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TUITION ON THE SEA COAST, THE Vj v I'a AN Lfwi*, Incumbent of t. Catherine's, Colwvn, •. ,r Conway, receives into hIS family a limited number of 1: TO SCHOOLMASTERS. \\T \NTEl). a MAS IKII for the National School at Llanclidan, \\?..rt?thin. n. r..LIBp.ln. R''dor. .»p'y to tin? Kov. 1). Ronr*UT<, Rector. TO SCHOOLMASTERS. "t I r .\NTKD a CertiHc it< (I Miiter for Cohvyn National Scb >o \y :it Michaelmas next A knowledge of Welsh and Sinking ;1\:re'l. Salary £ 40 per annum, and a house, l'xclushe oi lIu.. Grant. Apply to tike Rev. KVAV. LEWIS, Colwvn, Conway. WANTED, I th" neihbQurhnd of 13 msjor, for two inniii iii, from the first ot August. one Sitting Room, two or three Bedrooms, com- .:t ihly furnished. Or, a CO LTAGE would suit. stating ternn (which m«Ht be moderate), to M. P., );\n- (1f M r. T. H. FtUt.19, 116, Great Britain •street, Dub'in. 31, 0 S T, the ff's Vai.l, Dolirell- v, on M..d.y ni;!I?t, a \i\ i, :(.)I:F r; I i: 7;I;t,1 {1endditt1p %i\\i the initials p, A. D, embroidered in one corner. Who- ever may have fo nd it will greatly oblige the Owner by forward- ing it to Mrs. "l.KE1L, at the Lion Pf.\tc\. I>olgellcy. THE SOCIAL E V I L. To be publi-dn d 2 th J ulv, SVCOM) and Amended Edi'ie.n of •♦GEIKIAU TYNER AT I KIK 11 Kl) IK r UNO (JVM III'. ar bwnc tra phwysJ. ¡jHI Fon HiiDHiKs. C.\lidthi,d, i*r Gymraeg gan Aauon 1:0. in i, f) Gideg yr Jp.u, Hhplych;till. ( ;in:arvon — Printed for the Pllbli,hf by J, Williams, Bont firidd. Price Id. 9,1. per dnzeu o? per hundred. GOXJOH^ THE rrU;hr*ted Teni| ermce Oator. "ill deliver an ORATION In th.' HR1TlSU (I(OUL. at Carnarvon, onTuesday, the 10,1? August, l^W. I he lUv. T.THOM \S, Vicar, in the Chair. \,ll1JiO(otl by Ticket-, to be had of the principal Booksellers in tl.e Town. I irst >e its. b. second seats fid. Doors open at G p.m. PORTMADOC NATIONAL SCHOOL. CHARITY SEI'MONS in aid 01 th. funds (,f the above School, wi!! h pr«';ich»'d at Tilr:w,\noc Cinnon on Sunday, the I -• \ti:u t, 1*.J«. by the Khv, WILLIAM WILKINSON. A.M., ?n 'T.it^nr of *c. Mary's, Sh-fti-ld. Divine Seri ice to commence at to II a. m and 3 p.m. T HE??AN Goi?G 00 S EB E RRY SHOW W[l.L he held al the Vaynol Arms, in the-city lof ltan?»r,' W ( t't t:'t't!Illt!t.len i 'I ¡;l;j.' Ji/11Iy'j r 8:)i71:fz(r; dl be given for the luavieH Berries in each class. J OS K I'll BOSTON. BANGOR DIOCESAN CHURCH BUILDING SOCIETY. X hehi in the Chapter Hoow, on Widsesday, the 4th of nilii; ANNI'AI, GENERAL MEETING of this Society will at half i«~t eleven o'ciue! li- i.u;mittee of this Society will meet at the same place, cn r ¡.: .11\ ï. the 3rd, at 3 o'clock. He sky OWEN, 11011. Secretaiv. /TU'fM, July 20th. BANGOR DIOCESAN TRACT SOCIETY. riMj i; i S 1-.U L MKLTING ()fthi. Society will he held at the J s M'lloui.-HooM nil WF.i)NESf».\Y,the4th of An?nst. fa- a'ti r tht tIW.,III"; of the Widows amI Orphans' \p,, vh ill Lave been ooreph ted. HliNUY WYNN'K JONLs, Secretary. Th" a'tendanee of Members and the Clergy ill general ioS par- Ur y requeste d r- imsydvdd, J«!y2lst, 1S">8. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, 'VU\'l' all extranrdi-.ary meetnej (tf the Sh:\rt>1101(Jer of th" L M T" st C»:n Li'/ht, ('oal, and Coke Company, Limited, will Ii. it the TOWN II ALL. Lluniw>t, on Mt>Ni>.vY, the 2nd day"f of i'it st rioxt. a' 3 o'clock in the afternoon, for »he purpo?e .•ii- a Be r.1.W rdatlll to the abuse of the pi operty 01 h a <'« injM'i y which said Bye Law was agreed to at an ex- •.remii:.ny mteting of the said Sharehold. rs, held at the said L 'nn Hail, Lluurwst, ou Monday, the 10th itist. JIIt: II. JON US, Secretary. Mr rw*r, July 20?h. H" M MENAI BRIDGE NEW CHURCH, ANGLESEY. 'rill- I) tili'UC.l will he CO.NSKCUATKD (I).V.J on I Ens' >DiY, the ilt'i of At'tit'sr, I808, by the LORD Ill-'UH' oi- 1 (IK DlOC!'8K. Morniiiif Service to roimnence II o'oek, A.M., acd ;ui 1C*iri^ Serejec ;'i(;'S '2t,t l o'clock ■'•' v.r d 'v Uie llev. Uiciiauu am. at. which a S.»rt: u l.< "Hjm-or, D.n, Vie; :• li" d('th';t!] tnu'unlj winr h K''TIO.« .11 t-, u> I' it' C:t'qy ar A Rector. Ii.ector. '■ry IJd:. I H CONCERTS Fnr 11. IWi/.)ll ,:t'111I! Portmadoc 2lfatiollal School, 1\1 t:itil¡ :,Ir\ 0\'> KN, 'I(llf!;ro)¡1 1\i\cíir.1t: <Uli\. rin^ l.i-etnrcs on National and Social Music, with W'ii 11:I1-tntion,. hy himself, assisted tJy members of the Port- ai 1adr¡;d Sorietv, viz A MOUNING CONCKUT 0'1 Tik h^ay, the2th July, 1808, it *• New Schoolroom, Portniadoe. Doors open at 1, to com* 3ie;,ce at 2 p 111 Also, .In KVKNING CONCKUT on FRIDAY, the 30th July. Doors cpMi.it 7, rOl cotninence at X. Admission—Front seats, 2s. Gt. k",t!11 dll.. 1. thirtl do., Gd, Children under It at half priee. s :\1111 Ticket-* to be had at the POST-OFFICE, the iLTFt. and of Ir, JOHN THOMAS, Hun. Sec. TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. A Fi K Ii I-' ;• n A W l'Al:üCHlAL S CII O O L, 1) 1. h>0.\ > (lesir^u^ of Ctll\trH:lin fnr ^he huildin» of the above >. I.o d. are reipiested t ) send 'l enders for-I. Hai;¡n ':t'' :,nd Misonry: 2. Carpenters Work; 3. Slaten anI I Pla3- ;?p r- W m k, or for the whole Building, to the Rev. \V. J. Poolk. ":1. ¡:t"!t! the 31<t inst. I I \cI and spiciticalions of the building may be seen at the Ilf "r. John 1,1.0'1), Architect/ Carnarvon, IIntll the 1 and afer tht date, at hc llectory, Abertfraw. 1 h, b-w ..» Tettder will nut necessarily be accepted. Ak"rJiruv, 11th July, 1^. F ARN HILL SCHOOL, NEAR CHESTER. (t:ST.\BLlSII ED. IS12) Term* for UOrlrr!eys, from 20 to 2.3 Uuincns per Annum, accurdillg to age and requirements, GEORGE RUSH BY. PROPRIETOR. Gl) KLTUUNS his warmtst thank* to his friends in 0. l. 1-:}llr\I)I:;r liberal support, and 1gfI\or;: "i.'ri! arM tliv public, that his ACADEMY will b fè-Oe!ld 011 «Pr»NKS!>AY. the 2Sth Jfl.Y. I h- o: the Cle'gy are prepared for the Entrance Examio r. si), r., nrirj T,^ on the same terms. a N.I?.