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Coachman Wanted, > in Anglesey, .MAN, who can rille anù drive. atld .l (m l CII.¡¡.\dt1 lYuui his last emplou r.— Ki„ ,j!p;ilv (II iiy letter, post p¡ud) to the "?. '('hr)?t:. 1;). Nottse is hereby given, !U i,»!1.N (j¡U-TIIED IL\HIU: f,<,¡. ,.f hi, Commissioners lor.the Hclitl ;i, nt I)' willJlu tilc Finn day of Ai-civr, tin- l;.mr of IV-n in the forenoon precisely, i!it C')i Mr Hoi t, at in tlie ..f Merioneth, and lioltl a Court for the Relief V iint IK-Iitor^, 1'1 to the Stjtute. Notice is hereby given, j\ J ,Jilll\ G¡:I:\THEIJ JL\HIU", E"I. ..f hi, (ommisMonors for the Hdi, f t of Ai ■ iit tii>- Hour of Ten i.? the forcIJon pre- \t..n(Ltth<;('oMtnnLstatW?.SHt'()()L, of Monti;oiiiery, anti hold a Court for f l:i-olvent Debtors, pursuant to the NGOR CLERGY MEETING. A'llY" j, herrhil 1;irt"IJ .\i:?<L.f.i:A'\ M AI. MEKTIMi t;w sn:sCl<lHKR* »f this Charity, will at the X ,\F ION.\I. SCHOOL ROOM, in thi- the 5tl& day of Ai oesr next. JulLN llK.ll'KS Secretary and Treasurer. i: u!\ 20lh, 18,')5.. nglesey Agricultural Society. W « I'IU:.MIR.M ofKivi: SO\KRKIGXS AVII to the Author of the be»t Lay, iu the J. ,n-;ua;!f, on Thv HotJtion of Crops he,t I: c t;.e varioas Soil,, iii the County of Anglesey." vc K-* iv to be delivered to .Mr. Hugh J one- \II:(.IV, un or Ùt fvft: tile 1st flay of It; iii order that the J cd 'S may have time 1 ie 11< it of the respective 1)I'olnclion, iiiic-ted to add -i(-It mitiah to the l uvibU-the Judges to ,j.>ignate thesue- t 1 .1\1\ LS, Secretary and Treasurer. 2. 1.1 u lie, I -_u, u, 01 c Grove School, near Wrexham, i 'i.M-l ( 11.1) IVY J. J At KV'N. ;i '> r niuu years of UO guinea* per annum. I, and under eleven, I ditto ditto. I. awl uiivler thir. .24 ditto ditto. v n ditto ?, ditto. r .M?./fd?H Guinea ;'ff ?KM?ff)'. i. of Lducation comprehend? t:ngli"1 Gram- "I;)().;itit.ll); the Latin itwllircck Claries; i .tfanelu-, awl Merchants' Accounts Geo- t Íie I'w of the Globes .cn,uration and i: b. !Jlanc and Splierieal Trigonometry i ù:)\/JY, Algebra,and the Elements ol \;t:IC;¡j: amI Drawing, each One Guinea • V \o Kntranees nor Extras. Korth Wales—Carnarvonshire. Capital Frcehold Estates. I) I,I: -oi l) i;v run ATK CONTRACT, Bennarth, near Conwayy 1\ ¡" ¡ ¡ (j ol au excellent FamiL 1 fou>e, with rt-jUi>ite Odice amI accoinunKl.ition large ?.. !). Grape-house, Orchard, in full fruit, I ) lnIH¡rtd and F?,t Acres or thereabouts of ble, Meadow, Pasture, and Wood-land. i1 • t- ,itu"t,,1 on a lofty eminence, over- ,(.1' Conwav, which runs close beneath it i. surrounded by tine oak woods and :,t excellent Gaiue Prcscrve, ami r i- ad:uir«iblv situated as to neighbour- i. •. vi. or water. ('ommunication with i r;.«l it, Dultlin, ^Vc. v. o! ji: Premises, apply to Hu^h lloherts, a- d t, further paniculars "pply (if by .)?.)))'u.)'r. '?. K. Wii.ma.MS, Solicitor, u- u Carnarvon, whtre a Map of the Estatc #A ?"? ■ \\v<- rc-ptN tfiillv infurn.ed tiiat a NF.W COACH, called the HARK FORWARD, I >A ruriuiuL: c\cry MONDAY, I i>\l> i-VY and FUU'AY Murnin. fro.u V■ 1-1 :■ 111.1\ ('NMMH.N.u. INS, HMMKM-HI,at !• H> hv«- o'c oc k ,t h roug h DoIye H au, Uula, K'l'i. ;i, Mold, King's F.a>tii;nn Kerry, ;t-^ • n Liverpool, at Six o'( lock the same -• :v!n» tin- 1,I(lwing Mornings at half-past ■1 s i; • ¡It; □ IH! yrrives ill Bartliourh at Seven » l" l.