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WANTED, A XX cern. Apply to J. U. LI.IAS, Peiitra-U, A nir e>ea. FURNISHED HOUSE WANTEDTl^TH WALTiS, FOR the niiouh nt July, or poiuly somewhat hnI'T. a ?ood FAMILY HOUS E near the sea, and withm a short diitan-.e {rom: railway station. Apply tu Mr. GRAYSON, Princes Park, li\crpon1. £1 PER WEEK. WANTED, AGENTS for a lirn-c!as< l ire ant 1 Life Assurance Compan y for all towns in North "Wa e?. TO AGENTS OF LIFE OFFICES AN^OTHER^ WANTKI), for the 4* Biiti-h Provident Fire O tic- AGKXT3 IW to represent the Fire dpputment for North Wales. Liver- PH). &c. It) per cent, commission, ntw and renewal, on l ire premiUlHs will he given. Aply to Messr>. EWEN* and Rp.vts, Auctioneer. (hlter. TO ADVERTISERS. PARTIES requiring Advertisements t he inserted in the fortl.ee ming FIFTH EDITION of -MARTIN'S WEEK'S WANDERINGS IX WALKS. are requested to send their orders immediately to the NOHTH WALES CHRONICLE OFFICE, Banor. TO CONTRACTORS. rjlEN'OKns are required for the erection of s I'ATIOXS on the J. iJ:1 ;;I:F,;i:ll): ;;i I:{ i. ;¡;'i\ Y:)E;i: bo seen at my OHiee from Tl.ursdiv. th" pith, to Thur.-dav, t he iTtli iust. K. Ll.OYO W I I.I.I _\l i, Architect. Henllin Place, lVubigh, June oi\i, TO CONTRACTORS. PERSON'S de-urou< of contracting for the erect on of a NEW iu Bangor, ure re- <; nested to tl(.ii\t.r sealed Tenders to Mr. II (;■; n 1"1.\ 1':S, (J ha pel '<i uie, Ebenezer Pac. on o.Jb -fore the 17th (h) of Juno next, "I'?re the plans ami specifications may be seen. The Committee do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or anv other Tender, Ma'y27rh, R'.v CONWAY FAIR. •vroTICK I< II LUEBY G1VKN, U"t the next Fair ?iii be f Rlwld >>n vvn itnAY, June l!h. owim* to the 2 Hh being Sun- hr, and LLim^i Fair bjing Iwld on Mondav. W11.1,1 M OWLS'. ) Corporation CO;'¡way. NV N, Ll DGE, i Bailiffs. Conway, June 3rd, 1 VW. PROFESSOR EWART AGAIN before the P'lblieof Banyor. in his GHANI) SUMMER K\ F. Nl Y. NT F. L V AI N %I ft N -V for children of all ages, :1t the lUi'JI'I AS>I:M;:[.Y ROOM, on EH J D VV ne *t, I It'I inst. Front S e tts, 2- .Second du., b, Children under 12 years of a.'e, LlaU-price. Doors open at halt'-p ist i, begin at H. HOFFMAN'S ENTERTAINMENT. AFTER ha\>:u»; been from John O'Groat's House to the Lands' End, Mr. HOFFMAN intends shortly revisiting Wales with an ENTIRELY NEW ENTERTAINMENT (including Hoffman's OrzauQpbonic Band, alld Mr. Thomson's inimitable Sketches from atll1"l'.) X. H.—Partes ilesiror? of effecting an engagement, please to address care of Editor of this Paper. NOW READY, PRICE 2s., FUNEUVL ANTIIEM—" I heard a voice from Ileaven. an Fl" ,;i¡ of Gratitude to hlprII:): of the late Mr*. W. II. OWEN. Composed and respectfully dedicated, by pertni.-wou, to th? Dowser [/tdyf"?kin.??r?)ycn)Ch?. y Ito B'r. i).X 11 S, I,ay-Clerk of the Cathedral Church, St. Asaph. Ia{;I :ot,t;d'11CC1rI.\tB:dPtrl'tt. St. Aph KOBT DAVIES, Cathedral Choir. Just Pub'Uhcd, price f)(I., ;)()stage fr,e from the Cnmo Office, The Common Work of all the Members of the Church of Christ A SERMON preached in th>> Cathedral Church of St. Asiph, on Tuesday, May Uth. 1-)'o(. at the Visitation oi the Vene- rable Hohort Wickham, M. A., :\rchrte:1cnl1 of $r. As^ph. nv RICIIAUD BUISCtHL DD., Senior Fellow ot Jesus College, ox. ford, and Vicar of WhitforU. Holywell W. loRnh. London: HUOHES and BUTLER. CHURCH LAY ASSOCIATION. THE ELEVENTH GENERAL MEETING of the Church Lav Aociation will h held at Dolgelley on TUESDAY and WED- ,st-St)l?'t!?'' {'5?\nJ t?'ho[J..M?e?. '?'"?"? 1 1 "0. ,<'7..¡¡o.J,,¡ ^UMiiiuvtvc..il uVp.La., 1'UUII^ [l:l:li\lo ;11 UH Town HaU. THE SECOND DAY. At 0 a.m., Committee. At 11 a.m., Ohir.c Senicr in Church At 2 p.m Meeting for Communicants. At p.m., Divine Ser- 'i,,?, it bermon. The presence of the Clersry will be considered a grot boon, 311tl It i particularly requested that the Local Deaneries should send representative-; to the tedin. I.langriniolus, May 21, l*x. O. U. ELLIS, Secretary. "ELLIS'S RUTHIN SODA WATER." ELLIS & SON beg respectfullv to inform the I'uhlie that R their )1). PO L\, and SI"i ll.'It and ell \MPAGNE LEMONADE, so long celebrated for thdr un- if9.¡! purity, 1Ia, Ie obtained frot) all respectable ltetailcis wf .I..l.I\I:I<U n ¡at:.r: HI ljt L II u.:U j'\dllgUtJltl. Importers of German Seltzer Water. lU'THIX, -N'OHIII WALKS. Till-' WEST Of ENGLAND FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. BEING di<irous ,f appointing A.11?t? for those To*.vn3 in n. :t\l \rLsui1 :)\fhr(;);:e .gotpf;rsc' lii'3 af plications fr >m Gentlemen willing to undertake the duties, to be inadn forthwith tiJ toe Aetuary, 11'. CHARLES LEWIS. The Company has been establi-h. d more than 50 pos- 3eSCd accumulated Funds of j, and hai an annual In- come of t::1dO.OIHJ, Esetcr, 1st June, 18oS. TRIBUTE TO THE MEMORY OF THE LATE MS. W. H. OWEN. J.: S 0. Amount of:ub3:ript.iolJ alrcad advertised :51:J 11) 0 A 1) D1XI ON A L S fU"C K1 l'T IO NS. Ladv Williams Wynn, Wynnstay 5 0 0 The Rev. D. Robert- Rector of 1 I 0 The Rev. n College, 0xfont. 1 I I) Mrs. Royds, Plas j it Green 10 0 Geile.pie Smyth, Exmouth f S The Rev. R. H. Jackson, Newmarket b 10 0 Mr. 