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INMIA- A.i. and oc\>,l, i: H. L,it •I-VCM! [!;«' > r. t h,- 15t 1, :i .\1 :i, :;Id ('1 till' irth »1"' ¡,iH3:' torn-, :• 1 h. ¡:1'o\'(' ri:- iii-MrL'-< ut ot the cuv. I hey v.. 15 ( ;t. \:('k'Iti.\ î: ;'4 :y t'; i. ;tl ;Vi->\lVi:»'Nts >\ :t ;vy I -s. A }Lll \UVS\\ <MI ii.111:i!■ !i < wis 10 1:i.(1 and 6'7 w-M.'i' U. •* ;,111 jtttafknl Hod t!i"ptTsrd a ■ •: i. ri « ;.i\ik-inrficted v 1. < ;in .:•» d ,,tr << r i ;nfeisv of the :^uv_ru^ \>w[ i t. otlwTswithtwM <v ■V 1-»( •(• }v< < U-vu «u*- i :■ i. i- i u'c.f, :?. 1 'y '.? t the tu? l :r i n_- ti. ;• ,■■ — V.i ha\o in,port.mt mnvs a-to tin' in-iirc'i:t-. H ie Utah- iieirum b .,M'» li -■ t- rt K* b y. a' ad w:: ii about 1■ i'* V f 11 vii] i:e had arr ve d at Th- I'l:lii it h v -till "• '■ ■■- s i- trying h -tr cts-a rtv. -a.- l -t rupees !•«> I-■» r M- j.r- h n- ni. » f s hea d i,i;:ti't. r- :i t l .«f Ai :ih an d n. a ri h T- ,i ij, uj., M, .an :■ i: A II.' '.I N> V :1.1 nr. y ■. ::i tii;it in tin' ii n.illl Si' -uvs i:ln l til- .i >• .• — i: jn*t i^ 'i i' l f- v { M..IHT il U 111 tl 1 L Ki'iiruaw, a SI JH V i.f tin' :Wt!i lii'-ini' tit J hit .ntrv. at Hnny h i v. wi.< •« !»»• triv: l t i" wn;i a <1 u i: _r w 1' <• Lar.t'-U'V J v ■ !d,¡ in t!1I' stu. ,¡¡¡:t lit. ';)! v- ¡." iui>« It. I!•• t'H.ii'i iilty ,:i a l.h.^t v.. r. ,\l,) l.i.. ii: the > ^tvc.' tii'ii of th<- r(»u t u Mw;-uv.>s i;uv::v' hu-n vre.'Oiu-fvK- d Ui«- v «w** i'l hisv;<>inravlvs tlu- I\" tlu ir iui4'!i*Utl viftiirt v. in a hazaar, tl.t-\s\nt up to h«v, anll aft, r CTMrtir. KIT n.wil a.k,lluf in a ti.mal way to t;):.t' ami I t < t' Jirrnrk with th1Il. Slw 1 t • M. • ..1. and accom* tluin- Tli. y ti. v. ikinr \.uite chuor- tully, fjut IJf the B,lzaar lin- t 'ft 1-all il iw plain, in tbj!)g' which tIHY h.iI'P'l'd t., ui«- t, ;«> it reinain- iti^ tiv*' St-jjoy s ;-nd tIlt, },If"t.t.L U'Iku tiny had ^ot hpl"e a ot' jivvar k rva- hv«>uih t, aa d v.hih* th<-y idl seemed :I :t'k",t )i\I¡:k i. i<- ;J ;t:lê's t ::{;: I \,c:k .ralllahh>I m 'i!d. X!J MMJIHT wa t }¡i n-u!t produced t1lan »'\« ry <«• «,t' 1wmst.'r:i rnv'^)i«-d th' iv }»;< r victim, aftiTwhi- li iu' to a 1'11;111'.1 ti.II}J1{1 < ti the Lanks ..f tlu' 1'oll;1I1:(;I:t rj:l' !"k"t' 1, stripl,ptl 11('1' ,f all her loth, and 1: a tin- and n aste<i her alive stomach n-wnward>. a 1'I':o\.IH' .¡ ;tk and pkr<\d her ear md :her parts of hn' uy tit it. heat her with a rattan, and tortuivd hi t- to death. X<»t ^tUtied with this th«*y brought ,[('iJ;:I;t@:[;i:fi;:t;i;i:(;tii¡ antonna nt, in ov d ev, it ap;» aw, that "all \v .<. t d y mij:ht spit nj.on it. Tw«> i' t i->r iurlit wiv•:» ic-s have heen "(•ntcjirrtl to ;a-at!l, .11. thf i • 11.: i H i! L? «- i i •rtat ion FKATS OF I;UAVK!;Y. The (!