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'?)Wtsot'A-«.?s:' f,n,! i, I,rd An. .Y.-Sof..n.  1,? of sailin and mana-?.ri?'?'' <?- tl,,t it is st,,tte,lto a laroe a"wunt, that he will himself sail Ius yacht t) e /d, 'mm Kin;towii Harbour, n'uml the li„ht ship awl back, and without the assistance of any by di:'};n J.PIE J.UTlm,-Ad,lrscd by a dHlol-hoy to 1, at all cini- Il:'ry, dear Miss. I can wait UP i1 1 n fuse n:e is a sin Kverv day inv l»ve gram stoKisri-r JK-re.v! "hat a state I'm in!" Mb r.iMloIMM—'H'e a:e informed that an o,.i ,r1 n vvaiis «t li» bar, that h-roua h am w.ll Ld i,absolutely necessar., out «.f reffard to health, t > abandon either polities or lis piolt 1J. •tvl the ;dea is, that he will prefer to Kii'e up ,!ie i..r<L'r.r.(th'-rth?ts..r. i t:r.M'hr;c p..??'.< )? .?'w?ich .:c)?):?.n t!c?tm?d c?r ,i<?).ista).?mU.c)..t'?. MI Will.— A ricli .Jewess, of St. J.ary- iixc, i.ondon. «bodied on i inlay «eck, niade a sin .) will diout a fllrt!llht previous toiler death ?hr has directed lief boily to be buried m Jerusa- lem ami twelve of her friends (.lews}, who are to aceonioaiiv the bod\, aic to IH\C four hundred ;!I'III1\I each for their trouble; two "n their de- parture, and the other two on their l'(.tn n to l:ug land, after executing their extraordinary conimis- ?.) ""ill is b, ,,I, ;(I ti,e ??hi?tu'wrfati.H'r departure, with aliitsfuuc. ral honours. I' 'Flitirs(l, tv ei-c,i,tli,, °d)nst.()K'tin?c?'' l.eacuek near Hath,?us thrown into the greatest state of agitation by the discovery of one of those horrible actiolls which now and then transpire and alarm the public. A man oi the name ot' Baker, between tiO and 70 ears of are, upon the impression of jealousy, as it is said, lIIunkn,1 his wife, about the same as;c. lie ii;t( I beaten her with a stick for about an hour, 111111 after she was dead, washed her, put clean t'I"I, upon her. laid her out, and then went and informed the neighbours what he had done. They lived in a detached cottage in the lane leading to Jlelksham forest. The coroner held an inquest mi the body, on Friday, when the Jury returned a icrdict of ml/at munhr against the husband, and la- has consequently been cOUJwitted under the coroner's warrant for trial at the ensuing assizes. (Ymois I'I:"CE or MECHANISM.—An ingenious individual in humble life, a native of Exeter, has t'"nslr<,¡eted an extraordinary piece of maehillcry ofwl^cbthe 1.,Jlowillg is å description. It is a time piece, which strikes the hours, quarter, &c a perpetual almauack, which has an exclusive movement for the leap year, requiring to be regu- lated once only in one hundred years, and the principal wheel in which revolves but once in four \ears Oil a plate, in the centre of thc facc, is seen the sun in his course through the heavens, as lie appears to us,-thc drdc which he makes is beautifully described in thechanges of the "easuns, by the horion receding or advancing as the days l"'(thcn or shorten under the above is seen the moon, showing her age and wane, as she appears to us in different stages; all organ playing a variety of pieces, and the figures of which are brilliant I1: 'vt)ii?l anything of modern composition a belfry, in which are six figures ringing the changcs on six bells, a variety or other figures are also shown, in motion, playing instruments, beating time, &c. the whole of which is contained in one splendid pile of cabinet work, ten feet high, five feet wide, and weighs upwards of half a ton. Ki:M:\IIKAIII.K CASK 0" ISOMNAMBIT.ISM.