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CARNAltVONSJIUtK. Grand and Petty Juror* of this county, 't,.??.t'<'e<tt.' attend at the next As,iz, ,i* at Si lie o'i'loek in the Morning "f the i'?''  .? .T.?'t. DAVID i'HK'i: DOUNKS, SHERIFF. Hen(¡"erIoYI,thi, FdJ. :.)th. IS:¡_ 11.'1 Authority of Parliament. THE GLASGOl LOTTERY. TICKi; I S AN!) SilAUKS Are WI'" (1,\ S,d,' at tlJC ,J.estahJislled Office of BISH. rIo. 4. CORNHILL, LONDO.V, H r; having been duly authorised to sell tlie Tkkets, and is also fu'lv guaranteed in offer v. in the holders of tlie Prizes ihe option of takini* ll,f Onuses and Lands, or recciving, IN MONEY, I!Jr estimated value as soon as drawn, subject to a III1,dl d"unt. to cover the risk and expenses of .,ilill!: the I'roprt,r. The Scheme contains 2,069 jjeiiclit Lots or Prizes of various valuc, including Tiii-ee. of 1:10,000, I A' VD SL'N DitY OTHERS OF C2,000, £ 1,200. ZCI,Oi)O, &c. Which will he distributed anion? the hollers of (be r now on Sale, acd w ill be decide.I All i,, 0,,?, D,.?i, 17th Ap,it. On)cr, from the Country (post paid) containing remittances, will he duly attended t. TUNERS aud SHARKS are felling by 131SIll. AGL.NTS, J. DISOWN. \orth Walts Chronicle Offite, bUriynr. IV Potter, & Co. Stationers, Carnarvon. (i Ad ims, Silversmith, Carmarthen. J. Divies, Auctioneer, Swansea. P"u,e a,.<I Bolt, Booksellers, Chester. | Flit.si:ST PBICK. Ticket £ 12 12 0 ?H''f.EG)GHL!).t)).H)CC Quarter j 10 G^^xlecnth. O 18 G t'l: ,\It S!ll/{ 1'1. CAPITAL OAK TIMBER. TO BE SOIJD BY' AUCTION, At the House of Mrs. JANE HIGHKS, called the (ioAT LLOTM-. in the Town of CAHNAKYON, in the County of Carnarvon, on SATURDAY, the 30th day "y" March, hetween the hours of Two and Four in th afternoon, in the following or such other Lots as shall be agreed upon, and subject to couditiou* then l> he produced; Y9WIE under mentioned Isot* nf ()t\K TIMBER, X cumbered with white paint, niul growing upon '\?.nnt Demesne, situate three tut?sfroot?t?.?r. find six Irom Carnarvon, and adjoining the River Menai LOT T. II (hk Trees, growing in Bryn Cras Wood, on Hrvn Adda Farm. LOT II. o7 Oak Trees, growing in 'Rullt Wood, near Aber y Pwll. LOT I If. •>01 Oak Trees, and 1 (iCyphers, growing in Hen- dri. L? \Jl" .U''?''?Sr'? g !nen- LOT IV. iWU Oak Troes, and 6 C) pliers, growing in GWCfIi ;ll.¡h Wood, the Trees are ofgood dilllensions,and well worth v allelltion of Shipwrights, Wheelwrights, and "ers ill want of prime Timber. Mr. Timmins, of VaeuoJ, will shew the different all,1 fur further partieularsapply (if by letter, t pajd) to 1\lr. JoHS MILLISOTON, Carnarvon, I" JIr. H. R. WILLIAMS, Solicitor, Penrhos, near aruarfon. CARNARVON TOWN — NORTH WALKS. CAPITAL Freehold and Leasehold Estates. TO BE SOLD BY PL BMC AUCTION, By ordtr uf the Trustee and Executor of the late Air. Evan Lloyd,) At the GOAT HOTEL, situate in the Town of CAR. V\i!VON, in the County of Carnarvon, on SATUU mv, tlie 23d day of MAUCH, 1833, between the hours uf 3 and 5 in the afternoon, unless dis- posed of in the mean time by Private Contract, IIf \I hieh due notice will be given, in the follow- IIJ or such other Lot or Lots, and subject to such Conditions as shall be then agreed Upon LOT 1. •f|*HE Fee simple and Inheritance of and in all 31 ESSt,A(,E,)r Dl%'L' ) t?SE <tio'\klJ;i'(I' l ;Î1 ig; I vwth the Appurtenances,situate in High street, and bustle street,lacing the Market House, and in the ost important and COIntn<1ueting Spot ror Business the said Town of Carnarvon, in the occupation AIr HICE JANES, Diaper, on a Lease, of which •>- >ut seven years are unexpired, at the yearly reut f £, 10,. oil. LOT II. ne Fee simple and Inheritance of and in all MKSSUAGB ur DWELLING HOUSE, lIlvItCOITAMESTS and PREMISES, with the ??!r:e?.t.?t!