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\VEOJFSS3AY. "u'- Th.ep..rts?)h.'t'?"? TI K a?S.arbLn.?.?d)he?.?'?'' R?'H'Hs. <??h..?u'htu?mi()tt'pamHnt)n)e?tsr?da feemid tu.?. T).e ).ive.').<'?.?"??' ti?t?-tv "???-?' 1 h.r een pt.titi?.< for)t? belter observance of the Sabbath were presented (."rd andon presented two of these p. til ions, ?e ??-.?.v4.UW inhabitants? Jt<t.r))w?,')?.?h..rt?tnthtC?n?f(;<.<.n<.fSt. A..tirc?'< Kirk, Liverpool, )h<L?<)_)npniso j.,?entc.) a p. lithm from S)r.<.?W t'"?'°"? one of t!l overseers of Liverpool, complaininK of !')'??<.[? adopted by masters in payint,' wages in poM'ic houses on Saturday night.—Lord Ash)e\ J"'t'ynled ?ti'i.?s.t)U.r.?-.)y!.ign?, from !h.?d?<t'tt-ht.('hu'n<'it!h. Ht'??d. Renfrew, and j'cw.u?. ill fan.urut'thc ritct.?y BilL-l.ord Morpeth" withdrew the motion of wi ieh he had t:ne'?h''t)??th?suhjcrt..uu)i?tim?t'(tt)tat Lsh?hts.t.?L?As).)e.Y'sh.t)-P?.ti?s t..rtheah?iU.)«)savcry.')?r?)t-.d<? the assessed taxes, triennial parliaments, and the rote 1) bull?,t. wcn' also presented "Si!'M.W?){)))L):Ypr.sc??)')'e report of the committee appointed to .-eeide on the petition ua;lJst the election for lhe hltl'ouh of Carnal vim, I'eclariiiir that Sir Churl, s PnKvt was not duly elected, an.t tl,.t til, )];,j- ()?.. J(?,ie? )?h<?m)nf"n?'t'?h'))u)hcr<-n)rn)n 6?at)—!<n.t t')t?)??thf.the puti?u?m't'the defence was frivolous or vexation*. 11017SF OF 7. The Earl of W1CKLOW, seeing the Noble Se crelarv for the Home Department 111 llis place, wished to ask him "hat were the intdltWt'S HI his ?s's ?.v???wi?..??t?t!.et?i. ju?).it).?hcnt);?'.i:i"s?..ui.:ht?' to their i.orJships Jasl se,,iolJ. it wa considered. so much Huu??e,'hatit?.??rt-N\Jtuase)cctc.'m I ,f ?uch)ie (11"! N,,I)I, ,,ie. It ??t?te?.i??thy that c..M.itt? that HtU ,Iwuld be referred to the Irish jud.es, and he wished to h IIt)\\ wlH,ther the opiniuu of tlu.se h'arn4Jtf persons l:ad as vet twen gi\ l". itud w helher.it was intended to hriiii) forward the same Bill this session? "\??n?.)i:).)!"L'H?t:sanith.ttitw?intenf!. cd by (io.eminent to urin forward a measure for ?Lb.?tt.!nu))i)nt!??"tnsh.iur.(;s,bt)t he could not say whether that measure would be similar to )!?. ).s)..rn?t ')'hcin? J"t)t;e?'??'J?'?'" p.i?st?th.?!.?). The Bishop of HATH and W'F.LLS. in pre,ent i.)Xaj?Hh..nfnrthc'mr«).?'?an??!the Sabbath, referred to some observations made by a JSoble Baron (Lord Kiiu-). with regard toaclcrity- man named Clark j. of" 11"111 it Ua" alleged thal lie had taken a qua. tity ol fish for tithes. He (the Kev. had that day received a letter fioin a cler-, ma.1 residing near the Rev. (ientlenian in question, Ii J¡)(.h letter c\,mpJ.h denied the coarse. 1.tlld stated tlut n tar fflllll tle Hv (Jei.tleiua.i raising new tit o s, he bad lowered those wliieh lie "as enipoweri d 10 demand Lord kl.M. said the statement which lie had made W\S en.b. dieo in the petition presented, on the occasion RELVIred tn, and oniy went t(I s how t .at .be Rev. (ientienian was SIlU;Wddl too active in I" collection ui hi, tithes ')'i'? )'J)'<.i "'?" IIAT.'I and WELLS observed that, foi himself, lie was quite satisficd with the explanation of the N.'b'e lain!; hut he must say, tnai the N Ide Lord still left the impression, that the Kev. tieutieiiian ill question bad taken the lithe oi fi..h. w 111(°11 was i-oittrarv !»» lait. The l,l)iU) CilAM Kl.l.Olt inoved the first Teat l inis of die mil for the amendment of the law a.id observed, that the object of the bill was to carry into t'tr tr lio- ,.t'J)dJlt'J;d'lti\l11 of the common law Cjiiiniissioiiers. iu advci ti 1} to tlic [ilia :»:i ui 11. tlw hill, we understood him to filay that it in\esle- jlldes with ])owcr of altering the practice with repaid tn spr{id pleadings, aud the next and must 11111' Ttant auieinlment was to provide statutary i i ,i(ins with regard In actions at common law. i !Iv the existing law no rime was limited for "I'io h?!)e?..n<.s.?h.))n).uintt'ff.'ct?hcymii{hth<: brought aht r the )?))s..?t'fit'tt?c?xtnear'i.'i'he objer? of t)n* pro sen! IIdl was lo limit tl^ time for' bringing action* nn hdllds to t,? call. I he .Noble ?n(H.e??N.!<rd?h)t)t'<itnthe)M)')sh)p..fX))e l it'nc.'d, 1. CnH\'1I ebtors, who In man." eases were inadc h .hi«' for d( hts due tl) the ('IO\11 ufter seve- .,i ?.M's)?<) e)..)".J fr"mthf'.n'<'uf iinnrrin^j lbrill. i'ltc obji ct of r he present hi!1 was to make the person or persons who became security for Ihe debtor, and i)"t hinuelf inhie for the amount? dt1 (0 the (Vmvb, and al \h>v.gh tJn- i*) should die, In compel hi" l1t'('sol'i lu refund t1ll' money. Tile IH'\1 ol'jtct of ihr hill waS to cnaide juries, in :w !'i',? "t' debt, to ..?'a.d t')h.. jdaintill interest as \11 as principal, the ¡ute: t>t to ht ea 'el1!aled Irom the time the debt was dem:nx!ed, provide^ tiiat sue h diinami wa.. made I!pjore 1111: <'a>e went to tri,d. The bill also amended the law with tepni tn mbitrntiotts. Under tlie cxt^tiny Jaw arbitia- lions ?,'t'?..n)))..i<t. )!'v'hi<?"')'? and defendant runs! inntmdh t to have Ille matter iH dispute referred tp arbitration in eases where adiolls weie l-romju bv one partv ilg-aiHsl the other. The arhitru'ois would also have the power of suHllJwniug wilncsse6 hefore them. In cases of ))..ru.t.rsh)? )??Yever. the hid provided that arbitration should be compulsory 00 the part il' c.?Gfrnct).ttw?<(!s?)'?ti?(tbythebi)).th? in order to estiblish the p.<?f of deeds, it wool > not he to produce the deeds themselves, prodded their existence (,(,01". he proved hy two cOlllpctent witnesses. The Noble ow) Learned Lord said that the object of the bill was to make law both cheap and expeditious,and with that view lie could hartH, conceive a more useful 1UCi.1Sllle. The bill was tlren read a Ji-rst time, and their lordships adjourne





