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NATIONAL SCHOOL ROOM, BANGOR, ON TUESDAY NEXT, AUGUST 9,1859, "A NIGHT AVITH TALHAIARN." For particulars, see Programme. AMATEUR SACRED CONCERTS, IN aid of the fundi of the 13.. ,?.(,C NATIONAL SCHOOLS' will be eiven at the above c oo to (In 11th inst. Morning Concert to commence at 2, and Evening Con- ?e?a??P m'. ° Mr. Hayden pr?,idinr at the Harmonium. Ijejcetj of Admission—Reserved Seats, 2s 6d; Second Seats, !•» Third ditto. M. To be had of Mr. E. J™" P? I offi. Porlmadu. Mr. u. 1.,o??F, I.,?d at me Hotds. Mr.u.Jone.. an a JOHN THOMAS, Hon. See. Portmadoc, 3rd August, lJ). THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, THAT the Partnership e?fin: between HENRY OWKN ad EDWARD GRAY, '-hiph?tdtT, G?)o'* 9 P'"nt, Beaumarlj. iBmut?h. dis.olved, this 29th dav f July  ,d "i al claims and debts due to and from the .aid,?iiI be hence forth received and paid by the said Edward Gray. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. V|\ rOTICK id I 1?,? ?ivcn. th ,t the Partnership ?i?i,h b?? .ince i\ he TMr ?45 been M,rien on by ?. the under?fd. under A: Him of Jone. and Prvthereh," in the prcfe?on of Surgeons and Apothecaries at Ruthin, in the County of Denbigh, was this day dissolved by mutual consent. As witness our nanus this FR irst day ? of Aug8 ust, 1859. THOMAS JOSES, THOIAS PRYTIIERCII, Witness—MARCUS LOUIS, Solicitor, Ruthin. FESTINIOG RAILWAY. I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, that the Gpl",ra1 Annual Meeting of the Featiniog Railway Company will be holden at the Madock's Arms Hotel, Tremadoc. on WEDNESDAY, the 10th of August, at the hour of li o'clock at noon, for the purpose of Au(Htin the Accounts. and transacting the general business of ?C'om?M)?. '°" C. E. SPOONER, SecretMi. Portmadoc, July 30, )S59. RHUDDLAN GARDEN SOCIETY, For promoting the Culthatinn of Useful Vegetables. Fruit, and Flower*, in Cottage Gardens, within 5 miles ol the Town of ?hH')'Jhn'. ")n?t ''t'!t'e p?ron'?eofW.Stnti.EY CONWY, Eq" and the Hon. Mrs. ROWLEY Mr. THOMAS JONES, lreasurer, and Mr. JOHN B??LIS.R, Sereti v. 11HF. Eighth A?.l Exhibition of the above will take phce at t Rhuddhn Ca?)e on Wednesday, the '?th August, )?!). A splendid Band ?iii be in In?, Vistas admitted at 2 o'clock (Is.) Subscribers free; ChtMren bll,W. Thrown open to the p,?blie at 6 o'clock. INDIA OEFIC, F !tT?y 29, 1859. BY Order of the Secretary of State for In in C. ,il. H? ?"t'? i?he?eb???.?h?t :tFjc:I;mi}. ltií¡; 'Vork Committee ,?ll be ready, on or before FRIDAY, lh 12th I" t, to receive PROPOSALS, w i i.? l?d p),fr.. :Uflu;:I' :;rb nfrT:tS\I;t'pil; writing (t'aled up), (rom IRONMONGERY: and that the Conditions of the said Contract may be had p.? ap- plication at the eor t riat Office, where the Proposals are to be left anv time before Fleven .I.,k in the F,,r?,, ofthe aid ?e'E OF AU*"9'' L859' which hour no will be rerei, JCOSMO MEU-TU TO BUILDERS. THE Directors of the National Provincial Bank of England de- T to receive Tenders for the erection of BA N K1NG PRE- MtSE? ??h'' MANAGER'S RK'D??CE attached L' the Ban- gor Branch of the Establishment. The Plans and Specification may be seen at the Office of Mr. HENRY KENNEDY, Architect, Hi?h.atreet.Banfor. on and after MnSMAY.theBthiMt.. between the ho"r? of 10 a.m and 5r'Tenders to be delivered before (,. "?', ° Mnd gi.'aldrs,,d t(, R. M. GR. Esq., Bangor, ()rth Wales, marked outside "Tender for i,~nk Premises." The Directors do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any Tender. Bangor, August 1st, 1859. CARNARVON UNION-WORKHOUSE CLOTHING. THE Guardians of this nion will, at their Meeting, to be held Jonth?' t'? Tender, f.? the supply If tl?l' undermentioned Articles, %iz. :— 40 Yards o Brown Calico 41) Y.r,t. -f BI"Iif,d,C,n 6 Yards of Cheek ;). Y drds of Flannel 6 Neckerchi-fs 9 Yards S.r?.g Bilif?d?n 4?' Yards Corduroy 32 Yards Moleskin Tenders and Samples to be spot to me at the Board Room, Union House, Car.?, on or b-. fore 10 1of Saturday, the 13th ?sta'n't?'°' JOHN THOMAS, Carnarvon,Au?.5.tK)9. Clerk to th Guardian.. COUNTY OF ANGLESEY ELECTION, 1859. Erpel/ses of Sir R. B. TV. Eulkeley, Baronet, M.P. Advertisements in the Carnarvon and Denbigh fierald Xi60 The like SOI'th Wal.. Chronicle 1 10 0 42 0 0 Auditor's fee and expenses II 5 0 jejfilo A COPY of the abo e account wm be filed with the Ocrk of the A.?-e'e??" °' ?"?'? Ivdithi l\h;a:f:l:S t1 the above e,p?. THOS. OWEN, Uan?fni.An?.S.mS. El'?ti.,i A?dit.r. LLANABER CHURCH. TIIE Re-opening, for the performance of Divine Ser0ce. of the Tt'ari??h'of'?ana'b?.?htht'County of Merioneth, will take place on WEDNESDAY, the 17th of 1,?gu t. Morning Welsh Service will commence at I i o'clock. Afternoon !er\ice at 30'clock. E,euini ditto at 6 o'clock. The Right Reverend the 1 ORD BISHOP OF BANGOR will preach th'? En??'sh ?'ft?ncon Sermon. The Welsh Morning er.o,? -ill be preached by the Venerable the Ai?,DEf MERIONETH, a'nd the We)shEt<'nin? Sermon by the Rev. H. NORHIS LLOYD, M.A., Incumbent of Llancristiolus. Owing to a considerable deficiency in the funds, there will be a collection after each Sermon. The Clerg) are respectfully requested to appear in surplices. Glanydon, Barmouth. HORSE RACING. AT a Monthly Meeting of the Cal,i.i.ti? ',I?th.di,t' A T 1:(f¡ht\¡flifC\t'¡s.nÎ;:s¿ teti:I\ 19th days of July, 1859— It,?a.ig"i ",(.. ?:?t Horn R.?i.g -'a to take place at the .car flol))?ead, on the 24tli dz' ofn,tl,. As s"c?i sports ?ave it cotisiderabl'e teiideiii to corrupt the ta?te and morals of the community wherever t ey are held and encourage d' Tt was n,.??d bv the Rev. WM. ROBERTS, of Amlwch, seconded by I,, lic?v. RofiltRT IlUOliE4, fand u,?.?i..usly reMhed—Th!.t all ministers, elders, and Sunday school teMhers. belonging to the above-named denomination of Christians in An- 1t'sey, tIC nqusted to point out to all under their charge the