'Thon\a< Wil.vani-, The Roe, >t. A^aph.. 0 5 o Contributions o be sent to the Rev. WATKIN WILLIAMS, Tremeirchioti. St. Asaph, or to his account, a Hon. Sec. and Treasurer, at '11' National and ProrincLd Bank. Denbigh. THE LLANDUDNO DIRECTORY, ANI) LIST OF VISITORS, Published in connection with the Sortli H'a/e.s Chronicle THIS VSKKCL I'L'BLIC \TION', whicli Iru been foutui to be so servicea b le to the interests of the Inhabitants of and Visi- tor-j to Lland!I.Jn", during several years past, will be revived on T t lU) Y, I?? l;Hh ,f June in>t.. and may b" purchaseil on the raormng ot each s.Unrd.iv at the i, Mr. THOS. WILLIAMS, Chemist and Dru/gist. (. hurch Walks, by whom ¿,I{:: -\l[r{t Advertisements wih be taken at moderate prices, ami who will be happy t-r- ■••• a- >-■ v. n: -rmitlon adapted for publication. the t lying Hniue Keepers and othf r3 "i!! ret. tl'lce in thdr o,v(?r to secure the correcin- ■; >. ■; n 11 the utmost attention i. given. Price of m- inrrc:r>-Cn3tam»ed, Two Pence per copy. SAINT ASAPH UNION. TO I,AND .SC'KVEVOKS AND VAU'ERS. i r p iIE Guardians of the above Union are desirous of receiving X 1 enders from parties ,,WI7g to contract for a Field Valuatioii, without v run j and Book of Reterence ot the Parish of D i SERTH within this Fnion. 6ale Tenders to be ,.t to my 0,,Y'??,? at the W.rkh. at Saint Asaph, 0;' or befor*' WEDNESDAY, the lb'th day of JUNE next, superscribed "Tender for Valuation of the Parish of Dj'jerth." ROB. EDWD. WILLIAMS, Cl^rk to h4 Guardians of tlic said Union. Bo\rd Room, St. Asaph. 20th M iv, l). PWLLHELI UN I ON. APPOIXTMLXT OF MEDICAL OFFICElL 'r'?.?'ofR,?ia,oftheP..v)ih.)iU.onh(.r?yxiY<-? Notice, t(i t tiiey will, at a Meetiiiq- to Ite h^ld at the I'nion woi-khou.-e. I'wilhcli, 0:1 Wednkshav, tIn- »-ii <lav of Jnne, v 1'"514 t '">«"• inucecd to t!?? 1:1 ON i"" MKDK AJ<H t fCKH for !'f't.. '?'r??° Hi?'r.?t'? ? '"? "? ? Salary J t >C. a- the usual extras. g)!f}:):F,:i'{:l; Parishes of Amjreh, I.l m- Sjbi, Llana»lh:u;.ni, and C.-irnsfuwcH. Ih(' [t(h, O!Ii('t'r will ,J" r,'qiiired to reside in the District, ",c<iical Petitioner as nnd hVnin t ^riaaelTof aGse4e il"e f ° ,h« 1«aIi8cations required l.v r-fcUMKH.J Thi t 'I.;te '1 Jtùq 6*rd? ?["?J?u'?'.t./? Hoard rfavofhC h^i \):' ;i I;S¡: t tt: :lO),ï 11 "'d ock a.m. of thc I> "'5' V"*™* to ytt?? li'ard o/ oiST- it the "Ww o f K cUo Pwllheli, IHth   "?"'?'?, ,„ PWLLHELI UIIION. MASTER A X J ) 51A T K O X W A X T E D THE Guardians of the Pwllheli Union will, at their Meeting, 'to l.b..h.t)n!ht.B.M?t:o..n.intheWnrkhnus(.nWn.? 't?- i),, L'3 1, d "y of June, 1858, proceed to elect a MASTER and x i HON f..T the said Workhouse, in the room of Mr. .wd Mrs. s resigned. for the Master and Matron X15, with the nsunlratiotls. •* married, and without incumbrance, will be preferred. TNl:?r must be fully competent to keep the B,k? nnd Accounts, and comply in All respets to the r, It? and regulations of the Poot-I.aw Board, applicable to a Master 01 a Workhouse. Security in Jt'IoO will be required. Application, in the handwriting of the caJHli(late, statl11!l age and previous occupation, are required to be delivered at my Office not later than the 22nd d of June. and candidates should, at oV* k*U ex*>e:i8e* a^eil<^ personally ?. the d??) of Election, at 12  OWE. I By order of the Board, OWBV OWEN, r?UhtU.Mty3ttt.t9-S. ClerktotheCMr?M.) ¡ l)F.o'IT and niSCfU?T i N'E PER CENT, paid 1 on I:m H ceived on Deposit. Interest half-yearly. Hig3her Interest Jr !(Jn periods. The RT. HON. the EARL of DEN'ON, Cli?ki Otfices C>, Cannon-street West, E.C. G. II. LAW, Manager. FOR SALE. Pl l li.k K LIGHT ALIiERT GIG, HARNESS, and handsome WHITE -"V PON V, suitable for a T,ady or Young (»entleman, either to u.de or drive perfect in all his paces, and a fast <*o«»r. Apply to Mr. W. JONES, Xorth Wales Chronicle Office, Bangor. ON SALE, SCHOONER just launched at Connahs Qnav built tinder .-peciai survey, to class A. 1.. nine \ears, at LSovd's <«»- P"sed burthen, about 120 tons; dimensions-length of keel, M 1t f t Ij inches, breadth of beam 18 feet 3 im-hos. depth of hold k l_eet.» inches round counter, strong built. auet wdl finished; wi 1 lUak an "t coaster, bfim» li^ht draught of water wid be ready for sea in about a fortnisht. For further particulars apply to FERGUSON M'CAI.LU.M and Si?ip Flint. WHEN YOU ASK FOR G L E a, ,i WIT A SIC II, OtE T 11 A;r O U G E T IT, As inferior kinds are often substituted. Warwickshire Cement and Blue Lias Hy- draulics Lime Stores, 20, EDMUND STltEET, LIVERPOOL. POUTL\XI>. Ko?nan. and !?M Cement made from Stone only, unequalled in quality, colour, and priee. A Stock of Tam- north Pipes always on hand..Ml!. 3ACXDK1W, Agent. ALBERT HOUSE, 15, SLATER-STREET LIVERPOOL. ??'n.r.\tHX ? Sm.I i'??s visiting LIVERPOOL wiU (* V;:¡'S 'Ili\\ .l\lI rltif'ntli]i3t:roll:I'sl H,t71L g;l .\t!;ah:,c', and all the advantages of an Hotel, (if required.) in the centre of the town, and five mil1llll'3' walk from the Railway Lt:O[]. t (jfore's Ha':l. Assize Courts, Theatres, &c. N.B. An excellent Slll)\Y..ltU()I for the Accommudatiùll of COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS. Terms moderate. W. COLLINSON & SON, FAMILY HOOT & SIIOK ESTABLISHMENT, 124, (top of) Bold-street, Liverpool, TIfi; luru-est assortment in the Kingdom of f.adic s', Gentlemen's abd Chiidreu'd anil Shoes ol every quality FAMILIES AT A DISTANCE Can In"" at any time, a Parcel or Hamper of Goods SENT ol \l'l'LW\TtOS. L?'ICIOP OF) BOtD-STREET, LIVERPOOL. MUSLIN AND LENO CURTAINS, &e. I R(YI("¡f)OI n '}t:o'lie' ot Liverpool :.nil its vicin.tv, that their Stock of MUsLlN all.I L{,r{, \'cri;i, :ft t. i/J¡l'a.