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Scholastic. QHRIST COLLEGE, BRECON- CIUIERMALN OF THE OOVEBNINQ BODY TilE LORI) SISHOP OF ST. DAV.L"S. BUD-XMSH: Rzv. n. LEWIS LLOYD. M j>-> FotBQiiiv Head-Master of Friars' School. Bongor. There are SEVEN ASSISTANT-MASTEKS, ml gradnated in ?Righ Honours of either Oxford or Cambridge. The Collega is beautifully situaTefl in its own BFOMtdsontbehanksofthe Usk. anti consists of Head-Master's House, with a fine Chapel, Large Sohaolrootn Library, Six Class-rooms, Chemical Laboratory, and Private Studies, See., and near the main tuildings are two A-aaistant-Masters' Houses, and a Hostel, which is "o be opened in September. There is a large and well-laid Cricket ana Football Field chm: to- the Buildings, and a Gymnasium. The si O{ is famous for its healthiness and for the beauty cC its surroundings, and the Buildings are unrivalled in the Principality. The fdilowiug is the List øf 'Honours an.1 Dis- tinctions won by Pupils of the College since its resuscitation, teu years ago, seder the present Head 3(aster;- 41 -Scholarships and Exlubfttona of these 15 are Classical Scholarships of JEM t'yetr. 8 First Classes. 20 Second Class*?. 16 Third Classes. One Indian Civil Service (the only one from Vales). One Admission into Wooiv.toh (the only one from Wales). Several Admissions into Sandhurst and Army. 74 Higher Certificates from the Oxford and Cam- bridge Schools Examination Boarl. Several London University Matriculations. Numerous Passes for Law, Medical, Preliminary Examinations, and for Engineering and Commer- cial'Pursuits (Banking, tte.). During the last 18 months Nine Scholarships and Exhibitions have been gained, of which Five are Classical Scholarships of t80 a year; one Science, The Powys Exhibition, Middlesex Hospital ;tIloo), Lte. For Terras and Fuller Tarticulars apply to the Head-Master. 2415R BALA GRAMMAR SCHOOL. HEAD MASTER: J. C. E V A N S M. A., .Formerly Powis Exhibitioner and Scholar of Jesus College, Oxford, and late Assistant-master at Christ College, Brecon. TERM began Sept. 25th, 1889. NEW BUILDINGS admirably fitted witlievery j\| convenience for Boarders. Preparation for the Universities, Ijivil Services, 1 Preliminaries of the Law and Medicine, and the Oxford a' Cambridge Local Examinations. South Kensington Science and Art Classes, and a good Commercial Course. In Oacuary, 1890, Three Boarding Scholarships, one of £ 15 per annum and two of £ 10 per armnm, open to boys entering under 14.-Apply to Head- BOARD anJ TUITION (inclusive obarge), &:6 (Mr annum. 3239jt fZ6 per annu.. .,23%t m u s 1 0 MISS M• C. H U 4 H E 8, LLANGEFNI, Of the Musical Institution, Liverpool The ROY A; Aca'temy of Music, LOM on And Associate of dIe Tonic Sol-fa College. HAVING been under a course of STUDIES at JjL the lib WI' Institutions, begs to inform her Friends and the Public that she is now open to re- o £ vePUPILS. au to give INSTRUCTIONS on the Pianoforte, etc., etc., at Moderate Charges. Careful Tuition will be strictly to, Numerous testimonials supplied if necessary. Open to take engagements at oouoerts and public rotfP- dugs. BRADFORD HOUSE, LLANGEFNI. 