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WELSH QUARTZ, FOR miking China. G1U8. and Gi..i.g, in -11, quantities, from the Bank, of the Dee, and a Quarry belonging to Sir PYers Apply to Wm. S. SLUBB. Birkenhead. SNOWDON SPARS, ANGLESEY MARBLES, PENRHYN AND LLANDUDNO BRILLIANTS, pE;, AGATES, PEBBLKS and FOSSILS, and other Spe- i .e" m?y be purchased .1 A. It. 1,1,.?,?, U,t?n House, Bank Place, High.street. Bangor. MARTIN'S New Map of Twenty Miles Round Bangor. SLATER'S MAP OF WALE S. SOLD by A. R. MARTIN, Stationer, Caxton House, Bank Place, Bangor. LIVERPOOL, BEAUMARIS, BANGOR, AND MENAI BRIDGE. IfflK Steamer DRUID, C,,pt?in ■ r? l,r; AvjirouL "Inesday, and rl- E 8 i6?LM1,Al BRit)Gt: Oil ;TI: and a.lurd"y, at Ten o'clock ..ornin. calling at LLANDUDNO, ."ather perrniu.tng.. Bridg,k Coach I. ?, On Sof Druid" at Menai Bndge, a Coach 1ave8 for Aiahvch, ..d r e n >rn <M ltllem jg_K^chanqe Buildin(i, Liverpool. '° OWEN OWENS. Menai Bridge. SUMMER SAILING OF THE 'PRINCE OF WALES' STEAMER. tw_ rrHK PR'N'EoF WALES Steam.. (Thoma. C.. .a,,d,r) is intended to sail a8 und r on and after 8ATURD,\Y. 6th May. Prom MEN Al BRIDGE, MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, and FllI- Stys, at ,0 am. From LIVERPOOL, TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, and SATUB- .n, at 11 Apply to J. K. ROUNTHWAITB, 24, Water-street, Liverpool; B. W.TIMOTHY, Menai Bridge; and to JOHN THOMAS, Bangor- ""t* Carnarvon. City of Dublin Co. Office, Menai Bridge, 28th April, 1859. NEW ZEALAND. LIVERPOOL TO AUCKLAND "TORNADO." O I1IPPERS and passengers by Ili ship will Ple..e -i T jIfflk t,k? notice th.P? ?he will go to sea punctually at 12 .'clock noon of the 10th fAll lUg'srae ik mu«t be alon@ide and ready to embark on the 8th f B 9 & and 9 h of June. Saloon ""g"' embark at 10 o'clock a.m of the morning of 1,, 10th I from the New L,d?,,g Stage, Prince's Pier, A fb,rti?, stm disfn^ed^ & CH AMBERS, H. T. WILSON & CHAMBERS. 21, Water-street, Liverpool. Parry and Co.. shipbuilders, agents, Banjor. John Jones, Steam Packet Company, agent, Carnarvon. T. Bell, Holywell. Robert Pritchard, Newey-street, Holyhead. EMIGRATION TO CANADA & THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.—SEASON 1859. â mI ilE attention of Intending Emigrants is directed to the advantages offered them by the directors JLof the CANADIAN ROVAL MAIL THROUGH | B S > LIX: OF 1NLAD STEAMERS, plying daily be- tween Quebec, Montreal, and Hamilton, connecting at the tt :r place with the Great Western Railway of Canadi, passing the ■lagnificent scenerv of the Lake nf the One IIslands, and the ltapids of the St. Lawrence, all of which are lost to those travelling hv any other mode of conveyance. Fassengers will find this far preferable to the New York route, M the ocean passage is considerably shorter, and the inland x- penpes to destination very much les?, no charge whatever being Made for excess baggage on these steamers. The nd?,?ig,,?d who t?.? resided in Canada nd the Weqtern $,.t?. for a number of veare. has returned to this country and eprnpd a p{lrrnanent offié in ,?,?erpool, olierh, can be .iultt d at any time, p,r-ona 1y ,or by letter, and a ?oi d much valuable .formation to "Ppli,?nt, A,ent' ?iil be appointe" at all the principal places throughout tht United Kingdom. S. SHACKELL, General A.e\\t, Weaver Buildings, Brunswick-fetreet, LIVERPOOL. T, D. Shioman, General Agent, Toronto, Canada West. BTElU COMMUNICATION BETWEEN LIVER- POOL AND NEW YORK. ri'IlF. LIVERPOOL, NEW "YORK, and £ k*. I PHILADELPHIA STEAM-SHI P COM PAN V intend despatching their Full Powered Iron Screw fjmfl-Y'K Steam Ship., calling at QUKE 1 STOWN to embark A i Cabin P?, d,!?pa,? h ??, from Ll YERPOOL to NEW YORK, .? follows:- KANGAROO Wednesd, ay. 8th JTune. CITY OF BALTIMORE 211(1 CITY OF WASHINGTON 6th July. And each alternate Wednesday. Cabin Passage, 15,17, and 21 Guineas, accorùing to theaccom- modation. Forward Paag 8 Guineas, inchHling Provisions. PMMiigers for CANADA and the UNITn) STATES booked through on very advantageous terms. Yo,fu?tl?,, particuJar apply to ?11,LIA?t INMAN, 23, Water-street, Liverpool, flr to Ir, RDWI). E',1.1, jttii., Shipbuilder, Uangor. EMIGRATION ro NEW ZEALAND. -1 WHITE STAR LINE OF LIVERPOOL AND Nkw ZEALAND CLIPPERS, SAILING ON TUR JOTH OF EVERY MONTH, FROM LIVERPOOL TO NEW ZEALAND. 