\)¡,\ Ji:I. (;: \.I_, I ?f every width, IMMASK TABLE LINENS and DIAPERS BLANKETS, QUILTS, COUNTERPANES, W ELSII and LAN- CASHIRE l'-I.ANNELS, is well 1surtl'd. and rtspeJtfullv invite an Early Inspect on. ?i:utdt'),cmm<:n.9TREHr,HVHRPOOL May 13th, 1*5$. NEW SPRING GOODS, ROGERSON and WOODWARD respectfully announce to the Ladies of Liverpool and its vicinitv, that they have received a Large Variety of NEW SPRING MATERIALS, consisting of Hic" Freneh and English Flounced Silk Robes; also some "cr)" beautiful Norwich F lounced Robes, French and !)aÜdey hRwls. Fret. and English Printed Barege, Muslins, and Cambrics! Paraso's, &«. &c. In the M()L'U\;XGnKrARTMHXTwiUbefounda??t' allll woil-asiortcd Stock of every description. FUNERALS CONDUCTED AS USUAL, 1:5 V,t CHUIUJH-STHEKT, LIVERPOOL, y 15th, 18,,S. MANTLES AND JACKETS. HOOER^ON and WOODW MID respectfully inform the La<lics of Liverpool an d its env rons, that they have received from Paris and Lom'.on th«> most approved NEW SHAPES and P VT- TERNS in MANTLES and JAOKllTS. 13 and 15, CHURCH-STREET, LIVERPOOL, May lath, 1858. L L A X K W S T, NORTH W A L E S, A car iae to/iH'«.y Ration of the London and .Xorth Western Raitwa ij. THE VICTORIA HOTEL, DELIGHTFULLY situated on the banks of the River Con- the Tourist or the Commercial Traveller all the comforts of a way, is now replete with every convenience, and offers to home, together with the elegant accommodation cf a first-clasd Hotel. Proprietor, grateful for the liberal support he has already received, assures his patrons it %vi: be his constant -tudy to merit a continuance of that distinguished patronage so Proprietor, Royal Victoria Hotel, Llanberis. liberally bestowed on his near relative, Mr. Win. Mathewj'late Hot and Cold Baths.—Posting in all ils branches. H. (IKEATOMOX, L'HDi'iiiETon. ESTABLISHED 1702. CARRIAGES ON SALE. JACKSONS AND JONES, COACIDIAKEllS, WREXHAM, (S'JCCKSSOUS TO J O S i; P II COO PElt), IN* expressi g their most grateful acknowledgments for the dis- tinguished patronage and support they have received from the nobility, clergy, gk?titr)', s i nce taking to the above old esta- blishment, beg respectfully to ti??t thev l??, on sale a ;¡ti:Ji;¡qt:iff.ilr¡ft,¡p;\{;¡j¡}:i¡t: The n>'w Carriages consUt of exceedingly light double Bruu:,o v..t!i circular plate glass fronts, for (Jn or two h' i r.-i -;ii £ le seated Cabriolette Fhretons, with and .r;rl" 1 r'):llfi:}¡'ai¡d::illli!:n:h;;I'n,tl; w h eeled I a:un\ i us, with gig fronts and all recent im p rove- ;I' fl\I¡:l\lt I t ;i.lle Ijnt¡l aVIitCe:a,)r::Ï Spring Cart5 of yariOU5 forms; Sociable Cars, adapted for Inn- keepers. Th ahove Carriages are all built of the best seasoned mt(>rial. ami finished ;n a first-rate style of workmanship, anù are all constructed in the t most fashionable forms, combining elegance, durability, and lightness, the %vil .1? of which "ill bl warranted. CCflllCl-hall'1 Fly Chariot; very light running mail Coach, to carry four inside and twelve out light two-horse Break Mail Phaeton, handsome light Chariot, Plnetons, Gigs, Bath Chair, Basket Carriages made to order on the shortest notice. Wrexham, larch :?ud, 1853. THE ROYAL-EXCHANGE ASSURANCE CORPORATION. For FIRE, LIVE, AMI MARINE ASSURANCES, and for ANN N TIE< Established A.D. 1720 hy Charter of Kin? George the First, and connrmed hy Special Acts of Parliament. Chief Ofhce in the lioval Exchange, London Branch 2'), Pall Iall. PELT-ION*- assured with this Corporation incur no liabilities f t I r d by a I investi u s. They enjoy tlH advantages of modern pradl, v. Vdlity of an office which has been tested by the i u ly a Century and a half. Tabi i i Miiims, and oithc Bonus in the Life Depart- ment, may be obtained at the ()í1ilC"¡ of tht Corporation, or from its Agents in the principal towns of the United J\il1;:{dom. JOHN A. IIIG HAM, Actuary and Secretary. Acrent at Carnarvon JON' MORAN Ditto Bangor J. V. II. WILLIAMS. Oítto Pwilheli Mr. DAVID DAVIE3. ACCIDENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A VT' 1'1. 4. 11" £. 4. '-Tr"v £""T ) "{pro. • v riAi.u ni,i.uiiAi<i.r, wr LI) 1 J'.Il M Ji,r.lN, IN THE EVENT OF INJURY, .May be secured by an Annual Payment of £ 3 for a Policy in the RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY. SPECIAL ACT provides that persons receiving compensa- .1\ tion 'li11 this Company are not barred thereby from re- covering full damages from the party causing the injury; an ADVANTAGE NO OTHER COMPANY CAN oVEER. It is 10upd that One Person in every Eifteen is mcwc or less injured by Accident yearly. T)i Company has alreadv paid as Ct:lllpensation for .\ccfdt'Jlb £27.988.. Form? of Proposal and Prospectuses may be had at the Com- pa': \I!¡ :$,} ;I 'í;l :lll t tl rrll; ,\Il' \1: at;e Jlt: i; st,ll where, ho, Railway Accidents alone may be insured g?i.??t by the "uurn"y or year. CHARGE FOR STAlIrP DUTY. aLoou, rnev or NO CHARGE F0K STAMP DUTY. WILLIAM J. VI AN 'Secretary. Railway ra?sengcts' Assurance Company, )i, ;ej?, 3, oi.t '??'\ '<H't;t'O?Y: 'PHL most brilliant display -f Watches in Jl L London, o f every dcscnptlH1 and con- i VVjT struction, is at this od established Manit- factory. Those who cannot personally inspect two >tan;ps for BENSON'S ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLET, con- :aJ:;Jun' ¡:bz[¡:t;i;fr ;?:Jt: ':J a Watch, and from which they can elcct with tl? greatest certainty the one adptLd to their use. Silver W?th,?, from 2 to 50 Guine.