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to .c.fmm?' ?.? ??'??'??" » '■»»« *••<•»«*•- !•' gullM.;i, Jle-iKKTii, .Sidney street, 0Pfi!tP'a'i. Iklanchcstcr. All letters ti. be pout — "T??iLiTo? AND CKEDtTOHa '('r" ,10 ;:1 ¡nllehte1 to the hIe 4 il > r"' I'tJ I-15S I'ON, <>f Hawg«r. in fie eonnty •* „ ,1 Contr"do", deceased, r? re ?('n.tr." ?'" the ??????').,)?j,?.,??j,, 1 f"t,.r b,.fore \he Fir,t ,1,, of January ..ext.  f rthe ,.«e of t*> Executrix. otherwise pro '<wi)t be i?ti'"t? t,) the amount ?)hts?n.)?)''e?Ms'"?'mt''eMi.) indebted at the time of his l a, iT(,iiesti''l tn send in iio particulars of ^,V'mando tme r»rtl.«;iib; order that the may be examined and discharged. ]). K. WIW.IAMS, Solicitor for the Executrix' rcnrVw. t»'»f Carnarvon, COLUS, COUGHS, ASTHMAS, &c. TI.ER'S raTOUAJ, ELIXIR -Experi- Br ence hiw incontestable proved H.e't"? ef [,ofthi<M?''cincina))c???('C..)<t<.t..Hgh? il Vthnnitie Affections. By pnllnohn entle rtw'cto-itfcm and actinias an Anodyne, it 'er' j?,,h v, liters a rr':en'CHM.?' few dosesare m rallv sumdCHL 10 remove t.hOl' which neglect Ins rciiilered more confirm'd a\d obstinate, acd ^;■ ;c|i are accompanied with Cough, spitting of mOIl!J, and ("her serious symptoms. In uuulos at I' an d is 9,1. J;B\:r";<{ i\ T,S \MIC l.O;ENOES. lue,' iD Cot,(I1- H;RSE1'>n. &c, and for render jnii the Voice dcar and flexible, and protecting its organs from the effects of exertion. In boxes at Is l-M.and s id. )!'r!'i.i;?s?'AR!?nnK'c<'Mfrprr.r,s. fur (be relief of chronic rough. "ifficnlty of breath illl:{ asthmatic awl consumptive allVetiom; they :I:C more especially a 'aptctl to allav rhe couh l?h.? fri'tiiiotlv occurs during the night and li. pnv.s the p:\tlCut of dc('p. In lioxes at h ''S.?h\HtT))H?!.M.))r"XX'?""t!?' Peuk'i'S in Pat,nt Jc,hcincs. Children cutting tlioir Teeth. "CONGREVE'S GOLDUN IUI.M," OH IM- PROVED SOOTHING SYRUP. fjpiiJS remedy possesses superior advantages in .1 itnintvr acUi:>! the dieadl'nl e ffects arising from jnumil dtoutinn It couls und Cllntfflrt the UlUs., find assuages the pain consequent Hn their iI/Ibm mati"u j anti its demulcent properties Au soften thnse tlld" part* M to produce the teeth in tkeir regular ",d:r with incredible eao am) rapidity, without I'II"ip:ltin the bowels 01111 exciting other baneful meets; by which thenecessit;, nf lundn the gums >o p/eijuant with dimjrrcms results*, i entirely su- pmeded. It i introduced at the lowest possible p ice hy fhe proprietor, fur the purpose uf placing H within the reach of nil classes. J),II;ït. H'1f/L{nr, an¡IIJICIt Dealers In Palcnt Me t'icincs Of whom may he had CONGUEV'E's J:I,1:\tfc Ef.lXIIt, tin* safest anti Inn"t ctTedoal rr 1111" n 4,b..tiua1e C,.)d IInti CouJ.{h, attended with difficulty of breathing, Uoarscnes«, Asthma. Hoop in? ('nu'gh. a d IlIcipint ('lutfiumption. In Bottl?? "t?.]?Hs!tnf)ls.(i.