\iii n g h* IM* :o observe The original liar" Forward M • at tin* Druid for Shrewsbury, BirUlil1¡r '• '1. ('n.H.J J.ondon, B,ul:ar: and Holy- n l by AHSAi.O.M ,IOM:S, XOHKKI DA IKS, FDW AKD D ilis, '■■lie Ith. m\ or TilE VALK or CIAYYD. be Soll by Auction, i^ .11, .lOll.N WJU.IAMS, n in Di.MHOII, on Fiudw the 2Bth I'; 11 ,¡ next, at four o't:lork in the afternoon, t-' i'1 lit it then to iw produced, either r. 1'1 I:) >uc!i lots as hall Lt., agn-ed upon at \.i:;ol < I ARMS or I.ANDS, in the parish of i.; ;):II!r in Kinuneicb, in tin- county ol "I.I respectively PlIrk I'ostyn, ('win ? I 'm. iMas Hach, hit" Newvdd, and contain in.: to^otlur 743 statute acres It Iwl UtlW in tlli." respective occupations ■ and I I: t' 1. ,;u"ti"lI of Paik Po-tyn Farm, (about 323 j'-rt-s) i- u:w of the most picturestjue in the ip.iliiv. Jn ditlWent points it commands every ? ,f f It., Va? of Ch\d autl tt??? b?,utif, I of nwur.ll\ill with whi('h ,i is boundtd. J'here .irds of H) acres of land UP)!1 it, covered with -I thrivllW and other timber, and forming < -nt c<»vers jor the preservation of gure, which tnt thefi- an* >< "HI streams runningthrough m-j, abcundin;: with trout, and vvhi. h may he • 1 any pirt uf tI' IH, aiu^ u>«d fur lite ?':)! of the ticid'bv irr?.Xiun. J. k J'?.n i< 1! L.lr !!j:tnn,l)cnli\¡; hie from !»mhin, and {•in the \illa^e of ).\anrha;,ltlr. in II". ale of .< :»!m1 the Other f.irm* are near to tht: liJlage of f1 aboiit two mih: (rom the Park, r.;1h'('1ire tenants will s hew tlH. lands, and particular* "iav be )?')frotn?h<-r<. )'"r)s .\¡"o, Solicitor-,Chester; .Me^r.s Tnn c.n ami v 'i c tors, St»ut h am p ton-street, d oombiir y l.on- 't¡: j\ I:'I;; C't:t' ;\lï;U;t ..):: L :« Flint ¡I¡I; yad at the I jow n Inn, lVnlM:;h. To be Sold, Cheap, A Complete Set of Chariot or Photon HAR X K>S, A with POSTILLION'S SADDLE, &c. very little the worse for use. l'or particulars, apply to the Printer of this Paper. Anglesey Horticultural Society. rplIF. KlKSl AXXl'AL SHOW will take place J. on liiunsoAY, the tith day of ACOL»T, next, at the 1OW\-H.ALL, lit.AIM \NI>. .Ileinbers whose Subscriptions are unpaid are re- quested to pay them before the Show, either iuto the liaugor Bank, or L) the Trc,\>urer. CITY OF JJ.GOR NEW BATH COMPANY. PKKSONS desirous of becoming Subscribers to this KsUblishnient, will please to apl?ly immedi- ately for Shares to .Mr. W'II.UAMS, Fron-deg, liangor. June 24th, 1835. Royal Mail & General Coach Office, l XliRUHiK A It.MS HOTKI., Daily Conveyance between carnarvon and Conway, Through l.lanbcrris, Capel Curig, and Llanrwst, fi^HK Public ure respectfully informed, that X the TOl'BJST, Light Post Coach, will com- mence running Daily, (Sundays excepted) on IMON- un, 2Jth of JI'XE instant, between the Uxbridge Arms Hoti-I, Carnarvon, and the Castle Hotel, Conway. It leaves each Hotel at Seven o'clock in the Morn- ing, and arrives at its destination at Three o'clock in tl: Afternoon. Passengers bv this coach travel through SCKNKRY l. MUYALLLD IN THK OlILl), at the base of Snowdon, along the Lakes of l.lanberris, through the Vale of Llanrwst and Couway, altogether the most romantic and beautiful in North Wales. The TOl HIST will be at liettws y Coed in time for the London, Shrewsbury, and lIolI!C,1 Coaches, bv which 1 assengers