\3 eacii. —Gold Watches, from £3 l.js. 10 100 Guineas each. Oi'tX'fOX? OF THE PRESS ON BENSON'S WATCHES. Perfection of mechanism."—Morning Post. '• Excolhncc of design, and perfection of workmanship. "— Morning Chronicle. 1 Le qualities of his manufacture stand second to none."— Iorning Advertiser. desired in ifnish, taste, and design."—Globe. 1 he 'V:tche3 here exhibited surpass those of any other En- g¡lh manufacturer."—Observer. 1 he Morning Herald," "Sun," "Standard." and numerom nth?rpapera. speak of bl'Ill' "I' fir,i,l .f' 11?, celebrated Watches. A WMr?uty with f?.h Watch, and sent, carriage ¡ 1:3n 1,?rt a:ltl111 si!I ai¡'al),d o;elri; rcceitttofrostOmeeorbanker'sOrder. ?rfAa/)?, ?<;?<-r.<, and ?<cA Clubs iupplied. ?a?cAM ?f?)atr?(/. ïBõOT AND SHOll waeshouse, 158, HIGH STREET, BANGOR. JOHN ELLIS nF f)    ,n''thc p,l!j|ic' hc hasrecelvcd A LAKOK ASSORTMENT of LADIES and GENTLEMEN A.) vL.O?O n-? and >IIOb, at moderate price-. lay 13th, ISjR. ))RAPERY S-WASiBilJSYoi M\rF. NEW LONDON llOUSE, CHURCH STREET, NEYV LONDON I-lOUSE, CHIJRCH STREEr, SSKAtJMAKlS. «T O I&3L 1ST  Gentry, Clt'Ts. and 'Mt«nt< of Beaumaris and its vicinity, that he has commenced business J-? at the abo\e place, and respectfully soiicits attention to Uis purchases thepresen Summer Season in the above departments, .w,7hi i4 ch u are of an extensive selection from the most eminent Foreiyn and British Manufactures. :'(:,Ft\i:aIO:E :11:J,:J'}':J:ï:li¡l ¿'tinl:c¡:e;lh" to the system of keeping no class but i?c as h ca i N.B.- '?, a, assorhnents of Wcst of England <?o<?, sx? Zc?M' Fancy Drc,,es, of /?e newest Fash tons. | ALL ORDERS PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO. RUTH IN. JONSS op^.A.isroxs3 MANUFACTrRERS OF L'NmUALLHD SnPA AND POTASH AVATKRS. SI'AUKLIM: AND AERATED GINGER BEER, PFI(IL t(I "III till Itt .?f ,,?d tl,? Public to the of the ?b?, SU.NINIER, FRESHING BEVERAGES.. In returning thanks ior the overwhelming patronage hitherto received, J. and F. hope, by punctuality and despatch of all orders with which they may be favoured, to merit a e.onti<,uani.e ot the support of the p blic. Cambrian Works, Ruthin, Noith Wales, .3,d J,???,, Istt. BANGOR IRONMONGERY WARE HOU?I, W. I'll AX1 is wrrnuis. GJEWERfli St WATERLOO PLACE, BANGOR, BEGS most respectfully l .t:t \!l p 'lf:I ¡o <>' Families. Hotel-keepers, and Parties connected with t Public Establishments, to B ,lAs i,, btock ?f 1' .?T EN L I illzlll" Fl 1111.N i the Prize Medal lt t¡I( Exhibitions of both Xatiols-viz, in London, Dublin, and Paris, with P" ?ppr.b?ti..?, and have p?.,?d to be the most 'ul)ltl 0ll f for Smokin g ^inVfa'AllVibi le remedy for Smokmg Chimneys. W. F' W. 1;?? the exclusive sale 11 these Leamington Kitcheners in this di,t,i?t, of which 1.? b,? not only a ready, select and constant supply, but has a cClmpelent Workman who will attend at any part of North Wales to fix them up, in a correct manlier, and at a moderltc expen.-e. W. F. W. also begs to invite an inspection of Iii, newly extended SHOW ROOMS, which are now stocked with the most modern and approved assortment- of REGISTER GRATES, fenders, FIRE irons, IRON BEDSTEADS, Hat. Coat. and Umbrella Stands, GARDEN AND lIALL CHAIRS, DITTO SEATS, CUTLERY, ELECTRO PLATED GOODS, T K A IJtiVlS, SWING KETTLES, RIATRIS, tLC" EYEltY ARTICLE IN FURNISHING AND BUILDING IRONMONGERY. aBNERAL FURMISHXMG ESTABLISHMENT. ?' U.E?JL??.Si?LJM?i?Lsr J&&J&.?l?I-alQiT.J?LEjj.? .i ? M F F ?'?ii:M' ATIE§, HIGH-STREET, CARPETS IN V E L V E B R U SSE L S, TAPESTRY MliDEliMIKSTEH, FEuT, DUTCH AND VENETIAN, TARLE LINENS, SHEETINGS, BLANKETS, COUNTERPANES, WASHING AND OTHER DAMASKS, CHINTZES, ]J I M I T I E S AND TABLE COVERS, IMPORTER OF SWISS EMBROIDERED MUSLIN CURTAINS, PAPElt IIANG-INCXS AND DECORATION. n f vr m T n nir wwno n T r» m TT Y vr rt VR IU jt-i A JJ JSU XJ « O VUUIAIN ur9 Of the best quality, newest style and Cllt, the Foreman being front one of the first Ilotises in Reqeiit-street, where lie has had a very extensive practice. A MORNING SUIT-COAT, VEST, AND T ROW S E R S I WARRANTED ALL WOOL AND SHRUNK, FOR £2 10s. -W -A- TEEPEOOP T W EED TALMAS, £ S, AND EVERY OTHER ARTICLE ON THE SAME REASONABLE TERMS. AN EXTENSIVE STOCK OF HOSIERY, RATS, PORTMANTEAUS, KNAPSACKS, &c. Having been obliged, by the great increase of business, to again visit the London Markets, JOlIN AROISON BEGS TO SOLICIT AN EARLY INSPECTION OF HIS NEW GOODS. BANK PLACEf BANGOR, NORTH WALES N.B.-SE VEE AL GOOD T A. X Xj O H S "W" ANTED. ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. MEETING FOR 1858, AT CHESTER. ADDITIONAL SUB SCRIPT TON" S E. Waters, Esq., M.D., Xicho1a-stret"t, Chester £:1 2 0 Mr. W. Tayior, Cocrdley, Warrington 1 0 0 E. Swdenham, Esq., Camyralyn, Wrexham 1 0 U Ir. Price Jones, Llansenven, Llanrwst, per Mr. Eur- Inall 1 0 0, 1 John Edmunds, rk ;c I 0 .Ni r. Ly, NVo?r?i??gton 10 0 3 r. Ezra Hobert., 8t. Asaph 0 1.5 0 %lr. J.1?,, cr () l 3 11 Mr. John lloskcll, Glascoed, Wrexham 1 0 0 -N W. EnUl. Bodysgallen, Conway (add. sub.) 010 6 GEORGE CTIIVAS, Chester, June 1, 1S38. Honorary Secretary. | GENERAL ABSTRACT OF THE ACCOUNTS ?F Mr. J. WATKIXS JONES. Tr?.trer of the County ofA.?e?y. ?f his P,i,t and Expenditure of the PuNie St.?k o o lhf O1'Ti llP;' f,,r ti,? y???r I: Wl 3::1 f NI.??h, 1353, allowed is t,Geneial Q? Ses ioiif of the Pe?tee hold at Beaumaris on Tuesday, the 6th day of April, 1858. t To error in last Year's Accounts, Voucher "No. 140 be- l'. charged X-1), instead of 20 0 0 To Cash received frcm the Paymaster-General, for expclIses incurred by the County in Criminal Pro- secutions, amI comeyanceof Prisoners under seti tence of transportation, from the alst Dec., 1856, to the 30th June, 1857 2Gl U 10 To ditto from ditto, on account of the expenses of the maintenance of Prisoner in the Count) Gaol- for food, Clothing, Uedding,and Fuel, for one year to the 30th Sept 911 7 2 To County Kate, at Id. in the £ 1, due Easter Quarter. 