(. STEAM CONVE Y ANCl: IŒ1':ES LIVERPOOL AND WALES, OL AND V, THE (IISTElt QUARTER. mm VAUI iDlF SNILS everv Tt KSDAV sit'l TMI IISI.AV for RHYI, frimi (kvn/e's Dock I'iir Head, and returns from lltcnee the following Days. Travellers to No.,in WAI.V.S will Jind this a niost clieible Con- I't Vance, a there are l'arríae!1J waiting the arrival of till; I'.iclict ilt Hnvi., anc)HI1 the A;IF,RUEI.E side of the Fnuvn to eonvey Passengera to any part of I lie /'r;(oi/ ,/< and us she keeps wilhintfie Ranks arinj; her Passages, thereby avoids the heavy that Vessels are exposed to in the Channel and ill doubling the Headlands, ilors-e Jinxes an,1 rarriago flings are kept at the at W',VI nnd tl:" for slitjiping anil lan,ling Carriages 8nd iiorset. JOHF,1 RICHARDSON, OWNER. iValer street, i.ieermal, li( Oct. IS-'ii. r..ss, iigcrs landed and lakennn Board at UO) lah. AGENT-At RUYL, f;nW. ROBERTS. FROM LIVEHPOOI. TO UtlyL. DECEMBER. Tuesday lid, g mowing Thursday )?h.? ?.  8 do Tuesday isith (i do T h urs? y.j)?th \m 7. do ¡¡t?]:i..¡;:i-1 H do Thursday 27th 10 do T'HOM RHYI, TO LIVERPOOL. DECEMBER. 12ti nftemoon rn'? Itili. 3?.?.? do Wednesday 19th 8 morning. g;):¡ t; I(IAY 21.t 1() .I- 2itt 11) 12 Tridity 2,,t? I afternoon Thc public are most respcetfullv informed, that Iho Stem* r<?itft ?.tt ?C?Y? will be ?' drawn from the Mosfyn Quav station, on We,ln. Ilay, 31st October; but .,ili,plv between Livt rpoul and /{/u/i twicc in the week during the Winter Quarter, viz. from Liverpool to lihyl every Tuesday and 'I'hurnday, and from Jihyl to every l\ cdnesduj i and Friday; but in the Summer Mouths overy day. EM))SY Pac"g(,,v returiuyi by thise Put-hets are at the Hixk I IIn: jmrties they betony 10, To prevent disappointment to the public, an r>ira Packet is always provided wbeD necessary, TO THE Free and Independent Electors OF THE CARNARVONSHIRE BOROUGHS. GKNTI.EMEN, [Thank yolt most cordiathj for the glorious Triumph whieh your free and independent suffrages have enabled me to obtain over the Abettors of Disorder, and the Enemies of our Constitution. The violent struggle in whieh we have been engaged, has terminated in a decided Majurily in my favour, though means the most foul, illegal, and unconstitutional, have bccit resorted to by the opposing party, to defeat the result of the poll, a>.d by the most flagrant and unjustifiable partiality, hare been deprived of my right if being oflici- •ally declared your Representative. The day of restoration and Justice is near at hand, your rights will be reclaimed, and I shaU en- joy the proud distinction of being returned to serve you in Parliament. I have the honour to remain, Gentlemen, Tour much obliged and grateful humMe Servant, 0. J. E. NAXNEY. Carnarvon, 15th Dec. 1832. FHOM STEAM COMMUNICATION' CitmititbH, Ælemii Bricli/r, linnyvr, and Beaumaris, TO LIVERPOCIL. FOR THE CONVEYANCE OF GOODS, PASSENGERS, cfc. Itc. Sto. • rflHE Public arc most respectfullY informed, that J His M.).)ys:y? War OIHce Steam Packet, of 75 houe power, THE AIR, ALEXANDER SPIERS, COM M ANDBR. will sail from CARNARVON, MEN AI BRIDGE, BANGOR, and BEAUMARIS, FOR MVKR- POOL, every WEDNESDAY and FIUPAV Mornings, during THE MO MTH Or DECEMBER and FIWI GEORGE'S DOCK PIERHEAR, LI V Eli.l'II)j, FOR the above Plsicfcs, every !