—Mr*. Rushbv has again made arrangements to receive a • Knt'-d r.umbet of young ladies at the same term*. !nTlI asskmbi^hoom' BAXGOn. 'I Hl> pre-cut Saturday Eu,Jul) '!h, will be repeated, X it; ci -iM'ijii.'nce of its gie.tt Miccess, the t hrUling and interest- A VARIETY 0 F SIN GIN G. ro conclude with the laughable Farce of BOX and COX. Piani>te— Miss Ii. T. CLAIR, Shortly will. produced a COMIC PANTOMIME. Ueservfd Seats, 2. Front l'at. h. Baek ('ito, tHo Doors t 7\. to commence at 8 oV ock, and terminating at near U3 at a (juarler to 11 o'c oc k I w rs possible attention will be ¡;1: ::h:e, !i "!ov the F>tab!i>ho.ent with their presence. Tow I S E X HIBIT i7)NS" ONE I. Illl 1 ON of he va! lie ot X'n" a* year, tenable at any f) :¡l,i ,I, I :l ) ;t (:i¡tllr 't: LI!Jff,¡/ifi t;)'fl;,t1l V. a: h date?, which will take place at Kitisf Edward's School, vimhricg,, is intended to be filled tip after an Examination of 0 t'lj. *'lt> ■'utleL I,:irt or the beginning of Candidates are requested to t'n their Names, Addresses, and -l,rtiHc;.t<-> of Baptism, with Testimonials of Conduct and Cha- r r l t r'i be fore the 1* h dvy of ?Kl'TKMBi;u, to the Trustees K*hihitions, care of F. Stretton, Esq., National ciety s <'t!h e, Westtninstrr. Candidates must be Members oi r 'England, Natives of Wales, or of one of the four u et .s1 .i ,D or^e*. nn.ler Twenty years of age upon the 10th day of J. >»r i.i' M acquainted with the Welsh Language, and intend- .i> l»ct HUM' Candidates for Holy Orders. -mdidati-s will be examined in Welsh Heading, Composi- ar.d ?po.d<Mi y the (; 1 accord ng to St. Luke, and the (,u,,k; the Fourth Books of th. TI r- ",h "Mkof '«t.c>di<!e»; X*phonV Anab-)- l «; "r swo'-< l B.H. k of tl.e E ;:e i and latin 1;; .°f;i:t;. thJ'h:n;;o 1:i;tt\Ih-i:t :(Ul¡, I "'11.n.t'ti!¡iti n \ill ht, tcnabh' (dllring r.csiilence) for Four v!i-;V. V""i' w!T' at ''fhUEI«'ti«a.U not ,I) a It mt" r of I'lt,;t'r t liL\'l'r:lty. ,lid wlH HI his case date frroCm m VMa.M Maoua,tti,oo ;md iV by .r. Exhibitioner who at thn tim,. «f Election is Uyally a M. inb.r of either University, till the Wl'' '5ri'e of Bad'elor of ArU is due -,) tu l,id, r. aK'1 of the Lx- "j1: l;1 1.'t^"noa,'t-a a ,ubsv,l«CMit AiUeniseuieut. e E,. LIVERPOOL ART^UNI OH7I8 58. \t (H. BANGOU Mr. 11. Mums Tm- l;!n:KPl'm' AUT I; I¡' U on the follow in. J. r.-jiu K t„.ilit in cini'Uance Willi the Act« f U uml 10 î,t 'let, >ri,. h;H been traiisimtted to the Himnurablu the I.ords VUfII1:hhIIIC:5 of the Hoard 0' I'r.ide, and have I ten appr«vnt„|. 1 1,a' ,U It is consitlertd the prannlul illlJ"ct ol thl: Snb-cnlnr 'O obtain a amid PatntliKt. the «little «f b e tunds of the S t t'v f: 131 E: i£J!i,,>:il :£ ¡)Ai ¡, «• U'tun.ed to the tubscrib, r> in l'rizs 1' cturi-s, except what 0\:11 „n,il!Lte 1 with tie Htnwst economy. 1 bat ew ry Sub.-cribi-r i f otie tiuinea bhall be entitled to Ole j'tct- ii, t,,e Distribution td Prizes. t I L:\t tI I'rízt'h(JJtI'r $h IH be at liberty to choose his own Pic. I, re 1 l'rlzl!'oitlei wi,hes the Committee to ,e!e,t ijr h'.» t v '<' tl"11''8 a «li*tance, who may not depute an' onto d(tct V ir l 'oie wl"'<lela> °"c niu"th fro,n the time ol draw- l°ib:.e¡II¡ i Y ;:r: 1)ut;:a;I:In;Ih sf:lI)tit/l; ,n;(it:W- h, r„'i' r 14 !\IHttld 10 one Picture lor each rrze. be Co' 11 T t) rt'Ct l' ed b) the Treaschkh, theSECBHTAitv, Tbt tin, n1 th AUTS.nil th t'm.LKCTOR. hno (," of D"IIII "IU b wnoanced In the !I ewr'rere, I HOT, COLD, & SHOWER BATHS, AT FIVE MINUTES' NO 1'ICK, AT No. 2, BANK PLACE, BANGOB. ALSO, I!¡J,(J)II: AM) COMMODIOUS MONEY TO LEND. rTIK Several Sums of i'80'!0 and £ 1000, (to be divided into sma ler funis if required ) are now ready to be advanced on good Freehold Securities Apply to Mr. Wm. Lloyd, Solicitor, Ruthin. INCOME WITHOUT RISK. P Et:)t having (nl\tl}} ¡i time are apprised that the East India Tea Company continue to appoint AOICNT-S for the sale of their celebrated Teas in any town and village in the kingdom. These Te:\ are packed, to suit all purchasers, in leaden C:miterg. from r>nc ounce to one poll??d. App1iclions to be addressed to th, Company, at their Offi?,:?, 9, Great St. 1, p, at,, I HOFFMAN'S ENTERTAINMENT. AFTEU hivinsr boon from John O'Groat'?Hnu?tn the I?ndi,' y\Knd.Mr.H<)t'r?A?H?ndt<.)n,.t)yr?i-,tin?Waks with a. i -,Nl ,T,Y NEW ENTERTAINMENT (including1 Hoffman's ()ranophonic Band, and Mr. Thom?oti'?i.iii?itablt SkNclll!3 from Nature.) N ,n.-p:ut:eg dsirol1.:J or effecting an engagement, pleae to adùrcss cara of Editor of this Paper. ABERGELE. TO BE LET, UNFURNISHED, !iC.\t'tt'AL.WH[.U)).TI!')USK!)nf)S!)()t'.r<-p!<i'f.ttith e\ery convenience. The House contains two Sitting Uootns, right excellent Bedrooms, and two Kitchens; ako, a Bakc-hous, u(:h-i,use, ,-d Stable, if required. For term apply to Mr. Rodkrts, Manchester Ilonse, Abergele. TO 33E3 LET, 15 Y THE M o N T II OR Y E A K, COTTAGE, completely Furnished, capableof accommodating a respectable Family. It U beautifully situated, command- ing tine mountain and so-i v ews, and possesses every a d vantage in situation and conven ence that can be required. L.irge Garden, Coac h -house, and stables. Apply to NIr. M ac I.p. in, Pentrefelin, near Criccieth. TO BE LET, UNFURNISHED, AT MENAI BRIDGE, A COMMODIOUS HOUSE, called BUON Y MENAI (lately in the occupation of Doctor Williams) commanding views of 60th Britlses, and the Carnarvonshire Mountains, and c,?tLi?