• -» p a* <Me'S ti.enl :"ll sevi'l'• s of! y;.y' y P^'t i olln.er*, hnt not '>n» word is >ul <«t i;.e i.cL<>iii ot the jr \at<- so d er. J h e fullowin^ ar«* ><ine instances t'o f \a ,f ti :y::i Kinnn-er*, nnjdo him-«U --oiis p irn-i< in remov ng a hreastwov l from an iron i t:,t' "1; ;ij i;(;1 I! ¡: 1:1(:ljl:r] it, i t 11; :)f; 11(lJ: I Jen-a 1 1,'H.:ib'r. "all1 acr«>>v tlie ti011Ihc, aud hy :taw.1- inir on the parapet Ilutili.1 to our tioojis that tile line of eH- tnne ijnent v.as ahandoju d hy tho enemy: a nd in dointr M» i.r » \p'»^tMl hnii-eU tearles^ly. Iwo oilier* <i'the7tli I' :;i: t ;I:ii:r,! ;¡: ;T ,I';i¡;i' I ;it;, f"r into the Il1idt of a number (If the « n»-my in the atterti] to resene Cornet Ha1:k, w ho Jay on tb. irr. HTid w"im<{ •• Hat n is ev.-u jnove i!iter<-stin^ to r<.?ti?<?).t..i:t\\?h.?t.<)tHM. :!H\ ltlh: HaltaHon, e>p»- ially <li;n.rti:<l.< d himself ill "im.r a wouniled sol- <li« r IIf hi from fal!i11; into tLp hand* oftheem my y rep. at.dly ruining th»-ir tire while th- y w«:r»- 1't:ÜI!. «'ii hilH. tho o.-iy (JJ:r two soldier* pr-^r'nt 1"1 'lt;!('11 ill a,'rv in:; tho WI !¡It.tl man to th<- rear. HOW ('i I.X i f 11 [; 1 \VAS '1'¡, Ti.t i 'i h .v ii'. in'oM^t n^ letter is tV-im an v.fS eo;' oi^'a^ed 'a:¡ 1; i¡:)\t: j'r't"1 i 1 i, 1 -S08,—My dearest—, We left 4 :hlilh (H thj l>t Mareh. 0:1 tlie tith we ap- proa -lied C iiriidivi. We t !.r< \v out skirmishers in front, and a d vane. d t h ronv h a j 'inir l c- of hus h es w ith s h ort irrass un d er i.,pt toward. tho Oppo«ite a ruined pakct" from whidl ,;j! 11;.r!el::IIIT¡; :;itl'; :l;}¡;t: heen tired 'II day hi-foro, the reo»' U had hir't a uall of !• ose >tones a-'ros* the roa d we tivnl a tj: shots at t;I,t::H1(1,J the lioyal Rnjrimevri then e l eare d tho roa d A f«-w hundred yards beyond th pa l aeo is a V.-rtiie d v: \v\ \\jL wall. Th rrH:vart, whieh was partly vu- i- .ia l l. it <are!u l ly hi.il, ap in inanv f d aii-es anew h A I'o'iLret h er it was a vtry 1 > A t!.»■> pla*. < an<l fioin an old tower on a Lill tit ,11' h'fl the neuiy t-red awey Yig-0rou.ly, but none of bc V.K \1,\ \I"a. \V\u-n the way Wag elear we advanced t..wavd- tho wan ill kirH!i..llilt ordor, whilst anuther party w,i> « nt t., eh-ar tLp hill. As we approached the wall thp m< my !:i1: I I. iviManl five witlaaii d<»i»»'j* n« any daina.e, and t< wJiich \/e 'pli^h I fear without ei 'e. r. 'When we p>; asantsy tla v bo l ;e< l A few mvu wvie killed iniho village and on the hill, '\1 \ery fov.. We did not advan- any f.a\her that day. j"d < la amp' d ouNido the wal!, \\f mijlit 'Hln' ::01:" t:¡¡:II;11 t! villas*-towanis the fort, 1 -ut ",IIIJ:¡H t!.I"JI Ii;"p i ni- upon the town. W»», there- ft iu-\t Morni1. ma<h' a ih-t"ar round the hitl to nnr ;¡'itt fIr about t \0 \li)(' an d u .wupol i 11 a lanri' plain. lion j. a illasre u»;u-1 the hi IN !Ill the sido nearest tIt" tort, whi h W, (••eenpied by ir:r\ -ent for the parpo.se the ni«rht 1- f ore. At tho e:.tron ity of the plain is u ir<»r<-re between ;wo hilU \v i* h f- r.n its boundary. The hill to the ri^ht btiete !»e- forwards towai d* tlie tori, whieh l on the extre- mity 1 oppositf, and to the li. 1: I t\¡ttl the jrorjre. ,t :i; hill i* Hat ;A th" t"p,an< l ov. rt il with .sma l l trees, l'etween it i;i.d tJ r. Lill > a ¡fit,¡1 (ii-.l visible fl't¡1t\ tht., Lror-e), Wi> h s eut xv ;»■?