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AMLWCH, ANGLESEY!, A ASSISTANT CERATE is for till- above Parbh. Hi* should he ill full orders. S-stl >ry, £ 70 Apply to tilc Incumbent, Uev. M. 'Vlt.t.t.t' MONEY TO LEND. THE Several Sum* of X'SOflO and £ lO;)f), (to he divided into smaller sums if required), are now o;J(;OtofJc advanced on good Freehold Securities. Apply to Mr. Wm. LLOYD, Solid tor, Ruthin. J. BARKER. W I N K A N I) S P I It IT :f F. R C II A N T BURTON. Bitt?,. and M U Ales. Sole Agent for nareby and Perkin's B(,ttl,d Stout. FAMILY liH(1Cr.R An ITALIAN W.\ HI! HO I'«KM AN. Snd" Water, Ginger liea, and [.OI/011o,!e. 22, CASTLE STREET, BEAUMARIS' ST. ASAPH DIOCESAN MEETINGS. THE GENERAL MEETINGS f the Subscribers to the Saint Asaph Widows and Orphans of Clergy Charity. find the It Diocesan Church Building Society," will tIP held at the Chapter House, t. Asaph, on \VS1>SV.SD,Y I the 28th JULY, instant, at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon. The S'-bsrv. her-j are particularly requested to attend. PORTMADOC NATIONAL SCHOOL. C~1IIAV.IT Y SEUMOXS in aid of tin- fiiml. of tin: ahnve School. J Milllin nr":ic »f( at TIIFMUIIII' ('nntcil on \Y. tile ht Ausrn-t. lK'W. hv tin. KM-. NViunn \V n.Kissos, A.M., Incumbent clf M. 1;ir)"s, hdli,td, Divine Senicp t.) commenrr at M 11 am" antI;) pm. HOFFMAN'S ENTERTAINMENT. AFTi:P. liavini Wen from John O'Oro.it's Hon-r to the Lands' A f' Eml, Mr. ,};t;I t)J intmrtr r)t '}\1\ Olli :i; Wales wilh an ETJlEI.Y NEW KNTKltTAI N M KNT (inclndim; Hoffman's OrTwnphonic Baud, and Mr. Thomson's inimitable Sketched from Nature.) N.H.—P.nt es tr.-jirona of cfl"ectin» an encasement, please to &ddre«s eare of Eltitor of Ihis Pap.r. -INCO:r.IEW-ITHOUT RIS t the P 1:: :)t'l ¡I¡;\+\ (1);1;1: 1\i;I\;I\C t,lt)\)Stl:[if;'} /1\ the ,I, of Ihir celebrate'! TIa in any town and \'ia,He iu the \ndom. These Teas are picked, to suit aU purchasers, in leaden Canist-rs, f¡"f)1 onc ounce to one pound. Applications to be addressed to the Cornmny, at their Ortizes, U, Great St. Helen's, HUUop-zate, Loudon. TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. ABEKFFKAW PAROCHIAL SCHOOL. PERSO desirous of Contracting for tin1 building of the above SchooL are requited to send Tenders for— naiil1 Stones "nfl J.onr: 2. Carpenters Work; 3. Slaters and Plas- terers Wotk. Cor (or the whole Building, to the Rcv, W. J. PUOLE. on or before the 31st inst. Flans and specifications! or the building rnav he seen t the Office of Mr. JOHN LLOYD, Architect, Carnarvon, until the 24th instant. and after that (late. at the ltectory, Abtrtt'raw. i ? -t, y The lowest Tender will not necessarily bo accepted. Aberffraw, llth July, 1858. ANGLESEY SUMMER ASSIZES, 1858. NOTICE IS IIEKEBY GIVEN, THAT the next Assizes and General Gaol Delivery for the County cf Anglesey, will be held at Beaumaiis. in the said County of Anglesey, on FRIDAY, the 23rd day of July instant; mI all Justices of the Peace, Chief Constables, Coroners, Stewards, Bailiffs of Liberties, JuroJ3. Proccutorg aoJ. \Vitnes$"s, are request-d t,1 attend at Beaumaris aforesaid on SATURDAY, the :!4th th of July instant, at the hour of Ten o'clock in the forenoon ûf the amC- day, to do tho5e things which 1Je'o1\J respectively unto them to he done. RICHARD IL\\ïES. E'uire, High Sheriff. Cndcr-Sheritf s OlVice, Llangelni, July 2, lboS. CARNARVONSHIRE SUMIER ASSIZES, 1858. r p UL Comri-s on of NUi Priu*. of Oy«r, and Term ner, and of J[ Genoa Gaol Delivery, for the County of Carnarvon, will be opened at the Shirk HALL, in thejMpwn of C,iiM.tr'von, on TIES- ;:t\t!i\: (It% before 'he Ileum able Sir IIICIIAUD IH DDES' Ciunv Dlut, Knight, one of the Just ce* nf Her M j est y 's Cenrt l) Common Pleas at Westminster, n-! *i!» .T■ of the Peace, Majors, Coroner?. Hnilitis of Lib •; ('on- stable?, within the said County, and all J' non d by Recognizance, Witnesses, and others h;»tin.; i ihe I' mzcs, >re r< que-ted to attend at the said >< l.i. on \k'KLiNLs- I\Y Morning the 2Ut dav of Julv. at Ten n'CitH.:k. JOII NANNEY, ESQUIRE. 1111;11 SHERIFF. 1ndtr.it'ritf' Office, Porlm-.doc. July 10, 1¡:j:L COUNTY OF DENBIGH. ~V"0TICE T? TTI-'II' BY (;lN't?N' of the requisi* °tIi :f t{ J] ,I: {" l :<Ilf t;t,tr,}:11;: at the next General Quarter Sessions nftlle Peace tl lie he d for the said County, at Wre\h un, on THURSDAY, the :!Lst (lay of OCTOIH R next, at the hour of 12 o'clock at noou, a motion will he submitted to the Court, for an order to appoint and empower Committee of Justices of the aid Count; 'r wto an njjree- t\wnt with the Oirectotsor \iof any Leformat<>ry S?h.?l. dllh certified for fti and k"Pi??7, i,, such (;hool. of o ffender* u the said Coun'y, sentenced h) be detained in 8 iierormatory chool, ill eonitleration of ::Hlch periodical paymtnts \11 may he agreed upon by aueh Committee, with such Managers or Directors. JOSKPII PEERS, Clerk of the Peace. Ruthin, 12th July, Ftj. W. A. PARRY, BOOKBINDER, M A K K K T-P LACE, LLANRWST, BEGS to ,? his r,?p,,tr,,l .acknowledgments 1, the Gentry B E tl'ti\}¿:teir;e :;t!Ill;1)fdG:I rally, for their kind patronage during the ninc}'ar9 he has resided and dune business amongst 11 and rcpccHully solicits a con- tinuance uf th¡ir patro:lae and support. :oi,ll.