- in one 1'rawing Hpoln, one Dining Room, two Parlours, tix Be Irotuns. aud good Attics, Jvitclie<j, lower d).. and .1,,0, (O ieh-hou^e and tabJp. &c., and an excellent Garden. III,IIHdi;,tt, possesion mny be had. Kent, £;j per annum. Apply to Mr. TII(jTlIY, Memti Bridge. "WOODFIELD HOUSE. TO BE L E T, W r T II I M M E D I A T E P O S S E S S I O N, WOODFIELD HOUSE, a commo lions and convenient Re- 'V Mdeuee. suitable for a genteel family, p!easantly situated on the Banks or the Rivet Ote. two mil ami a half frorn Flint (a mail statioll 011 the Chester atid Holyhead Hallway" ), and one mile from church, and from atl intended mHV illation near Conuah's Quay. upon a good road. The House contains Dining Room 22f,. by loft. Gin.; Drawingnf Room 21ft. Sin. by 10ft. Gin., with a room over the latter, o equal size, which may either remain a a sitting Toom, or be made into two bedrooms; "> other Bedrooms, \Yilter-clo.i!et, Kitchens, Pantries, Cell<trs, antI all othcr conveniences. A Groom's Cottage :t.. outer jard, a pair-horse Stable, Coac h -house, Shippon, &c. See, The House stand? ou a slight eminence, having a commanding \iew of the iKe and the Cheshire shore, and in a 1, or I of about an acre of laud, and a few acres more laud may ue had if nquîn'd. f i anther arlicular:) apply to Mr. Batr, Kelsterton, Flint. THE 110YAL WELSH YACHT CLUB REG ATTA C K X A 11 V O X MONDAY, AUGUST 2 N D, 1 8 5 8. 1' Itl; SI DEST. The Right lion. LOld WU.LOUGIIBY D'EUESIJY. COMMOIKJKE, THOMAS A-SIIETON SMITH, ESQ. VlcK CuMMODOHK, THE HON. COLONLL PEN NANT, I.P. Rl-AU-CoM MOIIOR E, I.LEWEL\ N TUUNEU, ESQ. THE LIST OF PRIZES. 1. PRINCE OF WALES CUP.— An elegant Silver Tea Kettle, value OU Guineas nett, to be sailed for by Yachts belonging to a Koyul achl Hub. A lime-race; 10 seconds per ton allowed. Three to SHvt or no tare. Entrance—One Guinea. 2. ,,ON"AL, -11 YA(:II'U CLUB CUP.—A Silver Salver, ?a,? 2'i Guineas nett. to 1)? ,il?d for b, decked Y,,?l?t, belong- in to lhr Royal Welsh Yacht (A,?b. A Time-race; 1.5 seconds per ton allowed. Three to start or no race. Entrance-03. Gd. 3. SAILING BOATS ri'RSE of to Soverei gns. 114.SEC:()I>CL \S") 11,1 Nli BOATS PURSE <d 5 Sovereigns 5. AM \1'l':{'H'5 ROWING CUP of »5 Guineas. G JUVENILE A NI L* I' ?' PUl^Eof-1 Soverei ms. 7CAI',NA it Ni)N 'A'I'F, 1,T-NIEN'S PUItSi? of7Suvvrei.-n?. 8. THE CASTLli PURSE ol 8 Sovereigns. 9. A PUNT RACE. 10. A PUNT R ACE, for One Sovereign. IL. SCULLER'S RACE. U. A DeCK HUNT. All Letter? should be addressed (post free) to thb lIor. Secre- tary of the Roval \Vd,h Yacht (Jluo House. The proceedings to commence at Half-pa-t Ten o'e!oek a.m. A GRAND FETE IN THE CASTLE, Vocal and lnstiuuiental Concert, Fire Works, and the Ascent of u Balloon. THE ROYAL WELSH YACHT CLUB IR 3E Gr -A- T T A. BALL, Will take place on Monday Evening. LADY I'ATRONESSKS. The Lady Louisa Dousias l'lnnant 'fh, Lady Sarah Hay Williams. The Uowa?'r Lady '\Vi)[oHgh?de Br?.M. The Lady Bulkel. y. Mrs. Buikeley Huhes. Mr. Ashdon Smith. Mrs. Griflitti, Llauf1\ir. C. A. DELMAR, 110>1 SEC. R.W.Y.C. TIlE HUIJYIIEAD HOYAL YACHT CLUB REGATTA, INTENDED to tak- place on THURSDAY, the .5th day of August, 1858 (weather perlO¡ttill) PATRONS: The Right Hon. LOUD BOSTON. Sir R, B. W. BULKELEY, Bart., M.P. Sir JOHN IIAY Wl LLIA MS, Bart. W. HAWI^llAW, Esq., C. E iJ:'I 1'; I:\ N .1::1: I'" II a1 ing. Messrs J. ami C R,(jl!Y, 11 ?bo Wnrk-. Commodore-The If( STA I t?. Vice-Commo- dore—Commander B. PRIEST, U.N., Harbnur Ister. Hear- Cominodore—Capt. THOS. 111 ItS r l?', C.d H. R.Co.'sr.Kkt.-tServife. ..uptrn.em.t) THE LIST OF PRIZES: 1. HOLYHEAD CUP—Value 50 Guineas. To be sailed for by Yachts up to 70 tons, O.M., being the property of Members of any Royal Yacht Club in the United Kingdom. A Time-race. Three t, start or no Race. Entrance, A:l 10s. 2. ST.\ LEY CCP-Yaluc 20 Guineas, open to Holyhead and Royal Wel Y,lit?, under 20 tons (condilionaHy). Three to sta rt )r no Race. Entrance, 10s 6d. A Time-race. ?D,,r6lt and HOLYHEAD RAILWAY CUP—Value 15 Guineas-To be sailed for by Yachts under 10 tons, the property of Memben of any Itoyal Yacht Clul). k time-race. Entrance, 7s. 6d. This race mav be postponed to Gtli August. ° 4. A IjADIES PURSE OF 20 SOVEREIGNS—Tobe rowed for by Gentlemen Atnati-ore. OULdgÇl" otI dis- (}uaHtietL Entrance, s. 6i. ver oar. 5. 11:\1 liS Ships Hastings," H Sea Mew," Dapper," &c., will ail B-1? 'or a prize ,f £ 7, the f ti ? Holyhead Club. 6. R()WIN 0 ?M?e?) the Bi'a? of t?e abOT( Si,ip.. T t?L? plil,. b,i ?rib ,db y ti?? Officers of H.M.'s Ve:el. 7. PUKSE OF S SOVEREIGNS—Sailing Boat Race, for Bo-.ts belonging to Steam Vessels of the Fort of Holyhead (conditionally). 8. PURSE OF 7 SOVEREIGNS—Sailing Boats belonging to Watermen ami PLots ot Anglesey and Varnanonshire (1101. ex- cet"dill5!" 25 feet keel.) Three to entet or i;o race. Entrance, 2s. 6d. 9. PURSE OF 7 SOVEHEIG-ltuwill 'latch for Boats not exceeding 2> feet keel, the pro "t, of boatmen belonging to Holjhead, ine'u'iing the bolts h Entrance, ),. Gd. Ji: J for pleasure, the propertv of persons residing in Holyhead. '?!"(?'? 'fot;'?U'T)'?. for a PCKTRA?i:;? Sailings Regulations will be pubh8hed in due t1tH. There will b sundry other ports in the evening, of which due notice will be given. -A- DINNER Will be provided under the patronage of the Club, It the Royai. HOTEL, at 7 p.m. Tickets, Gs. Gd., ex elusive of Wine. There will Le A BALL At the Mahkf.t Hai.i., by permission of the Hen. Mrs. W.O. t<\lIiey, '1'thiro1\11;:r!f; S 1i,:i1:ŽnI;t Stanley, u .der the patrona ge of" the following Ladies — Ti,e Dowager Ladv WILLOUGHBY DE BBOKE. I W 11, 1, 1 ,1 S. I Iii, en t ra?t 'lï(:l,t('tiç:l. 7s, i<iJ:' A:n;t:ishm('nt! in- eluded, with the exception of Wines) to be had from the Hon- Sec., Uil the premutation of a Curd or Circular from a bena hdc Member (If the Club. I he ( oin;iMT!t »rs mugt enter their Vessels or Boats with the n or before 1 o'clock on Monday, August 2nd. I r'>i'I:'7,: l7;:oi;ç.a::n;Ù:JI: the N 1'oit, Rig, and Tonnage ni'-asure- ..t" II d¡L.I 0Vvt all, tinder Act of S and 1 Wi.liam 16, N'e,sels. according to the class to f!;ifj;EkjH::[¡t::?: or Pr u K whiV h t!hK! 1 v ° n;V L.v 1"^ 10 c0"»"'u' a,l J ««e i"? liug they prup to i he Rega'.ta Committe« veVerve th.> riwbt i»h- l° admit O' J|lt a, or Ve 'Ml ihJuwXJ pZ11 lVr t.o H thl'm <le»irablc. K.?' ?!Y?)?)u!?''°?''? p\serjt the R" of the A l? ?