— The following very singular occurrence happellcd in Leicester the week hclur" last:—A labouring man, 11ametl VVIII. Brumage, in the employ of Messrs. Pettifor and Howes, curriers, having tieeu drink- ing rather freely oil Tuesday week of rum and water, a liquor whkh it appcal's he was not ac- customed tu, unknown to any person went to sleep 0/1 the same night in a hay Joft, hehmsjhig tft his employers, adjoining the Horse and ><rooin Inn, in the Humberstone gate, The lIIan not making his appearance 011 \y ehws(1a.v and Thurs- dav, a search was s",t on foot to know what he hail done with himself; inquiry was madc at bis lodgings, but lie had not been secit there since Tuesday afternoon. FridayalJd Saturday having passed over withont any intelligence respecting llim, his masters imagined that he had left the town, or destroyed himself, and gave themselves no further trouble respecting him. On the fid lowing Sunday afternoon, several individuals being in tht, stahle underneath the hay loft, beard a voice failJtly exclaiming from uhovc, "hllp me out, help me out." Assistance was immediately rendered, and the man that had been missing ever since Tusdav niht, was taken out from among the hay, being so weak at the time that he could not rise without assistance. His appearance be- spoke a woeful change, his face having fallen in, and h;, evcs, whn brought to the light began to glare similar to the eyes of a ferret. On being asked the cause of his absence, he .tatcd that he went into the loft on Tuesday night, where he fell aslcep, and did not remember waking nntil a short time 1>, e lie was taken .?it of the h:w; i'?it tl,z?t ]I, (:o?,1,1 ,t i?p ?ithuotassistanrp. A quantity of hay was put 'ntothe loft on Wednesday, while he was asleep, but it seems it did not disturb him, 1\ltYI.\no;\E P"I.K k OrncE, Loximx. —Ycs- tenlay nwruing week, John Vernon, Lord Boston's hllller, was brought before Mr. Rawlinson and l.ord .llontford, charged with felony. I.ord Bos ton took a seat by the side of thc hench to prose cute, and the following evidence was taken:— 1Ilr, Samuel Ilmanucl, of Marylabunne lane, clothes salesman, bought of the prisoner, abuut the latter end "I June, a gTeen cloth court dress, lined with pink silk, awl without buttolls; two pair of gold epaulets, two blue livery coats, two waistcoats, a fustian jacket, a great coat, and a fustian frock. J!e bought them in the prisoner's room, at his lordship's house, 1\'0 17. l'ark-crcscent, Aew- Toad and to the best of his knowletl!jc ga\c £;3, 10s. for the epaulets, and ,£1. for thc other articles. He produced the court dress, one pair of epaulets, the great coat, and fustian jacket, before the ma gisti ates; the other pair of epaulets were at his house; but he could not distinguish them from some of similar pattern "lid thc livery suits, Ike. he had sold.—Sir. Rav-l'iiMui asked him if it was usnal fir servants to have their masters' court dresscs to sell ? He replied it was: he had a great Inany by him, and mun,t thcm was the MUflluis b,gl?t from Ireland. Hen. Stu?-n.ttconstuhte of the o<ce,was desired by Lord Boston, on Tuesday, to search the prisoner's pantry, boxes, &c. Hc found two paper pa reels corded and sealed, and directed to Monsieur Uy- 11:111110, Brussels," which, when opened, were found to contain nine parcels of wax candles, and carriage lights, belonging to his lords-hip anil a set of new born bandied dinner knives and forks, with carvers, which the prisoner had obtained of a tradesman in his lordship's name likewise three pair of silk stockings, which his lordship could identify, and two paste buttons belonging to the court dress. His lordship asked the prisoner, in the presence of the officer, where the other buttons were, he said he was going to have them made into shirt studs: and Swwdl, under his lordship's orders, took him to the watch house. It appealed liy the statement of Lord Boston, that all the but- tons, excepting six, had been removed fWIJI the above, and placed ill a new court dress, for his use at the last levee; but he had not thrown it aside, nor given it to the prisollcr, IIc ellultl MY but little respeetiug the epaulds. Thc," udonged to his brother, a naval officer, who was out of tuwll. lie knew they were in his house, but did not know where. The prisoner did not attempt to shew that he callie honestly by any of the ar- ticles and he was remanded till Friday, at Ius lordship's request, because he supposed goods had IJCCII obtained by the prisoner, in his name, of other tradesmen besides the cutler. The proceeds of the Cardiff Ba/aar at the late Races amounted to upwards of £ 250 which have been paid over to the Dispensary. The collection at the opening of the new Wes- leyan Methodist Chapel on Constitution Hill, Bir- mingham, amounted to 1253. 