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XMAS COMES BUT ONCE A YEAR. TBD Yus IT momos- Fine Raisins. Fine Figs. Fine Currants. Fine Prunes. Fine Sultanas. Fine Dates. Fine Muscatels. Fine Grapes. JIUWOF AIicfXIlTOB. MUSCATELS IN CLUSTERS & LAYERS. PULLED FIGS IN FIVE POUND BOXES. COSAQUES & LOST LUGG AG IC, ENDLESS FUN. Crusted Porta. Mellow Whiskies. Old Sherries. Old Rams. Fine Clarets, French Brandies. Speoial Lines. Six pound Jar Manloong Ginger in Syrup 1/11 2j pound Box Fine Elme Figs. 1/3 Very Fine Old Cognac Brandy Vint- age 58 6/- 'The Old ITn Fine Mellow Sootch Whiskey. 3/- Samplee 'Free. BIRKETT S STORES, BANGOR. IMPORTANT NOTICE. MESSRS JONES BROTHERS, COACH BUILDERS, BANGOR, BOO TO AKMOONCK THAT THSY JUTS PURCHASED THE BUSINESS, ■ INCLUDING GOODWILL, sTOOK.IN-TRADE, PLANT, MACHINERY, AND THE BUSINESS PREMISES OF THE LA rE MR. HENRY MORRIS, COACH BUILDER, SANG O R, TUTHIOH in future they will CARRY ON, in W oocjnoctioo with their own, under the style or firm of JONES BROTHERS, both at the Rxpo- SIOIIoY AND WOBKS in HIOH-SIEBBT, for Forty-two years held by tte late Mr MOBMB and also at their present address, B53, HIOH-STBKT, BANGOR. Messrs JONES BitOTHZILS intend to ensure in their combined business, by personal supervision, exoel- leooe of Workmanship, Design, and Materials, the maiuteoanoe of the high reputation in the Trade so long enjoyed by the late Mr MORRIS, and they venture to hops'by themselves also. INSTITUTED A.D. 1696. H A N D I N R A N D INSURANCE SOCIETY. (MUTUAL, BOTH FIRE AND LIFE.) LIFE—PBOFETS DIYIDBD ANNUALLY. FIRE—QCTWHJUNNLALLY OR SLPTSNNIALLT. BONUSES LARGE. Expenses Moderate. No Personal Liability. ANNUAL INCOME. £ 318.609. ACCUMULATED FUNDS, 22,362,265. No. 26, NEW BRIDGE-STREET. E.C. 3063-   XT ('FIRE OFFICE, b U ? t EMABLMHtO 1710. SUM [NeuDDIN 1888, £32."1,500.000. For further information apply to the following XTO7 Mr T. E. Harris. Bangor.1Ir T. E. Harris. Bala !lr Iorwert.h JOMB, Bryntirion. Carnarvon Mr Wm. Hugh Owen. Colwyn Bay Mr R. W.Leathley. Conway Mr James Porter. Dctgel?y Mr Thoa. P. JQHM Parry. Holyhead Mr Owen Hughes. LIan?ni Mr William Thomas. 3036 MONEY LENT, PRIVATELY AND COHMBIKTIAU. AT A FBW BeiM' Noeici, -At a MUCH LOWER rate of IfTTKRERT THAN CHAEGE1) BY OTIIER OFFICES, BY A PRIVATE GEYTLICHAN, li niQij of £ 10 to £ 2000, ??te or f. 1. or .0?.t,y aid- "o obiek M?ym..t«Mb. made by P.t Odice Order. F-W O.r. £or OPOn NOTE OF HANU AWIf£. Also UVOD F_Wtu. P'MM. J.-?y. J'jllk, ntamondl. Slock. Plant. Crow. ?'" implements. ?d??Wan'bbl. .ty Itho.t -), and a. to -&A P" into bUlinOH, N08(1KKTIESOBF&1ENDSHBQUIREDTO BCAEANIKB TBB AMOUNT. otbemowert. FA,Y,. r"y.t.w to..It the f b- Wm ??dt?S. t?.ti.p?d monthly, qnwterlj, or h»lf- ;? ?' ?h. pli.ei&l 0,0 R?pon.lb e' appl ?to can ???'?TB?'?U. O?LK. d 1 weed upon hol4 ad 'tM?'oM PIOPOrty, ""way and 0* aw tU. P<'?'