-NO -i -'IU'IU "ill be in 1 he proLLedit?,?, to commence at 10 o'e ork \w t ,-ot.t.crs .j¡'1 r;i,l( l; Tr).IOa hJ HO11.c;A\l I.dlers E. U. Cl'NNAH Hon See l.U.n.WAV A. »»AN0LMEsTS.-PM«nIft.r» will be conveyied b?, Oflm-.C) I rams from the Stations between Chea"ter Oiriirvn,' nd Holyhea 1, at a Single Far. for t l?, douWe j?urney, midjjv :o'i; k ;'lkn:We. JI. tho dou\. ¡.urnc)', au,1 ma) N' THOMAS CATHERALL, I IN" returning his most sincere and heartfelt thanks to the nobiUtv, clergy, and other inhabitants of Bau"orand its ne¡ghbourho1d,! t to, ti?? lib?r;,l ,.plI li,? 1,i r(,cei%,L?i i?ce lic M upon the Business formerly carried on n bv Mr  s SI(t)Nl' hf?s respectfully to announce th?t he has taken into partnership, Mr. JAME8 NIXON (|,U late Assi stant who has had l :t:jfIUe t:J]:'ll1;!I}ih\tt!ee\ls l} ;r,'ilc;l:i};1 j;Ii; \t:lnll e D:N,n;i\h7ah t b,? carried on, under the Firm o f CAI'liL It1I z C AT H E R ALlT & NIXON, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, PRINTERS, BOOKBINDERS, MUSIC-SELLERS, AND ARTISTS' COLOJRMEN, BANK PLACE BANGOIl, In enterinwon the above Partnership, respectfully solieit a contiimmee of that Patronaste which has been $0 lib,r?lly b??t.??d ul)on rii C) NIAS CATI[i?RALL, and assure their frie:HIs and the public fenerally that it will be their constant study, by assiduous UatttleenntM io.n and modf"rate chargs, to ment their confidence and BUDoort. July ,St. I:;S. SAINT ASAPH UNION. TO Tj-A. KT ID SURV E "5T O 3a* 3 A.ISTX) VALUERS. ^IIK Guardians of this Union are prepared to receive Tc?nders for a FMd Valuati.m (<?h?t m?p) of the Parish of SMnt Asaph the area of which is 10380 acres, or llr,, t?. T,.(I,?. tQ I"Healed (Iud ?'i b.??ib?d Tender for the Valuation of the P,ri?hf baint A?,p h and sent in to me, the undersigned, on or before Wednesday, the Uth day of Au°~ust ?-t. It is to be pr?)viti (I f?,r in I?,! I t ?, be t into th, .1,be ?."?plted mx calendar months frome day of the date of the execution thereof, and it will also ont«in the following Schedule — 1 2 3 j 4 5 6 7 Q i 9 ±0 ————— h" ]] qo ] ô 5 s ii o "S § f5 £ a. HT nn I uo "s* r? & 'I H i "E Z j z/0- illiij j |tc&2 Board noom, St. Asaph, July 15th, 1858. By Order of the l? r,l, R?U. EDWD. WILLIAMS. C/f?. NOTICE. [T 0 T E L K E E P E R S, SEMINARIES, AND ALL L A R G E CONSUMERS OF ? T B ??? Supplied with 12, 20, and .t.) lb. Boxes and 84 lb. Chests, as impoi-ted, on the Best TormS, A T V E Y R II O T H E R R • WHOLESALE TEA AND COFFER DEALERS' No. :12, LONDON-ROAI), LIVERPOOL. Town and Country Ortlns received by morning post, executed and despatched on the same day. -_n .A. M E R I a A. 1ST IP 33 O N" 1ST XT T S A DESERT F Pi, IT I T. THOMAS BIRKETT, GROCER, AND ITALIAN WAREHOUSEMAN, BANGOR. FIRST CLASS GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING. r|'MIK great encouragement which has attended my cxei tions to ensure public trona,-c, induces me again to (Ira? attention to 'l'BE great cnconf:Jg'l'ment which }¡,, att\I(f>;)IIII;'vt;{':IIsoflril:r'h::II';1l111blit:age, induccs me again to draw atlcntioll to A SriM'JtlOR AR TICLE, WARRANTED, ON THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS SHOOTING SUITS OF SCOTCH, WELSH, OR IRISH TWEED' From 60s. WATERPROOF TWEEb TALMAS, Froill 32s rFWEEP TTOWSERi, From 18s. DRESS 00-A.T, From 50s. ISIjACM SB as WIHH TIIOWSERS, From 2s. JT @ fsS IF AEONSOH, BANK PLACE, B A N G- 0 R, NORTH WALES HATS, MMAP§ACKS, 2*ORTMAUTTEA'US, AND EVERY DESCRIPl'ION OK GENTLEMEN'S liosrility. A SUIT OF CLOTHES AT EIGHT HOURS' NOTICE. ??B??SE?? DENTAL EI'T^UR^MJ'H HEHI, LIVERPOOL—No. 131, DUKE-8TRKET. (DIRECTLY orrosiTE BERRY-STREET). I,oxnON-Ko. 33, LUDGATE HILL. Parties liriny at a distance may obtain every information relative to the Teeth by sending for MESSRS. GABRI EL'S TREATISE ON THE TEETFI. Post free on reeipt of a sfamped e,welope. y??y/ flesh is heir to" may be traced to imperfect di,?.?,?d Iti?t, of the tl,, ill, that None should remain without proper attention to these very important members of the human frame, as Most of the ilk th'it Messrs. GABRIEL, the Old Established Dentists, supply their celebrated ARTIFICIAL TEETII with the lalest scientific improvements. o iprini/s or wires, no e'lraetion of roots, or any painful operation from ?. 6d. per tooth Sets C I 4s. K?/'ra/?f?. Comp?'<<: sets made in one day, and only one visit required: ?H?<!ca<:t);t(!M? articulation warranted. Established 1804.—Observe the Natfie-ond Number particularly MESSRS. GABRIEL, THE OLD ESTABLISHED DENTISTS, 134, DUKE-STREET, Liverpool (directly opposite Berry-Street) and 33, Ludaate Hill London PATENT WHITE ENAMEL CEMENT, The only permanent Stopping tor Decayed Front Teeth, which etaill its colour to the last (All letters receive immediate allentlon.) t.tl' eir I'?Atieti? t Xviiies ??t!so to the NIeLlical t for ti ki 'I ,d ?t??t 'r l i 'r r TEND E%'EttY Ato.N'rif for their kind recommendation) and to state TII vT MU. OABUIEt. WII.I. PEu /oNALLY VrXFNO EVFRf ^"montlh and 'ureVntf' L.lUZ'e.r ap"Clt"ini"S Dtnti3iry wiU be at the same moderate cha f es as a ^e Lom on Attendance in BANGOR, at Mr. R. ROBEHTS, WATCHMAKER HIGH STRFRT v>r,v^i<. Rooms and P.i?te Entrance, the EIRST MONDAY IN EACH MONTH (throughout the year). Next visit will be ON MONDAY, AUGUST the 2nd. in CARNARVON, at the UXURIDGE ARMS HOTEL, the FIRST TTTEJSDAV IX" EACH MONTH (throughout the year). Next Visit will be on TUESDAY AU(,US'll the :ir(l. r'n Attendance in PWLLHELI, at the CROWN HOTEL, the FIRST WEDXESDAY IX" EACH MONTH. Next visit will be on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST the 4th. tj?