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®cl4 fTotts ani gfcfai.I


fTotts ani gfcfai. I We learn that Prmce Victor of Hobenlohc is seriously ill in London. The PriLce is a brother- in-law ot Lady Harlech. The living of Mold has been offered to the Rev. F. Krcce, rector of Llanfwrog. The Loid Mayor 01 Loudon is taking sters to convi ne a ineetiiig representative of Wales at the Mansion Hou-e at an eaily iite, for the pur- pose of presenting a suitable offering, on the partot the Principality, to the Uuke of Clarence and the frincets Victoria on the occasion ot their marriage. The Ladv Mayoress (Mrs Evjns) will give a juvenile fancy dress bi«il at the Mansion House on January 7th. The Loid Mayor will er.twtain the Common Council of his ward and "orne of the principal inhabitants at dinner on December 21st, after t'e annual ward election. On January 11th the Iso,11 Plough Monday dinner will be held at the .Mai sion House on January 19th the Court of Aldermen will be entertained and on January 21st the Court of Common Council will d ne with the Lord Mayor. Sir Ilsrry Vernev nu Tues tay receivel an illu- minated ar'dress at Middle Claydo", Bucks, on the occasion of his nit et eth birthday. It wasaver" yprettvsjectacleatSt. Margaret's, Westm'nster, on Tuesday, when the marriage of Priuce Henry of Ples and Mits Daisy Corn- wallis West tt ok place. Not merely thu bridal part", but nenly t;:e whole of the congelation, were arrayed in fine feathers. But, uufor- tunately, trie solemnity of the proceedings was somewhat marred by the anxiety of the specta- tors to catch a glimpse of the bride, with the result that fair ladies stood on chaiis ard seats, and were little disturbed by the request of Archdeacon Farrar, who seemed somewhat put out by the incident, to observe the proprieties. The nirne of Mr F. Llowelyn Jones, B.A. is associated with the Liberal candidature of West Denbighshire The songs r-ndere(i by Mrs Mary Dwies at the ballad concert at St. James's Hall, London, on Wednesday were "My mother bids me bind my hair and Oae morn the maiden sought the roil! Describing the marriage of Miss Cornwallis West, on Tuesday, a London correspondent eays The bride was radiantly beautiful the bridegroom is quite as handsome as h s photo- graph. No match, in respect of good looks, could b-more happy; no pair could be beter matched. It is undeistood that the marrisuje between the Duke of Dial ellee and Princts-i Mary of Teck will ba solemnised on March 10th at St. George's Chipe', Windsor. Sir Joha Pulestou, M.P., presided on Thurs- day niebt week at the Wesh Congregational Chape), Stuke Newington, at a meeting field t bid Urewell to the Rev. Mr Martiu and to make a presaut:itlou to bnn Olwydtardi has just enteied upon his 02nd birthday. A Partinmextaryptpef just isued shows the great divergeme in the memouled weights adupte l fur selling corn in Wales, In Denbigh- shire the measured weight of 7Sibs, is uted for wheat, 70ibs. lor barley, and for oats 2t> bs.it sold by farm'rs, and 4oibs. if sold by the dealer. In Flintshire t ie liobbet is used, the weights heinit tor wheat 1681t>s, barley 147.bs., and oats lobibs, bLt in the hundred of the measures are like t icsa of Denbighshire, except that oats are sold by the 601bs weight. Iu Chester wheat is sold by 75iba, bailay 60K s., and obits 451bs. III Cardigausiiue the measuied weight for wheat is tWlbs" oarley 54tbs., and oats 401its.; while in Carmarthen the measure for wheat is fiOibs., and the iet-t are ttie same as in Cardiganshire. In PI m. brokeshire there seems to be great variety, merchants bujiug wheat by th" bushei iroui 62 bs. to 64ibs barley 541bs. to 56Ibs., and oats 38lbs, to 401bs., whi.e in markets corn is soujt- times sold by imperial Winchester. It is stated that the late Lord Lytton to. k his literary name, 'Owen Meredith," tioin his We'sh lineage, in which both names occur. Calt,iiii Iiitward Piyae, 41tit Foot, youngest son 01 Sir Pryse l,ry^e, Birt., of Gogerddan, has adopted the surname of