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.111ANDU;Iqo SHIFTS FOOTBALL CLUB. ANNUAL MEETING. A I>IL EM MA. The meeting of the LlamVudno Swifts Foolball Club was held at the Cocoa House, Mfwtyn- street, on Friday evening. Mr J. B. Jones was roted to the chair in the absence of the Chairman (Mr A. Sumner), find among those present were Messrs A. G. Pugh, G. G. Richmond, C. SeaTell, J. Pvgott S. WiJ1¡an:, H. Thorp, J. R. Evans, Frank Edge, O. Lbvvto Roberts, R. Deucer, J. Eo "Hughes (captain). ii;d Mr R. Royle (secretarv). It appears) that the receipts amounted to £300 On 2d. whieh includes £103 14s 4d by gate re- ceipts allll share of cup ties, against £264 So 9dJ last year; £43 5s 91.1 by vice-presidents and subscriptions, against £50; £ 13 10s Ir,om Wl,h Association for iisi., of field stand, .£5 81¡/Icription from Mr C. Searell, £ 10 county show- loan of stand. The expenditure amounted to E448 0-s 2d, compriin £120 18s to pltiyer.,4 an,1 groundsman, against £ 66 4s lid last 3ear; £56 Is to railway fares, cabs, and carriages; guarantees and cup tie shares, 931 4s; repairs, Eld 6s acceptances, £20. There is a loss on the !):n0n' workings of E148 9s, and- with old liabilities there is an adverse babnee of L161 15s 9d. The committee regretted to have to report Hueh :111 1l1l"1I:l'fnl year, especially as regards finances wl!i,']¡ 1I"l'Cssitated the withdrawal of the club from the Combination. They drew fit- tention to the decrease in gate receipts, sub- scriptions compared with the previous ye.1r of :£109 12s 10d, and the great increase of £ 57 paids professionals. They could only attribute the de- crease in the gate receipts to the lack of interest taken by the public, which was a general com- plaint throughout the country. It was gratify- ing that the North Wales Const Senior Cup had again founl a resting place in Llandudno. The reserve team hnd to be abandoned early through tot k of funds. The team pl:¡yd 27 matches, won Is. dr swii and lost 13, goals for b3, against 65. In reply to questions, the Chairman stated that tile players received from El a match, excluding expenses, to 58 a match. Tlie club's expenses Ir game were about. ES for professionals' fees alone. It cost from £13 to E15 to go to Aber- ystwyth aiul Newtown, and to Bedminster it cost £ 26. These were gret, It'se8 to the club. In laet, the whole of the, Combination fixtures ex- cepting Rh'1 and Bangor were losees to the club. Mr Frank Edge asked for the names of players who triiiied. The Chairman replied that very few indeed trained. It was very difficult to get players to train. The reason why the committee had had to engage professionals v;, tint they coulil not get «vmate>urs to take port in the matches from home. At home they should, always get a, team, but they could not gd one away. Prof\il.I1!a:s' fees and groundsman expenses hndi increased from £ 27 threc years ago to £60 two years ago, and £120 laet year. A member remarked that the matches were not advertised as they should have been. The Chairman did not agree. The Easter m3kh'" W'l'e 'P]l[ advertised, but they were a great loss. They generally netted a profit of £40 to £50. The dill. gel1'era:ly l\J'oked to them to wipe off their debt, but this year they addedj to them. On 1 he motion of Mr J. R. Evans, seconded by Mr R Williams, lie report was adupted, The election of officers was next on the agenda. The Chairman thought that all the officials had made up their minds to retire. He was going to retire from football altogether, though he would klül 5npr",rl the game to the best of his ability. Mr G. C. Richmond said1 that, after the exjier- ience of last year he had decided not to serve igain 011 niiv c(;mmittee. The committee were not wily obliged to bear the brunt of all the monetary responsibility, but with the exception of a very few members the club did not support its ("(,mmitt,(". Many of the players did not en- ter into the game with that heart with which they should enter into it. The amateurs did. but many of the professionals had not played the game this year. The committee had not re- oeived from the club the support to which they were tntitlell. Mr K Hughes: Nor from the town. Mr Richmond said when they entered the Combination two years ago they were urged to do no by a lot of guarantors who professed their ■willingness to stand by the cluh, but where were they to-day 1 