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Scholastic. — FRIARS SCHOOL, BANGOR. THIS FIRST GRADE ENDOWED GRAMMAR SCHOOL RE-OPENED on TUESDAY, Mil 3rd, 1887, at 9-30 a.m. 31 LANSDOWNE HOUSE SCHOOL, U LLANDUDNO. Principals-The Misses MATTHBWS AND SiAitDMn, LIBERAL AND COMFORTABLE HOMB. )j Resident English and Foreign Teachers Pupils carefully prepared for the Local Examina- tiocs References to Parents of Pupils. rie" TERM will oommenoe APML the 2ith. 19-711 BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, 3, KINO'S BOILDINOS, CHBSTKB. PRINCIPALS: — Mrs and the Mimes BUN.. r ?MtstoJ by R?MM"* TEcHBB. Professors attend the School. The PUPILS receive individual ? ?'tnd Rrat attention is paid to their coort. SXiirive Trms c?en if desired. School will be MOPENED UI the 20th of HEME?E.. z658 s BREWSBURY.-Remmendine Houee, Severn- tidf First Class Education for the DAUGHTERS of GENTLEMEN only. Resi- dent foreign governess. Masters attend from Bir- miifihsm. Forty-five out of forty-seven candidates haTe successfully competed in Public Examina- tion- Honours and Slcial Distinction gained in Music. The Veil. Archdeacon Lloyd. The White. lull Shrewsbury, and J. Humphreys, Esq., F.R.C.S.E., Swan Dill, Shrewsbury, will kindly answer inquiries. 715t _u DEGANWY SCHOOL (LLANDWDHO JUNCTION). RAPID PREPARATION for all University Local, Professional, and Civil Service Tests Several Students have alreidy joined a Specia Class for Instruction in the Subjects of the Entrance Examinations at Theological Colleges. Fees Moderate allll inclusive. Prospectus, &c., may be obtained from Mr THOMAS MtRRY, 3. Ludgate-elrcus Buildings, Fleet-street, London, E.C. Messrs GALT and Co., Corporation- etre-t, Manchester or Rev. R. 0. THOMAS, Degan- way. 51 CONWAY COLLEGE. HEADMASTER:—Rev. J. EDWARDES-EVANS,B.A., late Classical Exhibitioner of Jesus College, Oxford, Ilcuoara iu Natural Science assisted by &u Efficient Staff of Masters. P UPILS Specially Prepared for the Universities, j' University College8. the Civil Service, the Royal Cc:Jee of Surgeons, and Commercial Pur- suits. TERMS Very Moderate. The Next Term will commence ou FRIDAY, APRIL 22nd. Boarders raturn on the previous day. Apply to the Rev. the HEAIIMASTEH. 11 LADIES' COLLEGE, ARCVILLE, RUSSELL- ROAD, RHYL. PRINCIPAL MISS MERCIER. PREPARATION for University and R. A. M. Examinations. Happy home and individual care. Pk HYL.-ELWY IIALL.-School for the Daugh- ters of Gentlemen. —The work is thorough, and the care of the Pupils all that can be desired, Next TERM COMMENCES MAY 2nd. 1887. This School is highly recommended by Mrs Carstairs Jones, fleartslieathi .Mold. 92 DOLGELLE1* GRAMMAR SCHOOL. u H A D-31 A S T K R MR J. It. B.A., Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Pl1)ILS are PIŒPARIW for the Universities, p Civil Service, Oxford and Cambridge Local, an,1 the Various Professional PRELIMINARY EXAMtXATIOXS. BOAKDKRS received by the Head-master on strictly moderate terms. Prospect us, &c., forwarded on application. S.B.