and Parcels can oe forwarded. Performed by the public's most obedient servant-, SAM I'LL <)\V i: OWEN AXU VI. JONKS. KKTIAHI) ROWLANDS. The following Mails and 1.iyht Post Coaches run daily between the Vxbridge Arms Hotel, Carnarvon, and the PfllrhUll Arms Hotel, Bangor:- The PWLI.ilKLI MAIL, from Kangor.at a qiiar- ter before Light o'clock, every Morning. I lie iSANOOK MAIL at a Quarter before Six o'clock every Lvening. The MOl'N IAIN i.l.K IVt Coach at Nine o'clock cverv .Morning (Sunday excepted) to liangor, Shrewsbury, ami London. The IN'Dl'S'i'RV Post Coach at Four o'clock every afternoon (Sunday excepted) to Batigor. CvbriilL'C Arms Hotel, 20tl, June. IN CORNWALL. The Trengwa.inton and Nanscglos Estates, II"illi the fine JIW/1iÎ1I11, Offices,r\tensiee Grounite, (11/(1 ,JII"4¡'!)el'it- turge walled (iartten, llmi 320 acres oj land surrounding it together with the ;!?)t.-«MMM. rM.'(''??'), and Henira Kstates, ahieli form a belt; altogether Hit) acres, within tU11 antes of' I'enzanre, \,W It. GLOITGE KObt?S is directed by the ll\otl(:o Executors :e.;s!cs for offer for SALL, bv the AVC-tti)N ^IAUT, in Lost) »N, on Tut H>1)AY, JI.LV in Two Lots, the excoedin-Jv valuable I'KLLllOI.I) LS TATLS of the late Silt KOSL PHlCE, MART. DECEASED, comprehending a very fine property, and lor many vcars accounted one of the leading features ol the couatv, the value .IIIIIpeclIliar features (If whieh will be wdl appreÜatcù in the neighbourhood, as well as TJlli COUNTY OF CORNWALL, w here he was so deservedly popular. It coniiiie h en d s TWO VALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATES, K'ing \ery eompact and v^ll together, in lite 1IJOt tlvoured and feililc part (If the conntv, viz. Tin: TItI(T\L\ITOj'; ami ,SE(;J,OS ESTATES, which INCLUDE THREE HUN- DRED and H'L.N TY-TllKEE ACRES, « ITU the SPLENDID MANSION and PARK, ;i:> u (iu ii, lrl: long, it is believed at Penzance, will 11' coii-ecrati d to tlie abode 01' AN INDEPENDENT M.P. tor although reform has scvl'rdy Yiitcd these region, ,t will be remembered that TJH')? BOIW('(m OF ST. IrES i"tjll out of the pale of suppositious improvement; it will oiilv need the influential power 01 hospitality and cowl fellowship to inuru to tlH possessor the ddi6ht of representing ?ts neighbouring town. Thc Mansion, so deservedly famed throughout the county, is adapted tOM!vett)ccttoanth(;)(?tn).atc?anH()t A M \N OF HHill FAMILY PRETENSIONS; there is not a comfort that dtH'" n-t appear conspicu- ti?eic is ]lot it coiiitort tlt;it ii,it It is environed bv WELL-TLM11ERED PARK, and the Plantation-walks, Lawns, Shrubberies, and Hardens, have been long the theme of hih commenda- tiOlI, It may be well to communicate to tho*e who laud tcouomy I that provisions are ahuralant, ami very THE'ci.lMATE HAS NOT UM'KLQUENT- |,Y HE F.N ASSIMILATED TO tiil SOUTH OF FRANCE. ,Inti the iuiuiedKite neighbourhood has long ranked exceedingly high. The views are interesting almost bevond description, aiid so pii turesipic a certainly uut to vield to all" otliei in tlie county. ST. MICHAELS MOUNT presents all object that hauler t'ler alld anon afloided ileii^ht to tLc intelligent traveller,and 111.tory ha uot failed to record it as an object ot cons.de: able iutclest. "?