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A BOOTLE MIRACLE. A CUNARD BO'SUH'3 STORY. FROM THE footle Tii-.es, SKPTBMBIB 2ND, ]893. .3I _L.L In that thickly-popuiatea neignDournooa wmuu skirts the great thoroughfares leading to the Bootle docks considerable interest has been aroused recently through the marvellous experiences of a sea-faring man. Struok with what seemed to be an in. otfdible story, a representative set before him the task of enquiring thoroughly into the mystery. With this object in view he suooeeded in ascertaining the name and address of the man, and with him he first of all secured an interview. He was direoted to a cottage of humble pretentions in Matthew-street, in the very heart of the busiest portion of Bootle, occupied by people who depend upon the docks and sbippiDR for their livelihood. On the reporter requesting to see Mr Scott, he was shown into a neatly-furniahed apartment, wber6 that gentleman was seated by a table near the window. After a few words, conversation tamed upon the subjeot of Mr Scott's experience. "Oh," be said, I caught my illness at sea; my nerves were all as if they were numb. I have been coins to sea sinoe 1 was a boy, and I think my complaint was oaused by wet and exposure, and perhaps with sleeping in damp beds." Now, Mr Scott, I am beginning to feel an interest in your Gas, how long is it since you bad the first symptoms of numbness?" It happened three years ago last November, on my return from Boston. I was bo'sun of the ship, and in the Canard service. I had suffered a good deal from bad weather during the voyage, and when we got back to Liverpool, as we were waiting to get into dock,I went into the fo'csle to see about getting a drink of ootfee for the men, as they had been working half the night, when something struck me across the shin, as if I might have stepped upon a piece of hoop iron. It struck me like the shot of a tun and shook me all over at the time, but I felt noMriog more until the next day. Well, the follow- Hig day I found it was just as much as I could do to walk home; I could scarcely put one foot before the other, and when I got up the next morning one leg was under the other and I could not walk at all, 8 I went dowo in a cab and delievered op the keya of the ship. Eventually, I went to the Hospital, but got very little better, and I told them I migbc as well go oat." And did you do so Yes, but after about four week!, I had a relapse through having bad weather bad perspiring under mv oilskins, and I was fourteen weeks in the HomtMpttbio Hospital in Liverpool. Some time alter that I began to take Dr. Williams' Pi uk 1'ills for Pale People." How came you to try this remedy ? Well," said Mr Soott, I saw an advertisement in the newspaper, and I thought if they cured one man of paralysis they would oure me." And have they done you good ?" asked the reporter. ? Ob ?ee, sir, I cau walk &boat now; they tboroubly cleared my body %ad did me ail the good in the world." Well, I suppose you were a little surprisod at the result after be. a cripple for over three year&?" I was, sir; for everybody wanted to make me believe my complaint was chronic. But that's all rubbish." How long do yon think it is eilloe you began to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ?" I should think it is tnree months ago,but I have discontinued taking them now this six or seven weeks. Now, what was your condition when you began with the medioine, Mr Soott ?" I could not walk at all without the aid of a stick," was the reply. I never want a stiok now but I carry one when I walk in the public street." Really, this is quite an interesting case," re- marked our representative. "Do you recollect, now, bow soon after taking these pills you expe- rienced relief ?" '• Ob, in a few days afterwards I could feel my limbs gradually getting slack." Just so and I suppose your suddenly improved health has been the cause of muoh astonishment among your friends." It has, indeed, sir: you see I work now in the timers' loft of the Cunard Company, and I have shown the boxes of Dr. Williams1 Pills to the men employed there." I suppose you procured Dr. Williams' Pink Pills from some looal chemist ?" Yea, Mr I got them from Messrs Budden & Co., 193, Derby Road." "Very well, Mr Scott," said his visitor, and be terminated the iuterview, after expressing his thanks for the information he had reoeived, with a h-arty adieu. "Tnis is rather a miraculous cure," mused the