7s. Preparations are iu a state of forwardness, for lighting the Borough of Ludlow with gas, the ensuing winter. Mr. Sayer, agent to J. Brogden, Esq. Jlf. P. had a fine field of corn reaped last week, onhisfarmat Trimsaran, near Carmarthen. At Durham there is only one prisoner who stands charged at this moment to take his trial at the en- suing and this person is out on bail. does not intend to proceed to Loudon until the commencement of the ilex si s.iion of parliament. '1 iie .TJ OiiO. expected to be raised in London for Mr. O Council's election have dwindled into Hobhouse, M. P. for Westminster, will shortly lead to the hymeneal altar the Lady Julia llav, sister to the 31aiquis of Twedalc. In the French budget, which is passing through the Chamber of Deputies, we perceive an item of 1,100,01)0 fr. ( £ 5<>,000.) for the expenses of theatres. oil Sunday the Corporation Stand on the Wor. cester Race- Course caught fire, and being covered with a thatched roof, it was consumed in a short time. It is in contemplation to establish a Horticul tural Society, to include the countics of Cilanmor- ïlH mul 1Ut)II lJ1(1utIt, and u tnccting for this pur- posc is to be hdd at Cardiff, oil Monday next. On Tuesday week, there was a grand fete at Vauxhall Gardens, in London, for the benefit of the Italian and Spanish refugees. Between 7 and SoOO pors.nis were present. A boat, on the principle of the steam vessels, plies bi tween Lewes ami Newhaven regularly, being propelled by paddles, w ith tl", assistance of two dogs in a tread wheel, and a III an at a winch. The amount of 3Ir. O'Connell's expcnces at the Clare election is estimated at from £ 10,01)0. to £ 10,000. for the week. Mr. Fitzgerald only ave- raged £ 1,000. a day. Sir Edward Codrington received his letters of recall oil the 22d ult. lie would set oil' on his return to this country as soon as Sir Pulteney Malcolm arrived. The receipt of the Catholic Rent, or rather of the fund for protecting the freeholders, as it is now called, amounted to £ 2,700. for last week, and to £iO<!O, for the period sinec the election COIlt, menced. Sladanie Adelina Catalani, a relation of the great Catalani, made her first appearance at the Italian Opera, in l'aas, last week. The Parisian critics, however, say that she resembles her talented relation in nothing but the name. The cotton trade has experienced an extraordi- nary stagnation for thc last three months, and we fear there is hut little chance of an early amend Jncnt, as almost all the foreign markets are over- stocked with goods, The Swansea Annual Boat Races, appointed to take place ou the 2Jd, iid, and 2-ltli, inst, were ex Jittt<d to prove a source of unusual attraction in consequnce of the very extensive and liberal scale on which they were to be conducted. A Bazaar, under the kind auspices of the ladies of Swansea and neighbourhood, in aid of the fund for assisting the Widows and Orphans of poor Clergymen, was opened at the New Rooms, on Tuesday last. At the Breconshire Quarter Sessions, on Tues- day last, James Price pleaded guilty to all indict meut preferred against hirD fur assanllillg a consta- hi., in the execution of his office, and sentenced to three months' imprisonment and hard labour. Sir. 0'( 'Dud!. the new member for Clare, was born in 177-1, and received his education at Saint Outer's, in France, wherc he was intended for the church. lie changed his mind, however, amI \Va. called to the Irish bar in litis. 