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Scholastic u S. WINIFRED'S -I OHURCH OF ENGLAND PUBLIC BOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, BANGOR, N. WALES Visitors: The LORD BISHOP of S. ASAPH. The LORD BISHOP of Bangor. Provost: The Rev. ARTHUR TALBOT, M.A. Ladv Warden Miss J. L. LATHAM, Girton College. Readmistres Miss F. J. DAVIES Cambridge Classical Tripos, Cas! 1; London University: B.A. Bonou", in Classics and ;rench. FEES.— £ 35 n. year, with a Special Reduction of RS for Welsh or Irish Girls. A TECHNICAL SIDE will be established after Midsummer in connection with the School, wh ;ve Girls may Learn Laundry Work, Cooking, Doiuestio Economy, Needlework, etc. 10458 Y 10 LIN j^ESSONS j MISS ISABEL HEWITT and MtSS MAR GARET HEWITT give LESSONS at Own at Pupire Reoidenoe. Peumaenmawr, Conway, Llandudno, and Col- j wyn j visited. Bodafon, Upper Bangor. 14837 PIANOFORTE LESSONS. MR R. H. MORRIS, of Bangor Cathedral, » M prepared to acm?t PUPILS for the PIANO- FORTE. Special terms for children. Mr MORRIS 18 alao open to receive ENGAGEMENTS as ACCOMPANIST at Concerts, etc. Applv, 21, Caoflepa, Bangor. 20550 MR JOSEPH E. F MARTIN (Sub-Organist of Bangor Cathedral, and Hon. Local Secretary of Trinity Collepp London), I. prepared to receive PUPILS for TUITION in PIANOFORTE and ORGAN PLAYING. Terms an application. 12, Glandwr-terrace, Garth, Bangor. 20688 -u_- LLANDUDNO Lansdowne House School Princij/bls: MISSES MATTHEW AND STANDRIMG. Aitaist-ed by an Efficient Stall of Resident said Certificated TcaoLnm and Visiting MasteTs. | J CPUjS nrt nn ¡.cce;fully prepared for tha Cnntbri?f ?k.A.M. and other Local Kx- am.i.Ofit; Adjoining tVv above in York-ioad new premiums kive bee;, Emit for the U,.ANDt'¡O KINDERGARTEN, TECHNI- CA ij AJSD ART SCHOOLS, AND SWEDISH GYMNASIUM. 9541-9440 .4 GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL Bridgnorth, Shropshire. I Principal: MISS WILLIAMS. THIS SCHOOL offers a thorough MODERN EDUCATION, combined with evei-y Home Comfort. Pupils are prepared for all Pubbto Examinations. During the last three years 28CJ Certificates have been gained. The school is a centre for the Cambridge Local, TVioity Oollege, and Incorporated Society oi Musicians, Examinations, Kindergarten, Gym- naaium, Tennis. For Particulars, I: pply to the Principal. 19500 19500 ELLESMERE COLLEGE, SHROPSHIRE. TRt;ST.i.¡'ÀS: iHK MARQUIS OF SALISBURY, K.G. SIR OFFLEY WAKEMAN, BART.; H. MARTEN GIBBS, ESQ. A CHURCH of ENGLAND PUBLIC SCHOOL, • -.rlil Ti t;!1 act HiUixdato 200 Boarders. The .xt«) lis healthily situated in tho most beautiful part flf Shropshire. A Boy's expenses need i;ot exceed Zg 9s a Tenn. Oxford Local Exam. A Large tlsyground. Swimming Bath. Cadet Corps. L-,it Term begins 25th January.—For Illustrated I'roepectiis, applv to tho Hi/admaster, Rev. It. RMVISS THOMPSON, M.A. 20701 Connah & CO., HIGH STREET BANGOR (Opposite W. O. Williams', and Adjoining Bangor Football Ground.) HAVE THE BE S T SELECTION OF BICYCLES IN THE S T IR I C T, Agents for almost all the best Makers. ACCESSORIES. No Retail Firm nag « Larger Stock than re Bare. OUR PRICES are as low or lower than damage, Pigott, or any of the London Stores. We have the ONLY REPAIR FACTORY IN THE KINGDOM, having built a large and thoroughly equipped Factory to attend specially to repairs. Plating and Enamelling Plant laid down, and all repairs attended to strictly in rotation. We asn repair for the Trade. 