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THE MANCHESTER GUARDIAN. ISSUE OF A SPECIAL WELSH EDITION. WITH the opening of Parliament W the proprietors of the MAN- CHESTER GUARDIAN have made an arrangement with the London and North Western Railway Company to run TWO SPECIAL TRAINS to Crewe and Wigan, which allowi them to go to Press at a later hour and supply later iutelligenco. THE PROPRIETORS have taken. this opportunity of issuing a SPECIAL EDITION circulating in WALES only, and devoted to the reporting and consideration of all Welsb matters of public interest, the general news being retained in addition to. that from Wales. The Main Features of the Edition will be :— SPECIAL ARTICLES on Current Topics by leading; Welshmen. NOTES by Correspondents; EXTRACTS FROM THE WELSH PRESS; REVIEWS, etc. REPORTS of all PUBLIC MOVEMENTS in the Principality, special attention being given to Politics, Agriculture, and Education. Reliable TRADE REPORTS* STOCK MARKETS and SALES, Mining Transactions, etc. Thg movement* of the Religious Bodies will be regularly noticed, and .important Conferences reported. Local & District News and CORRESPONDENCE. The Welsh Edition of the KiN- CHESTER GUARDIAN may be obtained at the Bookstalls of Messrs W. E. SMITH and SOIf, at the principal Riilway Stations, and from the chief Newsagents in North and Central Wales. Any diffionlty in obtaining copies should be at once reported to the head office, Man- cheater. All communications relating to tlae WeIth Edition should be endorsed with the words "WALSH EDITION." 8019—3281] mHOMAS'S, TONDON HOUSE, BANGOR. MILLINERY, MANTLES, & DRESSMAKING, UNDER EXPERIENCED MANAGEMENT. FIT AND STYLE GUARANTEED. A JJL BEPARTMENTB ARE WEEKLY REPLENISHED with Latest DESIGNS and FASHIONS. GENTLEMEN OUTFITTERS.  7941] INSPECTION RESPECTFULLY INVITED. 7Mlj NEW SPRING FABRICS. MESSRS BROWN9 HOLMES & Co. BEG to announce they are preparea with a large assortment of NEW DRESS MATERIALS for Early Spring Wear. Patterns and Estimates sent Free by Post. DRESSMAKING. Experienced Fitters and-Assiotants superintend the Dress and Mantle-making Rooms, where the Latest Models are exhibited and the greatest care taken to combine Reasonable Charges with excellence of Fit and Artistic Draping. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. A large and varied stock of Household Linens, Calicoes, CnrtainB, Blankets, and Flannels is always kept. These Goods are obtained direct from the best makers, sold at moderate prices, and warranted to give satisfaction. 'FUNERALS ECONOMICALLY ARRANGED. CnzmB, February 1893. 78u AMERICA. OUNARD LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. FROM LIVERPOOL VIA QUEENSTOWN. To NEW YOK. I To BOSTON Etruria Feb. 18 CePbalonia.T/¡ur. Feb. 23 Se?? Sat. Feb. 25 MMttbon..ThM.M.r. 2 Servia? Sat. MFeabr. 25 4 1 Ctt?oai?.Thar. Mar. 9 SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATION at moderate ] fares for FIRST and SECOND Class Passengers; also through to CHINA, JAPAN, NEW ZEA- 1 LAND, and AUSTRALIA. STEERAGE.—Certain description of Steerage Passengers will be carried. For particulars apply to Local Agents. THE CUNARD STEAMSHIP COMPANY, LIMITED,-8, Water-street, Liverpool. or to their agent, Richard Roberts, Old Postoffice, Betbeeds. 