°'" THE HAY OF NAPLES i not uiifmjucntly called to mind in partaking at le isure of the ddlghtful Panorama winch 1: prt'l'l1tl'd. T here I all almo-t PERPETUAL ITALIAN SKY prevailing in this favoured district and it will not be out of pJare to add, that the best ,)cidy, it?? kindly feelings, will be Ibun I every where, ttn?nbcad?i, bv uav of conclusion, that there an' .U\?).U"U. RIGHT'S AND PRIMLEGL>, aud an alalO.,t INEXHAUSTIBLE SITPI/V of MINERALS as appendages to thi fruitful inviituiuut, which in dude; I iVE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-THREE ACHES, including BOSWEDNAN, I'UETEOOAN, ,11 IIE:\DIL\ ESTA TES ADJOINING. A It.in of copper has htely presented itscll, which ptonii?sa large )early income. The market at I Vuz.uiue is very influential for the dlSpos1 of grain awl superfluities arising from a prolific soil; and the estate altogether possesses o many agremens, with a ?tlier to re?illence or tliiit it is I)e- ii,, it will he almost a work uf supererogation to invite l'aïly and serious attention to the positive dircc. IIOIH of the trustees, which require an unreserved sale of the whole. Some additional observations connected with facts not already noticed will appear in the particulars of salf, wliicli, when ready, may he had at the principal Inns at Launce^ton, Bodmin, Tiuro, Penzance, St. I" ULINUIU, Ealmouth, IVtirhvn, and Plymouth tltl Nt'\v I.ondi>n Inn, at Exeter Aler^r*. 1 AHOVM:, l)U\Mi l.v, and ItHT, >olintor«» Btdf(\nl row j pud Mi.(i'?tt:?t?.?., Utice., London. National Schools. rilHI' EXAMINAllON tl?,- Schools X of Banger and Neighbourhood will take place at h.ilf-past Eleven, in the SCHOOL ROOM, on VHIDAY the 7th day of Acorsr, 1835. The Schoolmasters and Mistresses of the sereral National Schools of this and the adjoining county, are reque,t",1 (if convernent ) to attend the Examina- tion, after which they will Dine together, without any expense to themselves or the Sereral Institutions with whic h thev are connected. ?:t'OULKES, Master Of the Bangor National School. D\t:2ü PltO.UOTIXC CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE. rilHE BANGOR DIOCESAN' COMMITTEE, I acting under 1 he Society fur Promoting Chris- tian knowledge, intend holding their ANNUAL MELilMi, at the NATIONAL SCHOOL ROOM, in this City, on WKUMSIMY, the 5th day of Acors-r, 1835, at half past Eleven o'clock in the Foienoon, lor the purpose of Auditing the Accounts for the last rcar, ..xc. Ceo. The Annual Subscriptions due to the Parent So- ciety, and the District Donations and Subscriptions Irill be receirl,,1 on that Day, together with the Ac- counts due fur the liooks. J. if. COTTON". Secretary. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the GOAT IIOTEI, in the Town of CAHSAIIVON, on SATUHDAY, the 8th of AIM ST, 1835, between the hours of 3 and 5 o'clock in the afternoon, subject to such conditions as shall be then produced, unless disposed of in the mean time by private contract, of which due notice will be given:- ALL that modern built DWELLING-HOUSE, situate on Segontium Terrace, in the Town of Carnarvon, in thp occupation of Mary Jones. All those Six DWELLING-HOUSES, situate in in the said town of Carnarvon, in the several occupations of Mr. Robert Humphreys, Nehe. miuh Bracegiidle, Willillm Jones, John Junes, Jol." EI-UHS, and Jofm Hughes. All tho,e Three DWELLING-HOUSES, situate in Chapel-street, in the