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GREAT ATTRACTIONS AT OWEN OWEN & CO. See their Windows. XADIBB' JACKETS, CAPES, MACINTOSHES, MILLINERY, FURS, DRESS MATERIALS, SKIRTINGS, DKO. MODEL of a PIER now on View. MELTONS, SHIRTINGS, SHAWLS, TABLE CLOTHS, LINENS, CALICOES, GLOVES, CORSETS, LADIES' UNDER- CLOTHING, SKIRTS. CHILDREN'S 008- TUMiib, 1R1MM1WGB. &0. lid, 3s lid, 48 lid. OVERCOATS! OVERCOATS!! OVER COATS! MEN'S and BOYS' SUITS, HATS and CAPS. CARDIGAN JACKETS. WOOL PANTS AND VESTS, HOSIERY, &0. clothing Clubs and Charities Supplied at Wbolesa e Prices. OWEN OWEN & CO., CASTLE HILL, BANGOR. 9555u TO CYCLISTS. STARTLIN G NEWS. PNEUMATIC TYRES can be made perfectly PUNCTURiE PkOOF by having the latest Invention Fitted, viz., PUNCTUREi PKOOF BANDS. CHARLES OOiNNAH, RHYL, WILL fit them for you without any extra ohnrge tV for fittiug,and will pay c,,rria"' the wbe18 DDe way. Write to bim for f,?ll p?,rtiXr.. 'It readers the Tyre'Uite.WC for riding aft even pins Ok8 placd business end up, and in fact you cannot push w sharp instrument through it, whether it be a in, :Wack, a Nail, or a Knife. Jow don't be foolish and .ru.Ahe.ri?,i of breaking do? n ten miles from a Iiailwa/ Station, but have them flt?,?( at once. They cannot be seen, being placed between the Tube and the Cover, and make not thhteBt difference in the recilliency of the T^re, being made of Cotton \Vool,chemieally treated, and weighi.g only five ounce& Ob.?l. Connah ?il be ideased to answer all '.q.irits. Price, 15& per wheel, fitting and carriage one way free. ttmgMdc?????? COVERS for Pneumatic Tyres i" the other important discovery, and renders winter riding quite as safe and comfortable as in summer. The great bugbear of SU)K SLIP is com- pletely ovcrcome, and the greasy mud has no loor any Xerroi'S for a Cyclist who has these covers fitted- They :-nrc: itat:' rlho as Wheels w* 'i\: ae{ Kron ly recommend all Îf.lCumatie riders to have them l,tt,(?at The price. 6s. 6(1., 7s. 6d., or 9s., accord- ing to size of wheel, is more than compensated by the iaving in wear and tear of the Tyre. Full particulars from CHARLES CONNAH. Hhyi. 8828r PACKING BOXES. IF YOU ARE IN WANT OF THEM WRITE TO US FOR PRICES. GEO. PERRY & CO., LTD., CAMDEN ROW, DUBLIN. BTUKCA DEPOTS ANGLESEY STREET, CORK. SEXTON STREET, LIMERICK. (THE MOST EXTENSIVE WORKS) • £ C-ir' FOR PACKING BOX "ü ( MANUFACTURE IN IRLLAND. ) BUTTER BOXES, EGG BOXES, FRUIT BOXES, FISH BOXES PAP.CELPOBT BOXES of every oiife to order. All kin3s promptly supplied, made up ready for packing, and Box Orders cat to dimensions ready for nailing together, to save coat of freight. STEAM SAW MILLS AND PACKING CASE FACTORY, DUBLIN. 9392wl276 AN "EXCELLENT GOOD THING for ACHES ..d PA?NS— A CHE¡;¡ aud Pt:al Embrocation. CHES -i LIAIN S. .:1 Universal Embrocation ACHES and PAINS.— Embrocation Uni 'crsal Embrocation, A CHES and PAINS — J\ Universal Embrocation. 4 CHES and PAINS. — A Uuiwmsal Embrocation. ACHES AND PAINS.