/" Attendance in DENBIGH, at the CliOWN HOTEL, the SECOND MONDAY IN EACH MONTH. Next visit will be on MONDAY, AUGUST the 9th. ^2" Attendance in RHYL every THURSDAY, 17. Water-street. so All partiCltlars may be had by post. T HE Prepared WHITE Gutta- P ERCIIA I N A M E L STOPPING DECAYED TEETH (WITHOUT PAIN). \1 ay he had from the following appointed Agents Hangor— Mr. unimu, Gl1ellll:t, 'Y<tl11uu-"liu_< Crn:\rvon-.Mr. Griffith Owen, Chemist, High-street, DenIJih-lr. William Kt'.wards, Chemist, and Mr. j Gee. Printer. St. Asaph-Ir Cliarles Hughes, Printer. Portm.nloc—Mr. H Humphreys, Chemist. Pwllhd¡-1r, llnghes "lid 1r. J. Morris, Rh\l—Mr. Ilikliteh, Chemist. liarinouth—Mr. Jones, Chemist. Bala—Mr. William Thomas, Chemist. j Corwen-Mr. Thomas Jones. ?'?''??'?-C'mi.t.Wet)-tr<.et.Md *arktet/Place,andMr.R. Houw. Clwyd-at. I Cu «-iv \!r m Kolj"'». Chemist, l'ost-omce, Mv olJ l — M .Mr. Jones, Chemist. ()w{'stry-lc8I"s. 8;"a» and Son, Chemits. L ?2;I? ?S;?j'S?? Wrl!lham-\lr. \V. Howland, ''lem^ Uigh.treet. Clh'S[eT-lesST$. Platt and (Chemigts t0 the Qun. Chu.Ut?&cf DENIAL ATTENDANCE IN NORTH WALES. Tuesday C.-marvon «% The first Monday in each month, in Bangor „ Wednesday Pwllheli >-as above Thest.ondM?.")':? ? ? ,'?'*nb'?'h"  C '?'' Every Thursday Rhyl J GLEN FIELD PATENT STARCH. USED IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRY. THK LADIKS are respfrtfuHy informed th.ttthi?TAncnia JL KXC).rsiVH[.YU-EU)NTHEROYALLAUNt)RY. And Hbu Nl??E?TY'S Laundress says, that althQugh she has TUrilD WlIEATKN, RlCE, AND OTUEU PoWDER STARCHES, She lus found none of them equal 1o the GLINFl KLD, which is THK FINES'I STAUCH SI IK KVKR UjIID WOTHEHSPQON & 0. ?,AS ;OW and London. INFORMATION REQUIRED ABOUT AN IDIOT? ON the 5th instant, a YOU I II, apparent y between Hand 20 >ears ot litre, a found on the roa d the V l?' oil the H.oigor and lieaumari.s Union, and taken into the House. He is partially dumb, c and partially idiotic. He understands some Welshaiid little Ellgliht and uses the wonh all ri«jht" verv often, and h,? the habit of repeating the last words that he hears. | He has been taught the use of the pen and ink, and shows, U) I)rilitilig the 1,? 1,,ttf tfie tlint lic il'ts r piettv: _o o?l notion of their shape. Alter finishing every letter he repeats the words a l right." He cannot tell 1,. name, nor where he comes from, nor anything about himself. He is about 5 feet 1 inch in hClght. Has a small round paJe face, sharp nOt", small grey eyes, (clm;¡n when he pek,) hair a slight shade of blac1\ but e> e brows very black He is peeularly large in front ?t the oar, and b ChH1IS)" in h s gait. W'Utii found he had on a blue' j icket, with the sleeve very ragged Irom tl1C elbow ùo\VnWard8, a waistcHIt with l-rass buttons of a muteii..l partially hllW, and black trowsers, Liegc, coloured corduroy, with the "er part Of1 he legs cut off, as being too long He hud ?tro?, i,? bpl., I' e, lon, mouldy, as if he had Just had them, and wore a ?ilk h,tt.lun in the crown, of a narrow brim, but very much worn out. Any person rt!cugnizing the idiot refrrcd to by this ue6cription is re- quested to Bend all information in their pcwr about hiui to one in order that the GucwHan* may send him to his friends. JOHN THOMAS, CierktothcUMrdiMi. Bangor, July 15,18W, to th, U..rdia. ==-I  "??o?? '? WATER." R ieir «nn v hr ?sr-'L,f'1!l- .to .i,.l.form tl,e I'-iWlc that R. E;, 1) I S 1"I 'I'ZL %V A'r CU MPAUN- E I.KSION a'dk,' fir t'llttr n'n- ri'al1erl pltity. fllay be )hatJ"(!from :\11 repcti\l)le Retaikrs of Mi^i'S r u Ki^u Keiaii^s Importers of German Seltzer Water. HUTIII.V, SOUTH WALES. FAMILY BOOT & SHOE ESTABLISHMENT, 124, (top of) Boid street, Liverpool, -PIIS lar-'est assnrtiiient in the Kinsd,„n of Ladies', (Gentlemen's T"a,,d Children f Hunts and Shoes of every unality FAMIL)'H? AT A U??A?'H '?' Can have, at any time, a Parcc or If per of Good3 Sgl' oN APPLICATION. 124 crop OF) HOLD-STREET, LIVERPOOL. Jfe L A N R W S T, NOR T II WALE S, Wear the Conway Station of the London and North Western Railway. THE VICTORIA HOTEL, D }':) I;ptlit;1 lJ\ec¿'!le;c!:c River Con. way, is now rc,?icto with L?%ery convenience, and olfcr? to t'?. TOl1nt or the Commercial Travcller all the comfc)rt 01 a home, together with the elegant accommodation of a first-class Hotel. The Proprietor, grateful for the liberal support he has afready received, assures his patrons it will be his constant study to fnorit a continuance oi that distinguished patronage so liierally bestowed on his near relative, Mr. Wm. Mathew, late Proprietor, Royal Victoria Hotel, Llanberis. Hot and Cold Baths.-Posting in all its branches. ii. FRVPAI&Ioa. I CARNAP.VONSHIEE-SALE WITKDEAWK. TUB inlcminl sale, nnmmntv » to ike pi ice hv r ibii" \oction at the and Anchor llolel, I',viilieli, o W,]„e5,l.,v 185 1 o'e.oek i:i the afternoon, ol all'ti 1 several Messuages, Tenement. and Lands, called hv the several aines of lironhaulo" and Lhvjnhedw, situite in the Parish of ,i di WITHDRAWN, the S.1il,e navir.g been disposed of by Private Contra,-4. TIIoSlAS ELLIS, Solicitor for the Vendor. I Pu wllhel,i. 19th July, 1858. J. BARKER, WINE AND S I' I It [ T ,M E It C II A IZ T. BUltTON, Bi tter and Mild Ales. Sole Agent for Barclay and Perkin'? 13ottle Stout. FAMILY (1ROCUH Asn ITALIAN WAREHOUSEMAN. Soda Water, Ginger Beer, and Lemonade. 22, CAST LE STREET, BEAUMARIS W. A. PARRY, B O O K B I N 13 K 11, MA li. IC L T-P LACE LLANRWST, BEGS to return his respectful acknowledgments to the Gentry- and the bit.t. f ,he town and neighbourhood gene- rally, for their kind patronage during the nine ,,ars he has resided and done business amongst them, and respectfully 80licits a con- tinuallte of their patronage and E'upport. N.!J.—Binding in all its branches, plain and extra (X- ecuted on the shortest notice, an the in-xt reasonable terms. i ect>(:Q Ïso Agent for HIakie and Son, Publishers, Glasgow, CONWAY AND LLANRWST RAILWAY. To UK INCOlil'OIl VTKl) lIY SPECIAL ACT OF l'AltLI A M I'.NT. SECONDARY SYSTKM GUAGE 3 FEET 3 INCHES; LENGTH 12 llLES. CAPITAL 941,000, IN SHARES OF £10 EACH. Deposit, £ 1 pCI" hare, to tJe paid )11 allotUlnt. beiug the onlv pajment reqUtred before the Act is obtained. r no v I 31 ON A I. I) i r f oto us. H. It SANDBAni, lsq" H Ktodiiiios, Llanrwst, Chairman. Wm. 1J.