-Xext TERI commences APRIL 25th. 48 BATTON HALL COLLEGE, WELLING BOROUGH. rhf! Right Honourable Countess Russell The Lady Florentia Hughes. P'Tao's.-(,<I:ILa[.i" :}:s. M.P. (Lord- Lieutemnt of Dellbigh,hire). John Roberts Esq., M.P.. Dr. G. G. Zerffi, F.R.S.L., F.R.Hist. S. (one of the examiners of H.M. Department of Science and Art). AHIUH- 'LAS.S SCHOOL FOK GIKLS, combining A'lie ?,-d,ra sntem of Thorough Education with lhe perionII supervision and comfort of a refined home. fuV.ls prepared tor Cambridge Local, K.A.M.. aud Inaitv College and South Kensiugtou Examinations. Resident Certificated English and Foieign Govern- esses iiud Visiting Professors. Large Pletsui-e Grounds. Terms strictly Moderate and Inclusive for Boarders anj D»y Hoarders. Next term begins April 25th. Apply, LADY PRINCIPAI.. 84k BRIGHTON. PREPARATORY foTthe PUBLIC SCHOOLS, JL Ac., A. H. THOMAS, M.A., Jes. Coll. Oxon, late B*cond inastcr of the Oxford Military College (son PChe late Canoti Thomas, of Bangor), receives PUPILS from 8 to iq years of age.-24 and 25, Jtontp-dier-creseent, Brighton. 605 MANCHESTER GRAMMAR SCHOOL. FEE 94 4a A TERM. }IICHAELMAS TERM begins TUESDAY, ?°"??"'? 13th. Entrance Examination, P?f ?"?""E" 12th. at NINE o'clock. Prnf, 1,1 a" ?'"? ?nM 'on applica tion at the Schnni 667-1904j •Zl'l 667-19041 1-WERNITV COLLEGE OF WALES, ABERYSTWYTH. PBKSIDKNT THE RIGHT HOS. LORD P abekdare, g.C.B. p XCIPAL THE IfKV. T. C. EDWARDS, M.A. (bond, and Oxon.), I),D, (Edin.) A L.kRc,p, N °? SCHOLARSniPS and A ?)??,??"'?- ?"?"?'" value trom ?50 to ? wi' 'i i °"?' ? ?"m?tition at the begin- "X nf next  0 I. <andidatMmust present '?  ill the Llhrary of the College at 9.30 a.m. ? Tl'Vsm o Sm>tKMBRR 20th. Th(.\? u for Women Students will be ?nedn'°" under the superintendence of tL?p' ?si.'ence in Hostel for the SeMior, ?0 S..&,???'"?' '° all Students, ?10 for the s.7 ,o,l l ?'?' -?' per term. ships, I)articular,i a,, to Lectures, II ostel, Scholar- e.? etc, ina?' '?'' on app)i cation to the n! MoSe^ oYT)rYtWytb" MORGAX LLOY() '} LEIns !ORRlS' lIon. Sees. ,July, 1.<\8i. 62??T SON, & G., ??HGKON DENTIST, fEspSm??RRACE- BANG0R' i,*° numerous t* ^rl^ntk ™ t l p ♦ trons for t},e 8upi>ort. and Ititlierto ''??' him, and takes th# telt !,?i',y. to state that he has to simiiiK- ,e best Materials and Work-  ?"P at ?, t ??ILSM?"" charges. i,I IVIa L,oN b?, ?"?<K??) upon all rz "'?l'l cl)nn(,ete, I '?itl? ?"strv. Hours, 10 to 5. a°^HEAn n? ?''MY-MEM) EVERY SATURDAY. 3HL The Bankruptcy Act, 1883. IN BANKRUPTCY. NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN.that on a Petition i\ filed the 19th day of JULY, 1887, a Receiving Order against ROBERT EDWARD OWEN, Bul- keley-place, Beaumaris, Anglesey, General Medical Practitioner, was made by the County Court of Carnarvocshire, holden at Bangor, on the 19th day of July, 1887. NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN, that the First Meeting of Creditors will be held at the QUEEN'S