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PLEASURE TRIP TO BARDSEY ISLAND. fARR-Cabr". 4?. !-cck, 2!1. Gd. Sfikvl /N fnTPAv, JnW 30th (wither pnmiU¡nç:, 1i-0 Etam.Yacht FAIHY will mke an -_i8i' Excursion to Bardsey Island, SUfTu Trrom Beaumaris at 9 0 a.m. t,g from f.1S;n1\g, 10 a,m, t] "I iBri dg, c.r?""On lC And nrflrd O'at(;: t'('arre)iiafn. ;hTO riads 01 Sea Fowl will 't "t"t from b"t magnificent promontory h)' the f1rinz ofa cannon d()<e umtcr the headland, thence on through PorttiiHnll.nn Bay. alona- the Coast of Ueyn to Bardsey Ishiul, which commands a .icw ot all Cartliuan Ihy. as well n CadeT Idti. 3nd other Merionethshire anil Cardiganshire mountains. The FAIRY will anchor at Harllsey for two hours to allow parties Ih? .1 p?, it?. to ?i?it th Ancient Monastery. Light House, and othH ilh'n'5ti"z objects on thi prime\a11s\am1, and h I xpecteil to return about 4 '?-ti)ck in tl,, Refreshmi'iirs will be provided on Board on muderate terms. City of nill.Uri Hteam Packet Co's om(', Menai Bridge, July iS"8. NAPIER'S Steam Communication between Kliyl and Liverpool. CI rpilK. New Powerful and Kast.P.ilin" Iron S, t I -tivmer I.ION, Captain J," N ■ '1 m1' l" rilVl.-rs stwVnl.KvAN ;.¡h.'l 'i!lf' for th: & £ 2;~ r Canadian M<-a imr •• Indian. For Time li,i,¡;X;i:)I';i,:['f!li ;{: for. Ith> 1, or t" I' ■i d s o'i" Oldham & Co., 3.), Bath-Street, I.liir- poco! Ih.!ck: Liverpool, Beaumaris, Bangor & Menai Bridge n fI pilK N<>w Iron-srr.itnrr [fi'NTFK 'until further MOMce will leave th' "•! FN A FKTtXiF ¡>11 Tuesday, Thursday, 0./ ..5:> an,i sitnrdav :,t 10 and M VFK POOL, on V..r d.,v, "Wcdm sd.n and Friday, at I Iinorn. in», crtUin? nt 1.1 ANJ>t*l>N<>, wtMthor p<'nniU\n'.r. in tI,} 'II :\Jt;:I\I;I\I;t.r ::{¡ \\Jg.. and A ml we h An rasst rs» to an.! fromthe Druid," On P ATI. Tt DA Y. Jtll 2ith, at o'clock afternoon, tho DRUID will Irave Liverpool fnr the Menai Bridge, "here she will leave <4>n Monday n')rllit¡g. at G o'dot.:k precisely, arriving at Liverpool eonn aft* r ten. At > 1+'f:ai nrirf> apph to lr OWE 0WK*< Liverpool, 1ay 1 -t, lv*s. l'KIQJ> 5c CO, DIRECT DAILY STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN LIVERPOOL AND LLANDTJDNO. » rpUM -plMidid powerful and fVt fading new •\ Jv'k J» Iron i»a'ldle Steamer W A S 1> Captain T. I' o o r.. '> T,'rpOin'et:'t; 'tY'nI;" emptt>'l)! between LIVERPOOL and J.LA.xOCVXO, with* Good allu I'rnm Liverpool (new landim* stage) :U 10 a.m. From Lhindurinn 1 p.m. Far' :i!t1'¡i:i\1I:7 (j,f; S('nn1 rahill:f\llrn Tid;rt, *vaihKr> for one, two, or threo dajs First Cahin, r)« Second ê:f,l 'l: Ii f:{: :i: f i:: :(}:,I:.Irl;: C.hi X*. Children niv'er Twelve \e.ar« of n?»» half pr ei». For pa<»2i and fintf.T r particulars app to "fr. W. r!nsfl. AUF. '„>* >, Nntth Ji d :ii-'tre.-t Liv.-j po-d Mr. i'niu;i« lSiu»oKS Victoria Inn, Ii I 1i; (;r Captuin Pool, on \)):I\\I. B it IO K s. SAILINGS (IF TIII; 'PRINCE OF WALES' STEAMER. :c A F I I'.U MT1IIMY, 1-t MAY. 1v_»S. the fa- J\ ouj te Iron sterner, P1MNCK OF ^•\ hrvft\ M* A f, KS .'Tiros. DAVITS, I, ''I,- will rontn.ciire ^ailin? :i-; tmdrr—call ns? l)' Llan- ;r- I'II, :( :'e" ;i: I;I"; i t I¡' r ;In' IJrt. F It From M: \I P.lIIDGi:,—MONDAYS E])"i r P\ Y and FiU l« S Y». tt 10 a "l. DA Frotu IN I-W LWUINC ^T M .F. T.IYFUl'OOl —T* i:>- DAYs Til l IODAYS, and l: l« a? a. m An OtDi; if>M> run-* hvu ir:v v m Mi nai l'>i id;»e nr.d Amlwch, with P.» ncrf-> to and fJ .< tl.c I'i imv of Wa h -i. (Jond-s r ht- n»fc ve<l at tin1 Compai'-N'ri brrtli, Clarence 1), "i1 lH'rtJl, BEAUMARIS AND CARNARVON. The t • a i:! Yai'ht l'\ll!Y "ill t'f)'TmH'IH'1' her n«'ial Summer Trips b'it n the a places on 1'ut RSDAY. the Itii ol June, callin? a* O VU'IMI POINT and M FN A! :;7 Y..I!i Bvam»"rw at 10 a.m av.d r« t*ri,\«'r froui Carnarvon at p. n j.,— TITM' \y<. Til r i! -i) Y a- d \T' Ut) \Ys in earh week. Caf»in Fare, the Trip d H a1. are, the Trip. li. Od. One w y vn I- (J 1. On" way on' y Is. 0d. 5::¡t,¥/I,(:I: '11 :r(1 t <1:1:j:\g' ;¡'¡I: :i: 'I:;ji; J5. W. I'tMinii v. M< n.n 1 rid^c a- d to J on n 'J'UCMAS, Uangor- City of I).i»dio Co OHi e Menai Bridge, l'i;h .lime, l^>s. » Lihunl Company'^ ^toamers (wea- ^V, "'¿: ():I:t ;:lt:lf':1I:P,7;¡it;li'1:(t f ed to :HI nn one of the most beauti.'nl Rht'rs in V ? °i jir^. CONWAY Wlll,, betiven WAY And the Mineral Springs II. the vale ol 's, Dr. 0, n, Kobcrt^ A"l 1,, Minora'. Wate** of Tref»nvs., a. IIn,r LLAN8WST, I! under:- Jl LV. IV*. FKOM CONWAY. FROM TltEFnl\V. HI, Saturday 9 10 do. 10 :id do. 26, Ill., 'i,y U r> 0 do. 27, Tuesday 10 0 do. U 15 Fven. 2., V ednes d y 10 10 do. 1 0 *9, Tlmwduv 11 ;«) do. 31 do. 30, Friday 11 \:> do. 2 0 do. Saturday \~2 ol) do. 2 150 do. FA r; i:. 'ahin and Quarter deck, *51. F<ire n d, l>. Th, Iz? ("i;jI<;¡Jj:¡, ,JllI" •lia*v\ (iird.- p-. e. ->i) Cj and J'J Further in.'orination be obloinN) by apphin? t" Capt. V. Jones; or ?.» >lr. F. Jone>, Bine B<>11 Inn, Conway; Belle Yue ,\l,:E' ¡ :;¡,I:h'j;i:IX;li':¡,u I'' ,:e1 r F, WalmsJey f.Iny■(, London House, Uanrwat. K fT'lK LIYKRPOOL & AT'STUALfA V NAYI- 6:ít(fÄ" t :\î'r)\n¡:)/í' t\r'I'1 \C\ ??'.f..?.<'ht'!?'rs..nr..?juhcti..n'tiththt.H.\f.).Kf.t.