\SIElt, Esq., Lioduuil, Couway. C. Wynne, E^ Voelas. H. 0, 10liLSDALH, E*q., BiyndyfTrvn, Llanrwat, T. Faihjiaiun, Esq., M.inel'uMer. G. H, Hyuk, E6Q.. 1"rol1 Oe»w, Llanrwst. J, S. S¡>OOS.KIt Esq., Beaver Grove, Llanrwst. FKGINELU. SH.{RPR. Esq. SULICITOHS. W. S. Kinder, Esq., John street. Bedford ltow, London. J. U'lEH 11 L'UHES, Esq., Id .IllttSt, Offices.— Llanrwst. rilHE Val-» of Lhmrwst forms the natural approach to the most Jl interesting and rem »rkable (I in North SVuies. The river Conway,—formed at its upper end bv the conftuence of the four smaller streams of the Cnuway, th1' \1.lchno, the Lltdr, and the L1q\\y,tra\eT5es. thevallcy iu Ît entire length. A turnpike road on each side of the river,—botli hilly and tor- tuous—;uid the ri\er itself, navigable for nine miles to voxels of small burthiMi. at present aceommodate the t,afr,? It the (1;?t,i?l. This tr:iflle i.< print ipally derived from the fallowing souriTs — ":t'\è w; !{:¡,¡1 '¡:l: :{ c; :frTI\l :? ;;It: four tallies, converging at tbeh^d of the Vide ol the Conway. j II I. sulphuruiut Lead -'11111: situated 011 tilC h 110 to the w''1 of 1.I,lnl' ",t. III.—i In-i i purements of a considerable agricultural district. 1 ~I i fr, 1.1 tl.e Summer months. A morc in i ImwcVL-r. of luturc tr.tflithan any of th()e :,1'11\ i in the vulu tble vein of blue slate roek, uhi. t < n intiy i:i a dirt ct hie from the he,id of tIlt, \iiuey ll) .\i\)(>!W),I, ciests the 11'HlJ)lal!lOlb ridge which sepirates the COUlll1 S of Metiouethshire and CariKirvon- shire. In the Eestmiog quarries aiOL1l', wnich are situated i1 the wetcrn pa.nl of the3e 11, 111 of the tincst shite of North Wales are annually raised and manufactured; whilst ill their eateln limits, the well-known slabsol the Maeh ioqu irries attest tlil" cxedcnce of the rock. Für the 81,Les atht siabs quarJie,1 from thi ralle, the Vale of Llanrwst otlers by far the shortest route to the Chester and Holyhead Railway, and the denseley- pupulated tiistricts of Lancashir(>, Yorkshire, and the Midland Counties and it i8 absolutely certain, that tlw whole of tllÍâ ma- terial, required to be transmitted by rail to these and other inland markets, willliud its way dowlI trae Vale of Llanrws so soou as facilities for its carriage chall be provided in this direction. '1 o the rapidly-incredfiug watering place of L aududnn, distant from Conway ly four miles I)Y this Uaiiw iv, leading, as it does, into the heart of the finest mount<Ün scenery in North Wales, will bring within the 111111t,. uf a:!>ill.de d¡I.8 eXt.:urillll, ail the most interesti .g features of the Suowdon r<lug:e; nor can it tail to be expensively used by those, who. dming the Summer lon!h3 traverse in crowds that beautiful district For the future accummoùation 01" this traitic it is proposed to construct a Hailwav from the Cheter athl ilolvl1eaJ lUihvav at Conway, to Llanrwst, twelve miles in length, arid of a eharacter intermediate between that »f he simple tramway of 2 fet guage of the mineral districts, and the ordinary Hrst-elass Railway of 4 feet 8f the ilain Lines; anù to th, the guage of thiti Railway at 3 feet 3 inches. It is proposed to work the Railway with small Locomotives, i- milar in character to those already in use on the 3 foot mineral ltailwajs of{)rth Lancashire, Yorkshire, aud Scotland; and to carry tile pasengcr traffic at a speed of IifLeel1 miles an hOUf, and the goods trallic at a speed of eight miles an hOllr. Whilst such a railway will abundantly meet all the requirements of the district in question, it will be easily convertible, at any future time,— should the increase oi the traffic be sotas to demand it,-into a First-(Mn<s Railway of ordinaty guage. It is calculated, however, that 150,000 tous of goods, and 00,000 paii- sengers c.:n b* annually carried with gaiety and advantage, at the above speeds, over such a Railway and that. half that amount of traflio will be sutticiewt to cover the working charges, and afford a dividend of 10 per cent, on the capital expended The estimated cost of the Railway is X44,0(ID, including Sta- tions and preliminary and all other expenses, or after the rate of £ 3,600 per mile. The Directors have entered into a provisional agreement f,r the construction of the Railway, and the paynellt of all costs and chargeiõl, including the agricultural value ot the land, at that sum; They have alo recived an offer for the management and working of the undertaking when completed, on terms whieli ensure to the Shareholders a minimum dividend of •14 per cent, 011 the capital of the Company, and half surplus profits. Part of the required capital is already provided the remainder will be offered to the public in shares 01 10 ea. h,— with a pre- ferential claim in favour of the proprietors, occupiers, and re- sidents in the Conway Valley,—and, applications for shares, which will be considered in the orcler in whieli they are received, Cdn be addressed to tite Oftices of the Company at Llanrwst. Lla;,r.t. July 6th. 185, SALE BY MESSRS. BEADEL & SONS. KORTH WALES. Important Freehold. Estate of 924 Acres, situate five mites from Machynlleth, on the turnpike road to Pol- ge11.1J, with valuable Slate Quarry, and excellent Trout Fishing in the River Delas. MESSRS. BEADEL AND SOXS ARE instructed toSELL by AUCTION, at the Mart, Pait h o l o- A I:i;ltfl ,i? lJSp'; YY/\1.C' ;1: I ;Pd'S\1::J\; FREEHOLD PROPERTY, ktIFltOSFLNL TATE, admirably situate on the Hiver Dels, in one of the most romantic parts of North Wales, five miles from Machynlleth, on the high roa d to Dolgolly, and comprising a recently erected Family Residence, in thorough repair, with ample domestic and out-door officcs, lawn, garden and pleasure ground, charmingly placed on the side of the valley, and cornm:1urllllg delightful views of the river and of the mountains beyond, including the Eummitof Cader Idris, ditant