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 I D I N N E F 0 R D' S of th Bto.. b, J. of 'be Stomaob, HeartbUrD,  ? ?? ?? indigMtion Md .?f%i aperient for deiic&te CoMM /-» -*y TT1 Ct T A totioM.LfMHeB. Children, Md MA G N E SIA. M-? 180, BOND STREET, LONDON, AND ALL CHEMISTS. CAUTION.—See that "DINNEFORD tI CO." it on every Bottle and Label. 59 TO SECURE R E C K I T T s BLUE GENUINE Alway see theName on the Wrapper. 12 DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE <7 ?'tttT?itA. ?'L JgBOMOBZTXa. T\LJ:"CoLii. BBOWN11 jt? Ctft?RODY?E.-Dr. J. a ^BROWNK (L*t» Armrjledlosi SUff) DRlRa't'f:= .ht?h L? ooinM th. -,4 CHWRO. DYNE. D Browne ta th% SOU IN- VF,Ton,nd=f.th*SOIXIN, -.d by Antlyvi* torpn¡o tabetMiQM defyinf eUmla»t\>n), and ainoe the forH onl*hMD«Terbe«D puNiih*ift i*eri» deut tbat any statement to \be efleoti thata oomronnd ij idactleal with Dr. B,o- OhlorodyM m jwm J Tk" ti- i.. mME ^ereoni deoetrepniehawrtbyltiieiw' pre—ntataopi- T?. J. JA OHLOEODTN*. W* Ohan- •Am mr W. FAGS 'WOOD ftefed ri. (W)??.PAOh.Zt 7 I. OQ ItfTONTo :;e1! <tt whm)t ttort?tht 21-M-tLay IUD tu üUboraklr ""tn.. and bee .Jl,l- M m ffUAT I ø IOI' FO& 0HOLKB.A. U."BHQlA, efMUtTMTj HF G BOA]LDOINILALTH, Xoudon, REMnT that it ACTM M ? I CHAKM.onedoeetenertUysuffScient.! a)*. OIBBON, Army MedicaJ Staff. Cal- ¡"m;fM08;l1tlft' LY 'a ME of D Rl' ICF FNM STUBS 41 00.. Pharmaceutioai Chemiste, Bbtis. Jo*. 5,18S0, 1. 'TV J. T. DAYBwronr, London. D- 81*,—We congratulate yon upotu' ,d.4r= 1% .toemo<l m6wdue b- earned (or I all over the Betr. Aaaiaiuedy oi general utility, we much whether a better it imported, and wei .h.U be glad to hear .1 it* t.di a plaoe in."lT ADaIo-Indlan bomo. 1M other brand*, we are happy to eay, ar» cow releratad te the cuitfte bazaars, and, judging from their sale, we tanoy lb"' journ there will b. hot etanee- oent We eould mulitply ittstaooeee* infinitum of the extracrainary effloaoy .YDR. 8'"Bn<N.¡ OHLQBODYNB in Diarrhoea and; Dyient«ry.8paexn»,Crftmp*f Neuralgia the Voai of Bregnanoy, ud ae a ooda ¡. that ba.. ooourrod 8Vpe:nonal daring -11- In Cholaraio DIorrhœ ID the terrible toma *< oSSt Mt<M' ?!*htTt nttM*SS m wrpridiwty —atrolUM «nt?.t w. b.- DO- vmA any ?'S?tSSStM <t<S&t) B'<?"t from a trm ooQTlctien ttt it i* d2 dedi, the beat, OÐ4a1oo m.m. o( duty we owe to the profoaaion and tha public, aa we an of o oion that the cnbatttutfoa of acy ogoz thAn 00Ui8 Blown". ia a 4eIIioàaa br8ah of lo.itJa on thepart of tho ob to proooribelr and patient alike.—We are, Sir, wti?. SlI?)UM.SYMM t?*'jS <t  't  Ihe rharm. Society of Grtat BrUomi, /& XxeeUtnep th* Vic«rv\/t Chemists. Bit. J. COLLIS BROWJftS'ft JLF CBLORODYNE is OM T&U* PAJJJATIVBto NXTTRALOIA, GouT c"ozm' NIfcx:.= D»:J. coiiis BIOWSI'I CHLOKODYjrE 1* • liquid me- aio.lr n wh'L'h P ?i Of EVERY KIND. aflordU oalm, r? ?d (,oOUT EKAD- AEC IHZ. an¥ijÏ¥t M» n«- YOUI "tem when exheuawd. 8"11 IL o v WWI i? OHLOBODTNZ TtBtt? *e? nhort M =h.-J W EKLBPSY. SPASMS. OOU -IJ'1". IMPORTANT 0AT)TIOl».-T*8 IMMGNSR 8ALE0I W81ŒMEDY hw (riven riM -y UNSCRUPU. LOUS IMITATIONS. B« -el.1 te oblerve Trade MarlL Of »U ChamistA 1t.ltd.s.øg¡aru SOLI MlIUTiOTOEBt *• r?ADM?M?Gt.