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By To Si-M!4L E'. HEB AJIS¡Y APPOINTURNT ?'&Rt!?N?A AXDH.R-H. THE Puisciss OF WALKS. B ROW N & C 0.. MEKCKRS, CHESTER. EXCLUSIViTNOYBLTIES VELOUR DU NORD. POlE DE SOIE, A CREP°N MANTLKH AND OAPT-S, JACKETS, fhescb MILLINERY. ARAW IACIC AND C"L)RED SILEI IN POIR DR Bolt ONDINS AND OBEtNM, BMCX BROCHS SATINS; 3D 3D PEB XABD. BLACK AND COLORED CRKPONS, FRENCH ROBES AND TWEliDS. Now French Dressmaker. Excellent Fit and Latest Styles. 11516c BELOW COST PRICE A GENUINE CLEARANCE SALE. NIXON & JARVIS will DISPNS? cf ALL their Stock of PAPER HANGINGS at GIVEN AWAY PRICES in ORDER TO CLEAR. N<t J. <?o not i-teld to continue to Stock WALL N I'APEKS, an in order to ensure a Speedy Salp No REASONABLE OFFEtt WJLt BE REFUSED. Intending Purchasers should not allow this oppor- tunity 10 pp.88, 18 they may not again liavo tuth BARGAINS. Terms-Cttab. BANK PLACE, BANGOR. 10146IW HUGH- QWEN, Practical Watch & Clock Maker, JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN, GREENWICH HOUSE, BANGOR. All the latest Pztt. erns and Easy-weirir g SPECTACLES AND FOLDERS kept in stock. Oculists' Prescriptions carefully worked. REPAIRS (same day as reoeiveoj). 1144B 1144>E LADIES DESIROUS OF OBTAINING HANDSOME DRESSES SHOULD GO TO II ADAMi! LAZZARUS, BUMMER BILL HOUSE, PRINCES ROAD I UPPER BANGOR, Whose Style aod fit is Guaranteed. Sha makes it her special care to adopt the style bfst sained to I the figure. She also supplies Morning aud Evening Dresses from £ 5 3h. Ladies' owu material inad" up 9318o W. HUGHES ROBERTS, Estate Agent and Accountant, 7. CHURCH-STREET, CARNARVON, (Taesdsay, Thursdays, and Fridays), AND 7, HOLIHBAD-EOAD, BANGOR. (Personal attendaroe cn Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.) RENTR collected. Estates carefully Managed. 1 DEBTS COLLECTED ANYWHERE, NO rHARGii IF UNSUCCESSFUL. Private in- quiries conducted. Property Bought and Solei. Valuations made. The Auditing and Balancing of Books undertaken. Houeesand^hops, cte., to ue Lot in &]I pans ot North W",les. Businesses Bought and Bold. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. Money Lent on Note of Hand Alone. From £5 to £1000. Repayable by easy Monthly, Quarterly, or Half- yearly payments to suit borrowers. STRICTEST PRIVACY GUARANTEED. All applications by Post most be sent to 7, CHCICH-STKKKT, CARNARVON, where Mr ROBKBTS reside. Mr KOBKRTB also has various sums from X200 up to 120 000 to lend on Mortgace tr(im 34 per oeat. Apply for particulars. 11200j1621 j^^Z^O PRELIM IN Alt If FEES. BIONEY.-Absolately Without Bill of Sale, Pub. licity, or FeeB. From Otto Nionth to five Years. THE NATIONAL MERCANTILE BANK, 3, COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS. CKOSS-STEEET EST. 1872. MANCHESTER. CAPITAL £ 200,000. The Directors of this well-known old-established Bauk are prepared to offer exceptional advantages to all responsible persons in need of temporary assistance Private and prompt ADVANCES made daily, on borrower's simple promissory note. From 5 per Cent. Interest. The amount borrowed may be repaid by instalments, or at the end of a stated period. SPECIAL NOTICE,-This Rank Joes not charge preliminary or inquiry fees, and the usual objectionable loan office routine is entirely dispensed with. Apply m stricter confidence to ? ?M? ?BKI?T  JAMES, Resident ManMer_ NOTE-c?il'fal:c7:t on LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES, REVERSION, and SECOND MORTGAGES. NOTE.