contaminating influence and b td tendency of such pa8time. And it was further resolved—That the time appropriated to Sunday school teaching be devoted to prayer throughout the Island on the SunJay previous to the races. Signed on behalf of the meeting, WILLIAM WILLLUIS, Chmman. ANGLESEY UNION. Appointment of a Medical Officer for the Amlwch District. THE Board of Guardians of the ?"gi T Union hereb give Tn Oi(:h t?;r\ÎIJ:'at a :c:I;e6e :Ii¡:t r,r:rofv ROOM, LlaoHeh)mcdd, on Tti?, 18th day of August instant at 12 o'clock at noon, proceed to the Election 01 a ME- DICAL OFFICER for ,he Amlwch mittict, comprising ,he PtrMhMOfAmiWth (?.pt P-1r'hr,Ia,'b?'bo, I.tanbdrii!.H!.n'airyn?hor?w).Lhnfechen.L)tnThWidr;s.L)an- fflewyn. Llaneilian, Llanwenllwyfo, Bodeuryd, and ?holbei., rio. S?ry LCO per annum, and to be paid for surreal cases and the amount fixed by the General Consohdated Orders of the pour Law Board of the 24th of July, 1847. For ordinary mid- wifery cases from 10a. to 'JOs., and in special cases from 20s. to £2, The Medical Officer will also be appointed public vaccinator for Ih District. The person elected ",HI be required, at the time of tii app int- mer!t'' t?'ft'e''some qualified n?diea) practitioner as a substitute ia cases of absence, &c. The e?da'.er?tbe po?e?ed .f.neofthef.urnu..in.a. t,ons required by the said Ord?ers. TheMedicammcerwiXherenutrdtokeep a hone.  T,iers for the above oflke are to be sent to me before 10 e'l.,k a.m. of the .aid 18th ol AUlHt. ° D?plo..? ?estim?'ia?. &c. mu?t be produced to the :BoMd of Guardians at the tlm tEle,i J NO. HIGH his Clerk to the Guardians of the A-glesey Union. Llanorchymedd, 3rd August, 1859. BANGOR DIOCESAN CHURCH BUILDING SOCIETY. ^THK Annual General Meeting of this Society was lull ill the JL Chapter Room on the 3rd inst.. The LORD Bisuor of the Diocese in the Chair. The Report having been read by theSecretarr. theHev. HENRY OWRN, the follo\\inl( Resolutions were unanimously u Moved by the Very Hev. the BEAN, and seconded by Key DAVID WILLIAMS—That the Report now read be received, prllltt d, and circulated. M D h the Rev SKINNER J ONES, and seconded by -Rev ill-oh lU'i i kT HrouES—That the thanks of the meeting be presented of the past year, for their attention to the busi- and that the following gentlemen be requested [far as the elected portion of the Committee for the ensuing L. w 0, Wynne, Esq. ?h"(!!imthGriftt(h.EM). Geo. Au^u-tus Huddsut, Esq. Rev. Evan Pughe John Priestley, Esq. RMH?? ?nm? M'i<j;m.t)Mor;M Georf' (a:,un, Esq. *• V .W.tihme.Heq. 'e. ('I,i¡.l,' D. D. H. Ht'er Roberts, Esq. Hnr Kennedy, Esq. :a..1 (jIfith, *Ktq. Rev. J. Evans, Llangung R. Jones Hughes, Esq. Rev. H. Jones, Llangelynin Rev. Thomas Jones, Pwllheli Rev. J. Jones, Criccieth Rev. T. Lloyd Owen S. O. Priestley, Esq. Rev. J. P.Jones Parry Rev. W. J. Poole R,, W. Walker Rev. E. ,,?borne Willi ms Rev. J, Williams, Rhosiolyn -UOH'rt hv the Rev. CHANCELLOR 1 11 vrvuiiuiu UI H:' JMt's?w?' i? :n SK(f the if>bl; oJt JuaU,- due. and are gr?t,f,?lly ,,?d?,?d to thte h Itev. c Henry Owen M ?cr?'a? John Wil E.q., a? T,r,r, for their leajoua and efficient services for so many years. C -??d hthe Very Rev the DEAN, and se(onded ?, the Rev. CtHf)N\txc?T-ha?he best thanks of the meeting be pre- dated to the Lod Bishop for presiding OD the present ocM3)oo, M<'?rmittM!;M,t?me to be recorded as the future President M .ved by the Rev. CANON JAMES W?I.AM and seconded by tI?1. EYA? Pco?'.?Th?heaboTt r<?)utiontbe in- iu "i'VN:'th\Jr'ï:' 'h:sČ" be in. COUNTERMAND OF NOTICE OF SALE. 11HE House, No. 4. B,?lk?lly Flace, Iligh-?t,-t, Bangor, ad- l' n r JrN80le4 byR ;l .e Jtl ;Ie sal¿;th' fn;C1 ha? been disposed of by Prhate Contract. The 8a)e, therefore, ,villllot take place. Just published, price Five Shillings, THE CAUSATK N and PREVENTION OF DISEASE show- ing the INDZOCUOU8NE? of putrid exhalation?, ?d p.i?ti?g out what nr' the REAL and EFF NT causes ot ditea?e. By Jo PA .I,, ,I.D London Jo?n Churchill, New Burlington-street. VOLUNTEER UNIFORMS & ACCOUTREMENTS OF every de??,ipti. ,pt,,I, for Cavalry, Ar- till?r,, Infantrv, or Rifics, supplied by "EBBEN & C., Army and Police '?'°"?"?  Sk?t,l,,? and Ptt,rn, with prices, may be inspected at their Factory, 8, Pall Mall East, London, ?V'?? TO FARMERS, TRADESMEN, AND OTHERS. LOASS of X100 and upwards granted for a term of years, to be agreed upon at a f-ir rate of interest. Also, the sum of £170,000 to be invested bv way of mortgage, in sums to suit the conveniences of borrowers, at from 3 to 5 per cent interest, ac- cording to the ,?tur of the securities. Apply to Messrs. NSON, G8, Chancery Lane, London. ANGLESEY TND CARARVONSHIRE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. "MIE General Meeting of the Society will be held at Bangor on X FRIDAY, 9th September, 1859. List of Premiums and further particulars can be had on application to the Honorary Secretary. Subscriptions are due on st (;Il A' RI, ??'S BICKNELL, Hon. See. Eangor, 15th July, 1859; TO PORK BUICHERS. BACON CUIIERS, SAUSAGE MAKERS. &c. TO BE DISPOSED OF First-etaM OM EsttMiehed BUSI- I TONS ?,ore ir i;t;:n?ldc;flii1eor: Kent very low, and premises most convenient for any extent 01 business, %Vhl?.?l? and Retail. Apply to Mr. n. EDWARDS, Auctioneer, Carnarvon. -_U- ORAMMAR SCHOOL, SAINT ASAPH. COMMERCIAL, MATHEMATICAL, & CLASSICAL. MR. HARRIS, L.C.P., HAVING removed to more convenient premise, ,ill be happy to receive a few more BOARDERS. The next Quaiter will commence July 26th. Terms on application. At the late Cam- bridge Middle Class Examination, THE ONLY nOY EDUCATED IN WALKS, who obtained a Certificate, was from this School. One or two young men, who wish to pursue their studies with energy. can have prhatc rooms. Just published, foi the month of June, the 8 th number of THE DRY T H O N, (OR CAMIiRO-BKITON MAGAZINE), A NATIONAL JOURNAL of Welsh Literature, Antiquities and Useful Knowledee, &c. EDITED BY ?M REV. DANIEL SILVAN EVANS. Published hf R. I. JONES, Tremadoc. Price 3d or 4*1. per post. Sold by an Booksellers. N.B.