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( NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. PAULI AAll.TART NOHCM, ELECTMt ACBRZSSXS, ANB I I'UBLH: CoMPANtM, M per Line. LAW NOHCM, AUCTMXS. AXO MmCELLAKEOUS, 4d ptt Hue. TBADKS. HOOKS, CHAR!T!ES, &c., 3d per Line. In orJt'r to reader the Advertising Coiumna of the NfHth WAI.l: CHRUXICLH motcettcuiiivety ueeful to the t'uMic. the fo)lowine REDUCIA) SCALE OF CHARGE.S w !n.!opted for the undennentieMd classes of PtitFAtO ADVKRTtSKMKXTS :— &'t<tta<MMi; Walited. Clerks. 'serva"t<l, <h' W«H(«<. Artici", or A ni??ttits Lost o<' Pound. 01" JV(tJltd or to &c Let. 1, and .4pa)'<t)tCt!f< to Lf(. One lnsertio; liot exceeding Tweuty Worda Is. 6d. Three tnsertiou!), ditto, ditto ?'. 6d. ThfM CHAUGKti IIpply ociy to such ADVERT!SE. MENTS. tto PAJU FOK at the tinte lit the OfHce, O! for which are enclose(I with Order, if sent by I'tMt. <tnd d" nut iueinde es by Auction or or"ary Bufiae*' AddreMM. antø. -1 SNantiSf. ,'fr.ÜlTÈD-Ú;ont'oi-bU:v about 2 acres Vt of LAXD near Cat-iiarvon for AUotmcnt Gardens. AJ!rcM. tGl)ti. at this oBice. 'IT:\Nl'r(), £150 for two or three years. ANTEI), tl50 or two or three years. TV Interest. 6 per cent. per anuum. APoticyv.Jue jS303wi)ibegivoua.t coUtttorn) sec'oity, together witi two good sureties—AdJreaa "Cterieuit," otBee of this papfr. 1554 A LADY who has baen thoroughly In- jCt, utmcted in the br.mche9 of tt solid aud accom- plished educittiu!t tEngtiah. 6neat French, German, and good 'nuaic). requires a Morning Engagement, or Private Pupik.—AdjreM, "K. M,North Wales ChrMucte," B&nsor. 1395 Utrøonø antdJ. _m_ 'ANfED, a good COOK. She must TV understand nuking butter. No Mtcheamaid kept. GoJd rcforeoeet required. -Address, X. Y.Z., Post-ofBco.Ruthin. 1487 w ANTEI), a PARLOUR-MAID She TT must underat.ind wititing, .tutl cleaning Piate. Good reforeM(!t:< required.—Address. X. Y.Z., Pust-oHice, Ruthiu. 1488 ? ? W- ANTËO:-aM'lster for Bryncroes Na- TV tion.J S.'ho?h. Sahry. JE?O ? y.ar, exctustive of Schoot-pence H.'ute and Gardeu.Ap?ly to Hev. &. Roberta I{hiw. f'wahe)i. 1603 ?UTANTHU at Christmas, & Certiticated W MMter for a MiMd School wife or sister, neddtowork. House and large garden. -Address, Rector, Llangwm, Corweu. 1602 ARTIOLED PUPIL. \? 7 ANTED, in a iimshing School where TV hdiea Me prepared for Hrst-ctass Governessex, tnArtidcdfupiL Terma moderate for theadv.tntages offered, -Ad,h ess, Mrs Smith, Stauley House, EccleshIl, Staffordshire. 1576 V. R. t.TAM'OHI.MHLKt; CONSFABULANY. '?TtT'ANfb.D. a few respectable Single Men. VV Age, not to exceed 30 years; hei?l't, Dot less than 5 feet 8 inches without shoes; to measure 37 inches round the chest, he able to read and write, gen-rally in- teDigpnt. fteo from any bodi)y complaint. and of it strong constitution. Pay. from 195 per woektoJE190ayear. with Oothiag, boota. &c and liberal retiring pensions tfterlo .tnd 2tJ years' service. Formfi of application may be had by app]ying personatly or in writing to Captain Cougreve, Chief Con')tab)e. Staf- ford, or any Superintendent, or Inspector in the County. C. YOOAtr BOARD OF HEALrH. QTRHEr Scraping's, from 100 to 200 loads ?? to be s<?t) cheap.—App)y at the otnce of the Board. High Street, Bang )r. 15M ?0 bt &ft. fn0 BE LET, at a moderate rent, No. 2 _L Friar's Terrace, Baugnr. containing Breakfast. Pining, and Drawing Koom. 7 Bedrooms. Attics, Kitchen, i:ac): Kitchen, and all other convenience' For further particulars apply to Mr. C. X. Hicknel), Auctioneer, 2C2, High Street, and Ty'nhendreBangor. TO DRAPERS. m0 be Dtsposed of, in WaLes, an extoMivo DRAPEltY BUSINESS, established 22 years. Capital rcquired.from {;r200toJL'1600. Liberal termswUI beoNerf.') to a rcspectaMe young man or two, as the Proprietor (owing to iU-heatth) is anxious to retire. Apply by letter only, A.A B.. Messrs. Watts and Co., Manchester. 