—NO PRELIMINARY FEES. 11403jj MONEY IMMEDIATELY LENT. From £10 to £ 50,000 at Lower Interest than other?. TO Ladies and Gentlemen, Noblemen, Clergymen, Sohoolmasters, Clerks, Officers, Gentlemen's Servants, and others in good situations, Farmers, Gardeners, Carriers, Tradesmen, Cab Proprietors, Shopkeepers, Lodning-bouBeKeepers, Private House- holders, and othtrs,on their Own Security, without iareties, on Now of Hand Alone repayment* ar- ranged to suit borrowers' own convenience; all communications strictly private and confidential; no genuine application refused, and honourable and straightforward transactions guaranteed.—Intend- ing borrowers are invited, before applying elsewhere, to oall or write to actual lender, Ma B. EDWARDS, 17, PEPPER-STREET, CHESTER. Town or oountry, distanoe no objeot. Letters immediately attended to. Established 1851. No Abarge whatever if no business be done. lOOCSa FIRST-CLASS TAILORING. IMMENSE STOCK. BEST STYLE. Gyteilventilated workrooms. PRICES REASONABLE. BEST STYLE. well vDt:.Il1ted workTOoms, l 1" Recent deliveries of SPHING and SUMMER WOOLLENS in choice shades and great variety. I:' INSPECTION RESPECTFULLY INVITED. BAYNE AND DARGIE, CLOTHERS, ESTABLISHED 1S70. UPPER BANGOR. 12-9823EI1374 There s nothing like Leather." ==" DIe IC S "== THE PEOPLE'S BOOT PROVIDERS, ARE NOW SHOWING A SPLENDID VARIETY OF WINTER BOOTS AND SHOES —————— SUPERIOR TO ANYTHING EVER STOCKED BEFORE. THE QUALITY, STYLE, AND PRICE BEAT EVERYTHING IN THE MARKET. BOOTS to Suit all Classes of Society FROM THE INFANT'S AT SIXPENCE, TO THE GENT'S HIGH-CLASS HAND-SEWN AT ONE GUINEA. —— A LARGE AND CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF DRESS SHOES. Football Boots —O— Goloshes, Gaiters, Gymnasium Shoes. Al hinds of Boot ttid Mackintoshes Repaired at Low Prices. LOCAL BRANCHES- 217, HIGH-STREET, BANGOR. 7, Bridge-st. and 3, Palace-st., Carnarvon. 30, Market-street, Holyhead. High-street, Pwllheli. E LEA AND Signature ? PERRINS' SJgnature y .# ( is now Printed in Blue Ink diagonally across the OUTSIDE WRAPPER of every Bottle of the ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE SoB Whoie?e by the PropwtoM. Worcester; Crossa & CI A TT/^IT^ BtMkweU. Ltd., London; and Export OitmeugeneMDy t ?/A T! T/t ?T? RETAIL EVERYWHERE. lOl?fw ) ?SATTCE, DR. J ONES, D.D.S. (AM.), &c. SURGEON DENTIST Opposite the Market, Bangor. Dr JONES visits LIANGUYNI every THURSDAY, at Lledwigan-road. LUN' KBCHYMIDD from 10 to 1, and AHLwcB from 2 to 5, with Mr HTTOHKS, Stationer, 8 Market-strwt, TUESDAYS, January let, 29tb, February 26tb, March 261h. and April 23rd. EBEKIZXB AND LLANBKKIS First TUESDAY after V N«HE8DI First TUESDAY after Pay-day  B,NGon every day except Tueadays and Thurs- days. 10 ,Ll.Y -lSON, HE WITT'S "ORIGINAL AND CELEBRATED Lambing and Calving Remedies. The Chemical Extract. F)r Anr i 1 ting after Calving and Lambing. K >r Htaviog and Straining- aud Provtntiiw Giargrcne. For all .'