-BIIHlinz in a11 lts br",c:hps. plain aod extra style, ex- ecuted on the shortest notice, an 1 the m-ist reasonable terms. lie is also Agent for Blakie and Sua. Publishers, Gla$60w, THE i RuYAL WELSllYACIlT CLrn WW ATTA C A 11 X A H V ON. MON DAY, AUGUST 2ND, 185 8. VP.VS.PV.NT. The night HOII. Loid W| i.LOfii II BY D'KRESCY, CoMMiinohi:, THOMAS AsSHl/iON SMITH, £"Q. ,"ICP. C(¡1 tODO R P. THE HON. COLONEL PENNANT, M.P. 1 r AR«Cl)MMOi>OKE, LLEWELYN TURNER, ESQ. THE LIST OF FRIZES, tPI Tscl; OF WALES elegant Silver Tea Kettle, VI LI!' .'HI Guineas nett, to be sailed fr b) Yi,,I,t belonging to a ;¡ III; i fl¿.'JC., 'lit'r¡i;d l;r SO:I¡;: ¡ ¡1:ru;1 I:Id -r ;rt or no race. Entrance—One Guinea. ¡ ':}"ti:!(;(;¡,):I:P5:!if0:r -r.i\. j.j (.utneas nett, to be mailed f., by decked Y?i,l,t? be'ong- to the Royal Welsh Yacht Club. A Time-nee; 15 seconds per ton a' owt-d. Three to start or no race. Entrance—!0s. Gd. 3. SAILING BOATS PI. "USE of ID Sovere gns. k:s:;t;/1;Hti\ill:Ei 3 So,,r,ig??, Is 1') '1 NL'Il f 15 Guineas. t" JL\"E:ILi: Pl'R-E of1 Sovereigns. 7, CARNARVON WATERMEN'S PURSE of 7 Sovereigns. THE CASTLK 1UKSE ot m Sovereigns. 9,A1'1'.X I' IZA?E. i0. A PUNT RACE, for One uHrcin. IISC RACE. U. A DUCK HUNT. All Letters should b" addressed (poet free, to the Tlor. Secre- tary of the Rojal WeUh Yacht Club lloue. The proceedings to wouuoence at Iblt.p:t Ten o'c:ork a.m. A GRAND FETE IN THE CASTLE, cnl and Instiuruentul Concert. Fire Works, and the Ascent of a Ih11{)()!I. THE ROYAL WELSH YACHT CLUB R E C3- -A. T T A- BALL, Will take plaeo on Monday Evening. I.ADY 1'AT RON V'SS F?. The I.ady I.ollba UOIJI.1.. Pt'IH1J.nt Th Lady Sarah Hay Williams. 111,' ()o":aer l.ady Willoughbyde Broke. The Lady Bulkeley. Mrs. Btdkeley Hughes. Mrs. Assheton Smith. ^Irs. Griflith, I.lanr"ir. C. A. DELMAR, HON SEC. B.W.Y.C. HOLYHEAD REGATTA I intended t) b, heh\ on 1,, 5tU of A, UST l?l.t, (weather permitting MATCHES. I SAILING MATCHES, IT/VT CI F-Vahi'- in CWn1':i'w en tn 11 Yacht? from « r !v il' ^wn, h> numbers ot Roval Yacht Clubs. and \aebu °i,eu 10 uoi>icad anti CHESLER AND HOLYHEAD RAILWAY CUP—Value 15 Guinecs, to be cor.ipi-:«u for iti the same lu-mner a the <t-mlc>v Cup. May be postponed to 6th August. ç: E blfJ¡;lt;g;:ti\P:I: ::1 ,t]a::Ct). logs, "Sua Mow »»♦• Dapper "fcc 11 lls OF 7 SOVF;l\UGS-G;ft of' tI'II"I}hl'a.1 Club Other Prizes subscribed by the Utrl"? and Crews of II M's LADIES PURSE OF 20 SOVEREIGNS-To be rowed fer I" Gentlemen Amateurs. Outrider* of every de?rii)ti?,, dbqual(. tied fr Nl,t 1,. PURSE OF 8 SOVEREIGNS—Sailing Boat Ihcc for Bo U belonging to Steam VesseU of the J'ort nf Holyhead. PURSE OF 7I)f W.' r11. <■ anil P:!ots of Anglesey and Carnarvons h ire. (»F 7 SOVEREIGNS—Rowinj Match for Boatmen *o 110!) iiead. -NJ i'i)UND T EN for a Punt Race. I'ro.'r.iniinc iud Sailing Regulations, $. will ue rl1blib('cl ill A DINNER AT THE ROYAL HOTEL, AT 7 P.M. A BALL ?.d,, ,he At th L\lkd Hall itl the LHning, under the PatrolJge 01 the Clnb. A Band of Music wiU be in attendance. Tioceedingt to com* tr.puce at Ten a.m 1 be Regatta Committee reserve the righ tof making aiiy altera- ODI t.hy ma, tOI\óer expel1it:nt. p consider expedient. the Honorary Secretary, po.t i p AM I Letters to be addressed to the Honoyary Secretary, post HOT, COLD, & SHOWER BATHS, j AT FIVE MINUTES' NOTICE, AT No. 2, BANK PLACE, BANGOR. ALSO, IIANDSUME AND COMMODIOUS APARTMENTS. TO SCHOOLMASTERS. "r. 1'tlifl\rJi '\Ù Master for Colwyn (il SSilhz li W at Michaclmas nest. A knowledge of Welsh and Sinking r "j1lÎrecl. Salary £ 10 per annum, and a house. e3:clusire of G\)- vernment Grant. Apply to the Rer. EVAS. LEWIS, Colwyn, Conway. PORTMADOC NATIONAL SCHOOL. W.? a CERTIFICATED MASTER. Salarv £ ), c\- 'V' \c:r;) ;¡t {J(':l':} '\l¡''n' Ii i Ot::a;dl,f:{I- Knowledge (If navigation de^rablo. Applications and copies of testimonials to be sent to the undersigned, before the Ut August ttt.xt.'  IS;,s, JOHN THOMAS, ccrchry. Portmadoc, 1st July, 18r>8. BEAUMARIS GRAMMAR SCHOOL Re-opens on FRIDAY August li, at S pm. August 0, ?j}???p II. HILL, M.A., D.C.L., Head-Master. TUITION ON THE SEA COAST. THE RKV. EVAN LFWIS, Incumbent of St. Catherine's, Colwyn. near Conway, receives into his fAMily a limited number of ruin's. EGERTON HOUSE, CHESTER. THE MISSES WILLIAMS. STUDIES will be resumed on THURSDAY, THE 29th. A Prospectus may be had on application. TREBORTH HALL ACADEMY, NEAR BANGOR, CONDUCTED BY MR, GEOIWE LONG PAlmY, CLASSICAL i)IAS-ri.,ii-Illi. F. W. JACKSON, IT i respectfully animuncfd that the duties uf the School will be reumed on WEDNESDAY* July 21. '1 he course of iL:.tlnctitlll comprises Latin, French, and all the brctnches of a good English Education. FARN HILL SCHOOL, NEAR CHESTER. Ter¡¡¡sjor Boarders, fro/ll 2lJ to 25 Guineas per Annum, according to age and requirements. GEORGE RUSHBY. PROPRIETOR. Cl-. 'I i'U R' warmest thanks to his friends in G. l{, Rt; uI(:r ;i s;II:' al )i(frjnilfor them and the public, that his AC:\DE:\1 Yuill be re-ovened on \VIWSESUAY, the 2Sth JULY. The Sons of the Clergvare prepared for the Entrance 1xamin" utinns O. C, and '1' on the name term¡; N.D-Mrs. Rushby ha a vain made arrangements to receive a limited number of young ladies at the same tèrm. CARNARVON GRAMMAR AND COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, I'rincip:\Ï-lr. T. C. HEY IS (Successor to the Rev. A. L. Ta)lor, M.A.), alld late Head Master of the Free Grammar School, Tl: kesbury. TN this nstitution, ftipil? are prepared f,)r the V niversities, il?? T ,tJ:I\f:J'; the it: i'r;, f!;xtt(i:ilj(= Middle C1a Examinations, Commercial Pursuits, &c.. c, The t3, which rc moderate, may be known on application to the Principal. P 'I I" 'i' "?in term of study will commence on MONDAY the 26th inst. Uxbridge Sqnre, C1rllanOn, July 10th, 1858. CONCERTS For the benefit flf the Portmarloc