19554 EVAN DAVIES, BILL-POSTER and TOWN CRIER, 2, Hughenden Cottage, j PuHlMADOU, Bkt»S to iuform th« INblic that he Pente a ) l) the Principal 1>_111" St<*tnM .a Portmadot and Distriet. Ib54y I Autumn & Winter. HIGH-CLASS TAILORING E S TA B L I SH 3 D 13 7) Tailor-made Garments built correct in Style and in Perfect Taste. Select Stock ot Reliable Goods. Moderate Prices. Well Ventilated M??dOommodiouB Cutting Workrooms. Fitting-cm Kocttu. BAYNE AI?B-? CLOTHIER, UPPE R BANGOR. SOLE AGENTS in the City for the 44 Nautilus Serges," Choice Qualities in Black, Blue, & Grey Shades. Warranted to stand the San and Sew Water. 71 XMAS PRESENTS, USEFUL and AND AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES, AT THE DIAIVirrD COMPLETE FURNISHING STORES, r?! ? t? E- EL r? 9 to 19, Bold Street, Liverpool. YOU CAN EFFECT ANIMPORTA NT SAVlKn, AND IN ADDITION i All Purchases oner 40/- are Delivered Free to any Railway Station in Great Britain. MOST ARTISTIC FURNISHING STORES OUT OF LONDON. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES FREE. Lamps! Lamps! Lamps! ROBT. WILLIAMS & Oompy., 224, 226, 228, HIGH STilEET (OPPOSITE THE MARKET), F-S IL IST 4G 0 IR  R. W. and 00. bee respectfully tc call aUention to their large and we!Msoited STOCK <? Hu8 SEA60N18 LA. eoMMtu? of FLOOR, TABLE and SUSPENSION T.A S, IUPPINGILLM, OIL HHATtNG and OOOK ING STOVES, all marked at Popular Prism INSPECTION IS CORDIALLY INVITED. Largo and Selected STOCK of WEEMA CH,'S INCtANDESOENT GAS BURNERS, MANTLES, and FITTINGS aM the lUduoed Prioeo. Repairs in all its Branches Neatly and Promptly attended to. 19403 Important to Advertisers. LARGEST CIRCULATION IN WALES. The combined cixwation of these Journals Is .Uch as to ensur- the moat extensive publicity to' all announcements throughout Wales, amongst jjuglish firms having business relations with the Principality, rik. Amongst Welshmen generally iVougnout the Untied Kingdom. I jslablished 1807. "THE NORTH WALES CHRONICLE" And Advertiser for the Principality. rhe Oldest Established Newspaper in North Wales. <nd extensively I'imilnted every SATURDAY MORNING tlirou"" ,t Wales, and amongst Welsh- men in England, Ireland, and Scotland. Advertise- ments for insertion in the "North Walw Chronicle" should reach t he Office not later than FRIDAY MORNING. Price,One Penny. Free by post or a Year, 6/6; and 7/6 on credit. It circulates among the upper and middle classes throughout Wales, those who possess purchasing power, and is con- sequently justly esteemed a first-rate paper for I advertisements of re.u property, whether for sale I by public auction or private treaty; while in re- ipect of letting estates, mansions, houses, far; etc., it is considered by the principal auctioneers and land agents one of the best papers in the Princi- i pality. b1isbers-The NortL Wales Chrouicte Co., Ltd., Caxton House, R,uigor. htoti'ete Co., Ltd., j SCALE OF CHARGES. ¡ NORTH WALES CRRONICIE:' ORIGINAL LLANDUDNO DIREMRY," and; QWALIA" (Welsh). Per Line Per Inch Per L:ne Per Inch d. «. d. Prttliairv- "ry Notic, E!¡;ction Add?s?'-s .?. .? 