26346 -S T. WINIFRED'S BOARDING SCHOOL., BINGOR. FOR THE DAUGHTERS OF CLERGY, GENTRY OF SMALL MEANS, AND OTHERS viercoR: LORD BISHOP OF BANGOR. 1,80*0 T REV. CANON LOWE, D.D. HON. CHAK4TN,TPRO T M: ,VyeC.Y REV. THE DEAN OF BANGOR. THIS School is conducted by Ladiea of EJS. perience, and offers an education preparatory to University Certificates, with definite Church tt-eaching. Terms, 930peirctinurn. Forprospectue apply to Wes LOWE, St. Witwfred's. Banaor. 1396d LLANDUDNO. LANSDOWNJS ttOU6E SCHOOL. PRiNCirUis:: MISSES MATTHEWS AND STANDRING. f HIS SCHOOL offers a thorough Education, with .1L good Home Training for Girls. on moderate MMas. Pupils prepared for the ilocal Examina- tions. ^arge House in a healthy situation. zl8—718 FRENCH. LATIN. AND KJREKK. MONS. JACQUET, B.A. (Paria). Ex-Proteoor .1YJ. of the University of France, .prepares Private Pupils in tli(3 abose Laiiguagei for the Public Ex- aminations, auches-L)ti(lon Matriculation, Dublin University, College of Preceptors, Oxford and Cam- bridge Local, Preliminary Law, Medical and Phar- maceutical Examinations, Scholarships of the Uni- versity Colleges of Wales, etc. Schools attended. Terms an,1 Iteferejices on application to Mons. E. «UC«UET, 4, Graigt r^N, Garth-road, Bar.gor. z43 DEGANWAY SCHOOL (Llandtdno Junction). TERMS, Jt889 January 7th, April 1&t, July 15thA)ct.ober 7th. For prospectus, etc., address, Rev. R. O. THOMAS. St. Jawes's School, Deganway, Llandudno. <t R H Y L SYWELL JIOUSE. MR. HAfWARD BRO'NE. M.A. OXOM., pre" M H?fX boy-s f"r the Public Schools. Home ?f?tf Good Bathing; Fin, Air; Highest references. Prospectus on application. M4? LUTEINCRBACER (Clergymaja'd daughter), Dipiomee, wishes to give L E S B'O N i) in Elementary and Advanced Music and Germao in Bangor and neigh- tan^rhood either in -i)obools or to Private Pupils, lIigheBt KReaccooiiwnmn eDdatioU' Moderate Terras.— APPlY to  j?,,? Hoaa<< M?..i View, APP'y \° A. 2684d Upper Bangor. _n_- 2684d LLANFAIRPEC14AN, NORTH WA.ES. TOWLAW LODGE. LITTLE goygl PFTEPARATORY SCHOOL. BKCOHKLKNDEP BY TRE LOUlIJIWOP Olr DURHAM- MfRR E. C SIMPSON receives Boys, A? 7to 12. ?'? term began 24th ultimo. PL!.S TODNO. LLANDUDNO. MRS. V. PEEHS offers a happy Home, with good Educational advantage*, to a limited »WBbv of Gw.tleinen'« Daogbterg. 2Ø4J. A GRAND CONSERVATIVE DAN C E flThe PBOCMDS to be DEVOTED in AID of the GLANADDA CONSERVATIVE CLUB) WILL TAKE PLACE ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22ND, AT TBJI PEN R H Y N HALL. BANGOR, UNDER DISTINGUISHED PATRONAGE. FIRST-CLASS QUADRILLE BAND (Under the direction of Mr J. E. JONES, Garth). SINGLE TICKETS. 2& DOUBLE TICKETS, 3s 6d. DANCING TO COMMENCE AT NINE O'CLOCK PROMPT. TICKETS may be obtained from Messrs NrxON & JARVIS, Booksellers, HiRh-atreet, Bangor; Mr J. E. JONES, 6, Gambier-terrace, Garth; aud Mr J LEWIS LLOID, 26, Albert-street, Upper Bangor, LADIS IN QUEST OF STYLISH AND BECOMING HATS, BONNETS, MANTLES, JACKETS, &c., PAY A VISIT TO' J. THOMAS'S S HOW OF NEW GOODS. A MATCHLESS COLLECTION OF DRESSES AND FURSM! DRWS AND M VNTLE-MAKWG UNDER COMPETENT MANAGEMENT. CHARGES I MODERATE. Address: LONDON HOUSE, 27610 297, HIG-H-STREET, BANGOE. BOHT. ROBERTS AND CO.'S CELEBRATED (EST. 1840). (EIIT.1840). 