?3!: ??? mtrnt* fwm Due to aft. ?ea't. at 4 FBB CENT. INrtKt?' Prompt and pwaoral wDtion .Inn to ?.rr Ppji?,.tio?, whe&he, t?t tMt* or '<*«<' MMont, and t?pHMBt! ..y r?.t If _.ot get aiJwBeea b?. lb-Y rannot elaewh«-« The atrictmt aetaecy ob? ad in all trM'Mttoct. ? r'«ar ;o=- aa;a:r I:: "ill t 4,- Mr J. T. NICHOLLS (late Mr A. F. DAVIS), si,voy Housz, 115 JT 116, STRAND, LONDON. (N«AR Kaeter HIUX Prlnte entrance la 8..01 BTWETV othKe.r B,—SPECIAL TVIM ."d ARMNJEMENU MA<U for 0009trY *a4 other 1- U («QB!M4. H&CAWZANMD 1869. 3040a MONEY LENT PRIVATELY IN TOWII or M CoUnM. from &IS to £1000 on Note of Hand alone at 5 per cent, to Ladier,, Gentlemen, Farmers, and revonsible hotiseh(lidem No suretiea are necesstryand the strictest privacy observed in all communications. Also upon Furniture, Farm Stock. Crops. Dwde Ind Life poHcM. without ex- penses of Jlortglge. Being a -,Private" lender, Mdattmdinc to JI matters perlOnaBy, the ?u-oafl, to" &aee routine Is aToMed. and each app!?on UMonoe attended to. Fall Information can be had by wrid ,r eaUi? on Mtn*! lenaM. -UPITALIST," 216, Begmt?Met, London^W. MAI L IS* RUMOURS! 0 RUM OURS!! L 5 ————— L D If you will please observe the Announcement in 0 this particular Column next week all the facts will N N be stated. Busy preparing for the event. k" in ifee myauWflie H apply to J 0 8 ? W. S. WILLIAMS, T ? LONDON HOUSE, S 2858B LLANRWST. E ESTABLISHED 1819. MRS M. A. CROOKS, OPPOSITE THE MARKET HALL, BANGOR, AND 71, HIGH STREET, RHYL. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST ESTABLISHMENT FOR FIRST-CLASS BOOTS AND SHOES. NOW EXHIBITING SPLENDID STOCK OF WINTER GOODS. LADIES' DRESS SHOES AND GENTLEMEN'S DRESS BOOTS AND SHOES in great variety. SCAFE43 PATENT COMBINATION BOOTS. THE K WATERPROOF, SHOOTING BOOTS, BOSTOCK'S AND OTHER WALKING BOOTS. CHILDREN'S EVENING SHOES. STOCK-TAKING.-GREAT BARGAINS I LOT OF SOILED BOOTS AND SHOES TO BE SOLD FOR HALF-PRICE. 687 I SHAKESPEARE TEMPERANCE HOTEJL, 7, FRASER STREET, OFF LONDON ROAD, LIVERPOOL. FBOPBmrOB W. THOMAS, LATE OF BRYNGARTH, BANGOR. Three minutes' walk Irom Lime-street Station and Five from the Central Station. 2707i DR. JONES, LD.D.S., &c SURGEON DENTIST Opposite the Market, Bangor, DR. JONES visits LLAUOIITNI every THURSDAY, at Lledwigan-road. AMLWCH with Mr Huoiaza, Stationer, TUESDAYS, Januaty 21st; February and March 18th; and April 15th. BSTUKSDA and EBENBZZB, TUESDAY after Pay-day. BANGOR every day eioept Tues- aye and Thursdays. 10 LADIES DESIROUS OF OBTAINING HANDSOME DRESSES SHOULD GO TO Madame LAZZARUS. SUMMER HILL hOUSE, PRINCE'S ROAD UPPER BANGOR. WHOSE Style and Fit is guaranteed. She maKes it her special care to adopt the style best suited to the figure. She also supplies Morning and Evening Dresses from .£3 3s. Ladies' own material made up. 21 Til VERY HEAD of a FAMILY SHOULD SEND E for "HARPER TWELVETREES'illustrated PRICE LISTS of Laundry Machinery, and pam- phlet entitled, 11 How we wilah athome," oontainiug most valuable practioal experieaoe. Post Free.- HARPeR TWBLVBTREIS, Laundry Engineer, 8, City Road, London. E.C. YOUNG LADIES who want to be Independent and make their way in the world SHOULD WRITE for Proopeotus of the SCIENTIFIC DRESS CUTTING ASSOCIATION, 272, Regent Street, London, W. Situaiions found for all pupils at good salaries. S IX CABINET PORTRAITS, 3s three for 2s. 0 Twelve Carte Port-aits, 2a 2d six for la 4d. Eight-inoh Enlargeroent, 3a; Three for '6s. Send Carte or Cabinet Postal Order, and in about ten days you will receive Highly Fiuished Copies, with Origin&l.