\K i,P F"' I.j t!t iI:Jht:1' gí':o}' each month, To Ihe consignment of BRIGHT, BUOTIIKRS fc CO., Mel- kourne. forwurdins? p:1t'n!?tre. to all part* of :1Itr3lia Pack t of 16th Al'OUST, the Renowned Steam Clipper t I ROYAL CIIARTFR. 2719 Tons Register, -00 Horse-Power, THOMAS TAYLOR, Esq., COOJm"1I(Jr. TI,i jnstlv c: lebrated Steam ChppC'r is about to p I her ftth voy'age to NJ, 1, .d? th, p, ous passages in ¥iÆift!:¡B;fmJ0f:fl;I:ifIÆÊ!J,:1g;;tjl 71'r the rapiditv at. d regularity of her passages, unec;ua 'eil bv anv y e^sel in the woi UL Under canvas alone, h, has frequently inaintaine«l r ?t,vt!r;tl da y s, a spee d of upwards (?f40o miles in l hours. Her saloon arrangements are perfect, and combine e\ei y p-»« 4 Me eonvenience and h»*r iiob n 1'ween Decks, ligl, ix teet by side poits, afford unrivalled ae- comonodatiou for other classes. FARFS, lii TO ro fiUINK \«. Apply to c;nu^. l'» l{ |( HIT N: CO., 1, NVrth John-s'rcet l.xverpo'd •. I (>p,F.UTS WATTS, Aln.r-r.-le; or to Fnw.vui> lii Lis, jL,ri.t (Jarth Point Dangnr STI-AM TO NKW YOFiK DlIiECT. And II, c n< ap'and shortest Route to Canada JI-csl. riMM' FIY FUPOOT,, NF.W YORK, and I PIMLADI l.PIMA sTKAM-SIIIP COMPANY N i:t :a d-> afc!,in«r t'o ir Full Powt red C'Utle-built ,1 1:I,1 I; ,I,i: -1 r:l L1 V 1. N FW VOlMv .vl- .dloi.s — CITY OF W ;<Hl>(.;iON .K ANi A U( a) |stli 1.1 Sept. And each alter.r>»e Wtdnesday. Cabin Pa.ss.acfe, l"». 17, anti L'l Ouineas, aceonllng to the accom- modation. Forward Pa-sa<re 8 Cnine-s. il1d:,t'it: Provision. Passengers for CANADA :.nd the FNITF.l) STATFrJ booked tllr"n::h ()(1 "1'1"\ advantageous tern.s. For h:nha paiVu idar- ap:dv In WILLIAM IN M AN, 0, t', I Water-«treet, Liverpool. Or to Mr. I'pwi). I'.t.i.ts. j in., Shipbuilder, 1):LI\l)r. PASSAGE MONEY, S14 AND UPWARDS, V'IHTK STAI; FINI; OF BRITK-H AND ..t V> AFSTRAL1AN F\-RO\AI. MAIL PAC- i ^aiii:!y betw e.-n 1.1 V F K POO L and MFL- 1:1,-jF) ,7 I';t :I'il:I;11 >J\il:)L('¡:I, :I:t'J for« atdin- W^«ivjvr< b\ Steamer- at •J .ianiu h rates to ill t:lrt nf Australia, to the consignment of 11. T. WiUon and ('0.. Melioume. Ship. Captain. R(. Bur. tYIIIIF S [All T. (' C, hlrr. •J.JnO .'nn ) \ng- ilFKM in F. u..?y\? i"?.0j?"?  ).' I t? 0 *en ->U 1, Al, Brow n J. 2 lo"0 •»;, COLDFN i K II. A. Brown L.V, ■„>> Nov. "0 RFD JACK F i M. H.O'HaHoian. 'ItiO .V> M O. The <•. !el r .ted mammoth-clipper >ii [> "White Star, is the b;;ltt (:: ,¡' fa t. t;Ù1;t !:). Jt\fl)\I:r, p al:I\li:11 ''lÎlet of thf1 IIIp extra ordinary nas:a?ed on record. Her lat voyage from J.ivtrpool 10 \L toourne wmade in b'd cI:t, and nn this Oc(a- sion, s! e n adi* th«i utip .ral'eled tun of :311;'7 miles in 10 '•nceessive davss, i how ¡':l cotttinnou.. rite of ,-p. »•<} un. quailed by tJ e fastest <ice;ui fl an er«.. M< r Irl\i(,n \v1\a2e w-.s tnade in Tt '¡:l. dur- it: a rvivavhab' c v.a v aletu-e of oaim< ut\d hend winds. Uv v tnpilio uevi r hI 1 •. j jI I, Ill low i n d bew«~en Liv» i [M>ol and Melbourne. Vu hrr 1■ no- from Mel' ..1Ir P, s "e i!.tt,d the land in ^•7 davs^ :,••(! the eelebrattd steain-sdiip, '• Ro\al Charter,'♦ ,n du^ t■ ota put to port. IF r-a oons are semptuou-ly fur. '1li!l"d aia.w, :,¡LO. hlllar I a: d linen provided fur cabin ra; B-rs. V' r!< r'' <>f' cv('r-v rnot1''1, f l IF in SON, AND EN Or to r i.Y JllNPC. -t' HI I' Con h j. V,„1 ]], Uo'. j ne. or l:oi;: in- l'r.m-u.u n, N, «-ry-tu-. t. II. Ijh, .u STEA?* UNDER 60 DAYS ECLIPSED! I STEA'?L 'UNDER 60 DAYS ECLIPSED! ,I"II::IH I: O¡'' '1:1'1:,11 11\ ::I:J:,I!' 8 Psssrpfi T.Ioney, £ 14 and XTpwards. \Nll -> 1 » a; \1 IXN l.dVA I. M A I. \( K | r r ..t. T.- t.> r. I. IV. r.oi. on „f V. h t..r Mi Ml UNI., f. r»-ar.ii«a I/:¿-; J hj steaai to \u .i> putr ill All tralia r S i. 1:« r. 1:"n11' (:lli1}. Date. CH A M i1! N -f hs' V" > ls0 L'¡;;) '1'1y. "t!¡ A;i< (diFAi A" \| v. O I* 1m w. r. •■• >e p t. 1UUTI-H i • <•"•) <N, ih Ot:, ;;}. 1,11.11 I N Ni I'M i e tHh (j". }t\H,1 U .Clarke ;-Hh Dec. DONAF = M- KA\ Tobii; :>t!i J.n. Th:- ah 1.1 ..) u d o ;r tt. ii :jest, and fastest merchant >III| v P. tne worlu, and !I INe In en built by the most :j I: I ;I::i:H\ I"' :1:I:Y;I:l::t i; Y(';i: They are commandrd by men I;): \I rea«:y rendered 11 t. ■ e ves f iinon-, tri C.» ir equipments and accoinn.oilutioni» are unequaLed bv any *l hue of ships alUut. 1 he B:aek Ba: Line has lt the distinffuished honour of a is¡t ir¡ ni Her Majesty the t.J:ll,.t II, who WI HiOJt tfiaeiously pleased to say tllal S'le hud \10 idea there were suett UL\6,uticl'lIt .h¡p in h»r uo reliaiil navy. k reigat and Passage apJil)" to the Owners, JAAIKf BUNiis co., I.¡.apool. A 6 F N T S Mr. M. T. Edwad. (';)\ay' Mr. A. H. Martin, UookseUer, na!1or. Capt. Tully, City of Dublin umcc. Hoivhertd, STEAM TO NEW YORK. 11 WHUtit.ASGOWandNF.W VOKK STF.AM-SHIP 1 COMPANY'S Towerful and Fast-aailuig Steam- Are intended u! sail from GLASGOW to NEW Tolth (unless prcnntefl by any unforeseen circumstance), CARTS PARAGE, Lr> tiCINBAincluding* Provisions, but not Wines nor Liquors, which willbe supplied on board at moderate rates. A limited number of Steerage Passengers will be taken at 8 Guineas, supplied with Provisions of good quality, properly cooked. CARRIES A Apply to MATIIEW L.