8, DALE-STEET, T E 4 21. MINCING LANE, LIVERPOOL. LONDON. CARRIAGE OR'POST FREE. 2675i WALTER M. WILLIAMS, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweller, OPPOSITE THE RAILWAY FTATION, BANOOR. A WELL- ASSORTED 'STOCK, of WATCHES, CLOCKS, & JEWELLER? ?L always on HAND. LADUM' SILVER WATCHES from Ll Upwards. Gents* 25s 11 GUINEA GOLD WEDDING RINGS (Size Card Post Free on Application). SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS. REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. WINDING CONTRACTED FOR Y EARLY AND QUARTERLY. 2054 WHY SEND AWAY FOR YOUR FURNITURF WHEN YOU CAN GET THEM CHEAPER FR( ,[ W. AMBROSE JONES, CABINET-MAKER, UPHOLSTERFI- & FRENCKJOLISHBR BANG O li, I !TP »\TENTEE of the AMBROSE" (No. 13,496) ? AUo PATENT BRACKET 'P?o 12248) for Parieian Bedsteads, Leaf-Tables, S?r.? and Wardrobe Doers, &c. MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. ANY DESIGN MADE TO ORDER OLD FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RECOVERED. Spring. Hair, and Flock Mattresses Re-made by a New Patent Maohine Procaag. z2524 Scholxetic FRENCH, GERMAN, ITALIAN. MR SCHELLING, Undergead-to of,London University, late Latigwolrtby Scholar at the Grammar SEWL, Møu"h(-t<tH. 1IIud Scholar 01 the University Coll-ge ot Wnies (AIoo"y.twytb), both in Modern LtmnuaJ.B, kIho i-t- teinporary lecturer i, to the U-i^r^tv <lle«e of North Wtilep, BaoKor, GIVES LSSONS in the ?bove ?t h? 4, C?bier-?fr?e, ?nh. B.?ur .? M No?rth Wales generally. Mr SCHKLUNJ has had large experience as a teacher, and can produce the highest reterenoes. Schools attended. Sbotu ¡ ROWLANDS' MACASSAR OIL. Jt) The Pest Preserver of the Hair, The Best Beautifier of te Hair. 1 The Meat Strengthcr er of the air. Tlie Best Restorer of the Hair. RO 'WLA:NDS' MACASSAR DLL. For Ladiea' Hair. For Gentlemen's Hair. For Children's Hair. For Whiskers and Momtacliee. IRO WLANDS' MACASSAR OIL. Prevents Hair falling Off. prevents Hair Turning Grey. Prevents Scurf and Dandruff. Prevents Hair Becoming Weak. R OWL,&Nl)g' MACASSAR OIL. Contains no Mineral Poisons. Contains no Leaden Poisons- Contains lh,"g Injurious c?.t.i.: thJ Purt st Ingredient.. R OWL&NDS' MACASSAR OIL. In Golden Colour for Ladies. la Golden Colour for Children. is tiolden Colour for Fnir Hair. In Golden Colour fo" Grey Hair. ROWLANDS' MACASSAR OIL. Best Brilliantine for the Beard. Beet BrilHentine for the Whiskers. Best Brilliantine for the Moustaches. Sold by all Chemists and perfumers. LADIES OESIROUS OF OBTAINING HANDSOME D BUSSES SHOULD GO TO Madame LAZZARUS, SUMMER HILL fcOUSE, PRINCE'S ROAD UPPER BANGOR. WHOSE Style and Fit is guaranteed. She makes ? it her pecial care to a?3pt the style best 8Wted to the figure. Stlealsog lies MorniDg and irening Dresses from £3 3s. Ladies' own material made up. 21 SIX CABISET PORTRAITS, 3s three for 2s Twelvt Carte Portraits, 2s 2d six for Is 4d Eight-inch enlargement, 3s; three for 6e. Send Carte or Cabinet and Postal Order and yon will promptly receive Highly Finished Copies, with Origina-FtBoWo WKJ Co.,29, LudgflU Hill, Lon dun. 2680 r CARSON'S PAINT. The Original Anticorroeion