1*57 7?0 17 7 T(\:lr; the £ï:il1e 1iity Q;ier +gg l¡ 7 (!itt,, ,l ',I, in the £ 1, due Michaelmas Quarter. 1051 0 To dtto, ",t ?l d. in t;11, due Hilary Quarter. 1S58.. -Oo 17 7 To (htto, from the Treasurer of the Borough of Beau- maris, the Quota of the Dorough of the expenses of the maintenance of the County Gaol and liottsv ol' Correction, from Easter Quarter, lr-;>7, to Hilary Quarter, 18j. both inchlive. being l-20th IIt 27 17 5 To dttJ, penalties imposed for assault?, &c 15 17 9 'jitto: from tI?? G-I,r for Pr of Sales of Odkum Mats, Brushes, &c., manufactured by the [j 9I t le County Gaol 50 5 9',? £ 3020 2 H By Balance of last year's Accounts due to the Trea- £ s. D. surer. 6kO I u By Cash paid for Prosecution of FelolJsat the Assizes -47 14 -4 Ditto Misdemeanours at ditto :;3 13 10 Ditto Felons at Sessions 238 12 5 Ditto 1Ü:demeanours at ditto 29 0 2 Ditto removing Convicts from the County Gaol to to t?, I",t Nl itiba?k 14 3 t; GMt and House of Cwrrection,-Go\er, Matron, d C. li 'Iat,18S 131 Ga.l,r'.i Siiiierintiuatio? 02,,0 Cl plain ati(i Clerk 5]I; 0 Gaol Surgeon 35 0 0 Kepnirs of County Gaol, County Hali, and (irar.d Jury f y unty liall, and Grand Jt?ry ltooln 14 2 ?i')?'?'" ? ?'? -mHU Dead bodies cast up by the sea '0 j Clerk of the Peace's Salary and Bill for Incidents! 101 li •J hxpenscs ot Registration f Voters ss 0 i) A,) for lu?,:1 3 Interest on ttie '?"?'?'"?' ? 7 E-.(h'bition ?' the Poor Prisoners in the Queen's Pri- Bruits ''I! ..103 g J ?rids-M.. ;?tM? Supermtcndin?enn.t?btes.tihthePoliceestaHi?hed 200 :7 3\ 11 Court 'I'd Illt"pl,r 0 i(J fj !:ent9ofHnomstoh?d??SMSMn3??' :??!i lpl"l Itt,"Ii"? the apprehension of Prisoners. 23 10 5 E.pln :C, of Prosecutions under the Criminal Justice A?t j j 1 (Iverti?iiig, Printing Treasurer's A counts, Stati n?d Printiji.- .?.?49GU ry i ?Sur'. )or 0 C,U") burveyor 42 17 0 Expenses of forming Jury List? 0 0 Contingent Payments 4G 13 11 Treasurer's Salary ]CO « 0 MeMena;er,t'o5t!)g(.3,&?. .? :)3t) By Balance in the Treasurer's hands ,t 5til 0 1 (,igned) J.WtLLIAMS.Chairman £361J28\ W. J. POOLE MM. 1 ULKELEY IIUGIIFS a. WILLIAMS BULKELEV JAS. WILLIAMS W. WILLIAMS HENKY WEBSTER HUGH DAVIES OWEN W. WILLIAMS J. WYNNE JONES ltT. GEO. HUGHES J. LEWIS HAMPTON LEWIS HENRY PRITCHARD H. WYNNE JONES. r CHESTER MEETING Of the Royat Agricultural Society of England. P R EL I MI NAltY NOTICE. MESSRS, C HURT ON T-T ATF honour t announce that thev arc mnkin» arrange- Jt, :i' ;oi; ';E)3;I:!I\:{}'b.(::};'i"f i.;S ,,f the f, at Asri<l«»ral show), „f ;?ii kimU of uHnOiU-SiEi- ,CA.M -.1,1- SHEEP. PIGS, IMPLEMENTS, See. Sic., InrtliiT particulars of which "ill b?,i announced ell ?t,?, j I,t,  "?' I M P O 11 T A X T TO DRAPERS, GROCERS, &_NERAL SHOPKEEPERS. ITO BE LET O N LEASE, With immediate possession. 1 MIL Shop, Wart-houses, and Premises called the DOS I ON HOUSE, Btrw, Anglesey. This well known I establishment is equi-d.etant between the Berw Collieries awl uaerwen, on the road leading to Llanjaffo, and is most eligible for busines purposes. 1 he S lOCIv-l.V-l'HADE, consisting of an excellent a'sort- "crK 7 ?' I)r:iPcl .v» Grocer y Iroinnon/ery, &c., to be dis- !l 'Lh<? present proprietor is removing iying t:i k <*n a slnre in the business at London "il ind hp can. with ronlidence, invite the uttcn- II ■■ i the now (1;1'r"jl. A J:r:d!dl is kept 00 the premises. An early application is requested, it3 tjl1 advertisement will not be repeated. Apply to Mr. Eicni). ROBrr:T, Boston House. Bnw, Anglesey SALES BY MR. DEW. MliNAI JJIUDGE. r.irpo n r. t x r r a r/t o x ro cxn J: it v. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, ])V Mil. SVM. DKW, For the beu-fit of h .»te whom it mav eonc«-rn on M«JN]J\V the 7th dny of June, 1>5S, at the NCI.KKLEV AIIM-. Mci.i- Jiiid -e ,F¡ i;:i:; Ir:¡ :.?1,!i:Jli Sloop "CAU'n .N ] Lo s A Re g ister, and carries 45 Tons, as she now i; t!ie Pier. She is well found ill Sails, Chaiu. Koo- ,n v ciior< Also, tile full Cargo 01 MOULDING, now on bjard. Sale to commence at 3 o'cûck pm. ANGLESEY, X O It Til W A I, E S. TO BE SOLD, p ursuant to an Onler of the High Court of Chancery, ma le in a ^nise Bnrnwell v. Iromonger, with the approbation of the ice-Clianceiuf, Sir Kiehard Torin Kindcr&le* v, theJud *'eto whose Court the said Catise is att ie h e d — I B Y M It. w I 1,1, I A M DEW. AUCTIONEER, At the BULL HOTEL, Llangefni, on TUESDAY, the 8th dav of ,Iwelve o'clock at noon precisely, in Lots— i l i l->TATE?f in the I sland of Anglesey, of the -1 'io f Coedheh-n, deceased, containing u p w. ,,i the Towns of Amlwch and Cemmiics, cotnprisiiig [•"arms, with vain ihle mineral rights i!l thl' n,>i/¡ 1, r>'s Mines, and a Dwelling-House 1a" ndV1 V Lands at \,nl«-ch. and i„ v .uighl ourhood. aii!