<.situate iMUi?hstreet, (adjoining "t 1st) in the said Town "e Carnarvon, now in occupation of HfcNar EXSOK. Hoot-maker, as i i t from year to year, at Lb. Vary low rent of -I,J, Us. Od. per annum. LOT III. The Fee simple aud Inheritance or and in all <:»at MESSUAGE HI DWELLING HOUSE, situ "tf in a Lan" leading from Higli street aforesaid, Iii the said Town tlf Carnarvon, now iu the tenure IIl"'°I'¡¡''1I of J'HI (j1\.M'ITH', al.d MARY Two >J IcIlJuls at will, at Ih, .dy rcul of i)4. LOT IV, Ail those two DWELLING-HOUSES, with the Appurtenance*, situate in Green ate street, in the '• lown nf Carnarvon, now ill the tenure or oc {11 POTION of THEMIS LLOVD, Tailor, and KICHAHP ^HIKFITH, Mariner, as tenants from year to year, "I ,¡; I los, Od, per annum each, held under a Lease frulII 1 HOMAS ASSUKTON SMITH, Esquire, at 7s. a >'t'ar Ground Rent, for the lives of two persons, uf respective ages of 23 and 22 years. I he above Property is well wurthy the notice f,f Capitalists, being capable of great improvement III a tiifling expeiice, and bein* situated in the 3i'tist prefeiahle part of that mercantile and sea- I'orl r??wn of Carnarvon. For further Particulars apply (if by letter, post paid) to Mr. H. R. WILLIAMS, Solicitor, Penrhoo, flear Carnarvon; or to Mr. EOWAED LLOYD, Gene- ral Post Oiffce, LoDdon. Valuable Slate Quarry. TO BE LET, FOR A TERM OF YEARS, Ulli A' MAY HLI' AGHEED upn: 4 Lli that Valuable SI.ATE QUARRY, com i\. Ilionlv Oiilleil and known by the name of COYTMORE QUARRY, Situate in the parish of LL\NM.BCHID, ii) t lie county of Carnarvon, only four miles fro", Bangnr and on the Mail Coach Road to London; containing Slate of the finest quality. For further particulars apply personally (or if by letter, post paid) to Mr. THOMAS PKICHARD, Palace street, Carnarvon. Carnarvon, 21st Jan. 1833. WHEHEAS a Fiat in Ilatikruptcy, uiifler the W hand of the ttight Honorable the Lord High Chancellor of G«eat Britain, is awarded and issued fortn against JOHN LLOYD, of CARNARVON, in the county of Carnarvon. Buildef, Dealer and Chapman, and he being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby required to surrender himself to the Com- mi->sio»ers in the said Fiat named, or the major part of them, on the Twenty-fifth Day of FEBRUARY instant, and the First Day of AralLnext, at Eleven o'Clock in the forenoon "r each day, at the House of 31r JUlES DAI, eOlllownly called by the name or the CASTLU HOTKL, situate in theCArTLE SQUAITE, in thc Town or CARNARVON, in the County of Car nurvon, Rlld make a full discovery and disclosure 01' his Estate and Effects; and the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their Dehls, and choose Assignees lit the first sitting, and the said Bank rupl is required In finish his Examillatinn at the- second sitlil1, when the Creditors are to assent to, or dissent fllllll the allnwance nf his Certificate All persons indebted to the said Bankrupt,or that hale any )f his En"cts, are not t" pay or deliver the all¡" hul to whom the Commissioners shall appoint, lllIt tn give nonce to 1\11-. JAMKS BYRNE, So icitor. 