortment of Substantial and Elegant FURNITURE, ?p in W"I.,?t, ?,I?h?g?.y, be utifully marked Birch, and other wood9, and, in soliciting the specia? att?tioti of the Public, t the advantages their e"tablihment ensures to parties favouring them with order. for the entire or partial Furnishing of their Houses, beg to tite that fb? whole of the CABINET GOODS are made up in their OWN ?ACTORfHS.frofn aiargeandcarefuUy selected stock of SEASONED TIMBER, and r?der the immedjat uperintend\nce of Mr. T. H who brings the benefits of upwards of twenty yean' pr?cti?it experience to bear on this Important branch of the business*, desiderata not to be obtained in the Houses of Furniture deal- ing Drapers, and other non-manufacturing establishment, where the good3 sold are for the most part made up by urtruqt. worthy London and Liverpool makers, having no facilities for the seasoning of their materials. In the Upli,),3 ?r,?lh"Iy tY DEPARTMENT the utmost attention continues to be bestowed on the mRnufactlue of their STEAM P?RI'FI? FEATHER BE'DDI?G' HORSE H'A?!" WOOL AND CO'?TON MATTRESSES, aU of which are made up of the best materials only, and at prices not higher than is generally charged elbewhere for inferior articles. T H & Co. continue to hp supplied by the best manafaeturlrs in this country, and in France, with the neiv?t designs in T. H. & Co.??"- ??'?? ?OOL"ALL"?Oot ''A'?D 'UN't?N?i?MASK'!? '?" 50 that parties favouring them with their commands for these goods, may rely on being supplied at all times with the most novel and approved patterns. GILT CHIMNEY MIRRORS AND TOI? GPL.ASSES, IN THE NEWEST AND MOST CHASTE DESIGNS. T. HUGHES & Co., 45 AND 47, BOLD STREET, LIVERPOOL. Furniture Pad led and Removed to all Parts of the Town or Country. 51 ANU FACTORIES-41, SEEL STREET, AND 45. FLEET STREET ARTIFICIAL TEETH. fr THE NEW DISCOVERY45 ARTIFICIAL TEETH SELF ADHESIVE! WITHOUT SPRINGS! VULCANIZED INDIA RUBBER AS ABASE! PROTECTED BY HER MAJESTY'S ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. MESSRS. GABRIEL, Dentist., have the honour to inform their Patienta* and those whomayw.h to consult    introduced into their Practice, with the greatest satisfaction and .ueeeM, a neMty-'mented application of Vulcanized m<M Rubber as a Base fo, their Artificial Teet. MESSRS. GABRIEL'S DENTAIi ESTABLISHMENTS AltE- LIVERPOOL, 134, DUKE STREET (directly Pposite, Berrtreet) LONDON, 33, LUDGATE HILL, and 110, REGENT Sl ?isET ATTENDANCE DAILY FROM TEN 7'0 SIX. Attendant in I cn ESTER, I ? _.? DAY, at No. 3, Pepper Street.I BANGOR, N, W A li E S The first MONDA Y in each Month, at Mr. Roberts, Watch Ni ker, Ifigh Street. CARNARVON, I The first TUESDAY in each Month, at the 1, Uxbridge Arms, Roo. I ?- -1 MEsSKS. LIAUIII&L, me UBU' £ ,5iAnuDuc,I' ucx i JOIS, present compliments IU ine innaoiianis oi JJAAUUXV I MlêA i ll:¿\tld tr. vici:i81.d b'eg':t:; :h:t :8f}hn;;ilIlii\8hCLUab)(: Towns regularly, and ;:a be consulted on the LOSS of TEE r H, &c., from 10 to 5 o'clock each day. The necessity has long been felt throughout many parts of the country of being able to obtain the services of A DBNTIST OF SOME .11??N???. IN HIS PROFESSION, without the necessity sf a visit to town, or without itig to pay an exorbitant charge for such senices. This de8ideratum Messrs. Gabriel will at once oupply. Messrs. G. are the patentees of an ei irely new description of TEETH and GUIS, which are fitted with absolute pre- ci?i.. and success, such indeed a! are by any other means unattainable; they are fitted on the most tender gums without springs or wires of any description, and are warranted to ,nove as firm and ueful in th mouth as the natural masticators; and, iu order to n:nder them within the reach of the most economical, they are supplied at charges strictly moderate. Me$srs, G.'a Pamphlet (gratis) fully explains the system, which has been approved by the highest medical authorities and the Press, and will be sent post- free by Messrs. Gabriel, who are manulacturers of every speciality appertaining to the profession.