HEAD CAFE, BANGOR, on the 8th day of AUGUST, 1887, at FOUR o'clock in the after- noon. AND NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN, that the Public Examination of the Debtor is fixed for the 8th day of SEPTEMBER, 1887, at TWELVE o'clock noon, at the Court sitting in Bankruptoy, at the COURT HOUSE, BANGoa. Dated this 27th day of July, 1887. WILLIAM EVANS, Official Receiver, 720z Crypt Chambers, Chester. PLOUGH HOTEL, ST. ASAPtI, VALE OF CLWYD, NORTH WALES. A CHARMING Little COUNTRY HOTEL, Amo8t comfortably Furnished. Good Sani- tary arrangements, and every convenience. Fifteen additional Bedrooms and Sitting-rooms lately added. Good Wholesome Cooking. OWN Cows, Poultry, Ac. Ten acres Private enclosed Grounds, Tennis, Cricket, Quoiting, &c. Strictly preserved Trout and Salmon Fishing reserved for Visitors. Lovely scenery, drives and walks. Good Stabling and Posting. For terms, apply to the Proprietress, M. HARDY. z595-1873 [A c A it D ] I E S T A B L I S H E D 1 8 6 2. MRS HOPSON AND SONS, CONFECTIONERS, UPPER BANGOR. ICES, JELLIES, CREAMS, IN STOCK AND TO ORDER. z721 LIVERPOOL INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION GOLD MEDAL. HIGHEST POSSIBLE AWARD. CONTRACTORS TO THE ADMIRALTY. JOHN MATHEWS AND CO, VARNISH, PAINT, COLOUR, SOFT SOAP, AND GREASE MANUFACTURERS. Oil and Manganese Merchants, and Drysalters. HATTON-GARDEN WORKS, LIVERPOOL. Price Lists and Samples upon application. 666 BANGOR AND NORTH WALES BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED, 1872; INCORPORATED 1871- President: Dl. RICHARDS, Bangor, Directors DAVIES, Mr D. GRIFFITH, Bangor. JONES, Mr ROBERT, Cloth Hall, Bethesda. PRITCHARD, Mr JOHN, Auctioneer, Bangor. PRITCHARD, Mr THOMAS, Beaumaris. SLATER, Mr JOHN, Beaumaris. SOUTHWELL, Mr JAMES, Port Penrhyn. WILLIAMS, Mr W. FRANCIS, Bangor. WILLAMS, Mr HUGH, Green Bank, Garth. Managing Director Mr JOliN LLOYD, Masonio Hall, Bangor. Solicitors: Messrs HUGHES and PRITCHARD, Bangor. Surveyors Mr J. PRITCHARD, Auctioneer, Bangor; and Mr H. WILLIAMS, Green Bank, Bangor. Offices: MASONIC HALL, BANGOR, Monthly Meeting, Second Monday in each month GLANOGWKN NATIONAL SCHOOLS, BETHESDA. Monthly Meeting, First Monday after Quarr y Pa TOWN HALL BUILDINGS, BEAUMA RIS. Monthly Meeting, First Mauday ill each mont The Society now consists of 815 Members, viz 430 Subscribing Monthly; 280 Holding Paid-np Shares; 105 to whom Advances have been made to the extent of over £ 30,000. The Surplus Funds of this Sooiety amounts to £ 1730. SHAKES, £ 10 EACH, Paid up oy montmy eub ? scriptions of Two Shillings aud Sixpence (with Soo miilative interest) in six years. Members holding Shares for three years and upwards are entitled to participate in the Bonus, which is declarod every third year. ADVANCES Advanoes on Mortgage of Freehold or Leasehold Property can be obtained to any amount upon most advantageous terms for any period not exceeding Twenty Years. IntereBt,E5 per cent. pel Annum. '°'' ADVANTAGES To