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I,- YOU 8CFFKB FROM HEART iT^) BURN DROWBINILA OK ACIDITY IK WW ID tt? 80, **? OWILYM EVANS' BITTERS. OWILYM EVANS' BITTERS. OWILnl EVANS' BITTERS. ?'* e ariae Biliwmm and H.t<Mbt B, ,.tul dast imodemto elstcu*, an the "I QUININE BITTERS not difflctlt an4 obstinate CUM ot Indlgsetlon in it. worst forms have been cored. MM'OMM' Wtyt<)?pon?'in?o«h?t't'y ?' ??< .1i.,bl? vpt.,bi. ??- ""? NWLLYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS; aWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWlLYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. TH.MFRTT the .uce.e 01 hi' nnri'tU? Me?iciM  i. lh*1 >* .o?. tb. di?tiv. or?u. ??d.r??th.ir ..nD?h?tby ?-diti?-. GWILYM EVANS' BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' BITTERS. ,d th. followlnj wonderful tatimony of FitfaMe sufferings relievo* OWILyM ETAN8' QUININE BITTER8 roa INDIGES- TION. p GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS FOR INDIGES- TION. Bope Hall, Bethesrta, CunarTODthin. Sir -I M that I am uuuer «ro*t personal obUmtio? < to you as the rtiscorerer of the cowtMid-rMowoed QUINW* BiTt?M. To it I owe -to.ti." boo'? b.iti, Md .tr, gth ,b?..11 th,, remfH. 8 auddoctora b? iil.d to give me my Wti-9 Beni ht. Few EOU bave suffered more .ban I Ion. d?n' ?' ?rtaimly \boN o.n be but 1. which weuld be oonsiaeied more hopeless than mioo before I tried your r.valu.ble remedv. I wg eompellea to be very careful t. to what food I part oi vI, « nearly every- thing I ate gave me great pain. Jl j siom ■ Ob waa di.W,Id with wind, which "¡¡aln pressed upon the other ?MteitM" 01 the bo?-MCh.. the )uag.?,dh.?t. upon tne ialtilU .g o! whose fuootions proper bUltlh health, Mm(..t. ?0 .tre?th ttut- Mi? d.t?nd.. So ?<.t "I H"' <?"'?°° .t 1.. ht i ?'M" ""? m, h, would ,'ootU beating for a% or. I "H *"at ?- !,?.d ?d .?L'o' 1 feared to speak a ?dt.pubt, Md 1 Mt 1 m.ght at auy moamt M d?t. My brM'ht? <iia- cuit. upid, and weak while somen "fs my heart bMt.« 'o"? th.t ? p "?? tbo Mm. room -th me CM)d plstnlr hwr it. My Ufe >u a bUrden to me and a "o-)b« a d M?.tt to OtblN. In Ibi, uuh?'py co"- d tio I. p,r.?.d to tr, you.  BiTTtM th ugh fmrn mT n?rteeMuf other n-m?.-?h I had t,i?d  .r, 1",Ie fiin tbll ""mod" 1 iriea a '1 1 bo?ti, Bt'ore'htdanHhedt??t this If"' a ?"='? change for Ibo b.t.r tbat I .dily bi-W -nOth-I 41 gd bottle ?t* 't? ? h?p?oD?q?? Now I 0O:£:Ib::r1 healthy and have b?n 80 unlll now- stronger in mind and in body ?"" I have b OD !,r 1" preno?'y. and lb?t at a eon of onlT m M. Bi-" then I b.. rw." ,d it to downs ol others, andl have n-v., ??t gi7 i-t d I b.l. I' wnhout Mi* benelited by it and P?'?'I | satisfied with it. G. W. JONES. G WILYM EVANS' BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' BITTERS Th..umber 01 .m.U iMt*t?.ofthM.BntM.thf.u)thont the eonotr'v ia one of the b«t pr.t' ot their v irt ue, f« r i Moo Is U.inc?rMt form of a<tt.r'. i? not b"p,u,od to tan uy of thM. "t"i.?'?'"?'?°.°'? MmM. bat which .?MtiMiydttdd a! the TtrtM 01 tM. noowoed prep*r*tion, pWILYM ?ANS' QUINE BITTERS. BE CAREFUL. Us \hot the natie,Owilym Qolnine BUtart," U On tit t?b, SUrop, and Bot'ie. without which nODe are geDuin.. ?oM b, ?l ?!Mitt ID b Xtitt at 10 ?a. 2. W oblo HM, 4a 6d. COSOI coJtwuing ti ree « tid bottiea, at 121IJd per caae, al" lent c rringe paii for the above price to &111 address by the PruprUtora. QUININE BITTERS' MANUFACTURING CO., LIMITED, LLANELLI, SOUTH WALES. American Depdt:—Mr IL D. WILLIAMS, Pharmaoist, Plymouth, Pean. 6804rj LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LONG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LONG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG S,i VE Y,V B LII"F:S BY TAKING OWKMDGE'S LUNG TONIC 1 HE MIGHTY HEALER. li b.. a pow-r 0\ dtaese hitherto \In- koovo in mefju-inw. Ar-» you at all Weak-eh?»ted, or inclined to be CODIUfLJpti9f", with just a touch of C', !Ell nr-w and t'jfn ? "T y this wonderful M.dlcioo," 1.bo Conith anti w »ki «-8s "ill tliaappoar as If by nugic, and you wili feel a strength and powor you nVlr bad before. HAVE YOU A F'OUGH? A DOSE WILL RELIEVE IV. HAVE YOC A COLD A DOSE AT BEDTIME WII.L REMOVE IT. Brcnchitf8 Ind Asthma It relieves iusUutfy, Th. Sp-wns 01 Cooghlnj, so dreadful in Whoop >g Couvb, become less with each dose of the roedi ine. I 0'" b-ar p ofesaional testiooony to tb. vtlas of y ur Lan Tooic. As a pllenl medicins it is uonnU.d. 1 bavo given it to Mrs Forshaw for s vere aathraa and bronc :l 4 aff^cti ms, combined wi h ul h,? i" g-an4 it hu imm,diateir ginn r-.in* when 811 ethtr r"mdiel h..Y6 fail- d. 1 hare lonl recoaQmeoded iI for chest di. s. Chas. F. FOBSHAW, D.D.S.,Bradford Prepared by W. T OwBnn>o*,Chem»st, HII 1. Sold In flott' 18 1;d. 2.9 's 6d. &11 b* all C'temuts "Potent Medicine V..?b, WboloW., all London A Pro* Tiocial Houses. 7470p TONIC' TONIC | IONIC TOMO TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TON 10 TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TJNIO TONIC TON10 i TONIC! TONIC TONIC, TONIC TONIC TONIC! TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC d- PRINTING) P R I N T I N G I POSTERS for Aootioneers, Tradesmen, 1. BazeArs. Sales of Work, Leotares, Publio Meetings, Concerts, Tea Meetings, Bails, <&o., in one, two or three colours. Auctioneers' Catalogues and Partioalars 01 Sales, Tradesmen's Prioe Lists, Ciroalars, ) Memorandamg, Note Heads and Cards, I Conoert Programmes and Tiokets, Tickets r of Admission to Bazaars, Sales of Work, Lectares, Entertainments, Pablio and Tea Meetings, Ball Programmes, Meno Cards, and every description of LETTERPRESS PRINTINC KINCUTID WITH NEATNES8 AND DESPATCH, AND AT TBI Lowest Possible Prices AT THE Llandudno Directory PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, CAXTON HOUSE, MOSTYN STREET, LLANDUDNO A TRIAL ORDER SOLICITED The Farmer and Chamber of Agriculture Journal EVERY MONDAY.—ONE -PENNY. THIS JOURNAL, in it* 42nd year, II now pub I ± lisbed at ONE PENNY weekly, and is the largest, ohesput, and beat Agricultural Paper. Iz contains all the AGRICULTURAL eWl of the Week, the Latest Markets, and numerous original and into Wstipg artioles on Farming subjeots by the leading AGRICULTURAL Writers of the day. SHOULD BE IN THE HANDS OF EVERY FARMER. May be ordered thw gh any Newsagent, at the ■"way Bookstalls, or wiU be supplied direct from the OFFICE, 391, STRAND, LONDON, W.O Subscription, poet free S. 6d per annum. WILLIAM BUCKINGHAM, BILL-POSTER A TOWN OBlER FORTMADOO. to inform that he Rents all the prineipal :2 Posting Stations in Portnutdoo and district, na. about 8 Miles around. BPBOIAli TERMS TO CONSTANT PATROAS wARNER *8" SAFE CURB n FOR ALL JTIDNEY AND LIVER TROUBLES. w ABNER'S I'SAFE"CURE FOR GENERAL DEBILITY AND BRIGHT'S DISEASE. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS PROOIAIMING its merits are on file and may be examined. Its claims are unimpeachable. Soli by all Chemist, and Medioine Vendors. Pamphlet mailed free ot application to H. H. WABNIB 4 Co., Ltd., 86, Clerk- enwell Road, London. E.O.

Original Poetry. I

Sunday Services in Bangor.…



Bangor Trains for February.…