—Established (81)4. (Ö" NOTICE-FOlt THE CONVENIENCE OF PATIENTS FROM THE COUNTRY. Messrs. Gabriel's hours of attendance in BANGOR will be from 9 a.m. till 8 p:m. hours of attendance at CARNARVON, from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m. Messrs,. Gabriel's next visit to BAN&OR, 1st Monday in November. „ CARNARVON, 1st Tuesday in November. AMERICAN MINERAL TEETH. The beet in Europe, warranted to retain their colour, from 3$, 6d. per tooth. Sets, X4 49. DECAYED TEETH?fectu?y ?tpp,!d with the WHITE E UŒL, GOLD, and SUCCED lNlU1, p,?,,?t? further decay and tooth-ache. MESSRS. GABRIEL'S Prepared WHITE GUTTA PERCHA EL, for STOPPING DECAYED TEEfH. Price Is. Gd. per box, directions enclosed. Sold by all Chemists in town and country. Observe their uume on each box, without which none is MESSRS. GABRIEL'S ROYAL TOOTH POWDER, for Preserving and Cleaning the Teeth and Gums, is sold by all Chemists in town and country, at Is. 6d. per box. ?''? SE'SSR?°' GAnewly-iiiveiited WHITE ENAMEL for STOPPING DECAYED FRONT TEETH, which renders them sound, and does not turn black. May be had on application, or through any Chemist in the Kingdom. Price 5?. per box, with directions .r use. MESSRS. GABRIEL have introduced into successful practice the ELECTRO-GALVANIC PROCESS, for the painless ex- traction of Teeth, and all operations connected with Deii ti?t'y. "I CSSRS. GABRIEL are in attendance daily, from 16 to 7, and may be consulted on the Loss of Teeth, and all operations ap- pertaining to Dentistry, at their establishments pertaming to ent[s n, a tetr 134, Duke-street, Liverpool (directly opposite Berry-street). 33, Ludgate-hill, and 110, Regent-street, London. Consultations free of expenie. and charges 3ti ictly moderate. Agent for Chester, Messrs. Piatt & S'on? Ch'etni?s? Wrexham, Mr. Rowlands Bangor, Mr.Grifliths, Chemist, High-street, :) Carnarvon. Mr. G. Owens. Chemist, PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS, By Collard, Broat/wood, Gunther, Allison, Nutting and Addison, Walter, Kirlcman, Hotman, .s-c., SELLING OFF, Previous to Extensive Alterations, AT JAMES PALMER'S WAREHOUSE, 36, CLARENCE-STREET, Corner of Mount-pleasant, LIVERPOOL. N.B.—The above Valuable STOCK to be DISPOSED OF during tile prtornt Month, at Lo» rnces, or on Advantageous Ter Pianos packed aud forwarded. w EST OF ENGLAND FIRE AND LIFE if INSURANCE COMPANY, ESTABLISHED AT EXETER, 1870. Office for the Metropolis, 20, BRIDGE STBEET, Black- friars. EMPOWERED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT. CAPITAL, £ GOJ,000. TRUSTEES, Ri?ht Hon. Earl Fortescue SirT.D.Ac)and,BMt. Ri7lit Ilon. Earl Fort, Ij'?., ?'Yard, M.P. Iti,-Iit Ilon. Earl?v M.P. LIFE INSURANCES. In April, 1847. in order to place this Company on a similar footing with the most popular Offices, and to afford the Policy holders greater advantages than had hitherto been enjoyed by ttiem-it was resolved by the Proprietors to grant a Bonus every fifth year, accruing from four-fifths or eighty per cent, of the pro- fits of Life Insurance. At the DIVISION OF PROFITS up to Christmas, 1852, the BONUS ?ectare? upon ?his principle ?M?be?een TNN'EN gfrN3Ct!