&tt'?t?JE? HOLLOWAY'S PILLS & OINTMENT. THE BEST MEDICINES FOR FAMILY USE. THE PILLS PURIFY THE BLOOD, CORRECT ALL DISORDERS OF THE INTERNAL ORG ANS, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. THE OINTMENT The most reliable remedy for Chest and Throat Affections, Gout, Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, Old Wounds, Sores, Ulcers, and all Shin Diseases. Manufactured only at 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, LONDON. The Price of the GARDENERS' CHRONICLE" is now THREEPENCE. "First to onr hand come the home journals, among which the ably oonduoted Gardeners' Chronicle worthily holds the lead, as it has now done for more than a ge-icrafton."—The Journal of Forestry. "Energetic, yet conservative, the 'Gardeners' Chronicle' has become ussful and popular everywhere." Hon. MARSHALL WILDER, Boston, U.S. Forgive me if I pay a compliment to the way tha 'Chi-oiiele'is edited. It is ably and well managed, An Orchidist. THE GARDENERS' CHRONICLE ("THE TIMES OF HORTICULTURE A WEEKLY ILLUSTRATED JOURNL, (ESTABLISHED 1841,) Every Friday Threepence; pott free, Threepence-halfpenny. THE "GARDENERS' CHRONICLE" has been for nelfly fifty years the leading jourrfit of its class _L It has achieved this position because, while specially devoting itself to supplying the daily require- ments of gardeners of all classes, much of the information furnished is of such general and permanen value that the Gardeners' Chronicle is looked up to as the standard authority on the subjects on which it treats. ? C!RC?CLATION:It? relations with amateur and professional gardeners, and with the Horticu!tura Trade of all countries, are of a specially extensive character. CONTRIBUTORS Its contributors comprise the leading British Gardeners and many of the most eminent men of science at home and abroad. for the ILLUSTRATIONS The "GABMNKRS' CHRONICLE has obtained an international reputation t for the accuracy, Mrmanent utility, and artistic effect of its .Xustrations of plants. These illustrations, together -with the original articles and monographs, render the "Gardeners' Chronicle" o-a indispensable work of reference in all garden reading-rooms and botanical libraries. SUPPLEMENTS: Double-page Engravings, Lithographs, and other ILLUSTRATIONS or LT ARGE nSIZE, are frequently given as Supplements without extra oharge. ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE.-The United Kingdom: Twelve Months 15,9; Six Months, 7s 6d; Three Months, 3s 9(1; Post Free. Foreign Subscriptions (excepting India and -Chiaa) • Including Postage, 17s 6d for Twelve Months. India and China, 19s 6d. P.O.O. to be made payable at the Post Office, 42, DBCBT LAKE, LONDON, to W. RIOHABDS. Cheques should be crossed DRCHVO Telegra-hio Address: GABDCHBON, LONDON. OFFICE: 41, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, LONDON, W.C. Commencement of a New Volume First Week in January. POULTRY, PIGEONS, CAGE BIRDS, RABBITS. WEEKLY-ONE PENNY. A Weekly Periodical devoted to the encouragement of the POULTRY, PIGEON, CAGE BIRD, and RABBIT FANC1. PuWUhed every Friday. To be had of all Booksellers. Annual Subscription 6s 6d, post free. Queations answered and Advioe given through its colnmns, The JOURNAL of HORTICULTURE COTTAGE GARDENER, and HOME FARMER, Conducted by ROBERT HOGG, LL.D., F.L.S. ESTABLISHED 1848. GARDENING in all its aspects I is treated exhaustively by the | most praotical and successful Cultivatore of the dav. THE HOME FARM.—This department contains sound and seasonable advice on profitable Cropping, Stock Management, Manures and their application, and the most approved modes of Dairy Farming. BEES.—The most advanoed Apiarians and the most successful Bee- keepers in Great Britain are contributors to this section of this long established and increasingly popular publication. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. Prioe 3d, post free 3,d. Terms of Subscription:-One Quarter, 3s 9d, Half Year 7s 6d; One Year,159. GARDEN WORK Published every Wednesday, PRICE ONE PENNY. Whioh should be obtained by a who take pleasure in having -a good supply of FLOWERS, FRUIT 1ND VEGETABLES The most Practical and Dsefnl Penny Illustrated Gardening Paper. GARDEN WORK may be obtained from any Bookseller, Stationer, or any of the Railway Bookstalls. Annual Subscription 6s 6d po tree. Post Office Orders to be made payable to EDWARD II. MAY OFFICES 171, FLEET-STREET, LONDON, E.C Sold in every part of Wales, and in Liverpool, Manchester, London, Chester, etc., by over 600 Agents. G W A L I A," A HIGH-CLASS PAPEx IN THE WELSH LANGUAGE. GWALIA is a newspaper designed to meet the requirements of every cjion of the Welsh community, ts contents being carefully compiled, and embracing contributions by able Writers. Authentic reports are oiten of all Political. Focial, and Religious Movements throughout the kingdom. The MARKETS, TRADE, AND AGRICULTURAL REPORTS, form a special feature in the paper; and columns ;axe respectively devoted to Musical, Literary, andJAntiquarian Notes. EVERY TUESDAY FOR WEDNESDAY. PRICE ONE PENNY. PER POST FOR. SIX MONTHS (PREPAID), 3/3; ONE YEAR, 6/6. THE "NORTH WALES CHRONICLE STEAM PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. THE 'NORTH WALES CHRONICLE COMPANY, LIMITED EXECUTE, ON REASONABLE TERMS, LITHOGRAPHIC, COPPERPLATE, LETTERPRESS PRINTING, AND BOOKBINDING AT THEIR SPACIOUS ESTABLISHMENTS, Caxton House, High Street, Bangor, AND Caxton House, Mostyn Street, Llandudno. PRINTING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS For Bankers Brokers, Insurance Ccmpanies.Pnblio Companies, Solicitors, Auctioneers, etc., execute ProspeotDEM, I Articles of Association, I Ctt?OgOM, J witn promptuuae. II. venorieB, I Circulars, Business & Address Cards. I Placards Invoices, 1 Bill heads ct Checks. I AMERICAN LINE. I UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS. I LIVERPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA EVERY I WEDNESDAY. European Line. FIRST-CLASS, FULL Jf POWERED IRON STEAM SHIPS. Accommodation for PasseDgers equal to any I FftBsongerB and nooas ianaeu at iTnnaaeipnitt 011 the Wharf of the Pennsylvania Railroad. This is the Shortest and Beet Route to the West. Apply to RICHARDSON, SPENCE, A Co., 19 and 22, WATEB-BTBEKT, LIVERPOOL, or RICHARD ROBERTS, BETHESDA. H. J. WILLIAMS, 70, PKNTBBVN, BETHKSDA. 4 INMAN LINE. ROYAL MAIL STKAMSBS TO NEW YOBK. INMAN AND INTERNATIONAL STEAMSHIP COMPANY, LIMITED. FBOM LIVERPOOL BVERY WEDNESDAY. Callmg at Queensfcown every Thursday. Moderate Saloon and Seoond Cabin Fare. Steerage Fare as low as by any other First Class Line. Tbrongh Bookings to any part of the HTATES or CANADA, including Manitoba and North and South West Territory. Apply to RICHARDSON, SPENCB and Co., 22, Water- street, Liverpool; or to Edward Jones, 170, High- street, Bsngor; Hugh Hughes. 