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x- TO THE gentlemen, Clergy, & Freeholders OF THE COUNTY OF ANGLESEY. GtNTLF.MEN.. .<< )!? my Mtte?m'. ? ?r *?V<?t ° Cm ??f/'M'ea< P<<.a?<.«?MM.? c/tcliM, I beg. Oil retiring f. the t. « the expression of my -t thlIlu fo, the triable confidence yo- ham reposed in during 'I riiul of twelee y-11 that I h?. had U. honour '???'??'?°?'?* h M;M?*'?"?'? ?"?" ?? to »»«. ? ?< r?<?' of V?i? jiersmal al U* (i„M mil c. present Use If; anil, though no ef ur 1?,P"I(,ti?e i. the House of Commons, TirtH ah'ays /? me "'?'' "? ?" attend  wishes, and pr?-1, y,.r vith Imme zeal that I hope I have on all occasion ma- I Iwvc II.. honour til he, p-ilk the highest consideration and esteem, Gentlemen, Your wto»t faithful and obedient terwint, UXBRIOGE. Beau Desert, 2$th Nttv 1832. TO THE fioutleincn, Clergy. Freeholders, and Electors, OF TilE COUNTY OT ANGLF.SDJY. GESTI.KMEN, LOR D UXBRIDGE hmmj'maiU Imien his of retiring from the this County, I beg to offer myself as a < undulate for th,1 hi,lh and honourable situation, to which you imil lethrthj railed upon to nominate. Having had the honour of a seat in Parliament hilt for a very short perioil, I cannot appeal to my past ale, a:: a criterion by which you may juil./e of rvy ,,OTS in general of politics, and, eons tpvnlly, 1 eannot Uti your support 011 thp, present ueeasion as a reward fir past services. J must base m„ pretensions on the expectation and hojte that my vi< ws of the various questions now in agitation, may metl with the sanction itf the majority of the Electors. My principles, in unison with those e,rpres*ed by his Majesty's Ministers, an those of Peace, Economy, end Retrcnchmfllt,-Peare. but not at the expense of national honmr Retrenchmnt, without impairing I,ur it-at like institutions Economy, whenever it may he found rationally ptacticablr—begging the Electors to consider that not all the diligence and integrity f till' present, or of any other administration, can, in the short space of a few years, remove those burthens which «MP affect IJw III matters connected with the Commerrial policy of the country, whether as they regard all exlellsion of the trade of Hanking, the extinction of the monopoly of tic East India Company, or « return to higher linfmt Duties, I shall be guided by the judgment of mett who combine liberal and enlightened views with a practical knowledge of the laws affecting our commiiee and navigation, Closely connected as I "IN with the landed intends of the Countriu deriving my inromc from land alone. (mil experiencing inexhaustible pleasure in the pursuits of agriculture, will witch with peculÙlr jealousy thr introduction of any measure which may affect those iiite)ests; and I trust that my rmdillued reS;tlellCil Irll/lmyst you will a.ffurcl $otUr proof that the welfare of our own Country is, and ear has been, it matter of deep mullaRtiug interest to ute. IVilA the,, sent i mm it s offer myself to your ..0 tice should you do me the honour to return Jue as your Representative11 willpktlyc myself to be guided by 110 feelings but such an I hare attempted todescribe, and to be injluenced by no ".alire, but such at I con scientiously conceive to be conducive to the general M: I fa re and happiness of us all. I have the honour tit remain, Gmtletno n, Your faithful and obedient servant, R. B. BULKELEY. Baron HiU, 30fh Non-mber, 1832. Chilblains, Rheumatisms, Sprains, &c. BUTLER S CAJEPUT OPODELDOC. CAJEPUT OIL, whieh is the basis of tiiis Opa- deldoc, has been long esteemed on the Conti iient as a remedy for Chronic Rheumatism, Spas- modic AflVctions,Palsy, Stiffness, & Enlargement of the Joints, Sprains, Bruises, and Deafness; COlli bined in the form of Opodeldoc, it is rendered inure penetrating, and consepuently more efficacious as an external application. Rubbed upon the skin, by means IIf flannel, or the warlll hand, it alleys mor- bill irritation of nerves, invigorates the absorbents, and accelerates the circulation. For broken ClI IL. BLAINS it is the very best application, Druggist, Bangor; and