National School. MR. JOHN OWEN" Professor of Music, Chester, intends delivering Lectures on National and Social Music, with Vocal Illustrations hy himself, assisted uy members of the Port. madoc Madrigal S ociety, viz :— A MORNING CONCERT on THURSDAY, the 29th July, 1859, at the ('W Schoolroom, Portmadoc. DOOH OpCH at 1, to com- mellce at pm, :\1:0. U\\n\:VENING CONCEPT on FRIDAY, the 30th July. Doors open at 7, to commence *,t S. Admission—Fiont srat, 2,. Gd. second do, I. third rlo.. (Jd. Children under 12 at half pricc, Programmes alHI T i-'k t« to be had at the POST-OFFICE, the HOTELS, an i of Mr. JOHN THOMAS, lion. Sec. LIVERPOOL EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENT, L ll Tl:l 11 11? W. M. FISHlHC'UJ.D!,MI.D.;F.R.A.S., AND EXPEIUKXCED 1\L\STERS. YOUXIi OKXTLKMEX in this SCUOOI, »reprcpar. d forany of the Universities, Public Co le g es, Learned Professions, and Mercantile Pursu ts. SCIENTIFIC DEPARTMENT. J* Dr. Fisher's Lectures 0)/ Astronomy, Chemisfriji Mechanics, Optics, Electrir.thjy Galval/ism, 1'ncnma- iiCS, JMeteroJctgy, JZnquio, are fulhl Illus- trated to the Pupils by his extensive l'ililo.iophleat Apparatus, which is of the most costly description. PRIZES AND REWARDS Are Annually distributed to the various Classes, for uniform Regularity, Gentlemanly Conduct and tile highest attainments in Classics, )13thematic. Science, and General Literature. OBSERVATORY. There i t\11 excellent Observatory on the Premises, furnished with powerful Achromatic Telescopes, &c., not only for Private V"e, but Jor the Instruction of the Senior Classes in Practical Astronomy. RESIDENCE. The Extensive Premises, 36, Upper Parliament-street, where ad? ditinnal B.?,d. can now be liberally accommodated. The House, which is 13 yai,d? h frontae and 4 stories high, with privat, Playground attached, and splendid Gymnasium in 'p"ir, has been handsomely furnished, fltt up ,ith Hot .?d C.Il Baths, and crery 1)o?-,ible convenience. CAHDS OF TERMS For Boarder* and Day Pupils, References to numerous Clergymen, Merchants, ana Professional Gentlemen, Printed Testimonials, and extracts from the publicjollrnaJs of Liverpool, may beobtain- ed on application to the Principal. THE CLASS, LECTURE ROOMS, GYMNASIUM, AND OBSERVATORY, 6O, G K E A T GEORGE-STREET. ENTRANCE CO, RATHBONE-STKKI;T. The Establishment will be lie-opened (D. Y.) on Wednesday, the 28th July. I 8:J\i'A:-¡'l'ED, a RESIDENT ASSISTANT, of Protestant l,ri,p!e,. He must be a first-rate Penman, a sound Arithmetician, and wen acquainted with the routine of Scholastic Tuition. GLENFIELD PATENT STARCH, USED IN THE ItOYAL LAUNDRY. T'll" are respectfully informed that this STARCH is T!IV' lym. eÜi;'¡ i!{.f¡'j')I\,ttix JAri\¥. is And II [?? it 1,AUNDItES.St1,?,t although she has AI\III,t \}l' ¡\.tvl: T \i It)t, 1}C81]Ll; as She Usts found none of thern c4ual to the GLEN FIELD, which is THE FINES'! STARCH Still, EYEIt USED. WOTIIERSPOON & CO. GLASGOW AND LONDON* TO BE LET, UNFURNISHED, AT MENAI BRIDGE, A"- ,l?iton, Y ?IIENAI (l.t,ly in the occupation ?f Doctor Williams) commanding views of both Bridges, aud the CarnanolHhire Mountains, and contain- ing one Drawing Room, one Dining Room, two Parlours, six Be,!rooin "'d .'I Attics. Kitchen, lower dn., and Cellars. Also, Coach-house and Stable, &c., and an excellent Garden. Immediate possession may be had. Rent, £ 32 per annum. Apply to Mr. TIMOTHY, Menai Bridge. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, A LI:Illai} FREEHOLD MESSUAGE, DWELLING-HOUSE, and PREMISES, now in the occupation of Mr. Alfred llolme. situate in Castle-street, in the Borongh Town of Beau- maris, well known as a favourite and fashionable Watering Place. The above Premise* arc wen and healthily situated in the principal street of the Town, having a good frontage to the street, and extetHlingo back\Vrl upwards of 50 feet, cover a large extent ot ground, which miglit be made available for build- ingpuipos»s. .Mr. Holmes will show the Premises, and for further particulars K? 'SON, soli,-itors, Carnarvon VVOODFIELD HOUSE. TO B L" L E T% W I T II I I f EUIATE POSSESSION, wo()I)i, I EI,D ll( "-4" ,an, Re- W II:l r i ¿\:cC 'a genteel family, a;'ai.!) \{(i on the Banks of the River D,e,two miles and a half from Flint (a mail station on the Chester and Holyhead Railway), and one mile from church, "id from an intended neW station ncarConnah's Quay, upon a good. road. 1' The House coutallls Dining Room 22ft. by 15ft. 6w.; Drawing Room 21ft. Sin. by 16["1. tiin" with a room over the latter, of equal size, which may either remain as a sitting room, or be made into two bedrooms; 5 other Bedrooms, Water-closet, Kitchen* Pantries, Cellars, and all other conveniences. A Groom's Cottage in the outer ar.1. a pair-horse Stable, C()acJl¡¡Ü\1:H" Shippon, &;e. (o.c., The House stands on a slight eminence, having a commanding view of th, n'e and the Cheshire shore, and in a paddock or hwn of about an acre of land, and a few acres more land may be had if required. 