* tie' fort ,r; tt.aked by .J".m lkiptiste, aji' !;■ •> > ia! 11 •* f- p <-|ie< Tho town is immediatelv op- pi^ ie th irovire, be l ow and to the left of the fort, an d ^irete h o, u-.r it ao-i-s ti\»> va le y from the iior^e t h ere is u rr.a^ni. 'avnt v ew in en< h dmv. <>n. (Ja the one side you !ei k down < n 1V; plain in whieh. our eamp is situated, amid>t tr»'.■< end !'vhiUt two la k es add to the beauty of the p r o^ p- .i- t 'hi l :e <- p po* i tes i eat ^nr.e distance is a la k e, \\m- m* y \s i'd tl d u>%e tv> the vi^ht, and a low vanjre of h:1U eyios d Oo tho ^n-n d n.^ of the ^th wo opened ui ¡ :{'l/i'I:I:;1'I:, ,{ :?¡: :i:i:: t :i e'I:eE (nly I ti1 t lt. |ii ".i l s or, 'mi l y t tin y c.iao lvau i.vin' tliv I.lll into t-xi' 'n:! '• !:• v. i-anii. is sit'.iat« thousrli the ainji is Car i.uia». .nust liav« jr.nw n i vivv 'I: i;.Wr' t.I¡J'tr:. h'l:i:e:\¡ a()\nt' il1'fnn)nl.d '■ in front of tlip tin,, plt; wI Iii'll :;}¡"I 1:¡ttt'kr, h ii. 'n aim. Ssill, t! f'Hf'my timl their tire so i:t, ,ia' i< y «:t un d er the ::T.ns tt> load o\.er their la-a' U t'o; to <>. p o> tlaiv hot l ies. They :I;ii¡i: ¡: ,11:: 1:t:I¡: 11!)t;¡¡; t"/ riu'ltt over oneof tho: a:;d they iii'vl it immediately after- wa:d Two ot the it h» h-« re hlowti e h >an up into the air by a shell lesterday. They ate very .-n c k n«.;v in serving tle-ir Liin>, and en' y expose t h eiase l ve> i«n- u steou d On the Iflth I \;a on o-Ujmst duty. When I reached HI." post, tlit, en_ ineers were t'r:!a::ct1 ill 11l't'I':u'jUf. a hatterv to the rijrht d t!" wait, which screened our men, and on the s lope Oftlu hith The Uoyal Kn-ineers work at night, Hwl the IJombay Sappers during the day. 1 -rot a ritle and went torsvar d Atter uoiii; some distanee I espied the most a d vanced wan that I, S awl a few men had visited in the eavl monjiuir. 1 crept up ;5 i4ear a 1 1;1)uli.1, and then ii:.uti. '.tin. stoi pinir I'.mvti with m' y hat in niy hand. As il a-- I u1 niv loath 1 romniotu't' d taking a stivvpy ut tin t-. 'L .1 li li'sci. -c i hail iinuun l Tlu rvlit' l s saw tiiy -ii a; au.1 iii-i' wid, 1l1;ttt'lml. I hal td lie 1'Vti;. as t l .rv cm'. d u Va.. mti l a l' my i«is t i .-n from tin- h'ft. 1 ili'l mil. 1;(), • at:* .•!«• at whom ilill c.tdd i-i t a -t. It als,, ..I'iimd 11.1. tilat 1 11lidlt r{).-ibly ho ("ll i.ii..1 list i .yi.iid 111\ 1"I.i(ll tho hill narrows to a naiural cuitM'tva.v uf na^i d r'J< whi.-h u1'Î;dilaIly lod np to :ht' nvitiaout. whioh if lmilt \\p a-ninst tho hill opposite. Å I have already mentioned, a liiteh ha hcin rut aeross this ca-ise-i ay. To reairu to lJIydt I took u shot at an opening :i: s ,I ia t,'ie l'iri. ,n: then bolted haek :;s hard as I could, i.ii l.iii lie enemy did Hut favour me ,ith it disehar^e (If «mwtor. mi;I uvih! <>f t!.oir iiiatohlorks took eflirt. — ^e too k tile tort liet'ofe breakfast this leoin ii^. !.