— A CBE\( and Pt;I:1 Embrocation. ELUMAN'S ELLIMAN'S ELUMAN'S ELLIMANS ELLiMAN* ELUMANB I RBEUATlSM. l From A. Barton, Esq., The Ferns, Romford. "I write to say that had it not been for EIliman'3 Em- brocation I should have remained a cripple up to the present moment." LUMBAGO. From a Justice of the Pee, About a fortnight ago, » friend adriaed me to try your Embrocation, and its effect has been magical." ELLIM!N'S for Rbeamatism, "O=-"==- E LLI-MAN'S for Lumbago. f ^LLIMAN'S for Sprains. E LLIMAN'S for Cuts. J^IAIMAN'S tor Bruises. E LLIMAN'S for Sore Throat from Cold. JjJLLIMAN'S for Cbest Colds, Bronchitis, E LLIMANIS for Stiffness, Cramp. RUNNING. A Blackheath Harrier writes: i Cmw a; iention to the benefit to be derived from 'i" gf!li wan's tmbroca ion after croSt country running in the winter months. SORB T.9RQAT FKOij COLD, I From a ClergymaL. I For maty years I hare used your Embrocation and found it most efficacious in preventing and caring sore I throat from cold." _n _———— ACHES and PAINS A OHKS aDd Universal Embrooaelor. A CHES ..d PAINS.- Universil ginbroostion. ACHES and PAINS.- Univeraal Embrocation. "A ND IT I WILL DAVit. OK I WILL HAVE NONE." ELLIMAN'S ELL1M AM'S ELLIMAN'S ELLlMANI8 UNIVERSAL EMBROCATION .t. for Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sprains. Bmino, 011." Sore Throat from Col Chest Colds. Stifccss, Cramp, Bronchitis, Ac Is tid and 2s 3d. Prepared only by ELLMAN, SOUS, and CO., Slough, fcrfand. EXTENSIVE ALTERATION OF PREMISES. GREAT SHOW OF GLASS, CHINA and EARTHENWARE GOODS. MRS J. KNIBB S BEGS respectfully to inform the Nobility, Gentry, Clergy, and General Public that she has now on J) hand a FIRST CLASS STOCK OF GLASS, CHINA, and EARTHENWARE GOODS, &c.,&o. comprising JCINTON and COALPORT CHINA DINNER, DESSERT. BREAKFAST, and TEA SERVICES, Ao., ALL OF THE VERY BEST MAKES. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS IN GRBAT VARIETY. NOTE ADDRESS:— J. KNIBBS, GLASS AND CHINA WAREHOFSE, Penrhyn Buildings, 280, High Street, 9538w BANGOR. FOR NEW YEAR'S PRESENTS INSPECT THE ESTABLISHMENT OF J. ARRIDGE & SONS, 804, HIGH STREET, BANGOR (Opposite the Cathedral), WHERE YOU WILL FIND A SELECT AND ELL-ASSORTED NEW STOCK OF Ladies', Gentlemen's, and Children's Boots and Shoes OF THE VERY BEST MAKES AND NEWEST STYLES. 9570c SNOWDON FLAKE FLOUR. USED BY ALL WHO WISH FINE PASTRY AND BEST FLAVOURED BREAD. FIRST PRIZE and GOLD MEDAL at Milling and Baking Exhibition, London, 1892.  ??.sAL. CITY STEAI lULLS, BA130N48G957O1R. 130411:9571 T HOMAS'S, TONDON JJOUSE, DANGOR. MILLINERY, MANTLES, & DRESSMAKING, UNDER EXPERIENCED MANAGEMENT. FIT AND STYLE GUARANTEED ALL DEPARTMENTS ARE WEEKLY REPLENISHED with Latest'DESIGNS ond,FASHIONS GE TLEM E NOU TFITiERS. INSPECTION RESPECTFULLY INVITED. 