about four miles. Th hrluse is surrounded by 924 acres of .?do?, pature, arable, and wood hnd compri- ing the Fronfelan Farm of 6) acres, the i??viir (;ei o,- Farm of 303 acres, Hud the Bryn Llwyù Farm of 300 acres, \ith their homesteads and agricultural buildings; a water corn mill several cottages, and upwards ot '300 acres of capital oak woods ahw the B,yn Llwyd Slate Quarr) and Works, supplied with valuable MaFl*n'r',otistruction iiid in thofrough repair, which has been worked to join the valuable vein of slate which runs under the Bryn Llwyd Mouwtain, and is so successfully work- cd higher p'Y. The ^"e 0' the Crri?, Machynlleth, and Ri\ l'r Dove) Railway, whkh is expected to be completed to l'y 11?leti? ti??? summer, will KÎ\e thi8 quarry -reat advantages in point of access. The River Delas, which runs thrnugh the estate and the Talyllyn Lake, afford excellent trout fishing. The River Dovey is famous for its salmon aIÙ 8c\cn. The woods on the e,tate abound in woodcock and other game, and se\'(rl paek of hounds an kept in the neighbourhood.— The estate may be i, ??d by permission of the tenants and particulars, with 1,1 bz,,t at the Wynstay Arms, Machynlleth at the Lion Hotd, Shrewsbury the iw yi??t,,ty Arm, Chester; of Messrs. Oh\'crsun, I ,i aud Peachy, solicitor?, of Frederick-place, Old Jewry, London at the Mart; and of Messrs. Beadki. and oss, 'Jo, Gresham-street, London, E.C. SALE BY MR. GEORGE HILDITCH. ANGLESEY. VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY, IN TUB TOWN OF BKAU.MAI1I3, ,4,,d B,,itli,,g La,i,l i,, the ,i,i,iity of th, Town. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, HV MR. GEORGE HILDITCII, At the lin.K ki.i'.y Ait-is !Iot,:l, Bkai;mauis, on the 47th day toh :l': I;: t. ll iI (\k13i\I: \I:t:;n\l:\¡\I1T; ;¿ vious!) disposed of by Ptnatc Contract, of which due notice will be j»- i ven, willor' ti\Zll' theve several Messuages or DweUing Hon-es and I j Shop>. called ,he Arch Hour's, with the Appurtenance* there- unto belonging, including a ISuilding site; situate tl Castle- Streot, in the best part of the town of Beaumar i s, in the County of in the several occupatlOHs of ihomas Stables, Hugh i homas, and others. This L'jt stands most favourable, cither for business or sum- mer residences, having a front !ge to Castle-street, the sea aud the thor01Jhfare fcadin* to the pier. It tak, sin a fine view of "'1 l\nrhyn CastlB and surroutidiujr c{ner)'. LOT. -Al" l V th 4 Ter.ementcallt'd iirind.,1 a and I ot},•• fr. °m '"St M,U and ""i'-H"?* built therconf together tilk? 6cp,e? .f l?,. c? iie(I l,hill-pen-. Llain lly t,V;:r MV^een;r^fnf IJai[1 .md I'?? ci« Bwich.and1BaUed Jn-y-bwl LUi n ?S??.??.S??? "f??MeJ?n.l. caUe.)' Uain. Ghn-yTraetb, situate respecÜ,ely ill the Pal'i:h of Llandd0na. i the said County t,o or thr,e mills of t,he TOWH of 13c>aumaris, all in the occupation of William ?, il- Iiams. Tenements, Cottages tnd Lind caUedT1^>nnv>H !°"v ViraM Bach, Cott.ge? L ?d r;1Jld, ca\Jt'd 'l'n)on, fomt'rly Friars B:\c!, 8ituate in tbe 1 arlsh of A11.v, lliiam in thCo.-ty of A"glt's?-V' the occupation of.fl.oma mileof thc,H<!„llVe!^if P?opert?, i. most eligible, being within a ile )f th( i ,f tris, and cOlOlUJndintr beJuÜful id'vaiiedvic?%v? of t I s t" 'ds ofBaron li;ll, and th Mountai II Scnery of Carnarvonshire. Furt .er particulars may be had of Wm j,>v»o ¡':eq.. So. t0r" 20, K'n|^S Arm' Yar<|. London Mr. Hinbv Owek c P ON?. nBmmaru-, *u4 o( lUt AveuosEg*. M Ojwatry. f SALE BY MR. DAVID JONES. SALE OF QUARRY MACHINERY POUTREtnnYX SLATE AND SLAB WORKS, NEAR TIIE M A U O C, CAUN'AR VON SHIRE. MU. DAVli) JONES WILL SELL BY AUCTION, (Without reserve), on MONDAY, the 2nd of A rext, at the abov- Qu-irrv, the following valuable Machinery, til., t.tn;)i-s\\V[?n.\m;)nM.?. <?nin!r from 11 ft. 6 in, to j 20 ft.. With rubles, G ft. by 3 ft. 10 in. to Vi ft. 5 in. by 10 ft. hour PLANING MACHINES, varying from lift, 10 in. to E) t. ;> in., with Tables of from 8 ft. by 3 it. 1. 12 ft. 2 in. by 5. Ab.mtM?ft.utSit?t.'H'<?.f 4 in. t ?ndSt'' in ")'?.t?e'L:t.. with Drtnns, &L', One WA VIM WHEEL, £ 0 ft. Diam^er by 2 ft-wood. One CONOENS1NO TIC AM ENGINE, 7 ft. stroke by 2 ft.. Cylinder, with Gearing, Spur Wheel, Sec. complete. A quantity of Kaiiw .y and Bar hon. For farther »,ariic«.ilar«. apply oi» the Premises at Portreuddyn. or to Messrs. Bkeksp. & JUSRS Solicitors, Portm:u"1oc SALES BY MR. DEW. I nreserved Sale of Farming Stock Aftergrass and Household Furniture, AT I- F K IDDOEDD, BANGOR. MR. WILLfAM 1) K W WILL SELL BY AUCTION, On Monday 25th of J C ly, (commencing at 10 for 11 o'{;ock a.m.) 'J""llr. «!iole of the valuable 1.1 and llli.Vl) STOCK the pro- JL P'. i. t tlij lat,' M r. Ki. vauu Jonhs, of Friiiuopou com- !Jr\8jll a iliitei! Dtiry G of M ilch <. o,\s, ill calf, and a purtlUII ill full proht: one \ear-old linll. of the > hoi t horn breed; a pronii^inir earlinif II,-if, r, and 2 CaKes. 1 Kives, 1 ll, and I., 1,? b. (imte Cheviot,); well-bred OA'11 s»»'S, 1 trulI St„re Pi!. and. 4 small (liu(l; 3 active Cot llo!S„s and the eeb-brated fi-t trot- ter 10 TOIH'ny." A I kr?,e e,)11? ,i,,ii ?f %I l.M'- in y,VN,)K^ n'l"d' !J 1(lll :1( ;¡i 11 11;'1;ts) iir(' gPlllltl¡:a .C.. haff I,. j itter, in .:on ii,^ Miir h ine, Carts, l i arruws. Tlou^li?, a strone -tone Hol er, & abont 14 t,'i.?fj'rt.!)e" HxY. Al. of WIIKA''l' :i,ul HAIU.KY, in sacks, and the DEI*AS* !i'!U ?!I!t V1 .!Nvo .of,. 0 .ACRES up to I;thXnvKMMHR.nt.tt: toother with the neat Household rUHNITUitE, Kitchen do 'Dairy Utensils, &c, See. All TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. WILLIAM DEW, At the CASTLE HOTBL, Amlwd1. on Ti ESDAY, July 21:11, 1858 at Four o"clock- IlHKeeve al Field*, Cottages, and Gardens, cnlled PEN UH YD .1 L S L'ilE and EL UN-Y-KF VNON, situate neat the Town OI .