15G5 -GOÕD-fNVEST[ET. TO TOBACCO MANUFACTURERS, AND CAPHAHSTf. fHO be Disposed ot, the Business of a j_ Tobacco Manufacture- lately dect-ased) situated in Palace Street. Carnarvon Commodious premises, with Stea-a Engine &nd Hachi,iery complete, in good working order. Address bv letter to C. W. lTorth !yaf<'s Chrotaicle Omee. B.u.gor. North Wales. l'<0 eb o it. 'SUPERIOR MOKNMG COLLEGE. A N exp?rieuced Lady, formerly Head Go- ?\_ vernest at Queen's CoUege, Camden Town, Jjondo!). hisi'ty recommended, and who has been most successful iUlllcparing candidates for the Puùlic E,mmina- tions, Mek« pupits at Christmas in any town in North or South Wa)ea. For partieutars. address "Scho)astie," attheotRceoftheycffA tfo;f3C/)T(nK';<Bimf:or. 1456 FOK L.Ù>fÉs;- NORTH WALES, UNDER the supermteudeuce of MISS LE[SHM\ who for many years conducted the Educational Est.tbhshment at Mackrock, and the Hduoa- tional Institute for Ladies, Lower FitzwiHiam Street, Mcrvion Square. DuHin. App)ic.ttions to be made for the present to Miss r Lem.h1.- man. < Park Tertace. t'pper r. n74 HUUCA.T10K. ABBOTS VIEW, HXL'ON PARK, CHcSTER. HIi T US H. L. DEW (assisted by Professors it and Teacher) receives a few Young Ladies to Board and Educate. Every effort is made to secmo to the PupHs the cct'tforts of a Christian home and the ad- vantages of a refined and useful education. The highest references. ?. references. Prospectuses on apphca.tton. io." !!ublíc jF2otíc£s. —" MIZ. BINNS, DEGS rpspectfuHy to iniurm the inhabitants JD '.f iiang?r aod its neighbourhnod, that ho h.)S eucecedc? Mr L.mdfrgM. as Orgamst imd Chotrmaster of St. J.HMs' Church. Upper Bauger, and is now ready to receive ).M))ih for the Organ, Harmonium, Manoforte. nnd in¡:ing. Terms, &c., on apptieatio!—Address, 2, BryutfX Tcrr.tee. Bangor. and 17, Castle-street, Beau mans, 12\17 A- G ACHICULTURAL SOCIETY. fnH.E Auinud General Meeting of Subscri- _j? bers wiU b% hetd at the Penrhyn Arms Hote!, Bangor. oa } why, '8th UeeeMAcr. at 'J o'clock, for the purpose of aii(litit)g the accounts, deciding upon the pre- miums to be ottered the ensuing year, and other business connected w'th the Society. JOHN LLOYD, Jun., Secretary. BtBgor, 4th Dec., 1868 160 J 0 HNW E L C K, .for tS vearB mtnMer to the late Mr Roberts,) WATCH \'AKt-;R & JEWELLER, 252, HIGH STKEET, B,iQU!t, T)EGS t? announce that he has succeeded Jj to Mr Roberts' business, and trusts by earefu) at- tent..ut..a!t outers entrusted to him, with moderate charge-, to merit a continuance of the extensive patron- age bc.-towed on the late Mr Roberta All kid'¡; "f foreign and EogUsh Watches eareMly re- paired. and docks attended to in the country by exper- ienced t")kmen. Old gold imdsUvpr bought. WeddiiagRiugs.I V- Dubhc Xotttcg. TO THE VI:NEIIABLE AND REVEREND THE CLERGY OF BANGtOR. Vicarage, Carnarvon, Oct. 10, !8o8. E N F, R A B L E AND REVEREND BRETHREN,—I beg to thank you for the high honour it has been your pleasure tu confer upon me, by electing me as your Proctor in the Lower House of Convocation for the Province of Canterbury. I trust, by diligent attendance at the Jerusalem Chamber, and careful consideration of all subjects brought before us, that I may be enabled to justify the decision you have come to. I have the honour to be, Venerable and Reverend Brethren, Your faithful Brother, 1605 JAMES C VINCENT. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. rTTHE PubHc are respectfuliy informed that i ?Ac Shops in Bangor wiU be dosed and ALL BUSI- NESS SUSPEN DLI) on Saturday, Ueeemher 26th, the Tradesmen having kindly granted the boon to their As- sistant!) in order that they may be enaMed to spend their Christmas holidays at their respective homes (many of which are at a considerable distance), and they take the opportunity of returning their best thanks to their Emptoyers. Please make your purchases early on Thurday, Decem- ber Mth. 1598 COXFECTIONEKY ESTABLISHMENT. OLD LONDON HOUSE. BAN&OR. T ROBERTS in respectfuUy thanking the ?j PuMic for the support reoei'/ed during the tast seven years, desires to inform them that he has removed from the Market Place to the larger and more commod- ious premises, The Old London House," iately occupied by Messrs, Lewis and Thomas, and trusts that the sup- port so long received will be continued and extended. Fresh Buns, Paatry, and Biscuits, &c., daily, rich Bun Loaves, Lunch Cakes, and an assortment of iced and or- namented Christmas Cakes remarkabty cheap. Agent for the Imperial Wine Company, London, whose Wines are justiyceiebrated for their quahty and cheap- ness. Good Port and Sherry from Is 5d per bottle. t573 BANGOR LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH. ALL persons having any claim or demand /t_ against the above Board are requested to send in their accounts to me on or before Tuesday, the 22nd day of December. 1868, that the same, if found correct, may be discharged. By order of the said Board, T. LL. EDWARDS. 1599 Clerk. CARNARVONSHtHE AND ANGLESEY BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. Established 1860. TRUSMES. MAJOR VtNCENT WILLIAMS. H. B. ROBERTA, ESQ. DIHECTORS. R. M. GRIFFITH. ESQ., Chairman. Mr SAVAGE. High-street. Bangor. OWEN MORRIS. PIasUwyd Terrace, do. HUGH WILLIAMS Edge-hiU, do., Garth. WILLIAM LEWIS, Dean-atrcet. Bangor. BENJ UEAN. High-street, do. Received in Subscriptions.JE4,156 Advanced on Mortgagea 4,547 BonuBtoMembera 134 Guarantee Fund TÎrËa:?trs of the SOCIETY are bold, JL at the Secretary'!) OfBce, 1, PIasIIwyd Terrace, Bangor. 00 the second Monday in each mouth, from six to half-past seven o'c)ock 'n the evening. Any other information may be obtained on application to the Secretary. to the Secretary. JOHN LLOYD, Jcf. llg7 Old Bank, Bangor. PENRHYN HALL, BANGOR. Under the immediate Patronage of LADY PENRHYN, DOWAGER LADY W1LLOUGHBY DE BROKE, LADY SARAH HAY WILLIAMS, MRS DUFF. UTR ELLIS ROBERTS begs to announce i?i. TWO GRAND CONCERTS. (Monuog Md Evec- in,-) on Tuesd.ty, December 22ad. 1868, Afternooa Con. cert to commence at 2-30. Evening Concert at 8 o'clock. ARTMM :— VocAHSTa.—Miss ELLEN GKANVILLE. (Of the prin. eipat London Concerts.) and Mi.4, ADELAIDE NEWTON. (Crysta) P.UMe Concerts.) Vu'LlN.-Mr ELLIS ROUEMS, Jnn. P!ANO?CME.-Mi9a KAfE ROBEHT. (New Philhar- monic Cnncots,) and HARP.—Mr ELLIS R 'BERTS. (Harpist to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales.) Afternoon Concert: Reserved Seats. 53. Dnreaerved Seats, 2s (!d. Evening:—Reserved Seats, 3s. Unreserved Seats, 2s. Back Seats, One .Shitting. L ro Tickets may be had of Mr DougtM, C'/n-OHtCM umce, aodofCttthetaUandNixon. 1556 JDD ANGOR CHORAL SOCIETY, SESS)ON—t868-69. PATRONS: THE LORD BISHOP OF BANGOR. R.G.DUFF. ESQ. S. L.BEHKENS, ESQ. CONDUCTOR :-MUt. 4C INNS, OrgMiiat of St. James% Church, Upper Bangor. l The Society wilt give their first I CONCERT Of the SEASON, at the PENRHYN HALL, BANCOR, On FMDAY EVENISG, December 18, 1868. FIRST PART—Win coosist of a Selection from 'the MESSIAH. SECOND PART—Of Socgs, Gtees, and Choruses. Doors open at 7 30 to commence at 8.—Reserved Seats, numbered, 2s 6d; Back Seats, Is. Tickets to be had of Messrs. Gathera]! and Nixon, and Mr Douglas, North IVales CA)'o;(M/< Office, Bangor. Carriages to be orderetl at a Quctrtfr-pctst Ten. WINES. SPIRITS, &c. \XTILLIAM RO WLA NDS &CO., WV HIGH STREFT. SUPERIOR LONDON GIN. IRISH MALT WHISKIES. FINE OLD t'CO'fCrI MALT. MarteU'9, Hennessey's. and other BRANDIES. RUM, GENEVA, PORT, SHERRY, CLARET, CHAM- P,)LGNE, &,c., &e. Per Dozen. Half Quarts. Pinta. Pints. B&ss & Co'a OCT. BREWINGS PALE ALE. 7.. Od. 3.. 6d. Ditto ditto KiMs, X2s.to369. Mtto ditto MILD ALES, ?