-FR&NCIS & CO., 29, LadgatelHill, London, E.C. 2927m LAMBING AND CALVING. DAY, SON, AND HEWITT'S "RED DRENCH" IS of universal fame for its quick and marvellous effects in preventing fever and inflammation in Ewes and Cows, if dosed a day or two before and lust after parturition. The oleansing cf the Ewe and the Cow will be perfect, and the milk rendered pnre copious, and wholesome for their offspring.. 3s. 6d. per dozen for Ewes; Us. per dozen box for COWl. Shonld paining or heaving threaten violently, d086 with the pain-killing 1, GASEODYNE 11 at once, and stop it. Price 3s, 6d. per bottle. DAY, SON, AND HEWITT'S "BROWN EXTRACT," Said to be worth a guinea a bottle as a pain anti- dote for anointing the womb in drawing away a Lamb or Calf. It draws all inflamed poisons out upon the surface, prevents gangrene; and is matclv less for all wounds, sores, swollen and broken uddera in Cows an 1 Ewes. and fcr aore pups. Price 2s. 6d„ 3s. 6d., and 7s. per bottle, DAY, SON, AND HEWITT'S GASEOUS FLUID" Deadens pain in an almost magic manner in Cows and Ewes, where there is uneaainegs. exhaustion, and danger after parturition, for it imparts great ease, and is always given after the Red Drenoh, to ealm the nerves and give strength. Matchless for Diarrhoea. Price la. 9d. per bottle.. Me. per dozen. CAUTION. Beware of oolourable imitations, and please note carefully name and address- DAY, SON, & HEWITT, ROTAL Amu Maoicnra MAKWAOTOBY, 22, DORSET STREET, LONDON, W. N.B.—Gratuitous advioe given by Mi. T. G: HEWITT, M.B.O.V.S., London. 3084. BANGOR AND NORTH WALES BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. Established 1872. Incorporated 1874 President and Chairman of Directors: Dr. RICBAKDS, Bangor. I SHARES, LIO EACII. 8 UB SC R I P T I O N, 2/6 PER SHARE PER MONTH. APVANCC8, MONEY advanced on Freehold or Leasehold iM. Property for 5, 10, 15, and 20 years, to be repaid by Monthly Instalmeate. re] Por further particulars apply to JOHN LLOTD Accountant, Masonic Hall, Bangor, MR"a "'g Director. 161T, BANGOR INSTITUTION OF TRAINED NURSES. FULLY TRAINED NURSES, Surgioal.Medioal, and Monthly abo be obtained upon application by letter or telegram, to the 3048z LADY-SUPERINTENDENT. THE GRIAT LONDON LIBERAL NEWSPAPER ONIC PKKST WEEKLY. THE WEEKLY DISPATCH, ESTABLISHED 1801. SENT POST FREE. Three Months, Is 8d; Six Months, 3s 3d Twelve Months, 6s 6d. SINGLE COPIES (Post Free), lid. Published at 20, Wine Office Court, Fleet-S treet London, and to be had of all Newsagents, LIVERPOOL INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION GOLD MEDAL. HIOHXSI POSSIBLE AWABD. CONTRACTORS TO THE ADMIRALTY JOHN MATHEWS AND CO VARNISH, PAINT, COLOUR, SOFT SOAP, AND GREASE MANUFACTURERS. )il and Manganese Merchants, and Drysalter dATTON-GARDEN WORKS, LIVERPOOL. Price Liste and Samples upon applicatior 39 HUNDREDS OF TESTIMONIALS HAVB