1 0 10 0 Prospectuses of Public Companies j and Government and Chancery Notices 0 9 7 6 Legal and Publio Notices, Sales of j Real Property,and Miscellaneous 0 6 5 0 Publications, Local Concerts, En- tertainments, e'c., 0 3 2 6 The above Advertisements are Scaled by Type Measure, the aotual print lines not being counted. When Advertisements are inserted in more than one paper, a deduction of 50 per cent. off Scale ?r:c« is made for each extra paper. TRADE ADDRESSES—These are inserted at HexsoimWe Rates, varying according to space taken lip ard number of insertions ordered; when tne order ? for 62 insertions, the price is Is per inch Single Column, and 2a per inch Double Column. A considerable reduction is made wben more cba-i two inches are taken. PARAORAPH ADVERTISEMENTS. Charged •it 6d per line; Special Positions at Is per line. CHEAP PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. — Under the head of "Wanted," "To Let," or "To be Sold, One InMrti?. In 1. 21'ajv'rs In 3 Pa p er (e ? JI;$! or 3 :!f: Paper, ill One Paper, in One Papers Words. ad d d 18 10 19 2 0 A4 16 26 3 0 62 20 33 4 0 48 3 0 4 0 5 0 Extra Inrtif)L cli wgod Pro Rata—Twopence e' if rep)ies are W be addressed to the Office. itt,moes.-Cheqnes aud P.O. Orders to be made payable tc D. Williams.—Stamps not received for "Blunts exceeding Two Shilling* and Sixpence. Extension of Premises. OWEN OWEN & CO.'S GRAND DISPLAY OF Ladies' Blouses & Skirts, Cbstumes and Capes, MILLINERY, Dress Materials & Trimmings, Ladies' Underclothing, Hoisery, Laces, and Gloves. MEN S AND BOYS' SUITS SPECIAL BARGAINS offered daily dcriB? ?ratioi s ? Premises ,crai"loi,s of Owen Owen & Co., GENERAL DRAPERS, BAKGOB. 19188 OTT1V INSURANCE OFFICE. 1 FOUNDKD 1710. Sum insured in 1889 exceeded £ 435,000,000 For all particulars apply to the following alent8- Banger .Mr James Smith. do Mr Richard HaS. Rala Mr n. L. Jones, Mount-plats. Heaumaris  Mr Fredehek Geary. Carnarvon Mr William Hugk Owe*. Conway. Mr Charles Drover, Deganwy, Liandud o. Dolgelley .Ur Thomas P. Jones-Parry. do.Mr J. Richards, N. and S. W. Bank. Holyhead .Mf Owen Haghes. Llandudno Mr Edgar W. Riches. Llangefni Mr William Thomas. Portmttdoc Mr John Tobias, Solicitor Rbos-on-Sea  Mr P. J. Kent. 19156 CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE CITY. D. E. JONES. Castle Hill House, Bangor, FOR USEFUL CHRISTMAS GIFTS. LAROE STOCK OF FURNITURE. CHINA, GLASS, AND FANCY ARTICLES. 19147 DONAtD CAMERON, I TAIWR & CLQTHIER, CATHEDBAI, BUILDINGS, JJANGOR, Respectfully Mites the attention of SPORTSMEN AND TOURISTS to a LABGE and SELECT STOCK of HIGHLAND TWEEDS AND HOME SPUNS In carefully selected Patter4 and well-known Shades, suitable for Hill Sidfl and Cover, for Moor pad River; also a Choice Assortment of =PIOAL AND T.LOHTIN G SERGES, ORIGum SHIRTING FLANNELS. mND..X,y ql{EBQOE]m STOCKINGS, IN CSE?, H?MC??X'rURES, AND PLAIN COLOURS; '?'M  ^,3P4^-<Jti|0€pt5*GS1, .A?.A??eM. SW06TI?W =CAPS. T 'I WFW BLtT,4, AND HELMETs, ? __??''F?? WADERS, "NJWG &TOM INGS AND BROGUES, WATERPROOF COATS, CAPES, AND RUGS, IJBATHER TRUNKS, PORTMANTEAUS, BAGS, AND STRAPS. A gent for Dr. Jaeger's Pure Wool Manufactures and Cellular Clothing Co. ROBE AND CAP MAKER BY APPOINTMENT TO THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NORTH WALES. PATTERNS ON APPLICATION. JOSIAH HUGHES IRONMONGERS, BANGOR, ARE NOW SHOWING THEIR NEW SEASON'S STOCK OF Brass & China Table Lamps, Hall Lamps, Suspension Lamps, Bracket Lamps, Fancy Standard Lamps in Brass, Wro't Iren, and Copper. ALSO A LTARGE ASSORTMENT OF FANCY SILK AND PAPER SHADES, CANDLE SHADES, ETC. « ———————————— DINING AND DRAWING-ROOM KERBS, FIRE BRASSES, AND DOGS EN SUIT. IN BRASS, BLACK AND BRASS, AND BLACK AND COPPER. Coal Boxes ip Ctrea-t Variety in both Wood and Metal. LARGE VARIETY OF EtjECTRO-PLATE OF GUARANTEED QUALITY. SUITABLE FOR OTHER PRESENTS. TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, SCISSORS, &c. Messrs J. H. & Co. keep a Competent Staff,of Electrical Engineers, AND MAKE A SPECIALITY OF LIGHTING AND BELL WORK, TELEPHONES, ETC. Over Fifty Installations of ELECTRIC LIGHT Have been fixed in Bangor during the past 12 months,' AND REFERENCES CAN BE GIVEN AS TO THE MANNER IN WHICH THE WORK HAS BEEN CARRIED OUT. A COMPETENT STAEF OF COPPER AND TINSMITHS, BELLHANGER6, PLUMBERS, GASFITfERS, AND SMITHS KEPT UPON THE PREMISES. 