persons borrowing from this Sooiety: The Borrowel is not liable for any losses. The Payments may, in special cases, at the discre tion of the Directors, be suspended for a limited Period, Further advances may be obtained (, wh,en ihe Securities will admit of it without a fresh Deed. Mortgages may be redeemed at any time on pay ment of a small fee. No Release Deed is required when the Mortgage paid off. The Mortgage is never called in, exoept for non folflment of its conditions. Prospectuses and any further particulars may be obtained on application to the Managing Direotor Solioitors or Surveyors 7 219 and 221, HIGH-STREET (NEXT DOOR TO THE MARKET), BANGOR. R.A.GREGORY Begs to announoe that he has taken over the GROCERY AND PROVISION BUSINESS, Lately oarried on by MESSRS WILLIAMS& HUMPHREYS, AT 219 AND 221, HIGH-STREET (NEXT DOOR TO THE MARKET), BANGOR. AN EXTENSIVE and WELL-SELECTED A. STOCK of GROCERY, ITALIAN GOODS and PROVISIONS always on hand of the Finest Quality, and best known Brands at prices that will compare favourably with any house in the trade. p. d. Good Black Tea 1 6 Fine „ 1 P' ocialit?, 2 Very Strong Congou 6 Superior 2 8 Finest Mixed Tea 3 0 The Best Tea Imported. 3 4 STILTON, GORGONZOLA, CHEDDAR, CHESHIRE, AND AMERICAN CHEESE. FINEST SMOKED WILTSHIRE BACON AND HAMS. BEST IRISH ROLL BACON. PRICE LIST SENT FREE ON APPLICATION. SOLE AGENT FOR MESSRS. W. AND A. GILBEY, LONDON. 163 LADIES DESlltOUS OF OBTAINING HANDSOME DRESSES SHOULD GO TO Madame LAZZARUS, No 1, PRINCESS-TERRACE, BANGOR, WHOSE Style and Fit is guaranteed. She makes YY it her special care to adopt the style best: suited to the figure. She also supplies Morning and Evening Dresses from S3 3s. Ladies' own material made up. 44 WILLIAM THOMAS, JOINER AND BUILDER, BRYN GARTH, BANGOR. JOBBING AND REPAIRS in all Branches of the Trade Punctually attended to. DRAIN PIPES, TRAPS AND GULLIES, and all Sorts of Building Materials kept in Stock. Oak, Pitchpine, and Lead Coffins on the Shortest Notice. Works :—BEACH-ROAD AND FOUNDRY-STREET, HIRAEL. 63 DONALD CAMERON, —Merchant Tailor,— BANGOR. 54 BANGOR STEAM DYE WORKS, FRIARS- ROAD. OFFICE: 3, TREVELYAN-TERRACE, HIGH-STREET. /"I ENTLEMEN'S Clothes Cleaned and Dyed. ?JT Damask and Repp Curtains Dyed in Fast Colours. Lace an 3 Muslin Curtains Cleaned equal to new. Feathers Cleaned, Dyed, aad Curled. Gloves Cleaned. Ladies' Dresses of every Material Dyed. A. DUNLOP, Proprietor. 46 MRS- I. A. CROOKS, OPPOSITE THE MARKET HALL, BANGOR, AND 71, HIGH-STREET, RHYL, BEGS to call attention to her SPLENDID STOCK OF SUMMER GOODS, THE LARGEST STOCK IN NORTH WALES. PINNET'S BOOTS IN STOCK. LADIES' SHOW AND FITTING ROOM UPSTAIRS. THE K AND BOSTOCKS' SHOOTING BOOTS. NATURAL AND SYSTEMATIC BOOTS AND SHOES FOR LADIES, GENTLEMEN AND CHILDREN. TENNIS AND CRICKET BOOTS AND SHOES. LADIES' WALKING BOOTS, BUTTON, LACE, AND ELASTIC, FROM 6s 6d UPWARIJS. ALSO A VARIETY OF WALKING SHOES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. FROM 3s 6d to 16s. SLAZENGERS, DEMON & RENSHAW TENNIS RACKETS & BALLS. AN INSPECTION INVITED. HAND-SEWN BOOTS MADE TO ORDER. REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. 