3HHF. 1.1 thi line consit of the larzesth,"I,o, ftnd fut.t sailing 8hips afloat.including the lied J.,l?et, W hit tar," "Blue Jacket, 1'omado," "Mermaid," Shalnnar, Telegraph." and Prince of the Seas," many of which have been -pl.?-e,l in 11. M. are fiiii?ti,? for the rapidity of t8eir passages, and the uniform satisfaction gi\ en to the pas!engers tarried by them to Australia. TORNADO, 13-6, 3Auckland 8, Wellington, June 10. MER\B I D. 1:120, :I¡;,O. For Two porta, July, 10. TELEGRAPH. 1108, 3200, l'or Two ports, Aug. 10. BLUEJACKET, 1074, 3200, For Two porto. Sent. 10. The -nt clipper "TORNADO,' Captain (,, 11-l,tA far 12 ye?r?,??ll be despatched fot Auckland and Wellington on *e 10th of 3I" She i, one of the fi.,e?t and faitest clippers 8Goat, and has sph'ndid atcOmmodRtion in the Poop for a large .her of Saloon pa't'tlgen. ceo ,nd ?ion is provid- ad piano, library bcilclinr, linen, and .11 necessaries. 'rb arrangements for second cabin, intermediate, and stecTae Mist- ,r? are equal to those of any ship R..t. The betw,?", tecks are nearly nine feet high, beautifully lighted, and thoroughly ventilated. II The Tornado" will sail punctually on the day fixed, and •auengers must embark on the 8lh Hnd 9th of June. For an information respecting freight and passage; al60 THE FREE LAND GRANTS. 1. tke fine pro\ince of A,.?kI..d, N,. Z,.I,.d, nfn to R. T. WILSO 86 CHAMBERS, 21, Water-street, Liverpool. Or to PARRY and Co., Shipbuilders, agents, Bangor; JOHN JOKIS, Steam Packet, Company, agent, Ctirnat on; T. HELL, Holywell; or to HODERT PRITCHARD, Newry-striet, Holyhead NOTICE.—The WHITE STAR" CLIPPERS, comprising fee largest. finest, and fastest clippers in the world, will be de. *«tched punctually at noon of the 1st and 20th ofevery month. Ik—l. T>fV /IIITK STAR LINE OF BRITISH AND a. AUSTRALIAN EX-ROYAL MAIL PAC- kl? I,ET. ,ailin, from L(VEHPOOL to MEL- )¡! BOURSE, Oil the 1st and 20th of every month, and from MELBOURNE to LIVERPOOL on the let of efrr mouth. Passengers forwarded by Steamers to aU ,.rh of Australia, Tasmania, &c'l at through rates. Sid JACXKT, Kirby. WHITE STAR, T. C. Kerr P»iNO»"fihe SEA, H. A. Brown. STAR OFTHE EAST,Gagg BLU-JACIF'i,Cl?wrk,. SIIALIM ?H":G Id "'Al L) J" "S Wi?. ARARIAN. M.Gandv. BIICHWOIU ii, Thnm" Vrain. SIROCCO, O'Halloran. OYCLONI, George Kerr TORNADO, Aikin. 4ll OTIIU1\ CRLRBRATRD CLIPTFRS. 101)0 A H Morrison 1 ;,09.. ,4000.. June 1. ARGONAUT Flenley 1237.3700.. June 20. HERALDofthe MORNING..Rudolph 1459.1350.July J, Passengers embark on the 20th of June. The above splendid and far-faned clippers will be deipatched punctually on the days advertised with mails and passengers. The rlippeTS of this line have made sOll1e of the fastest passages on recoid they were built especially for the Australian passenger trade, and are commanded by men of great experience and skill. The Saloons are fitted with great splendour, and furnished with bedding, linen, and all necessaries. The accommodations for Second Cabin, and other classes, can- lot be surpassed by those of anv fleet in the kingdom. F.r freight or passage applv to the owneH, II. T. WILSON, AM) CHAMBERS, SlI. Liverpool. Or U PAURY and Co., Shipbuilders, agents, Bangor; JOliN JONES, steam Packet, Company, agent, Carnarvon; T. BELL Uolywell; or t'l liofiKKT I'ulTcilAiiD, New-v-strcet, Holyhead STEANI TO AUSTRALIA UDIm no DAYS. PASSAGE M NEY, E14 AND UPWARDS. '1 () thecinisniiientof BRIGHT, It it 0 1 11 1: It shi E 1, B 0 U It N E. BLACK HAI I. LINE OF British %nd AU8tralitfnr{i:t:,il Packets and Eagle Line of Packets, In conjunction wIth tl:e Celebrated Auxiliary Steam Clip- ers, QREAT BRITAIN AND ROYAL CHARTER Appointed t«* Sail Punctually, From LIVERPOOL nn the 5th and 15th of every month fte .bon'. in addition to )l'in onl) Jiue wiih'Steainers out of Lh,'rponl. 