19769 7 STILL TO THE FRONTT DICKS, The Leading House FOR EVERY DESCRIPTION 05 FOOTWEAR. Extensive preparations have been made for the AUTUMN AND WINTER TRADE. Our huge Stock embraces .a variety that cannat fail to meet the requirements of everyone. GENTS LADIES AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND SHOES I IN EVERY KIND OF MATERIAL. TAN WHITE & BLACK LATEST DESIGNS, NEW SHAPES BETTER VALUE THAN EVER DICKS, 217, HIGH STREET, BANGOR. 7r BRIDGE STREET, AND 3, PALACE STREET, CARNARVON. 30, MARKET STREET, HOLYHEAD. HIGH STREET. PWLLHELI. 19457 FOR I ALL KINDS-OF SADDLERY TRY LOVATrS, 251, iligh Street, Bangor. REPAIRS NEATLY AND EXPEDITIOUSLY ESEPCTED. NEW AND SEOONSi-HAND HARNESS ALWAYS IN STOCK. 20041 DR. ONES, D.D.S. (A.M.), &c., SVUiOEON DENTIST OPPOSITF THE MARKET, BANGOR. DR. JONES VISITS LLANGEFNI Every THURSDAY, at Lledwigan-ro. LLANERCHYMEDD from 10 to 1, and AM- LWCH from 2 to 5. with Mr Hughes, Stationer, 8, Miarkefc-strost, TUESDAY, Jan-uarr 2SSid, 1901; February 19tib; Mmiah 19th; April 16th May 14bh; end June 11th. EBENEZER and LLANBERIS First TUES- DAY after Pay-day. BETHESDA Firat TUESDAY after Pay-day. BANGOR Every Day except Tuesdays and Thursdays. Private Christmas Cards. SAMPLE BOOKS NOW READY, Jarvis & Foster, Lome House, Bangor. 19OH! AUTUMN & WINTER. VALLANCE oil TERS) Merchant Tailors & Costumiers, 2 5 9, HIGH STREET, RESPECTFULLY INVITE INSPECTION OF THEIR NEW WINTER STOCK OF Overcoatings, Suitings, Costume Cloths, Rainproof Coats, Gents' and Boys' Wool Shirts, Travelling Rugs, Pyjamas and Hosiery. Umbrellas, &c. Youths' and Gents' Dressing Gowns. Puttees and Gaiters, Fur, Silk, and Wool-lined Gloves. ALSO, CHOICE SELECTION OF LADIES' WINTER GLOVES, AT 300, HIGH STREET (the Old Premises), NEWESTOL OTHS r. STYLES IN Ladies' Golf Capes and Fur-lined Capes, Tartan-lined Coats and Covert Jackets, McIntosh Capes and Umbrellas, BOYS', YOUTHS', and MEN'S OVERCOATS and McINTOSHES (A SPLENDID SELECTION). j Vallance Bros. DEPARTMENTS. DRESSES, MANTLES, CAPES, JACKETS, BLOUSES, SKIRTS, MILLINERY SILKS, GLOVES, HOSIERY. UNDER- CLOTHING, I etc.. etc. I'll (¡lVl-.A\'S LONDON HOUSE, BANGOR, DRESSMAKING and MILLINERY [ A SPECIALITY. DEPARTMENTS. MEN'S, YOUTHS', all'] iiovl" READY-MADE CLOlHTXo. HAlOS, CAPS, TIES, WLLAti.4, E etc. QUILTS, F BLANKETS, [ CURTAINS, LINENS, [ PRINTS, etc., f-te. LEA AND PEERINS' Be careful to see that LEA & PERRINS' Signature in WHITE on the RED LABEL is on every bottle. None genuine without. Imitators of the label will be prosecuted. ORIGINAL C Jl HP D WORCESTERSHIRE OAU?D. ESTABLISHED 1813. M. A. CROOKS, HIGH-CLASS BOOT & SHOE MAKER IS NOW SHOWING A LARGE AND FASHIONABLE SELECTION OF NEW SEASONS GOODS, FROM THE LEADING ENGLI SH AND FOREIGN MAKERS. AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED "K" BOOTS AND SHOES Tennis, Cricket, and Boating Shoes. BOOTS AND SHOES MADE TO MEASURE^ REPAIRS. 222, HIGH STREET, BANGOR, AND UXBRIGE SQUARE, MENAI BRIDGE. 7366. I,