î, F'b uw PER CENT: ,,i be:l¡ 1;¡ dnrin the previous Five years, and =At the D??)ON ?PRul''?fa for the Five Years endim Christmas, 1#">7, the BONUS ranged between the age8 of 72 and 14, from TWENTY-SEVEN ? SEVENTY-THREE PER REE PER Accumulated Funds, £ 1,50^,000. Annual Life Income, nearly OO.OOO. Amount already paid in Claims and Bonus, £3,188,785. Medical Fees and Policy Stamps are paid by the Company. FIRE INSURANCES. In the File Department the Company stands seventh on the list of Offices in England, vmd second in Ireland, haing paid to the Government during the year 1*58, Duty amounting to 157,848, and its present neolne, from Premiums onh, amounts to "L'a ly gloo'ooo. Losses arising from Explosions by Gas are made good by this Company. Steam Threshing Machines allowed to be used on Farms with- out any extra charge. WILLIAM CANN, Secretary. CHARLES LEWIS, Actuary. Exeter, Scpt., 1859. N.B.—Agents are required in Towns in which the Company is not represented, AGENTS. Beaumari.Mr. E. T. FERNANDEZ, Rhyl Mr, E. PARRY. Denbigh .Mr, J. M. WILLIAMS. MAGIC HORSE TAMING NOSE PINCHERS (GEYELIN'S PATENT), Warranted to subdue the mos: vicious horse at the instant. Kicking, rearing, plunging, and run. mng away lenderedimpossible. It \3 simple, ornamental, an? c? be fixed to any bridlc.-Sold only by W. H. KEN- NEDY, Agent, 465, Oxford-St. London, W. C.-Price £1 keach, THE UNIVERSAL GAS BURNERS' REGULATOR (GEYELIN'S PATENT), The only one in the world by which the flame from Argand, Fish Tail, and all other Burners remains invariable under all varia- tions cf pressure, and the cost of each light is less than One Farthing per hour. Can be fixed horizontal, cloae to, or distant from the Burner; is ornamental, simple in consh u- ction, consisting of a double chamber, the inner per- forated, covered with a diaphragm, giving action to a spherical valve.—Price 3s. each, one sent on receipt of3,. 6d. in postage stamps.—"W. 11. KENNEDY, Agent, 462, Oxford-street, London, W.C. PATENT ENDLESS BRICK, TILE, AND SOCKET PIPE MACHINE, The most perfect compact, and portable ever invented,—Sold by n, KENNEDY, Agent, 462, Oxford-st., London, W.C. THE HYGIENIC SPRING LATHS BEDSTEAD (GEYELIN'S PATENT), Combining the advantages of Metallic Bedsteads with the comfort of a Spring Mattrass at less than halt the cost. Certified by Medical men as the best and most comfortable Bedstead ever invented: invaluable for hot climates; cannot possibly harbour vermin. Sold by W. Id. KEN. NEDY, Agent,463, Oxford-st., London, W.C. BONUS YEAR. THE SCOTTISHWIDOWS' FUND 1 LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY Beina constituted on purely Muíill principles, the Entire Profits belong to the Policy-holders. Policies issued on or before 31st December next, will participate in the Profits to be divided as at that date, and will rank for oue year's Bonus more than Policies issued after that date. The Income of the Society is £42:000 I The l??et,?d Fund belonging to the Policy-holdcrsex- clusively, amount to about 3,500,000 The Total Bonuses rleclared up to December 1852 were 1,730,000 i wliich increased the Sums Assured under the Policies according toiheir pei'iods of endurance bT. FROM 12t TO 128 PER All facilities and privileges consistent with sound principles are afforded to the Policy-holders.. I Prospectuses, Proposals, and all information, communicated by the Head Oil! and Agencies. SAMUEL RALEIGII, Manager. "WILLIAM LINDESAY, Secretary. Edinburgh, 5, St. Andrew Square, October 1859. CHESTER HONORARY BOARD. Gregory Burnett, Esq., Hawarden. The Rev. Fred. Ayckbowm, Rector of the Holy Trinity. Alexander Mackintosh, Esq C.R. John Trevor, Esq., Treasurer of the County Courts. John Smith, Eeq., Brookfleld, Chester. Meadows Frost, Esq., St. John's House, Chester. eBOWsros, Agent at Chester: JAMES SMITH, OLD BANK, CHESTER, Agent at Bangor, ROBERT STEW ART. National Provincial Bank, MENAI BRIDGE. MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT. MISS LLOYD begs to -ce to her Cnstomer. and the Ladies in general, that she has ready for Inspection a ew and Fashionak? le SELECTION of MILLINERY, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, LACES, GLOVES, and VELVET TRIMMINGS. TENDERS FOR FREIGHT WANTED. l)OBERTS & GIBSON. Iron Merchants, Liverpool, are p?. It 0 o Er vZ eIn;s r sIr¿1 :eJõoor8 ar{eail £: Iron and Chairs from Glas,ow to i'leetwol) ?