The committee were in hopes that .om.. (,f the guarantors would have turned up at that meeting prejwired to open their hearts and J their purses for the club, but they had not donw W). They, the committee, were asked to bear live brunt. of the responsibility of that £165, and he did nLt el' the fairness and the justice of it. The COlllUlitte-e had' gone iiit,, a great deal of trou- ble, had dipped their hands into their pockets which people knew nothing about, and they were ualled names and were bulliedl by people whom he did not see at that meeting. If the members of the committee were not as thick-skinned as a rhinoceros thev would have had a tight on the ground every Saturday afternoon. He was glad that there had been 110 severe criticism, because lie did not think they deserved it. Mr J. B. .Tones and Mr Edge had done their best for the Hub, but they wanted united support to get the club out of difficulties. Instead of encourage- ment and support, the committee received black looks, and the worst of it was that while they got all the kicks they had to pay a'.l tlif happence too (huifhter). The Council had behaved shaV bily to them. They were told that they should have a new stand hv the Council, or they would not have gene to the expense of erecting one. The question of the stand had1 come up before the "Works Committee of the O()unciJ, but it was then composed of men h.) did not favour football, and they refused to hive anything to do with it. The consequence was that the committee erected the stand and had to bear :1:1 the cost of it. which was a great, deal more than they ex- pected. He hoped that the club would be an amateur team next, year and not. a professional one, because the position pf the club did not, war- Tantit. He would continue to give the club his sup- port, but he could not, be a member of the exe- cutive. Mr Royle "aid the committee had lwen obliged to assume a personal responsibility to Messrs Thorp for (lie grand hnd. and the committee therefore claimed that they had a moral right to the stand. They intended, if the endeavours they had on hand proved unsuccessful, to claim the stand, and if necessary to bring it under the hammer. He must decline to stand that further office. Mr F. Edge: Whore is last year's l'hllirman1 Is he gOing to stand? The Chairman took it for granted that his ah- sence meant that lit- would not. Thev had his resignation Qf his post since September. Mr Edge thought that it would be well for the old committee to stay on until the debt was reduced. The (biirmnil I for one will have nothing to- do with. it. He remarked that the reason why they had not sold the stand was that they did trotVish to prejudice the future of the club. If they could get the debt wiped out, they wouldl 1e:n:, tIt!' stand where it was. Mr Searell said they Iiid not valued the assets of the club which lie believed would run to £20. Mr Frank Edge 11 <ke,1 if anything could he had from the transfer money of players? The Chairman We have never had any in the historv of the club. Mr E. Hughes had htt> doubt that the club would get ( iii of its difficulties. They must nii- point a committee and officer? or there would be no club. It would be lI1ny years before they would get into the Combination again. With a new committee at work and the old committee help- ing them they should wipe out the debt. Mr Pygott thouglit 'hat nolnjdy would care to join tli > committee while such a heavy debt rest- ed on it. Mr Searell declared that a new committee •would be in no way responsible for the debts of the eld committee. The old committee would work their best- to wipe off the debt and they wouldi be glad of the ilelp of a new committee. Mr Llwyfo Roberts suggested that the meet- ing should he adjourned for a couple of months to await, the result of the ventur which t1 club had with a view to wiping off the debt. Mr Edge thought that emnmitt sh: f, 1. formed to carry on the club on amateur lines. It would meet with hearty support in Llan- dudno. Practically, the whole body of the committee refused re-election, and no attempt was made to nominate new members. After considerable de- bate the meeting agreed to an adjournment for three weeks. As the secretary declined to take any further action, the Qi airman, amid applause, promised to convene the adjourned meeting.


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