1 or imihcr particulars apply to tr. BATE, KcUterton, I- tint. HOLYHEAD UNION. APPOINTMENT OF MBDICAL OFFICER. rpnv. GU AUDIAN.S of the Hi.l.vlicad Union, hereby Give Notice 1. that they will, at their Meeting, to be held at ti?? VALLEY lI01rL, on TUESDAY, the 7th day of JLI.Y inst., at Twelve o'c1oek at Noon, ptocecd to the Election lJf a MEDICAL OFFI- CElt. for the Bodederu District of the above Union, vac lilt by the resignation of Dr Jones. H r i ,1 ;> n -i r !io ParLhc9 of Bodedern, L1anllihio, MunfaetliUv, Llanfairyneubull, Lhui- 1.1 mfwrog, Llainhyddtad.Llantiwmt, C1) u ^-70 per Annum, "which is to include tlVra Medical Fte8 allowed under the ,t! II Order of the Poor La\ Board, except Vac- ,I t: \¡ ;:ljdli;I ttllI711i:t1iô Offi- u 'I' aul ditioii t? u.e said Salarv .1 170. possessed of one f the fn:'r qnali'lca- tt. ral Ofticcr t "re °f the 1,our Law lio:,r<i' alul n ,,t ne to 'e re"),« the time ofi.is p- )l:) l J:t: I :BtJ1\ { l: It&l Tend«rW ridi Office, are to be sent to me, on or before SATURUVY the Vth n t:' ati,ïu\:IJ'tne¿nilgr -?t b'e pro(lu?d to ::1- Board of Ouardiani at the time of Election. ce 0 le By Order 01 the Board, Holyne.d, JuJ, TIIOS. WILLIAMS, Cler? \9 \heGuudian., Holyhead, July 15th, IW, IN ret"rnin hi, THOMAS e HERALL, it, neighhonrhoo'¡' TN returning his most sincere ?ld heartfelt thanks to th nobility, ««rgy, and nther inhabitants of Baneorand its neighbourhood» for the very liber"l support which he has received since he entred l? the Business formerly carried on by Mr. W. SHONF.1 besy .i, lly t'o ?'n'n'?tn? tht he ?s?M into Partnership ?)t.JAMK8 M)XU'X ° (his ?t? T?'is??n?.'thoh? had the management )f the concern for the la,t Seven Years, ind ?v whom, in onjIlDCti with himself, the Business will in future be carried on, under the Firm of M CATHERALL & NIXON." C AT H ER ALLITN IXO N, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, PRINTERS, BOOKBINDERS, MUSIC-SELLERS, AND ARTISTS' COLOURMEN, BANK P L ACE, BANGOR, In ('lÜf>1'in'!('n the ahr¡vc.rartnenhir. re.peclfl11t. solicit a continuance of tlnt P:ltronaf! which lias been o liher.111y bestowed upon THOMAS CATJIP.RALL, and assure their friends and the public gneraHy that it will be their constant stud), by assiduous attention and moderate charges, to merit their confidence and support. July t:- A.. E RIO ISR PEG ISR MTT-T-ES, A DESERT FRUIT. THOMAS BI R, I E r-r T. GROCER, AND ITALIAN WAREHOUSEMAN, BANGOR. — N 0 T I C E. HO T E L ■ K E E P E R S, SEMINARIES, AND ATj. I, A E G E C O N S U M E 11 S or T E Supplied with 12, 20, and 4. ) Ib. Hoxca and û4 lb. Chests, as imported, on the Best Terms, A T V E Y 13 It 0 T fl E R S' WHOLESALE TEA AND COFFEE DEALERS, No. 32, LONDON-ROAD, LIVERPOOL. Town anil Country Orders received by morning post, executed and despatched on the same day. ESTABLISHED UPWARDS OF 17 YEARS. TO THE INHABITANTS OF THE PRINCIPALITY AND BUYERS OF CABINET FURNITURE. A M U E L C U ITER, jj lB, BOLD-STREET, CABINETMAKER, UPHOLSTERER, BEDSTEMl, BEDDING, LOOKING-GLASS, AND CHIMNEY-GLASS MANUFACTURER. S. c n T T E R' S SHOW R O O M S Contain a most extensive variety of aU the nece3aty Artil'les for COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHING, Lists of Price. nav be hpd on appplication at 19, BOLD-STREET. LIVERPOOL. FURNITURE PACKED FREE OF CHARGE, AND SENT ANY DISTANCE. (ALL GOODS MAHKBD IN Pt.I FIGURES.) FIRST CLASS GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING. THE great encouragement which has attended my «?xer:ions to ensure public patronage, induccs me again to draw attention to Tl"" ti?, foll."?itig .?cale f p ioe?', ?,?h A SUPERIOR ARTICLE, WARRANTED, ON TIm MOST REASONABLE TERMS. SHOOTING SUITS OF SCOTCH, WELSH, OR IRISH TWEED, From 50s. WATERPROOF TWEED TAIMAS, From 3s. TWEES) TROWSERS, From 18s. ID IFL IB S S O O T 3 From 50s. RliACK JI)RES TROW8ER8, FrOtEl 2s. JOHN iBONSO!i, BANK PLACE, BANGOR, NORTH WALES HATH, MMAF§ACM§, PORTMAMilAm AND lWEltY USSCllflTIOX OF GKX'l'I.liMEN'S UOSIKRY. A SUIT OF CLOTHES AT EIGHT HOURS' NOTICE. BANGOR IR ON M ONGER Y WAREHOUSE, W. ERANCIS WILLIAMS, GMERAfi & FURWISIIIM^ fRO^MOM^EM, "WATERLOO PLACE" BANGOR, BEGS most respectfully to invite the attention of Families, Hotel-kerprn. and Parties con ncted with Public Establishments, to Bhis c.??t,.sive Stock of PATENT PRIZE KITCHENERS, which are the only Cookin Stoves that obtained the Prize Medal at the Exhibitions of both Nations—viz in London, Dublin, and Paris, with special approbation, and have proved to be the most infallible nmedy for Smoking Chimneys. W. F. W. has the exclusive Bale of these Leamington Kitcheners in this district, of which he has not only a ready, select, and constant supply, but has a competent Workman who will attend at any part of orth Wales to fix them up, in a correct 1U,11111er, and at a moderate expense. W. F. W. also ucg-s to inv ite an inspection of hi newly extended SHOW" ROOlS, which arc now stocked with the most modern and approycd assortmeut of REGISTER GRATES, FENDERS, FIRE IRONS, IRON BEDSTEADS, Hat, Coat. and Umbrella Stands, GARDEN AND IIALL CHAIRS, DITTO SEATS, CUTLERY, ELECTRO PLATED GOODS, T TRALVS, SWtMCt U. t.: T T L S BATHS, &c., AND EVERY ARTICLE IN FURNISHING AND BUILDING IRONMONGERY. GEUERA]1, FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT. GRIFFITH DAVIES, HIGH-STREET, DAXGOIl. CARPETS IN VELVET PILE, n n. U SSE L S, TAPESTRY KIDDERMINSTER, FELT, DUTCII AN]) VENETIAN, TABLE LINENS, SHEETINGS, BLANKETS, COUNTERPANES, WASHING AND OTHER DAMASKS, CHINTZES, D I 1 I TIE SAN D TABLE COVERS, IMPORTER OF SWISS EMBROIDERED MUSLIN CURTAINS, PAPER UANGlAiGS AND DECOnlTIOS. ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. MEETING FOR 1858, AT CHESTER. FINAL NOTICE TO PERSONS WHO HAVE NOT SUBSCRIBED. mil E > ocal Cpmmittec acquaints persons who have hitherto overlooked jmbicriMn* to this GREAT XATIOX.U, UNDEBTAK- I 1N(>, that they purpose advertising a final notice of additional subscriptions nest weeli. PERSONS WHO HAVE NOT PAID THEIR SUBSCRIPTIONS are respccttullv invited to do so (if not before the days of Sh{w.; to the Hos-o«\nv SECRETARY, at his office, No GG, in the Implement Show-yard, where persons can also PURCHASE THE EXHIBITION CHEESE, many T.ots having already bee i re^i-tered this scheme having hcen adopted by the Committee with the \iew of affording visitors to the ^how an opportunity of purchasing for use or presentation a prime Cheshire cheesc. thc?hoH anoppoitumt) o [?r\.mu? °'?