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BY To BPKOIAL HEB Muisrr APPOTSTUR NT AND H.R.H. THE PRIKCISB OF WALKS. BRO w N c 0.1 MERCERS, C HE 8 T E ;t, EXCLUSIVE NOVELTIES  pJfE DE BrIE, & CREPON MANTLES AD CAPES. JACKETS, FRENCH MILLINER*- NZVV BLACK AND OJMMD SIMS IS POn: M *°^ OTOW« AND CMWM. IIUCK BROONS RATINS, 38 3D PHB IABU. BRLT.AACCK K aANnuD COLORED CROONS, FRENCH r^BE8 AND tweEDB. New French Dressmaker. Excellent Fit and Lat..t Styles, 11516- ARMOUR S EXTRACT OF BEEF. Will be served in cups FREE OF COST to all who will step in and taste it BETWEEN APRIL 10th & 30th. TBIRKETrS STORES, BANGOR. 8933a BELOW COST PRICE A GENUINE CLEARANCE SALE.) NIXON & JAR VIS will dispose of ALL .their Stock oi PAPER HANGINGS at GIVEN AWAY PRICES in ORDER TO CLEAR. NA J. do not intend to continue to Stock WALL NPAPERIS, and in order to ensure a Speedy Sale NO REASONABLE OFFER WILL BE REFUSED. Intending Purchasers should no allow this oppor- tunity to pass, as they may not a«ain have such BARGAINS. Terms-Cr.sb. BANK PLACE, BANGOR. 10446fw OWEN OWEN & CO.'S LATEST STYLES AND INOVELTIES. New Capes, Jackets, Costumes, Dresses, Delainettes, Prints, MILLINERY, UNDER CLOTHING, m EN'S AND BOYS' SUITS, BOYS SAILOR SUITS. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF Drapery, Clothing, Hosiery, &c. ALL GOODS SOLD AT REASONABLE PRICES, AT THE WELL KNOWN DRAPERY ESTABLISHMENT, OWEN OWEN & Co., CASTLE HILL. BANGOR. 11276jtj LADIES DESIROUS OF OBTAINING HANDSOME DRESSES SHOULD 00 TO |yJADAME L AZZARUS, BUMMER HILL HOUSE, PRINCES ROAD UPPER BANGOR, Whose Style and Fit is Guaranteed. She makes It her Bpecial oare to adopt the style beat snitted to the figure. She also supplies Morning and Evening Dreeaea fro_m__rÍl.1 made up TAN GYES PETROLEUM (OR OIL) ENGINE. IIZIIS NIW BEADY, 1, 2, 4, & 6, BRAKE Horsk Powkr. OKEAT BIMPUcnr AND RELIABILITY. TANOYES LIMITED, DIABSSATI, MANCHESTER. ALSO TA'40yn GAS KNUISK, TO 170 H.p. (:8'PATDT8\' UM:—MiM FIRST-CLASS TAILORING. IMMENSE STOCK. BEST STYLE. Gwell ventilated workrooms. PRICES REASONABLE. BEST STYLE. well vout,'Iated workrooms. Recent deliveries of SPRING and SUMMER WOOLLENS in choice shades and great variety. INSPECTION RESPECTFULLY INVITED. BAYNE AND DARGIE, CLOTHEBS, ESTABLISHED 1870. UPPER BANGOR. 12—9823E11374 WORTH READING. = "DrCKS" = THE PEOPLE'S BOOT PROVIDERS, HAVE AN IMMENSE ASSORTMENT OF NEW SEASON'S GOODS COMPRISING ALL THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS IN STYLE, FITTING AND MATERIAL. DICKS' CUSTOMERS HAVE THE LARGEST & BEST STOCK IN THE PRINCIPALITY TO CHOOSE FROM. Dicks' Earnest Endea?our j1'10  Dicks' .Earnest Endeavour can be had for their Money. Special Orders carefully attended to. Anybody's and Everybody's Boots and Shoes repaired Neatly, Cheaply and Promptly. LOCAL BRANCHES- 217, HIGH-STREET, BANGOR. 7, Bridge-st. and 3, Palace-st., Carnarvon. 30, Market-street, Holyhead. High-street, Pwllheli.UB73wh MANCHESTER, LIVERPOOL AND NORTH WALES STEAMSHIP COMPANY, LIMITED. The as. W. S. Caine" will Ran from MANCHESTER, Weekly, carrying GOODS for MENAI STRAITS, PORTHDINLLEYN, and PWLLHELI, it sufficient inducements offer. LIVERPOOL GOODS for PORTHDINI,LEYN JU will be conveyed to CARNARVON by 8.8. PRINCE JA JA," until other arrangements are made. For particulars apply to Messrs CLABK 4 GROUNDS, 58, South John-street, Liverpool, and at Runcorn Mr PRITCHABD, Manager S,8. Prince Ja Ja," Car- narvon; Mr E. JONES, Acoountant, Nevin Mr TØOB. EVANS, Auctioneer, Pwllheli; or the Managing Director, Rear-Admiral JONES-PAKBY, Thelwall Hall, Warrington. 