—Distributors wanted in every locality. THE ROYAL HOLYHEAD YACHT CLUB REGATTA W?''?i?°." TUESDAY, ? -r(. August, 18)9 (w??th,r permitting). A i?l .1 ''ii' will be publhheù in due course. A Dinner will be provided at the Royal Hotel, under the pa- t g, f the Club. There will Al?o be a Ball at the Market Hall, under distinguished patronage. Railway Arrangements.—Return Tickets issued at stations on the Chester and Holyhead and Carnarvon Railways will be avail- able up to the 6.0 p.m. train on the 24th inst. ? g? E. B. CUSSAH, Hon. Sec. THE HOLYHEAD RACES WILL take place on WEDNESDAY, Ausrust 24th, 1859, at the Valley iot, l Race Co?rse clos to the Railway Station.) STEWARDS: Capt. R. W. lJulkele).,lto)allIorge Guards, R. Trygarn Griffith, Esq., W. B. Panton, Esq., Garrcghvyd, John Jacob, Esq., Llaufair, Captain T. D. L. J. Parry, Madryn, Captain T. L. Hampton, 5th Dragoon Guards. 1.—The 11 eSTERs' STAKES, value 20 Guineas, open to North Wales. 2-A SwEEi'STAKES of 3 Guineas each, with 30 Guineas added, open to all Horses. 3-The INNKEEPERS' STAKES, value 20 Guineas, for Harness Horses, open to North Wales. 4-The CUP (presented by Captain R. W. Bulkele)), to be run for by Anglesey Hrrses. .1y.he [" P".?" of '5 Guineas, open to North Wales, for Ponies .t .? ding 14 hanlts l'i ?h. ° ?-?'hrF'.?(M?S' S?KF.9, ?)ne £ 10, for Hnr?.o? i,? hu« bandrv, in An(Jlpo\ 01. »u»i«>ntie. ?' T "TROTT-IO MATCH, value £ e>, ''open to North W.I?, For condition1 weights, rHstance, &c" see printed Bills. First Race to come off at no"n. Entries to be made, and name and colours declared, to Dr. WALTIIEW, Newry-street, Holyhead, on or before the 20th Aug, next. There will be a Dinner at the Valley Hotel ,in the evening Tickets, 123. eac i, including Wine. By ?)rdr of the Committee, y r<.ro ?yj'?'?????? Course. Holyhead, July 25, 1859. THE MENAI REGATTA, 1859, (FOR 13 EAUNIARIS, BANGOR, AND MENAI BRIDGE,G I Will take place on SATURDAY, the 6th August. Stenard-The Hon. E. G. DOUGLAS-PENNANT, M.P, THE races are intended to take place in view of Bangor, Dcau- maris, Menai Bridge, and both banks of the Straits above Gallows Point, being between mark off Craig-y-don, Fryais, and Penmon. Thev will commence about noon. o LIST OF PRIZES. I.-A Prize of Thirty Sovereigns, for Yachts beloning to any Royal Yacht Club exceeding 35 tons OM. Half. minute per ton allowed. Entrance, One Guinea. In case the entries for this race be insufficient, the prize will be ghen to yachtsranpingfrom 2Gto35 tonsO.M., of which a class cOl11prisin at least four can be formed, whose ton- nage shall not differ more than five tons between greatest and least. 2 A Prize f Fifteen Sovereigns, for Yachts belonging to anv R;¡"\ e Cl i\eve:e:f"d? Ôl tons "(1. ï. anI time race, half a minute per ton allowed. Entrance, 10s. 6d. 3,-A Prize of Ten Guineas, for Yachts of seven and not ex- eeding ten tons O.M. A time race, half a minute per ton ltowc,d ?'itrance ;S. 6?. Onlv two men, ,e:i ,lea owner and pilot, to sail in eah acht. 4.-A .Prize of Five Guineas, for Yachts and Boats belonging to Anglesey or Carnarvonshire not exceeding seven tons O.I. Entrance, 5? 5.-Ap?i?; of Ten Guineas, for Four-oared Boats, to be rowed and steered by Gentlemen Amateurs. Entrance, 7s. 6d. 6-A Pri.? of Six Sovereigns, for Open Saihn Boats not c?x_ ceedin 23 feet keel, The second Boat to recehe Three Sove. re?n?ndthethirdboatjEt. Entrance, 2?. 7-A Prize ol Fie Soreteigns fr "i'i"' 'o"" not exceeding 18 feet keel. The second Boat le,?i,. £ 2, and tt?? third b.?t £ 1. Entrance, Is. 6d, 8-A Prize of Five Sovereigns, for Watermen's Four-oared Boats. The second Boat to receive Two Sovereigns. Entrance, 2s. 9-A Prize of £3, for Pair-oared Boats, steered by a coxswain. Second boat £1108. No entrance. 10-,0\ Punt Race. Prize, £1. REGULATIONS. Three to start for each prize, or no race, except where other- wise specified. Centre boards, sliding keels, or shifting ballast, to disqualify Yachts and Boats from entering for any prize. No ballast to be altered after places are taken for the race. No sweeps to be used. Vessels and hoats on the larboard tack to give way to those on the starboard in all casts, and vessels or boats going free to those on a wind. Distinguishing Flags to be carried to the satisfaction of the committee. Should the weather render it necessary, the Races will be postponed. E ?t,i?. be made before Nine o'clock p.m. on FRIDAY, the 5th August, personally or by letter, "tatin, ri?, tonnage, owner, dfl??, at,vhict ter?,d, with the Hon. Sec. Mr. JOHN WILLIAMS, Castle-street, Beaumaris. Pursuant to the Acts for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors in England. IN the Countv C??"t of A,,gl???,,t?,i Ho- Ivhead, on the 23rd day of August. l?59, upon the due filing .ftl,? S?h??l,,I? of EBENEZER WILI,IA f""r" "I' in ?'? CM?t'y of Ftint. SaddlH, nfhrwards nf'L)!?<!rchymedd,')n the County of An-ie?ey, Saddler, htely of Aberffraw, in the said County of Angles Saddler, Flour, Cor,, ,"d Provision Dealer, G.n' Ger. d'?.,Prisoner in the Gaol of Beaumaris, in the County of Anglesey, h'a ?st t, nd Effects have been vested in )?,oi;i,I'A?.?gn?e ,?; order 'Jul*in that behalf: and upon reference of the Petition and Schedule of the said Prisoner for hearing made to this Court by order of the Court for Relief of Insolvent Debtors pursuaut to the ?,id A?t? It is ordered and appomted that the said Prisoner hall be brought up 1. be dealt with according to the P,i,in fA?t? 