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POSTSCRIPT- LONDON, Saturday evening, December lo, PRICE OF STOCKS. 3 1, Ct. C."?. I MiaStock, COli. for Ac K3i i B.?lk 81" k, 185 SperCt.RedM?? Hx.t!iUs2(:K7 i per Ct.Red. 91$I fndia Uonds, Ifl 17 3I P,?, Ct. L.?,g A 161 1 ("t. It)()* We continue to bring up tlwaccounh from Allt werp to the latest hOllr. We have intelligence to half-past two o'clock oil Thursday, at which time the French had announced their intention of blowing up Fort Laurent th"t e.ening; but it by no means follows, thai they will be able 10 put tbeir threat into execution. They have displayed as little talent in the management of the siege, as judgment in the tiln they chose to underrake it., They appear to be making but little progress in. deed it is now stated by the Times itself, that the citadel is secure on the side of the river, as the presence of the Dutch gun boats in the Scheldt, and the forts at tiurcht, at the Tete de Flandrcs, a",1 at Austroweel, and the inundation of the polders, prevent all movement on the part of Ge neralSebastiani's division to assail the citadel from the left bank." We understand that Prince Lieven received de gpatches from his government oil Tuesday, of to must warlike and peremptory nature. It is also said that a courier has left St. Peter-sburgh for Paris, with a manifesto of the Emperor Nicholas, protest ing in the strongest terms against the proceedings of the French in Belgium; and, it is added", that upon his arriral at the French capital, the Russian and Prussian Ambassadors in London, will iin. mediately make known to Lord Pa^merston the determinations of their respective governments. At two o'clock un Thursday evening Sir Strat furd Canning started for Paris, which city he will reach this day. He is to stay there three or foui days, and will leave it possibly oil Tuesday. He is to proceed then to Madrid, and may air Ve at Iron on theSpmii-h frontier, by this day week. Here a quarantine of fifteen days awaits biro, by which he will be detainc till the 6th of next month. He may reach Madrid by the Rih or 9th. If Sir Strat ford's mission is connected with the Portuguese q e< i m, as the morning papers tell ns, we thiuk he might have spared himstilf the trouble'of this lei surely journey. Where will Dom Pe¡lr"be on thu 9th ol January ? Far, we should think, beyond the reach of protoeolling. Mr. Cobbett, we perceive, is already returned for Oldham. We shall be curious to assertain what sort of a figure the author of the Political Register will cut as a Parliamentary Debater. DEXTEROus Robbeky.—A commercial gentle man 011 the road from Bath to Bristol, lost six ac ceptances to the amount of £376. and two X5. Bristol Branch Bank of England notes, from a portmanteau placed on the roof of the coach, Two suspicious looking individuals got up behind the coach as it was leaving Bristol, and left it again at Twerton, during which time they shelteredi themselves from the observance of the front pas- sengers by an umbrella, and the boisterous wind prevented their being heard while they opened the portmanteau, and replaced the straps, &e. so as to le..e the whol. to all appearance, untouched. No clue has yet been obtained to give the prospect of the discovery of the thieves. The Conservative Society.—The society met yeslen'ay,. and disposed ofmHch important business. The meeting resolved itself into a committee of the whole body, when the circumstances of the several constituencies, theclaiuisof candidates, and other local matters connected with the approach ing elections, were most fully discussed, There wvre gentlemen from every part of Ireland in the room-and much and most valuahle infnrmation elicited an,1 promptly acted upon. Indeed so thoroughly convinced were those present of the use fulness of the plan adopted, and of the facilities it would afford to the stalllling commitlce of the '0 eiety, in cnllccting funds, ohtduing vcll anthenti cated facts, and transmitting money where it coulll he advantageously applied, that it was unanimously resolvt d, that pelHling the elections, all open com mittee of the whole society should assetnlde daily at three o'clOtk, where the members are requested to attend, and to which all cOlBmnnicatiolls are tn he addressed.— DH/IUH Evening Mail.


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