19 composed of the largest. fincat. ,,d fastest MSh.?l,? t. o tt, w rUL Ship, Register. Burthen. (!apbin. Date. MORXjG LIOIIT ..2S77 W) 0("ill 5th Jl\n. HORNING STAR -13 ?7 4000 í!N((; ;:š:m: :g:<t?:¥nt:¡: GREAT Bltl 'kill Gray T. follow. T. 1, succeeded by the following (-tippers and steamers — EGRfEAT BRITAIN I IOOKAN CHI LP eKTBR I  Ql .1 LIGHT:-I,,(, Bill II,II TlUIIENT ESv^Mc^v'8 OREAT TA8MAS1A I)O?ll A 1, 14 ? K A YA,' I A SAHPO POI O COMMODORE PERRY 19AR C () 01,0 %I F, I'EO It I'l.?R Ity mI iiF, MOxn!ORt;CY Cuppers forming the only lines honoured by a jr "E .?l,b,, !S.iii.,g Clippers J, K> known for their rapid passages punctuality m sail- for tt,,ir .pi,l tY in .il. ,hips in HH' m(?rld, will continue to sail regularly  Liverpool and Melbourne, alfording to Passengers and Shi[ pels, the most unrivalled advantages. Tbe C (, ,1'r, are me ,f experience, and notet\ for their dnes? :md attention to t)ass? s TheCa in accommodation is ?r;;iiperior, the Saloons being -dlg-ItIY furnished with every requisite to in«ure comfort to pas- •enger#, and are supplied with Bed«, Bed dng, &c. Parties wishi'ijj to bring their friends home, can bt?i. Tickets for these ships leaving Australia everv Month. Apply t,, (,1 hl\, IHUGH r & CO., M. I, North John- •treet.andJ \MKSj B.?l N ?i C.T.,e, BuHdillgs, Li,,?p.?l; #r 40 &heir Agents. A G E W T It Mr. M. T. t:'II\.I? :ow; )lrA. It. ?t (,kselit!r, Bangor, Cupt. I! City of Dublin ntflce. Holvhead. Kdward .It? jun.. Garth Point, Bang6r, Mr. A. V. W,Il? Ab.<. rp'.1, May 9,1839: GRIFFITH DAVIES, SILK MERCER, IPAIRIELT linen, carpets, AND paper IIA.NGING ESTABLISHMENT, BANGOR. ?-T lF Proprietor beg, mnt Yespeclfnny 10 ¡nHal. to his nnmerou Friends and Patrons his return from the London and Pro- THviifcri»rMa"asf where he has made extensive purchases of choi e nd select Stock, suitable for the approaching Seuon and thm thetame is .0w ready for lD(JectlOn.. BILLIARDS. mHF. ONLY BILLIARD TABLE IN BANGOR, kept ?-P"-?ly X lor the accommodation of visitors, at ^RTI HOVSK, in the <entre of Bangor. p," from 10 a.rij till in p,m. MILNER'S FIRE-PROOF SAFES AND BOXES. RECOMMENDED to Attorneys Chuichwardens gen may be had on aplication to A, R. MAHTIB (Agent for Wales), Caiton House, Bank Place, langor. WATCHES £ 2 EACH' e post on receipt of Post Office Order. theold»I^H MA/UFACTORT IN LIVERPOOL, 61, S°" Castle-street, IF "OU are in 61, f t WAWM-rranted to keep cor- F ^cT umesend a Poltoffice Order to JOSEPH SEWILL WatC\M*ToUTHeCASTLE-STREET, LIVERPOOL, (directly oppo,ile the Cu?tom Hou,.), who will. by return .1, OUT,, CAST 1,E-I;TltEI:T, LIVERPOOL, 01 post, send a first-nle Silver Watch.  to keep good time for the aoe Vmall price (,.changed i jiot approved 01). J. S. Solicit. t",?tion of the Public geiip!-ally to ['is ?,y e^n^i^ "0' -undermeiitioiied, the qua iity of which b. e ° ^old ¡Ootent Uetacbed Lever Walch. 18 carat fine, C10 ..eb n m e Chronometers, Duple,, Centre Seconds, of finest quality. Gold Horizontal Watches, finest!Snwh.from io each. English Patent Levers from £4 to £7 10s. rach. Silver Horizontal N ate es, from ;C2 2s. t0 £3 lOs. Presentation Watches in Gold and bilver. GOLD CHAINS. J. SEWILL hegMo^nform "j^r^r^Ger^ttm'an man?fa?turitig a GOLD CHAIN suitable for Lady or Gent!t'man wir Ktent Detector Swivel, f-I oUVr. 6d. W e, ,i,, of a POs.tottice Order. Cattainl shippersf and Jhe trade, supplied on the most reason- able terins Cl,r Th ? Oldest Watch Manufactory in Liverpool, 61, Soitk astiestreet, right opposite the Cutoul Bouie. "ORGANIC WEAKNESS.—ITS CAUSES AND OURE. Just published (with an Appendix on the Curative Powers of Galvanic Electricity), pncc h., tree by post for 13 stamp. S EJ:i{ artic\lsO ° „" vous DEBILITY, more particularly in ? R ENCE to TH. NU oI Ih s, lracin li?? ffl,_ tion to caust'S which -itit. thc "r)' fountains o? ff tife. "'ith practical Obsenations on the Cure of li?'se Diseases, end on the eltr?rrti, e 1)0,11, f Local Galvanism in CRses of nervous pr..tr,,ti. n a,?d mUtcl11ar debility, whe1ll1cd in coinbina ti.? "'i t1. the agent, .pl,,y.d by h, Author during a practi'ce ofl f Twenty Y, ?a,?. 