> .md printed p.irticn! l .itions of Sale, mny l?? bad (Tat¡sl m London%of M. • li tyes, Barnwell and u-e, and of Mes?rs. rl:: i'V>o1i1, 1>11, aud I'lldcr, solicitnis, :(), 1, New S::r:ff L(rl Tnn. lu 1 !l' counti y, of Mr. Haslam, Estate Age.it, Carreg Bran, J "t". lir' of \he Auctioneer, Mr. William Dew, taL'H, tro,V eitln i of whom any farther iniormation may be ob, tained and at the Dinorben Arms and Castb- Hotels, \mhHh; Bull (h,t,I, L1a!1crchY!IJedd; H.oyal and C:tf!I' B,)t(,¡, HIJly- nead li,?lk,?]?,yA and Liverpool Ar Hotel- Beaumaris •N'ortsman Hotel, Carnarvon; the B?ll Hotel, Llangefni • and the BrÜih Hotel, Bangor. FRED. EnS, EDWATtDS, Chief Clerk. r'HKEU, HAYES, BAUNWELL, and TWBHE (j0, Russell Siiuare, Pliintiirs 5ùlit:itors bnvescrved Sale oj Farming Stock, Growing Crops, Old Hay, and Household Furniture, AT FFRIDDOEDD, BANGOn. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MH. WILLIAM DEW, On Trp.n\ Y, June 15, IK5S (commel}cing at 10 (or 11 o'clock a.m.) THE Whole of the valuable LIVE and DEAD STOCK,&c. the 1)toperty of t]?? l?t, 31r. Edward Jones, of Efriddoedd com- pn!:ting a noted JhiT}" of 6 C,)" in?e?f.and 'a° ?o?t'i? ''i'n fuH proht one 2-veai-old BuU, of the short horn breed a pro- mising eailing Heifer, and 2 C??1,6? 7 Ewes, 1 H ,m, and 12 Kam.is pure Cheviots); a well-bred Open Sows 1 stron Store 1 ig, and -J ",all 'lilt. 2 acthe Cart Horses, and th celebrated fast-trotter Tommy." A large collection of superior IMPLE- MI.N i.-5 in HCSBANDUY", which includes 3 prize Hay-M;iking Machmc, Ch?r ?ut?r.WuuH.?u.?M?hinp.C?J'H?.?. I loughs, a strong Stone Roller, &c.; about U Tons of Prime Hay. ho, tile talld1ltg Crops of Hay ,uHf Corn; a quantitJ of \Yheat °'iB> arley, in slacks, e and the Depastuiing ot 36 Acres up to November next, together with the neat HOUSEHOLD FURNI- L??(i ?, 1;t(,, .?,l Dairy Ut il,, &(!. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. WILLIAM DEW, Under a decree ot the High Court of Chuiceiy, in a suit Wil- liams v. Jones and another," on WEDNESDAY, the 23rd day of June, 1 58, at the BIUTISU HOTEL, Buugor, at six o'clock in the evening precisely— ALL ti, 't old-established and well-accustomed Iron Foundry, ,it??.t on the beach ,t Huacl, in the Parish of Bangor and known as THE 1\1 E N A I F O U N D R Y, With the larg-e Yards and convenitntly-arrangcd Fittin°g Shops, arc-houses, alld OJ!iceg, i di, also A COMFORTABLE COTTAGE RESIDENCE, Attached to the premises. lhis property i? very eligibly situate for any business con- nected with shippin" It has a frontage .t the beach of 90 feet, and a depth adjoining two other public thoroughfares of above 130 feet; and it i? held under a lease, of which 27 years Were unexpired )n the 1st day of Mav, 1858, at the small p,)r- tioned annual ground rent of £ 5 payable to Col. the Ti'on.? G. Douglas-Pennant. The precnt occllrer Messrs Owens, Williams, and Pace, hold under a repaiting lease, oi which two years were unexpired on the 12th day of M.?. t'S?'. ?t !?' annual rent of ??). '?'' For further puticula.r ,p ly to Messrs. UOUERTS, BARBEB, and [fUr-lIES, Solicitors, Bangor. SALE BY MR. DAVIES. VAL U A li L E FREEHOLD FARM AND LANDS. LLANRHAIADR-YN-CINMERCH, DENBIGHSHIRE. TO BE SOLD 15 Y AUCTION, BY MR. EV AX DAnES, A' 23,,1 f J. Iv;?, at 4 o c oc k in the afternoon, sub j ect to conditions to be then pro(ll1ced. in the following or suetl other Iots. as mav be agreed upon at the time of Sale- LOT 1. A'-L THAT desirable Farm called Dyffryn Maelor I'arm," situate i.n the I -ns h of Llanrhaiadr-yn-Ciiunereh, in the County of J Denbigh, with the Dwelling-house, Out-buildings, Gonsc and L-iiurmng Mid, Gardens and Appurtenances, late in the occupa- tion of Mr. Robert and now of Evan Evans together with the several I-ields of A. able and Pasture Land thereunto belonging, containing about 99 acres more Of less. This Property is well situated near good roads, and is distant (rom Denbigh 4 nules, and from Ruthin 5 miles. LOT 2. All that Me3SuaKL> or Tenement called Ty hn y foel," other- i"' in \J¡,111 _iI :n( aùjoiniT?g thoP -t ?'h "U" "RLHI" lll<n;lU UCIOflln'Z. no\ 111 the occupation of John Edwarcis, and containing 2a. 21. ° JJp., Further particulars can be )bti,i?,d from Mr. JOHN PARKY M^1i•lNls, n'?'H??  ?Olil?it0l'. I>l'nuigh. and frum the AUCTIONEER Kind's Denbigh, Iay :W!h, 185S. SALE BY MESSRS. HILL & SON. MERIONETHSHIRE. Valuable Freehold Estates, containing upwards of 5000 Acres. with Lake of Water, Grouse Shooting, &c., in the picturesque Vale of Llandrillo. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSKS, HILL A NI, SON, On WEDNESDAY and TIU KSDAY, the -r d and 21th davs of June Is.-M, at the OwliN GLVMIWH HOTEL, in Cortven, j. the County of Merioneth, SEN EKAI. most rompM) ami delightfully ,i,uated EST?TE-? S Ei1 1\ 't\ Cl;):r,s aft i:flYLiifí:lt:}:);: &nd I.L.nicH. iu the County of d?ill.t divided into Farms aud other smaHer Tcnemcnt. aud enerally known bv the several names ol Branas Lodge, Braiias-issa, Ilranas-ueha, "lVny- C?,, L ?.1, Ca, Howell Hsa, Olanvr 'afon <!areood, Braichdu, Merllyu-Gwyn, Tytandderwen, lirynd erw g :rOnel;ecl:ù \l y Jl fÙ !) :l;: \(Tiafl[); d: ??'?t '?')!?; rf" IV ^n^yndyn. Cwin Cottage, Cdu Crieni, allt T lien Olatvdd, Brvndu, Tai Issa Lla\;rycwm. w'v'^n" 'r ??3 ? in C?c?ra Ucha' Caer» I»«>. Ty'nyfrydd, CablyJ t' ?.gi" riawi1' ?