reporter as be retraced his .t,¡ps; I wonder what the chemist would say to me Messrs Budden's premises were close by, he stro'Ud into them, and fiuding the manager exceedingly courteous, he soon got into conversation respecting Mr Scott's oase. Oh, yes," said the manager in reply to a query. I remember Mr Soott ooming here, leaning on my daughter's arm, and I sold him several boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palt3 People. They have made a wonderfulcbange in him." "Sol fiud; and my objeot in drawing you into this conversation was to learn from you whether the story, as told to me, was in any way exagger- atel. Tnis doeB not appear to be the oase, so I am satisfied." Well," returned the chemist, I know before be took the pills he bad very great difficulty in getting about, even with the aid of a stick, but he can walk as well as anyone now." The representative then withdrew and turned again into the busy street, and as he proceeded homewards formed a determination to pursue his investigation still further on the morrow. The next morning, therefore, be set; out to pay a visit to the riegets' loft belonging to the Cunard Steamship i Company and situated at the West side of the Huskisson Dock, where he understood Mr Soott was employed. With the aid oi a few uireotions courte. ously given by the employees of this gre,.tt firm the reporter had little difficulty in finding his way to the. loft, and opening a door at the head of a winding staircase be entered a opaoious room stored with all kinds of hip's rope-tackle where a number ot men were basil;, at work. In a corner of this room he discovered Mr Soott at work with two others. After j few minutes' conversation with him the newspaper man got about amongst tlio workmen and found many of them willing to converse. "I dropped in to see Mr 80tt," said the reporter and find he is a good deal better." Ob yes, air, he's wonderfully better the last few weeks; Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have set him a p," said une old man, whilst a younger emptoye spoke of the medicine having been shown to him by Mr Scott, and all were willing to testify to the efficacy of the remarkable Pills which had set their comrade on his feet agiu. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a positive and unfailing cure for all diseases arising from an' impoverished state of the Blood, such as Anemia, Pale and S..ll"w Oompl-xion, Green Sickness, Oeueral Muscular Weakness, Depression of Spirits, Loss of Appetite, Palpitation of the Heart, Shortness of Breath, Pain in the Back, Nervous Headache,D zzin-ss,Loss of Memory, Eitrlv Decav. all forms of Female Weakness, Hysteria, Paralysis, Loooruotor Ataxy, Rheuma- tism and Fciatioa; also fur all diseases arising from Vitiated Humours in the Wood, which cause Scro- fula, Rickets, Hip-joint Diseases, Chronic Ery- sipelas, Consumption of the Bowels and Lungs, and that they invigoratti the Blood and System when broken down by overwork, worry, diseases, excesses and indiscretion of living. These pills are not a Purgative .Medicine. They oonttiu nothing that could injure the most delioaw system. They act directly 011 the blood, supplying to the latter its He-giving qualities, t,y assisting it to absorb oxygen, that great supporter of all organic life. In this way, the blo.,d, btcomillj,{" built op," and boing supplied witts its lucking constituents, becomes Tieb and red, nourishes the various organs, stimu- lating them to activity iu the performance of their functions, and thus eliminating diseases from the System. These PKIs are manufactured by the Dr. Wil- liam*' Medicine Company, of -ti, Holborn Viadnct, London.Erigtand land of Brookville,Ontario,Canada, and Schenectady, New York), and are sold only in boxes bearing the firm's trade mark and wrappers 4t 2s 9d a box. or six boxes for 1 Ji 9d. Pamphlet free by post on application. Bear in mind that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are never sold In bulk, or by tbe dozen or hundred, and any dealer •hoofferssubstitutesin this form is tryiug to defraud YON, and should be avoided, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills may be had of all ewroiats, or direst by post from Dr. Williams' *"diei»e Company from the above address Tba prioeat which thesa pills are sold makes a oourse of t'^atment comparatively inexpensive as compared with other remedies or medical treatment.

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