8—5—S118j RUSSELL'S WATCHES. SAME PRICES AS AT LIVERPOOL. DIRECT Fitom MANUFACTURER TO WEARER. A Saving of 30 per cent. if you want Fine-class Work. IF YOU WISH FOR RUBBISH DON'T GO THERE. The samo applies to DIAMONDS, And especially to RINGS and Fine JEWELLERY. RuSSBLL'S GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. their own pure English manufacture, with all Russell's latest patented improvements, range in price from E3 to 9235. They are handsome, strong, and perfect tiinokee'?'F? •represent the tajxe?t s?ock and best value in F d, there being no intermediate profit between the manu- facturcr and the wearer. Sent free everywhere at Russell's risk and cost on receipt of draft or post order. ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLET SEN T FREE ON APPLICATION. P.S.—Beware of imitations, and people who profess to sell at less than the makers. No watch is genuine T. R. Rt:SSELL. 18," CHUltCH-ST., LIVERPOOL. WATCH AND JEWELLERY REPAIRS PROMPT AND PE]IFE-T. Esti- mates given and cost of carriage taken. RUSSELL'S. T. R. RUSSELL, MAMB TO THR QUEEN, CATHEDRAL WORKS, 18, CHURCH STREET, LIVERPOOL. WlLSH BIUNCB LLOYD-STREET, LLANDUDNO. 9221r RAPHAEL'S ALMANAC FOR 1894. IT tells the farmer when to sow his crops and buy and sell his cattle and farm produce. It teds the gardener when to sow, plant, trans- r.V<wt, prune, or do anything else. it te, tha young when to oourt and marry. It tells the nnf«P»0f^ tho oxaot, days and bours to seek work with success. It tells when to set fowls, travel, remove, ask avors, deal with others, buy, sell, sign contracts, speculate, hire servants, &c. It contains Birthday Information for every day of the year, also the Fate of any Child born during 1894. Numerous useful Tables. Legal and Commf^jjj Notes. The fate of Kings, Nations, and Indi^jjnaigl Vivisection. Theosopby. Burned at tb,i, Stake. The Mystery of Death. Cruelty to Children, &o. Price 6a., post free 7d\ Foulsbam, t) rfigrlm Street, Ludgate Hill, B.C. Edwards, Carnarvon; and all Stationers 1247e9097 E Viii J* Y MAJS SUFFERING FROM NERVOUS AND jj PHYSICAL DEBILITY should send for valuable pamphlet explaining bow all nervous and orgaaio derangetuent6 may be successfully treated without abowsob medication. The method is easy and pleasant, and will effect a perfeot and perma- nent care. Sent sealed post free. Address E NORTON, 24!4, High Holborn, London, W.C. 3332rj J. It. MORRIS, Billposter. COLWYN BAY. /i/\ PRIVATE STATIONS in Celwyn Bay, ??y Colwyn, Rhos, Moohdre, Hane)iM, Hys- faen, IIIId LlanddoUs. amounting to 4000 fee junior 0.0 qoml Board), and appointed by the Denbighshire County Oonnoil. NOR\"lCH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED 1797. READ-OFFICE.