'Vith descriptive Cases, numerous Engravings, Instructions, &c. 1, IA.UEL ?A'll E-1, ?I.D., 37 BEDFORD SQUARE, LONDON, Registered Licentiate of the London Society of Apothecaries, Doctor of Medicine of the University of Ey, Honorary Meniber of the !,oi)don Hospi?al Nledical& ,,pr"il ^xists tha^ pubHc annoiuicements on these disorders  fr.. unqualified ,rson-, hut as the theseai?ical Act provid? ,tI?, iat ^N^HU^ R^GISTERE^ ^RACTITIONERS new & canread^y bedfsUngu^hed—aVoiii^ofgreat^imporUince^inVasts (!it n r::(,it ,,be d??li.ih,?d-into f in cases ,here secrecy, confidence, and ,ill are e'1uallr refjuisite. the ^ieiv edition of ^f-Preservatlon,'fa^s of paramount utility are brought together-fact=lin?? t?t"'r" 0"" who are suffering from ff( ,ti ?' ,"I ,e 11?,! enfeeblement a,, dii I t?i t".?, er. without which man ?orf? it' he digllit)' of nature. In cascs ,here the vital e3senceí5 ha\'e b digilit)r of fl?ittubr:. fby p?,?l-u. habit improper diet, hordship. by i,,?udicious Ireatment, tlle means of cure a(lopted by the Author, in c",j" .??tio,? With th application fLocal have It" ",ti, been f.d «.PfuI, «eVin cases wh«\ recovery hadqbeeD pronounced impos- sible. ^•blished by th Anthor^ price Is., free by post for tMrteen 't"n". and m3)' b had .1 A?le., r,,i,k I t,rnoster How, l.ondon Westmac.Jtt, chemist, Market Street. l\1ancheter; J. itet, B?ii Street, Birmingham; Barraclougli, Frgat, Sqnare, GJasj!ow, Powell. 'Ve'tmoreland Street, Dun, n or from t l? ,nia)* be  f'oni tHl Two, and from St,. till Eight, t 8,?,;37 B?dfrd Square. Sheffield; Ra)'uer. High "beet, Southampton; \V. Love, Euoch Tf so. use ROSALIE COUPE.LLE'S I ?l I I U T R I AR.^oted a^ DO YOU WANT LUXURIANT HAIR, WHISKERS, &Ie. r )í/[;\t nUI:flí;i:o;II'd; lounem\ whiskers, e)'ebro\8, i;c., in a few weck, and will be foun eminently fluccessfu1 in nourishing, curUn1 and beautd)'lng fatar^.in^e^hu, « rc.u.e. iu& )t IO$, an,i Te$oTing itint)aln?as from whatever caUiJe. Upwards of 100 phy,icians recomniend it lor he  pro- moting fin., h,.Iti?y 1,?,,d.f l"lirtitig baUness In ,ftr ye:\n. Sent post free on receipt pnny postagebY !\liss Coupelle, 69, CN.i,.n sof.,d t.,Lond i, and obtainable ot all Chemists, in bottles price 29. f(tch. Each p,lckct bears a red t?.[, iti? the wordf' HHOSALIE Coup. ELLE" i white le!ter. t?,e words COVPELLE S CRIuTnIAn" are .1 so rn?,t?IdL?dnb?)ttl .,Iv Wbi?keri at greatly improved. -W. A. Hill. It b?? tOllsidcraùly thickened tn,)" hair.n-1iss MoHin, I \as bald 9 eHr9, hut find ,e,? hair comin? rapidly.J, Hone. II Thanks to vou I have an excellent moustache and whiskers. ^^Maj Browne. I had lost my hair in patches, but it ha re$tored it." BrIe. li?witt."A f'-10ears baldnen, it has acted miracu- sohi by Mr. II. HLOIIES, Chemist, Market Place Bangor. "FIVE MINUTES ADVICE ON THE HAm," Whukers, &c., sent post tree for four penny stamps. KNOW THYSELF! TmH^F 'ORI^GIN \L GRAPH10L0GIST MARIE COUPELI.E, ontimis l^er interesting '?'d useful,Wat«»t»n.. cl?.ral tI r from e:umination of the b?,,d?riti, in tyl? peculiarly hu ir Judth^^a^ bir^yi^^Ari,fhjr?.,pre- tendcrs and i,if-?tyled proressors who l?l,y,d k, le(t?e of ih?s beautIful 6 i,,ce. Penons I!eshous of knowing S« SIS Of any friend. m„sl^ send a specimen of Writing, t.t? a,?d or it age ivith 14 ttncut p,nn,, tt..Ca?. tle-treet, N eWIJl:\n-treet, L."d NV, for which  be returne(i a detail of the silts defect. talents, tastes, affectioni, &C"" of the writer, with o'her things previously unsuspected, calculated t0 £ "u,e ln the every-day affairs of life. A 1 ,I,ra are stnctlv confi dential, and to prevent ",i". "applicatit. are request it to enclose an en. ,e properly directed to themselves. The thousands who ?h?,,kf.Ily .?k. ,e d'ge the %little of advice gi,??ur??y of Miss C.'s sketches, e-t?,bli?h the great utility of the sciem:e. From F. N. Iidier your 6kill surprisi0ng.'Your description of her character is remt-rkably correct. -W S, Your interesting reply is quite true. -H. W. Your ?ketel; of mv character is manellous1y correct. -Miss F. Mamma says the character is a true one '-Miss W. 