- p ? ?' Per Dozen. H!tt. Qutrta. Pints. ptnt<t G UINNESS & CO'S Best Dub-) g, 3s. lio PORTER ) Ditto ditto in Half-Barrels, 248 GENUINE HUNGARIAN WINES. Highly recommended by the Medical Profession. CA.RLOWITZ(aeeLMcet) 25s doz. Sole Agenta for Bangor and neighbourhood, W. ROWLANDS, & CO., WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS, HIGH STREET. BANGOR. OrdeM per post will have immediate attention. M I GRIFFITH DAVIE& WHOLESALE & FAMILY GROCER. HIGKH: STREET,. BAN-QOH, CHRISTMAS FRUIT. VALENCIA RAISINS, 2D, 3D, 4D, 5M. PER POUND. CURRANTS, 2D, 3!D, 4D, 6D. PER POUND. SULTANA RAISINS. AND DESSERT FRUIT, MUS- CATELLS,riGS, GRAPES. &c. A SPLENDID ASSORVIIENT OF FANCY ARTICLES FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. WORK BOXES, WRITING DESKS. TEA CADDIES, INKSTANDS, BAGS, PURSES, &c NOTICE OF REMOVAL f0 THE CASTLE HOUSE, HIGH 5TREET. BANGOR. THOMAS BIRKETT has great pleasure in announcing to his numerous Customers that i he has removed to the new and tommodioua promises opposite, 5 doors higher up, one of the best shops adapted for the Family Grocery trade in North Wates. and he trusts his thirty year's experience on his own account in Bangor, will be N guarantee thtt aU orders he may be favoured with, will be executed carefolly, and on aa good terms as any house in the trade, the Metropolis not exeepted. N.B.—The Oldest Famity Grocer in Bangor. Bangor, 18th September. to68. 1293 LADIES', GENTLEMEN'S, AND CHILDREN'S GENERAL OUT.FITTING ESTABLISHMENT. GLASFRYN HOUSE, PWLLHELr. J-CMsTES AND RO"VVLANDS, 'DEG to announce that they have entered Into the TAILORING and OUT-FITTING L) DEPARTMENT, in addition to their already established Drapery Business, and have aecured the service of an experienced Cutter from England. The Stock of Wootten is entirely new. selected with much care and judgment, and the public may depend that they will be weU suited with good Fit, Style, and Workmanship, at moderate charges. The Dressmaking and Mantle Departments are superintended by an experienced person. Aay garment made to order in the first Style of fashion on the shortest notice. J. & R. hope by strict punctuality and attention, to merit a share of public patronage and support. 1335 CITY TEA, COFFEE, FAMlLY GYAOCERY, AND ITALIAN ESTABLISHMENT. ESTABLISHED 1780. MESSRS. BOWERS BROTHERS IT) EG Rratef ally to acknowledge the con. _L) tinned and increasing patronage of the Nobility and Gentry of the County and Principality. They can assure their Patron and the PuMic that the Articles auppUfd from their Establishment are of [ nrst-clasa quahty, and all Orders entrus. ted tj Ithem have their personal atten- tion and care. MESSRS BOWERS' TEAS have been noted for many year), and they es- pecially solicit a trial of them by all who deaire good and fine quaUty. FRENCH AND ITALIAN CONDIMENTS AND PtCKLES. SAUCES, ESSENCES, AND CULINARY REQUISITES. CO/M, CANDLES, HOUSEHOLD AND SCENTED SOAPS. BOWERS BROTHERS, Ml. EASTGATE STREET. CHESTER. N.B.—AU Orders to the amount of JE2 are Carries Paid to any Railway Station, 1338 DICK='S BOOTS <Sc SBIOES- mRT DICK'S noted Gutta Percha bottomed BOOTS and SHOES with Leather Tops and In..Ie.. They are unrivaled for Che.pnes., cannot be ?rpas.ed for Comfort, and are Meq?Ued for we.r. Everyone who at?ea HMlth .houtd we? them, being an eMeltent preventive from Dam?. ? 8. d. Ladies' Boots of reaUy good quality, at ? ? GectB' ditto ditto from 6 6 Boys' and Girls' ditto ditto 2 3 The Repainn? Depar?en? managed by thoroug hly Practical Men, so that all Orders entrMted to us we well and .peedily executed. PRICES ? ? REPAIRING. d. Rivettea and Sewed Leather Boote repaired with Gutta Percha. Gents' Boots, Soteing and Heeling, from ? Ladies' ditto ditto ditto } Boys' and Girls' ditto ditto Bey.- and Gir ? ?,?st? IN OLD BOOTS. 