- The whole to be delivered on or before 31st December nekt. Tenders to be sent in, by letter, stating: lowest freight, and full particulars, not later than FRIDAY 28th instant. 55, Tower Buildings East, I,iv??r, GRAMMAR SCHOOL, SAINT ASAPH. COMMERCIAL, MATHEMATICAL, & CLASSICAL. MR. KARRIS, L.C.P., HAVING removed to more convenient premise?, will be happy to receive a ?eiv more BoAltD The ???.t Quaiter will commence October 3rd. Terms on application. At the late Cam- bridge Middle Class Examination, THE ONLY BOY EDUCATED 1. 1 WALES, who obtained a Certificate, was from thi. chool. One or two young men, who wish to pursue their studies with energy. can have private rooms. CHESTER ROOT SHOW, NOVEMBER 16th & 17th, 1859. P?ITZ TITSTI? aild Forms of Entry for the above 'are now I Y, and may be had on application, or will be Ir,a= free by post. Entries closed on November 1st. No entry fee charged, GEORGl'. CilL\A.h. Chester, Ilth October, 1859. GEORm: CH1\'AS. D o Iêl ío;C¡;l:Sr¿,C},\d'¡ L;rliS I are Cil LAPPR., more wholesome, and far superr to the finest FRENCH BRANDY. ROYAL BALMORAL, a very Une, mild, and mellow spirit ?d 15s. pr gal on. The PRINCE'S ESQUE A.?,?d and delicious spirit 18$. »• DONALD DUNCAN'S celebrated Registered D.O. WHISKEY, of extraordinary quality and age ;oa::lii'f'Ù:h' of .ti; i"a?y part, or mpie forwarded for 12 3tamps. Terms, Cash. NV,C. 5, Burleigh-street, Strand, London. W.C. Country orders must contain a l'ost-Office Order. JLKINGTON AND CO. PATENTEES OF THE ELECTRO PLATE, MANUFACTURING SILVETINI ITHS, BRONZISTS, &c. Invite attention to their spacious Showrûom, recently opened in CHURCH STREET, LIVERPOOL. In thus announcing the opening of their new Establishment, Elkington and Co. solicit Merchants, Shipowners, and the 1 ublic to inspect their Stock, which comprises all the varieties of Table and Dinner Services, as well M ornamental and Fine Art pro- ùuctions. Every article of Electro Plate bears their mark-E. and Co. under a Crown. M ISUTACTOIIY—NEWtrALI.-STRliliT, BIRMINGHAM. CHURCH-STREUT, LIVERPOOL. ST. ASAPH CENTRAL COURSING MEETING, The Autumn Meeting, under the immediate patronae of the HON. T. Price LOI'?),. PENGWEIlX, will be held on Thursday, November 3rd 1N')9; when the following Stakes will be run for. THE DDANSTAKES. For Dogs under two years of age, at. £ 1 5s. each— £ 20. The Winner to recel\e.£lO JOs. Second Do Third and Fourth Oojr £ 1 each 2 0 L 3 6 X20 0 0 If this Stake does not fill, the Prizes will be awarded according to the Stewards' decision. THE PENGWERN CUP. Entry to close November 2nd-For 16 all aged Dogs, at £3 6s. The Winner to receive £ 28 0 ù; L".i 10 n ie t: 7 Expenses £ 52 0 0 This meeting will be strictly ffoverned by the National Cours- ing Uules. The Drawing will take place on the evening of the 2nd Nor., at the Railway Inn, at Seven o'clock. Entries to be made as early as possible, to D. A. Robertson, St. Asaph, (the Secretary), orto Mr. Jones, Dinorben Arms Hotel, Rhyl. The first do. must be in the Slips at Nine o'clock precisely. Dinner will be provided at the Railway Inn.—Tickets 3s. 5d. each. JUDGE-Mr. P. Taylor. SLIl)PER-rr. J. Hollands. S?.??.D.