12. Cook's Court, Lincoln's Inn, London, or to Mr. flcNRY KIMSKY WILLIAMS, Solicitor, Penrhos, near Carnarvon, ill the County of Car- mmon. CARNARVONSHIRE. FREEHOLD PROPERTY, TO HE SOU) BY AUCTION, HyMr.T.PAYSE, At the CAVTI.K HOTKL, at CARNARVON, on Tunis JMY, the 14th of MARCH, 183;), at Five o'clock in lhe Afternoon, in Tvto Lots, and subject to such conditions as shall be then produced. LOT I. ^IILFACTL in the parish of Penmnrfa, consist- G Ii ;¡:.nF,It::It )t1 7.t7:I') 1;'I:I,if(j inifs, and tiOJa. 2r. 6p. (mitre or less) of Arable, .Meadow, and Pasture Lan J, in the holding of Thomas and Robert Williams. LOT II. BLAEN-Y PENNAN T, in the parish of Llan fihatigel y-Pennant, consisting of u Farm House, with suitable Outbuildings, and 536u Or. lop. (more 9r less) of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, in the holding or William Owen. The Timber and uther Trees growing npOl1 the property, to he taken at a valuation, to be produced at the time "f sale. There is an extensive Copper Mine "pon the property, now Will ked by a respectable and weal thy company, to tlie Royalty of which Mine the purchaser wm he entitled. The tenants will shew the prcmi<s; allll for further particulars, apply to Mr. H. li. WILLIAMS, HALL )WKS, Coed, near Dolgelley, Merionethshire Solicitor, Penrhos, near Carnarvon or to Mr. F. STEAM CONVEYANCE KF/VWEEN LIVERPOOL AND WALES, mill -VMM m$1WI!D Satlsevcrv Moxiur, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY for 3 R))YL. frnm Ct'mpe'sD..ft Pier Head, and re turns from thence the following Day.. Travellers to NOHTH W UFoS will fl ,(I t;,ilil.l??t igibl?('1?ll vevaucc, as there are Carriages w aiting the arrival or 'he Packet at RHYL, and on the AIIEKGKLK side of the Foam to c'invey Passengers to any part of the I'rinciiiatity; and as she keeps within the Banks durintr her Passages, thereby avoids the heavy Seas that Vessels are exposed to in the Channel and in doubling the Headlands. Horse Boxes and Carriage Slings are liept at the Pier at Rhyl and the Foryd for shipping aud landing Carriages and Horses. JOHN RICHARDSON, OIVNBR. Parilt Office, Sn. 15, Water-street, Liverpool, Ist Jan. 1S33. Passengers landed and taken on Boaril at Hoylake AGENT-At RfJYL. EDW. ROBERTS. FOR RHYL. >t Allf.lt. %Ved e' 'day 7 or?,ng Friday 8th 8 do Monday Oih )') do 13th .12 noon )5t! 3.fte .n Monday 'S'?' 6. morning Wednesday 20th 7 do i ¡;I: :7'h Friday. Prid i' v .29th 1 afternoon Wednesday.27th 11 do Wednesday. 27t)).)!( Fri d ay. 2!)th. ) .a f ternoon Tuesday fltli Mar 9 morning 'rhnr,d;?y.. 7th.H. ''n Saturlav 9th.11 dll Tuesday* 12th 2 afternoon Thursday Mth 4. do Saturday 16th 7 morning Tuesday 19th 9 do Thursday 2ht. 10 do Saturday 23d 10 do Tuesday 2Gth 12 noon Thursday. 28th. 2 afternoon Saturday 30th 6 morning All Goods or Produce laden on board the Packet are at the Risk of the Owners, if not taken away when reailv to be discharged from the Packet. Goods are taken to Rhyl on Monday and Friday, and from Rhyl to Liverpool every Tuesday and Saturday. Empty Packages returned by these Packets are at the Risk of the parties they belong to. To prevent disappointment to the public, an Extra Packet is alw ays provided when necessary. Y\7*j^KEAS, a Fiat in Bankruptcy, under the "of lhe Hight H"nourahle the Lord fii,h Cl of C.ea( Britain, is awarded and issiied foul, against THOMAS LLOYD JONES, of HOLYHEAD, in the County of Anglesey, Brewer, Dealer and Chapman, and he being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby required to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the said Fiat named, o, the major partllf them on th« 2.Mh day of FEBRU ATTY instant, and th«* 28th day of MARCH next, at Eleven -Cl.k in the Forenoon