1' d Ladiea' ?- ?- Gents 1 0 a Set for Cotton. 1 4 'Set for Cotton. 1 4 .Rat for Silk. ? 9 ? aSetfor8ttk__ 217, HIGH STREET, BANGOR. I HIGH STREET,DENBtGH. HIGH STRERT, MOLD. CAMBRIAN HOUSE, PWnjUKH, &n<i !Who)eM)e Depot at 90, OLDHAM STREET, MANCHESTER. K53 1iU CdllO.ICLE" STEAM PRINTING AND STATIONERY ESTALISHMENT. JOHN KENMUIR DOUGLAS, LITHOGRAPHIC, COPPER-PLATE, AN!) LETTERPRESS PRINTER, STATION HR, AND BOOKBINDER, HIGH STREET, BANGOR, PRINTING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS FOR BANKERS, BROKERS. INSURANCE COMPANIES, PUBLIC COMPANIES. SOLICITORO, AUCTIONEERS. ETC.. EXECUTED WITH PROMPTITUDE. PROSPFCTUSES. .ARriCMS OF ASSOCIATION. CATALOGUES. INVENTORIM. CIRCULARS. BUSMESS AND ACDMSS CARDS. PLACARDS. INVOICES. BILL-HEADS. CHECK BOOM. THE STATIONERY DEPARTMENT IS REPLETE WITH EVERY DESCRIPTION OF COMMERCIAL STATIONERY, ACCOUNT BOOKS LEDGERS, CAST] BOOKS, ETC. MAGAZINES AND PERIODICALS SUPPLIED ON DAY OF PUBLICATION. ADVERTISEMENTS INSERTED IN ALL THE LONDON AND PROVINCIAL NEWSPAPERS. OARSONS' SM P A < N T, MTMNIStD BY THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT, TB< INDIAN GOVERNMENT, ) THE COLONIAL GOVERNMENT, I THE RUSSIAN OOVZRNMENT, j 6,500 OF THE NOBILITY AND GENTRY, For all kinds of RAILWAY Md CANAL COMPAMM, COLUBMES, IBON MAaMM, &C., OUT-DOOR VV4D3MX-K., And tt proved, after a test of 70 years, to surpass any other Paint. It is especially appiioabte to Iron Roofing, Park Fencing, Farm and other Bui)dicge, Bridgea, HurdUng, Farm Implements, Carts and Wagoaa, Gates, &c. &c., and all exposed work, and where adopted, a Saving of more than 50 per cent. may in the end be safely reckoned upon, as not only it it cheapo in the first place when purchasing, but bets twice M tong aa any other paint, and CAN BE LAID ON BY UNSKILLED LABOUR. Per Cwt. White Light Stone. Bath Stone Creamcoiour '3&B. L'ght Portland Stone Ot Port)ncdStone Buff. Oakcotour t? Leadcoiour. j COLOURS. TRMt MAHK. (ALTERcAn$o -? ff?zR6o r 47?l.kcat & PerCwt. BrightRed. DarkRad Choeotate ?og, W ?, Purpit Brown ( 26,. G Black t BronzeGreon Bright Green ? Deep Green ?428. Btue ) 42& Prepared Oil Mixture for the Anti-Corrosion. Oi)s, Turpentine, Vtu-nishes, Brushes, &c. CARSONS9 HBB P A I NT, For PUBLIC EDIFICES, MANSIONS, YiLLAB, and every kind of Bhck, Stone, Compo, &o., M unnv&Ued, and is the oniy Paint that wiU eCeotuatty resist the r&ys of the sun upon Conservatories, Greenhouses, Frames, &.o. 3 Cwt. of the Powder in all cases delivered CABRIAOE FRKE to all RAILWAY STAHOM m tht United Kingdom. paiw-w and Tatimonials 9Mt fMt Fru. WALTER CARSON & SONS, LA BELLE SAUVAGE YARD, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.G. (TAr« Coof< East of Rail-Y FM<.<x«.) No AgfIIÚ. )ARSONS EBBB P A t N T. public N ottctj. THE BANKRUPTCY ACT, 1861. TN the County Court of Ftmtsture, holdon j at St Aaaph and Rhy), in the matter of Thomas .Shitst la? of Rhy), in the County of Dint. a priMner for debt in the Gaol at FUnt, in the County of Flint, adjudged Bankrupt on the Eighth day of June, 1868. An Order of Discharge will be delivered to the Bank- rupt after the expiration of thirty days from this date, unless an appeal be duly entered against the Judgment of the Court, and notice thereof be f;iven to the Court- Dated this fourth day of December, 1868. R. J. SISSON, 1594 Refjittrar. THE BANKRUPTCY ACT. 1861 TN the County Court of Flintshire, holden ? at St. Asaph and Rhy!, in the matter of Godfrey Parry, late of No. 14, Hope Place, Rhyl. iu the (Jouoty ot Ftint, a prisoner for debt in the Gaol at Flint, in the County of Flint, adjudged Bankrupt on the fourteenth day of September, 1868. An Order of Discharge will be delivered to the Bank- rupt after the expiration of thirty Jays from this date, unlesss an appeat be duly entered against the Judgment of the Court, and