7, Market-row. Ain- lwch Richard Roberts, Old Post-office, Bethesda; John Jones; Bookseller, do Robert Parry, Douglas terrsce, do; Hy. J. Williams, 66. Bryngwenith, Caellwyngrydd. z60 AGRICULTURAL I IMPLEMENTS & MACiil?US I AT MAKEnS PfiiSSEHT REDUCED PRICES. LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. PriceS. Illustrated Lists Post Free, on application- DICKSONS Implement Warehouse I j D ICKSONS?.en" 0OOD MORNING QOOD MORNING I QOOD MORNING 1 GOOD MORNING GOOD MORNING! GOOD MORNING 1 I GOOD MORNING I GOOD MORNING 1 QOOD MORNING t GOOD MORNING I GOOD MORNING! GOOD MORNING QOOD MORNING! QOOD MORNING I QOOD MORNINGI QOOD MORNING QOOD MORNING I QOOD MORNING! QOOD MORNING 1 GOOD MORNING! QOOD MORNING 1 QOOD MORNING! GOOD MORNING Have you used PEARS' Soap? Have vou UBed PEARS' soap ? Have you used PEARS' Soap? Have you used PEARS' Soap? Have yon need PEARS' Soap? Have YOII used PEARS' Soap? Have you used PEARS' Soap ? Have you used PEARS' Soap? c BENSON'S l-PLATE ENGLISH LEVER "LUDGATE"WATCH Is Better Value than any uon-Keyless English Lever ever made. IN SILVER CASES. IN GOLD CASES. 9115 5s. £ 12 12s. A THREKQUARTER PLATE ENGLISH LEVER WATCH, of BEST LONDON MAKE, with Chronoireter Balance, fully Jewblled, and of special strength throughout. Made in Four Sizes at the same ?rice:-Small for Gentlemen and Youtbs; Medium for Workin- men generally; Extra Large for Miners and Rail- way men and Extra Small for Ladies. In Sterling Silver Crystal Glass Cases, £5 5s or in 18-carat Gold Crystal Glass Cases, Gentlemen's size, P12 12s. Lady's size, R10 10s. Guaranteed for Strength, Accuraoy, Durability, and Value. BENSON'S BANK WATCH. A thoroughly Good and Strong English Lever with i-PLATE MOVEMENT AND STRONG KEY- LESS ACTION. IN STERLING SILVER CRYSTAL GLASS CASES. £500 Thousands of both these Watches are now being worn in all parts of the world, and testimonials are received at the Factory daily as to their splendid performance. On receipt of P.O.O., payable at G.P.O., we forward them free and at our risk to any part of the world. Full particulars, illustrations, &c., of these and other Watches, post free. BENSON'S GEM JEWELLERY. Splendid assortment of Diamond and other Gem Rings on view. Constant production of new designs in Brooches, Pins, Bracelets, and Silver Art Work. BENSON'S TURRET CLOCKS FOR CHURCHES, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, FACTORIES, &c. Estimates and Advice Free. The largest manu- factory in London. Open at all times for inspection. Benson's New Illustrated Catalogue (the best book of its kind issued] of Watohes tram £ 2 to JE500, Clocks, Jewellery, Silver and Electro-Plate, post free on application to J. W. .c BENSON, make"the quEES, STEAM FACTORY, 62 & 64, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON. And at 28,Royal Exchange,E.C., & 25, Old Bond- W. StB., ENSON'S CLUBS. Applications for agencies BENSON'S (,LU.T3S, Applications for it l627A LIL OIL MILL CO. LIMITED, „IVEBPOOL, Manufacturers of Feeding Stuffs extensively used by the leading Pedigree Stock Owners. T I PHCENIX I CALF I PHPUT,RNPI,X a 17/6 MEAL I Delivered at any Station. mmo LINSEED CAKE CGTiOM CJKE LIVERPOOL INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION GOLD MEDAL. HIQHEBT POSSIBLE AWABD. CONTRACTORS TO THE ADMIRALTY JOHN MATHEWS AND CO VARNISH, PAINT, COLOUR, SOFT SOAP, AND GREASE MANUFACTURERS. )il and Manganese Merchants, and Drysalter HATTON-GARDEN WORKS, LIVERPOOL. Price Lists and Samples upon applicatior 39 DAVID DAVIES BILL POSTER AND DISTRIBUTOR No. 4, UNION-STRUT, BASOOB, GRATEFUL COMFORTING. | EPPS'S (BREAU AST) COCOA NEEDS ONLY BOILING WATER OR MILK. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE ■gEECHAM'S PILLS, J^EECHAM'S PILLS, jgfeBCHAM'S PILLS, Are uuiversaly admitted to be worth a Guinea a Box for Billions and Nervous Dl)-sorders, such .9 Wind and pain in the stomach, Sick Headache, Giddiness, Fulness and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, ShOltness of Breath, Costiveness, Scurvy and Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling 8ensational &C. The first do?e will ?ive relief in twel v minutos. This is no fiction, for they have done in countless cases. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to trv one Box of these Pills,and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. ^yORTH A GUINEA A BO "TORTHA GUiNEA A BOX For males of all ages thev are invaluable. No fe:e hd oalitlItth:lee ;ulot a medicine to be found equal to them for removing any abstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken occordiug to the directions given with each box, they will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. This has been proved by thousands who have tried them and found the benefits which are ensured by their use. j^EECHAM'S PILLS JgEEClIAM'S PILLS. gEECHAM'S PILLS For a Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, and the Disorders of the Liver, they act like" MAGIC," and a few doses will be found to work wonders on the most important organs in the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the ong-lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action, with the ROSE BUD of health, the whole physical energj of the hum in frame. These are FACTS" testified continually y members of all classes of society and one of the lost guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated BEECHAM'S PILLS have the La 'yest Sale of any Pa Medicine in the world. T»EECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. jgEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS jgEECHAM'S MAGIC COUCH PILLS Asa remedy for Coughs in goneral, Asthma. Bronchi a ffectiou?;, Hoarseness, Shortness of Breath, Tightnes and Oppression of the Chest, &c., these Pills stand un rivalled. They are the best ever offered to the public' and will speedily remove that sense of oppression and difficult), of breathing which nightly deprive the patient of rest. Let any person give BEECHAM'S COUGH PILLS a trial, and the most violent cough will ina short time be removed. Prepared only, aud Sold Wholesale and Retail, by ae Proprietor, THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helenf, Lanca- shire, and by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers everywhere. IN Box is lid and 2s 9d BACH FULL DIRECTIONS ARF. GIVES WITIt JUCB Box u ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B41 PILLS is warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary organs, in either sex (acquired or consti- tutional Gravel, and Pains in the Baok Guarantee free from Mercury. Sold in Boxe 48 6d each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the World; or sent to any address for sixty stamps by the Maier, THB LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES DRUGS COMPANY LINCOLN. BUTTER POWDER. The only genuine powder for preventing bad and rancid tastes, increasing the yield and shorten- ing the time when churning Batter. Atthisseason of the year this harmless preparation is invaluable. Beware of Injurious Imitations. IN CU 85 TliM. 2a Bo"4 8d„ (ki, 14, 2"' -d 7/6. Ask y- Ohemfn œ Gri:ioet- for U. w—» y » XJQTCOZ<Ha IWFOR THE BLOOD iS THE LIFE? WORLD-FAMED THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER For cle*nBin$f and clearing the blood from all