most Dealers in Patent Medicine! Of whom may be had MARSHALL'S UNIVERSAL CERATE, an excellent lemedy foi CHILBLAINS when broken; Scalds Bums, Sores. &c. V Ask for 0.14-e, Cajeput Oldld,-k. TEETHING AND CONVULSIONS. PERRY'S TEETHING and CONVULSION POWDERS I g .?, t-?? most valuable Medicine hilherln known, for the vari»us diseases incident 10 infants whitst cutting their teclh, inflammation of Ihe gulUs. fits, fevers, convulsions, derangement of the bowels, arising cither from a relaxed, griping, ur confined state, sever failing to afford speedy relief, by the pecu- liar acliou wbieli Iliev produce on the bowels. An infant of the npost ellder age may take these PIIW, .It.rs without te least apprehension of danger; therefore no mother, who regards her offspring, .IlkOUI(l ever be witbot Sold in packets at Is, by Rtfhbone, Druggist, Bangor, and ipo«t Dealers inPatentMeffiEint-t. Of tvhoui may be h.,1 PERRY'S HOOPING COUGH MEDICINE. The innumerable and I well knowD cures that hafe been effected hy tbi. Medicine, warrant the Proprietor in recommend. lIIllt to the Public as the most certain and safe cure ear discovered for that distressing, and often, fatal disorder. 10 packets at |s. eacl). WHITE THORNS. TIIE Subscribers to the Anglesey Agricultural s i?ty or their Tenanl, mav be supplied with STHONti WHITE-THORN PLANTS, at (he Society" Nursery, Budedern, at o«. per 1000; to be paid for on delivery. Apply to B'MutL HORNS, Bodedem. ELECTION FOR TUB COUNTY OF ANGLESEY. (ANGLESEY, TO WIT.) ISfR JOHN WILLIAMS, Buronet, Sheriff of the Comity aforesaid. baring received bis Ma jeaiy's Writ, under the Great Seal of Great 1m tain, for the Election of one Knight to serve for this County in the Parliament, to be holden at the City of Westminster, on the Twellty-ninth day of January lIext, do, in obcdience to the said Writ, and the several Statutes in that fcase made, hercbv proclaim and GIVE PUBLIC NOTICE, That at a Special COUNTY COURT, which will be held the SHinE HALL, in BEAUMARIS, ill and for the said County, on WEDNESDAY, the NINE- TEENT" day "f DECEMBER Instant, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, puriuant to the Statute in that case made and provided, I shall proceed to sncli ELECTION, when and where all Persons inter ested therein will be heard, and arc to give their attendance accordingly. Sir JOHN WILLIAMS, Baronet, Sheriff. Dated this Fifth day of December, 1832. FOR COUGHS, SHORTNESS OF BREATII ASTHMAS. & pE\d¿}'t'r?ae ANISEED, under the immediate Pat ge f l of the movt di,tcngnished Nobility and Gentry in the Kin^iom, in Bottfe?Kt?.)?). .I 2?. 3?l. e??l?. This inmluable Medicine is universally acknow ledt^ed to be one of the mo«t effieatious remedies ever discovered for alleviating the miseries inci- dental to the above distressing maladies. As a proof of its efficacy, the following extraordinary case is submitted to the consideration of the public: Mr. Wiiuht, of Mile-end road, was many years afflicted with Cough,Shortness of Breath, and Sense of Suffocation, whenever he attempted to lie down in bed, owing to the great accumulation of viscid piefftn, w hich he was unablo to expcctoiate. He had tried every mealls to obtain relief, but without effect: he could not sleep but in his arm chikir. In this state he continued to linger, without any hope of recovery, his friends expecting that every fit of coughing would terminate his existence. At length be was prevailed upon to try a bottle of the Balsam, and (very extraordinary !) half an hour after the first dose, he was able to lie down in his bed; and before he hud takell three bottles, was perfectly cured. Prepared and sold by Thomas Powell, No. 5f, Blackfriars road, London; nolil also at his General Agency offire Nu, S, Arearle, Maiden lane. New York an.1 by appointment, hy Win. Hough, Paul streoi, Montreal and most of the respectable Chemists, ami Wholesale and Retail Patent JUedi cine Venders to thit united Kingdom. IMPOKTANT C*t TION !