of each day, at the House of Mr. JAIEs DAY, commonly called and known by the name of the CASTI,E HOTEL, situate in CASTLE SQUARE, in the Town of CARNARVON, in the County of Carnarvon, and make a full discovery and disclosure of his Estate and Effects; and the Creditmsare to come prepared to prove theirDebts, and choose Assignees at the first sitting, and the said Bankrupt is required to tinish his Examina- tion at the second sitting, when the Creditors are to assent, to oi dissent, frrfm the allowance of his Certifictite. All persons indebted to the said Bank rupt, or that have any of his Effects, are not to pay or deliver the same but to whom the Commission- ers shall appoint, but give notice to Mr. JAIIGI BYRNE, Solicitor, 12, Cook's Court, Lincoln's Inn, London, ur to Mr. HENRY RVMSEY WILLIAMS, Soli citor, Penrhos, near Carnarvon, in the said County of Carnarvon. TOLLS TO BE LET. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the ?? TOLI.S arising at the undermentioned Toll Gales, in the Ffestiniog and Maentwrog District of Turnpike Roads, WILL BE LET BY AUCTION, 'to the best Bidder or Bidders, at the House of Air. OWKN JONES, commonly called MAENTIVKOG INN, on FKIDAY, the 15th day of MAUCH next, between the hours of Three and Six in the afternoon, in manner directed bj the Act passed in the Third Year of the Heig-n of his late Majesty KingGeorge the Fourth, "For regulating Turnpike Roads," which Tolls produced last year the followini: sums: X. s. d. Maentwrog Gates, 441 0 0 Ffestiniog Gates 74 0 0 C'arreg pen Gylfin Gates, 46 0 0 Talsarnaii Gate (lately erected,) Above the expenses of collecting them,and will be put up at that sum. Whoever happens to he the best Bidder or lIi<lllers, mllst, at the same time, Hive security with sufficient Sureties, to the satis- faction of the Tlllstees of the said Hoad. ror payment of the money due for Maentwrog Gates quarterly; and the others monthly. ROBERT LLOYD, Clerk to the Trustees of the said Titrnpike Roads Ffestilliog, Feb. 12th, 18:13. SPLENDID SALE, At Eyarth House, near Ruthin, in the County if Denbigh, fflHE whole of tb? modern and enleel FUR- NI rUnE. superb sen'lce ,f PLATE. Linen, China, Glass, Library of Books, Wines, Carriages an,1 Carriage Horses, and otlier.Effects, of RICH. ARD JlrLKs WYNNG, Esq. which WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. OVERTON, (Without the least ieserve,) on MOND,\Y, 4th MARCH next, and five following days,and also on TCTES DAY the 12th, each day at 11 o'clock precisely Comprising Dining and Drawing-room suits in Elegant and Substantial Mahogany Din i. Card, Library, and Pembroke Tables, Si le- hoard, rose. wood Sofa Table, mahogany Chairs cane seats, with loose cushions covered with blue morocco, Pier and Chimney Glasses, one72 inches by 38, another 54 by 21, Brussels & Kidderminster Carpets of large dimensions, Stair Carpeting, vain. able Paintings and Prints, large mahogany Book, case, glazed, with four folding doors, rich light blue silk damask Curtains for three windows, 2 Sofas and 12 ebony Chairs with covered seats to corres- pond with the curtains, cabinet Piano forte by Hroadtvond and Sons, Ottomans, Ladies Work Ta bles, cut glass Lustres, elegant Chimney Orna. ments in china and bronze, bronze Lamps, an. tique foreign China, patent and other Fire. screens, Fenders and Fire irons, mahogany four post and tent Bedsteads with chintz, moreen, and dimity curtains, hair Mattresses and Palliasses, prime feather Beds, Blankets, Counterpanes, and Quilts, painted