°''P'' ?'' Order of the Local Committee, GEORGE CHIVAS, Chester, ,July 13, 18d. Honorary Secretary. ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETTO SHOW, CHESTER. JULY, 1858. B. SAMUELSON ISVITK5 the attention of AsrrienHiirist?, Merchants, and Exporters, to an inspection oi his Complete Collection of l-'irst-cla^ I \"1 TE 3 the NIACIIINES Fol, PREI'AlilNG ']'IIE FOOI) I AN, I Ir "'S STAND, NO. 3.i. First.c1a3 Thrse Machines are all nianufaetnre.l at his Works, with the aid of machinery ly contrived and lie has ?,11 it his p:irllrtf)err(LJl1l s: f, jf'lil;i:l'SO¡ g;lln; as (I,vÜ; :'¡l1ljt)' le}:tl ;,I\I{<;lt;ll;lecr )s t"\ jrl.i; to sclect such as will suit his particular requirements, i'hey consist of 1 P t.: TURNIP CUTTERS, CHAFF CUTTERS, Rati3 fin^ ° from :J5,. for a bo'v to work, up to £1:! ]5) for Steam (Ten sixes), from X3, for a i bny to work, up to .t.:13, fer or lnrse Power. Machine Power. ROOT GRATERS AND PULPERS, OIL CAKE BREAKERS, 13?tl? on the ii?, and on the barrel pnnclphs. I Various ize: for Baud and for Powr. CONEINED ACHINES, or sopo- ROLLER CRUSHING MILLS, For grating '°D' Various :nze3, for Beans, Pe;s, Oats, Barley, LUlsced, &e. MALT CRUSHING MILLS, BEAN AND PEA SPLITTING MILLS. ALSO SAMUELSON'S IMPROVED DOUBLE-ACTING HAYMAKING MACHINES, a,?,aiti??, brcakae5.) HORSE RAKES, 0 I LAWN MOWERS, Wit-? ?) without ?nchu.cL'. Patent SLtf-acting motmn. ?ith B.3d',?, r?-nt Self-cleanin, and Sharpening App?r?t? With amI witllUut ÔŠË¡"î{ôS.sl'1f-acting motion. )dRÜHE:.clFÏELDI oLËi5:"r:: Huckvale's Patent Turnip Thinm'r .nd :Hcc.. (Of all the variou. Patents.) ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES containing full particulars aud prices, may be obtainod at the STAND, No. 33, cr post free' by applying SAMUELSON, BRITANNIA WORKS, BANBURY. N .B.-turnip Cutters, Chaff .Cutters, Mills and Cake Break en, will be at work in the 11 blaolijacry in Motioll" Yard. ROYAL AGKICJLTaSAL SOCIEry OF ENGLAND. )lE8TI:'W VOlt US.jS AT ClIIvSTEll. Ii DINNER TICKETS. TII F Local Committee has received a litl)it[1 number af TICI\E rR for the PUBLIC DIXM-R, to t1ke place in th Music lIalJ. Chester, on Thursday, the :3rcl July next. Pr1(e 8,. cach. The Committee il1\ites subscribers to the Local Fund, wh. are desirous of bein? present, to apply to the ilosiorar), Lry without delay. Fach application to be aceompanitd with the price of the ticket, which will be supplied in the order in which the application is received: and if any are undisposed of after the tlth July next, the same will be offered to the public. By order of the Local (ommitte(>. GEORGE Cll1 11011. ec. Chester, June 28th, 18.5S. IMPLEMENTS FOR THIS PRINCIPALITY. THE APPROACHING MEETING AT CHESTER, Stand ICc. 66. near the Cheese Shed. N EORGK CHIVAS acquaints t Agriculturists and the Prin- cipaliues who intend buying Impltments at the approaching Show at Chh;tr. that he will ha,c a large assortment at hi Stand No. 6 ??,,??rth,Cl,e.L, Sh,d, ,'I? hiie?i,I her to- fore at the Maker's prices, and as he can supply every requisite for the Farm. his Patrons are thus enabled to secure at one place their WHOLE WANTS. BUYERS OF TREES D!1rjnthe ensuing Autumn are re«pcot;ulIy il1\ítcd to visit the Nurseriec, wlll("1I are within ten minute* wdk of eilherthe Show Yad or :¡ Warehouse, where the> will tind one (If the largest and most healthy stock (It Fruit l'ref:5ln the North-Western Conn- til, M t >>in_aM s will be in constant attendance both at the Stand in the sh'jw Yard and the Seed Warehouse in East^ate-strect, to conducf. rtranircrs to the Grounds, where ever y information from the Fon man may be obtained. North "West of England 8ccJ and Imp1cmcnt Establishment, and Eaton Road Nurseries. Chester, July G:!i, 1h:>S. COREKTAliMS MOTEL. ABKOUVlY. ROBERT PRITCHARD BEGS respectfully to acquaint Tourists, Cuuimercial Travellers, and I?, Public generally, that he has t,?k?,? the a)wvc Hotel, for several years kept by 1\Jr, E, Edwards, which id still replete with every comfort, and trut3 by close application to business, together with nlodprate chres, to merit a continuance of that patronage so liberaPy bestowcl on his predecessor. Aberdovey i* considered the Torquav of Wales for its mildness and salubrious air. The scenry is beautiful and interesting. The sands are considered the best in the Principality. Bathing machines on the 1,,a opposite the Hotel. The acccommoJation will be found equal, if not :iipet ii)r, to any Hiltel in W?lf?, and the comfort and convenience of visitors will be tudied and at.. tended to with the utmost propriety, punctuality, aud economy. Wines and Spirits of the best quality. Posting ill all its branches. Aberdovey, 2ht June, IK). HMRSMAILWLIK CIDER, PERRY, WOOD HOOP, AND OAK HURDLE, MERCHANT, No. 14, KING ALFRED'S PLACE, Opposite the principal entrance to tIle (attle Show, BINGLEY HALL, BIRMINGHAM, OFFKltS for SALI-: to Farmers, Graziers, R,» Contractors FLAKED or what arc commonly known here as HURDLES. an<l ot h ers, anv quantitv of the cheapest ami bent OAK These Flakes or II urdles, are some of the be>t i:1 this county, are very strong, ei;{ht feet long, four hvt seven inches high, auå iron clipped, and are all made of Cleft English Oak. They are particularly adapted for Fencing out Fields, Road, &c.. and are easily put down and taken up, anù will endure many years. A Stock always on hand. which R. Smallwood will engage to deliver to any of the following places at JiI. per hurdle, or 36s. per dozen. Thu lowest ptice for cash 01\1\- Queensferry. Mold, Flint, Rhyl, Holywell, Abergele, Conway, Bangor, Holyhead, Carnarvon. It S. bens to call the attention of Farmers, Graziers, Contrac- t,rs and others, to the advantage they will derive by punhasing- Hurdles from him o'?r those made of Sawn Timber, as the fol- lowing statement will sufficiently exemplify.