31r. O'Connell is now in his iltli vear. As a proof 4)1' in stiii(?t, it has been remarked of the hon ostrich ihiit she will roll a few cgKs some distance from the nrst) and crack thc shdb; hcst" by the time her young come for,h, being tilled with maggots and other -iilsects for the fir. t repast of her infant brood. 31. Nvogr- -f Lyons, has taken out a patent for a discover. \.h.ch he alleges will supersede the nse of kalll in water carriage. His vessel is fur- nished with two large wheels in double circles, with paddles boarded round at the top, and moved without steam or horses. A few days since as a phaeton belonging to Mr. Franklin, of Cheltenham was travelling near Rod- borough, a viper of the enormous length of four t sprung out of the hedge during a momentary stoppage of the I'Üc!e, and coiled itself round the iron of the wheel, by the evolutions of which it was kill, d ill a few minutes. A very handsome and snbstautial stone Bridge has lately been erected across the Ogmore, ?ll the r?a(i leading from Ogmore and Merthyr-mawr to Bridgend, (ilaniorganshire, at the sole expense of the Right Hon. Sir John Kicholl, and under the inspection of 3Ir. Whittington, of Neath, the surveyor of tile bridges of that county. The (ihmiorganshire Quarter èssions com- menn:d al :\eath oil Tuesday last, before Kvan Thomas, Esq. and a full bench of .Magistrates, and the business of tlte tsinils, including the settle- ment of the County Accounts, terminated before ;3 o'clock, heing the shortcst scssiuns rcmembcred bvthe' oldest practitioner. Mr.T. B. Watkins, Bookseller, of Hcrefunl, has been appointed by the Right Honourable the Lord Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench, a Commissioner to take Special Bail for the coun- tit s of Hereford, (Jloucestcr, Worcester, Salop, and Monmouth, i\lltl11H' the cities aud eoulltil's of thc cities of Gloucester ali(I Worcester. On Tuesday last a match of Cricket was played on Lansdowunear Bath, bctwecn thc Anglesey and Lansdllwn Clnbs, "hirh was won by the latter,- Anglesey, 1st 1, ,s, 2d. IS.—Lansdown, lst innings, (iO; 2d. £ -3—The return match is to be played on thc dOth inst. in Stalbridge Park, The' Noblemen and Gentlemen's Catch Club have offered a prize of twenty guineas for the best glee, to be determined the next season; anil the (ice Club have offered two prizes, often guillcas cach, for the best cheerful and the best eriuus tllee, to be also determined next season. The following app. ars in the Atlwiiaum. Either the whale was one of truly enormous dimensions, or tile fashion and beauty of Osteii(I iiiav he cram mcd into a small compass" A concert was lately given at Ghent within the skeleton of the whale which was taken last winter at Ostcnd aud space enough "as found for all thc fashilln and beauty of th1 citv." Tin- uuknown person who was drowned at Uau steph' an, which we noticed in onr last paper, has beenclaimed by bis friends. His name was Tho- mas Rosscr, a farmer, residing at Sketty, near Swansea. He was subject to (1,?liri Is fits, and on the I'?dav  ??' (ili?tl? l?' Ilft it sttppo?d/ when he was attacked with one ,I those ¡its. An Act of Parliament has recently passed for making a Railway from the town of Bridgend to communicate with the Duffryn klynt t and Portii Cawl Railway, at a point near the Miner's Arms, in the parishof Laleston, and about four miles and a half frnm Bridgelld. The sum required for the work will be £ 600U which has been divided into 300 shares of £ 20 each. The Seventh Annual Sleeting of the Cardiff Be- nefit and Annuitant Society was held on Monffay, the 7th instant. It appeared from the report ot, the Directors, that though a period of seven years only had elapsed since the establishment of the society, the funds were in a very flourishing state, amounting to C400 and upwards. Thirty one members have received relief since the formation of the society, and the number of members at present is 114.



fJipping Jntrlligmrr.

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