—Observe that the words "Thomas Powell, Blackfriars road, London," is (by permission of his Majesty's Honourable Commis- sioners of Stamps) engraved in white Letter,, p a Red Grotiud in the Government Stamp, pasted over the tllP of each bottle, without which it cannot he genuine. t^'Mr. Powell has no connexion with any other CouiCh Medicine N.B. Removed from nellr the near the Bridge, three doors from the Rotunda. STEAIVI CONVEYANCE between LIVERPOOL AND WALES, THE WINTER, QUARTER. ltJg WAUm @W (LIJIVIID Sails everv TIESDAY and THURSDAY for RHYL from George's Dock /?T?cn<an() returns from thencc the following Dnys. TrateUers to No.Til ill find this a nuM eligible Con veyance, as there are Can iagcs waiting the arrhnl 01 'he Packelat Run, and on the AHERGELE side of the FOHYD to convey Passengers to any part of the Principality; and as she keeps within the Banks during her Passages, thereby avoids the heavy Seas that Vessels are exposref to in the Channel and in doubling the Headlands. Horse Boxes and Carriage Slings are Kept at the Pier at Rhyl and the Foryd fur shipping and landing Carriages and Horses. JOHN RICHARDSON, OWNER. Pacht Offiee, Xo. 15, W ater street, Liverpool, 1st Oet. 1832. Passengers landed and taken on Board at Ho) lake. AGET-At RHYL, EUW. ROBERTS, FROM LIVERPOOL TO RHYL. DECEMBER. Tuesday 11th 9 morning Thursday )3th 8 ('° y I gth 6. d" Thursday., 29th 7. <!o Tuesday. .2;jth. 9. do Thursday 27th 10 do FROM RHYL TO LIVERPOOL. DECEMBER. Wednesday. 12th 1 afternoon Priday. 14th. 3 do Wednesday. 19th 8 morning. Friday 21st .10 do Monday. 24th 10 do Wednesday••26th 12 ..•••• noon Friday 28th I afternoon The public are most respectfully informed, that the Steam Packet VALE OF CLWYD will be with drawn from the Mostvn Quay station, on Wednes- day, 31st October; but will ply between Liverpool and Rhyl twice in the week during the Winter Quarter, viz. from Liverpool to Rhyl every Tuesday and Thursday, and from Rhyl to Liverpool ever) Wednesday and Friday but in the Summer Months every day. Empty Packages returned by these Packets are at the Risk oftheparties they bl-y to. To prevent disappointment to the public, an Extra Paekd is always provided wben nere&$ArY. TO BE SOM^BY'AUCTION, On the premises rit GUS/NFRYN, in tha Parish of BANGOR, on THURSDAY, the 2vth day of DECEM HEn instant, at the hour of 12 o'clock at noon, FROM 30 to 40 Tons of well harvested HAY, of the present year's growth. For further particulars apply to WM. WIIITE, Esq. at W"sinfryn. Bangor, 3d December, 1832. TO THE Gentry, Clergy, Freeholders, and Electors of the County of Denbigh. at<:nt.RMEN, TIlE Dissolution of the present Parlia- ment being now close at hand, I cannot fag,,i,, thanking my friends for the support and cordiality, which during my re- cent Caflw"s, I have every where received. I congratulate you on the evident acquisi- tion of strength we have derived from the scrutiny of the lists of Claimants by the revis- Barrister; the result ofichich,ifaicied by your continued exertions, and by your early atten- dance at the Poll, will, I have no doubt, give to our cause a splendid triumph, and ell- sure to me the honour of guarding you inter- ests and representing your opinions in the ensuing Parliament. 1 thank too flioscmanyfricnds, tt-hofrom a conviction that my principles are those, the maintenance oj* zcliielt is essential to the Pros- perity of our Agriculture, have profered me their wishes, although they do not feel at li- berty to qg?r me their Votcs;-l will ask them to do nothing which may tend to their own inj ury nor do I wish to dissever the kiiulhj tie which should exist between the landlord and the tenant. Once more thanking yonfor your support, and assuring you that no man will be more sedulous in guarding your interests ;-no man more determined to uphold the Civil and Religious Liberties of the People, and tovitp- port that Constitution so long the mingled object of our Pride and Gratitude. I have the honour to be, Gentlemen, Yonf obedient, humble Servant, LLOYD KENYON. December 4th, 1832. For Impurities of the Blood, Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, Head-Ache, Spasms, frc. CONGREVE'S COMPOUND PETROLEUM PILLS, composed of a pure Extract from the Barbadoes Tary and Aromatic H?rb? and Ji,?e?, chemically c6JlJbille,l/y a New Pr(Jce,u.