'N. oe.. sClibed hht character very accurately. — Miss 11, S. >. 7' Rm afrai his character is too truly as )ou describe it. ^e n0 difficulty in grI-that, phTfnolo. and we ha\e litt? d0." tt.?t in in.,ances the character is read with equal precision. Family Herald.' By th??, means men about to en-age Part?e!"?i, ), in, ".rtant transact on, ma) :;a:Ir;;ar:h:riael ofne:;r:h t:vahn:cen) 1: to do: in like manner ma lovers "is, b,t"ret,???d; ai d thoe who have ?,? ?t :),,e,i?. may he warned, and enabh:d to prepare for the worst."—' Household Words. PAINSIN THE BACK. GRAVEL, LUMBAGO, RHEU- MATISM, GOUT, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, BLADDER, And Organs therewith connected, nervousness, debility, pains in the head, ?e., 4-c., may be speedily relieved and effectually cured by, all,1l ) e? ROOS' COI PUUD RENAL PILLS. T.VROM their specific action, they correct acidit) of the stomach RONI their pecilfe actioi), ttiel, correct acidity f the ?lo.h F.d i???ige.ti.?, ,he f I?,,i,,r and kid- manv other serious disorders to which these important organs are ':I:h l:r'h:ili il\e:i l\ :o;;I :1d1n: f da s ?otten a few hours onlv,) l,,l,l ,r so.caUed r,,eli,, 111, It t" ly failed Li.t,e. ,P'?'?io. of ?'i'it" weakness, peevishness, the once vigorous mind becoming f??ble, for;etful and wavering; the once amiable temper fretful, uspici ous and intolerant; and complaints long supposed to be nervous, olten arise solely from the blood becoming contaminated with certain salts and impurities hich should have been carried off by the kid. neys: sevetal unsightly eruptions of the skin and face also arise from the same cause, and may be as readily removed by these Pills. The immediate and almost marvdlou8 change produced by their invigorating action almost exceeds belief. Every simptom of nervousness and re,axation quickly subsdes; the trembling, care- worn depressed sufferer become, animated and cheerful; avoca- tion. 1urmer¡y irksome become pleasing, and he is as it were rstored to new life. They are extensively used by all classes, and give unbounded satisfaction on every hand. Sufferers have only to try them to be convinced of I heir ellicaey, and to the eceplica A SMALL RRIAL BOX WILL BE SBNT FOR NOTHINO on receipt of 3 ^llu^i^iahamT'la1^/Brighton.—" Major Mickleteiyait thinks 2, 1. ,i'lham l)lacc, tell. 1ajor Micklete\nit thinks it but j.?tILe to Dr. De Roos .?,i his invaluable Mediclt.e to i, form him that he had uff,,ed ,,ry much from pa ns in the back mil loin", which induced him to r,. the Renal Pill, after which he fiuds hims('lf q,?,teff'o p in "e MBr"'nt,8l wS: Y?Lir Renal Pills are the only ""i I ka"c met with that have been of service." medicine I have met with that h;,v f.™5?piease to send a few more of y.mr wOHderful pVhe.' m^ fels great relief already." t.,on"^1^ Voil! 0ci1 nesare^ery' who "•»« purchased them of I.e."?nd? of other tti..ni.l. may be seen by any one. P, i ,,?1. 1id 2,9d., 4?. Gd. 11, per box, through on ChelJlHlts, Suld hyMr. H. HuoiiES, Chemist, Market Place, ll,ngor. and at least one agent in almost every town; but should dim .) I,cur, enclose the amount per Post-office order or otherwise, ï :rcr Irt ,aII Pr::c: t.Ieol,r Id \c l¡[t;f;eltll securely packed per return, CAU no -Gurd g.in?t illlita!ion, and the recommemia- lion of other inedi?iiiev by dishonest vendors who thus b,i,? arrrtlrofit. and lIoticehc words" W AI.TEH OK Uoos, LONDù,tt in white letters on the Stamp affixed to the above, to imitate which is felony. A PAMPHLBT with full instructions sent post free for two I ililCioil) NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOCUE i ctnAltJS DESIGNS AND PRICES OF 150 DIFFf.REHT ARTICLES OF BEDROOM FURNITURE AS WELL i AS OF 100 BEDSTEADS AND PRlrES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION II SENT FREE BY POST HEALE, SON BEDITEAD 9EDDING & BEDROOM FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS N. [lMTOTTENHAM COURT ROAD .LOlMOaN^ R U P