4738z AMERICAN LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS. LIVERPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA EVERY WEDNESDAY. TilIR8T-CLASS, FULL ..???- < S ?. F POWERED IRON STEAM !Wwmk fBia SHIPS. Accommodation j??MSSJC)MLNtEM&? for PMMnger)) eqnal to any European Line, Second Cabin from ?7 O?. PaBsengera and Roods landed at Philadelphia on the Wharf of the Pennsylvania Railroad. This is the Shortest and Best Route to the Weet. ?A?!y to RICHARDSON, SPENCE, & Co., 19 and 22, WADBB-STBEKT, LIVERPOOL, or RICHARD ROBERTS, BETHESDA. H. J. WILLIAMS, 70, iPSNTBBTN, BITUNSDA. 4, INMAN LINE. ROYAL JLUL STAUAAS TO NEW YORK.' 1 TNMAN AND INTERNATIONAL STEAMSHIP COMPANY, LIMITED. FBo. LIVERPOOL avzm WEDNESDAY. Calling at Qneenstown every Thursday. Moderate Saloon and Second Cabin Faro. Steerage Fare as low an by any other First Class Line. Through Bookings to any part of the STATES or CANADA, induding Manitoba and North and South West Territory. Apply to RWIIUDION, SriKCBand Co., 22, Water. street, Liverpool; or to Edward Jones, 173, High- street, Bangor: Hugh Hughes, 4S, Market-row. Am- lwch; H. J. Williams, 50, High-street, Betliesda Hy. J. Williams, 66. Bryngwenith, CaellwvDgrydd; t, R. Statin, Station-road, Colwyn Bay W. Jones,' Rose Hill-street, Conway; Wm. Roberts, Station- master, Trogartta; 0. Jones, Old Post Office, Peny. 60 grogs. 60 BREAKFAST—SUPPE R. E P P S'S GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. C 0 C 0 A BOILING WATER OR MILK. ANALYSIS OF MUNSTER SAUCE. Chemical Laboratory, Town Hall, Bolton. October 25th. 1692. I have carefnlly analysed and examined a sample of .BOATE'S MCNSTER SAUCE." I find that it cootauw no mineral Ingredient wbatever, except a Imall qawtity of oommon table sa" Its vegetable ccnetttaent< are all of a perfectly harmless char. acter, whiht some of them Me of con'ider*Ma medi061 VAU0 as soma-bios and tonios. The ?oondimen$poweneys highly agreeable davour, wbiob coaÜD888 to be &Wreciated by the p?ttte even after prolonged Dee, ow,, to tbe fact tbt none of the ingredients predominate in any marked degree. I eoolider BOATE'S "IWNSTER SAUCE to be a valuable addition to the ioxnries of the table. F. B. ADAMS, M.D., Fellow of the Cfceccioal Sooietr. Public Analyst for the County Kemogh of Bolton. Agent, Robertø uad Co., 30, Lori,stmt, Liverpool. Froprletor, K. P. Boate. Cork. 7509c MANCHESTER FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY. EBTAELISHSD 1824. CAPITAL. £ 1,500,000. T. BARHAM FOSTER. ESQ., CHAIBHAN. C. W. FURBRIDGE, ESQ., DEPUTY CBAIBMAN. CHIEF OFricn-98, KING-BTBIET, MANCHESTER.—J. B. MOFFATT, MANAGER and SECRETARY. BRANCH OFBJCE MANCHESTER CHAMBERS, 28, Regent-street, Wrexbam. M. PENNANT JONES, RESIDENT SECRETARY. mEE COMPANY transacts Fire Business only X and aU Resources &cd Funds are ?vtntabte for Eire Claims. Surveys are made and rates quoted for all desorip- tions of risks free of charge. The Compauy invites applications for agencies. 7859rj ATLAS ASSURANCE CO. FIRE. [Established 1808.] LIFE. Head Office :—92, Chespside, London. Liverpool Branch l,_Tithebarn Street. iCl,200,000. Total AFsets nearly Capital gb.oribed Total ABetB nearly ?iSbo?ooo. X2,000,000. The Company has paid in Claims upwards of Lll,000,000 STERLING. AGENTS AT Bangor .Mr W, PUGHE, National Provincial Bank of England. Beaumaris .Mr J. T. PURVIS do. Betlle.da Mr T. JONES do. Conway .)