- SURREY. STREET, rORWICH. LONDON OFFItES50 FLEET-STREET, EC.; 10, KING WILLIAM ST., E.C., 195, PICCADILLY, Woo AND 1, VICTORIA STREET, S.W. The RATES of this Society are exceedingly moderate and the Insured are free from all liability. This Office is distinguished for prompt and liberal settlement of Claims, £ 10,000,000 having been already paid for Losses by Fire. Total amount issued exceeds L300,000,000. Lo SSEB caused by Lightning or Gas covered. Agents in all principal towns, from whom Pros- feotas and Information a@ to mode of effeoting f,suranoes may be obtawed Bangor Robert Grierson. Carnarvon .C. Rowland. Llandudno .F. J. Sarson LlandysBol,. Griffith Davies, Jobn JoneB. Rhyl. Meeprs Walter Davieg & Joseph Williams. E. W. Keatinge, Flint. T. B. Taylor and Sons. Ruabon ,W. C. Tyler. Llangollen Josh. Nanson. Llangefni Ellis Jones. Colwyn Bay Edward Lloyd. Norwiob, Deo. 25th, 1893. 9596 ^IJLIANCE ASSURANClU COMPANY. ESTABLISHED 1824. CAPITAL FIVE MILLIONS STERLING. TazRMBT HoN. LORD ROTHSCHILD, CBAIBXAN KOBERT LEWIS, Camy SMMtMBT. CBID C''Hc<i—B?rttot.aMB? L?, Losco? fliUèn IN WALES- fllQli r R E E T, WREXHAM, BOABD AT WARXNM: R. VKNABLES KYRKE, ESQ., CIUIUMAN. BIB R. a. CUNLIFFE, BART., DEPUTY CHAIRMAN. Slit WATKIN W. WYNN, BABT. SIB R. E. EOIBION, X.C.S.I. THOMAS BUBY, ESQ. E. DAVIEB, Esq., M.D. J. E. POWJELL, ESQ. JOHN PBICHAHD, ESQ. Large Bonuses. Unexcelled Beoarity. Whole World and Indisputable. Life Policies free from Restrictions. Fiai IHWBANCB.—Tbi» Company presents in an eminent degree every advantage that oan be oontemplated by parties desirous of affecting insurances against loss by Fire and Lightning JOHN FRANCIS, Secretary, Wrexbam. LIVERPOOL BRANCH- 30, Exokange-atiret, East. 8013 —— DONALD CAMERON, ';j MERCHANT TAILOR CATHEDRAL BUILDINGS, BANGOR, Respectfully invites the attetftion of Sportsmen and Tourists .w his Present Choice Stock) ;of Highland Tweeds and Homespun Cloths,t Standard Patterns, and Invisible Shades so well-known to every Sportsman for Hillside and Cover, for Moor and Rivr, 'x Knickerbocker Stockings, Hand-knitted, In Plain C Heather Mixtures and Gairloch Checks. AlsoEthe Clarence Hose, Registered DesignJ Spats, Gaiters, Leggings, and Anklets, Shooting Caps, Tweed Hats, and Helmets, Waders, Fishing Stockings and Brogues, Waterproof Coats, Capes, and Rugs, Leather Trunks, Portmanteaus, Bags and Straps. Agent for Dr. Jaeger's Pure Wool Manufactures. ROBE AND CAP MAKER" BY APPOINTMENT TO THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NORTH: WAIMS, PATTERNS AND PRICE LIST FREE. N 0 V E L T I E FOR EVENING WEAR. MESSRS BROWN, HOLMES & Co. BEG to announce they now prepared with a large Variety of Exclusive NOVELTIES for Even- ing Wear, comprising COSTUMES, CLOAKS, FICHUS, DRESS FABRICS, FLOWERS, FANS, GLOVES also a choice collection of FANCY ARTICLES SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS. SEALSKINS AND FURS. A Large Variety of New Shapes in Sealskin Jackets, Cape llantlec, Fur-lined -Capes, and BOM very cheap. FUNERALS ECONOMICALLY ARRANGED. BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT TO HER MAJESTY AND H.R.H. THEPRIVCESS OF WALES. CBESTXB, December, 1893. 78 THE "JRIGIN AL DICK' OLD ESTABLISHED I NEW AND MOST EXTENSIVE STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS. THOUSANDS OF PAIRS TO-SELECT FROM. I ALL GOOD LEATHER, AND GUARANTEED TO WEAR WELL. ONE FAT IS WORTH A THOUSAND ARGUMENTS. I Walking Boots, Shooting Boots, Workmen's Boots, School Boots Ladies' & Gents' Shoes in all the Best Makes & Newest Styles. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF CHILDREN'S AND NURSERY BOOTS FIRST-CLASS HAND.SEWN BOOTS-STERLING VALUE. SPECIAL GOODS MADE TO MEASURE. REPAIRS DONE ON THE PREMISES WITH BEST LEATHER AT LOW PRICES. THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE PRINCIPALITY. SHOPS IN ALL THE IMPORTANT TOWNS OF THE UNITED KINGDOM AGENTS FOR DR. JAEGER'S SANITARY BOOTS AND SHOES. LOCAL BRANCHES— 217, HIGH-STREET, BANGOR, 7, Bridge-St. and 3, Palace-St., Carnarvon. 30, Market-street, Holyhead, High-street, Pwllheli. 8119 SEASON 1893-4. LAMPS LAMPS! LAMPS! W. FRANCIS WILLIAMS AND COMPANY, BANGOR IRONMONGERY WAREHOUSE, HAVE again Putchased A LARGE AND VARIED SELECTION OF ALL KINDS LAMPS for the Season, at Prices to Suit all Purchasers. Ornamental Wrought Iron and Copper Lamps; FOR CHURCHES CHAPELS, AND SCHOOLS, DESIGNED AND MADE SPECIALLY TO ORDER. Designs and Prices Post Free on application r- u NOTE THE ADDRESS 224, 226, 228, HIGM-STBEET (Opposite the Market). 9201JO — MRS M. A. CROOKS, FAMILY BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, 222, HIGH-STREET, BANGOR, HAS a Well Assorted STOCK ot LADIES', GENTLEMEN'S and CHILDREN'S BOOTS and rlMOE8 otEMl'A ?a Frenoh Mk.?, ?otad.nK BOdTOGK 8," whioh are unequalled for Wear and Comfort. Also the c?b?ted K," STAN RON'S and other m.kM. A large vrity of Colour! ed MdBt?k Evening BbMB and Slippers at all prices. Also Football Boots and Gymn8IUm. t C.I..ted and Block Evening Shoes and ?dSTOCK'S -?nd the "K" m?. Warmed Lined Slippers Shoes Gentlemen's Sbooting Boots in 11 B Gol08bes, Snow Shoes, ?nd Felt Boots, &o. Repairs Neatly Executed. 35Gv -S ?at'? ?VM? .Bjftctth?. ?MOD DINNEFOED h MNGNESIA. The best remedy for Aoidit) of the Stomaoh, Heartburn, Head- ache, Gout and Indigestion and safest aperient for delioate Consti- tutions, Ladtea, Children, and Infants. SOLD THROUGHOUT THE WORLD; CAQTIO? -4ee that bWNBFQRP <* On." it on nt/y I.tfII/Il.e "d laba !Â;. ,i JARVIS & FOSTER. PRINTERS, STATIONERS, BOOKSELLERS, BOOKBINDERS. LORNE HOUSE, •9408w BANGOR. WILLIAM EVANS AND SONS, Cabinet Makers, Upholsterers, French Polishers, and Undertakers, 155, HIGH-STREET, BANGOR. WB. & 2? BBG <? inform the PcBMO "t)Mt 'Ehey are Manufacturing FURNITURE of every W. DESCRIPTION on the PR=mjm at the most RzAaoNABM Pmcm. DINING ROOM smaæ, DRAWING BOOM SUITES, AND BEDROOM SUITES, r?THM B?DS DINING ROOM OULMA, ND FLOCK MATTRESSES, all Puhaed, Clean, and Sweet Materials. HAIR, WOM4, AND FLOCK MATT.RMSES RE-DRESSED (by PATBNT M.tCHINBU) AND OLD HAIR, WOOL RE-MADE FQUAL TO NEW. OLD FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RECOVERED. Every Descriptkw of Window Blinds, Cornicas, &c., &c., made to ORDBR. Brtss and Iron Bedsteads, Spring Mattrenes, &c., always in STOCK. 