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WISE PRECAUTIONS. ] WINTER STORMS BRING WINTER AILMENTS! í WHICH RKQUIRB WINTER COMFORTS MAKING IT A NECESSITY FOR EVERY PERSON To take wise precautions, and to FORTIFY THE SYSTEM B* timely usa of 0'" relbble WIN IE ti MEDICINE. ° Lint experience hu mtist ke-torilv demonstrated that GWiyra EVANS1 BITTERN GWHTYM EVANS* BI ITERS Isftdaxirabtf Adapted for th.pre.mtlon and cure of all Winter Ailments, INFLUENZV, COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHHA, BRONCHITIS, And similar tr >' t>le-i Incident to this season of the yeir ere sue ttlsful,. i rental by a retfaUr courd" of G?ILY'M EVANS' BITTERS. UWILYM EVANS' BITTERS. Esp^eully hould all thog* who.. occupa ¡n ke(??). the. oOlldonr. for a gr a' pirt of tha day t-rotsct th.cnselVts ualllst the dingers resulting from E-TSTEU-Y FROSTS. CHILLING ANoWSTOItNIB. COLL) A N I) AMP FEET, Tbii can easily be done b, 1.1 1 a court. of GWILYil EVANS' BI rTERS. 1i:.rh tabl ppo^nful of these Bitters contains a fu 1 done of Q'ltnil,e, aad a Ruit ble quantity 01 Ibe actiff principles of the f I owii-g wrll- knownmei'ci' ai herbs :-S&l'al'ulll.,Gen\1"'n. Burdock, 8aff (lft, La\8Ddlr. tlnd Dandelion, combined io mo i h*pp pr p > tions, ,urt con. centrated lu a r>ur Ktate, 8S well &3 being scieatiocaUy pr parjd to be Aoi able to all ages sta't se&boas of the year, and forming a Tome litterspositively uoeqnalleu. OWILYM EVANS' BITTERS GWILYM. EVANS' BITTFITS OWlLYtf EVANS* QUININE BITTERS. FOR BRONCHITIS BRONCHITIS BRONCHI I IS BRONC ilTIS BRONCH 1 I 18 FOR INFLUENZA IHFl/UENZV IKFfUESZA INFLUENZA TESTIMONIAL?.—BR?NCHiH). TESTIMONIAL.-BR"NCHITI8. I tU" Wti)m!: April )Sih,18-9,st*tM:I am Ilhy.aeven ,ea,o old, and for D"arJ. 01 88'; n It'.1 have suffered greatly from Brot- cMtta. Danug tuat 0 ri 0 1 b. consulted ► ov r lmedicil me", and hare taken many kinds.f i-reavilptio s but all weT,, ineffec- tual in affo ding me relief. At U t I became IU ill trlat for four months my breathing W!S8 very titllcblf, und at tines 1 was ue*rly suffocated. F r we ks I c >uld eatw>-oit foorl, Dor could I attempt to -11, P eic- pt in itt 119 ptnture. It wu pair ful to pe plo in the 8""18 ic<i» t,. bar me "MJJing for brea?h At i,.c:'l couli not hve fife minut When io tliis low c niitio I was iuve<i to hi your note I Quimiris HIT- TERS, but a," rn.Ilf doctors an such a number of Mad lai el1 to ff, rd me rdief, I ad but little f Lh in it hen 1 c w- meuced. B,t I soon itlt that I wa slowly improving, and resolved to persevere with the uriKixi BITTSR-, and in a short time I c uld e j j r<-fre:> h i-)K si ep, ray appetite w.-s returning, and tny cough becemiuf less e\ t-ft, while my breataJng b came mno'i easier. I continued the use 01 t,. IHrrn.. "olil I felt t'iai Bronchitis bad entir- I., left ii, e am now .s w.11 ev-r, but bilieve I should h .VI bem ill the grare bafor t, \» ha it not been f r GWILYM KTANS' QII- JJIKK BITTERS. I trust his te>timony will er;c\lorago other:, who differ frolO this pain- Jul malady to give a fair trUl to what bos pr %ed to beneficial to me.—Your" gr*U<- f..II" 84R48 DUl& INFLUENZA. Berkeley 15oad, Bristol, June 1Mb, 1691. Geotleœeø,-I bOTe b en Yen ill with Influenza. fuJIow d by C nge^ion of the Lutgs T ,-ree wee??i ^g'» ni? (?on(ii,ion was critical, and w en Ih,? -&,I p^ed I.. ,y 1°" and .k. About a lortnight ago, the doctor titii th,t I s JUUM u.<e a gooi tnic, 1 i\UI'' it81' QL-IMSK BITTBa, Vhe very thir¡," he ai", take it Hme a day." Si.,? Ih,n I have taken it regularly, f,?l wo",ie, fLI Y ??n,at; It )1.? r"6t >red stran th t) my limbs, nnd given tone touywsiclj sjstem,—Yours sincerely, B. P. CHICK. GWILYM EVANS' BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' BITTERS. THE BESr POSSIBLE WINTER MEDICINE. FBAUDDLKNT CotJNTEKFiilTP, 8i: pltinly for CWILVK "1f\ 8' Q -I.MIB HITfEa..q, anl see that the na.