-B. Lloy, E?q., Pl. y.. Cwm; V. Hughes, Esq., Solicitor, Conwav, E. Pierce, Esq., M.D., Denbigh L. R. Mor- an, Esq., Rli"i. FIELD STEWARDS—Messrs. Davies, Jones, and Buihnell. FLAG STEWARD-Mr. J. Jones, Rhyddlan. DAVID A. ROBINSON, SECRETARY. NOTICE FOR LETTING TOLLS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the Tolls arising at the several Tropik(! Gates on the T:nl/J;d\l;tf:I ;hTtr;in;:n f¿ wen to Mold, and from Bhekbrook to Pontnewydd, together with the seferal Chains or Bid(;-bars belonging thereto, called II The Mold and Denbigh District of Roads and also the several Turnpike Gates on the Turnpike Road leading from Den- bigh to Rhydlan, and the Branch Gates belonging thereto. called The Denbigh and Rhydlau District oi Roadsand also the )'  i he ?, '??nt A?.ph Pant Evan and Saint George Gates. called The Saint Asaph District of Roads;" and also the several Turnpike Gate3 on the Turnpike Road from Abergele to Conway Ferry house, called or known by the several names of Abergele Gate, Sarn, Marl, and Dolwyd Gates, together with the Chains or Side-bars at Colwyn Bridge and Colwyn Station, called" The Conway District of Roads," WILL BE LET BY AUCTION, To the highest Bidder, at the Office of the undersigned, in the City of St. Asaph, in the County of Flint, on THURSDAY, 24th November, 1859, between the hours of Eleven and Three o'clock in the manner directed by the Acts passed in the Third and Fourth year of the Reign of his late Majesty King George the Fotirth-for Regulating Turnpike Roads;" which Tolls pro. duced last year the undermentioned Sums — Mold and Denbigh District collected about., 99-18 Denbigh and Rhydlan District let at 765 Conway District let at 375 Saint Aaaph District let 142 Above the Expenses of Collecting the same; and will be put up at those or such other suina, for one year, from the First day of January, 1860, to the 31st day of December following, as the said Trustees shall think fit, and subject to such Conditions as shall be determincd upon by the said Trustees. i  Wh.e,,r happen. to be the ?e.t Bidder or Bidders, must 'diat,ly give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the satis- faction of the Trustees, for the payment of the Rent at which such Tolls shall be Let, monthly, or in such other proportions, and in advance, if required. aa shall be directed; and no second Bidding will be received by the said Trustees from any Bidder, without the names of the intended Sureties being first delivered in writing to the said Trustees; and no Bidding will be received by the aid from any Penons who shaiL stand indebted to them for Tolls arising under their management. WYATT & SISSON, Clerks to the Trustees. St. Asaph, 15th October, 1859. FLINTSHIRE TURNPIKE TOLLS FLINT, HOLYWELL, & MOSTYN TURNPIKE DISTRICTS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the Tolls arising and to be collected at the several Trn. TH ;;[ethJ;{'I'cl;id t\e b, liC\Iyï, S:lral[ Turnpike Districts of Roads, in the County ot Flint, WILL BE LET BY AUCTION, To the highest Bidder, at the ROYAL and WIIITE HORSE HOTEL, iu the Town of Hoiywell, on WEDNESDAY, 23rd November, 1859, between the hours of Eleven and Three o'clock, in the manner directed by the Acts passed in third and fourth.??eir? of the reign of his late Majesty King George the Fourth, "For regulating ;iIa; which Tolls produced the last year the fol- lowing ?uns, over and above the expence3 of co lecting the ,i?.e, v??. FLINT DISTRICT. Bagillt, Boot, Brocnallt, Coleshill, Allt Goch, Green- field, Northop Church Yard, and Walwen Gates, and all the side Gates thereunto belonging, which lolls produced the last Year the sum of 1030 0 0 HOLYWELL DISTRICT. Brynford Hill, Llygan-y -Ian, LI)gau:y.wern