1066 J. E. PRIT cllA R D7 Corn Detler, &c., 137, HIGH STREET, BANGOR, AGENT FOR .R. SILCOCK'S BONE MANURES, FATTENING CAKES. & RUBEN'S BOVICURA REMEDIES, comprising MUE BOVICUEA HORSE, CATTLE, & SHEEP OILS. „ FOOT-ROT LINIMENT. to CONDITION POWDERS. „ „ SOAP FOR CATTLE & DOGS. QUOTATTONS FOR CAKES, Ac., FREE ON BOARD OR RAIL ai FLEETWOOD oiL LIVERPOOL FATTENING CAKE. Price, £ S 15s Od. UNIVERSAL CAKE. Price, jM Of Od. REARING OR DAIRY CAKE. Price, £ 6 78 6d. DAIRY MEAL. Price, iEG Oa Od. VICTORIA DOG BISCUITS A POULTRY FOOD 15s PER CWT. 9357 MERCHANT TAILORING, OUTFITTING AND MANTLES. VAljLANCE B R 0 S., 300, High Street, Bangor, AND 16, OGWEN TERRACE, BETHESDA, ARE now Showing their NEW AUTUMN and WINTER STOCK of SUITINGS, in Scotch and High. land Tweeds, Cheviot Setges, Worsteds, etc. Coatings, Overcoatings, Ulsterings, etc., in all the .Newest Colorings and Mixtures Scotch and Worsted Trouserings, Splendid Variety. Men's, Youthe' and Boys' Saits, Overooats, Macintoshes, Hats, Shirts, etc., eto. Patterns and Prices on application. Gentlemen waited upon on receipt of Post Card. Ladies' Mantles, Capes, Jackets (Black and Colored, Braided and For Trimmed), Macintoshes, Maids' ditto, Children's Coats, Reefers, etc., etc. Ladies will find in this Room a Splendid Selection of the VERY LATEST FASHIONS and NOVELTIES for the Comiug Season. AN EARLY INSPECTION REQUESTED. 7942 JOSIAH HUGHESoCO, FURNISHING &\QENERAL IRONMONGERS 159 to 161, HIGH STREET, BANGOR. GREAT DISPLAY OF CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS GIFTS. ALL ARE RESPECTFULLY INVITED TO INSPECT THE ABOVE, WHERE THE CHOICEST GOODS CAN BE OBTAINED AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. 9519w HIGH CLASS TAILORING. 213, HIGH-STREET (near Market Hall), BANGOR J. W. ROBERTS (Late Cutter^at 1, Neville-street, Southport). -:0:- FIT, STYLE, ANr SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Satisfaction can and is only given by very few Houses in the Kingdom. Price List on Application Terms, READY CASH ONLY. J. W. ROBERTS will visit any part of North Wales on Receipt of Post Card. 9518fw LEA AND PEIRRIN -8 SAUCE. Purchasers should see that every Bottle of the Original WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE Bears the Signature-thus ??<?&?? ?cM Wholes*le%hy\th« Proprietors, Worcester; C?oMe W Bhcbudl, London; Sold W1wlall'lt. &, :tM Propriet0f'8, Worcuter; Crosse W Blackwell, lAttáon; L Everywhere* Retail Everywhere. 8331W ESTIMATES FREE FOR ELECTRIC LIGHTING, TELEPHONES, ELECTRIC BELLS, LIGHTNING CONDUCTORS, &c., &c. W A' SHAW allilCoELEèTRICAL EGINEERS W. A. SHAW ?and ??C?o.? STOCKPORT, U /CONTRACTORS to the Lancashire and Staffordshire County Councils, Liverpool, Stck. CportBu?, Heywocd.Md other Corporations. Constructors of the Liverpool Corporation W?WoS ?phoneSy.tems; Connecting Liverpool with Lake Vyrnwy and the Rmngton I Reservoirs Lancashire County Po!ice Telephone Systems, Ac., & COMPETENT MEN SENr TO REPAIRS IN ALL PARTS. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. 8320J