•orep, Wounds, a d Swollen Udders. For Soie Throats, Strains, and Rheumatism. PI-ice 2s 6d, 3s 6d, and 7s per Bottle. The Gaseous Fluid. Cmes ir ire in Bad Calving and lambing. Cures Low Condition, J), biiity audHovon. Cures Colic, Scour, spasms, aud Tliarriicea. Cures Coug'ia Colds, and Loss of Appetite. Price Is 9d per Bottle 20s per doz. Box. -2he Red Drench. For Cleaisirg after Lambirg and Cal*;nsr. For Hide Hound, tied Wat. r, and Yellows. For Cliillp, Yever, and Loss of Cud. FJr Preveuting lhlk Fever, Qa*rtei )U, &c. Price Ss 6dper dozen (Ewes), Vls perdozen (Cows). Gaseodyne. FOR Severe Diarrhcea, Dysente y, and lurtawiza. For severe talus in Low. and H-.esduring l'anuritirn, For lnfliimuiatcry C, lie .1Id Lung I -isordt:is. For lullinj Pain, to be used aii itiudanuiii. Price 3s 6d per Bottle. Special LIMKLHJ »>' CALVING CHESTS for every disord-r, fB 31 and £1 10. Carriage paid. I>> a!I»« oU RTFTT'UG of Cat\IS ivi d l.iiinbiiig iiud Lalvmg LIIOI- deis," grttia aud post free. ROYAL ANIMAL MEDICINE MAN LTFACTORY, 22, Dorset Street, London, W. STABI.19BEI) OVBB CO YEARS 1133311 EASTER HOLIDAYS, 189-5. LIVERPOOL TO LLANDUDNO, JiEAUMAKIS, 1SANGOR, & MENA1 BlilDGE. The ST. TUDNO will sail from Prince's Landing Stage (woathcrana othcrcireumsIDnecs permitting), THURSDAY, 11th APRIL: Leave., Li,0rpol 1,30p.ii). I Arrives 1,iverpool.,8.15pim. GOODFKIDAY, SATURDAY. MONDAY, TUESDAY, and Wednesday (12ti?, 13th, 15th, 16th. 17th APRIL): LeeIgr..l¡'a;I;?v;:tv;;t.,161kt,m. between Boaumaris, Bangor and Monai Bridge passengers will sail in the Torbay S.S. PASSEXGEKS RETrRNtXO SAfE D,\ Y MUST PLEASE NOT GO BKVONB BEAUMARIS. DAILY SAILINGS commence SATURDAY, 18th May. For fare9 and further particulars apply to C. D. Hum- phreys, Conservative Club liuildinirs, 'Hig l1 ?? tr(?c ]3aii- gor, or to The Lii,trp(?l & North Wales S. S Co., Ltd. T. U. BSEW, Secretary, 20, Water Street, Li?erpooL 1796 jjj!1697 A. RICHARDSON, Agent for Steinway, Beckstein, &c. AND SOLE AGENT FOR Bluthum and Waldemar —:PIANOFORTES,: — ALL KEPT IN STOCK. LISTS SENT FREE. ALSO PBOFRIETOR OF THII FAMOUS "CHESTER MODEL" IRON PIANOS. Best Value for Money. Wear Best, keep in Tone Longest. 21 GUINEAS CASH. INSTALMENTB 24 GUINEAS. WRITE FOR PHOTOGRAPHS None genaine without A. Riohardson, Cheater and Wrexham, cast on the Frames. 43, BRIDGE STREET-ROW, CHESTER, AND CENTRAL ARCADE, WREXHAM. 11127r J. & U- JONES, PRINTERS AND STATIONERS. CENTRAL BUILDINGS, PKXMAKNMAWR. ARE now in a poo'ion to 1'KINTat a RKMARK- A ABLY LOW 8CALE OF CHARGES "nd solicit the favour of an opportacity of presenting their estimate. 11391 wb RPANGYETPUTKOLEUM (OR OIL) ENGINE. I sizea Now PEoDY. 