— X All 1) 1, 1.9 Sawn Hurdles of f1 teet e,1.cb. or 8UO (cPt, will he 133 Hurdler and 2 feet, which at 3s. per Hurdle, or Gd. per foot, is 2) 0 0 R. Sina 1wood'8 1I11rdle, viz.:—100 Hurdles. S feetlong, is III feet, at 3s. per Hurdle, or 4d. per I..t, is 15 0 0 I 13eingaavlngof 5 0 0 .B.-CJc:t Hurdles, same strength and material, are worth at least one tliird more than Sawn ones, thus adding onc-third more to the Cleft, as here described, and adding to the Sl1IH above saved 5 0 0 A saving of 10s. in the pound 10 0 0 W. Massey, ]:I.' Oornolyn. B"nunu,.i. Ii lVing h id a supplr of these Hurdles, will, upon any one applying to him, sncw t?ll same CONWAY AND LLANRWST RAILWAY. TO BE INCORPORATED 13 V SPECI AL ACT OF PARLIAMENT. SECONDARY SYSTEM; GUAGE 3 FEET 3 INCHES LENGTH 12 MILES. CAPITAL XII,000, IN SHARES OF £10 EACH. Deposit, £ 1 per Share, to be paid on allotment, beii g the only payment required before the Act is obtained. PROVISIONAL DIKKCTORS. H, R SANDACH, Esq., Hatodunos, Llanrwst, Chairman. WM. IlANMiiR, Esq., Bodnod, Comvay. c. WVNNE, Esq., Vodas. U. O. MOULSDALE, Esq., Bryndyffrvi), Llanrwst. T. FAIRBAIRN, Esq, Manchester. G. R. HYDE, Esq., i ron Dcrw, Llanrwst. J. s. SPOONER Keq., Beaver Grove, Ll.mrwst. F.OlNE£lt. EDMUND SUARPE, Esq. SOLICITORS. W. s. KINDER, Esq., John Street, Bedford Row, London. J. SPIER 11 UGIlES, Esq., Llanrwst. Offices.—Llanrwst. I!E Vale f Llanrwst forms the natural ,pp,.??h to the most T.?t di, ri?t in North W?l, The river Conway,—formed at its upper end by the confluence of the four smaller streams of the Conway, U. Machno, the Lledr, and the Llngwy, —traverses the valley in its entire 1lJgth. .d I.r A turnpike road on each side of the river,—both hilly and tor- tuous—and the river itself, navigable tor nine miles to vessels of small hurthpl1, at prescnt accommodate the traffic of the district. This traffic is principally derived from the following sources — I.—The Slate and Slab Quarries, situated in one or other of the four vallies, converging at the head of the Vale of the Conway. II.—The Sulphuraud Lead Mines, situated on the hills to the west of Llanrwst. III.—The requirements of a considerable agricultural district. IV.—The Tourist tnlffic of the Summer months. A more Important source, however, ot future traffic, than any of those above mentioned, exists in the valuable vein of blue slate rock, which, crossing t ein a direct lIne from the head of the Machno valley to Moelwyn, ciests the Dt)untamou ridge which selnratcs the counii. sof Merionethshire and Calnan-on- shire. In the Fotiniog quarries alone, which are situated in the wetcrn pard ot these beds, 60,000 tons of the finest ate of North Wales are annually raied aud manufactured; whilst in their eastern limits, the well-known !Slabs of the .\lachnoqu;1rr;esatt('st the excel ence of the rock. For the slates aud slabs quariied from thi range, tile Vale of Llanrwst offers by tar the shortest route to the Cl?L,tr and Holyhead Railwav, and the d,,???le)- i populated districts of Lancashire, °tí; and the Midlaud Counties: and it iQ absolutely cert that the whole of this ma- t(?rial, required to be transmitted by rail to these and ti??r i.l.?,d markets, will nod its way down tne Yale of L\annnt, o soon as ililill for its carriage ?l,al? be provided in this direction. To the%v?tterizi,,? place of Llandudno, distant from Conway only four miles by rail, this U¡.irway, leading, as it di,,t. ti?? h,rfthe finest mountain scenery in North Wales, wll bring within the limits of a single dav's (>xcursiolJ, all the most interesting features of the Snowdon range; nor can it fail to be extensively used by those, who, during the Summer Months, traverse in crowds that beautiful district. For the future accummodation of this traffic it is proposed to construct a Ualhv.\y from the Chester and Holyhead Railwav at Conway, to Llanrwst, twelve miles in length, and of a character intermediate between that <* i lie simple tra nway of 2 feet gua,?' ft:t\t::):ttl:jf or,litiar,;rol4 feet 8,' if.dyt. fix the guagc of this it aiy at 3 fcet 3 i.,I,. It is proposed to work the Railway with small Locomoth'es, si- milar in chracter to those aiready il use on the 3 f..t mineral j Railways t 'Zcrt Lancashire, :(;lfie:IIlt)¿Ul:t ¡ arry the passenger traffic at a speed of fi»ieen miles a. hour, a,il the goods traffic at a speed of eight miles an hour. IV ilt such a railway wiii abnda1Jt\y meet aU the requiremenh of the district in qUt3tion, it will be easily convertible, at any future time,-should the lUcreac o! the tratlic be so great as to demand it,—into a First-Clao Railway of ordinary gnage. It i31 calculated, however, that 150,000 tous of goods, and 60,000 pas- sengers can bi annually carried with satety and advantage, at the above speeds, over such a Railway and that half that amount of traffic will be sufficient to cover the working charges, and afford a dividend of 10 pel" cent, on the capital expPlltlc<1 The estimated cOst of the llal1wa}' is 94,1100, induding Sta- tiona and preliminary and all other expenses, u after the rate of "0' p mile The Directors have entered ii, a l)rO\llon.