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POSTSCRIPT. j LONDON, Monday r. ceiling, Seven o Clock. Oiiiiiuls fur the Account were 8S:1 J. In the Foreign Stock Market tliere was little cluing. l'ortu gncse Hondt were ;j!i Itu>sian 94* i, and Danish Ii.!}. In South Ameriean liuiuls there was nothing dojn; I'ia/iliau TCIV (BV, Mexican j. I'D luiutiian IKiJ t. ISank Stock,— per Cent, jicr Cent. Keihiceil, STj i -1 il', \iei' Cent. UetUu-ul. v India Hnims, lrii it,7 Hills, i i3 I)vi. OiumiIS for Ai count, SH j Accounts from the nusian h. ful quarters at Ka rassa, conic down to t'ie :!ll inst., anil and jnesent Ii d.L.til of enatJlIUl,.t siK-et-ssns Oil the part of the invalids. Anaja, n liivtrc-s of cmisidevalile strength on tlie si I ore of tlie lilack Sea, surrendered on tlic :,?;) ult. the 1" Inctiou of the jiiaec had been 1'1'11 ileivil inevitalilv hy the defeat and {1¡'pcrsiHn of th? Td'??!i?'t'n the''th. though thu garrison iont'.ininl I'J hold out a fortnisht longer. The sice lusu-tl in t'ne whule fortv days; and by the of the Russian accounts themselves we learn that the garrison conducted themselves with extraordinary ?'?r. Tuleza, a fortress still fur ther in advance, but apparently of less importance, surrendered on the d iust, alld the Imperial army was with even prospect ol'suc- l(ss i -.H+eJiiis; to the investment of Varna and Siliotimla. The Russians have been abundantly npl'lh'd with prodi()ns rro1l the Sea duiinp; their ??u?e;audasthe?as)f).-i<<hctiuc?'ntat<.h whi,h the havc adopte.l. th.. ha\c even prospect t.f preserving t1¡j advantage, with two others of "till sr'?'r'??u??;'?J?h'avin?t'tt-ri<)?sot' the Jiatk?.as the possession ot the M'a enables them to do "< ?y?'?' what has been hitherto considered thc im pf.?.tah??herofthc Tutk?hcmpu? and odlv, bv secaring a linmhcr of Ules ,f?..?..nt'.eshurps(.t'theKu'xi;)e.th<ywUihtm.' not onK manv iiiueli easier rllannd of reinforce- Jlwnt diaD they have p?'-scs?d in .tny formcr war. im. also as many «!««)«, for retreat secured ?'h'i. h tna? well permit thein to ?s)?)i-.e \nth gar-I ri?.Hh?t'it-iuh?d?rtrMse.sitttherfaruttnor inarch—'J bis is the ti,;t mccssaryre suit of our, ves I'lit uuhappv exploit at Aavarino, wi¡jth ha b',?.M t'h'??'?n?d ''K?u'd '<'??'ah? seiuic d:v 11 itl?il? ILI I'?U (If tl??t obiect which the bouse of Komaiioft has covetal f.,r.n?.t),a«-tur? but which the ascendam of wise CM nsels in the other governments of Lu rone have mrhheld from her grasp. At Adnan?pIc, to vi hieh the Kussians have a:.?)ya!armtn)i)\ap proximated, doubtless the great ?.RK'w'?he made, with what success is it IMssibk to anticipate ? 1"01' w hat terms of calculation are allorded bv the tumultuous nivriads that will rally round the stand nrdofthe I'rophet, lieree in the wildest spirit of iaiiatieism— Hut though it is impossible to antici- pate the result of that tremendous collision, we know that whatever it be, it must be decisive of the war. and that it must be fraught with unalloy- ed calamitv to Europe. If Russia prevail, the greater part of l'.uropean Turkey is inextricably secured in her ambitious grasp; but if the Turks lire sunessflll, anti who shall deny the possibility .If success, tl) valour, religious čnthtu\iasm, and dospairr— then n-oe Grieve. Then all her still u'?'?.ttrd' tcrritorvwiu hare to fed the filII ",ight of that vengeance of which Scio and CV prus have presented minute examples. The Belfast steamer has arrived at Portsmouth. T!Je)!arrjuis l'almdla and his S()U, Don i'hili", his brother, Gelleral Smiths, and Saldallln and lally, Counts Villa Klor, Taisser,and Sampaio, and his nephews, Signors Sampaio and Serniento, two members of the provisional government, and otl1"r Chiefs of the armv, and constitutional government, to the number of sixtv three, have arrived in Iter.— The Heltaleft Oporto on t!*s Otli, at four in the morning, and passed the Portuguese squadron cruiziuif outside the bar, during a calm, the Jli guelites being then one mile from the city. On the night of the Jth, the stcamer struck on a rock south of Cape Finistene, which damaged her so, that she was iu danger of sinking. This compelled her to put into Corunna, where application was made to tlie public authorities to allow her to be placed (lJ) shore to examine her bottom, which was, after a delav of thice days, granted. Til.