'f"'g of the ?? ?'I,0.,t at HOLYHEAD in the ??i Countv, on the Twenty-third df AUGUST, 1859, at the hour of 11 in the 1D0rnin precisely: "f which all Creditors and 1'en?n?,),,i.i,?t.b?C??dit?r..fth?..id Prisoner for the sum of Five Pounds or moe"shall have Notice bv Service of a Copv 0ft is Order, made wlthm such time and in such manner as is prescribed by the rule of the "C'oM? in that behalf. BY TIIE COURT. TAKE NOTICE. I If anv Creditor intends to Oppose tl?, aid Prisoner's Di. v iilee of such intention must be gi'en to the said Fri- BEnOnNrTr RII^ N WRITING, which may be left at the G?.1, Two Clear DaYB bfor' the 1),?v of Hearing above-mentioned, EXCLUSIVE of ??'?d ???"b?'' of the day of 'ivi? .uch Notice o 'i n g- Un the saidl)ayf'a 2 TheVetUion^a^d^heduIe will be pr^ed by the proper Officer for Inspeetion and Examination at the of the c„ur i,, I..?do, between Ihours of fen^and »ou^h« otice being exhibited an 1 Copi" of the PetltJOn and Schedule, or such part thereof a» shall be requueuJ be pronded by the proper officer r,t,,i,g'! th'?l t I and 2 'let. C. !l0.   ''?'?.??c?'? '-? ?c? in Portugal Street. Lmcoln 8 "'?.h'?upnc? of the Petition and and all B??k,, .?ap, and Writing, Oted therewith, be produced ? 11 Clerk or Assistant Clerk of the said County 1eourIt. for I'nsp^iwj .ion and Mtamin?tion, at the omee 111ed ou I, Court "t LUN GEFKI aforMaid. and ?"p?. of the FetH.on and Schedutf or ,h part thereof ? sha I be required, will be pronded acc g- to sec. 106 of the Act. THOMAS OWEN, of Llangefnl, AnjttMeT. Attorney for tbe PrISOner, PATRONIZED BY HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN, HER ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUCHESS OF KENT, ARCHDUKE CONSTANTINE OF RUSSIA, &c. S N O W D O N SPARS AND FOSSILS, BRITANNIA AND NENAI BRlDGE STONES, PENMON AGATES, ANGLESEY CORNELIANS AND JASPERS, AT JOHN ARONSON'S, JEWELLER, BANK PLACE, BANGOR. The above are Manufactured into various Articles suitable for REMINISCENCES OF WAFES. Medals of the Britannia and tfeitai Bridges at this Establishment. TIIE GREATEST PORTION OF THE PLATE BELONGING TO THE LATE BISHOP OF BANGOR TO BE DISPOSED OF AT JOHN ARONSON'S, BANK PLACE, BANGOR. GRIFFITH DAVIES, .j SILK NERCER, FAMILY LINEN, CARPETS, PAPER If AMCSIWC* ESTABMSHMENT, B A 2i O 0 B. CROSSE AND BLACKWELL'S PICKLES AND SAUCE8. HILL EVANS AND Co's BRITISH WINE IX WOOD AND BOTTLES. Huntley and Palmer's Reading, and; Haylock's and Co's, Liverpool, Wine, Lunch, and Cheese Biscuits, PRICE'S PATENT COMPOSITE CANDLES, WILTSHIRE, YORKSHIRE, AND CUMBERLAND HAMS AND BACON, CHESHIRE AND OTHER CHEESE, AT r-r 1-10 ivi -A- s BIRKETT, OLD ESTABLISHED TEA AND ITALIAN WAREHOUSE, BANGOR CITY CARPET AND FURNISHING WAREHOUSE EASTGATE ROW, CHESTER, BECKETT BIROTIHIIEIFLS, (LATE PRICHAUD'S.) nnnTUPPi hotr r^nretfullv to ami unce that they are now showing at their Furnishing E.tabli.hm.nt com prrst:trt\;r;:)' i:,),i ::r\:e: Strk th t'tI! g;o I ;t If.nt:' )'CIa; comprU^n a Rreat ^ariety ^f new and superior ^r^^ 'r' t Y t  8,can safelvrec^mffnd^ Messrs. Be^ett ?, al. ey have just received a New Sto?k.f IMPROVED METALLIC BEDSTEADS, and CHILDREN'S C.T?,i. IRON and UUASS' A'so NEW DAMASKS. DDIITlES, CHINTZES, AND MUSLIN CURTAINS. hiessr?. 13. iiaviner N'.F?tblislimciit the a(tvajita?,e t)f every facilit? for a large extension of their Furnishing _b t (un,i3|i, (,„d beg to sa? t ey feel assured that ,y the punctual, economical, and ,horoughlv efficient manner in which v are prepared to execute d,der/ 10 e?ery branch of the Furnishing Upholstery business, the\' ?ill ,"t faU to secure the approbatIOn f t Cl1stomen. ?.?'?????? BEDDING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. BECKETT BROTHERS, (LATE ru.cHARM-). LASTGATE ROW. S!!roK' ARTIFICIAL TEETH. THE 3ST E "W 33 ISO O "V 33 IR ARTIFICIAL TEETH SELF ADHESIVE! W.THOUT^PRINGS '• VULCANIZED INDIA IWBBER AS A BASE! 'PROTECTED BY HER MAJESTrS ROYAL LETTERS PATENT.  and those who may wish t. consult the. that they )i i ed into their Prac t ice, with the greatest satisfaction and success, a newl)'ir1fented application of V ? leani7.ed India Rubber as a Base for their Artificial Teeth. MESSRS. GABRIEL'S DENTAL ESTABLISHMENTS AR;- LIVERPOOL, 134, DUKE STREET (directly opposite, Berry-streel) LONDON, 33, LUDGATE HILL, ^nd ?10, REGENT STREET. ATTENDANCE DAILY FROM TEN TO SIX. Attendance in CHESTER, Every at No. 3, Pepper Street. I BANGOR, N. WALES. I "? ,,? *,I., ??? flf4huh i.Kont at Mr. | Ro?ts. .?hM.<:f,H?h3trett. CARNARVON, The first Tu BSDAV in each Mo-ith, at the Uxbridge Arras, Hotel, Private Rooms. t-WESSM. GABMEL theOLD-ESTAB.IS?? ?? ?????-: ??.???????? MESSRS. gABR and OAllNAl'^M<Uf h t?;J;igI.SeglJ't:: T;I;;ly;d .): be co?ui? on the ?S? T?Er?. ? .?? 10 to" 0 clock ewTday. The '?'? has long been felt throughout many parts of the country of being f £ lc to 0 ? tin the "rice' 0 f A ?[?NTIST of *E STADJNG ,N MS PROFBSSION, without the n?,:??.ity of a ""t town. or with .t ha*in to z?y an xorbitant ?,ar fr such -services. This de?id?r.' Gabriel ?i 1 at oncS of a ?hit to ?*?J????.? S) ?)?e?y"? dos<,ription ?'f T?H?H' and GUMS, wh?c)! arF fitted with a?'ot?e ?'. ïI\¡;tl;, ll,J:v::t:J¡oOeafi :n:'11; i.:l¡;"oft¿:hd an t.e n;t:tfclr:r;it:dU,\Pd r wires of any description, a flrm and ujeful in mouth as the natural masticators and, in nrer to render them ?ithi, the reach of the me. 't I"'re""P Ii,,d at charges strictly.od,?rat,. Messrs. G.'a Pamph 1,t render them ?'thu. t"<.J??? ???'"??? ??"??"??""? ? tt"- profe?i.n.-E.tabhshed i8u<. be sent po?t re^by NIess^^Oabriel, who aremanufacturers of every specialty appertaining to the profession.-Establ.shed 18,4. r,4, NOTICE-FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF PATIENTS FROM THE COUNTRY. Messrs. Gabriel's hours of attendance in BANGOR will be from 9 a.m. till 8 p:m. of AUENDANEE AT CARNARVON, from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m. MMeessssrrs s. Gabriel's next visit to BANGOR will be on the Sth September. CARNARVON on the 6th September. AMERICAN MINERAL TEETH. Th» hpst in EuroDe warranted to retain their colour, from 3s. 6d. per tooth. Seh, 94 48. DECAYED TEETH effectually .tipped with the WHITE ENAMEL, GOLD, and SUCCED\NIUM, prevents further ,?? r?ETFI'S Prepared WHITE decay and tooth-ache. TEETH. Price )s.6d. per bo!L1*rvuRIFT'SPrenared WHITE GUTTA I'ERCHA ENAMEL,for STOPPING DECAYED TEETH. Price Is. 6d. ectbn» enclosed. Sold by all Chemists in town aud country. Observe their n.me on each box, withot which none is MESSKS GABRIEL'S ROYAL TOOTH POWDER, for Preserving and Cleaning the Teeth and Gums, i. sold by all genU ?'