11752o HUGH OWEN, Practical Watch & Clock Maker, JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN, GREENWICH HOUSE, BANGOR. All the latest Patterns and Easy-wearing SPECTACLES AND FOLDERS kept in stock. Oculists' Prescriptions carefully worked. REPAIRS (same day as received). 114448 A. RICHARDSON, Agent for Steinway, Beckstein, &c. AND SOLE AGENT FOR Bluthum and Waldemar —:PI AN OFORT ES,: — ALL KEPT IN STOCK. LISTSENT FREE. AL90 PBCFRIITOB Of TUE FAMOUS CHESTER MODEL IRON PIANOS. Best Value for Money. Wear Best, keep in Tune Longest. 21 GUINEAS CASH. INSTALMENTS 24 GUINEAS. WRITE FOR PHOTOGRAPHS None genuine without A. Richardson, Chester and Wrexham, cast on the Framee. 43, BRIDGE STREET-ROW, CHESTER, AND CENTRAL ARCADE, WREXHAM. 11127r R. B. WATSON, HAIRDRESSER, PERFUMER AND TOBACCONIST. FANCY GOODS REPOSITORY (Opposite Cathedral), BANGOR. Football and Cricket Requisites. The Finest Gentlemen's Saloon in North Wales. Private -L Room for Ladies and Children. Combings and all kinds ot Hair Work made up on the Promises. 11376tw NOW READY. The striking character and the thrilling exploits of BRIGADIER GERARD, of which the first is published in the April uumber of THE STRAND MAGAZINE, will, it is confidently anticipated, prove as IX pular as those of the world-renowned Sherlook Holmes. PRICE 83. POST FREE, 9d. GEORGE NEWNES, LTD., LONDON, W.C. 21787a DR. J ONES, D.D.S. (AM.), SURGEON DENTIST, Opposite the Market, Bantfor. DR. JONES visits JJLAMQEFNI every THURSDAY, at Lledwigan-road. LLANEECHYUEDD from 10 to 1, and AMLWCH from 2 to 5, with Mr Huoiixs, Stationer, 8, Market-street, TUESDAYS, January let, 29th, February 26th, March 26cb, and April 23rd. EBKNIZIB AND LLANBKBIS First TUESDAY after Pay-day, BKTHESDA First TUESDAY after Pay-day. BANoom every day except Tuesdays and Thurs- davs. 10 W. ]EiUGEiES ROBERTS, Estate Agent and Accountant, 7, CHURCH-STREET, CARNARVON, (Taesdsay, Thursdays, and Fridays), AND 7, HOLY HEAD-ROAD, BANGOR. (Personal attendance CD Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.) RENTS c.il,,ct?i Estates ca,FIIY Manaced. It DEBTS COLLECTED A ;Y ?VHE ?spNedO. CHARGE IF UNSUCCESSFUL. Private in- quiries conducted. PropertyBougbt and Sold Valuations made. The Auditing aud Balancing of Books undertaken. Houses and Shops,&c., to OeLet in all parts ot North Wales. Businesses Bought and Sold. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. Money Lent on Note of Hand Alone. From 6C5 to £1000. Repayable by easy Monthly, Quarterly, or Half- yearly payments to suit borrowers. STRICTEST PRIVACY GUARANTEED. All applications by Post must ba sent to 7, CHCBCH-STREET, CARNARVON, where Mr ROBBBTS resides. Mr RCBKKIS also has various sums from £21)0 up to X20 000 to lend on Mortgage trom 3; per cent. Apply for particulars. 11200j1621 MONEY LENT PRIVATELY TO Farmers, Tradesmen, Lodging-hon-n Keepers, and others in sums of £10 up to £500. ON BORROWER'S OWN NOTE OF HAND Without sureties, at much lower rates than usually charged. Repayments arranged to suit Borrower's requirement. Extensive business done for 25 years past. NO BILLS OF SALE TAKEN. F )r prcspeotus and terms, apply personally or wlite to GEORGE PAYNE, Accountant, 3, Cresoent Road, Rby). Head Oftlcc 20, Kennedy Street, Manchester. Established 1870. 11796—5256wh NOTE.