\{;L\1IS. ft, t. Enoch Square, Glas- (OW, or to LANGTKYS I & Co" 11, ater-strcet, Liverpool. 7 TO NEW YOHK DIRECT, 3Sj*3 The c.¡ebr"t ChH Screw Ste'mHip e:Ta\ "GREAT BRITAIN," VtWfeaUy ,15 0 Tons DIU then..WO Horse-power. JOHN GliAV, COMMANUEK- WILL ItB IH'SI1 A1V H ED 1ROM LIYKRPOOL FOR ;W YORK, DIRFC1, Os WKDNKSDAY, THI: 2STH INST. The Rates of Passasje in the Saloon are 15, 17, and 21 Guineas according- t" tht. accommodation. rii[[j; inr-.rf. nr! e-. n; n-<>< I ion s State Rooms and Dining Saloon, | o. en:> 1' •' are fitted up with every bt, U> Saio- r :21) cllùi feet of personal luggage, free of ;r- i' Vas r -juantity mu>t pay as car,?o. frè..()(: !i¡!p,i\i, ,1 1;1:}U't I :"e'd be pro vided with an ample l)ietarv Scale, a*nl j(«»od a> commodation. Freight, £ 3 p,r ton, and > per .?t Pi ima«?u, payable here, r in America, at 1 Do l:u3 IHJ SO Cents to the Pound Sterling, Coar8c Goods and Weight a ppr agreement. Goods will be rec ived at the Loading urt i, North Fast cor- ner of Wellington Doek. Apply to GIBBS, \tHIGl1T & CO 1, North John-stre¡t, Liverpool; ROBERTS & ItNG 9, Cornhill, London A, F. WATTS, Abergele; or to EDWAUD ELLIS, jlln., Garth rúintJ Ihll5!'(\T, GREAT WEST EH N RAILWAY. It TiniOiaiHo Vl XORTII WALES BY Till: SNOWDON TOURIST FOUR-HORSE COACH 1} 11F PUBLIC is respectfully informed that on and after MON- l' I )l: ,:y}:, 'i 1(;hiI;t())i\fll)I::I\('i!1 a['r:r Coaeh w ill commence runnin? clady (Sunday excepted) between CARNARVON and LLANGOLLEN ROM) STATION. The Coach leaves the noa) Sportsman Hotel, Carnarvon, daily (S\\nd:1Y excepted) at 710 a.m.. and will travel through the n -it admired scenei y of North Wales. *kirtin £ the foot of Snow d on, through the Vale oT to Capel Curig, along the Great Loi don and Holyhead HN¡l. by the ba«e of M Ot Siabod, the celebrate Rhaiadr Y Wenol, (l-'ali of the Swallow). Uettws y Coed, Pemrevoelas, by th Bridge md Waterfall of Pont y OI\nn. 1 "¡n', throu-!h the Yules of Corwen, Glyndyfyr- dwy. a I' d •! ■' i' at Llangollen Road Station in time for T ra;- i;> i, M.*nc h ester, Shri-wsbury, Wol- "I'1'h<l11 1. a. 1- 1I¡;:1)t()n. Oxford, a11l1 London, The (.:(;!¡ 1.. ,i.^t ihn lioad Station daily (Sunday ex- cepted ) ia same route, on the of Trains leaving ;al;: = n at 7..r> 0 a. m Birmingham, Shtewsbury, 10-35. Man- 1lH'!I-tt'r. Liverpool, —.Chester, 10.40., and Llangollen Road Station, 1 1..1;-)" arrl\ll15 at the Rojal SI'°r:.mal1 Hotel, Carnanon, at b p.m. lh R\F II, ¡I.I.L\ I), WILLTAMS, J ),\1' MOLT BY, DICAS, an i S.MJLH, Ma\^0, I f<jk. CONWAY AND LLANDUDNO. I? .+ \>;¡'i.> V I J}f:' ,,) '1 the following I ,t\ii') HOTEL, tiir.e, v z.:— ,1; Ú:f:I;:):I"'li\ 4 -1 :4;):' :A};:lf ndllrliÏn from thc MOSTYN ARMS, ST. GEORGE'S, and the Qt FEN'S HOTELS, Llandudno, p. «,0 a.m., 10,0 a.in 3.0 pm., and :;30 pm. The above time of leaving Llandudne i intended tlJ meet the principal trains from Conway Station. Also, the TCURIST COACH, Irom the ERSKINE ARMS. HOTEL. CONWAY, at 11.0 a.m. (which will commence running the 11th instant.) for Ll-mru'st, Ih-ttws-y-Coeil l¡ :'I{ I nud Bang<>r. in tUuc to return b\ train to Cot.wa y the same even i ng The above anangement to continue until further Notice. RICHARD WILLIAMS, Proprietor. ErsUine Arm Hold, July lt, lK), An Omnibus kept for private ¡nrÜC3, and c1oe and open Car- riaces at the shortest notice. The most Picturesque and Expeditious, and the CHEAPEST TOUR IN NORTIl WALES. BANGOR, OGWEN LAKE, CAPEL CURRIG, LLAN- RWST, AND COlvWAY. mine rr.ixcr. OI' WAI.ES, FOUK-HOKSI: COACH, win,on I and aVtcv MeND.W, ^he 1 UU das of June, ISoS. Tun from the BP.iriSH HOTEL, BANGOR, "nd the ERSKINE AIUl HOTEL, CONWAY, respectively each morning (Sundays ex- cepted) at t.?,N hwotirs hereunder mentioncd. Leave the British Hotel, of th trains from li?IY- head and Carnanoi), oti tlit, :irrival and the omnibus ftOm am. Beium.tris. H 0 Bethe da 10 0 ()\\el¡ Lake 0 45 C?)e)Curig;U.e Hotel).. 11 I:; p.m. Bettws-y-Coed l?Ii Arrive at Llanrwst (the Eagles) 10 Leave <litto 0 T?ri?.?? 2 30 Conway (Erskine Arms) in time for the Bus for Lla.nclndno. and the Ban- gor, Holyhead, atid Car- 40 nar\'OIl. 4 0 Leave the Erskine Arms i)..te),Cnn?y.onthe arrival of trains to and a.m. from Chester 11 0 p.m. )S 30 Arrive at Llanrwst the Eagles) 1 0 Leave ditto 2 0 Brttw*-y«Coed 2 14 Capel Citri (the Hotel).. 330 Ogwen LakE: 45 Bethesda á 0 Bangor, in time fur the trains for Conway and 1,,6t?r .540 THROUGH FARES, 9s. f'artintlars of Intermediate Farcs maJ. be had at the above- named I1otpI. }1crformect hy the public's most obedient servants, DEW, WILLIAMS, PEGG, So WILLIAMS. Change of Time in starting of the Tourist Royal Mail. SUMMER TRAVELLING HKTWHEX CARNARVON & DOLGELLEY DIRECT, lïa Ileihlijelert. Tremadoc, Portmadoc, Tanybwlch, '?" /At?.c/;??7??/ioM/?. ???' fJIHF Public is re-pcctful and after the 11th day of JI'NK next, the w. II appointed Four-hone Coac h the 'f;:¡; yl;t: .} :)t((';t I Z, VII ;;)I\ t.1/t '<r';Jlr t C'O\\I l'l, 1 tl]\! r:I.\I¡ \l \(.; 1'I!r rt It ;1,; \.s It .t? 