T U R By Her Majesty's Royal Letters:E.? WHITE's MOO-MAIN LEVER TRUSS Requiringno steel spiin? round the body, is recommended for R. e: 70ï Foi eerl\;i innl ,vo;: ,r:IfI¡i/ application; 2nd, perfect freedom from liability to chafe or ex- c,ia 3rd, it may be worn with equal comforcin any pJltton of the body:by d,ht4t" it it of every kind of 1, "thoer .1 i'l?te Ie-il!? to I er ad is perfectly concealed from observation. ° We do not hesitate to give to this invention our unqualified approbation, and we t,e. ??ly d, ise the use at it to all thoe who stand in need of that protection, which they cannot so fll; nor with the same :o. frt !.bti,, from any other apparatus or truss as from that which we have the highest satisfaction in thus recommending."—Church and State Gazette. It?? o? ..ended by the following eminent Surgeons:—William Ferguson, Esq., F.R.B., Professor oSit gery in Kim's College, Surgeon to King's College He. fital, S?(!. ;C Gnth tie,Esq., Surgeon to the Royal 'hBtmmster Ophal- mic 11 osp it .I ? W. Bowman IEsq., ,Su,g??,, to King'. College HOBpital; T. Callaway, Esq., Senior As- ?,i? t.nt to Guy's Hospital; W. Coulson, E@q., Surgeon 'h t 1I :nl :Ba l <i¿rV è,fiq: r.R.S., Sur- geon to the London Ho pital W. J. Fisher, f;tirzeon-in- C"i?f to the MetropolItan PolIce Force; Aston Key, Esq.,Surgeon to Prince Albert Robert Lision,Esq F.R.8 Luke Esq., Surgeon to the London Truss Society; EraInU8 Wilson E?q F. R S and many th,r.. E01'd;'i';¡v'i:r; o: had by post, and the Trl8S (which cannot fail to fit) can be forwarded by post, on sending the circumference of the bodyt?o i,i?h below the Li, to the manufacturer, m.nufacture;T-. WHITE, 228, Piccadilly, London. Priee ofa Single TruBB, 16. 21s., 20s. Gd., and 31B. 6d. Postage, is, Double.. 31B. 6d., 42s.,and 52s.6d. ?t age, Is. 8d. u U.bili?. 4P2., ?, and 52s. 6d., Postage, Ie. 10d. Post-office orders to be made payable to JOHN WHITE, Post-office, Piccadilly. ELASTIC STOCKINGS, KNEE CAPS, &c. The material of which these are made, is recom- mended by the Faculty, of as being peculiarly ELASTIC and COMPRESSIBLE, and THE BEST INVENTION for giving efficient and permanent support in all cases of WEAK- NESS and swelling of the LEGS, VARICOSE VEINS SPltAINS, &c. It is porous, light in texture, and inexpensive end is drawn on like an ordinary Stocking. Price from 7s. 6d to 16s. each. Postage, 6d. JOHN WHITE, Manufacturer, 228. PICCADILLY. LONDO SpechnenB may be seen in the Crystal Palace. ON DISQUALIFICATIONS AND IMPEDIMENTS TO MARRIAGE. NEW Edition, enlarged to 196 Pages, illustr?t,d by 100 A?. NATOMICA L COLOURED ENGRAVINGS ON STBEL, just pub- lished, and sent direct from the Establishment, 19, Bernera Street, Oxford Street, London, upon receipt of two penny stamps, to pay postage. pay po.tage. THE SILENT FRIEND: A Medical Work on Indulgence, and the injurious consequences Irom the use of Mercury: with obervation8 nn the obligations of marriage, and directions for obviating certain disqualifications, and containing a valuable prescription of a Lotion to prevent infection. Direct from the Establishment, 19, Hernen Street, Oxford Stre?t, London, where any of the medicines may be obtained. THE GREATEST MEDICAL DISCOVERY OF tHE AGE A NEW MILD AND MOST SUCCESSFUL MODE OF TREATMENT. The Proprietors of PERRY'S j istly celebrated Patent Medicines have confided their 1'r ipti"? to a 'i'i' of the ?' University of E'l.,?g'. and 'Niebr of the lto>al College of ur- geons of England (who is registered under the New Medical Act) and attends daily at No. lis, Berners Street, Oxford Street, lie.. tween the hours of 11 and 2, anlt hom 5 tiU 8 (Sundays excepted), to advise Patients on their Diseases and Treatment, and thus add to the speedy certainty of Cure. PERkty, s PATENT CONCENTRATED ESSENCE OF CO- PAllIA and CUBEB SACCHARATED GLOHULES, an agree- able preparation of the very essence of the Balsam of Copaiba and Cuoebs, perfectly tasteless, still ietaining at the same time its curative poweis. lu aU cases ot (Jonorrhcea, Gleet, Stricture, &c" a single trial Wlll pruve th efficacy af lhis invaluable remedy, as it at once act]: upon the Urino -GeniytaI rg.,??, restoring them to their healthy ?t, t?. Price 2,. 