10 WILLIAM EVANS AND SONS, Cabinet Makers, Upholsterers, and French Polishers, 155 and 309, HIGH-STREET, BANGOR. WE & S. BEG to inform the PUBLIC that they are Manufacturing FURNITURE every E. & S. BEG to inform the PuBnc that they are Manufacturing FURNITURE every ? ? DESCRIPTION on he PREMISES at the most REASONABLE PRICES. nrvrwo ROOM SUITES, DRAWINGROOM SUITES, AND BEDROOM SUITES, FEATHER BEDS HAIR, WOOL, AND FLOCK MATTRESSES, all Purified, Clean, and Sweet Materials. OLD HAIR, WOOL AND FLOCK MATTRESSES RE-DRESSED (by PATENT MACHINERY) AND RE-MADE EQUAL TO NEW. OLD FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RECOVERED. Every Description of Window Blinds, Cornices, &-c., &c., made to ORDER. Brass and Iron Bedsteads, Spring Mattresses, &c., always in STOCK. ALL ORDERS SHALL HAVE PROMPT ATTENTION. 70 G. GRIFFITH AND Co., BANGOR CARNARVON (OPPOSITE THE MUSEUM (9, BRIDGE STREET) "ORDERS FOR TUNING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY EXECUTED. CHURCH ORGANS REPAIRED AND TUNED BY CONTRACT OR OTHERWISE. INSTRUMENTSOF EVERY DESC RIPTION ON THE HIRE SYSTEM. LARGEST STOCKOF MUSIO IN NORTH WALES, PIANOS &c., MAY BE HIRED FOP CONCERTS OR OTHER MEETINGS. THE PAVILION, CARNARVON. A PUBLIC REHEARSAL OF THE COMPETITIVE ^PIECES FOR THE LONDON BISTEDDFOI 1887, WILL BE HELD BY THE PENRHYN-ARVONIA CHORAL UNION (Winners of the Chief. Prizes at the Denbigh, Cardiff,and LiverpoclJEisteddfods), AND;THE ARVONIC MALE VOICE CHOIR, ASSISTED BY SEVERAL EMINENT ARTISTES (Winners of the Chief Prizes at Denbigh and Liverpool Eisteddfods, and at the Kensington Exhibition), ON SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 30TH, 1887. CONDUCTOR-DR. ROLAND ROGERS. ADMISSION-Front Seats, 2s; Second Seats, Is. Doors open at SIX p.m., to commence at 6.30 o'clock. 627 CHRIST CHURCH, CARNARVON. A GRAND BAZAAR WILL be held at THE PAVILION, CARNARVON, on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Auacsi next, in tY aid of the fund for providing a Peal of Bells and the completion:of the Spire. PATRONS :— THE RIGHT REV. THE LORD BISHOP OF BANGOR. RIGHT HON. LORD ABERDARE, G.C.B. RIGHT HON. LORD PENRHYN. RIGHT HON. LORD BOSTON. .« rmvrisvnH. I Th. T flRn IJTETTTRNANT of ANGLESEY. The liUKLMilriU rUiiNAill ui vau,l.,ü, SHIRE. SIR LLEWELYN TURNER. G. W. DUFF ASSHETON SMITH, ESQ. CAPTAIN WYNN GRIFFITH. F' W- FORTER. Eto. E. SWETENHAM, ESQ., Q C., M.P. I COLONEL PLATT. F. LLOYD EDWARDS, ESQ. J OWEN, ESQ., Ty Cooh, LLOYD G. HUGHES, ESQ. And Nobility and Gentry of the Counties of Carnarvon and Anglesey. THE FOLLOWING LADIES WILL PRESIDE AT. THE, STALLS:- A. The Hon. Mrs WYNNE JONES. Mra JONES (The Mayoress). B. Mrs DE WINTON. C. Mrs NE WTON. Mrs ROBERT PARRY. Mrs BUGBIRD. Mrs HUGHES, Claremont. D. Mrs PUGH, Royal Sportsman Hotel.' Mrs LLOYD GRIFFITH. Mrs HUGHES, Fern Cliff. Mrs