1, 2, 4, & 6. BRAKE HORBS POW Elt. <1KIAT SIMPLICITY ANlJ RELIABILITY. TANOYES LIMITED, DIAS.AIPI MANCHESTER. JoU!O TANGYE8 (jAB ENGINE. TO 170 H.P. "uno" tKiNciP4.«. ^I'i.nknm^s'Patkvtb;' lJ MJ-,)oIl 3d DONALD CAMERON, MERCHANT TAILOR, CATHEDRAL BUILDINGS, BANGOR, Respectfully invites the attention of Sportsmen and Tourists to his Present Chojce Stock of Highland Tweeds and Homespun Cloths, Standard Patterns, and Invisible Shades so well-known to every Sportsman fot Hillside and Cover, for Moor and River, Knkjker-bocker Stockings, Hand-knitted, Iu Plain Colours, Heather Mixtures and Gairloch Checks. Also the Clarence Hose, Registered Design Spats, Gaiters, Leggings, and Anklets, Shooting Caps, Tweed Hats, and Helmets, Waders, Fishing Stockings and Brogues, "Waterproof Coats, Capes, and Rugs, Leather Trunk3, Portmanteaus, Bags and Straps. Agent for Dr. Jaeger's Pure Wool Manufactures. ROBE AND CAP MARER" BY APPOINTMENI TO THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGK OF NORTH WALES PATTERNS AND PRICE LIST-FREE. JOSIAH HUGHES& COY' GENERAL, FURNISHING, MANUFACTURING & WHOLESALE IRONMONGERS, 159 & 160, HIGH STREET, BANGOR. Galvanized Wire Netting, Garden Tools, Garden Arches, Garden Rollers, Garden Seats, Garden Syringes, Garden Vases & Pedestals, Water Pots, &c. Bamboo Garden Stakes from 2ft. to 7ft. long, in various sizes; suitable for all descriptions of Plants, Rose Trees, &c. TENNIS & CROQUET REQUISITES. India Rubber Hcse Pipes, Hose Reels and Fittings. TJiE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTION OF PERAMBULATORS AND MAIL CARTS IN THE DISTRICT. All the LATEST DESIGNS at LOWEST PRICES. Fenders, Curbs, Fire Brasses, Iron & Brass —— Bedsteads, —— PATENT WOVE SPRING MATTRESSES. DAIRY UTENSILS. KITCHEN UTENSILS. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE FOLLOWING SPECIALITIES;— Frister and Rossman's SEWING MACHINES. THE NEW EASY LAWN MOWERS. ALEXANDRA CREAM SEPARATORS. WEST BOX CHURNS. Ransome's Anglo Paris and other Lawn Mowers. PEACOCK and BUCHAN'S CELEBRATED READY-MIXED PAINTS. ilochester Lamp for all purposes. NIAGARA PATENT gas BURNER, THE LATEST, SIMPLEST, AND ilEST BUKUER ON THE MARKET. U SHA. RI-K P,S,THTOOAmTEjvR n B IC YCLES. SEE THESE BEFORE PURCHASING elsewhere. A COMPETENT STAFF OF WORKMEN KEPT UPON THE PREMISES FOR ALL KINDS Of REPAIRS, including Plumbing, Hot Water Fitting, Electric Bells, Wro't Iron Work, &c. ESTIMATES FREE ON APPLICATION, 1111B THE NORTHW ALES MUSIC CO, LD. BANGOR PIANOFORTES =— ORGANS HARMONIUNIS. TUNERS by Contract to Her Majesty's Government. i I E.. D. WILLIAMS, MANAGER. ESTABLISHED 1812. p R O C T (nrANlTg ¥ L A N D'S pRO C TOR AND R Y LAN D'S PREPARED BONE MANURES. Works: SALTNEY, CHESTER. Offices: BIRMINGHAM. REVISED LIST WITli'?ABTICUL,,LitS OF- PILIZES FOR BOOTS OFFIIREL) IN 1895, POST FREE AGENTS:- Mr Lewis Joote. Llwynoa, Llanfair, Angleley., Mr Jos. Lloyd. Miller, 8t. Aspb. Mr J. J. Banorolt, Glasfryn, Rathin. Mr Richard Jonts, LlaDlIodiait, LlacUir. Mr Godfrey Parry, Carrol, Oorwen. Mr H. Edwards, Sirior Hir, Abergele, Mr Robert VangbdD, .Ltansannan, Abergele, Mr W. Griffiths, Croee KHyo, Chirk. Mr John Humphreys, Railway Station, Towyt). Mr Owen Rob«rtP, Po«t-offioe,Penygroeg,C8roar»oo. Mr Hub IIoberte, HendreweD,.Rbydycl«fdy, Pwll. I beli. 11520L JARVIS & FOSTER. PRINTERS, STATIONERS, Lome House, BOOKSELLERS, BOOKBINDERS. Bangor. 