(r H. OWEN do. LIsndodDo .Mr J. ADEY WELLS do. Menni Bridge.. Mr J. JON ES do. Holyfcead Mr J. E. WILLIAMS do. Amlwch .Air O. L. HUGHES, Llanddensant. 20 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE CORPORATION (Established by Royal Charter, A.D. 1720). Chief Ofice: Royal Exchange, London. Branch: 4, Qumford Street, Exchange, Liverpool. riis ACC?&ULATC& FUJlDS NEABLI 94,000,000, FIRE. Policies issued free of expense. Losses occasioned by Lightning will be paid whether the property be set on Are or not. LIFE. The Corporation affords security of the highest order, and declares Bonuses exceeding the average flistribution of Assurance companies. The Conditions of Assurance have been lately revised. A Prospectus, Table of Bonus, and Balanoe Sheet will be forwarded on application to  Amlwch—Mr N. 0. JOKES' Old Bank, Bangor-Mr JAMES SMITH, Carnarvon-Mr G. R. REES, Agentt. To Gardeners and Florists. IF you want a first-class weekly gardening paper which contains only oùDd, practical, and aseful information on all subjects connected witii the order, and its management, and all current bortioultural news, read THE GARDENING WORLD which is published every Friday morning PRICE Id. POST FREE lid. SOLD BY ALL NEWSAGENTS 17, CATHERINE-STREET, COVENT GARDEN, E.G. 44 1) A V I D ID AVIES, BILL POSTER AND DISTRIBUTOR, 4, UNION STREET, BANGOR ALL OhDERS REOEIVg DUE ATTENTION MODEKATB CHARGES, CONTRACTS UNDERTAKEN c J. R. JONES (SUCCESSOR TO E. D. JONES), Bill Poster and Town tjrier 43 THOMAS-STREET, HOLYHEAD NOTE.—All Orders punctually tttendedtto.Md i? done on the most retMCtbtoterBU, etc. DONALD CAMERON, MERCHANT TAILOR, CATHEDRAL BUILDINGS, BANGOR, Respectfully invites the attention of Sportsmen and Tourists to his Present Choice Stock of Highland Tweeds and Homespun Cloths, Standard Patterns, and Invisible Shades so well-known to every Sportsman for Hillside and Cover, for Moor and River, i. Knicker-bocker Stockings, Hand-knitted, In Plain Oolonra, Heather Mixtures and Gairloch Checks. Also the Clarence Hose, Registered Design Spats, Gaiters, Leggings, and Anklets, Shooting Caps, Tweed Hats, and Helmets, Waders, Fishing Stockings and Brogues, Waterproof Coats, Capes, andjRugs, Leather Trunks, Portmanteaus, Bags and Straps. Agent for Dr. Jaeger's Pure Wool Manufactures. Robe and Cap Maker "by.Appointment "Ito the University College of North Wales. PATTERNS AND PRICE LIST FREE. MWtW GREAT ATTRACTIONS AT OWEN OWEN AND Co. GRAND SHOW OF Useful Articles Suitable for Xmas Presents and NEW YEAR GIFTS. HUNDREDS OF HAT BRUSHES TO BE GIVEN AWAY. CLOTHING CLUBS AND CHARITIES SUPPLIED AT WHOLESALE PRICES. OWEN OWEN & CO., GENERAL DRAPERS, BANGOR. 7834c VALLANCE BROTHERS, MERCHANT TAILORS, MANTLE WAREHOUSEMEN and YOUTHS' OUTFITTERS, 300, High Street, Bangor. TAILORING DEPARTMENT, UNDER EXPERIENCED MANAGEMENT. SATISFACTION J. GUARANTEED Always in Stook to Seleat from, a Varied and Complete Assortment of HIGH CLASS SCOTCH WOOLLENS, SERGES, &c., in Newest Designs and Shades. COMPARISON PSPECTFULLY INVITED. GENTLEMEN WAITED UPON ON RECEIPT OF POST CARD. M A N T L B 8 VUH LATEST NOVELTIES FOR THIS SEASON'S WEAR. EVERY I STYLE REPRESENTED. OUTFITTING: YOUTHS' AND BUYS' SUITS IN GREAT VARIETY. ONLY WELL KNOWN AND RELIABLE MAKES KEPT. 7943td 300, High Street, Bangor. JOSIAH HUGHES, IRONMONGER AND HARDWARE MERCHANT. 