'J'I;'i::il'ta the ROYAL and SPORTSMAN HOTEL, CARNARVON, at ¡oj,I), A M., passing t'rolh Beddgelert, Tremadoc, PlIl'tmat1(J. Tanvbwleh. Harlech, 1:U"mollth. to Dolgellev. The TOllrit leaves tbe LION RoYAL HOTEL, DOLGELLEY, via same route daily (-unda y excepted), at 8 ?9. A. M arriving at Carnar- von in time for the Trains to Bangor, Chester, Liverpool, Bir- mingham, London. &o. Bv order, KAE, PRICiL\lW, RAF, ROBERTS, DAYIES, [ PIorr¡dor, 'A 1 1,, Rovel tu'1 r'Y:¡l¡n Hotel, Carnarvon, Coach OfUee, May 20th, l;), CARNARVON AND X,XiANBERIS. | t II The Public i respectfullv informed that on and after MONDAY the I'll of JiNF, the well-appointed Coach SNOWDON 11L\(;t:lt will r.Munit-ne<' running d ,ily (Sumlny excepted) be- tween CARNARVON and LLANBERIS, leaving the Railway station n he arrival of 10.13. Train A.M., calling at the ROYAL I t:I: ;;1 ;I;('\T'; gI\jr,;):rr¥i):; f:: I TORIA HOTEL, LLANBERIS at 11 15. A. M leaving the Ho\al Vietori i Hotel, ar 5.30. l.t. in tinw for the TraiLls for Bar/gor, Chester, Liverpool, l;irndl1hamf and I.ondun. By order, RAF & WILLIAMS, Proprirt(1r. Royal and :poltnn Hotel, Carnarvon, I ay ::¡IIi, 1858. CARNARVON AND PWLLHELI. The well-appointed Onitiihiw, PU1NCF OF WALKS, leave* I the ROYAF and sp<)RTSMAN HOTEL, CARNARVON*, daily (SutidaY excepted a- -J L' M arriving at Pwllheli at 5 I\M. The Prince of Wales leaves the CROW N "HOTEL, PW LLUELI. via same route, at X A.M., arriving at Carllr\,(H1 at 11 A.M. JOHN RAK, Proprietor. 1'RICHARD'S DANDELION ,CArrIOMILE. RHUBARB & GINGER PILLS (With 110 other Ingredient; 1 RE .1 most safe and effectual remedy for Indigestion, Con«ti- i J\ ration, Liver and all Stomach complaints. They stimulate t. e Digi-stive Or rans, and legulatethe Bowe s, quickly lestoring the h- aUh, and by their continued use, rendering other medicine unnecessar y Persons going abroad will find them invaluable. s.>,din bott es, Is. l^d., 2s. 01., and 4*. fid. Prepared only by Mr. PuicH.uu), A|>-thee try. 135, Charing Cross, London. Sent free bv post, and through all M* dicine Vendors. Agents in North Wales, the following Chemists atid Druggists Baoyor, :I'1 J W/Grillith, High-street; C.rnamm, R. Gritlith, Medical llail. High->tr< et Pwllheli, I). Williams Conway, T. A. R•. b t Hiyh-street l.lain uduo, l h os. M illi tins, Cfiureh Walks ami II. Hu-j h es, Mostvn-street Beaumaris, J. Slater, High-street; Holyhea«I,G. Hus- ies, Mark' t-?tr<.et. and Mr. G. J. Roberts, Stanley *Tt rraee Rhvl, W. Ililditch Do gelley, J. C. Robert* Ruthin, Mr. Rouw Mold. Mr. Birch; Llanrwsr, Mr. tivimth Jones; Denbigh, Mr. William?; St. As^ph, Mt. I.lovd Junes Bala, Mr. Thomas, Cnemist and Druggist. TO INVALIDS. PKICIIARD'S AROMATIC STEEL PILLS L tlu onlv ;-eki.owle d ge d specific for Nervous and genera Debiluy. '1 i,ey give energy to the Muscles and Nerves, I;I\ ;:(!:CIi;I; ;i;I:' f ;:t :[ifI j;i)\I' lie mo>t scattered Constitution, and being absorbed into the bi,? and circulating through ll'l'" whole :-fstl'fIJ. no part of t:e hudy can escape tbtlf wonderful influence. Sold in boxes, 2<. /HI. Is. b. and 11* free by p0sl. ,d only by Mr. Apothecary, 1;5, Charing Cro?s, L-aiduu. Agents in North a.e the following Chemists and Druggists. —- };i.:i ;l\{:: ;g :JfX o. ;;I;:lll:I¡!¡:II: j g o-treet Pwllheli, D. Williams Conwav, T. A. Roberts, :¡:: :;l;; ;\0:)'1' li¡I:l;>\l: 11 ait .1J1i:: H ughes, Iu:-tntrd Beaumaris, J, Iaterl iligh-street. if i\ he,i d (i. Hughes. >1 arket-street, and M r. i. J. 1,?rt,, Sinn- icyTirra.?'Kh?.nUdi!ch':))o!?n'ty.J.?l:nh't.tt?.ttuti!'i'n Mr. Rouvv Mohl, Mr. Birch; Llanrwst, Mr. Griffith Jones; Uen'?'.Mr'Y'n'!i.u.is;SL'A.?.?.h, Ll.y,l Jonej Bala) Mr* Thomas, Chemist and D?,?g6i?t. CORBET ARMS HOTEl, ABERDOYEY. ROBERT PRITCHARD BEGS respectfully to acquaint Tourists, Commercial Travellers B and the rublic generally, that he has taken the above not for several 3 lars kept by Ntr. E, Edivards, which is still replete with c?ery comfort, and t,,?,t, by i.?? \pplicaton to lJusne, together with moderate cliar»cs, to ment a contmUJnco of that, patronae so HÙNa1!" bestowed on his prcdpcessor. 'Aberd\"(') is considered thc lorquav d VU\« f?, it mHdess and salubrious air. The ?"?"Y Ii heautiful and 1Utt'retll. The samW arc considered the best in the Principalit). ,,tln,, machines on the beach opposite the Hotel. T?,?? "")dtio" will be found equal, if not superior, to any Hotel in ales, ami the comfort and tonvenimce of \hitors will be rtudied and at- tended to with the utmost propriety, punctuality, Mid ef ol.omj. Wines and Spirits of the best quality. Posting in all its branches. Aberdovey, 21st June, 1S53. 1 HO liKHTSM AU^OOll. CIDER, PERRY, WOOD HOOP, AND OAK HITRDLE MERCHANT, :0, 14, ICING ALFRED'S PLACE, Opposite the principal entrance to Ilw Cattle Show, BINGLEY HALL, BIRMINGHAM, OI rr.KS lor SAI.L to liriiier-, liraziers, ltoaj Contractors o ll;ill]eUr', 8 II; q 1\(n i:IIe: 'h r\I.