?T.???'??° ??A'?!'E???i'?d ?HITE ENAMEL for STOPPING DECAYED FRONT TEETH, which ??d,r. "'??R?na.e?Mttur?hck May be had on apphcation. or through any Chemist in the Kingdom. Price 5,. per box, th? directions for u e Ia '?EL h e introduced into .uccM.fut practic the ELEOTRO-GALVANM PROCESS, for the pain)eM ex- t,a,ti.n of ^0 connected .with Denthtry.  ?ES'J?' G'A?E?a?n' attendancedaiiy^ from 10 to}, and may be consulted on the Loos of Teeth, Mi.UopeMttom.p- pertaining to Dentistry, at t LI? icir estab pertaini? to Dentistry, at their 134, D,,k?..tr,?? i, Liverpool (direcUy opposite Berry-.tr?et). S3' Lud?ate.hi)). and 110' Rc?nt-.trett. London. Ponsultations free of expense, and charges ttictly moderate Age.tforChe.tcr.Me?r..?P. .atttF&?"SKo'n?,?C'!h'!e!mn)Sut. Wwrr.Kh?nfSfr"R???n'dr;° [?n???°??"??' Chemist, High-street, CarniLrvoti- Chemist. )r Mr .Grimthe, Ckemi.t, High-ttreet, TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT,  TIAU DUON, sittute between Beaumaris and Penmon. in the rw. f Sr-ietyn, Anglesey, and containing from 10 to 15 the P,,i,h I and Pasture Land. Acres of Arable and Pasture Land. b the lands f Dr. 0,,?,, i"i R 'i and Colonel Wi  Cr.%iLydon, and is approached  two roads-and being the high.. %vay or parish ,,d. It i' ."I,?'yIII i th ?ho,? ^ef, S'p ad direct from the h.use'-?,,id withi.? two il,s and ahalf of the market t- of ?EBr?.L?'???'s'??????????? ^eu Gentlein,in' 8 ,h h,, y b,e?l erected in the  the ,'iewtl from the pot au  Mr Apply to J. W, 3 o U,, Solicitor. Beaumaris; or to Mr W. G. F 8N Lth? -rfl?ld Ro?i(l, North, Everton, Liverpool ELECTRO PLATE. JOSEPH MAYER, SILVERSMITH AND JEWELLER 68 and 70, LORD STREET. RESPECTFULLY informs hi, Patrons and the Public, that In addition to his large ijLoc of ILVL?ll PLA'FE, he has 4' very extensive assortment of .? ext.n.?e ??r?? ? o PLATE, Including Epergnes, Fr.lt and Flower Stands, C?.d?l?brd, D??- sort Stands, Dishes .d Dish Covers, with THE NEW SALMON DISHES; Tea and Coffee Services, Toast Racks, Kettles, Tea Urns, Cake and Bread 11,?k,t,. THE NEW FISH "TABM'' KNIVES AND CABVEKS, Soup and Sauce Tureens. Wine Coolers, Butter Coolers, Liquor Cruct and Egg frames also THE NEW LUNCHEON FRAMES Dessert Knives anH Forks, Asparagus Tongs, Grape Sci.lfovs, Wine Stands, Spoons and Forks of the newest patterns, WITH EVERY REQUISITE FOR THE TABLE. J. M. has also a Collection of CHURCH PLATE, In which may be numbered many Specimens of Mediasval designs, as well as the most approved pa'terns now in use. THE JEWELLERY Comprises suitCi! of ecklace, Bracr1ds.   Earrin81 in ,Il the precious Gems, as Diamonds. Rubies. Emeralds, and AB«:E Jess ?t t?n of Amethyst, topaz, itr- b"'?l? ?d Gold Ornnments of Greek, an, Saxon, and Mcdiœal styles Rings both in  Locket., t:hains, St,id?, and  I. ?"ry recognjsed st)1e. FOR PRESENTATION PIECES, GOLD AND SILVER SNUFF BOXES, GIOAR AND FUSBB C^I, CAUD CASKS, CUVS, GOBLETS, AND MANY OTHER AHTICL N.B—An Illustrated Catalogue of the prices of Silver Plate, Electro and Sheoeld Plate, Jetvellerit, Watches, Clocks, and Cutlery, may be had grati6 or will be sent post free on application. JOSEPH MAVER, SILVERSMITH, JEWELLER, AND WATCHMAKBB. 68 & 70. LORD STREET, LIVERPOOL FAMILY LINENS. ¡ R. w;f 1INrIIt?;hi1n:p:mIT;u1 R • Warranted FAMILY LI?E? ? S'in?e and Double Damask Table Linen, of Scotch Manufacture, Sheetings, r", I- lings, Quilts, Blankets, &c., is fully Stocked, 88 usual. with every Article required for Household purposes. They feel .ure that their well-known reputation forki! ? ? in none but genuine Goods, aud the cr? "? tl? ?izi?h they.e,?t? all commands,—Hemming, Marking, Washing, and sending in ready for use, without any trouble to th! Customer, all Family Ordert-will ensure to ,he a continued increase of that support they have received for more than forty years. Country O?dL?rs, by -? 1, carefully executed, and t?, Carnage of all Goods purchased in ?i. Department will be paid. ° ROOMS for LADIES' UNDER-CLOTHING, WEDDING OUTFITS, fitc.. Up Stairs, quiet and retired, removed from the bustle of business, where a complete Assortment of Ladies' Goods Is kept. is HOSIERY for LADIES, GENTLEIEN, and CHILDREN, in Socks, Stockings, Singlets, &c>, of the best make, suitable for the season. GENTLEMEN'S SHIRTS made to order, from Pattern or N, casuremeiit. Fit guaranteed. CARPETS. R. ANDERSON and eoÑs beg to announce to Buyers of CARPETS that their Stock is very lurge and well assorted, and selection ,I ,Ia, a" 1, ,1,, at t, on highly advantageous termsThere i'a prospect of a further advance in ptice, which has nti?i 1,at,,I I, ,Ie, by r,cL?nt large in- Rtmeiita in Wilton, Velvet, Br.? .el. idlr. i.?ter, ve and oiher CARPETS, whi?l? they shaU continne to ell at old prices. They have a Lot of Best BRUSSELS tor Small Rooms requiring from 30 to 40 3 ards, which they are selling at 38. 9d. per ?,rd. The Patent liAMPT 'N. for Halls, P,?? g, illi.d- rooms, Offices, &c., laid by experienced Workmen. Well-seasoned FLOOR CLOTHS, eight yards wide, constantly on hand. CABINET FURNITURE AND HOUSE FURNISHING. A, ANDERSON and SONS invite the attention of Families Furnishing to their Department for every description of CABINET FURNITURE, which is manufactured by them, by Steam Power, and are hi,? Specimens, both as regards Novelty of Design and Quality of Wood. From the facilities they possess, thev are enabled to execute Orders for first-class Furniture at the prices usually charged for the inferior London make. Estimates given, if required, for complete House Furnishing, including Carpets, Curtains, Bedding, Sheets, Pillows and Cases, Table LlOen, Blankets, Quilts, &(:. These Goods, of which they hold the largest Stock here, are kept nearly ready for use, and are subject oti ), to the Manufacturer's Profit, their connexions with Scotland enabling them to place their Customers on highly favourable terms. The usual custom with Upholsterers and others is merel? to keep Sample Patterns and Lengths of Piee? and when ?.?ut??