9d. (by po? t 3*. 3d.), 4?. 6d. (by Post 5s, 6d.) aidy ?, per box (b? post 13s.,) sent direct from the E#tablwhiuent No. 19, Berners Street, Oxford Street, London. N?, CORDIAL bALM OF SYKiACUM forSpermatorrhœa is loyed in both ?etes to renovate the powers ot life, when ?..?t?d by the ?.,rt,d by Indulgence on Uw s)sem. Ita power in r,.?,?,igoratitig the frame in all cases of debility arising from excesses, has been demonstrated by its universal succss, To those P?r,?. who are prevented entering the marrIed 8,at it j? invaluable. Price 4s. 6d. and Us. per ,.tt'L or four quati!i ,ie ,inn:for 314-,3s: The CONCENTRATE!* DETERSIVE ESSENCE, foe Syphilis i- aU Its Stages, and ia a remedy for p,?rit) i,?g the EI)tem from contamination, recommended lor secondary symptoms, blotchtS on the ead and Iacc. nldrgemcnt of the throat, tonsils, and uvula Ita be.?ef, ?ill influence on the system is undeniable. 6d., I I.?,l 33,. pr b.t,l,, al?? saving of 1 1 -J. Price JHiiÈç;DoOopÙRÊ'rJÖD. PERIII'? PUKlrllNli SPECIFIC PILLs, an infallible cure for all diseases of the skin, Queh as Sp?urvy, crofuia, uicer. uoi\. blotches, and pimples, oil the face and body. Price 2s. 9,1., 4., Gdll,, per box (by p. s3d 5s., aud 12s. To be had direct from the Establishment, No. 19, Berners Street, OxjNd Street, London, upon receipt of Pot Oflice Order: also oi "I'll 111 "8. Gracechurch St,t Bar ,isy 95. k. ?rri.?do.Bartlett uooper, 43, King Wilham- street, tour doors from London Bridge Hannay, Oxford- street Ingham, Diuggist, 46, Market-slreet. )fanchestr; Haimea and Co.,Hanover-strect; Howell, Dale-street, Liverpool;' II. Winnall, Bookseller. Birmingham J. H. Powell, Bookseller 15 We8tmorland.6treet, Dublin; Haimes & Co., Leigh Walk; R. Lmdsar,lJ, Elm Row, Edinburgb; D. Campbell, 136, Ar/jll street, (ilagow Evans, Chemist, Caidiff; hvaiib, ChemiH.. owansea; Evans, Chemist, Lampeter; and Garrett, Brothers, druggists, Newport, Monmouthshire. THE MIGHTYHE ALEE! WORLD KNOWN AND WORLD TIIIED! HOLLOWA Y'S 0 I N T M E N T. I 1':oot,iJ r the most famous public hospitals, at home and abroad, and the voluntary testimonies of persons in all uar- ters of the globe, who have given it a ?ait trial, nave eIb illed world wide reputation for th,? prif,i"- ? and healing Ointment. It penetrates, with manellolls power, to the seat of an int rnal disease and in all external dhmrderst its application ha!1 a rapidity and completeness of effect that resembles magic. Erysipelas and Scrofulous Sores. Are two of the most common and virulent disorders prevalent in this country. For these the Ointment is an ahiolute specific. II first eradicates the venom, and then completes the cure, even if of U years standing. of ;U years t,,iad? Legs, Old Sores, and Ulcers. Any of the above class of cases that have pertinaciously refused to yield 'o any other medicinal application, invariably succumb to this benign yet powerlul Unguent. to t is benign yet Eruptions on the Skin. Arising from the bad state of the blood, are eradicated, and a clear and transparent >u?face regained by the purifying and r storative action of this Ointment. It will be found to Cure any t.'lUflti()l1 on the head or otht>r pRrts of the body of children. N;) skin die.?, whatever, common to any part of the worM, can withstand the mighty power ftii? .n I?r 'i.1 Piles and Fistnlas. Every form of these prevalent and stubborn disorders is eradi- cated by the ue of this emollient; warm fomentations should precede its application. It effects in a short tiu1e a certain, thorough and permanent cure. Tic-Doloreux, Sciatica and Face Ache. Lnmbaeo, 8ei?itica, Mol, ?, fd.), and aH there pailifuli,!ection? of the nerves and muscles, are speedily relieved and cured by the application of this marvellon,ly ,ffi"acious Ointment, providing it be well rubbed for a considerable time into the parts effected, and if convenient twice a day. In some cases it is advisable to immerse