{tu<:I't'l CIlst[aót. FLAKES, or what are commonly known here as HURDLES, These Flakes or Hurdles are some of the best in this county, ar'» very strong, eight feet lo,?,?, fnur feet seven inches high, and iron clipped, and are IICilf, I, Oak. They are particularly adapted f,,r Fencing out Fields, Roads, &c„ and are easily puta(I taken up, and will endure many years. A Stock always on hand. which R. Smallwood will engage to deliver to any of the following places at 3s. per hurdle, or 3Ii: per dozen. The lowest piice for cash only- Queensferry, Mold, Flint, Rhyl, Holywell, Abergele, Conway, Bangor, Holyhead, Carnarvon. R. S. bes to call the attention of Fa-mers, Graziers, Contrac- tors, and tl" to the ad\antage they A?illdeiiiebv purchasing Hurdles from him over those made of Sawn Timber, as the fol- low ing statement will sufficiently exemplify:— EXAMPLE. X' s. 1>, Sawn Hurdles (If G feet each, or oO feet, will be F53 Hurdles and 2 fee, which at 3. per Hurdle, (H Cd. pH foot," 20 0 0 j,p,.r -110 Hurdles, 8 feetlong, is SuO feet, at 3s. per Hurdle, or 4 d. pL! foot, is 15 0 0 Being a anng- of 0 0 0 N.B.-ctc't Hurdles, same strength and material, Pre "orth at least one third more than Sawn ones, thus adding one-third more to the Cleft, as here described, aHd adding tu the sum above saved. 5 0 0 A10.. in the P..nl 10 0 0 W. "f Est Cornelyn, Beaumaris, h ivin g had a supply of t J¡ nl:' ;¡ :flIl;: :[;¡\il' h,'£ {¡J "\T7"ESn:RN LIFE AsSUnACE SOCIETY, w 3, Parliamcnt-st.. Londun: instiluted A,D. IIHL DlKKC'l'OKS. Henry Edgeworth Bicknell, Esq., 28, Upper Bedford-place, Rus- sell-square James Chadvvick, Es q Grosvrnor-wharf, Millbank. Thomas Somers Cock», j un., Esq., Charing-Cross. George Henry Drew, Esq.. Hibernia-chsmbers London-bridge. William Freeman, Kit)., Milibank-strcet, Westminster. Francis Fuller, Esq., Abin g don-ftreet, Westminster. Joseph Henry Goodhart, Esq., Manor-house, Upper-Tooting, Thomas Grissell, Esq., Norbury-park, Doiking, Surre y Frederick Bowl M ir.«rn, l^q., Brunswick-place, Reg-nl's park. Edmund Lucas, E- q Mlhbauk-street, Westminster. Augustia U,)blllO!1 F-q b7, Faton-sqoure, PHnl!co. James Lvs Seager, Esq., Miiibauk-iow, 1,UJiI¡ ter. John Ba i iev White, Es q Blaekln-ath. Kent, Phy^iciati—'W. it. Ua;,luIII, M. U. 17, Chester-street, Grosvenor Piaee, Bankers-"essrs Cocks, Biddulph, and Co., Charing-Cross. Solicitors—Messrs. Lethbridge & \1 ackrc\lJ Abillgdon.s\reet, Westminster. Actuary—Arthur Scratchley, Esq., M.A., F.R.A S. Every variety ld pi lieies granted on any number of lives and to any amount. Atteuuou iF a ?o invited to the rates of annuity granted to old ] i I;: i':il,l;:11 1; el;)t;.hs rilrll ¡ile'¡!l of ¡\ ofid". 1. xainple £ 100 cash paid down purchases — An annuity ur £IIY to a llIitl, Ilk aged I 12 1 „ 05 Pav.ible a? long ) I 10 :$„ 70 as he is alive. IS II 10 75) Loan.* are granted iu connexion with life assurance. Applications for agencies are invited. AG FNT. Bang-r—R. M. Grimli;t:National Pl'o\indal Bank of I O"¡'I: i:I,i;1 \lll, to agents, which may te ascertained on appl cat (,? to I!, Actuary. I C 0 T 'V I S n WIDOWS' UN D sA SSU It k NCE S(l)C)IOLTN'?Y' ESTABLISH ED A.D. 1*15. CAPITAL REALJSKD A.?., ISVMSTED UPWARDS OF THREE MILLION'S S I'EULING. A;\U\L HEYE:\l"E ITWAIUIS OP FOUR HFNDUED l'llul'saNl) POUNDS. Annual Average Amount of Insurances granted by the Society during the last twenty )ear03 nearly HALF A MILLION STERLING. Since its establishment in 1815 the Society has paid to the Families or other Representatives ef deceased Member*, sums' amounting in the aggregate to upwards of Two MILLIONS AND A 11 ,d in var i ous cases the ?t paid has been more than DOUULE T. fl? OR IUIN'AL. Assultr.DT POLICY. JOHN iJ, 'Ir' IIJtr, WM. L1NDESAY, Secretary. June 2Gth. 18:)A. HEAD OFIMCE, 5, ST. ANDREW SQUARE, EDINBURGH. | N.B.—The Report of the Procedure at the last Annual General Meeting is now ready, and may be had on pp i,?t?t Head Office, or any of the Agencies. CHESTER HONORARY BOARD. Gregory Burnett, 1':Hh Ilawarden. (I. A) ekbo%viii, Hector of the Holy Trinity. A.11 i, ? 1, i Fsq.,C.E. \lE:aE1:F'¡I:l:beunty Courts. J.1 Smith, Esq., Brookfield, Chester. M. Frost. Esq.. t. John's HOIIe. Chester. AFIPNT rOH RIIVSTEU AND r;ll.TlH WALKS. JAMES SMITH, Old Bank, Chester. AGENT AT BANGOR. ROBT. STEWART, National Provincial Bank of Eng1an,J. DO YOU WANT LUXURIANT HAIR, WHISKERS, by Notwithstanding many imitations have been introduced by ignorant speculators, no compound for the hair has ever maintain- mij:;tif:\if\1:ffi;(:!¡H1ll¡f:j.; i It is guaranteed t(' produce Whiskers, Moustachios, Eyebrows? &c. in two or thn'c weeks with the utmost certainty, and will he found eminently site still in nourishing, curling, and be ,.tify- ing the hair, .1 eking -?, MI all its stages, strengthening w ,?k r tiig it? falling off, £ cc., and in h e nursery it is In- ;(\? ,i ?!, rf A l; 3;t: f m: r );I: produclion of hair in baldness, from whatever cause and at any age, it stands un; ivalle i, never having faikd. Prke 2s. Sold h,. every dH'mbt i,? li?? world or will be sent post free, (m receipt of 21 penny stamps, by Misi DEAN, 7, Upper St. Martin's Lane, Lmdou. "Your articles are all good, and I shall readily promote the sa e. "— It. o. Job, Chemist, Truro. «' I have used your Crinilene, and have now a good pair of whiskers."—J. Higgs, Dudley. "The effect produced by one Lottie I have found truly astonishing—it having piodueed a tine, thick pair of whisker?."