-19 an rd?r tsupply th"?el". with the above Goods from it ).?e? in the Trade, to whom they have to pay a retail profit. The CURTAIN and FURNISHING BRANCH is under able Management, as the elegant Designs so frequently exhibited in their windows will show, and no pains shall be spared by R. and Sons to render this Department perfect. New Goods in Satin, Silk, and Damask, are eontantly being received from Paris and Germany, from their Agents h r:,V; ffËR PiiM?rRar;f:;É,gtd 1'DING d,, p 'on. IlW and BRASS BEDSTEADS of the best Manufacture, with all the recentImpr., "t'. wiilt r::ftUl'P;n:;d Removed to 90 to all Parts Of the world. Contracts given. THE FAMILY LINEN CARPET, FURNITURE, AND FURNISHING WAREHOUSE. U. 44, AND 46, BOLD-STREET, LIVERPOOL, | R. ANDERSO-N AND SONS. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE FOR PAPER HANGINGS CATHERALL & NIXON'S, BANK PLACE, BANGOR. CATHERALL & NIXON very respectfully announce to the Public, and the Trade, that they have just purchased from the most extensive Manufactories in England, a large and varied Stock of Paper Hangings, consisting of MANY THOUSANDS OF PIECES of the Newest and Choicest designs; and are now offering them AT EXTRAORDINARILY LOW PRICES. JJLKINGTON AND CO. PATENTEES OF THE ELECTRO PLATE, MANtFACTURING SILVERMITHS, BRONZISTS, &c. Invite attention to their spacious Showrooms, recently opened in CHURCH STREET, LIVERPOOL. In thus announcing the opening of their new E sotablislllnent, Elkington and Co. solicit :\terchant9. Shipowners. and the Public to inspect their Stock, which comprises all the varieties of Table and Dinner Services, as well as ornamental and Fine Art pro- ductions. Every article of Electro Plate bears their mark-E. and Co. under a Crown. MANUFACTORY—NEWHALL-STREET, BIRMINGHAM. CHURCH-STREET, LIVERPOOL. SALES BY MR. DEW. Eligible Investment. Carnarvonsldre, N ortlt Wales' THE BODEGROES AND METHLEM ESTATES AND FARMS, IN ANGLESEY, Embracing an area of about 1,500 acres. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. WILLIAM DEW At the CROWN HOTBL, in PWLLIIEI.I, on WEDNESJIWY, the 10th day of August, 1'S59, commenclU at Twelve o'clock at noon, m?ME ?'e?-knn?.' valuable FREEHOLD ESTATES of BODEGROE8 and METHLEM. THE BODEGROES ESTATE Comprises a mansion hnd demesne, with about MO ACHES of arable and pasture land, divided into compact and deniable farm., situate in the several parishes of l.lannor, Denio, and Abereirch; together with cottages at F.felnewydd, and several tenements ill the town of Pwllheli, all in the county of Cariur- %° The said E¡:t,\tes of Bodcgroes and Mcthlem will each be first offered for sale in One Lilt: but if not so soid will be immediately afterward? put up for sale in 1< ts. The Mansion of Bodegroe?, is good, .b.t.,?ti.i and ?o.fo,t- ahle family residencr (replete with conveniences), with entrance lodge, uitaùle out-offices, and farm buildings, and is situate in the midst of lands of park-like ppearanee embellished with fine 'ro"' and ornamental ti?b,'r, and commanding ich and ari?d =.fe,, ,,ahl? bcech fronts the principal en- trance, 'nd the lawn is tastefully lai? out, and 8t udd ed with shrubs 8Md rgreens. The flower ?nd kitchen gardens are in excell- -J u:1.I:ni.n.}, c:nnnJiDA 1"ith COt tast.e, lUlU, "'l\U all nUJuu"¡;; v. .t"t' wall and other fruit trees. The plantations are prineipaHy of thriving oak. Of the fertility of the soil it is sufficient only to say that the farms (most of them being within a ring fence) are situate in the well known district of L eyti, are in a good state of cultivation, and intersected by good roadR. vith game, including omt of The property i8 well supplied with game, including some of ti.?e? c'o?rY fo? woodeock? 'i'n North Wale. A p'??har- riers h hunted in the district three time$ a week, and ,ter are plentiful in the neighbourhood. The demesne and home farms are bounded on the west by a trout stream, affording excellent sport to the angler. Bodegroes is situate about a mile from the own of Pwllheli, where English ecrvice is performed in the church every Sunday. The town is acknowledged to have one of the best supplied and cheapest markets in the principality. it is ,i. twenty miles of the Railway terminus tC.?. arv.?, to which Coaches run dally, as well is to Portmadoc and Edern. The rmds are good f;fi' dif:, tnrni t ::Jr8'lu;;r;I1:adS are good The sea is within a mile of the mamion, and the beech is one ofthe' ?est for bathing, Fish fevery de?ription are caul?t ? the bay, and the security and pro ximitof the St. Tudwe fI's Roads offer the greatest inducement for achting, and Aberyst- wyth is within four hours' sail. The Land Tax on the greater part of the Bodegroes Estate is redeemed and the whole oUhe lands are exempt from hay tithe, and all other tithes have been commuted. The local rates are exceedidglym^derate.ETHLEM EgTATE Comprises about 739a. lr. 23p. of arable, meadow, and pasture lands divided into compact farms, situate within the parishes of Aberdaron B.d,,ri? and Bry??r.?? in the county of Carnarvon, II t?ee?ate is not??'l? in one lot, it will be I. tely put up in several lots. All the tithes have been commuted. The Methlem Estate is situate near the Port of Forthor, ten miles from Porthdinl laaen, and fourteen miles from the market town of Pwllheli, and the principal lots face the Bay of Carnarvon. The ANGLESEY FARIS comprise 58a. Or. 3p., situate in the parish of Llanilrygarn, in the county of Anglesey. Lot I. The farm and lands, called Ynyswaelod. Lot 2. The messuage, farm and lands, called Ynyswen. All the tithes have been commuted. The farms adjoin each other, and lie very compact, between the mads leading from (1w,n and Holyhead to Danerchtmedd, from which latter town t ?ey are distant about tlir? mile" and from Ll 'nef"i m" The respective tenanltes s.will show the farms, and .pri.nt.ed » par- ticulars of the ??t,?te., with ?l,n,, may be had on application to° ?tr? ?es?aceoM "d- I'l. Blk,. So?ci?i.