said town of Carnarvon, in the several occupations of Robert Funii, Lvan Williams, and John Morris, and— Ail that DWELLING-HOUSE, situate in Bridge- street, in the said town of Carnarvon, in the occupa- of » Jones, The last mentiolled Dwelling-house is held under a lease granted in the year 1824 for one life, now aged 12 and 30 concurrent years, at the reserved rent of s ixteen years. For further particulars apply to IITr. RODFHT WIL- LIAMS, Solicitor, Carnarvon or 31r. 11. H. WILLIAMS, Solicitor, Penrhos, near Carnarvon. Posting between Dublin (lIId !.Plld\JII. STEAM COMMUNICATION M: I w I I N Carnarvon, Dublin, Aberystwyth, and Liverpool. ?. ——? é"è\ 1/ä "-4 '>j' i'ii1''t1 'i\0'" ?. ?' ?-/?-? Jrt "E,'7":f1i   ?.?,?_.?.-?? PRINCE LLEWELYN, VALE OF CLWYD, & AIR STI;AM ERS, ■ J ESJ'ECTEULLV infirm the Public, that the Il'¡i;r' 'I: l.t;ii: .i!,a;1;b t;h: Packets for JCLY 11{\ .(a's' by which a direct Communication will be opened 1)1'131,IN and NORTH WALKS, as well as between NORTH and SOf T? WALKS and LIVERPOOL. ALE UF CLW'Yl) (.'arnarvw to Duhiin, Thursday,Julv 30, 9' TUT-I D .IV AI; 4. !) 1i:i;¡ :j: T h ur> d a v, A 13, !J S Tuesday A?.)? ■£ l iur^ d a y Aug. 7 9 Dublin to Carnarvon. Friday, duly 31, 9 Wednesd. Aug. 5, 9 Monday, Aug. 10, 9 i Friday, Wednesd. Aug. 19, 9 1 Monday, Aug. 24, 9 Friday, Aug. 28, 9 FARES. CAIHV. PICK. Cnnnrvon I" Dublin 8^. Od.4- Steward's Kee 0 (i 0 Four-wheeled Carriages, £ 1. Is.; Gigs, 10s. 6d.; Horses 10s. 6d, Families travelling between Dublin and London will save by these arrangements from £ 5. to £10. in post- ing, cvc., Carnarvoll being the same distance from Capel Curig as Rangor. (VmuMTn'i to Liverpool. Tuesday, duly 28, 7 Saturday, An 1, 7 tiu)?v'.Aj. (>, 7 Tuesday, Aug. 11, 7 H Saturda y Aug. 15, 7 > '2 1) 7 0 :I:I; :{:: i': Satuul.iy, Aug. 20, 7 Liverpool (4) Carnarvon, Wednesd. July 29, 10 Monday, Aug. 3, 10 Friday, u,r. 7, 10 Wednesd. Aug. 12, 10 5 Monday, Aug. 17, 10^ Friday, Aug. 21,10'0 Wednesd. Aug. 26, 10 Monday, Aug. 31,10 AIR. Carnarvon to Liverpool. Liierpool to Carnarvon. :?Mr?".y'?)y ?. 7" F,'i'd.?. July ?'?'/ !o TuesdayAug. 4, 7 \doe,. Aug. 5, 10 Thursda'y, Autf. 13, 7 3 Fridav, Aug. 14, 10 Tuesday, Aug. 18, 7 W'edncs. Allg, 19, 10' Saturd tv, Aug. 22, 7 lplJdaYJ Aug. 24, 10 7 Friday, Aug. 23, 10 <'t<)'Ma)')'Mif'-t?r?tn??)..it<'r'tM??'?' CffrHarrou* Tucsd?.J?yT', 9' W(-<hM.' July 29, 9 Saturday, Au^. 1, 9 MoM()ay, Aug, 3, 9 rllnr(Lty,\u. fi, Friday, ?lug.79 Tuesday, Aug. 11, 9 Wednes. Aug.H,9g S.)tuntiv,A?:).)? -)on?y,Aug.t9,9? Thursda'y, A n 2. 9 Frid.ty, Aug. 21, 9 i'u?.?'A'u???') \?.Aug.2?9 .-aturdav.A?. 20, 9 .Monday, Aug. 31, 9 PRINCE LLEWELYN. I.ivrvrpool to Viranmat is, Menai Bridge, B l$au%or,b< Menni liridge. Beaumaris, fi> Liverpool. Every Tuesday, Thursday, Every .Monday, YVednes- and Saturday morning, day ,nndFriday morning, at Half-past io o'clock. at Nine o'cock, FARES. CABIN. Ihn. Liverpool to Mt-nai Fridge £ 0 10s. 6d. 5s. 5 St(.-?.ud's Fee. 0 0').. 0 Liverpool to Aberystwyth 1 1 0 10 Steward's Fee 0 0 6 • 0 ??b,?' 0120 6 Shard's Fee 0 0 (> • 0 Horses to Menai Bridge, 10>.<vf.; Carriages, U. 15s. Gi'gs 15s. not including shipping or landing. )''u?n?'rs rromLiv?r[)Otdt? Aberystwyth stay a night at CllI'lIaf\'(1n. Refreshments, incs, \c. may be ha(t on bJard, 01 the best quality. Agents.