and Chain, Lh\}'neril. orthop, 8tamQrù. Soughton, Sprin- li,t?ii Lane, and Vawnog G.t??, and all the side Gates thereunto belonging, which Tolls pro- duced the last Year the sum of 700 0 0 MOSTYN DISTIUC L\ Gwibnant, Llctty, Llinegar, Pen'rallt, Rhewl Iostn. Plasucha, Brickhill, Caerwys Hill, Maesroyuan, Creavel, Llidiart Ct>rri¡r, Newmarket, 3.t\tt Engldield Oates, and the side Gates thereunto belonging, all of which Gates produced in the year ::l:n;It by i:11e l::t;:IPJ\tr of a certain Composition received at the latter Gate from the Englefield Colliery Company, which Com- position will again be reserved to the Tiustees), the sum of 692 15 5 The Gates and all or part of the Tolls to be Le: for One Year, commencing January 1st, 1860, tile Trustees reserving to them- selves the powers of offering each District in one or more Lots, and in such manner and form, and subject to such arrangements as may be deemed expedient. Whoever happens to be the highest Bidder must then and there give security with sufficient Sureties to the satisfaction of the Trustees, for the payment of the Kent monthly, or in such other manner and proportions 93 shall be directed and no second Bidding will be received unless tne Bidder shall ?po.it One Hundred Pounds in the hands of the Clerk, under condi- ti. then to be declared, one of such conditions being hould the Trustees require it) a;l Agreement on the partofth Takers to' ??the JElOtf deposit 'mo??he'hMd: ofthoTruateea in part of payment 01 the Rent at which the Tlls may be let. EDWABDJONb? Clerk to the said Trustees. Holywell, October 13th, 1839, FARMING IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINES FOR NORTH WALES. GEOROKCHIVAS ha<p)easure in announcing that theMM G Fo:.r;; bJ:l: 1::I;:sI.a::in\1:: larget and b«t collec1ion of Implements, has again been award.   in  i,ild t.p?,t his Show Boome,which arethelargest attached to am Seed Establishment in Great Britain. Priced lists England Seed and Implement Warehouse. Chester, llith September, 1859. SALES BY MR. DEW. BEAUMARIS. Unmened SALE of FARMING STOCK, SfC. MR. WILLIAM DEW Has en favoured with instructioni from Mr. I^undes (who i. d, "lor Farmin) to SELL by P?T???-CT'tM"on Vg -i 26th October, 1859 (commencing at Yi ?t.,nk at nMn p\ at RE6 HtLL. dtant abtut a mile from the » ARMlNU STOCK and flMPl.EMKSTS in A tOSBA?nRY. Mmpri.tn; ? n.Md MU<-h C. three M full p,?. <t. ?nd four at early .t..1?ndid fcur-yMr-ftd Can HorTi .M han d hi?h .<ce)ient B., NJ r,4,,lf harneM o' ijt'te; elf.I" :m:r ¡ .fo;li::J Sow, .n pix .p ?Tes; a promisiiiz Fil -bred patent cast Turnip Slicer; Scuffler, and various other ) !IImaller implements; a well 2 Stacks of prime MEADOW and Cf.0\m HAY; a large Stack of OAT STRAW, and about 3 acres of fine SWEDES one Horse Cart; Ploughing Gear; quan- Lityof Wire; Churn and Fly Wheel, Bee. ANGLESEY. Sale of valuable Live Stock, Implements in Husbandry, Household Furniture, &c.. at RALLT GOCH, rlan- rhyddlad, distant 5 miles from the Valley Station, os the Chester & Holyhead Railway. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. W. DEW, ,Without the slightest reservation), 011 THURSDAY, 27th October, 1S59 at 11 o'clock a.m. to the minute, THE whole of the FARMING STOCK, &c. (the property of the late Mr. John Griffith), 3t the bo?,?.,?d Farm. It ?om?ri,? ''a?Je ?rt ?H.??° ?r?' Steers and Slirk., excellent Milch Cows, Cart-, Ploughs rrows. Chaff Cutter, Winnowing Machine, several sets f,r ill and Chain Gear,«c., as well a8 the whole of the Household Furniture and Dairy U As the whole must be sold in one day, a punctual attendance il respectfully requested. CARNARVON. ATTRACTIVE SALE OF FURNITURE. MR. WILLIAM DEW, Has been commissioned by lr. U. Edwards, Auctioneer (who, ill consequence of his late bereavement, relinquishes hoiie keep- ing), to submit for unreserved SAI,E ?"'