the part in a bas n of warm water pre- vious to the use of the Ointment, but this shou:d only be done prior to bed time. Bronchitis and Ulcered Sore Throats. Extract of a Letter from Mr. James Downing, of Paria-stroet Exeter. To Professor Holloway. ;ir,- Your Ointment and Pills have "I'?tl upon me a perf?ct cure of a dreadfully diseased throat, arising from cold, uhich ultimately terminated in bronchitis. The me.lic,tJ aid I received "b?t wi tt, t d,a?,, ,,dI was raph1Jy sinkiug under its influence. At thh Iag?,.bd r ,o ?, medicines, which, in few hour, relieved me, and I am happy to inform you that in less than a fortnight 1 was entirely cured by them. Charming Faces for Ladies.—A Clear Skin. A Wonu TO THE LADIy-s,-LacHe: anxious to prct>iJrvea bril- liant complexion, often go to the PHfumu when they should go to the Chemist, and a6k gr ,tri,ent lotions) when they should Ite ali,,?.daperietits. 'rhL, on 1y genuine and real Ii safe and b atitiless yet tijoroullily eMea ctonso.w-i. London, or cle",hele. is Holloway's Ointment. IT this inestim- able preparation be applied externally to all pimple" blotch, and dicutouration8, while the blood is being purified, and the de- praved humours corrected by the Pills. not only wiH thc face ue beautified, but the whole system cleai.sed, improved, and .tr?,?gli,e?,?d, ai d the effect will not be temporary and 8uperficlal, but thorough and permanent, Contracted and Stiff Joints. Extract of a Letter Iroin Mr. Jo?. Ho!lcr$OlI.ot the Pottery Fields Hunslet, near Leeds. '• To Professor Holloway. ?ir,I."r d for months with a s'er?? bad knee, and tri?,l everv remedy likely to benefit me, but without success, the Joint was quite atiff, and so swollen that I became seriously alarmed as to whether 6houd ever regain the use 01 it. However, by the use of ,r Pills th weUlllg was 'oo' completely re- uced and i two weeks was completely cured, and 1 i?,? enabled to resume my work. Anyone suffering from stiff and sw.jJlen =.I?ould do as Mr. Rogers did-Rend for HollowaY'B Pills and Ointment. Both the Ointment and Pills should be used in the following ca6e Bad Legs Bad Breaslo Burns Bunions Bite of Mosche- toes and Sand- Flies Coco'Bay Chiego-foot Chilblaius Chapped h?,.d? Corn (Soft) Cancers Cont.acted "nd Stiff-j tints Elephantiasis Fistulas Gout (ilandular Swe!!i?t Lumbago Pile. Uheumatjøm I8,Id. Sore-thiouts Sore-N'ipp'ea Skin dhieasee I Seurvy Sore-heada Tumours Ulcers Wounds Yaws Sold at the establishment of Professor Holloway, 244, Strand, (near Temple Bar\ London; also by all respectable Druggists, nod l)aler8 10 Medicines, throughout the civilized world, at the following prices )d., 2s. 6d., 4s. 6d., ilg,, 22s. and ;13.. each pol. ,?,,h There isaeoMiderabJe eating by taking the hrgeronM. N.B.—Directions for the go 021'ec of patients in every di.or ,er .r am.ed to eaw pot. HAIR DESTROYER, 248, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON. ALEXANDER ROSS'S DEPILATORY REMOTE. «IH>ER»UOIII Hair from the face, neck, or arms, without any effect to the *kin. Sold at 3?, 6d. per bottle, or eat free, in plain cover., for 50 stamps. Alent-Mr. A. R. MART114. Caxton House, Bangor. TEAS, COFFEES, COFFEES MIXED WITH CHICORY, AND CIGARS, ALWAYS on Sale at Martin's Stationery and Prinli.g Esta A. blisliment, Caxton House, Bank Place, High-street, Bangor HAIR CURLING FLUID, 248, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON. ALEXANDER UOPS'S CURMN'O FLUID produces a beautj. ful Curl upon either Ladies or Gentlemen's Hair, immediatel y i"/ 'u's?"' Sold a? '3? 6d. "'S<?t free, in plain COVU., for 54 atam ps. B. MARTtN. Caxton Houte. Ban?or. Agent—Mr. A. R. MARTIN, Caxton House, Bangor.  (CELEBRATED FOR TH IR GREAT STRENGTH AND FINE IFL&VMI&o IMPORTANT AGENCY. Atnj. wanted jn e"ery town and district for the sale of JOH C\SELL'R COFFEES, \? ?o'hn Ca..ell', FOUR SHILLING TEA (where there is not one already). Full particulars sentfree by post on application to John Cassell & Co., SO Fenchurch Street London.









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