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LIBERAL "PURITY." On the 11th of May, and for several weeks after- wards, an advertisement appeared in the" Times," headed 11 Bribery, and Corruption, and lnquirr. I In this specious production it was announced that the open and unblushing bribery and corruption practised at the late election, and the alleged cogni- zance of her Majesty's Government thereof, has ex- cited the indignation of the whole country, and it is felt that a great blow has been struck at the freedom of election by such unconstitutional proceedings. To expose and punish the participators in them, the public was informed, that a committee of gentle- men was in course of formation, as "the burden of inquiry would be too onerous to be borne byindi- vidual boroughs." Co-operation was earnestly so- licited;" and it was Ills" requested that "every in- formation should be forwarded to Wm. Wilde, jun., hon. sec." I his advertisement was dated from "Offices, 23, Parliament-street." and, of course, it was received by the innocent" Liberals, as a proof of the horrible corrupticn of the Conservative prac-I tice, and the innate purity of that of the Liberals. Truth, however, i s generally discovered at last. On Friday, an inquiry 0I)er,eL?l bs fore a com- mittee of the House of Common, Into the allega- tions of a petition against the return of Lord Bury (son of the Errl of Alhermor!e, who now holds the sinecure office, under Lord Palmerston, of treasurer of her Ijest)'s houscho]d) and Ir. Schneider for the city of Norwich That inquiry lasted only one day,-for so strong were the proofs of bribery con- tained in the evidence of the witnesses then ex- amined, that on Saturday, lr. Phinn, counsel for the then sitting members for Norwich,—stated, that those members 11 must be held responsible for the acts of their agents; and that it would be unfair and unjust to the committee and the petitioners, after the evidence given of the acts of those agents, to contest the matter furt her. The defence was, therefore, withdrawn; and the committee then resolved that "llenry Wm. Schneider, Esq., and the Hor.. Win. Coates Keppel, commonly called Viscount Bury," were not duly elected, having, "hy their agents, been guilty of bribery," though without their know- ledge and consent. Now, who do our readers sup- pose those agents were? Why, three persons—a father, son, and grandson, of the name of Wilde, resident in Norwich. The father is an auctioneer and coroner of the city; the son is bailiff of the County Court held there; the grandson is articled clerk to Sir Wm. Foster, an eminent" Liberal at- torney of the city; and the son is the very" William Wild, junr." who had the impudence to sign the ad- vertisement we have quoted, complaining of the 1, open and unblushing bribery and corruption of the Conservatives." Norwich is not the only place in which" Liberal" bribery and corruption have been proved to have been practised. A t Gloucester bribery was most gross, and the members have been unseated. So it was in Wakefield, where Ir. Leatham, the brother- in-law of Nlr. Bright, shared the same fate. At Hud- dersfield, Maidstone, Bury, and Dartmouth, nothing could be more open and audacious than the Liberal proceedings. Voters were brought up and carried to the poll like cattle purchased in the market, and taken to the slaughter laouse and immense sums of money—principally received irom J.onuon,—were expended in corrupting the electors. Rendered careless by former impunities, the practices of the Wilde's and other "agents were carried on so openly, that detection followed; and whenever the subject is again mooted, we think the Liberals will not have the confidence to claim the merits of purity. We detest briber)- and corruption ol themselves, as mean and contemptible but when added to hy- pocrisy, they ar>' amongst the most hateful of vices. We never knew an election in which the Liberals were not the most determined bribers; but they managed to avoid detection, and their organs pointed out the Conservatives as wholly guilty of the \'ice.- After the exposure of Whig and Uheral bribery which has taken place in the last fortnight, we are rather curious to see the course which these organs will take. They must be very much at a loss how to defend their friends, unless, indeed, they should have the shamelessness to pretend that their agents only bribed to shew the necessity for the ballot-a species of defence which we should not be at all surprised to find them adopt. Eight Liberals have been already rejected.



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