notice thereof be given to the Court. Dated this fourth day of December, 1868. R. J. SISSON, 1593 Registrar. THE BANKRUPTCY ACT, 1861. TN the Coutny Court of Flintshire, holden JL at St. Asaph and Rhy!, in the matter of Edwin Row- iand)). of Penmrn, Abergete, in the County of Deubigh, Butcher and Lodging-house-keeper, adjudged Bankrupt on the Tenth day of October, 1868. An Order of Discharge will be detivered to the Bank- rupt after the expiration of thirty days from this date, unless an appeal be duly entered against the Judgment of the Court, and notice thereof be given to the Court. Dated this fourth day of December, 1868. R. J. SISSON, 1592 Registrar. AGENTS WANTED IN AGRICULTURAL DISTRICTS. (This Company it uje of the largest Farming Stock Insuring Omoes in the Kingdom.) MANUFACTURING DISTRICTS. (Mills. Manufactories, Warehouses, &c insured on the most moderate terms. ) SEAPORT TOWNS. (Ships in course of construction Mid ia Dock insured. Sailors' Lives assuted.) MINING DISTRICTS. WATERING PLACES &c., &e., &c., Where the Company is not already represented. Person* of active business habits are invited to apply. LIBERAL COMMISSIONS ALLOWED. The Company it well established and haa an Annual Income upwardi of kl07,M Life Reserve Fund, upwards of C127,000 And has paid a Total in Claimo under Life and ) j?o 'o?o Fire Policies of nearly ) CBAIRMAH OF THE BOABD THOMAS BARNES, ESQ.; Farnwerth. and the Quinta, Salop. ANTHONY DILLON, Secretary to the Company. PROVINCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY, C/n</ Offlce8; High St., Wrexha"" 49, Moorgate St., London: <ttM< 77, BucAanan St., Gkw&w. 142 CARNARVONSHIRE ELECTION. 1868. '\rOTICE is hereby Given, that Edward NGriffith Powell. Esquire, of Carnarvon, Solicitor, is the person nominated and appointed by the Honourable G. Douglas Pennant, to pay all expenses incurred by him in and about the said Election, in pursuance of See. 2 of 20 and 27 Vict, c. 29. Dated this 21st day of November. 1868. R. 80RTON-PARRY, Esquire, 1670 High Sheriff. CARNARVONSHIRE ELECTION, 1868. T?OTlOE is hereby Given, that Edward .L?t Breese, Esquire, of Portmadoc, Solicitor, is the person nominated and appointed by T, Love D. Jones Parry, Eaquire. M. P., to pay all expenses incurred by him, in and about the said Election, in pursuance of Sec. 2 of 26 and 27 Vict. c. 29. Dated this 21st day of November. 1868. R. SORTON-PARRY, Esquire, 1571 High Sheriff. GRAND CONSERVATIVE BANQUET. A BANQUET, under the Presidency of ?\_ R: G. Du9, Esq., in honour of the Conservative Candidates at the late Elections for the County and Boroughs of Carnarvon, to which they have been in- vited, will be held at the Sportsman Hotel, Carnarvon, on WEDNESDAY, the 23rd day of December instant, at nve o'clock. Tickets, One Guinea each. It is requested that applications for Tickets be made not later than tha 12th instant, to the Conservative Banquet Committee, at the Castle Hotel, Bangor; or the Sportsman Hote), Carnarvon. The following gentlemen constitute the committee :— The Very Rev the Dean of Bangor Mr R. Lloyd Edwards, Nanhoron Mr Fmnk Lloyd Edwards, do. Major Nanney, Gwynfryn Mr H. J. E. Nanuey, do. Mr Charier Williams BulMey, Baron HiU Mr Wm. W. E. Wynne, Peniarth. Mr W. R. M. Wynne, ditto Rev T. N. Williams, Aber Rev J. C. Vincent, Carnarvon Major Mathew, Wem Mr J. Wynne Ghmth, Llanfair Mr J. D. Whitehead, GIangwna Major Vincent Williams, Bangor Mr Rice W. Thomas, Coedhelen Captain Iremonger, Lime Grove Dr Mtllar, Carnarvon Mr Henry Kneeshaw, Penmaeamawr Captain R. LI. Langford Jamea Captain Burnaby Captain W. Y. Peel Mr William Hayward, Carnarvon Mr John Millicgton, Portdinorwio Mr Charles Pearson, Carnarvon Mr Richard Luck, UanfaMechan Mr Watkin Roberta, Carnarvon Mr E. A. Beech, Gwydir Major Holt, Gorphwysfa Mr J. R. GhBth, Llanrwst Mr Thomas