—NO PRELIMINARY FEES. I MONEY.—Absolutely Witbout Bill of Sale, Pub- licity, or Feee. From Out, Month to Five Years. THE NATIONAL MERCANTILE BANK, 3, COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS, CROSS-STREET EST. 1872. MANCHESTER. CAPITAL 9200,000. The Directors of this well- known old.established Bank arc prepared to offer exceptional advantages to all responsible persons in need of temporary assistanco Private and prompt ADVANCES made daily, on borrower's simple promissory note. From 5 per Cent. Interest. The amount borrowed may be repaid lgyinstalments, or at the end of a stated period. SPECIAL NOTICE.—This Rank does not charge f::N¡fil;r;¡}:n':tifJctiona\;le loan ffice routine is entirely dispensed with. Apply m strictest confideum to ?? ?Mr  ROBERT JAMES, Resident ManMer. NOTE':l'llv::oe::t :LSÑS on LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES, REVERSIONS, and SECOND MORTGAGES. NOTE.-NO PRELIMINARY FEES. 1140310 DONALD CAMERON, MERCHANT TAILOR, CATHEDRAL BUILDINGS, BANGOR, Respectfully invites the attention of Sportsmen and Tourists to his Present Choice btock of Highland Tweeds and Homespun Cloths, Standard Patterns, and Invisible Shades So well-known to every Sportsman fosHillside and Cover, for Moor and River, Knlcker-bocker Stockings, Hand-knitted, In Plain Colours, Heather Mixtures and Gairloch Checks. Also the Clarence Hose, Registered Design Spats, Gaiters, Leggings, and Anklets, Shooting Caps, Tweed Hats, and Helmets, Waders, Fishing Stockings and Brogues, Waterproof Coats, Capes, and Rugs, Leather Trunks, Portmanteaus, Bags and Straps. Agent for Dr. Jaeger's Pure Wool Manufactures. ROBE AND CAP MAKER BY APPOINTMKNI TO THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGU. OF NORTH WALES PATTERNS AND PRICE LISTSFREE. JOSIAH hughes&co, GENERAL, FURNISHING, MANUFACTURING & WHOLESALE IRONMONGERS, 159 & 160, HIGH STREET, BANGOR. Galvanized Wire Netting, Garden Tools, Garden Arches, Garden Rollers, Garden Seats, Garden Syringes, Garden Vases & Pedestals, Water Pots, &c. Bamboo Garden Stakes from 2ft. to 7ft. long, in various sizes; suitable for all descriptions of Plants, Rose Trees, &c. TENNIS & CROQUET REQUISITES. India Rubber Hcse Pipes, Hose Reels and Fittings. THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTION OF PERAMBULATORS AND MAIL CARTS IN THE DISTRICT. All the LATEST DESIGNS at LOWEST PRICES. Fenders, Curbs, Fire Brasses, Iron & Brass —— Bedsteads, —— PATENT WOVE SPRING MATTRESSES. DAIRY UTENSILS. KITCHEN UTENSILS. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE FOLLOWING SPECIALITIES Frister and Rossman's SEWING MACHINES. THE NEW EASY LAWN MOWERS. ALEXANDRA CREAM SEPARATORS. WEST BOX CHURNS. Ranaome's Anglo Paris and other Lawn Mowers. PEACOCK* and BUCHAN'S CELEBRATED READY-MIXED PAINTS. :—— Rochester Lamp for all purposes. NIAGARA PATENT GAS BURTSER, THE LATEST, SIMPLEST, AND BESf BUKNElt OX THE MARKET. "SHARPSHOOTER BICYCLES SEE THESELSE?VUKRE.1'URCHA8ING SIIA Rp SHOOTEIR BIC YCLEO,. ELsE?EpE A COMPETENT STAFF OF WORKMEN KEPT UPON THE PREMISES FJR ALL KINDS Of REPAIRS, including Plumbing, Hot Water Fitting, Electric Bells, Wro't Iron Work, &c. ESTIMATES FREE ON APPLICATION. 