Chairs, Mahogany Escrutoires, j Chests of Drawers and Wardrobes, cabinet and other Dressing Glasses, Mirror, mahogany and painted Dressing Tables and Washstands, Dress- ing Stools, Bidets, Night Commodes, Hat Stand, &e. &e. Also, every needful appendage for the Kitchen and other Offices. Dairy and Brewing Utensils, &c, &c. The superb Services of Plate, containing up wards or 1,200 ounces, consists of a complete Tea Service richly chased, in Tea Kettle and Stand, Coffee and Tea pots, I Sugar Bowl, Cream Jug; also, Sugar Tongs and Tea Caddy, Table, Dessert, Salt, and Tea Spoons, Tankards and Cups, Sal- vers and Waiters, side Dishes, Table and Dessert Forks, Sauce Tureens and Ladles, Cream Jugs, Sugar Bowls, Mustard Pots, Candlesticks, Skewers, Wine Coasters, Asparagus Tongs, Soup Ladles,Fish Slices, Wine Strainers, Snuffers and Tray, &c. &c. The PLATED ARTICLES consist of Candela- bras, Candlesticks, Tea Urn, large Venison Dish and Cover, Hash Dishes and Covers, Toast Rack, Epergne Stand and Cut Glasses complete. THE CHINA and GLASS consist of a com- plete Dinner, Dessert, Tea, and Coffee Services, of elegant China, several sets or Tea and Dessert Services of ditto, quart and pint Decanters, Tum. hiers, Goblets, Ale and Wine Glasses, diamond cut Dishes, Finger Glasses and Wine Coolers, Custard and Jelly Glasses, Salts, Sugar Bowls and Crenm Jutjs, Sallad and Butter Glasses, &c. &c. THE WINES are Port, Sherry, Madeira, Vi- donia, Bucellas Champagne, Claret, Sauturne, Hock, Hermitage, &c. of the finest quality. CARRIAGES, HORSES, &c.—A new claret- coloured exceedingly well built and most complete improved Swiss Carriage, with the last invented mail axles, lamps, and every travelling conveni- ence, combining the advantages both of an open and close one, amply commodious for six persons. Also, a very neat light four-wheeled onehorse Carriage, painted olive colour, equal to new pair of useful bay Carriage Horses, 2 Poneys, 1 grey Hack, sets of Carriage and Gig Harness, Saddles and Bridles, Horse Clothing, 3 capital milking Cows, thorough-bred Guernsey, a few Sheep, I broad wheeled Cart, Land Roller, Water Carti Hay making Machine, Plough, pair Harrows, Cart Geers, Straw Engine, Garden Engine, Fumigating Bellows, Garden Barrow, Flower Benches, Cu- cumber Frames, Garden Tools and Nets a Stack of well harvested HAY, about 8 TONS, with an infinity of miscellaneous articles too numerous to insert within the limits of an advertisement. ur May be viewed on the Thursday and Fri- day previous to the Sale. Catalogues are to be had (gratis) at the following places :-the White Lion and Wynnstay Arms, Inns, Rnthin; BIIII, Denhigh j White Lion, St. Asaph; Black Lion, Mold; Albion, Chester; Eagles, Wrexham Owen Glyndwr.Corwen Eagles, Llanrnst; at the place of sale at the Office of JOSEPH PEERS, Esq. Soli citor,'Rutliin; and of the AUCTIONEER, in Ruthin. COUNTY OF MERIONETH, (TO) wir.) I GEORGE JONATHAN SCOTT., fP"IIia"th f • ucha, Esquire, High She-ifl'of llie said Connt v do hereby give Notice, that tl,, As?iz??