Turner, Plas Brereton Mr J. W. Greaves, Festiniog Mr Randall Leche, Bettws Mr J. H. Jones, Portmadoc Mr Owen Owens, PwUheIi Mr Richard Williams, BeaumarM Mr William Jones, Menai Bridge Mr Archibald S. Price Mr T. J. Poole, Carnarvon Mr Hugh Jones, Carnarvon Mr R. J. Davids, Carnarvon Mr E. G. PoweU, do. Mr R. M. GnSth, Bangor Mr David Homfray, Fortmadoc Mr U. Lewia, Aber Mr C. E. Priebard, Llandudno Mr Charles Bieknt: Bangor Mr John Atkinsun, Wig Mr John Price, Capel Curig Mr John Deuman, Bangor Mr Hugh Humphreys, Cartt&rvon Mr H. W. Humphreys, Bangor Mr T. T. Parry, do. Mr Holman, Carnarvon Mr H. P. Macley, Carnarvon Mr C. N. BiekneU, Ty'nhendre. J. HAYWOOD, ) THOMAS JONES. {S' Sees. ØttbUe N oited. DRAINAGE PIPES from H inch. to 6 JL? inches bore of Srst-ct&ss quaUty CM be shipced by Rail or by aaitiag vesse)B.—Apply to Mr J. WiMiantt, TowynTifety.Voryd.nearAbergete. 1213 MONEY TO LEND. f??? TO Lend on Freehold Property, 24000 'o one or in van?'ts auma. Apply toMr. S. 0. WU)nm?, S?tieitor, Uamdud? HILLS' TURNIP PRIZES. TT?ARMERS intending to compete for Mr J' Hilta' Annual Prizes for the Beat Crops of Swed< Turnipa. grown with htB M.mures in Anglesey, are re- quested to send in their n&mes to the Judge, Mr Jotm Parry. Werthy, Amtwch. uu or befom Tu?*d-ty, De*. 15th, 1868. For the bestS acres jMPrim. Second best, 5 acres JM Prize. For best 3 acres B5 Prize. Amlwch, Dec. 1st. 1868. L583 BEAUMARIS. THOMAS OWEN AND SON. TDEG to announce their return from the _D Markets with a variety of novelties suitable fer the season. General Drapers, Funeral Undertaken, House Furnishers. Iron and Brass Bed Depot. Feather*. Bedding, &c.. Cork Matting Agents for Wheeler and Wilton's Sewing Machines, Atkin's Patent Carbon Filter Iron Ft'ncinf: Wire. Hurdles. Uates. Agricultural Imple- ments, &c., Locks. Hinges. Screws, Nails, Genera! Hard- ware- General Factors. 1394 FOREST TREES, FRUIT TREEST EVERGREENS, &c. CHlV AS and WEAVER respectfully invite N_ J especial attention of Planter to their very exten- sive, healthy, and well-grown Stock of the above. Their Nurseries being very much exposed and fret from artificial shelter, renders the safe removal of ptamtt almost a certainty. i'hee Catalogues post-free on application. Estimates and special prices for large quantities. Baton Road Nurseries, and M8, Eastgate Street. Chester, Oct., 1868. 1476 LONDON AND NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY. TO CONTRACTORS AND OTHERS. FMHE Directors are wilhng to receive Tem- JL ders for the construction and fixing of Moonng Stages in Holyhead Harbour for the Company's Steamen. Plans. Specifications, and Bills at quantities may be seen and obtained on application to Mr H Lee, Engineer* OfEee. Bangor Station. Tenders to be sent in on or before Wednesday, the 16th inst, to the undersigned, endorsed Tenders for Mooting Stages Holyhead Harbour. S. REA.Y, Euston Station, Secretary. London, 8th December, 1868. DENBIGHSHIRE INFIRMARY AND GENERAL INFIRMARY. mHE Annual BALL in aid of the Funds of _L this Charity will take place in the County HaU, Denbigh, on Tuesday, the 1.9th of January, 1S69. LADY PATRONESS :— LADY WILL lAMS. WYNN, Wynnatay. PMMMNT :— R. MEREDYTa RICHARD- Esq., Cerrig Uwydion. Dancing to commence at 9 o'clock. By order. J. DAVIES, 7th December, 1868. Secretary. ISM ALMANACKS FOR 1868. A targe asset tment of DIARIES, ALMANACKS, and POCKET BOOKS,. including Barwood'a and Renshaw's. Also, QUIGQINS' and JEFFERSON'S TIDE TABLES on Sale at J. K. DOUGLAS, CAXTOM HOUSE, B A N G 0 R. AU Books and Annual Publications not in etock can be procured in three days. TOLLS TO BE LET. \rOTIC!L is hereby Given, that the ToUa i_? arising at the Toll Gate upon the Beaum?ris and Menai Bridge Turnpike Road, wilt be Let by Auction, to the best bidder, at the Williams Bulkeiey Arms Hote!, in