• wis and Si well, uitli Jmiot th. :)ll:1l i:Hl some tne wlmlo t.'apt¡1Îl; Little tlf the latter n'Î1Ll'llt, at- tained it from i!:o plain hi low, ha\ iit™ passe d through the KlmttyMih.Vit: v p;;>s. 'I he main aUaek was a'- the breach. \Ve weve op h- tv.o tl.i- na rn r; an d on the hoijrhts some lilli" h ,:t <1;.• i :• !• We !;»y near the lir,t mortar t.att* 1, hkr n hu e. w. ur to s l eep. We were a\\a K n«>; h p:i>x i;u c.er our hea d s. The eat-niv muv t,ve<i a \w J.- o t-v Uuwaser, tt;ey evidently were uiw»aii-r.iai vi v.n- m a r At h>i .lay bro k e, and we :uiva!Kvd. ih y.a- p;< >e::t y a lou- l >- a,u t or veil from the »ront. a o. we ru. hoi on. U \n i,.o the ditch, r. un d the ppoMte M d e. up en to the t p .„nte Claiaherimr up the i-reac h a.ut m j iu' up tue >cal i ur la Mots, whieh we ve phved r« ojie M< e w h ere the v, -a was n.»t -o mue h hr,» l e., s- Jeron.e, thy interpreter of th« -t h led tho a d vanc eMd part V Captail, Ke.ii i trj. the politi, i a:i«l wa- tn>t into U.. tort, ik 1. \u>un d e d in t h ree i d a.es. II," j.-M-iiaoii-.s p..s>o.. l np an d tl.ro.yU the uieu of the 25th, hoh II. me t. the a d vatiee d nartv. and the w h ole l o l -i'i"e, to l loive.1. We e h asi' d the fe l s, w h at ti,-t kept u asth-y v. a.at d »w t .o v.' .v U s, s.me Uin^in^ t h eh.^ l v» down he.. n-M. m loeir ha-teto escape. We kept no a h- tile a- h<y --lamlded d-wn th lull. but 1Il,1 1'1' than e~ aj !• v ;s >fumhl« d as he reaehed the top, ami one of the re!»- N ut at him w ith a -wor d and gnue d Ids nec k hut he also i: his bahu.ee, and t 11 over Lewis, wh o seized him by the throat, :;n d one of our men then bayoneted him. lu no p h u-e air men vvt re rush i ng on at a U-w V f the re b e l s when the scoun d re l s* liwhti-d a !iuu:i!/ine or mine, ami blew tw.» them in the air; two others are severely burnt iu the hand beside* bein j: 1'Hi""11 Lv stom-s whi h fell ÜU tlwln. Oiu- man has died he wa. :1) i'Ii,!j,tfltliy i unit, that when I came up I at liist mistook hilu fur a native. The other man who \\a blown up i. muck burnt about the face milt baud- JL, ¡IS lyiiiir ill hospital, and i a tYLhtful object, pOHt" tclow. Ili face U a< black us a 1\{'rt\I's" av.d h' :¡\t be surtcriuj ;n. pain. "1' h; .t lor II", ticitt fell on the Soth, who 1t,ll ¡ men wouuded (one znortalh), ami one killed. One artilh vy. !liaa beloii^riu^ to the orduance ilepartiueut obtHitwd leave t\1 ,o.li in the attack. 1 fo wa si t upon hy two 111ell; ho caught the hLw (if i ru- < his w\L alut received tl11 tut :>1' the i th. i' i :i L: hn arm. HI." killed the luan who wounded ;11. ..aid wa.- mi.nil ;,¡btn:t after hi anil was dressed as ji l!y as 1 "i: 11 'a i-1hi: l: .ne war¡\t!. cut thrd¡fk 'i he I' DWS w lio are wniin d e d r.re very pstin'.t, an d ai ^t et tin in talk as I' h ia I'Juily as in ssihle. tiam-h a tew ot ,¡, ,i,'m:¡;¡:ii¡:hi:1: then with irreat ditiieulty.

FRANCE. --.1.,









i ,- ""<'"t':\T(''r '1.I(:'r<1;'1''''…

-11-I-I A M'ANIAIin i-'UKTLW…

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