-, and Gnu ral Gaol Delivery for the said Cmiutv, will be hel ■ at liALA, in and for the said Count v. OJ; WEDNESDAY. the Sixth day IIf MAncH next, belore the Honorable Sir JOHN BAYLEY, Knislit, one of the Barons ol j his Majesty's Court of Exchequer at Westminster, | when and where all Jurot's, Prosecutors, Justices of the Peace, Mayors, Coroners, Escheaters, Sie wards, and also all Chief Constables, anil BailitV, j' of every Hundred and Liberty within the said C-?,-ty, -ith their Rolls, Records, Indictment-, and other Remembrances, to do those things which to their offices in that behalf dutli appertain, are to attend in their Own proper persons. Given under my hand, this Eighteenth day of February, 1833. Peniarth ucha, 18th Feb. 1933. TO BE LET, Ai d entered upon immediately, or at Lady Day next, HARNAGE, THE RESIDENCE OF THE LATE MRS, WILnE. THE House consists of Entrance lIaIl. Drawing T and Dining Rooms, and Study, on the ground floor; Boudoir, five Bed Rooms, and a Dressing Room, on the first floor and four Attics; Kitchen, small Servants' Hall, Dairy, Brewhouse, &.c. There is a three stalled and a two-stalled Stable, Saddle Room, Coach house,and C'ovv house. The Gardens are very productive. HARNAGE is situated seven miles from Shrews bury, near the Wenloek Road, and commands a most beautiful and extensive View of the Country around. The whole is in thorough Repair. The Tenant may have 20 Acres (or less) of Grass and Meadow Land, surnunding the House. Apply (if by letter, post paid) to the Rev. R. CoisfiELD, Pitehford, Salop. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. WHEREAS JOHN HALL, of BANGOR, in the 1"1' County of Carnarvon, Imiliolder, hath by Indenture, bearing date the nineteenth day of Fe- bruary, 1833, assigned over to RICHARD MORRIS GRIFFITH, of Bangor aforesaid, Shopkeeper, and WILLIAM PARRY, of Bangor aforesaid, Tinman and Brazier, all his personal Estate ami Effects, in tnht, for the equal benefit of such of his Creditors who shall execute the same, on or before the 20th day of MARCH next; which said Indenture was duly executed by the said John Hall, on the said nineteenth day of February instant, in the presence of me the undersigned JOHN l-IUGHES, and ROUERT WILLIAMS, of Bangor aforesaid, Gentlemen, and attested by me and the said Robert Williams. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the said Deed of Assignment is left and de- posited at my Office at Bangor, for the inspection and execution of such of the Creditors of the said John Hall, who shall execute the same, on or he, fore the 20th day of March next, or in default thoreof they will be excluded the benefit of such Trust. JOHN HUGHES. Solicitor for the Trustees. Bangor, 21st February, 1833. TO MOTHERS AND NURSES. MRS. JOHNSON'S AMERICAN SOOTH- ivi. ING SYRUP. FOR CHILDREN CUT TING THEIR TEETH. This infallible Remedy has preserved hundreds of Children, when thought past recovery from Convulsions arising from pain- lul dentition. As soon as the Syrup is rubbed on the gums rhp. Child will be relieved, the gums cooled, and the inflammation reduced. It is as innocent as efficacious, tending to pro itiee the Teeth with ease; and so pleasant, that no Child will refuse to let its gums be rubbed with it. When infants are at the age of four months, the Syrup should be rubbed on the gums; and Parents should never be without the Syrup in the nursery where there are young Children for if a Child wakes in the night with pains in the gums, the Syrup immediately gives ease; thereby preventing Convulsions, Fevers, &c. -The great success of this Medicine during the last Twenty five Years has induced unprincipled persons to imitate it under the name of American Soothing Syrup, and copying parts of Mrs. John son's Bills, &c. Parents will, therefore, be very particular to ask for JOHNSON'S AMERICAN SOOTHING SYRUP, and to notice that the Names of BAKCLEY and SONS, 95, Farrlngdon Street, Lon- don (to whom Mrs. Johnson has sold the recipe) is on the Stamp affixed to each Bottle.