?.'CTtO'<.on t? Premises in High-etreet, Carnarvon, on FRIDAY,,28th O?tb!" 1859- rp?e!)'tire'oFthe well-selected, modern HOUSEHOLD FUR? NITUKE. The Sitting Uoom Furniture comprises a ha.d. some rmewood Circular Table, 4ft. 3in., upon pillar and .,Land mahogany circular Library Table, Mt. Win, with nM drawee upon pillar and stand a solid mahogany Sofa Table; ditto and curled oak Stand handome mahogany-planed Sofa; Ame- rican Cloth Cover, with luo;e cushions and pillows; ditto hair-covered Coitoli a neat set of mahogany two arm and 81* single Chairs, hair eated; a small neat mahogany Cheffonier; mahngany Gardevine; a sweet-toned Cottage Pianoforte, 6 octaves, by Broad wood and Co.; Brussels Carpet, about 16 yards, bor- dered with red drugget; a i,id er- ?' "t?', ditto, b..t 12ard6 elegant inle Phte; gilt.framed ?iier Glass, 41in. by 20in.; two mahoeany Window Potes, Kings, and Bracketts Chimney Orna- ments: Cast Fenders and polished St.et fire Sets two Pole Screens. The four Chambtn are replete with handsome maho- ?' polished-birch and iron half-test, and mahogany and stained French Bedstead, drapered in chintz and dimity,f«ith windows to match; Straw Palliasses; curled Hair aod Wool MattrMM.; three excellent Down Feather Beds, Bolsters, and Pillows mahogany Toilet and Washstand potuhed-btrch UreMin! Table and Waen?nd; painted Che' :?olished-birch Dressing Tables ar.d Washstands neat marble and o ft her double and *igl,? S?,,i?e. of Chamber Ware; mahogany NVardrobe with four draw .rs and cupboard, 7It. by -t?t.; mahogany anl Ilint'l Chair and Ch,,t 1,?,d,, t,d Chaira; baø4- Iiome Toilet GI.s; Water Uottles and Tumblers Stair Carpt, I Crumb Cloth, and Brass Bods U.o1hn's Ancient Ilieton Hum and SmoIlLt's Hi.tory of England, with a few other =,. The .itChOD oontaln. a splendid mahogany cased 8day Clock; two- ieated"?i'd' a)a''??" rab ,e '?"??''? (quite new); I i,ed *,i, _a.and oak Chans: an excellent capital oak Dresser and S h e, „tt o( Hslifax Cu. Wa?h'm? and T'?r' ??h?e< "b'' ?;??Ha!i??"? iin?y Utensils, and ?ther '? K?en &?.iite?; Glass, Chlf)? and Earthen ware. &c &c. The Sale to commence at 11 precisely until 1 p.m., muwinij At 2 P.m,, until tle ewhole ,r" disposed o "ay be v,ewcd the day before the Sale, from 10 until 5, and th# morning1 of the Sale, and Catalogues ay be had on the Premise** at eAu? tio Ieer's, British Hotel, Bangor, and the other pri? cipal Hotels. SALE BY MESSRS. CHURTON. Extensive and Highly Important Sale of Fat Cattle, Calving Cows and Heifers, Cart and Hack IFories, Brood Mares and Colts, Pigs, modern Agricul- tural Implements, Whitechapel, and other Effects, AT THE MANOR FARM, Near to llawarden. and within short distances of the Queen's Ferry and Broughton Railway Stationt. MESSRS. CHURTON Have the pleasure to announce that they have been instructed by R. Sill?., E?q. h is leaving the larm), to SELL by AUC- T10, on WEDNESDAY, November 2nd, 1850, commencing most punctually at Eleven o'clock a.m., THE whole of his very valuable FARMING STOCK, con.i. 33 Fat Cows, Heifers, aud Barrens 28 Calving Heifers (two and three years old), in-calf toadetcett* dant of Sir Stephen Glynne's celebrated Short-horned Bull 7 Cross-bred and Ayrshire Cows and Heifers, calved and in-calf 2t Capital Cart and Hack Horae" Brood Marea and Colts 5 Large Feeding Pigs. 23 Strong Stores, in-pig Sow Together with a well-selected assortment of modern AGRICUL" TUltAL IMPLEMENTS, among which will be found 6 very excellent broad-wheeled art,, 3 capital Scotch d,itto; Garrett and Sons' Corn Drill, Turnip ditto; Cro ?killF? Clod C ,.sher; Ducie's Cultivator, large Wrought Iron ditto, 2 Land Rollert. Norwegian Harrow, several sets of Iron Harrows by Howard Double Mould Plough by Richmond and Chandler; Ditto by Edwards, Turnip Slicer, Bean and Oat Cruher by ditto; Ioa- proved Cake Crusher by Howard 3 Iron Turnip Scuffles, Win- nowing and Weighing Machines, Drag Harrow?, Cattle -a Sheep Troughs, a variety of the smaller Farm Requisit?' to- gether with an excellent Whitechapel, Harne?s, Saddle., Bridl?, Horse Clothing, and 8ther Saddlery. N.B.