- They open 1tU.-Qb&r"otiQ.n. which retard the BKitiWjOf fcid lantoor to the system restore the blood to its healthy balsamic principle, while they correct and invigorate its circulation and are of inestimable value In eradicating all Disorders of the Lungs, Stomach, and Bowels. If regularly taken, they will assuredly preserve the body in health (free from the ill effects arising from the dense and ob- noxious vapors of a pestilential atmosphere) to a uood old age j—and no chronical malady can re sist their benign influence. A Treatise will shortly he published, detailing the properties of this inte- resting lliscovry. attested by liberal and intelli trent Gentlemen of the Faculty, who recommend that every means should be adopted to induce all classes to avail themselves of so great a blessing. Sold in boxes at is, lid. and 2s. 9d. by all the wholesale Houses, and retail by all Medicine Ven- ders. and Druggists. The f"U"iIl9 Letter (with a multiplicity of others) waR addressed to Mr. Congreve, alld may be seen at his residence. For Disorders of the Lungs, Stomach and Bowels. Leeds, Jan, 14, 1832 DEAR SIR,—With a heart glowing with the warmest emotions of gratitude I sit myself down to relate one of the most miraculous cures ever f- fected bv the powers of medicine. I am now 35 years of age, 22 of which I have been most griev- ously afflicted with A CONFIRMED ASTHMA, with its tormenting auxiliaries—perpetual wheez- ing, and violent cough-which annoyed me late and early, and at last became so Iarming, as to induce i?v friends to keep constantly with me, for fear of suffocation, or bursting a blood vessel Having endured all the hardships of want of appe titc, difiiculty of breath and oppression at the sto- mach, with a flushed and purple face-and scarcely a pound of flesh on my hones, you will not be sur- prised at my being compared with the living ske- leton-exliibited a short time ago. Being in tole- iable circumstances, I availed myself of the best advice from eminent Physicians, in Yorkshire, Lancashire, Nottinghamshire and Rutlandshire; trie I the effete of Sea Bathing; Hot and Vapor Baths; and almost every reputed medicine adver tsel, hut to no effect. My doctor called on the 21th of November, 1831, and I told him a friend of mine had been restored by "Coiigrovels Compound Petroleum Pills," whelllrollbled with a complaint much like my own. Finding all his efforts were fruitless, he candidly said (as miue was a hopeless casej he would allow me to try the experiment. I sent my eldest son to purchase a couple of boxes; and, before I had taken them a week, the whcez. ing entirely quitted its habitation, and my cough was gradually diminishing, so as to enable me to expectorate freely and sleep sound, without a prop or the attendance of my family. On the 9th of De- cember my doctor called to pay me a visit, and hartily congratulated me on the prospect of heing speedily resorted to health. He said the effects were beyond precedent; and that he should em brace the earliest opportunity of analizing the Pills, to ascertain what metamorphosed a link of Dones tU a uesuy snOS1.ance.J WO ooxes more com pletely cured me. Language is too weak to ex- press the grateful effusions of my heart, and the happiness of all my family and friends. We shall publish ymir excellent medicine in the Town and iNeighbourhood in which we reside: and, should I live till the sporting season, will send you ft bountiful supply ofiame. Your's &c. PHILIP QUIN. To Mr. Congreve, 30, College Street, Chelsea, near London. Of IVTwln also may be had the following Valuable Medicines Congreve's Balsamic Elixir, for Coughs, Asthma, and Hooping-Cough Balm, for Children cutting their Teeth. -Alitibilious Pills, for Bilious and Liver Complaints •f4f Observe, the Proprietor's Signature across the Government stamp. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS AkL PenlOn. who stood indebted to the late F .JOHN PRESTON, of Bangor, in the cOl1nty of Cai*nar?on Road Contractor, deceased, are rc qoested to pay the amonnt of their respecti,e Debts on or before the First day of January next, to me, for the tlse of the Executrix, otherwise pro ceedings will he instituted to recover the amount of sneh Debts. Anll all Persons to whom the said John Preston stood indebled at the time of his deah, are reqnested to send in the "articnlars of their demand to me fnrthwith, in order that the sa .aJxamined and discharged. ? ?' H. R. WILLIAMS, Solicitor for the Executrix- Pcnr: near (¡rvon, Oct. 27th, 1832. ELECTION FOR THE COUNTY OF CAllNARVON. (COUNTY OF CARNARVON, TO WIT.) fJOIIN ROWLANDS, Esquire, Sheriff of the I -g County aforesaid, having received his Majesty's ? .it, under the Great Seal of Great Hritain, for Electing one Knight to serve for this county, in the Parliament to he holden at the City of West- minster, on the 29th day of January next ensuing, lio, in obedience to the said Writ, and the several Statutes in that case made, hereby proclaim and GIVE PUBLIC NOTICE, That at a Special County Court, which will beheld at the Shire Hall, in Carnarvon, in and for the said County of Carnarvon, on FRIDAY, the 21st day of DECEMBER instant, at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon, pursuant to the Statute in that case made and provided, I shall procecd to such Elec tion, when and where all Persons interested therein will be heard, and are to give their attendance ac- coidingly. Dated the sixth day of December, 1832. JOHN ROWLANDS, Esq. Sheriff. THE WHIMSICAL MISTAKE. A Countryman says to a friend, Pr'y thee, how Dost thou polish thy boots so fair? I have tried many times, but the devil a glow On my boots could I evei get there." Pooh! go thee to WARREN, and soon, very soon Thv boot* shall in erstacy shine; And the Iagtes who now call thee stupid and loon, Shall see all their faces divine Go toW\RKEN,and some of his Bltlekingprncnre." But Tom had forgot the word Blacking ï- He went to the warren beside qf the moor, And gather'd an armful of Bracking. Home he hndg'd with his bracking i-he brushed and he scrubh'd At his boots till they look'd rather brownish Even till their surface was vanquish'd he rubb'd, Pfeuks! then he look'd rather clownish. Off he started to Dick, and he called him a knave, For setting him on to get bracking, To spoil his new boots; but Dick latigh'd in his sleeve* Saying, "I told you, you clown, WARREN'S Blacking. k< Go fetch the Boots here WARREN'S Blacking was tried, An,i soon brought the Boots to their beauty, Recovered iheir surface, array'd them in pride; Tom scratch'd his rough head in amazement, and cried, WARREN'S BLACKING indeed does its duty!" This Easy-shining and Brilliant BLACKING, PREPARED BY 30, STRAND, LONDOIS J May be had of the following Agents. Bangor. Cat narvon. A bjrystwilh. Griffith Tuffs Davies Rathbone Owen Jones Hughes Rowland Morgan Roberts Dillon Moiris Prichard Evans Ellis Jones Edwards Williams Ill. Griffith Williams Humphreys Llamjefni. Roberts Llanidloes Davies, Owen Jones Davies Dew, Williams Swaine Rhayader Holyhead. Bala. Williams Owens, Lewis Davies, Jones Hiee Jones Charles Davies Roberts Edwards Bnilth Williams Hodedern Morga u Llanerchymedd. Hughes Davies Edmunds Beaumaris Price Amlwch, Roberts Hay. Hugi,e?, B?,k?, ad Pitt Royston Williams Milward ??'ry?. O?en'? "?'A?t/?/t. Davies Griffiths, Jones Hees Evans Conway, James St. Asaph Roberts Morga n Owen Jones Barmouth. Davies Llangollen. Griffiths Holywell. Davies Hughes Roberts Cooper and Son Jones Edisbury W.hhpofJl, Anwyl Vickers Griffith Dolgclley, Eachus Jones Anwyl Jones Dix Hughes Llanrwst. Davies Oliver Williams Montgomery. Owen Jones Brown Williams & Co. Corwen. Newtown. Davies Jones and Son Jones, Pwllheli. Lewis Goodwin Williams Llanfylhn, Pugh Hughes Jones Williams Lewis Davies And sold in every Town in the Kingdom. LIQUID, in Bottles and PASTE BLACKING in Pots, at 6d.—12d. and 18d. each. Be particular to ask for WARREN'S, 30, STRAND, ALL OTHERS ARE COUNTERFEIT.

I liau) intelligent

I dforftgw intelligence.