the town of Beaumariii. on Thursday, the 24th alay of December next, between the hou<a of Eleven in the fore- noon, aud Three in the afternoon, in the manner directed by the Act passed in the 3rd year of the reign of His tate Majebty King George the Fourth for regulating Turn- pike Heads," which Totta produced the last year the sum of E195, above the expenses of coUectiug them, and will be put up at that sum to be let for one year, from the first day of January next. Each person at his first bidding will he required to pro- duce or name his sureties, which if not satisfactory, his bidding will not be taken, and whoever happens to be the best bidder, mustjat the some time, give aecurity with sumcient sureties for the due payment of the Rent by quarterly instalments, or in such other proportions as shall then be declared. RICHARD WILLIAMS, Clerk to the Tnmtoeo. Beanmarii), 20tb Nov., 1868. 1M9 BANGOR AND BEAUMARIS UNION. rTHE GUARDIANS of the POOR of th& .L BANQOR and BEAUMARIS UNMN wiU, &t the meeting of the Board, to be heldatthe Workhouse, on Wednesday, the 30th day of December instant, proceed to the election of a Schoolmaster M the WorkhouM Seh*ol of the Union. The Schoolmaster must be a single man, without incumbrance, and will be required to instruct the boys and girls in reading, writing, and arithmetic, and the principles of the Christian Religion, and such other instruction as may fit them for service and train them to habits of usefulness, industry, and virtue, and to perform other duties specified by the Poor Law Board and the Inspector of Union Schools. The candidates must be conversant with the Welsh and English languages, and are required to attend the Board on the day of election, but no expenses will be allowed to them. Salary jE35 per annum, with board, lodging, and washing in the Workhouse. Applications stating age, and also testimonials as to character and ability to teach, are to be sent to me at the Workhouse under seal, superscribed School- master's Application," on or befcie the 29th day of December instant. By order of the Board, JOHN THOMAS, Clerk. Board Room, Banger, Srd December, 1868. 161 DENBIGHSHIRE QUARTER SESSIONS. 'VTOTICE is hereby Given, that the General _t_?j Quarter Sessions of the peace in and for the County of Denbigh. wiU be held at the County Hal), in Ruthin, on Thursday, the Seventh day of January, 1869, at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon, and will be conlinuell at the same place on the following day at fen o'clock in the forenoon. The business relating to the Acts made and pa.Med regarding the Police, and the business relating to the Assessment application or management of the County Stock or Rate, will commence 00. Thursday aforesaid, at 11 o'clock, at which hour all bills and demands against the County must be laid before the Court. The Grand and Petty Jurors, and all persons hound by recognizance to prosecute and give evidence, or to surren- der in discharge of their bail. are to appear at Ruthin aforesaid, on Friday, the Eighth day of January, 1869, at Ten o'clock in the forenoon. INCREASE OF POLICE FORCE. And Notice is hereby Given, (on the requisition of 6ve Justices acting for the County of Denbigh under the authority of the Act passed in the Seasons held in the 2nd and 3rd Victoria, Chapter 93), that at the said General Quarter Sesiiionti of the peace, it will be proposed to increase the Police Force of the said County, by the appointment of one additional Police Constable to be stationed in the Petty Sessional Division of Chirk, sub- ject to the consent of one of Her Majesty's Principal See- retMies of State. JOSEPH PEERS, Clerk of the Pe*ce. Ruthin. 8th December, 1868. N.B.—Instructions for Indictments should be tent to my omee (if pnMtictMe) tour days at least before the SeMtOM. 159Q