—W. Ridiev Blaekbeath. An Act of Sincerc ftratitude. 5,000 Copies of a Medical Bonk to he given away CLERGYMAN OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND, hav- IIlt:ill; 0(/ ;:1;S Debilitv, L; 1;\ Memory, Indi- gestion, and other fearful symp'oms, not the least of which was the great mental anguish resulting from the errors of youth and the frauds of wicked pietenders, is earnestly desirous that in these days of .nogant assumption and unblushing quackery, his suffering f low men may know to whom they can apply with cer- tainty of le'ief. Hence it is, he hdopts this unusua l mode of testifying his deep gratitude, by publishing, for the benefit of oth I'v.the ii!e.;ns emplojedfor his own marvellous restoration to health an d happ ness, to which he had long been a stranger. He w ill therefore send a copy of the remarkab e book ront lining all the necessary rules and information ?(?,il?,of t". penny stamp- to prcpav the por-tnye. Address ?llie Rev. H. R. Travers. M. A 1, North Cumberland Place, I'ayswater, Middlesex. CI?ll, i, regrets to find that of late several disreputable quacks have dishonestly adopted this plan of pulling off their deceptive houks. OURSFLF WHAT YOU ARE! AND WHAT FIT FOR IX 'il :i;,3;i;, t :I¡; i i (: }:\1;1;1 lo'r useful and interesting del neathuis of character, from an e wmiuation of the handwriting, m Ð ;1: ;i; description peculiarly her own, and never before attempted in this countr y All persons desirous of knowing themselves, or thoti-ie character of anv friend in whom tht'Y1ll:1Y be interested, 1lJlbt send a specimen of their writing, stating the sex and g e. and the fee of 13 penny po stamps, to Miss Coupelle, 60, Castle ^Ireet Ox'ord Slr,,t, London; and they will reccii e in a few days a f and minute detail of the talents, taste, affections, v rtues failings, &c., of the ,t;if;ii:i;:J:}lt::S,:tt1;I::r:rti —" I rece.ved otir?, and consider your skill sin prising. C. S. =:: Your 'r?1t'¡\ (;lh.Clr l{I;t 3 1\l:i;I:lI: able correct. W. Youv i",tevesving aosvvnr tomyimteis quite true. II. W.—" Yonroutliue sketch of y character is ;i11i"r'i:C.f:î::t;,}i you I'll me is a t,? 0, 1li W. ?N I must Siy I think you have described his character very accurately." Miss H.S.I l??i cliiracter is as you describe it too truly." 11 It T 1110 ¡.uln..u GOun. Bv '-no who wishes happiness to all. QUACKERY "UNMASKED, 3 death l.l»w to the deceptive medical ailvertisenient? issued by a gang of quacks who prey upon the ignorant and unwary; being a c n-hing ex p ose ol their nefarious praet i ce-, by a r« tired Pnysieian, v.ho gives to suffering humanity, free of char jc, the bene lit of an extensive practical e perience in one of h- in-. ut i«ni«- in London. The Causes, svmptoms, present: (r\- ru es for the se f-uie of all private and COM.- «are given in p'ain English, and the book is eoi,i u- > r e■oinnjemle d 1,3 the puhltshe- Sent free by post on receipt of tw»» p. a r., i. >tamps by Mr. Lawes, Boo k sellei, 11. Hand Lourt. Ii' u Notice to book Buyers.—Fvery 1: v in London will be seni free 11) return of post, o ii t:l(. nmount at which it is pub'.i-hed thus obviating the :.iv cause d by ordering them from local Booksehers. Tlic Victim's Vrieakd. The Sixty fifth thousand.—Post froe for a Penny St-\mp. A PR AC 11CAL TREATISE UPON THE PREYEN ITON AND self-cure of all th J diseases that arise frmn the fol- lies of vout' :¡,,1 h- ■ •;resses of maturity the causes o de av of the meat pivvers, and im[>ed.ments to marriage, with la. -• perfect reeoverv (d' manly vigour, N ■- Sent free b\ o ot two p nny postage stu' njis, by Mi- Endue, p u u.i- r II Ihoru, Lon o n. Everey vie- lini of Nervous De< :i.' > i> cure himself if he will on!y foliow the adv ce an ii _vcu in this book, which i« issued as a c h ee k t r. o] > 'ia. kery that feetls and fattens upon the aftUetioni v. h -» unhappily suil' ^v from liu.-o diseases. N. B. Sufferer* are cautioned aguiu-t a quack who imitate? this nd\'crtisP:I1t'nt. ITfV FRY .MAN Ills O' -v.N 4)'>C ri:R o r h sr;e- .v of IL-!i E L\ pi'1-ri o t. 0uv, )( \J; tabl, \1! .g |r ii, I: guide Inr all Mill're^, who in .y bv iis ai.1 cure theinselv. s of im -t of the diseases tl'sh i, heir t" itlll)t11 the assist-im e of: '.e medical man thereby ensur i ng health, ;.n d saving doctors' bids. By an eminent Phy.-i'.i til. Price one shilling. Sent po't free f;}:Y; ;i.li¡I;I,]g ;I;j,(rit:I:'i; ?,II! ;i:iF;t- ;]i: t;; street, llollorn. Fondou. Among 'll" con, ni;t at •' ot su lio- ud1i and popular worn are the follow IHL-. 11. d:, ;1:'C" of i:;fa:.t-> and chi d'iood diseases of tlw stoma-li, :udi^- io- fLttli!t>;)(; acidity', bil- jaundice, and liver cunip h .n f-; eonst. iat on, tne.an- l;;¡Y;):: \l:!i' C;¡]1 \\11;1:1 ,"> t': :i;]'I:I( I.tio of the heai t, pain in the chest, fevers, gout, rhenin :tiMii, tic doloreuv, epilepsy, apoplexy, asthma, c- d s consumption, dropsy, pains in the back, gravel, lumbago, >k n eruptions, tumours, abscesses, scurvy, scald head, nngworm, erysipelas, blotches, piles, fi-tula, wor.n?, diseases of fetnahs, &c., &c., 1jji¡f.i:i¡};Ii;¡¡)j;(;@;i:iil¡:wf;.s; i.d regimen generally. It)M(fiOPATHY. ) TUNG 'DISEASE W CATTLE CURABLE, Ilitl? directions, j r,i" W.; hy post for ?"en gtarnp. The medicines, suf- fiient tov 5vVeral cows, Os. 6d.; by post, 8s. Gd. HRNfcY Tn<SnR,lIomœopathic Chemist, 41, Piccadilly, Man- WHEN YOU ASK FOR Kf>KXFIK^E5 PATENW SjTi%lt€53, SE E T 11 A T Y O II G E T I T As inf erior kinds are often substituted. HAIK-DETTROYEB. 