° ?.' ?h?- street Bpdford-ro?, London; ld "?, dB Esq., 8, ,citor, ?!h'e? ''from Mr. Wm. D' the at h ? British Hotel Bangor; the Sportsman Hotel, Carnanon; and at the principal I :otl?ls in the neighbouring towns. PWLLHELI. TO PARTIES FURNISHING- TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. WM. DEW, On THURSDAY, 11th August, 1859 (commencing at 12 o'clock at noon), at h? MANSION of BODEOKOES, A NFAT a'?'mb?Je of H'O?EHOt'? ??iTURE. con- A N.s¿i;g 'f'\aieg IJIg;gH"t}sIn; Appendages. ^ufther particulars of which will appear in Hand Bills. SALE BY MR. HEALING. QF A yALUABLE WIND AND STEAM CORN MILL AT ABERGELE, AND FREEHOLD COTTAGE PROPERTY, AT RIlYL, NORTH WALES. TO BE SOLDTY AUCTION, BY MR. HEALING, Peremptorily, on THURSDAY, the 25th Ausrust, 1859, at Three n'olock in the .Cs.eruoon, at tho houge of Mrs. Clarke, THE BEE HOTEL, ABERGELE, Subject to such Conditions of Sale as will be then and there pro. duced, viz., j QT j_ ALL th?t very ?tuaMe ?d eti?ibty situated weU.buitt Freeh.M A W?d an J Steam CO.???L? yi???n?? a?d? constructed NI??l'i.'ry including the aditional st. am power afforded bv '° extreme, ,au a)Ie Engine ol Sixteen Horse I ower, with noble bS?r in perfect order, this latter appliance being ot Se manufacture of that wen-known and "'?'?.?,??"; FAWCETT & PRESTON, of Liverpool, en,- i.ty place in a UPPII hnilt Fneine House,"immediately couugUOl1 to the Mtl. and work!! with much ease «?d simplicity, to the enure satisfaction of the prcsent Tenant. the Land, embracing an Area There are other H ? ui.ldings the ?and, embracing an Area of nearly Eieht  well-bui ft stone wall. The?e latter include Stable Room for '? a!  ?ow  "or' Room. and a convenjcnt several Ho"t9' an (,e.ffli,?nt' w, It be found on the Land for the er??t,?n .1 ? House fo pthe Occupier of the .Nlill, f d,?? r d. ?'?'?onver,ient)y approached, and is but a few yards fro!n  cn!ef busineu street of Abergele, in which the Corn auriipt ?b held weekly, and numerously attended by persons from Live'rpool, Chester, and all parts of t,? Principality There is ???t?dS'Mt on)y about half-a-mile from Aberele in ?e?on?hheChMterand Hothead ai7a¿iwi'Lid ?no advMtage to be derived from the Vale of Owyd Line of "i""Y' it having termmus at Rhyl, renders t is Property tr,d,.i,.b ?e as an investment fr Capital, or for occupation The Auctioneer cannot Io?, this brief outline, without refer- rine to some improvements now being carried out in this neigh- n!rd:;r begs to advert te¡t"hge ce:nui:in;h V :T Place called Pensan. T18 has recently sprung up into a great community, and is rapidly progre?ilig. The authorities of Abergele have ow in the course of erection well-planned Gas Works, and all these together lU give an additional ?.p' to Teater progress, and must ,ntu?lly add :,dditinal lu(? to every description of Poperty ?n its vicinity.* The above Property is now in the o?sipation of Mr. Benjamin Littler, at the low rent of £ 45 per annum. LOT 2. AUthatFreehoMMeBSuage or DWELLING-HOUSE, SHOP, and P1ŒMhES, with the Two adjoining COTTAGES, num- bered respectively 20, 21, and 22, situate on the south side of Bedfoid Street, ?nthetown'of Rhyl, containing in front and at the back 31 fe ?t, and running in rear or depth backwards, on  east ,nd we ?t 84 feet, these dimensions more r an?i inth:o!'i u\d:dci;o:to:i £21:; annum, and from their peculiar locality .tand. well for adva.?e- "'?y further particulars may be obtained on appUoation to h.. !ldwad .?.,utre, Solici. tor, er?bigh; or to t e Ano tioneer, Mr. Tho.. Healing, at bI. re.,dence, the Goorse Inn, 25 and Queen Str .t bY,. 1 SAMBY JIKJOEMISTONJ ON MONDAY NEXT. ST. ASAPH, SALE OF GROWING CROPS. TO BE SOLITBY AUCTION, BY MR. ORMISTOX, At the Mostyn Arms Hotel, St. Asaph, on MONDAY, Sth August, at five o'clock in the afterngon, iIouhject to the usual conditions, ALL the "all1ab1 CR?,pg..? growing upon the Faun ot Pla» Ayn (\Vm, near St. Asaph, the property of Peter Brown, Esq., who is giving ?p b. WHEAT. C1C Waen about 7 acres. Cae Crwn 6 do. Pum' Accar „ *2 Cae Lloi „ do. Ll IJ.\RU;Y. Coitia Mwdwl „ 5,1 (1, Werglodd Frniog 10 do. Stand Still OAi? ,» ?, 'o: OATS. Cwn Gai 7 do. Maes y Gwastheg „ 11 do CoitiaI'fynnon ?6 do. MM?nnon BEANS. Cae Ff. 2 do. SEED CLOVER. ?N?w Accar H 14 do. The ¡;¡traw to go off. Six months' credit will be given ,p?,, ,pr.d security. N ,H-The Live Stock and extensive assortment of valuable 1 Agricultural Implements will be sold in September, of hi"d notice W11J he lHn. Wigfair, St. Asaph. SALE BY MR. G. FELTON. LLANDUDNO. IMPORTANT SALE OF FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. GEORGE FELTON, On MONDAY, 1st Auut, 1S59, at 2 .lock in the afte noon A'?'E ST. GEORGE'S HOTEL. LUXDUDXO, THE following verv valuable PROPERTY,which, being FREE- HOLD, and UNFETTERED .1 BUILDING REGULATIONS, offers unusual opportunities to builders, speculators, and gentle- men desirous 01 becoming residents in thatimportantand rapidly- increasing Marine Watering Place,—Llandudno. Lots 1 to 8 inclusively, comprise plots of most desirable Building, Land, containing about half an acre each, centrally situate near the Market Hall, and the sited of the intended Town Hall and Church, and having frontages next the proposed roads regpee tively, called Gloiidaeth.street, Lloyd-street, Maelgwyn-street, and T,,g? y-?t?eet. The above eieht lots will be offered in one, and if not so old will be put up separately, or in such other manner as maf be determined on at the time of sale. Lots 9 to 16 inclusively, comprise plots of Building Land OF exactly similar character, and very similarly situated to the first eight lots, but offering an additional frontage next ladÛc.8treet. and will be offered for sale in the manner referred to in connection with these lots. It will be observed that the abav.ra;ogement will give ample opportunities to persons desirous of building de- tached Villas ?' moderate size, with Gardens and Stabung, or of erecting separate Terraces or Block of Houe. 1,0?