}l agreement fjr the construction of Lh HaÜway, and the payment f;rl costs and charges, including the agricultural value of the land, at that sum. They have also received an offer tor the manO'cm ¡¡t ami workuu of th undevt tking when completed, on terms whid, ensure to the Shareholders a min.inutn di,id?.,i of .i p,? cent, on the capital of the Company, and half SIIrhHl prolits. j Part of the required capital is already provided the remainder "ill be .1 1' I,, public in shares ot 10 ea:h,—with a pre-) ferential claim in b\our of the.'pmprietors, occupiers, and re- 1 5ideuts in the Conway Vadey,—and, apl,li,?ii for shares which w?lt be considered in the order in which they are received' can be addressed 10 'I" Oth:C3 of th Company at Li?,?,w,t. Lla -vw*t, Juh Gth, 1*5*. SALE BY MR. DAVID JONFS. SALE OF QUARRY MACHINERY 1'0lnr:E1:UDY" SLATE AND SLAB WORKS NEAR 1'()It'fr,EUDDYN SI,A,RE ANDSI,AI3 NVOIZIIS, I M-R. DAYII) JONES WILL SELL BY AUCTION,  on ?''°?Y' the ?'? of AUGüST rext, at it! abovc Quarry, the following valuable 1achiner). viz., ?Tt?tf-HTS\\VIXGMA(;nI?t..? -var)int.?m?[?? 6,? n? ta?! 1 i Fou VVM '?' ? \V.w>1M ? /t- '° ? 5 in" by 10 fl- ??1 M ??".SHS. f'U to lLt ih inftV.7thTaU,'s of fro'" sn! Vy an/ to l ft. > in bv i l?1 ?"?'??. ? ? "? ?'?'' ? "Ui??r. wUhUmn k. WlS;)\}'Et'wm;EL. M ft. D.ame'.r by 2 ft-wooJ. i O!ie (?ONI)ENbENGINI,. 7 It. sTrokehvJ 2ft' C)línder, 1nth Ge:lrmgl pur "heel, &c., complete. A quantity of Railway aDd Bar Iron. For further particulars apply on the Premieet at P. tr,,ddy?, or t9 Mexn. BB?:!< 8¡ JONI#, 6olicltQU, Pa?trntdM. i ,r I SALES BY MR. DEV. PERIODICAL 7 SALE OF HORSES AT J; i r:, MR. WILLIAM 1 I?I'SPECTFLtLLY annonn.. that hi. next S t Calrla('. win take plaee at th M \IT, BRITISH HoTia, BA.v«(»h, c:) t'ltlJ)\ 30th J In order to tecur :'Iad, early application :h. entries can be revived after Tnursday, thc'JJm t"1I:í\lJ :1 11;(:1 (;:) I; :l't:1 !;¡I( and as a great influx into this lo.mtrv of thi A g rioulturift-i," from the \il:\il.l!ítI:):'1 confidently expected, the Auctioneer <» saTltlin dance or buyers at ths sale. will be unuuaUy la. UI/reserved Sale of Farming Stock Aj .v -1 Household Fllr/liture, AT FFRIDDOEDD, B A V O F B IIR. W I L J, I A M D 1 ■ WILL SELL BY AUCTIOK, 011 MONO A V, 26th of JULY, (commencing at 10 for II o'c;ock a.m.) R!MiE whole of the valuable LI VE and DEADSTOCK Ihe pro- Fi' lr;h(:et)' late ';III.aJ¡ 1.J)EJ.E\fD f:O: = prijrJ5{ a noted Dairy 6 of Milch I OWS, iu caif, and aptiruon in full profit; one ^-JEAR-OLD Hull. ofthe short horn breù: a promising eariing Heifer, and 2 Calves. 7 E^. S, i Ram, and 12 Lainb* (mire ( hevjols); 3 well-bred ()|»en Sow- I strong Stnre Pig, I«I4 J n,al tlitto; 2 aclive Cart U()re, and the celebrated f.t" trot* ter "Tommy. A LARFE collecion of superior IMPI.EMEN'TS in I] 'l: ,T)t'. :lt; CI)ll7:li;1 a fJ:I;fJI(;tr' )i (;gl IJ; Chaff' Cultt"r. Windowing .\1a("hilll. Carts. Harrows. Ploughs, A STRONG STERNE U»1 er, about 14 tons of Prime Hav. A: & ¡; t :tJ)f'\1.t,7\t:. /'I!(l jI'); ¡, I' tii;Jn::I.'j(1 111:t!; 'l>íis 1' t' 1U N G of .;G ACLL E> up to L.MH N' OVEMHI-:K, next; together {:y E: FITRSHTRE, Kitchen do.. Dair3y L'ttn?ils.Ace., FTC. SALES BY MR. ORMISTON. -N Ö K A L S. Compart Prrrlwld Estate, ill the Parishes of Llan- fihaiujcl-Cihjnmyfifr and. ¡,/(l11g1l'lII, nearly aoo Actes in extent. TO BE So LI) BY AUCTION, BY .\11:. OK.uisrox, At the OWIS (',? ?,, II.. F.? I'?Y. the 6th of August, 181ill ti", il?, in such lot or lot. and :wl.jed to euch conditions as shall be determined a' MOST desirable am compact FREEHOLD PROPERTY, lOn' ,J",irahle .111,1 compact FllEEIIOLD PIIOrt:lt.y. ¿VWII\I'(1I t;IO'" 'lpI:.lUh or :(;=-n;. A II. P. Tir Rarvrm l'ach David Jenkins 7 0 3 Llwyn Lloiau John Llojd ;17 3 8 He nlre Ll>>an John Roberts 37 0 37 T\curri g Llysan .W1\Ii;¡m JOIn'S. l:!U :iG Hron a ,jyr Erdr Etlward lUherts J2 2 13 Hafodtv Llvsan H ugh Davie?. 3.) 0 JO Llysgain Jaue & EUis Williams 14 3 35 26:' 2 II All in substantial repair, and mo^t respectably tenanted. The property is öituale between the \illage of Uettwa-Gwerfil- Coch ai'd the great Iloljhea l road, about I miles from Cdrweu. aud is surrounded hy the lauds of Lord Bigot, J. 1). 18q.. Mr. John Wynn, Ir. Roberts, and others. Thete i. an alHoJnrJallt supply of game, the kennels uf Sir Robert n hounds "re within a mite or two, and the river Alwen. which. partly bounds the estate, affords excellent trout and salmon ttshin •» Lithographed Plans alllt Particulars win be reatly montft prior to the sale, and may be had, as well as any further inform- ation. in the meantime of Mr. NAPIER, Coed Coch, Abergele or Mr. J. PARRY JONES, Solicitor t Denbigh; or of the At CTIONEB* Wigfair, St Asaph. ON THE COAST OF XOltTH WALES. S A I, K OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY, Near the Village of Colwyn, on the Sortli Welsh Coast, MR. ORMISTON IIa, been fuvonred with Instruction^ TO SELL BY AUCTION, At the BfiR HOTEL, in ABERGELE, on S\üKH:\Y. tile liSth ACUl""T. UfJ>,(. at .FOI1r o'clock In UJI AJernuon, 1'1 JSI1(:!1 Lot or I.'1t':l, aud subject to such conditions, as shall be determiufcel upoDnE,SIRABLE FREEHOLD FARM, called TY-HWNT- A Ylt-AFON, situate close to the village of Colwjn, in the Pa* rish of to,),, c.l?3,?, i?, 11,? P.