—Catalogues may be had at the Offices of the Auctioneer?, Chester, and Whitchurch, Shropshire. SALE BY MR. HEALING. AT D Y F F R Y N DULAS, NEAR LLANDULAS, NORTH WALES. SALE OF MODERN AND EXCELLENT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Fine-toned Cottage Pianoforte, small Stack of well- harvested Hay, a quantity of Potatoes, a few Brew- ing Utensils, Garden and other Implements, Stone Garden Roller, J-c. 4e. TO BE SOLI) BY AU CTION, BY MR. HEALING, On THURSDAY, October 27th, 18;)H, at Eleven o'clock for Twelve most punctually, on the Prembc known ?? OYFFRYX DU- LAS, near L andulas- ?'HE\a)uaH< modern, and excellent HOUSEHOLD FtTRNI- TURL? a very brilliant and powerful-toned 6 1 -octave Cot- tagc Pianoforte, in walnutwood c.ue, by a celebrated London maker; Table Senice of Staffordshir Ware Dessert and Te# and Coffee Cl? i, an eKceUen assemblage of richl,-cut GUsg; modern Plated Articles; a magnificent (:hina Toilet Service; capi- tal Table and lied Linen, and other valuable Effects, the property of Mrs. Haughton, whose term in the above Residence is about to expire. The Drawing Room Articles embrace the splendid Cottage Piano-Forte, in walnut case, CurtaHis of green mer1DO damuk to the three windowB, with gUt cornice poles, .,ell?nt Brussels Carpet and Hug, en suite, Qct f six modern mahogany cwwn- backed Chairs, Couch with loose hair-stuffed cushion ard boliter to match, neat Card. Pembroke, Work, and other Tables, Fender and Fire Irons, and other ornamental articlca. :1'?ie I)iniiig-Itoo:n I'?irititurL? a mahopn1 Dining Table a beautiful Spini- iinatiogI 10 the cottage ?t) 1,, of excellent woK?M?)! '?d material, with plate an? other drawers, cellerette, and centre upboad, Butler I TraJ and Stand, a set of seven we? made ChMra. with crown hMK, mahogany-framed Easy Chair, with spring ffed modem rnaho ea :):t..?d C.,??h, will.ff d ?u?h' Cur. Uin> of green merino damask to the window, with gilt pole, ?dder'mi?e? Carpet at!d*" I cart h Bug, Chimney Ornament ,id" rFir'. I r. other items. Flr'[re Ch?be'r? con'Sn? f half-tster, camp, and French Bedsteads with various h?'.gl !g?hair mattresses and palliasses, capital we'd goose 1?,ther Bed, Bolsters and Pillow? excellent Blankets, Sheets and Counterpanes, maho gany :{r:l:e{i:1.i: :e\r g ne'I;dm;If:J Dressing Glasses, well made mahogany Chests fD, aw, .?h- 1 zany Bureau, Night Commodes, Cl, air, in printed calico, Chambe Chairs and Carpets, 1endLrs, Fire Irons, and other useful articles. Also the excellent Kitchen Requisites, and other domestie effects. The Out-door and other Miscellaneous Articles will comprise the small Stack of Hay, about 5 tons, a quantity of Potatoe" Cù<1I, Brewing Vesel, several lonif and short Laddeis, Stil:ages Garden Roller and Chairs, Garden and other Implemelt. Wate; Butts and Tubs, and a great variety of other articles which "iD tiLular?ibs e in the Cata Iogue. The whole of the above to be Viewed on the Morning of sc, when C&talogues may be had on the premises, also at the Enk Arms Hotel, Conway the Bull Hotel, Denbigh the Bee H-:9, Abergele and from Mr, Healing, Auctioneer, the Georgt laD" Queen-street, Rhyl.