- deputy governor treated those on boa id with great harsh ncss, re losing the most trilling accommodation, ordering the passengers not to land under pain of death, threatening indeed to seize and bang them, and flog, the master and crew; and it was not without threat ditiicully a cask of water was ob tained for the ship's use.and tlte captain "t last peiniitted to land, guarded by a soldier. The steamev left Corunna on the l-ili. i A J. Wilkes used to say that a gentleman did not a lwavs require a footman to carry n parcel, foi there were three things that lie might alwayscarry openU ill hig ""lId-a book, a paper of suull, alld a slruuj of fish. The natives of Fernando Po have a quick mode of cooking their food. To prepare a fowl, they first of all pull every feather out while alive, then kill it, allll placing it on the embers of the last niijht's lire for a few ",iIlUh-S, finally serve it up barely sodden. A manager applied to a celebrated \oculist to ilJr; 011 Some occasion the terms required were half Ihe receipts. Very well; as one singer does not makt, a concert, awav went our manager to auuthcr distinguished songstress; ami lo! her terms also wcrt. half the receipts Ill the west of England half a century ago, a particular hollow noise on the sea coast was re ferrcd to a spirit 01' goblin, called Hueca, amI was supposed t" rO)r{.tel a shipwreck the philosopher knows that smend tralels milch fa-ter thall cur- rents in the air, and the sound always foretold the approach of a very heavy storm, whith seldom fakes place oil that wild and rocky coast without a shipwr\Tk 0" some part of its extensile shores, surrounded by the Atlantic. When Wyiiox first arrived in India, aml ddi icrei Ills letters of recommendation round the set tlcment, b: carried one to O an old andchur- lisli lncmoev ol' the council. This man was pecu- liarly splenetic at these introductions, and general- Jy discharged hi spleen upon the persons ill Kng land who tonk tÎ1t'llh{'rty ufwritm them, llüt spar im; occasionally the young (:ntiulJ:.l1I who was ob. truded Oil liis patronage. Aud pray, Sir," Slid lie to Charley, as lie ulaiiccd over the wi,.t is \our father lie, replied Wyuox. "is a farmer." •'And why," returned the other, "did he not make Vou a fanner, also Poor Wynox was stung ivith the reproach, hut with a'uniiable quickness asked hiui, "And who. Mr. O was your father "— 31 v father!—my father, Sir," said the counsellor; "lin lather was a gentleman. "—" TÍJtlI let me ask "on," said Wynox, "why he did not make 1"«( a gentleman also. Since We s'.ay not here, being people hut of a day's abode, and our age is like that of a fly, and contemporary wih that of a guurd, we must look somen here else 1'0, ail abiding city, a p'.ue ill ano t'icr country tn fix our liou =e itl. whose walls alld foundation is (Jod, where we must litH1 rest,orelse be restless for ever. For whatever case we can have or fancy here is shortly to be d1:.n;:l'd into sadness of ti diousness. It g("" awa" t"0 soon, iikcth.j)rri.t.'t'?ur)ifc;<)r'i'.r.<(.t..t?. I tht sorrows of a sinner. Its own wear i ness, or a contrary disturbance, is its load or- it is ea«e d bv iu revo'liito"). int > vanity and fori'ctiiilness. Anil w here cither ere is sorrow or an en d ol juv, th ere i t.! he no true felicity wnieli, because it must be }I.d h some lnstmau :t, alli ia sonic period of HtU duration, we mut carry up OUr all' it.oiis tu the mansion prepared for us aboie, where eternity is the measure, 1'i lu itv i", the tah" augcls are the company, the Lamb is the light, and tlod is the puition au inheritance. The shame of exposure seems to have a much greater effect upon French thieves than those of this country. A few days since an account was nivcn of a" bookseller's clerk cutting his throat when charged with theft; and a recent Paris journal mentions a similar suicide by a person taken in the act of theft, in the rue (le la Seine. Thc Parisian journalists hfstuw great culogium upon this delicate susceptibility of character.



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Bangor, Thursday, July 24,…

Family Notices

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