159 to 161, HIGH STREET, CASTLE HILL, BANGOR. IS Now folly Established in his New Premises, and can with Confidence invite all who are in want of HARDWARE of every Description to visit him. His Windows and Glisa Casoa are full of the moat Useful and Ornamental Artioles in every Branch of the Trade, hnd have the great attraction of being New, and of the most Modern Construction. JOSIAH HUGHES prides himself tipon having the most Convenient Premises, aDd most Attractive Stook in North Wales. CUTLERY and ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS of the Best Qualities. ORNAMENTAL POLISHED BRASS and BHONZE GOODS. FIELD and OPERA GLASSES. TELESCOPES, READING GLASSES, Ac BAROMETERS, THERMOMETERS, and CLOCKS a Choice Selection. ORNAMENTAL CHINA VASES and PEDESTALS. JAPANESE VASES, JUGS, &o., in Great Variety, and Greatly Reduced Prices. Ornamental Oak and Walnut Cabinets, Ioks. Coal Vases, Hat and Umbrella Stands, &o. Sole Agent for the NORTON DOOR CHECK and SPRING," which prevents slamming and effectually closes door The Best House in the City for WEDDING, CHRISTMAS, and NEW YEAR'S GIFTS. Also—the beat plage for Agriaultnral Implements of all kinds. Kiichen Ranges, Stoves, Grates, Boilers, Fenders, Fire Irons, Bedsteads, Bedding, Ac. A very extensive Stock of LAMPS, by all the Beet Makers, in every variety of design, material, aud workmanship, oonsisting of Brass, Bronze and Bohemian Vases, Pillar, Bracket, Suspending, and Hall Lamps, all at greatly reduced prioes. Gas Brackets, Pillars, Chandeliers, Pendanta acd Hall Lanterns. JOSHH HUGHSS is also noted for toe superiority of his BURNING OILS, consisting of Water White, White Rose, Royal Daylight, Benzalane, & OILS, PAINTS, VARNISHES, <6c. Sole Agent for Peacock and Bnchan's Patent Paints Sole Agent for R. D. Woolf all's Liquid Paints Agent for A spin all's and Blundell's Enamel Paints. JOSIAH HUGHES'S Workshops and Smithy are constantly Employed npon Special Work to Order and General Repairs. Most Efficient Workmen in Every Branch. ESTABLISHED 26 YEARS. 7760td LEA AND PERRWTAUCI Purchasers should see that every Bottle of the Original WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE Bears the Signature-tbus Sold WhoUtd* by the Proprietort, Worcester; Crosse and Blackwell, London; Retail Everywhere. 249w T E. A! TEA!! TEA! IN PERFECTION, WITHOUT DOUBT THE TEA OF THE DAY IS MATTA LOO LOO. FOR QUALITY, STRENGTH A PRICE, THIS TEA IS ) UNRIVALLED. MATTA LOO LOO 18 SOLD IN PACKETS- No. 1 lbs., 1/7; fibs., 9id i t-lbs., 5d. No. 2.-lbs., 1/4 i-lbs., 8d t-lbe., 4d. ASK FOR THESE TEAS. TAKE NONE OTHER. SEE "SOU GET "MATTA LOO LOO. 801d by J. T. Hcame, Aorf»ir; R. RcBMM, Belle Vn» Stores, BMmonth JAMS Ow?N, Grocer, Beaumaris; JoM Wim<M< and G. E. GMTAt). Blaenau Festiniog THOMAS D?iM.Prtory Stores, Carnarvon; WUM Ow«a, Mint; JOHM WIIUIW, 11, Water street, W. G. OWIK, 49, Tboma"'8reet, and T. BLHS. LoDdoa-md, Holybead D. Acorns, ttioa Home, HotyweU; J. W. Gamrrjg, G'o'MMth. ?t Uanduaa. J. 0. JoM<,B?ktt.y.