1111- THE North Wales Music Co., Ld. BANGOR PIANOFORTES ORGANS TJARMONIUMS. TUNERS by Contract to Her Majesty's Government. I 4. E. D. WILLIAMS, MANAGER. ESTABLISHED 1812. I pROCTOR AND PYLAND7S PREPARED BONE MANURES. -.L. Works: SAtiTNEY, CHESTER. Offices: BIRMINGHAM. REVISED LIST WITH PARTICUL ARS OF PRIZES FOR ROOTS OFFERED IN 1895, POST FREE AGENTS:- Mr Lewis Jones. LlwyBon, Llanfair, Anglesey. I Mr Jos. Lloyd, Miller, 8t. Asaph. Mr J. J. Bancroft, Glasfryn, Rothio. I Mr Richard Jones, Llanllodtau, LlaDfair. I Mr Godfrey Parry, Carrog, Oorwen. Mr H. Edwards, Birior Hir, Abergele. Mr Robert Vaugban, Llaossnnan, Abergele, Mr W. Griffiths, Cross Keys, Chirk. Mr John Humphreys. Railway Station, Towyn. Mr Owen Roberts, Post-office,Penygroea,Carnarvon. Mr Hush Roberts, Heudrewen, Rbydyelsfdy, Pwll- beli. 11520l JARVIS & FOSTER. PRINTERS, STATIONERS, Lome House, BOOKSELLERS, BOOKBINDERS. Bangor. 1119b VALLANCE BROS., MERCHANT TAILORS, BASGOR AND BETHESDA. Our arrangements for the Coming Seasons are now completed. We are prepared to offer exceptional value, and are showing the best selections of REAL HIGH-CLASS WOOLLENS we have ever shown. YOUR INSPECTION IS RESPECTFULLY INVITED. 11375w GRAND DISPLAY OF Latest Novelties FOR Spring & Summer Fashions, AT THOMAS'S. London House, Bangor. SHOW NOW ON. SNOWDON FLA?E F LOItrT  USED BY ALL WHO WISH FINE PASTRY AND BEST FLAVOURED BREAD. FIRST PR ZE and GOLD MEDAL at Millers' and Bakers' Exhibition, London, 1892 THOMAS LEWIS & Co.. LllING SALE CITY STEAM MILLS, BANGOR. BANGOR IRONMONGERY WAREHOUSE. (ESTABLISHED 1851.) W. FRANCIS WILLIAMS AND COMPANY, GENERAL AND FURNISHING IRONMONGERS, 224, 226, 228, HIGH ST. (OPPOSITE THE MARKET HALL) CUTLERY AND ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY. Galvanized Wire Netting, Garden Ctiairs, Seats, and Implements of every Description. LAWN MOWERS BY THE BEST KNOWN MAKERS. MAIL CARTS & BASINEITES. Sole Appointed Agents for BaDgor and District for the INCANDESCENT GASLIGHT. GREAT REDUCTIONS IN PRICES. ELECTRIC BELL AND TELEPHONE FiTrER;3. 1H770 AGENT FOR AG" ENBT OFOOTR S. EstaMi?hed Over 70 Yxeeaaris s. BOSi'OCu'd tOOJB the "K. BOSJ.'UC.u.¡j .t.OOIII M. A. CROOKS, HIGH CLASS BCOT MAKERS, 222, HIGH-STREET, BANGOR, Sole Agents for the K.' Make. GENTLEMEN'S DEPARTMENT: First-olau Walking, Shooting, Fishing, aid 1, eia Boots and Shoea. Hunting, Riding, tndJLivory i; ■■ to Order. LADIES' DEPARTMENT Glace Kid, Glove Kid, French Calf, Call Kid, and Patent Calf Boots, Shoea:and Slippers by the Leading Makers. CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT. Varied Assortment of Walking aid In-door Boots and Shoes. Bespoke aid Repairing Department under,tbe management of Higb-(lifs Workmen. 7350iti HIGH CLASS TAILORING. 213, HIGH-STREET (near Market Hall), BANGOR. J. W. ROBERTS (Late Cutter at 1, Neville-street, Southport). -:0:- FIT, STYLE, ANT' SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Batista ction'can and isiou)y 8ive^^yPrice List on AppUolti Torm?- ;ADY CASH ONLY. OD I J. W. ROBERTS wiirvisit any part of North Wales onReoeipt of Poet Card. H215fw J. E. P R I T U H A It D, Corn Dealer, &c., 137, HIGH STREE f, IB-INGOR, AGENT FOR R. SILCOCK'S BONE MANURES. FATTENING CAKES, REDUCED PRICES :— UNIVERSAL CAKE.-Price, £5 2s 6d. UNDECORTICATED COTTON CAKE-E3 17s 6d. DECORTICATED Ditto — £ 6 58. FATTENING CAKE.-Price, r,5 109 Od. REARING OR DAIRY CAKE.—Prioe, £ 5 7a 6d. DAIRY MEAL.-Price, 15 58 Od. PURE DISSOLVED BONE-f6 58 per ton. BONK MANURE No. 2— £ 5 lOg per ton. BONE MANURE No. 1-£5 108 per ton. DISSOLVED BONE— £ 4 108 per too. UNIVERSAL MANURE-93 131 6d per too. I VICTORIA DOG BISCUITS & POULTRY FOOD 158 PER, CWT. 11130b