^fn L)w.v5ar" (noted for 8nipe silootiiil T v I Ti5 >r', Bwlch G^neddoy, Plas hsa, Ty- :;?'h?"i3?h"??- ?'?- .L'??"i.? ? '?!yd: C, °i /T, L>' ?fTi'?? ?'? ?' '?"?.? Isa L 1 wvncnvV\'n'i Il sf fSlxteen Acres, abounding with fish together with !UV v C-ttz?g. a., ?t?,l?,d p i of Land, the whnSli ,!f l 1 tvs' t. aUs wlU be Ior .,I, in 53 lots. T Ja'e t0 cominence each day at Two o'clock precisely. > ">?»<> of LorJ WarJ. Sir R. W. Vausthan, IUri,t, ° lce' E?(I., and other parties, and lie principlIy rJsn ul \r« i[XT ♦ Til Turnpik Road leading from Corwen to Bala, ùol1tl mi.l}es from the former, and 0 mil$ from the latter place, m the picturesque Y? 0'?Ju?'iHo? ?°' ihe> are in part bounded by the Dee, iu which there is xce e!it fishing, and on different portions of them Grouse are lound in abundance. The respective tenaHt? of the different Farms will scw them, and de?criptive particulars of the respective Lots, wilh Litho- :P11;r{:1::1 P,carbi :8rlt'eOS:,y\ 1111: C.rw?. f Mr. John Williams, Gwernhefin, near Corwen; of Mr. R.b?rt?, í:ah'ai;aeG'iIeih, A:tl o; ;tl: Offices .1 Messrs. Longueville, Williams, an d Jones, Solicitors, g:tr, I"'ill'ff''i' 'i ;if!t¡;ihI: ,,ir d. Oiweitrjr, May 13, 18J8. f SALES BY MR. FELTON. i YO TIC E <) F P () S TP O X F. M F N T. t fPH E Sale of the Schooner Four Brothers," advertised to take 1 place at the Erskme Arms Hotel. Conway, 00 the 11th of June, is POSTPONED until further Notiee. G!:(?):?i;FEf/r<JX,Auc!)r.,t.r. Penrhyn, Conwa y or d June, S5S. I P'i'i.D'' 0. Sale of useful Modern Household Furniture, and other Miscdlanous Effects, AT EROXDECi HOUSE, CHURCH WA1.KS. MR. G E O 11 G E 1" E L T O N Has l>een favoured with in^tiu.-iioT.s fiom Mr. Thomas Jon,# (who ;l;rliI;: \e,( \\l;ill;:(;; \t J ¡Ht;):\ ;I;I on tlir* Premises as above, on Tucii-DAY ^«d tmnw the 17th, ,,d 18th d, I j ls:,s, VSK ,);.> 1(:'1:-1 A L1, 1_ lt N 1.1, U » i!olT> FURNITUU.Cu;, -"mu £ Mahogany Sideboard 2 can >; '1 1 I >ofa* iu hair cloth 2 Dining '1 ables one liair- -atcd, .md one sprib £ « seated Mahogany laisy Chairs Square Pi.anolorte, iu Mahogany Case; Spanish Maliogiiiy Ch flower «)o. do. Hat Stand; Bronze I-enh-rs «nd polished Fire Irons; lir Tei Urn 2 t(?I II fj¡ t,)\ I;; 'a t)I: d I -I i; :rr,j711; l' J:I;1 t I f' J\:n a)j :t;r ( arpetings and IhllZ(>t; stained birch and metallic H'd(:ad, with moreen, chintz, (Ir dimity hangings; S prime :Jit,. I!,)d.> 1'eat her Beds; capital Blankets. Counterpane, and other Pell Linen Dressing Gi ^scs, on Spanish mahogany trafs; painted \ralht;jllds, Toilet Drawers :11111 Tables; oak Chest of Drawer.- cane se.tted Chairs '• painted lI:min1:' Wardrobes capital day Clock ill Kitchen; i l)res«rr»; CI)r.k1fl Table; OakCh iiis: Iron, Coppir, and Brass Saucepans, iv. ules. Stcw- pan<i, a:; 1 otl-er conveni-n.-es for Culin\ry purposes and Kitchen t tjui^iti a small collection of G !<J, China, and Earthenware* and !tia:i\ out-door effects. On view 1he r-lil?Z of thc I?, of Sale. Sale to commence ?t 12 o'clock. Catdogoes will be ready for distribution a week piioi to the day of r>aie, and may be had on the prem;»t ■; at Uo- HotcU >,r- Willi-s ("hemist an I ltrus^ist. Church Walks; or at the )111 -cs oi tl, Au 'L'?, ciel R H Y L Important and hijihlj iattract ire Sa'c of China, PorcchiDt, Glass, and Juirthciucare, Electro- Plated floods, and Fauci/ Articles. MR. G E 0 It G E F E L T 0 X Bejr. I'r,pt'{'tfal1y to an11:1I1:II'(' to thl:" Inhabitants of tbp 1'IIW:1 an I the surrounding di-tri't, that he h.18 been instructed to the 0,) SELL BY AUCTION, M -li iv and T H n"'1> the S.ird and' Ih d.i'vs of June, I ")!!6, A N e x ,'ilinjrly valuable and cho ce se i-ct i uu u f l'() Rt' El. VI N iX CHINA, GI. V<s, and EA K ll EX WARE, ctimprUin,' lund- ti: Tea, Breakfast, Oinner and D-'ss-Tt s-ervices, in '.mt signs, and of very superior quality; tinale and double "l" of Toilet Ware, and Chimney Ornaments, in beautifully p noted lio or o-.her patterns; a great quantity of MASSIVE AND IthIlL Y CUT ULASS, in Wil?? and .Spirit Decanters. Ci.trct Ju s V.,?,, Wine «ilasses. Tumblers, (ioblets, am i Lou- l'i, kl, .i Jars. Preserve. Mar- maladi' aod 1-ruif Di«he», itr.. S:c., &c. i r.t;:r:i;jt;ttii:(:rif;¡ verJ >: •• ure, consisting of superb T and Coffee Sets. d in the tinest stvle; Liquor and CrueC Stan :• mely cut and en^r tv.- rB. ii le-; Toast Ra'- v- ].■; -,o s c and Fr't M.. -alsers.'aiu l oil'"1 illit-t)tal articics, ?.i "1,. and ub- st:-I,: •' • ,:p-tlw whole ben.j ( m, -a from the celclr.•••! :oi \JI'"sr8. HOLL.VSON and son, oi B.rmingham, whicli the Auctioneer can, with confidence, recommend tiJ the Gentry, H<itel-keepers, and parties furnishing generuhv. On view the morning* of the days o f e. *a e 10 commence each day at one o'cl(lek. punctuallv. Any furt1¡(r information to be had of th Auctioneer, at Lí Oflic:o1, Penrhyu, near Comvay, and Church Walks. LI tn-luduo. SALE BY MR. ORMISTON. GAR T II MEILIO XEJB CORWEX {f CEltllYG I' DRUIDIOX. IMPORTANT 5ALK OF Y"'I,1J,\RI.' HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, LV THE VILLAGE OF LLAXGWM. T 0 BE SOLD BY AUCTION, 13Y MR. ORMISTOX, On TCFSDAY. 8th of June, l;). in the Village of Elan jwm, where the things have been removed from Gartbineilio, the Executor# t'u' 'ate General Ogilvie not having the power to hold th, e ak at the Mansion— H"d ()']ur v rv v 't HOUSEHOLD I.uj ',NI'L't, I-' ati?t Din- i• ng T Talbli e? on ♦ teI levcop.'Irain-■ '1\):i1;tn l¿; leaves, together U ft. long; I- u,niilM^anv din- ing room Chairs, hair stuffed and eov.