<q.Me. LtM?fni; B. D?oN JMM, Menat BMdge.EMt.MM Be-. PartNtdoe, Ac., ke? 7717m JARVIS & FOSTER. PRINTERS, STATIONERS, BOOKSELLERS, BOOKBINDERS. LORNE HOUSE, Bangor, 76aft THE VICINAL D I c s OLD ESTABLISHED NEW AND MOST EXT!E ?ITS I I s BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS. THOUSANDS OF PAIRS TO SELECT FROM. ALL GOOD LEATHER, AND GUARANTEED TO WEAR WELL. ONE FA c, T IS WORTH A THOUSAND ARGUMENTS. Walking Boots, Shooting Boots, Workmen's Boots, School Boots), Ladies' & Gents' Shoes in all the Best Makes & Newest Styles. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF CHILDREN'S AND NURSERY BOOTS FIRST-CLASS HAND-SEWN BOOTS-STERLING VALUE. SPECIAL GOODS MADE TO MEASURE. REPAIRS DONE ON THE PREMISES WITH BEST LEATHER AT LOW PRICES.. THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE PRINCIPALITY. SHOPS IN ALL THE IMPORTANT TOWNS OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. AGENTS FOR DB. JAEGER'S SANITARY BOOTS AND SHOES. LOCAL BRANOHES- .217, HIGH-STREET, BANGOR, 7, Bridge-St. and 3 Palace-St., Carnarvon. 30, Market-street, Holvhead, High-street, Pwllheli. m ESTABLISHED 1851. W. FRANCIS WILLIAMS AND COMPANY, GENERAL & FURNISHING IRONMONGEES, 224, 226, 228, HIGH-STREET (Opposite the Market), BANGOR. SPECIAL SHOW OF LAMPS, PETROLEUM, & GAS STOVES, BEST SHEFFIELD ELECTRO PLATE AND CUTLERY. A SPLENDID CHOICE OF ART BRASS AND COPPER GOODS. Iron and Brass Bedsteads. MAIL CARTS. Perambulators, Sewing Machines, and Wringers. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND BUILDERS' IRONMONGERY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. 8043a WILLIAM EVANS AND SONS, Cabinet] Makers, Upholsterers, French Polishers, and Undertakers, 155, HIGH-STREET, BANGOR. WE. & S. BEG to inform the PUBLIC that they are Manufacturing FCRNJTUHE c! every y'V DESCRIPTION on the PBKMISES at the most RUASCNABLK PIIICES, DINING ROOM SUITES, DRAWING ROOM: SUITES, AND BKDIiOOil SUITES, xaiA'i'IIMTi BKRS HAIR, WOOL, AND FLOCK MATTRKSSES, all PunSed. Clean, and SW?t Mtt?htts. HAIR WWOOOOLL 'AND FLOCK MATTRESSES RE-DRESSED (byFAT?NT MA.cmBav) AND OLD HAIR' RE-MADB FQUAL TO NEW. OLD FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RECOVERED. Everv D?acriction of Window Blinds, (;omica, &c., &c., made to OCDSB. BM? ana 1101' f,very Deser. Matttceses, &c„ always in STOCK. 8066 Bedsteads, Spring Mattreaws, te., alway6 in STOCK. ESTABLISHED 1849. ROBT. PRICHARD & SON, GENERAL IRONMONGERS & HARDWARE MERCHANTS, "THE GOLDEN PADLOCK," BANGOR. LOWEST PRICES FOR EVERY DESCRIPTION OF IRONMONGERY AND HARDWARE GOODS. 774a MRS M.A. CROOKS, HIGH-CLASS FAMILY BOOT MAKER, 222, HIGH-STREET, BANGOR, C- now Showing a Fashionable and EitenaveStook of New SEASON'S GOODS, suitable for prec, wear. 7350 Special Attention to Hand-si-xn, Work and Repairs. 7350 HIGH CLASS TAILOlING. 213, HIGH-STREET (near Market Hall), BANGOR. J. W. ROBERTS (Late Cutter at 1, Neville-street, Southport). :o:— ■ FIT, STYLE, AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Satisfaction can and is only eiven by very few Honsea in the Kingdom. Price L?st on APplioation. Terms, READY CASH ONLY. Terms, READY CASH ONLY. of Poet Crd. 7776f. J. W. ROBERTS will visit any part of North Wales on Receipt of Post Card. 7776fw K U 0 of the Stomach, hMrtbarn. HeM DINNEFORD'Baobe, Cktnt aud ludi^eetioc Ma tftfMt aperiant ?" deiiea&e 00MtI doliesto c?O? MAGNESIA. SSI Ohildreu. SOLD THROUGHOUT THE WORLD; CAVXtOH -df thv DZNNSPORV,* 00." is as mn Bott. tØd Lfk,r 7895