MENZIES. Mrs JEFFREY. G. Frnit and Flower Stall. E. LADY TURNER. Miss BELL. The Misses OWEN, Ty Coch. F. Mrs CHARLES JONES. G. Mrs ASPINWALL. Mrs CHARLES REES. H. Mrs BRITTAIN. Mrs JOHN WILLIAMS; Mrs HUGH JONES. Mias SWETENHAM. Miss LUMLEY ROBERTS, H. Refreshment Stall. Contributions of Work or other Articles for Sale already promised may be forwarded to any oi ine above mentiooed ladie Perishable Articles, Fruit and Flowers may be sent to the care of the Hon. Sec., The Pavilion, Carnarvon, on the mornmgs of the Days of the Bazaar.. Most Excellent and Artistic Work will be offered for SaJe at Moderate Prices. The Stalls will to £ toSio». ~rk, large contributions from America, China;' India, J.P», M.d.m, Switzerland, Perngia, Rome, and Venice THE PAVILION WILL BE TRANSFORMED FOR THE OCCASION INTO A GRAND INDIAN PALACE. RIFLE SHOOTING RANGE. IPRIZE SHOOTING COMPETITIONS. Open to all Comers, under the Superintendence of Lieut.-Col. RUCK. THEATRICAL ENTERTAINMENTS, Conducted by Major BLYTH. ART GALLERIES, MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENTS, SHOWS, CLOG DANCING, VENTRI- LOQUISM, and all sorts of Amu3ements. Special Cheap Tickets will be issued from Riri^Btatfon. in Carnarvonshire and:Ang!e.ey. See Company's Time Bills. The Bazaar will be Opened each day at 1 p.m. ADMISSION From 1 to 6 on the 3rd and 4th of AUOOST, Is; after 6, and all day on the 5th of ADQDST, 6d. 645 LLEWELYN R. HUGHES, Hon. Sec. 645 PIANOFORTE, ORGAN, AND HARMONIUM TUNING, &c. ES1 BUSHED UPWARDS OF 70 YEARS. A. BICHARDSON, SUCCESSOR TO BOUCHER AND CO., CHESTER, PIANOFORTE TUNER, &c., To.ei,G???Eand?H? OF WESTMINSTER SIR WATKIN WILLIAMS WYNN BART., )I P., and LADY WYNN; The RIGHT HON. WILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE MPaudMRS GLADSTONE and the Nobility, Clergy, and Gentry of the District TUNERS OF APPROVED ABI??li ?IT ?EGULARLYTHE WHOLE OF NORTH WALES ALL COMMUNICATIONS PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO. TXT ALTER MURDOCK and 2! Guineas. °" People's Iron W Pianoforte, handsome ?Wa?)nut ?Case, FanJei ??'-°' ??. ??t?.? Pianoforte, Walnut Gold Incised, 16 Guineas, Our" aoer's" Piaaoforte. handsome Walnut Case 15 Gnineas, A written Warranty with every Carriage Paid. Twelve MontbB FREE Tu?nSne:?A?i? ?rra? ?::ery?natr??p??? ?o?rte, handaome Watnnt Caae f ?d E?nged Free within Six Months Hnot approved oL Gune  INSTRUMENT8?O? THE T HEEE^Y EARS' SYSTEM. CIRCULATING MUSIC LIBRARY, 43, BRIDGE-STREET ROW, CHESTER 14 POST OFFICE TELEGRAM. [COPY.] TO {LADIES, EVERYWHERE. ?END for I STERNS I of I NEW SUMMER Dress Materials, including CROSSWARP ?UMMER ?r?-?'?? CROSSWARP to HENRY PEASE AND COMPANY'S GOLD MEDAL Cashmeres, S. I Spi.nem I ..d I ",nu,.ot.-I DARLINGTON. THE BBEWEKf, BANGOR. ESTABLISHED 18121. 1 SAMUEL FRICKER, PROPRIETOR. TM MLLOWMa CLASS OF ALES MP!-MM. 7JZ' .r   D Mil Strong, Bitter, »nd!^mH<;aLi|ht DINNER ALE FOR PRIVATE a^. USE. THE ABOvF IN BARRELS, KILDERKINS, AND FIRKINS. A DISCOUNT FOR CASH ON DELIVERi ONLY. Periodical Deliveries in the Principal Towns and Districtsin I Carnarvonshire and Anglesey. 