-Th St. (iu)rg" Steam PacketCompany's <)m?<,)),);dt-?uay,f)u)din;\Vatt'r-.?reetand ('larence Dock, Liverpool; Mr. TIMOI H Y, St. (Jeorge's CompanyV Agent, Menai Riidge; Mr. (U). EVANS, -"1'0: t.I);\B anJ to JI I. P. Davits, G«>2 rddan Anm-, Abevvstwylh. ?.t.lann?'. I, Carnarvoi July, 13j. TO CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Üi:UlAH1. To be Disposed of by Private Contract, Wi lli 1 M M 1.1>1 A 11 I'ost sSlON, rpHE unexpired TERM of FOllUEE:\ Y EAHS, I t'lom tl,, 3d of January last, of and in "plcious DWELLING-HOUSE, lately b,?ilt at a considerable xprbc, and mo>t advantageously situated in Castle- strœl, Beau:uari" together with the v,duable SI OCK ill 1 H.\JJL. FL\ fUlLS, IIt! [:-EUULJ) FURNI- TURE, anduther LJTECf, oftbe late Air. WILLIAM LEWIS JOSKS, ChclHit and DrugL;i4, deceased, The House is roomy and well adapted tor a Lodging-house, with all excellent Shop fflJntillg the main street, 111 the rear are Warehouses, Laboratory, and other con- veniences, affording accommodation for carrying on business upon an extensive scale. Attached to the PrelUie$ likewise are a large Garden stocked with fruit trees, Stable, &c. {xc, 0 The Concern is well worthy the attention oi the Trade, as the Premises eorlJbim all the farilitirs tor carrying on an extensive and lucrative business in a fashionable watering-place, with the vt'.ier advantages of possessing an opulent neighbourhood. For further particulars application to be made to JIr, JONKS, Pencraig, Llangefni, Anglesûy ifby letter post paid. Society for the Restoration of Health. HAR\EY'S VEGETABLE ANT1-DRASTJC PILL is fast superseding every other aperient and stomachic medicine. Its success has been mot decided in Indigestion, obstinate and habitual Costive- ness, bilious and Nervous Head-acl, Giddiness, or Overflow of Blood to the Head, Rheumatic Fever, Liver Complaints, and all disorders incident to the stomach and bowels. ln Complaints peculiar to Females and Children, these Pills will be found one of the best and most eHcdual remedial agents that can be u>ed they may be taken by the most delicate females and children, with perfect satdy. As a Fa- mily Medicine, to keep in tlie house fvr all primary symptoms of indisposition, they stand iiiiiivalled. eonhnement or change of diet n:flu1:;lt(. Price b, 1 d. 2s. 9d. and 4s. 6d. per box. JL\1l\l-.Y'S RESTORATIVE COHDL\L, in Nervous Affections, Loss uf appetite, Languor, an* Debility, arising fromr illness, early imprudence, ex- cesses, residence in topical climates, seminal weaks ness, sedentary habits, &c. is infallible. To YOllng and to elderly females it affords relief and support, that no other tonic has given; it mitigates, often to- tally prevents, sea-sickness. All persons of sedentary haoib, ami tradcsmen much confined to their shops, will find a table-spoonful taken one hour before dinner, of the greatest service. Price 4s. fid. and I Id. per bottle. HARVEY'S EMBROCATION effectually and speedily cures Rheumatism, Sprains, Bruises, nrl Glandular Swellings, and restores Relaxed Muscles to their tone. Price 2s. 9d. per bottle. l1:\HVEY'S LOTION OF BEAUTY, removes Pimples, Freckles, Eruptions, and all Cutaneous dis. orders ofthe Face and Neck Cures Chapped Hands, postpones Wrinkles, preserves the Complexion to a great age, and, used before Shaving, imparts comfort hitherto unknown. Price 3s. 6d. and 7s. tid. per bottle. "As a safe and effectual aperient, we fearlessly as- sert, that ANTI-DRASTIC PILL has no equal in this country. It is not only in some degree superseding other Family Medicines, but many dis- tinguished Physicians are constantly recommending the formula to their patients, as being the safest Ape- rient Pill made known.