has been for nearly a century specially nmmfactored for all .kinds of OUT-DOOR WORK, and is extensively used by upwards of 16,000 of the Nobility, Gentry, and Clergy for the protection of WOOD, IRON, BRICK, STONE, COM-PO, GREENHOUSES AND CONSERVATORIES, and itloeIIfeoially recommended for protecting theaoove from the injurious effects of SEA AIR. It is the most durable and effective paint extant. LIQUID PAINTS, FOR ALL PURPOSES. These are beautifully prepared, and of the highest quaiit,y.-suil ad for EVERY purpose WHKBB ordinary paint CAN be applied. They possess great body and eovering power, 811<1 are non- poiii OUS. PRICES, PATTERNS, 4: TESTIMONIALS POST FREE. WALTER CARSON & SONS, LA BELLE SAUVAGE YARD, XUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.C. BACHELOR'S WALK, DUBLIN. 1922w DR. JONES, LD.D.S., &c SURGEON DENTIST Opposite the Market, Bangor. DS. /ONES visits LLANGEFNI every THURSDAY, at Lledwigan-road. AMLWCH with Mr HCQHKS, Stationer, TUESDAYS, Septembet 24th and October 22nd. BXTHKSDA and EBKNXZKE, TUESDAY after Pay-day. BANGOR very day except Tuesdays and Thursdays. 10 GEORGE EVANS, PRINCIPAL BILL POSTER AND TOWN CRIER, CARNARVON. LIFE is SAVED BY DR. JAEGER'S SANIT ARY WOOLLEN SYSTEM, PROTECTING FROM- CHILL, ASSURING HEALTH AND COMFORT. FULL INFORMATION SENT FREE BY DONALD CAMERON, MERCHANT TAILOR. BANGOR. N.B.-INSIST on the Diamond Shaped Trade Mark, enclosing Dr. JAEGER'S PORTRAIT! The only Guarantee of Genuineness. lV2R LAMPS! LAMPS! LAMPS! WF. W. & COMPANY respectfully beg to call the attention of the Public to their newly-selected w stock of LAMPS for the coming season, comprising all the latest improvements of the follow- ing makers HINK'S AND SONS, WRIGHT AND BUTLER, T. ROWATT AND SONS. POSTLETHWAITE'S NEW PATENT DUPLEX, MARTIN'S PATENT LAMPS, DEFBIES' AND OTHER NEW CENl'RAL.DRAUGHT SAFETY LAMPS. PILLAR LAMPS AND BRACKETS FOR CHURCHES AND CHAPELS. A VARIETY OF CHOICE DESIGNS IN FANCY COLOURED GLOBES AND SHADES FOR GAS, CANDLES OR LAMPS. ASBESTOS GAS STOVES, and PETROLEUM HEATING and COOKING STOVES. LEST REFINED PETROLEUM CRYSTAL AND BENZOLINE OILS. W. FRANCIS WILLIAMS AND COMPANY, BANGOR IRONMONGERY WAREHOUSE, 224, 226, 228, HIGH STREET (Opposite the Market). EDWIN JONES, | Kyffin Place Cabinet Works, RIG H S T R E E T, BANGOR, HAS A LARGE AND EXTENSIVE STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE CONSISTING of Dining and Bedroom Suites, Bookcases, Cheffoniere, Sideboards, Wardrobes, Chests of Drawers, Dressing Drawers, and all kinds of Bedroom and Parlour Chaire, Sofas and Couches in leather and hair covers/Iron and Brass Bedsteads, Feather, Wool and Flock Beds, Spring and Wool Mat- tresses, Dining and Drawinc Room Tables, Kitchen Tables and Chatre of all descriptions, &c. EDWIN JONES, owing to his increasing bnaineas, has secured a large Warehouse in addition to his other premises, and invites Customers to inspect his extensive Stock, which he intends to sell at a very small profit. FURNITURE DELIVERED WITHIN 15 MILES FREE OF CHARGE. 