13 "Gwir yn orbyn y Byd." *awdd Duw a. Dangnef. THE NATIONAL EISTEDDFOD OF WALES will be held at the ROYAL ALBERT HALL, LONDON, on the Sth, 10th, lltb, ani 12th AUGUST, 1887. Pretidenti. H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. THE RIGHT HONOCBABLK LORD MOSTTN. MB HKNM RICHARD, M.P. MR ALDERMAM DAVID EVABS. M. RTHPHIK EVANS. J.P. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE WILLIAM H-WAET I GLADBTONB, M.P. MB Lxwn MORBII, M.A. MB J. H. PULZSTON, M.P. THIRTY OF THE PRINCIPAL WELSH SINGERS AND INSTRUMENTALISTS. T? EISTEDDFOD CHOIR NUMBERING OUR T.? HUNDRED VOICES. A BAND OF Tw?.F? H?,. Mr William Abraham, M.P. (Mabon), Rev. Hugh Hughes, and Pedr Mostyn. The GORSEDD to be held every morning at TEN o'clock. PRINCIPAL FIATVUS:- Tuesday Morning.-Competit;on for Mal" Voioe Choirs-11 entries. T?:y Eveni"f^ National Melodiee-Soloists, Choir, and Band of Harps. Wednesday .-g Choral Competition-8 entries. Wednesday Evenindllodl uelewed. TIhhuurrsedaaay y aEvveeuuiiougg^ -I^ch^ the Bard-17 A?dlau (Odes) rec?i?ed. Thurade?y Eveuing.-Orebeetral Band, Sight-Singing, aud other Competitions. FrIday Morning.-Awarding the" Crown Prize "-5 Heroio Poems rt.ceived. Friday Ev.n.?.-Concert?G?  Part-Songs by Walsh Composers, ? ? ?  «For full particularø see Offiia Programe t0 be published 25th JULY. Prices Is, by post Is 3d and Ffby Jost4d Siu«t admISSion, 69, 5s, 4s, 39, 2.' and Is. Season Tickets to admit to all the Meet. idge, 408, 31a 6d, and 258. 0±-?n?'I: ??r. «. Chancery -»■ Londou, W.C. 681 ESTABLISHED 1824. JONES BITOTHERS, COACH BUILDERS, SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS, BANGOR (almost opposite the Post-ofifce), v-, -1p. FOLLOWING CARRIAGES AND HARNESS FOR DISPOSAL I.-One new light running WKGONETTE, to carry 6 inside, painted chocolate, fine lined white. 2.-0ne new Parisian PHÆTON, moveable dri,ing  fine lined yellow. 3-S.? ?d LAD1KS' PHOTON. newly painted chocolate, fine lined red. 4.-Ditto VICTORIA PARK PIIÆTON, newly p&iEted greon, fine lined yellow. 5.-Ditto PARK PIIETON in good condition. 6.—Second-hand hooded ?TA?OPE PHOTON. 7.- London built, newly painted. 7.-New stylish DOG CART, high wheels, painted black and tan, 8.-DiWoUOGCMtT, painted blue, picked out, 9.-Nw stylish DOG CART, painted green, picked out black, fine lined yellow. 10.- N ew DOG CART, painted blue,fine lined yellow. 11.- New Two-wheel ALEXAXlJKA, painted black and tan, fine lined straw colour. 12.-New rustic DOG CAHT, high wlieels, varnished body, undercarriage chocolate, picked out red. 13.—New rustic DOU CART for Cob, body varnished red wheels, picked out black. 14.-Ditto GOVERNESS CART tor Pony, stained and varnished. 15.-Second.hand CLARENCE, in excellent condi- tion, suitable for weddings, or would make a fine mourning carriage, Collinge axles, nearly new. and fine I1nell reel. A?OMV?'