—" Ur/ldr of Healthfor January 29th, a Weekly Medical Journal. VALUABLE M EIJIC 1\ ES arcsold by the Society for the Restoration of I lealtli, 90, Char- lotte-street, Rathbone-place, London C. MAW- HOOD, 20, South John-street, near the New Cus- tomhonse, Prie;tley, A'pinall, J. D. Butler, Schole- field, Fisher, Wag;taff. Swift, llob?. and 1,1?v?l, Liverpool Scowcroft, Bolton. STEAM COMMUNICATION HI lWEI. Liverpool, Rhyl, Abergele, Rhyddlan, and North Wales. r1 plIE Public are respectfully inhumed that the hnc fast-sailing Steam Packet Countess of Glasgow, Will ply between i.i\erpo >1 and.lhe above-mentioned 1 ices at the time ^penned in the subjoined table. The COCNTKSS will leave George's Pier jJead, Liver- pool, every TllrIIL\ (JOlt SAH'HDAV, and liliyl and Forvd every MONDAY, WUINIH<IJ\V, and FHIDAV.—Cabin Fute, 4,. Steerage, 2,. 6d. As the Cous'TKss OF Guoow is intended to ply upou ibis s!1tion '1.1', the utmost reliance may b placed upon her regular and punctual departure at the appointed periods. The pa-^i^e is generally run in abL ul three hours, and the course lying within the banks, the Vessel is seldom out of smooth Water.- I'he seenery w highly beautiful and picturesque. HHYI. is situated at the foot of the celebrated Vale of Clwyd, affords superior Sea Bathing, good Hotels, and the usual accol11uJ()flatious of favouiite watering pliccs. Cars and other Vehicles attend on the Hhyl "de of the Koryd, to convey Passengers to Rliyd l'ai, Sf. Asaph, Denbigh, and Jiuthin also an Omnibus to Denbigh, thriugh llhyddlan and St. Asanh. On the arrival of the Packet at the Foryd Pier, an Omnibus is waiting from the JiiK ]ltm:i., to convey Passengers to the well-known and much-frequented Watering Place of Abergele, a distance only of four miles, at the low charge of One Shilling each where the London, Liverpool, Chester, and lIolyhead Hopi .Iiail, and Coaches pass through daily and where eonvevances may be bad to Conway, Jiangor, or any other part of the Principality. The Tourist through Wales, will find Abergele a more convenient startmg point than any other, as it is situated in the immediate vicinity of llie linest views, and most enchanting scenery with which ),orth Walt's abounds. Passengers receiied and landed at lioiflahe. For Freight or Passage, apply to THOMAS OWEN, .V<ent at Khvl and Forvd or to JOSEPH Hnll'llm:n 3:f, Water-street, or at George's Pier Head, Liverpool. 1\ B. Packet House, Hed LIOn, Kedeross-street, Liverpool.