2055i OWEN OWEN & Co., < GENERAL DRAPERS. OPENING OF A NEW SHOWROOM. GRAND DISPLAY OF LA DIES' AND CHILDREN'S MILLINERY WE «re now shewing the LATEST FASHIONS ia FANCY DRESSES, PRINTS and ZEPHYRS W Grand Selection of LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING, FANCY APRONS, PINAFORES FLOWERS. FEATHERS, RIBBONS, GLOVES, CORSETS, and TRIMMINGS. Every Department will-assorted with the NEWEST GOODS and the LATEST NOVELTIES. BOYS' SUITS iFROM 1/111 TO 20/ MEN'S SUITS FROM 16/11 to 70/ SIOP RAD Y BOBL, CASTLE HILL, BANGOR. G. GRIFFITH AND Co., BANGOR CARNARVON a.6 3, HIGH STREET 9, BRIDGE-STREET ORDERS FOR TUN ING AND RE PAIRING PROMPTLY EXECUTED. CHURCH, ORGANS REPAIRED AND TUNED BY CONTRACT OR OTHERWISE INSTRUMENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ON THE HIRE SYSTEM- LARGEST STOCK OF MUSIC IN NORTH WALES. PIANOS, &c., dAy BE HIRED FOR CONCERTS OR OTHER MEETINGS. MRS M. A. CROOKS, OPPOSITE THE MARKET HALL, BANGOR, AND 71, HIGH STREET, RHYL. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST ESTABLISHMENT FOR FIRST-CLASS BOOTS AND SHOES. NOW EXHIBITING SPLENDID STOCK OF SUMMER GOODS. PINNET'S BOOTS, LADIES' DRESS SHOES AND TENNIS SHOES in great variety LAWN TENNIS RACQUETS OFFERED AT A LOW PRICE. THE K WATERPROOF, BOSTOCK'S SHOOTING AND WALKING BOOTS. NATURAL AND SYSTEMATIC BOOTS AND SHOES FOR LADIES, GENTLEMEN AND CHILDREN. Gentlemen's Dress Boots ?M? Shoes, And a great variety of HMtd-?ewn Button, Lace and Elastic Gentlemen's Walking Boots and Shoes, "Iso Men's M? Women'* Baots: Very ChMp. A most Extensive Stock suitable for all Classes. &.ISO Women'ib BQ&to, V-IYNCh S-?iOTI,ON INVITED. I LAD¡¡r,¡;¡' BMW .um Fm'mG Boom UYSWWS. HAND-SBWS BOOTS MLDZ TO OBDM. REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. NOTE THE ADDRESS 687 v#i(4 W w/i W .W 6 V; I ill IV i Jr.J-J.fi jj i • CAUTION. R. ELLIS AND SON Find it necessary to Caution the Public against imitations of their Manufactures. Purchasers should iee that Corks are branded R. ELLIS & SON, Ruthin,' and that every Label bears Name- on (Registered Trade Mark (GOAT on SHIELD). SODA WATER. AROMATIC OINGER ALE.. POTASS WATER. PURE CRATED WATER. SELTZER WATER. For GOUT LEMONADE. LITHIA WATER, and GINGER BEER. LITHIA & POTASS WATER. SOLE ADDRESS R. ELLIS AND SON, RUTHIN, NORTH WALES. LONDON AGENTS W. BEST & SONS, Henrietta-street, Caven-lish-sqnare. 611 DINAS DINLLE HOTEL (FAMILY AND TOURIST), WITHIN TWO MILES OF LLANWNDA STATION, < ON THE CARNARVONSHIRE RAILWAY, AND FIVE MILES FROM CARNARVON. THE above Marine Hotel stands on a fine sandy Beach, facing Carnarvon Bay, at the foot of an old i. Roman Fortification-& spot which commands a view of some of the most charming and varitd scenery in Wales, including Anglesey, the Menai Straits, and the Carnarvon shire Range of Mountains. rt is within a few minutes walk of the Model Village of Llandwrog, where there is a Church, in which English Services are conducted. BOATS AND BATHING- MACHINES. GOOD STABLING. CARS DAILY TO AND FROM THE STATION". THERE IS EXCELLENT FISHING AND WILD FOWL SHOOTING IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD1 FAMILIES TAKEN TO BOARD BY THE WEEK. FOB FURTHER PARTICULARS AND TERMS APPLY TO 2355it THE MANAGER. WILLIAM EVANS AND SONS, Cabinet Makers, Upholsterers, and French Polishers 155, HIGH-STREET, BANGOR. & S