\looN DAY and Tuntsu\ mornings. On Mondays this Vessel takes in Goods, which must be sent dow n to the Clarence Dock on Sa day previous, for shipment. from Porihu'inlb'tt to J/twrfiool.—1 4s Tut C",tti" 11,; Lal1 lHtlO, 1'1; Horses, 21s.; POllic, 15s.; Sheep, 2?. (>d per heu d 115:'öh'H;;i,V;:c:Jfi1. Fat Cattle ts.; al. Gil.; Carriages, .1Q. Mvtai liridgi'.—Pigs, 3s. Further Particulars 01a,' he hall on Application to Mr. GKOIUJK EVANS, .S t. SN-ain Packet OJlice, Carnarvon It Packft Oaience Dork, Lhcl pi I") Steum Packet OJlice, Carnarvon, Due. 13th 11'32, THE PUBMC SET RIGHT. we oil as a i ij. as rousn:* AFTER so many years' experirnep, and bcinp encmies to the impudent pllm!l faivehootN, with which the Public is polled, we are relucta"t l\ called u p on by th,, uumcnms am rcs p cct:\ble Ven- ders of our Olfj HIJACKING to undeceive and guard Consum('r tHp\Ïnst the drl'cts of pc('ion and unprindpled IH't'telldel', c.'oll.¡(1l'rilt it a dut) we owe tliem to statr, without fear üf eontrndie* tiou, that ours is the onlv Keal Oil Blacking, made "pOll such strid Chemical Principles, th,,1 eadl or the numeious ingredients ate so amaJgamatcl}. us to produce what niny be i,??tls' termed a H. N?r?h.. nf f,Mth'?'\?)?ed ?ith the fLcst .Jet »4I]jshf and known by all who constantly use it a n atainst its cracking, if ever So delicate ill kX(l1l'c,and cv< n filling up the pores of Leather injured by Blucking- mado of deleterious ingredients, anc1, except in very extreme cases, rendered it impervious to wet atttl damp, cunse qucntly ought to be used by all who value dry feet. This nniqnc and incomparable COmpOIl!1I! may he Bar, ami at all respectable hnpsin every Town in the Kingdom, in Bottles, at Gd, Is. and Is. Gd. and Paste In Pot, 3d. 0*1. and I", (id each. Be careful to ask for LARNMCR'S and Co's );)?iti?tr.(?iefrn))tnfthc Mannfactory hdng en. graved on the Label) "11 other are counterfeits. N. II ¡:"rtiag-c anti Harness Leather will never want Oiling if this Blacking is useù. AGENTS. r.ANGOft. n, ThLl:G:;}lS"Jlt'r !(, Pritcfinrd) I>ru</tfist .?. ?K?'? /hK?.< Jaied W illiem, Saddlur 11KAUM \nis. 11'. iiryatty (itorer Jehu ./o»c?, Sahlter I /?. Me/As (.'fixer CAKNARVO^e K.7'?. ?<M?r OtevH Own, Graver J. Jmus, drover ? ti«.? //M? :1 Puny, (iroter Sieahiet lioot moker 'Hum. itliama, Gru<vr Jane Pay ft, <iroccr David Joneft V. Thomas, Groccr RIfYlH}LAN. ST. ASAPH. Robert Davits, Druyyist Saddler IV, HoshillSOIl, Groccr DF.NIHOIt. R, PovaU, Grocer J. Edwards, Cu.ier RtJTIHN. IV. Cooke, Grocer John Jones, G'roccr Catherine Parry. Grocer John Jones Dritf/fjist. J.J.\N(IOLf.EN. i n Ho/n rlx, Dmyytet f. Hoodie. Grocer R. 'E dwards, Groccr \VlnX(L\M. S. GilUr, Groccr T. Joins, Jiuot maker CIIKSTEU. I W. JIarrop, Groccr BIIUAHON John Huberts, Currier OSWESTRY. I R. Evans, Hcrny street. 1.lflUPOOL. Thark,ery,V Co. Chti"ll- Street Miller, 11, llcderos* Kt. J. /fMMt?t)<!?, 03, ?")' ?<?t Road. PhiUip*. 106, Pitt-street Sharpe, 103, PiU street /?,M.Nn)?'"c ?'? fM,7j!.BfO)t'Mhw? Maudestey, 140, Scotland ?M? A,pi.aU' 5, Richmond- Row, (And all other respectable Shopkeepers in the Undid Kingdom.

I Utw littflligeltcc.'

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