BEEN RECEIVED FROM MEDICAL MEN. OOLEMAIVS LIEBIG'S EXTRACT OF MEAT & MALT WINE OR WINCARNIS," (New Name Registered to prevent fraudulent Imitationt) IS a delicious Beverage and Tonic made from i Port Wine Liebig'S Extract of Meat and Ex- tract of Malt; Nutritious, Strengthening, Stimula- ting, Flesh-forming, and Health-restoring; suitable for the Robust in Health &8 well as the Invalid. Strongly recommended by the Medical Faculty. IMPORTANT UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIAL TOOK T. REGINALD JONE8, M.R.C.S., LL.M., K.Q.O.P. I., &c. OVER TWO THOUSAND Have been received from Medical Men. 26 LoBNJ: RoiD, HAMILTON SQUABI, BIBKEXHBAD, 2ht September, 1888. GICNTLZXZN, -1 desire, in view ot certain state- ments made by another Firm, to express to you how highly pleased I am with your preparation of Meat and WiiDe. I have over and over again witnessed its effects with my patients, for whom I always order it. In many cases it has acted like a eharm, and in a way that ordinary Wine (I mean Wine wl' ,at Meat) could not a. ? Not only 80, bnt I use it V.IKUR when I feel low and wearied by over work, and I nev-r knew it fail. I remain, Gentleman, yours sincerely, ?°"' T. REGINALD JONES, ?  M.R.C.S., LL.M., K.Q.C.P.I., &c. Sold by all Druggist, Wine Merchants, and Patent Medicine Vendors in the United Kingdom, in Bottles 2S 9d and 48 6d each. Ask for COLE- MAN'S LIEBIG'S EXTRACT OF MEAT AND MALT WINE, or "WINCARNIB," and see that yo I it. If ?bgore is any difficulty in getting the Wine, write direct to the Manufacturers, who will forward Sample Pint Bottle free by Post on roedpt of 33 '?" D?en BaN SOs Sole Manufacturers, I COLEMAN & CO.. LIMITED, ST. GEORGE'S j AND BANK PLAIN, NORWICH, and 3, New London Street, London, E.G. Sole Proprietors of OBN AZON," the New Beef Tea sold in bottles by Grocers and Ohemiata every- where 292611 INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC. .WHAT TO DO AT ONCE! » AVOI D CHILL BY WEARING THE JAEGE LLEN CLOTHING Guaranteed absolutely pure by Chemical and Microscopical Tests, Stamped with Trade Mark, containing. Dr. Jaeger's Portrait. Descriptive List, full of interest, sent free by DONALD CAMERON, MERCHANT TAILOR, BANGOR. LAMPS! LAMPS!! LAMPS!! WF. W. &' COMPANY respectfully beg to call the attention of the Public to their newly-selected w. stock of LAMPS for the coming season, comprising all the latest improvements of the follow- ing makem :— HINK'S AND SONS. WRIGHT AND BUTLER, T. ROWATT AND SONS, POSTLETHWAITE'S JKEW PATENT DUPLEX, MARTIN'S PATENT LAMPS, DEFRIES AND OTHER NEW CENTRAL-DRAUGHT SAFETY LAMPS. PILLAR LAMPS AND BRACKETS FOR CHURCHES AND CHAPELS. A VARIETY OF CHOICE DESIGNS IN FANCY COLOURED GLOBES AND SHADES FOR GAS, CANDLES OR LAMPS. ASBESTOS GAS STOVES, and PETROLEUM HEATING and COOKING STOVES. LEST REFINED PETROLEUM CRYSTAL AND BENZOLINE OILS. W. FRANCIS WILLIAMS AND COMPANY, BANGOR IRONMONGERY WAREHOUSE, 224, 226, 228, HIGH STREET (Opposite the Market). EDWIN JONES, Kyffin Place Cabinet Works, H I G H STREET, BANGOR, HAS A LARGE AND EXTENSIVE STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE CONSISTING of Dining and Bedroom Suites, Bookcases, CheSoniers, Sideboards, Wardrobes, Chests of Drawers, Dre88inK Drawers, and all kinds of Bedroom and Parlour Chairs, Sofas and Couches in leather and hair covers, Iron and Brass Bedsteads, Feather, Wool and Flock Beds, Spring and Wool Mat- tresses, DininR and Drawing Room Tables, Kitchen Tables and Chairs of all descriptions, &c. EDWIN JONES, owing to his increasing business, has secured a large Warehouse in addition to his 1 other premises, and invites Customers to inspect his extensive Stock, which he intends to sell at a very small profit. ———— FURNITURE DELIVERED WITHIN 15 MILES FREE OF CHARGE. 2055i FASHIONABLE MILLIIIERY, MANTLES AND JACKETS. Fur B08 Fur Capes, Fur Trimmings. SPECIAIJ BARGAINS MEN'S AND BOYS' OVERCOATS. OWEN OWEN, CASTLE HILL, BANGO R. 3053A G. GRIFFITH AND Co., BANGOR CARNARVON 163. HIGJI STREET 9, B R I D G E S T R E E T ORDERS FOR TUNING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY EXECUTED. CHURCH ORGANS REPAIRED AND TUNED BY CONTRACT OR OTHERWISE INSTRUMENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION F ON THE HIRE SYSTEM- LARGEST STOCK OF MUSIO IN NORTH WALES. PIANOS, &e. MAY BE HIRED FOR CONCERTS OR OTHER MEETINGS. By SnouL AKOWTMENT TO Has MAJESTY AND H.R.H. THE PBINCESS OF WALES. IMPORTANT NOTICE. M Hi S SR S BROWN, HOLMES & CO. BEG to announce that from MONDAY, the 6th inst.. until the end of JANTJABY, they wil make a reduotion of 38. I N T H E £ on aH their Winter Stock OF made-up Mi))inery, Mantles, Costumes, Dressing Gowns, Jerseys, Beal'8kin&, Fur Capeund Furs. The same concession will also be made on about FIFTY UNMADE COMBINATION ROBES. These Robes AN new, and arranged from Cashmeres, Silks, Striped Velvets, and Plushes. This large reduction on new and perfect goods is made in order to reduce their Stock previous to Stock. taking, which takds place on the 31st instant. BLACK FAILLE AND STRIPED SILKS 3s 6D, USUAL PRICE 4o 6D EBB YA". SSP?ECIAAL L ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO TROUSSEAUX AND OUTFITS. FUNERALS ECONOMICALLY ARRANGED. 3072a CHESTER, J AS, 2ND, WO- 2* | HOLLOWAY'S PILLS & OINTMENT. lw .THE BEST MEDICINES FOR FAMILY USE. THE PILLS PM" IFY TH^ B BLOOD, CORRECT ALL DISORDERS OF THE INTERNAL ORGANS, and arc invaluable In all complaints incidental to Females. THE OINTMENT The most -wAHlfcTHbLe tA rrnemlffwt*y T tor Chest and Throat Affections, Goat, Rhenmatiam, Stitt Jointø Old Wounds, 8orel, Ulae5 and all Skin Diseased. HenitfMtwd only at 78, Ow OXFORD STREET, LONDON. "CYMRY AM BYTH." |j] L L I S S Es-. 1825. RUT H I N ABSOLUTELY PURB "CRYSTAL SPRINGS." W ATEKS. Caution-Corks branded R. ELLIS AND SON, Ruthin." Every Label is registered, and bears Name and Trade Mark (Goat on Shield). SOLE ADDRESS 1 iJ Q-, — RUTHIN, NORTH WALES. London Agents: W. BEST & SONS. Benrittta Strpet Cavendish Square. 