? SETS NEW SINGLE HARASS: TWO SECOND-HAND BETTS OF DOUBLE HARNESS. The above NEW CARRIAGES ar^mad^of the  well-seasoned Timber, and are Warranted for Twelve Nionthp. JONES B„ io returning,0continuance of same. wh £ h shall patronage afforded them for so many  re;pectfully solicit a   at all times have their immediate and prompt attentIon. Repairs Neatly Executed.  T.1EW LEADING LINES of P the well-known stock of Iron- mongery at THE GOLDEN PAD- LOCK "le:- A choice selection of Braes and Iron Bedsteads with Fallia&,es, Hair, Wool, and Flock Mattresses, &c« A. very superior stock of Electro- plated Articles, "Isuitaule for wed- ding 'and other gifts, which for elegance of design, superiority of make, and excellence of quality,are unsurpassed. Wringing and Mangling Machines by the principal makers, mounted on strong frames, and fitted with rollers of selected wood. These, machines'are offered at prices which defy competition. R. PRICHARD AND SON. ROBERT PRICHARD i\AND SON, GENERAL IRONMONGERS AND HARDWARE MERCHANTS, BANGOB. J3ANGOR;95  PRICHARD AND SON beg R very respectfully to invite the attention of the Public to their extensive stock of IRONMON- GERY for the SPRING AND SDHMEB SEASON. It has been R. P. and ON'. special aim and ambition to suppli- their customers with articles of reli able; quality at the lowest possible prices, and the very satisfactory results which have followet strengthen their conviction that the Public appreciate their efforts in this direction. Every description of New Work, in Brass, Copper, Ti u, &c., manufactured on the premises. Repairs promptly and expeditiously executed. R. PRICHARD AND SON RAILWAY FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL, BANGOR, ALMOST IMMEDIATELY OPPOSITE' THE RAILWAY STATION. T. PARRY, PROPRIETOR. MHIS well-known establishment bas recently undergone extensive alterations and improvements, and mmS w.U.k.ow.??.ut'hJ ?tt ^anagement. it iB replete with all modern hotel arrangements, being provided with Hot water baths, billiard-rooms, excellent lock-up coach, houses and st?MMB, &c.. ELLIS'S <ASK F0B £ ljljISS'' E L L I S S ?SK FOR RD1.ISS.) RUT H I N ES1'AfJHED "25. ABSOLUTELY PURE. W A T E R S SOLD EVEBYWHEBE. Soda, Potass,- Seltzer,- Lemonade, Aromatic Ginger Ale, For GOUT, Lithia Water, and Lithia and Potass Water. SOLE ADDRESS: R. ELLIS AND SO Nil, RUTHIN, NORTH WALES. London Agents: W. BEST & SONS, Henrietta Street, Cavendish Square. 91 IMPORTANT TO TIIE PUBLIC. ESTABLISHED 1855. 4 BERGER & Co., THE LIVERPOOL FURNITURE MART. PENDREF, HIGH STREET, BANGOR! (OPPOSITE MOEBIS'S COACHBCILDINO WOBKB). IMMENSE STOCK?F?EWAND SECOND-HAND F U R N I T U R E OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT THE; I WE ST pRICES IN AT THE; "ALES  pRIN_"RTH ?ALES F U? N I T U R E Supplied o^^fS PAYMENT SYSTEM, as introduced by 1-^ ™ tbp TP, AST l^pool Thirty ^ears Ago. RE UPHOLSTERIN"?_TLY EXECUTE B E R C-i E R C Upholsterers, Cabinet-Makets, and General lloztqe Furnishers THE LIVERPOOL FURNITURE MJVLAART, LIVERPOOL AND BANGO. ?,