-red m Ul .r r(0. pair of Chair Backs, pair of hamhotne ma), ogam i ,< with raised backs and drawers on carved front- r execll -n t Turkey Carpet, 17 ft. by 1Gft. 6in in c-m1.t ts small ditto (I. ft. by 6 ft. 6 L'?? PoHIHi led Fender, and et of Fire Irons; set of crimson o, ainasft Window curtait1s. bullion rrilgt!11 and gimped and c. with rings, pili iey, .s.:c., complete for a bay i 1 1 1 a l 1 hlI1HI; large double headed ofa, witll. han\¡ uM.iiogany frame and leg, hair stuffed, and CQ\ d. J: the Drawing Room Furniture consists of ier and set of Fire Irons; neatly new Brus- l¡:lllt C..r¡ u'Irdn:f:. by t-:f;e 1(II:: n(t(I\HVo::ï: damask »muun Curt;tu}. with deep bullion fringe and lmp, and uanusome maple and gold cornice, with rods, pu le'vs, &e. fur Lay window; pair of handsoloe rosewood Card T;1ble, top- hued with, tine cloth; octagon top curled oak Loo Table, on hlnped pill ,r nd. claw rosewood Couch in fawn coloured damask, Wlt1 extra chinU cover. boUter and down pillow; patent roller and Window Blinds. Ottomans, Needlework (crested: tOI) itool. Carved oak llaB Table, with j:, n i ei m• .c'»n.»dle23 7 ft. by a ft. 6 in.; pair of ban i nfd od frames, the one with maroh s.,i :• • • to!llal"h: dark oak Cupboard pair of d ii K \v,A I .r arllJ rings; patent roller and r > cl.? in oak case. llarometerJ 8 oak Chairs, Office Table ou turned legs and castor, Hcc. &c. Three lolty four-post Bedstead-, one with handsome carved oalc posts, pai.nelled foot1, ,ri i,ccs, furnisUvd in crimson moreen, with deep biii. another with policed "wI handsomely carved bn ■ .tboard with cornin> &:(". draped in green chint/. i: I hound heed. and fringed amber colour; the other m >p r with carved pillar f,).Ib ?r.], upholstered in wth crimson fringe, p??d d 1.(!" and ùep bullion frii, ..t tetL @t'ad., appropriately furni-h'-d •. P,d¡ 1 <>t!^r MaUresse?# g,,os? 1 V"v.W '1 ,v 11,11':u ;y GI 1 oot Pan?, >uir Carpets and bra?s roils, copper Coal Scuttl- »s kc l icc. A small selection fCut Gi,??q, in Wines, Tumblers, C,t. rmger Glasses, Decanters, Water Jug, See a few 1) ?hes and 1 iates of o d Na C',i,?, Trays, L, &e. ,p rt iL)?,?;b rrLI (i,? Nets, ."?l uumer- ous other effects which ,ill be arranged for ímpccti{m by the mornillg of Sale. Sae to rommcllec at eleven for twelve ,/dork most punctually. igfair, St. Asaph, May, 1,54. HAIR-DESTROYER. 2 4 8, HIGH II O 1, 13 0 li N LONDON". A \;i):; ROSS'S DEPILATORY, for removing effec- tually superfluous hair from the face, neck, arms, and hands without the slightest injury to the 8kin. A. R. ?iil warrant it not to irritate the flesh iu the %inalic?t degree, 3n the hair to bo entirely destroyed. Sold in bottles at 3s. Gd., 5s. (id., and 10s. Gd. orsupp.ied at the I-lair..D)eing Establishment, as above. For-; warded for stntmps carriage free, 9d. extra. To be had at the Othco of this Paper. RU P T U RES. By Hor Majesty's Royal Letters Patent. HOO-M4JH LEVER TRUSS R I:j t1 no steel spr ing round the body, is reeomm-mM for the following peculiarities and advantages-Ut facility or application; 2nd, perfect freedom from liability to chafe or .-x- coriate 3r, ?t may be ,.r. ith ?,l?al comfort'in anv pps tion o the body, by day or iE?hl; 4t t f?,ry kwd .f (,ftl?, b.,],b ?, daI ?? ligl,?t inconvenience to the arc?r, and is perfectly concealed from observation. W e do not hesitate to give to thi Î;¡n:,ntion OU unqualified approbation, ..d we strenuously advise thc use of it to ,dl those who stand in ""d -i that protection, which they cannot so fully„ nor ilh 11?? same comfort, obtain from any ottl? apparatus or trus as from that which we have the highest"satisfaction in thus rccommendiRg.CIH1rch and State Gazette. Recommended by the following eminent Surcon5 William I erguson, Esq., F.R.S., Proft'or of Srl!ry in Kin?** College, Surgeon to King's College Hospital, <' O. Guthrie, ui-geoii to the Koyal Wc.i! ■" ''i-hi l- mic Hospital; w B., Esij., F. R S ;)ic Kli:,ittdll Ji; l:I'c¡i'i;), ,I statit Surgeon to Guy's Hospital; W. Con]i 'Ia to ,:(;!ti;lt:or:!ii; Hlizard C ir' K. sur- geon to thc London ?l,itat W. J. 1 .r_reon. n- Chitf to the !etropohtan Police Force; K "viigoon to Prince Albert Robert Liston, I' K. tines Luke Est j Surgeon to the London Tru, Erutuius WiUoa A descriptive circular may be had by post, and the Trus* Est F.B.S.,and many others. (which cannot fail to lit) call he forwarded by post, m sending tile circumfcrence of tile bod) two inches below the lllPJ to the manufacturer, mauufa('tuJ'L'\lr. 'VUlT" 228, Picarlilly, 1,.nd.?? Pricc of a Single Truss, !6s., 21s., 2Gs. Gd" and 36d. Dou1)lc" 31$. Gd.. 4:, ??(i 52s. 6d. Postage, l?. 8d. Umbilical,, 4 2s., 1iJ. GJ., Postage, 15. IOJ. Post-office orders to be made payable to JOB:" WHITE, Post-ollice, Piccadilly. ELASTIC STOCKINGS, KNEE CAPS, &c. The material of which these are made, is recom- mended by the Faculty, of as being pculiarl} ELASTIC and ClJll'In:IULE, and E It S'f INVE'N'TION foe giving efficient and permanent ?upp?rt in all ?ses of WEAK% NESSaf'I LEGS, VA1UCOSE VEIN* spRAT??i?dl &0. 1t 18 porous, hght m texture, and iiiexpe@ive und U drawn on ike an ordmary tocklDg. rice fro@ 71.54. ta 18s. each. Postage, 6d. jolIN WHITE, Manuficturer, 2S8, PICCADILLY LQNDOM Ui>»cwi9m mt be leea » the fflsw l'a1,.