impnrW88 it cannot be too highly recommended. ForS<*ofula, Scarry, Skin and Blood DiaeasejP Eozema., an 1 Soraa of all kinds, itUanever-failin* and permanent cure. It OureR 0>1 Berea. Cares Ulcemtetl Soreaonfche Neck. c-? LUcemtod Sore LOJ?8. Cure* Mftckheads, or Pimples on the F*oa» Cures Scurry Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Dieeasei. Curti GlanJurar 8weHini{8. Clears tho lilood flam all impure matter From whatever causo arising. It is the only real specific for Sout and Rheumatic Paine It removes the caute from the blood and bmuII. As this mixture is pleasant to the taete, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate con- stitution of either aex, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to teat it value. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. Sold in Botll?. 2.. Dd, anù ia co[1t&inn BU ti.?,? the qll.?t,?y, Us. each—sufficient to effect Per. manent cure in tho (treat majority of lonp staBdins cases, BY ALL CIIKMI8TS .ad PATENT MEDICINB VEND0RB throughout tho world, or wrA for 33 or 131 ltaL'1l'!i by THE LINCOLN AKD MIDLA.D CODFTISS DBU8 COKPA.lCY, Lincoln. (Trade Mark—" BLOOD Mirnju.") Ask for CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTCTHB and do not be persuaded to take an imitation. CAUTION. Purchasers of Clarke's Blood Mixture, see that you get the genuine article. Worthless imitations are sometimes palmed off by unprincipled vendors. Tbe words 11 Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln, England," are engraved on the Government Stamp, and Clarke's Worid-famrd Blood Mixture "blown in the Bonle, without which none are genuine. B pn .øi PlTU!.T 'a'l".L P8rf8otl7 H.r1DlN4 w 11 rd- f, nro le ll'tt,m- jflRfe e01!Tt!nton taw rat. food in tie IHH Botanic Nedicias Ct-, ■■ .JKI <6. "L 11 •" 3 lew Orford-itmt, P'- /"vCDEST & BEST COUGH REMtoV. w tlncls loientei. OLDEST & BEŠT COUGH REMEDY. ttin,,s hoienges. OLDEST & BEST COUGH REMEDY. Xeatlng^e lozenges. OLDEST & BEST COUGHMt jlau?in" Xioaenfea. OLSIsr^Wr^UGHjnREWB^ QLDEST & BEST COU^^MEDY  & BES COa'i.I¡.rnlfel. U PTLDES1*~& BEST COUGH-REMEDY. Xeating's Lozenges. \AJ LDEST & ..El;ocfo.1-[!:= *T DOCTOI WNX TILL TOU there is no better Cough Medicino than KEATING'S i3. fJ: ::Üet if ;oI from wugh try t?4g but once; they ill cum, and they ill ?t i-j-.y.??h?,.Ith; $hey contai" only the purest drug.,skilfully combined. Bold everywhere in 13A thm CUT FLOWERS, WREATHS, ie. DICKSONS MWMWA, CHESTER, ATHLETES FIND INVALUABLE A THLETES FOR TRAINING PURPOSES. A THLETES FOR TRAINING PURPOSES. ATHLETES FOR TRAINING PURPOSES. A ATHLETES FOR TRAINING PURPOSES. A THLETES FOR TRAINING PURPOSES. ELLIMAN'S UNIVERSAL EMBROCATION. JjlLLIMAN'S UNIVERSAL EMBROCATION E LLIMAN'S UNIVERSAL EMBROCATION. E LLIMAN'S UNIVERSAL EMBROCATION E LLIMAN'S UNIVERSAL EMBROOATION E LLIMAN'S UNIVERSAL EMBROCATION jyjOTHERS FIND INVALUABLE MOTHERS Ili THE NURSERY. Al OTHERS IN THE NURSERY. jyjOTHERS IN THE NURSERY. m OTHERS IN THE NURSERY. E LLIA(AN'S UNIVERSAL EMBROCATION. E LLIMAN'S UNIVERSAL EMBROCATION. E LLIMAN'S UNIVERSAL EMBROCATION. gLLIMANS UNIVERSAL EMBROCATION. E LLIMAN'S UNIVERSAL EMBROCATION. "ALL MIN FIND INVALUABLE LL MEN SOME TIME OR OTHER ALL MEN SOME TIME OR OTHER A LL MEN SOME TIME OR OTHER A LL MEN SOME TIME OR OTHER E LLIMAN'S UNIVERSAL EMBROCATION. E LLIMAN'S FOR RHEUMATISM. E LLIMAN'S FOR LUMBAGO, SPRAINS, ELLIMAN'S FOR CUTS, BRTJISES, CHEST COLDS. ELLIMAN'S FOR SORE THROAT FROM COLD, ELLIMAN'S