- ing 29 Acres or thereabouts, with the'llouse and Outbuildings thlfuu@e and Outbuilding; Also @e% t-ralrf1,.?ND. dj,?i,?i,,g the Mail Hoad. leading f?oin Abc?gelt?toco and f.om Colwyn t. Llanrlian nFpec hel}', which will be divided into Lots suitable for the- erection of a superior class of Residences, of all of which furthcr particulars will appear ill future advertisements. The situation of this property if highly ;ulvantagiou» bein^ i, z,?'to the pretty ,i;]LZ of Coh\ jn a Station on t' Ches- ter and Holyhead Railway), and an cxecllent Bathing Headl- and from the little chance of any ether Land on the coast, at all suitable for 13.ii,ii,,g,0"' into the lIurkN. the p. portunity now offered is most fa?():rit) The locality i? very healthy and picturesque, and theouly drawback to which visitors have hitherto been subject, ha been th, very limited house ac- commodation afforded by the neighbourhood. Particulars, with Lithographed Plans, are in course of prepara- tion, and may be had at the place of Sale, or (with any fui ther in- formation). of Mr. NAPIER, CoedCoch, Abergele; of Mr. J. PAltRY JONES, Solicitor, Denbigh; or of the AUCTION ebb, Wigfair, St. Asaph. SALE BY MESSRS. BEADEL & SONS. NORTH WALES. Impor/allt Freehold Estate (if 9H Acres, situate five miles from Machynlleth, on the tllmpike road to 1>01- gel/y, with valuable Slate Quarry, and excellent Trout Fishing in the Hirer Delas. MESSRS. BEADEL AND SONS ARE instructed to SELL by AUCTION, at the Iart. rahoto. mew lane, on TCFSIHY, AUJ. 3, in One Lot, a verv desuable FREEHOLD PllOPElU'Y, k,wwn as the FRONFELAN ES- TATE, ad.?i,.b?, situate on the ninr Delas, in one of the most romantic parts of North Wales, five mi1es from Machynlleth, on the high road to Dolgelly, and comprising a recently erected Family Residence, in thorough repvr, n :i an- and out-door offices, lawn, garth. J ooigly placed on the side of the val r; vi. vva of the river and of the mount oi. j -i 1i:l1lt()f Cader Mris, distant about four low' iiH-n >u?e 1. surrounded by 924 acres of meadow, pasture, arable, and wood land, compris- ing the Fronfelan Farm of 6; acres, the Esarair Geilog Fann of 303 acres, and the Bryn Llwyd Farm of .300 acres, with their hOIDesteads 3nd agricultural btiilcliiizs a water corn mill, severe! cottages, and upwards of 200 acres 01 capital oak @oo(i? al@ ) the Br yn Llwyd Slate Quarry and Works, supplied wh)' valuable machinery of the newest construction and in \horotlh ??p-ir. which has been worked to join the valuable vein of slate which runs under the Bryn Llwyd Mountain, and is so successfully w.rl cd higher up the \allcy, The linc o the Cords, Machyidlcth, a,. d11, -i""Y' ""i"' is expected to be com:)Ited to Machynlleth this summer, will give thi" quarry greatadvaotagesifi pointof access. The River Delas, which runs through the estate and the Talyllyn Lake, afford excellent trout fishing. The River Dovey is famous for its salmon a-d jseuen. The «oods on the estate abound in woodcock and other game, ;"u.: w k < of hounds are kept in the neighbourhood.—The «iyccf by permiss on I the tenants and particulars, u ei a, the Wynstay Arms, Machynlleth; at the Lion 11 nar y "t the Royal Hotel, Chester; of Messrs. O ivei»ou, J,a\ie, and tij¡I;:}Ë:;J{ift":P:II: ;I:n; t i Mart; and of Messrs. BEADBL nd Og, 2: Greshamstreet. London, t;.C. SALE BY MR. GEORGE HILDITCH. A N G L E S E Y. VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY, IN THE TOWN OF BEAl'MARIi, And Accommodation Building Land in the vicinity oj the lon-n. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. UEOUGii IULDITCH, At the RUEKEI.EY ARIS HOTEL, Ih:4.ULo\RISt on tilt" 7th day of AUGUST n xt, at Six o'elock in the Afternoon, unless pre- viously disposed of by PI1\atc Contract, of which du? n?tice il1be 'e., LOT1. All tho-e several Messuages or Dwel'it g Hou-ea and L st'. 'I l,d the Arch Hou es. v\ t Appurrcna ices th unto belonging, including a Building Mte; situate in Castle- street, in the best part of the town of Beaumaris, in the County of Anglesey, in thesevtral occupation of Thomas Stabbs, Hugh Thomas, andothPTs. This lAt stands most favour \b1t'. itlier for busine s or sum- mer i\idcncrs, havjnj- r ■t t. Tastle-street, the se a, and the th .roiiL'Va e 1- i-: ■ 1 Ittak-sin a fine view of the M-nai Straits, I', ■- d surrounding scenery. LOT, All that M ■" '• • mentcalled Br,\IId >r.a, and the Wind Corn (;rIt Mill and Building* built thereon, together with the several pieces of In called Llain»pen-y-Cefn, Llaia ??ily,n.?MdU.H)-hdog:anda))th?MeMu?enrtene.<.e..t. and Pie Ni or P;trd¡; 01 Lauds -11?d T)dd)u..).bwlch. LlaiD C?,r Pwich. and L:uo Cyndal. 'A?d all t'? (J'?'H'-? P»e-e of Arable Lan 1, cal.ed Llain- Glan-y- 'Tracth, situate respectively in the Parish of Llanddona, in ti,?, said County o Anglese y and within two or thr- e miles of the Town of llaumaris. all in the occupation of Wiuiain Wil- Jian1. LOT 3— All those Messuages or Tenements, Cottages and Land, called Tjnylon, formerly Friars Dacll, situate in the l'arih (Jf Llanfaes, in the County 01 Anglesey, in the occupation of Thomas Williams, and other. For building sites, this Property is most eligible, being within a mile of the riiing town uf Beaumaris, and commanding beautiful and varied \iew.; of the Sea, the Grounds of Baron Hill, and the Mountain Scenery of Carnarvonshire. F,?,tl, er particulan may b. had of WX. JONES, F.q.'S- UitQr, 20, King's Arms Yard, London Mr. H. EY OWEN, Q% F. 0Beaumatio. and of thl AVCHONBBB, at ?:yO?.K,O,