— Refreshments to be had on Board. From Liverpool to Rhyl. .Il L B do. 28 8 1(,. :I{;V: :L. l do. From Rhyl to Llverpool. Wednesday 2'' 12 Noon Friday.l<J™>on All Goods to go by the Pí1ckt.t froni Liverpool to be e?t to George's Pier Heatl on .ironAimind J-'< »'•<I;J, to«o bv the Pafkt o'l Tuesdays and S tturdaiis and none will be taken at any other time. Onnxs i1!tended to be eonveyed by the Countess of GIIIS.111". mu-t he accompanied with a shlppmg note, containing parti- cuius of their description, weight. ,Vc. or thev cannot be sent forward. All Geml; laden on board the Packet are at the risk of the Owers, if not taken away when discbare'ed and all Flli,?ht? "c due on deli- very 'F'liptvPnekages returned by the Packet, at the'ri,k of ti.e FarOe' they belong to. irputt of toc lJubUc gjourniilo. I I MOKNIVD IIM.U.D, The attempt of the W higs ol the present (lny to confiscate a portion ofthe property oi'that Church or which their ancestors were the champiolls, will 110t stop with the Irish branch of the estahJi,ue", the attack is made on the outworks heÎorc the citede) j" stormed; but we confess we do not think the princi- ple of confiscation the worst part of this big mea- sure. It is tho avowed intention of appropriating the confiscated property to Papal objects which strikes us with most alarm. An allusion is made to tJ¡l Church of Scotland, but there is no analogy. The Scotch Church is a branch of Protestantism, hut the Church of Home s a/i 1I.i1tagonist Church to Protes- tantism in all its branches. The Whigs would devote n portion of the property of the I'roi:estant Church to the purposes of a reliion which sets out with de- nying (he knowledge of the Scriptures to the people, and yet the Whigs call themselves the irientJs of uni- versal education. Put the sacrilegious attempt has roused the Protestant spirit of this land, and though the assailants are eager and fierce, the temple of the Reformed faith shall uot want for defenders. A RUSSLLL FAGGOT AT BFCKENDAM. I '( From a correspondent in the J tmes.) It was observed during the time Lord Grey was in office, that the mere f"ct of a man having t ;,j name of Grey seemed to conferan inherent right to a place, and it would seem that in like manner the name ot ltussell confers an inherent right to si vote. Kvery one must have heard of the illustrious Hedford Ploomsbury fuggotbut perhaps it is not equally well-known that faggot of Kossells exists in the pa- rish of Beckenham, the members of whieh, although we believe they can claim no other affinity to the IJedtord Russell, seem to have a full share of tho vote-making faculty, for which their illustriousnamc- sakes are distinguished, and are, of course, equally zealous advocates for purity of election, &c. These gentlemen (who it must bo observed are active pro- moters of the East Surrey Reform Registration So- ciety, of which one of the professed objects is the removal of improper claims from the register) stand arrayed in the register for the parish of Ueckenham, in the county of Kent, as followsRussell, James; Russell, James; Russell, Robert; Russell, Robert: Russell, Kclwardj Russell, Thomas Russell, John; Russell, William. The property which qualities the above gentlemen consists of two cottages lately pur- chased for, we believe £ 2.)0. Still however, like Prince Zeyu Alasnam in the" Arabian Nights," they found, that though the ninth pedestal was ready, the statue was wanting, which deficiency, happily for tbA cause of freedom, they supplied in the person of a Mr. James Miller, wlio having fortunately married into this electoral family, became thereby qualified to support purity of election us an independent freehol- der of the county of Kent.

Imperial jjtarlfanunt.


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