\lul\\ch. in the County of Annlesev. The Laud is of exce lent quiiity, has good frontage for build- ing, and there is a plentiful stream ot pure water tunning at the lower end of it. I h Proprrty will lie offered in the following or such other Lota ag may be decided upon; — DKSCUIPTION*. Lot 1.-2 J)w(>llin-houss, Cow-hou«e, Gardens, alld two Field*. Lot 2.—2 Dwelling-houses, Ga.tllt-II: and two Field?, Lot 3-3 {'ottage:s, Gal'dCDf:i and Quillet. Lot 4 -A Cottage, Garden, and ¡",e!d. Lot 5.—Four newly erected Dwelling-houses, & Gar- dens. Lot 0.—A Dwelling-house. Cow-house. Garden, and Quillet. Tenant's Xami'. Acreage. Owen Thomai. 1 0 3J Owen Thomas, John Tho- 2 1 17 ma$t & 11 zabeth Giilfith. Mary W.lli.ims M. Jones, 0 112 and Mary Thomas. Richard Jones and Owen 1 0 23 rhnnn. Joli Morris, Ilujh Ro- 0 1 I) ber t Win. Williaius, and Ellen Williams. Owen Williams, tj 2 53 A 1'1.11\ of the Property imy be seen, and further pticl11ar. obtained, un applliug to the Owner, Mr. U. H. IIugiius )r Mr. ll. UOOSR, Solicitor, Amlwch. NORTH WALES. Select Sale of Horses, Carriages, Harness, &c » at Bangor. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY I U. WI. DEW, On I' riijay, the ?10111 J'TLI. 183S. (commencing at 12 ?'?l..k At Ol I Ytht)n$fli .:t .tt 'tIi A('l! toth?''U?tith Hotel, Bangoorf ,TillRTY VALUABLE llOBSK>, comprising U l'lll:e'; l'IJ(l:, [, ':J, :rI \1 t;t:rl'I few powerful Cart Horses. ALn. a handsome Brown Marc, b, i'earaway," 5 years old, 151 hands high, a clever liuntress, up to l.'i stone, a), ;» 6 and active half-bred clltLe CART 10 llitahl. for dtha Van or Bus work to6e'her with up- wards of 20 CARRi AG KS, co?L't?? of t?'Jhe'et ?or'? P'h'?? a very handsome p:lir-hone Break (new), Basket Carriage, Gig.. &c, two ets of ?.,?rior Gig Harness, with plated and covere4 Furniture, Saddles, '?? of ''?'?? AGRICULTURAL D!I'LEIEXT. Catalogues of which may be had fh'e d,,Y? pr,,i.?ly at the prindpal H?tt.? in' North Wales, Ch?terP and Liverpool, and from the Auction bkr. British Hotel, Bangor. S.IL-E\c v facility for trial a111J examination will be afforded, and the Auctioneer begs most emplutically to observe that he has the interest of the buyers as much at heart, in every respect, aB he has that of the owners ot norses seut to his Sales. SALE OF GROWING CIWPS AND HAY AT HAFODTY, NEAR BEAUMARIS. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. WILLIAM DEW, Ou Tuesday, the 10th or August, IbJ (at I o'clock p.m. prompt'. at the Farm called" HAFODTV within 2 iniies to the Town or Ueaumari- rr 4 ACRES of OATS, 5 ACRES BARLEY. AtM.the Produce <-i ?f3lA ?rf .,Il-h r,?,,t d HAY.i?Stackf. Tile whole will 1.)(' divided into Lots tn suit purcJ¡a8t>rg. N.Ii. — Three months' credit will ue given upon approved SALES BY MR. ORMISTON. -¥ NORTH WALES. Compact Freehold Estate, in the Parishes (f Llall- jihangel-Glynmyfyr and Llangwm, nearly 300 Acres in extent. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. ORMISTOX, At the Owkn GI.ysdwr Hotrl, Corwen, on FHn,\Y. the 6th. of August, 18 >8, at 2 0 dock in the afternoon, in ?uch lot or lots, and subject to euch coUdltions as O,Al be d,,e,.i.ed upon — A !OST desirable ad compact FREEHOLD PROPERTY Ih, F.IRNIS or TE NE %I EN Ts. known a6- ^ARM- Occupier. Acreaos, Tir Barwm Bach David Jenkins 7 *0 23 Tir n,ifwm Bach. D;nid Jenkins. '1 O:!3 ¡fl:II;eL: Jtl,()i: g g 37 T)?.?,i, Lly VV 1-11) 236 Brotiadyr Erydr Edward Roberts. 12 2 13 nafodty 'L)y?.  ti?h ?..?e? J 35 ?ii! ,,1) Ja.? & L 14 3;15 2-35 'J 2 All in substantial repair, and most respectably tenanted. The prop rty is situate between the village of Bettws-GwerfU- Coch a!d the great Holyhead road, about 4 miles from C rwen* and is surrounded by the lands of Lord Ba?ot. J. P. William* Esq" M. ?'th'n W'y.?, ??'?" ?ber'?. ?d?'th?' ?'??"'? an abundant supply of game, the kennels of ir Robe t Val\!Im'. hounds are within a lull or two, and the river Ahven which putty ùounds the estate, atf)rù excellent trout and salmon t^hin*. I,jfi ?. I'?? aud P.utilullrs ?,11 be ready a ,no,,&. prior to the sile, and may be Iud, ag ?ll as any further inform- ation, in the meantime ol Mr. NAURU, Coed Cuch 4hcr*fL> • nr  J. p. U Y J os ES, uhcllor, D,,?b?gli; or uf the A l>Cl'lON KIL Wig/ai f :Sl .saph.. ON TIIE COAST OF NORTH WALES. O TIlE COAST OF XOl TlI WALES. SALE OF VALUABLE FREKHOLD PROPERTY, Near the Village of Cohvyn, on the North IVelsh Coast. MR. OltMISTON Itas been favoured with Instructions TO SELL BY AUCTION, At the Bp.p. HOTEL. in \lJ¡i:HttELIL on Sa uhdiv. tn* SUI Au«iu-T, 18js, at Four o'cJwk ill the Afernoon, io ::¡IG!:I Lot 01'" L')t, and öutJjct to such conditions, as shall bj determiued upon, D?sllttBI,P, called TY-HWMT- YR.AI ON. si u?te close to the village of Cohv j u, i?? tue P.. run uf Lhnurillo-yn-Rhos, h the Co/w' of Carnanvm, c nitaia- iug CJ Acres or thereabouts, with the House and Outbuildings thereon, now in the occupation oi Also several Puces or i arceis of LAND, adjoining the Mail Road. leading froll1 Abesgele to Conway, and f, om Colwyn te Llanrlian repec ively, which wjil be dlVHItll into Lots suitable for the erection of a *uperior class of Residences, of ai of which further particulars will appear iu future advertisements. The situation of this property is highly advantageous beinj contiguous to the pfl't)' n,h.gc 01 Colwjn (a tation on tJe (;Il? ter and Holyhead Hallway), and an excellent Baihing Beach— ro,,? til?' little chance of any other .and on the coast, at all suitable for Building purposes, coming into the market, the op- portunity now ottered is most favourable. The locality is very healthy and picturesque, and theonly drawback to "tudl \isitora han. hitherto been subject, h is been the very limited hOllWe ac- commodation afforded by the neighbourhood. Particulars, with Lithographed Plans, are in course of preprp, tion, and may be had at the place of Sale, or (with any further ia- formation), of Mr. Napibr, CoedCoch, Argele of Mr. J. Pabry Jonbs, Solicitor, Denbigh; or of the AucTioNgSa. W igfair, dsapU,