-ne UWILYM iiTi\9.is OU LIBEL, Stamp, »U l bottle. Every boitld s? ,t out it t :« I.io rat ,,y is p;ep.rcd according to his r, cip-, an under Iii. direct 111& ).h(6LO ct. SJld b aU Ciisaiutx, In 2s ill and 4>6D b Hies, rr ID CWI coataioiu t'ir e 43 '1 oott's "t 12 6 i i-er casa, or direct lrom the fropiiei rs, cardag- pjiJ, bi t'arc-1> feat. Qainiue Bitters Manufacturing CVimpsuy, Limited, Llanelly, South VVale^. STAR & GARTER HO L'EL, St. John's Lane and Queen's Square, LIVERPOOL. THE attention of visitors to Liverpool is JL especially called to this Noted Hotel, where the comforts of a home from home can be relied upon, and where the Welshman o:in oonverae with tht Landlord in his own native toneae. Charges strictly moderate, with the privileges of the moat expensive Hotels Ie eituited within Three Minutes' Waik of the Principal Railway Stations, and Ten Minutes frou the Landing Stage. Has a well equipped Billiard Room, Spacious Bathrooms, comfortable Smoking Rooms, and cosy Private Sitting Rooms. A Night Porter always in attendance. JOHN P. EVANS (of Bangor). 45791 Proprietor. BH!NSON''< "LUDGATE" WATCHES Are the Choapeot, tbe Best Value, the Strongest and th- most Durable English Watclies eWr mode, Made in Thou ands ou an improved Interchangeable System They are not liable to failure, but p >ssss» Extra ^ire^g.b, greater freedom from accidei.ts, and Higher Qunliiy than any other batches sold for Double the .Honey BENSON'S "LUDGATJEi" WATCH Is the Mode-r Three-quarter Plate make, not the ordinary old-fashioned full plate as sold by other iritkerb In Silver Cases. In 18ct. Gold Cases 25 210 Best London made THHEE-QUA^XEK PLATE En-linh Lever. Jewelled, 13 actions, in rubies, Chrouometer 1 ulauce, i ateut Enlarged Barrel Patent DUót and Damp 1 roof Riding Hand, Keeps bet er tinJe than, aod i, double the Strength and Value of any t.5 5.tch yet made. 1 Neat aud Elegant Size For Gentlemen and Youths, or in xtra Small Size for Ltditft. Also, Extra Strong and Full Siw f r Workmen and Art z*r,s, a Special t-xtia J.are Size for Railway Men and Miners. In Handsome Sterling Silver Ca=es with extra Strong Crystal (ilass, any size L5 S. In 18c t. Gold Crystal Glass Cases, Ueullemeu's size, £12125. LadieV size, in 18 t. Gld. £10 t'!• JW BENSON will Mfd anv of the above Watches, J. toether with '.Varrmty for correct performance, to any part of the world free and at hi, risk, o:i receipt of P.O.O., payable at <i.P.'> Bank Draft or Lush. BKN.-ON"S CLOCK, for he house, of trey kind, in great variety and of the newtst designs, from E 1 to L500 1 he largest aod newest t'ck iu London Presen- tation Committees invited to view the show R ,oms, or to Mnd for Photographs. BENSON'S (IHUR CH AND TU (RET CLf K- Kiti- mate. and advice free. Just completed the great Clocks for Poitsuiouth lown Hall. Asbtjn-under- yne Parish Chur h, Faversh:nn I 'hurch, Trowbri Ige Town Hall. Loci-erbie Town Hall. &c., ,r. BENSOXS STABLE AND FACTORY CLOCKS Silent. £ 15 Striking. £ 50 He-t q i ility, with brass wheels, steel piuions, 2ft 6i", di.1. with all JfUL lines, weight., & BENSON'S Turret Clock F.ctory is 0? Tin the P) Ci'y of L,?d. and .?ly the be>t q"ahty i, .,d, DENsJ?'S JEWELLERY'and CHAINS in u?Cems or P;aiu Hold of best London mke M my thou- sands of novelties at manufacturd" price.. Ihs Largest and Newest toek in London. Sde tions sent to the Conntrv ',11 receipt of a reference. BF.NSO'i) ENGAGEMENT RINGS, of fpecial and exclusive designs, in t^J^ess vari-tv set with the finest Se octed Gems and 01 hc-t London make, Specii IllY" Brilliant Ring., at t5 £ 0 and L.0 Selections free 00 receipt of relerence. BENSON'S PAMPHLET, the largest and best of its _D kind, containing over 200 pages ,f Prices and Illus- trations of everr class of WATOH fro u £2 's to £500, CLOCKS, CHAINS. JEWELLERY, PLATE and TURKKT CLOCKS, neweditionjus out, sent post free. J. W. BKNSON'. Estibli-had 1719 HAKER TO H II, The QCTEEN and ROYAL FA VIL Y, The ADMIRALTY, WAR OFFICE, INDIA OFFICE, ttCn etc- THE STEAM FACTORY, iJ2 & 64, L U D GAT B HILL, Norton House, La Belle Siiuvai,'e Yard, and 1, Boy CouTt, E.C. 28, Royal Exchange, & West End House, 26. Old Bond Street. W., LONDON. WATCH fce CMJBS-Applicationl for Agencies invited to eatablish these Club., which were origin- ated by Mr Benson over 40 years ago, and form a con. aiderable increase to income. Full particulars post free. 5C90C

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