11190* VALLANCE BROS. MERvJHANT TAILORS, BANGOR BETBESDA. Our arrangements for the Coming Seasons are now completed. We are prepared to offer exceptional value, and are showing the best selections of REAL HIGH-CLASS WOOLLENS we have ever shown. YOUR INSPECTION IS RESPECTFULLY INVITED. 11375w THOMAS,' General Drapers, &e., London House 9 11566£. Bangor. AGENT FOR .E t bli h d 0 y 70 Y AGENT FOR the "R." B 0 0 T S. Established Over 70 Years. BOSXOCKS BOOTB THE K B 0018. M. A. CROOKS, HIGH CLASS BOOT MAKERS, 222. HIGH-STREET, BANGOR, Sol a Agents for the K.' Make. GENTLEMEN'S DEPARTMENT: First-olaES Walking, Shooting, Fishing, aatl Diejs Boots and Siooa. Hunting, Ridiug, andJLivtry Boots to Order. LADIES' DEPARTMENT Glace Kid, Glove Kid, French Calf, Calf Kid, and Patent Calf Boots, Shoes and Slippers by the Ludtag Makers. CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT. Varied Assortment of Walking and In-door Boots and Shoes. Bespoke and Repairing (Department under the management of Higb-Class Workmen. 7350iii HIGH CLASS TAILORING. -:0:- 213, HIGH-STREET (near Market Hall), BANGOR, J. W. ROBERTS (Late Cutter at 1, Neville-street, Southport). -:0:- FIT, STYLE, ANr SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Satisfaction can and is only given by very few Hoasea in the Kingdom. Price List on Application Terms, READY CASH ONLY. J. W. ROBERTS will visit any part of North Wales onReoeipt of Post Card. 11215fw SNOWDON FLAKE FLOUR. USED BY ALL WHO WISH FINE PASTRY AND BEST FLAVOURED BREAD. FIRST PRIZE and GOLD MEDAL at Millers' and Ba k ers' Exhibition, London, 1892. l FIRST pmZE..d G;;sMi ;IB;' & Co.. 1891 "SSiKssALE CITY STEAM MILLS, BANGC2. BAN GUI1. IRONMONGERY WAREHOUSE. (E 8 T .A B LIS II E D 1851.) W. FRAKCIS WILLIAMS AND COMPANY, GENERAL AND FURNISHING IRONMONGERS, 224, 226, 228, HIGH ST. (OPPOSITE THE MARKET IIALL) CUTLERY AND ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY. Galvanized Wire Netting, Garden Ciiairs, Seats, and Implements of every Description. LAWN MOWERS BY THE BEST KNOWN MAKERS. MAIL CARTS & BASINETTES. Sole Appointed Agents for Bangor and District for the INCANDESCENT GASLIGHT. GREAT REDUCTIONS IN PRICES. ELECTRIC BELL AND TELEPHONE FITTERS. 11477v J. E. P R I T C H A R D, Corn Dealer, &c., 137, HIGH STREET, BANGOR, AGENT FOR R. SILCOCK'S BONE MANURES. FATTENING CADS. REDUCED PRICES n?tVERSAL CAKE.—Price, 25 29 6d. UNDECORTIOATED COTTON CA&E-M 179 6d. DECORTICATED Ditto -?6 59. FATTENING CAKE —Ptif?. ?5 lOa Od. REA.lNG OR DAIRY CAKE.-rrice. 95 78 Gd. DAIRY MEAL-Priep, P5 54 Od. PURE DISSOLVED BONE-f S So per Ion. RONK MANUKK No. 2~ £ 5 10s per ton. BONE MANURE No. 1-£5 10S per too. DISSOLVED BONE-JM 10* per too. UNIVERSAL MANURE-93 12s 6dpet ton. I VICTORIA. DOG BISCUITS & POULTRY FOOD 15a PBR OWT. 11130b )