FOR STIFFNESS FROM OVER- JL EXERTION. ELLIMAN'S UNIVERSAL EMBROCATION. JU Is lid and 2s 9d. Piepared only by ELLIMAN, SONS, and Co., Slough, England. PATENTS, DESIGNS AND TRADE" MARKS. AGENCY CONDUCTED BY PATENT SOLICI- TOR AND LATB EXAMINER OF HsBMiJESTY'S PATENT OFFICE. A DVICE GRATIS on all subjects connected with the above on receipt of stamped addressed on- velope. Patents obtained :-British, Colonial and Foreign in the shortest time consistent with safety. Drawings of machinery,<tc.r made from tbe rough- est sketches. Suitable Trade Marks suggested, oarefnlly drawn and engraved for Registration at Home and Abroad. Agencies in London and all parts of the World for the Purchase aud Sale or placing on Royalty of good Patented Inventions. Inventors with undeveloped ideas are advised to commnnicate at once, when reliable opinion as to novelty wiN be speedily given, aDd much trouble, expense, and disappointment saved. Address Manager, Office of the Journal INVENTION," A 54, Fleet-street, London, E.C [pTANfiilEAS^ I'PLA'II_Ç_ASON.1 HARDILY-GROWN 1 )?OREST,?RU!TJ § ALL OTHER i } TREESZ PLA NTS, Evergreens, Roses, &e. S NURSERIES 400 ACRES | i Largest d Finest Stocks in Europe. e 3 INSPECTION EARNESTLY INVITED. f PRICED CATALOGUES GRATIS a POST FRBE. | — ESTIMATES a ALL PARriCULARS ON application. æ I | ]Mx C;I.K.Oorjs 5 i The lIrserle". 1 ¡ sE!t.1 l '?'????Ml *}Di6?scBS Chester. I 'UI"I"lIl1nI1l1111IUIlI1I1I1I1UIUlI1I11I1I11I11I!I""llll1lUlllllllnnlllllUIIIIIII ( NURSERIK3—Newtown, Mant?omer?hiM. 1 Doket?r, \?r<on?h!.h)re. BttRuAPN?CHEt-a S. ? ? li:e. HEALTH RESTORED. Remedy Free.—A late sufferer from Nervousness, Weakness, &c., having tried in vain every known remedy, has discovered a simple self-cure, which he will send Free ta his fellow-guffererg. -Address, W. Fox, 1 York-street, Southwark, London, S.E. zl510 A WHO suffer from NERVOUS VV DEBILITY, LOST VIGOIUR, Ex BOOiN HA"STB1> VITALITY, KIBNBY DisgAgEs, tea. A Treatise explaining the renowned MABSTON treatment by local abiorptim, TO the only positive cure without Stomach m edicines, will be sent in plain envelope MEN sealed for three stamps.-TBB MABSTON REKE&y Co.,2494, High Holborn, London 1382L ON SOCIAL PURITY AND THE INFIRMI- TIES OF MAN. Addressed specially to young men, with advice on Beallh, and containing Recipes that will restore the nervous and debilitate'ljto the full power of Manhood. Free for the benefit of ail who desire a safe and speedy cure, without the aid of Quacks. Send 001 stamp to pre-pay postage,-Address, Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. 1983t Just Published, for Two Stamps, By J. A. BARNES, M.D. (U.S.), a Treatise, entitled "HOW TO ENSURE HEALTH:" A most Valuable Book for Yonni; Men. ON the LAWS GOVKBNINO Lira, and the CACSHS, SYMPTOMS, and TREATMENT of all diseases depending on Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Palpitation of the Heart, Noises in the Head and Ears, Impaired Sight and Memory, Indigestion, Prostration, Lassitnae, &:0. SentPost Free on receipt of Two Stamps. Address- J. A. BARNES, M D. (U.S.), 48, Lonsdale-aquare, Thornhill-road, Loudciti. N. 2656L THE ALOFAS COMPANY'S L COMPANY'S SAFE HERBAL SPECIALITIES. ALOFAS TINCTURE.-Sure Cure for Con- fT. sumption, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, and all tbrost and chest diseases. ALOFAS POWDER.-Cures all Wasting Dis- ase, Night Sweats, Debility, Brain Fag, &c. 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