248, HIGH 1101,11011N, LONDON. ALEXANDER "ROSS'S DEPILATORY, for removing effec- tually superfluous hair from the face, neck, arms, and hands without the s1ihtpt injury to the skin. A. R. will warrant it not to irritate the f1eh in the smallest degree, and the hair to llc entirely destroyed. Sold in bottles at 3s. Gd., 5s. 6E, and 10s. Od. or supp'ied at the IF,\ir-Dyeiug Establishment, as ahove. For-; warded for stamps carriage free, 9d. extra. To be had at the Office ot this Paper. AN ACT OF GRATITUDE. 5 000 Copies of a Medical Book for gratuitous circulation. VFORGE THOMAS, E-q., having been effectually curcd of C 1 nervous debility, loss of memory, and d i mness ot sight, rc- nltir«- fiom the errors i. f youth, bv following the instructions Vveti Tu a Medical Work, bv a Physician, he considers it his duty, Tn "rat it ode to the author, and tor the benefit of ncTvams sufferers, t„ publish the means used, lie will, therefore, send free to any address, in a sealed envelope, on receipt of a directed envelope enclosing two stamps, to pn'pay posti,a copy of the Medical Work containing every information required.—Address G. THOMAS, Esq., Craven llou>e, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. JTTlit IYTJFE TYME ? WATCHES: WATCHES From CZ 2s each. The oldest \alch Manufactory in Liverpool. TI F You Ire in want of a good WATC.l (warranted to )?,,p cor- Rr? t?)' ?'da ,f il):I: ar(\t 1\° ;\T,: POOL (directly opposite th Custom House), whn will, by return „f post, s'Mid a first-rate Silver Watch, guaranteed to keep good if'?, for the above 8mH pnre (exchanged \t hot approved of), J. Sewill solicits the attention of the Inhabltant of North Wa'es and the Ptlh1k generally, t his cry extensive Stock, as undermentioned, the quality of which he offers with implicit confidence. Gold Patent Detached terN w3.tche, l carat tine, £ 10. each. —Own manufacture. (,hronolllder, Ul1p1ex, Centre Seconds, &c. See., of finest quality. q,,(a Horizontal Watcher, finest finish, £5. each. K!!??h"i?t'?tL)-'?.frnmA')'.tnjL'7'.tO<.?ch. Silver Horizontd Watches, from £ 2. 2s. to £ 3. 10s. Ilre?eiitatioti (?otil Sih,'r. Captains, l1jpper, and lh trade supplied on H'r) reaqunibl? term. All particulars may b, had by post. Watch Manufactory, Gl. South Castle-street. Liverpool. III A M OK, TKA BBYTHOX." Established 1839. CELEBRATED CAMBRIAN MEDICINE. TONER'S (TRF'MADOC) APERIEN V and ANTI-BILIOUS Pi L S, a Prevent ve and Cure for all Disorders resulting fi 'i.- m disordered state of the Stomach .nd ,,r. Patroni«e<l by ¡Ji¡\i\¡iit!¡;j:i¡l'ji;i;i\it, the original prescription of that eminent physician (the Aber- t 1, f z, I 1!?: IN'. I' Oakland. Testimonial- ot hundreds of eases, and recommendations, to be had 01 every agent throughout the kingdom,and on the continent OPINIONS OF THE .1 El)i(.'Al, tlit, colitill(?iit Extract of a Letter from Ben j i,, Travers, F. R. S Surgeon I E ¥:'tr:¡;;f tch ';IC' :O;'I;dt;I\tÿ S 'to \rt Pri Albert, &c. S i r,u-c,r i I I at i11 n f the Ingredients of the PILLS is so familiar o medical men, that I can scarcely think their eriieaey a matter of question. Yours obediently, B. TRAVERS. Sold wholesale by Barclay and Sons, Farringdon-street, :S??tt and Co. Bow-churchyard,Sanger,Oxford-street ondoti: Manduii and NY eaver, Wolv erhatnpton Evans, Sons, and Co. Lord-street, Eyre an d Co. See -strett" Liverpool; Buth r, Saekville-street, Dublin, R,limes and Co, Kdinburuh and Liverpool; T. ami A. 1;1,??,lli,? i(R S" ?(i "I "I llic!.? M L 11; 1,t ,N PILL DEPOT. TRE' MADOC, NORTH WALES; and retailed at Is. Fid. is.. mid I i, (» box. bv ?kIt medicine vendors. !ri;!I¡i¡:¡¡Il¡!I!¡!t;fJ!t¡! see his signature on the government stamu- RUPTURE S. By Hor Majesty's Royal Letters Patent. WFH jl;[:JfJ-;lFI 5, TRUSS T>equiringno steel slii in; rotino. the bodv, is recommended for V the following peculiarities and advantages:—1st,facility or c uiaie n it may b, worn with equal comfort in a,??- pos^ioti a plication; 2nd, perfect freedom from liability to chafe or ex- o* the body, by day or night; 4tn, it admits of every kind of exercise, vvithout the slightest inconv enience to the wearer, and is perfectly concealed from observation. ° We clo not hesitate to give to this in\ention Ollf unqualified arrrn!J;1.tiCil1. and we strenuously addst" tile use of it to all those who t:1Jl¡J in need of that protection, which they cannot so fully, nor with the. same cnmf0rt, obtain from any other apparatus or truss as from that which we have the highe:3t satisfaction in thus recommending."—Church antI State Gazette. Recommended by the following eminent Surgeons :—William Ferguson, Esq., F.R.S., Professor of Surgery in King's College, Surgeon to IÙng's College Hospital, &c. C. G. Guthrie, Eq., Surgeon to the Royal Westminster Ophal- niic Ho.