Web.ey-Pairj-Pr^se, on Ilia marriage with Mis. Webley-lVri\y. Here is a romantic love story. The Rev. Dr. Chidlaw, nhi was born at Bala in 1811, and emigrate i to t- e Unite, I States at the age ot ten, has just been married t ) Mrs llenrietti Manning, aged íô, It is stated that they liail been loveis in their youth, and separated by cruel fat Di. Chidlaw has lived an eventful life, auii has been twice married, while his new wite is a giauamother a ,.1 a millionaire. On Tuesday the Lord Mayor of London received the following telegram from the Dt;ke of Clarence and Avondale in reply to congratula- tions to his Koyal HighnessTo the Lord Mayor of London.—I am deeply sensible of your good wishes towards myself and Princess Victoria. Knotty convey this to the cit Z-US ot London." — ALBKKT VICTOK. At Aberdnreon Tuesday, 170South Wa:e and Monmouthshire Cuihery Vt!,e2!1tc8, represcr.t'lJg 78,767 woik'iien, decided, by votes representng 64,142, t-J uive their wazes siding scale repre- sentatives tnll plenary power to negotiate w tti the elllp oyers ior the renewal of the sliùlIJjl scale, which terminates at the close ol the present year. Votes repiesentmg 13,125 were given tor qualifying this decision by conditëo's, whilst there were 1600 neutral. The prupos.-u toiestuct the output by a weekiy holiday was defeated. The successor to III" late Rev. David Charles Davies in tbe Prine palship of Treveeca COllege is Professor Owen I'rys, M.A., of Cambridge. Mr M. B, Thomas writes :-Three autogrnph betters of ireitt interest have recently been presented to ths Cathedral Library ot S\ Asaph by the Rev. D. J. Davies, Hector of North Bei.fleet, Es-ex, viz., 1, Bishop William Morgan to Sir J,,Iin WYnTJ ol Gwydir 2, ti e same to Mr Mart-n 3, Sir John Wynll to Mr Martin. They are the same as were printed in York, 's Royal Tribes of Wales:" and ti.ey have now found a fittiog resting place in the Cathedral of the diocese, in whose history they describe Irom opposite sides an important episode. The Lord Mayor of London has promised to visit Carnarvon, Rhyl, and Brecon during his mayoralty. To Sir John Puleston is due the credit 101 having induced his lordsh.p to pr. mise a visit o North Waes. The Rt. Rev. Charles Perry, D.D., formerly Bishop of Melbourne, died last week. Dr. Perry was ilea-lion ot Liandaff. At Wrexham, on Tuesday, the Denbighshire coroner hvld an irquest respecting the death of a collier named Wi liams, who hanged himself in the poiioe-stat on while under remand charged with killing a te low-workman named Jones,- Bridewe l-keeper Perce aid that the pris.uer, who » as very j .llv, and ate heartily, asked to go into the exsreise Jard, and witness took him there, anil lelt hnu tor a quarter of an hour, at the end of which time witness found he had hanueil himself with a handkerchief lound his neck, whilt- an iron b ir attached to his feet w,-s toucnw ti-e ground. Q icstioned as to why he let the deceased b.,re a handkerchief, he a, d a change ot clothing was brought in it to the po:i<:e station, nd R deceased hnd no handkeichief he asked to be all wed t,) keep it, acd witness con- sented,-Tlie jury rt turned a verdict of suicide duiini; temporary iu sanity. The Court Journal saysSeldom, if ever, has the House of Lords been recruited at one time by three preiat s to youns; to their episcopal duties as the Bishops of Chester, St. Asai h, and Banaor, who w) I tuk,) tia, ir seats to the right of the Woo sack on the opening of Pad a- ment next Session. The Lower Hsuseappoii-ts its own chapiain, but there is no individual functionary in the Lorils, the duty of reading the prayers being performed by the youngest bishop. The Bishops of St. Asaph and Chester escape the office. The Bishop ot B idgor, l emsf lb6 youngest ot the new prelates, will have to keep a pretty constant attendance in town when the House is sitting, until a younger bishop than he arrives to take over the duty in turn.

§ml attir gistrirl gfofos.





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