611 J. THOMAS' GREAT ) f MILLINERY, OF FURS, SALE ( MANTLES, AND DRAPERY GOODS is NOW ON! Dress Goods at MUCH REDUCED PRICES. A CALL WILL NOT FAIL TO PROVE BENEFICIAL TO ALL ADDRESS: LONDON HOUSE, BANGOR. ji JOSIAH HUGHES AND SON, Furnishing and General Ironmongers, 237, HIGH STREET (NICAR THE -,POST OFFICE), BANGOR. WITH A BRANCH SHOP AT LL.INFAIRFECHAN. JH. AND SON beg most respectfully to intimate to their friends and the public that they J have secured many t,.?ia l Bargains which will allow them to M)I this season?s goods at great reductionb from the present great advance in values. t?ttuMlariy they draw your attention to th? e Lamp and Heating Stove Department, which all should inspect before parchuing. ow offered at special 8&18 Their Electro-plated Goods are from the best She&eIdhouMS. and are now offered at 8pecial sale prices. ??e' following also are well worth seeiag as to newness of p?tems and reaMQaMeneM of price*. ?" Brass and Iron Fenders, Dogs, Fire Irons and Brasses, Brass and Copper Utensils and polished goods, Japanned and hand-painted Trays, Toilette Ware, Coal Vasas, Bedsteads, Cots. Spring MattMMM. Ac. Kitchen Ranges, Parlour and Other Stoves of the newest constructions, and all other Builders Ironmongery. l Varnishea. Stains, and Cite. IronmongeErnya.mels" PEACOCK AND BUCHAN'S PAINTS." Sole agents for PEA.COCK AND BUCHAN'S PAINTS." Their Workshops continue to be occupied by careful and steady workmen,for all sortiof new work and repairs. JOSIAH HUGHES AND SON, 2099i BANGOR. DICKS' ORIGINAL AND OLD ESTABLISHED BOOT AND SHOE STORES. Largest Stock in the Principality. CONTAINING A CHOICE VARIETY OF ALL THE BEST MAKES AND NEWEST STYLES. EVERY PAIR WARRANTED ALL LEATHER, Combining Warmth with Lightness, Neatness witb Comfort, and Durability with Chsapness NONE BETTER-NONE CHEAPER. A Commodious LADIES' FITTING ROOM has just been completed, so that our CcsTOWiEa oan now.havo every comfort. ALL KINDS OF BOOTS REPAIRED AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. NO CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER SHoP. OF THE NAME OF DICKS IN TOWN. BRANCHES IN ALL THE IMPORTANT TOWNS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. ONLY ADDREB IN BANGOP- ?"" ?, HMH-STBEET. 1526z (TWO DOORS FROM THE MARKET.) LEA. AND PERRINS' SAUCE. Purchasers should see that every Bottle of the Original WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE Bows the Sipstare.- LEA & PTERINS. Sold Wholetale by the Proprietors, Worcester; Crosse and Blacktcell, Loiiiunj Retail Everywhere. WO WILLIAM EVANS AND SONS, Cabinet Makers. Upholsterers, and French Polishers 155, HIGH-STREET, BANGOR. WB. & S. BEG to inform'the?PpBUC ?hat ithey are?ManufMtMBg FURNITURE of *wy W DESCRIPTION on the PMtMmzatat the most KBASOWABU PRzcx& DINING ROOM SUITES, DRAWING ROOM SUITES, AND BEDROOM SUITES, FEATHER BE HUn, WOO]? AND FLOCK MATTRBMES, all Purified. Clean, and Sweet Materials. HAIR, WOOL, AND FLOCK MATTRESSES RE-DRESSEI (by P.ATBNTMACHINny) !N OLD HAIR, WOOL RE-MADE EQUAL TO NEW. OLD FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RECOVERED. Every Description of Window Blinds, Cornioes, fte, ko,, mad6 to OnDxa. Bram and loe Bedsteads, Spring Mattresses, &c., always in STOCK- ALL OBDERS SHALL HAVE PROMPT ATTENTION