-pital: w13 Esq., F. R S Assistant Surgeon llie I\.Ii:.Iit\lo\l ]ii)(:i:i; ¡':i::I'(;ill' :ta'I¡¡;gr: sistant. Surgeon 't'z Guy's Hospital; W. Coulson, Esq., Surgeon :I\ 111 t. ,:II)') t) I ;:l; ll1:1 I:) ¡; Iz:1 r;¡" C' I ¡; ¡: ,l);: f}: I. i{ %I geon to thf London Hospital W, J. Fisher, Esq., tlreon.in.. Chif f to the Metropolitan Police Force; Aston Key, Esq., Surgeon to Prince Albert Robert Listou, E. q R. James Luke Esq., Surgeon to the London Truss Society; Erasmus Wilson Esq., F.R.S.. and Inany others. A descriptive circular may be had by post, nnd the Truss (which cannot fail to tit) can he forwarded by post, on sending- the circumfcrence of the hody two inches below the hips, to the O1:tnufacturcr, Mr. WHITE, 23S, Piccadilly, London. Price f a Single Truss. 10s., 3is.,3Us. 6 d »»d 31? fid. Double 31 .2, and 5'2?. Od. Postage, h. 8d. l:mbi1ical" 4: aud 5Js. 0d., Postage, Is. IOd. Post-office orders to he made payahle t,) JOII WHITE, Post-office, Ficcadilly. ELASTIC STOCKINGS, KNEE CAPS, &c. The material of whict. t he3e are inndi1, is recol11- mended by the Faculty, of :1:-¡ bl'io!J P(:I'lI1.:ll"Iy EL.1'[( and COMPRESSIBLE, awl '1 11E BEST INVENTION foi giving eilicient and permanent support in all e.ises of WEAK- N swelling of 1. ;:4. VARICOSE 1"11 SPlL\1S. &e. It is porous, li«ht in texture, and iuespensivi «:nd is drawll 0:1 like an ordinary Stocking. Price from 7s. 61 to Hb. cach. P05tat', rd. JOHN WHITE, Manufacturer, 22, PICCADILLY. LO;>¡DO) Specimens may be seen ill the Crystal Palace. A NEW AND IMPORTANT DISCOVERY IN THE SCIENCE OE MEDICINE. PATENT OFFICE SE\L OF GHEAT BRI TAIN. DIPLOME d' ECOLE de I'll ARMACI F l'IL\ll)L\CIE:i de 1'\ lUS. IMPERIAL COLLEOE OF MEDICINE. VIENNA. The Patentee may be eonsuUed 1:tih, according to the rnies1aid down in the Work H uiiiaii Frai.tv, sent free by post. 1,. bv J. l: il;I, It: :11 r:; I(;I' ):t' I ?;I! 1:¡ bJ siders it necc-sary that •■v. ry exped ietit :h(lul.1 ht adopted to se- cure the Pllf lie ;.¡!a¡ilt MITATIONS OF the Tnn:¡:IUH. None fife genuine unlejs t1' f-hi^ravDias of th Seals of the Patent Of- fk-e of England, the Seals of the Ecole de Ph-.vrmacie de Par i s, Iii 11I;li (\"¡I; ':i: I" fI )i i :¡: I: :I(;: :1a¡;'1 f per, an d around each case. 1 nutations nt the same are liable to the severest P"11;,ltil s tilt, Courts of L uv can awant. T IU l': E \1\ n, :0. 1, 3, and prepared ill the form of a lozenge, devoid of taste or MII> 11. and can be carried in the waist- co it pocket. So d ia tin e >es, divided into separate doses, as ;¡;\i;;I[\:f; I dapted lor bot M'MH. 'B RI E>FM R No. 1., is a certain remedy for relaxed, Weak, £ o decaved C<m-tit utioi^ ami w l-er e tli' e sy-t«MJi has rece ve d a s h ock Iroin »'\ve-sf n/ i'ai! rudeace in the e u ly part ntlife, or n I\ i\ ,) r: ,I: ¡\; l;t '¡ I \'¡ t \1. It; I'; ') I :II; 1 (\Y,; :I L: 1 't, i(:Ttl;:(1 :I ll; (l'J:t ll\ \11t t; fI.r t :;II:'}: il\'il;I spirits,^c. c the Triesi'n.ar »ill afib-d imm.'di te assurance ot returning health and str< n th to aU the functions of mall hood TLa>E\1 Ii:, No it., rff. ctnally intin L\I;): L ;,I\(,i:I(\¡1 Vhiee Da;.s, completely ami en- IT t-ly er I'l eates alltriees ot thos»* dlsoi d' ers where Copaivi and Cubebs have ?r> ]o;:g h 1':1 t'T;\TIilt:1II aqt: lote, tu the nUll ùt the health of a vast portion uf the population. TRIE-1' .MAR. No. III., searches out and puiiti s t he due is«' d huin.iui- from the blood, und cleanses the t-vstem from ail deteriorating c<une<; it also I I I C t;, Eruptioiis. reaioving and expeiong in its c.nir-e all corruption-, and impurities from t h vital stream, so as altogether to eradicate the virus of disea-e, and expel it with the iiwcn-ible pe: spiration through the no d-.oni of tiie por. s of the »kin and urine, and is a ncver-fa'd ng Re.'ne ly lor that class of disorders which unfortu- nately the En-jiiri; Phvsieian ne .tswitli Mernirv to the inevita- d e destruction (d the p tt etn's constitutiou, and which all the Sarsa parilla in the wtu Id can no: re;no\ e. Price lis., or to »r in one tor :,3 which saves lis and iu £ 5 case., V.by t eo, a siun.U'I 3 s. T-» h.. had in King-Wil' -.ii-stM et \v 'tr s. 17. n u, I" 1'r-i w .r.i's.st. Pa, C h .c v d iL.nn r. ,Vfu J>r;treef (J, II. l -.v.e l, I). e -1 r e. f, I.iv rpo f P. Weil, B.ud<sV r |5 We^tmor'au d -strc-t. On' I' v.ius, <' .ir itl' Ev ans chemist, "W.i»;s-;i l- .v U- c h emist, l.nnpeier; and G.iiTett, Bro- ther d rug-; i- » M Wp-.it, Mo,.m n h h re HUM V.\ FUMLM a I'o-ui.H' M-ileal Work on Nervous. 11 ss, l.i I. Sir. 11 -M l..I'll (i \i „| liu F.1,1 ticf, pru: Is., y, .t (r e, he.oitilul. y i ba<t vv.t h 100 en-'rav i-i This W o; k cont ;ii-, iu |ui io ni p •! ii-:n <ua-'e pr ic r rii 'imiMr1 i'l 1' i' l'' y iif,. »"' <'1-111 Hi. i.t Iir — ii-i. .11 I.! I|.|, J. the; I) Ir„„. In1 rl, ,!h .vll| „ llion o( .1,11 b|,on„,l,.Z l. I.y 1! .«»!> tnu-t ,1 M i.■ r.. co p k 1, -oi Iro ii all Agent* wanted in every 'onn throughout t e Unifd Ki «r- iZ'\an 'vvl> l" Mr- "• cl,"r-b' 7"' «'e ..m- h ~tr« J l,

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