° ? t? ?? inclusively, comprise plots of excellent Land, containin about six acres each, well situate near the T"' "P Hill in !,andudmo, commanding extensive prospect, and eligible for various ptirp? ??pe?i.,?, the r,?tin of small Tene?nty, wi'th'?X'? ?ome-ttftd: for cattte and :pade husbandty. Tt? .e, eight ,t' il I be offered for sale in the maunerr«- ferred 1, in ,n,ction with ?lie fir?t eight I ot? Lot 2">—The renrsion in fee simple, expectant on the termi- nation of an i?ting lease, of certain Tenements situate at T- Coch, in Lliknd udoo including an immediate ground rent oI I3 annually. The premises comprised in this lot consigt of several tene- mM'?. ?par??"? wh'!ch wiU be produced at the time of a'"dh are 'o" in part let, and in prt valued, at the yeuly ??' of 9109. The purchaser will become entitled to the 1mme- diate possession of the entire premises on the expiration of the lease (which is for the Ihes of two persons, respectively aged vears and 60 lean, and for the Me of the survivor, and for 21 years from his or her death), and in the interim the purchaser will receive the ground rent of £ i annually. Particulars and Conditions of Sale, with Lithographed Map, shewwg the dimensions of Lots 1 to 21 inclusively wl,h of -l i e?. r already staked out), may be ha?' ?fter the t8th July, of Messrs. ROBERT' 1,, and Hcoms. Sotiotors, han?r.tht AUCTIONEER, Penrhyn, near Conway, and Church Walks. Llan dudno; and at the Offices of the following papers-; The Midland Counties Hralrl: Birmingham, 4 The Manchester Guardian, aud The Liverpool Mercury.' NORTH WALES.-DOLGELLEY NEIGIIBOURHOOD. FREEHOLD ESTATE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the GOLDEN LION HOTEL, Dolgelley, en TT ESDAY, September the 6th. 1859, between the hours of o and 7 o clock, st.bject to such eonditioM as shall then be produced, and in the fohowin? or 8uch th,, Lots as may be arced p. LOT 1, AJL that Messuage T,.?-.?nt, Farm, and Lands .Ilef A'?' P???n"ch?' in ?h'e" parish o?'?eX?' cotaíning by S-Lsurement 192a. 2r. 17p., and now in the holdmg of Mr. D.,id L' y?-Illy te, In,. fine alluvial Meadows, ?h?or??i?a?heep-watk and fine ,Iluil M.adow,. which are capable, by .?ll outlay in embanking, to be made Land of the first and richest quality. LOT 2. 'Fh? C.tta?,?, with 'table a,h-hll.e, and Wa'led Garden* ?M?iM 'a'j"dp to which M added 47. 3r.2Jp.ot ?u.b?Laitd. ;eë: i:oni i:h:lli\{ .(;2f: ShnwRE.,Mdthehndinth<.ho)d.n<!ofMr.JohnCn<Sth. T?ot?e standp prettily on the Bank and command, the River dd?,b. and extensive cenery of unrivalled a ,d"" n?,-r. ?l- luiet retired re?id, thi Lot is i thy oJ consideration, LOT 3. The Inn-house. Farm, and Lands called LInpenmaenf in the. naridh of Doleellev, ..t.ini?g by admeasurement -<0a. ir. p. and now in tile h-ldi?g -t "frJ?h-Grimtl. as yearly ,t; «ogetber with ?e Wharf, the Ferrya?eaero? the Mawddach, the U?e K?In"l? and Shippig Yards, C?tt?g &c. ??  Such an opportunity for investment as this Hldom o?l!u.. Thl« i. ? Depot ° fr '()ods bron'?.p ?' Navi?able River ?.?.t?hfrom the Port of Barmouth, and the bu.mes. of the ?n the  Un? and Coal Trade, and the general Tranic is one that i"?' b? ?.)""?h ?tended by a httte further attention. -Y IVa lk on tiIq? is excellent, and the Meadows are a fine alluvial, and can be ade most productive. A a whole this is a "ery ?"mp Estate, and by a moderate ..t" its ?l.e ?.y be d.Ybled if not quadrupled. It is distant p?m ?Uo??ey ??.nnee°' and i? 'it-?d on "&e Road from Del- 1 eUe; to .,n.Tid.flow daily up to Dynpenmaen. i et ,};{)'art'fchued;:IWtrPGt:In!:nJ the furtllIer !y ""0 wilId?rctions to new, or to Mr. WK. GRIFFI T..Sol;eitr, SMALLWOOD AND LANDER. CIDER, PERKY, WOOD HOOP, & OAK HURDLE MERCHANTS, No. 14, KING ALFRED'S PLACE, Opposite the principal entrance to the Cattle Show, BINGLEY HALL, BIRMINGHAM, OFFER FOR SALE, 0 Far, Graziers, Road Contractors, and others, any 1'0 q:lr:ls¿f lre:peo:ù b?t?AK 'FLAKES, or w ,,r?,?onlrnoIlly known be" 11 11 URDLES These F?e. or Hurdles are some of the beat '"rvmnti-v are very strong, eight feet long, four feet se e jhe, high, and iron clipped, and are all made of CM   R.?, ?,? t Field, It.ad., They are particularly adapted for t tl « out Fields, Road«, &c.. and are easly put own and taken up, and will eudure .y years.. <MAXLWOOD and LANDER will e           engage to deliver to  of th"O?'in, phee'd t3?, per hurdle. or Ji9per dozen. Th e et price for cash only. S. and L. beg to caH h attention of t ar!ner!J, ,Grauers, Con- tractor ?d 'ofh?" t?ad..nta!e theyw.H ?rivebypurchM. tractors, and o H KM. over tose al? of Sawn limber, as ? ?'o???nP?.?u?Sy??pUfy. EXAMPLE. tt.d. Sawn Hurdles, of 6 feet each, IqOO feet, will be 135 Hurdles and 2 feet, which at 3s pei' Hurdle, or tid per foot, 1d 20 0 0 MALLW' oD& LANDER'S Hurdles, viz :-100 Hurdles,  ?fce'?ton:. is 800 feet. at 3s per Hurdle, or 4d per foot, is 15 0 0 Bein?ttS?in?ot 50 0 N.B.—Cleft Hurdles, same:KlvIOaterial worth at ieast One-Third more than Sawn ones, thus adding One-Third more to the Cleft as here described, 0 0 and adding to the sum above saved 5 0 0 A Sating of 10s in the Pound 10 0 0 Delivered at Queen's Ferry, Mold, Flint, Holy"ell, Rhyl, Aber- gele, Conway, Bangor, Holyhead, Carnarvon.