BEG to inform the PUBLIC that they are Manufacturing FURNITURE of every W. DESCRIPTION on the PBEMMM at the most REASONABLE PHICES. DINING ROOM SUITES, DRAWING ROOU SUITPS, AND BEDUOOU SUITES, FEATHBK BED HAIR WOOL AND FLOCK MATTRESSES, ail Purified, Clean, and Sweet Materials. OLD HAIR, WOOL'\ND FLOCK MATTRESSES RE-DRESSEL (by PATENT MAcmNMY) AXD RE-MADE EQUAL TO NEW. OLD FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RECOVERED. Every Description of Window Blinds, Cornices, &c., Ac., made to ORDRR. Krass and Iron I Bedsteads, Spring -Mattresses, &c., always in STOCK. ALL ORDERS SHALL HAVE P It 0 1 P TAT T E T I ON DICKS' ORIGINAL AND OLD ESTABLISHED BOOT AND SHOE STORES. J Largest Stock in the Principality. CONTAINING A CHOICE VARIETY OF ALL THE BEST MAKES AND NEWEST STYLES. EVERY PAIR WARRANTED ALL LEATHER, Combining Warmth with Lightness, Neatness witn Comfort, and Durability with Chetpneia NONE BETTER—NONE CHEAPER. A Commodious LADIES' FITTING ROOM has just been completed, so that out CUSTOKIM can now have every comfort. ALL KINDS OF BOOTS REPAIRED AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. NO CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER situr OF THE NAME OF DICKS TOWN. BRANCHES IN ALL THE IMPORTANT TOWNS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. ONLY ADDRESS IN BANGOR- 217, HIGH-STREET. 15a& (TWO DOORS FROM THE MARKET.) — JOSIAH HUGHES AND SON, Furnishing and General Ironmongers, 237. HIGH STREET (NEAR THE [POST OFFICE), BANGOR. WITH A BRANCH SHOP AT LLANFAIRFECHAN J H. AND SON beg most respectfully to intimate to their friends and the public that, having cleared off all accumulations of old Stock, introduced additional Capital into the buainess, and urch,d for cash large wall-Selectei Stocks in every department of their trade previous to the recen' .?, in the value of Hardware, they are in a position to competd stionsitully with English firms as to quality and prices. to .f:t-d Gt of Elactro-plated Goods are from the best Sheffield houses, and are very .choice in quality and design. The following also are well worth seehlg as to newness of patterns and reasonableness of prices, viz., Brass and Iron Fenders, Dogs. Fire Irons, Brass and Copper Utemila and polished goods, Japanned and hand-painted Trays, Toilette Wale, Coal Vases, Baths, Bedsteads, Cots. Spring Mattreasw, Ac. Domestic' and Horticultural Machines and Implements, India Rubber Garden Hose, Syringes, Seat*, Vases, Lawn Mowers, Lawn Tennis Goods, Wire Netting, Children's Carriages, Ac. Kitchen Ranges, Parlour and Bedroom Stoves of the newest constructions, and all other Builders' Ironitongery. Paints. Enamels, Varnishes, Stains, Oil of all kinds. Sole agent for PEACOCK AND BUCHAN'S PAINTS." Their Workshops continue to be occupied by careful and steady workmentfor all sortslof new work and repairs. JOSIAH HUGHES AND SON, 2099i BANGOR. LEA AND PERRINS9 SAUCE. Purchasers should see that every Bottle of the Original WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE Bears the Signature- LEA & PERRINS. Sold Whoksale by thi Proprietors, Worcester; Crosse ami Blacktult, Lonion; Retail Everywhere. 1970