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]; ')\1 F WlTHi'l'T Inl'An A.l1E(,Y f,.r the SALE of llit' KA>I J1^- T1^C(^T^S j octabl« living ?.thwithm.d..r.deu.d?ustn' ?????houses.Xo. Al.l,ly f, t?"Ili liish"l) 111 London. .r.t' JlelIJ' .-dlUr'r: i?h-.p???M??LM?? • USE ONLY THE GLENFIELD STARCH.. THE QUEEXS- HUNDRESS USES NO OTHER 111 "RNVLCEW CURVED-POINTED PEN 2s. PER GROSS BOX. POST FREE, 2s. 2D. UNRIVALLED MAGNUM 110NUM PENS. OX CONTAINING 12 PENS and HOLDER, 6D POST FREE, 7D. J. K. DOUGLAS, ST A TIOXER, BANGOR GUN COTTON PIM.TICKS COMPRESSED CHARGES. THE CHfcU'KST AXD SAFEST EXPLOSIVE FOR II]"U AXl> QUAIŒYING. ACFIAKGB of given siz(, exerts six times! A the power of Gunpowder. The s,n? sp?e at the ?mof<heh.c<ined?ythisd..ns.exp)?vee..? the mmcrto incrc? .r dimini,h the powr of each bUt, Mdt?obuunthcpr?rp?tti.?oft?lme?t?t? Sta?.c. Mm.h ??rh?.ns may-e p aced before each Ma-.t. thus savin* in the cost of 'st'y reducing the number, the t e ai)(I the depth of the holes. Ke?utated charges for Sl?littin?, and PiUarmg fine Slate ?'' For particulars. apply to Mr. illiam Casson, Plas yn }".r p:\rtirulars. apply to ]r. "ïl!iam Cassou, PIa>! YII remln' u, l'"rtmadoe. 34 IMR)KTANT TO ADVERTISERS. THE WHITEHAVEN NEWS, (Published every Thursday and Saturday morning,) CIRCULATES, IN ONE ISSUE. MoltE COPIES THAN ALL THE OIIIElt %VIIITY.IiAVY.N 'FWSPAPEItS PI'T TOGETliElt. FNILE Circulation extends throughout the I whole of tho County of Cumberland, a portion of Westmoreland, Lancashire, Dublin, the isle of Man, Bir kenhoad, and Liverpool, in winch places tlicie are agents who receive regular parcels of the paper. 1 he list of subscribers includes tlie names of the most influential mercantile and agricultural gentlemen, and iron-ore pro- prietors, a. well as the principal gentry of Cumberland anil Westmoreland. PROPRIETOR WILLIAM ALiOP, To whom all orders for Advertisements or Papers must be addressed. Offices 148, Queen Street and 4. Roper Street Whitehaven 1) 00 K B I N D I N G. -— TO TIIE PIIBLIC. Kvery description of BOOKBINDING u«';ii\y ami expeditiously executed at the Xot'tU ir«/Vvi Chronicle and Cronicl Cym.ru U::ia's, Ili-Ill-,ticet. 12ANGOK, T) ACCOUNT ISO 'KS, LEDGERS, &c„ in Vellum, iinssia, <»r t.'alf, with or without 1 I;i*j Is and wurautjil to open flat, i»n the pieiniscs. 1) o 0 K li I N D 1 N G. « .V >• 0# 10 Til K TIIADE. Ruling* Paging, Number- iuj. Pel fronting, &c., executed at the usua] Trade Prices, at tSteam PriHtiuy and Ho >kdjiuding Works, High Street, Uangor. FIREWORKS FIREWORKS!! Cannons, Pistols, Paper Caps, Gun Caps. An immense Stock JStOocHk.N' OWEN, 49, Shude-hill, Man- Chester. fmpoiter of every description of French, Gorman, and other Foreign Merchandise. Shippers, Auctioneers, Shopkeepers, Hawkers, and others.are most p»rticuUrlv requested to cal)an(i inspect the immense Stock of NEW ARRIVALS from the Continent, consisting of TOYS of every description, Work Boxes, Dressing Cases, Writing Desks, Alliums, Ladies' Cotopauions. Baskets. Purses, e, Leather Goods, Papier MacHie good*, Lustres, Bird Shades, Flower Shades, Fruit Shades, and all other kinds of Fancy Goods too nunier >us to mention. CASES "l"' GOODS always ready, and £10 to £ 15, well selected Wany trade. CW NT-TE tiik ADDRESS THE Ol.D ESTABLISHED WHOLESALE Toy WAREHOUSE, 49, Shudehill, Man- chester, opposite Thomas-street. Terms, Cash. No a ents or travellers employed, prices thereby reduced 587 10. ¡; 11;'> IfiiEfl & PERRINS^, I WESTERSHIRE SAUCE, i j Proaovnced Be careful 1 by Connoisseurs fcj to ask for THE ONL Y "rf™^ "LEA & PERRINS"; ¡ "GOOD SAUCE" leupmrixs I SATJCE; J SAUCE. Seenam on wrapper, label, bottle, and stopper. Sold by Crosse & Blackwell, London, and by all dealers in Sauces. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. j. LEA & PERRINS, j WORCESTER. t ESTABLISHED 1807. TEH NORTH WALES CHRONICLE STKAM lMUNTSNG WJltKS LI I GII 8 T It E E T, R. ANGOR, ] ) 1?? .?.' ?t?i?????"M'"?..   —'—  '?:.E3'-tF??'?3???;J&W g/?/* '???? PIAXTING oi>" I:V i-JiiV DESCKll'TION MOST i:i:s ■NAilLE TERMS. J!l] PORTS, cn:cn.s. handbills, CAT.\1.< Hi CKS. l;ll.L-IIEADS, ;:U. U i'lKS' lii'LEs. CHECK ];UUKS, &c llxe 'uU ii iii a superior manner. AUCTION BILLS, POSTERS, &C. r,-dl d:pl< -1 a-ii? on the s!rttst Notice. A' TIIF LO.NI)OX A.ND l»-SrtSV SKWSP.M'EMS. CHROMCLE l i i a'!i>lieil y I'i-lit o'clock, price :1. House, uigli .Street, I-.ui-uf. "•"GMLINSON & CO.'S BUTTER POWDER, for "'O1L1NSON & 00.'8 BUTTER POWDER, for • ■■ie(i.:ie!U-lnn-ine- .Hninnes o! i,;airs ? .?'m.v n.c.?'.tt-t<t in>- V.  W- '<.  ..d t.c:?'c r .f:r.<. ¡; :1ltift,t i''l' JAm-; VURLLAY'S PURE 1'LUID CAIPII R, cxiensivi'lv jiresiTibod fis a reviving t Tonie, and the best restorative for weak nerves low !'e\ers, spasms, and Diarrluea. Camphor in this fluid form, prevents the dangerous precipitates resulting from its use in the solid state, or in tinctures and it is the best vehicle for administering other mediefuw. M li S E L L I S, DENTIST, TOWYN. IS years Surgical and Mechanical Dentist in Loudon, may be con- sulted at the undermentioned towns, DOI.OELLEY—EveryFriday, at Miss Evans's, Smith- (ield-strect. PORTM ADOC—Mrs Bennett Williams, Snowdon-street, the 2nd and 4th Wednesday in every month. 328 STlSAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN MENAI llIUDGE. BANGOR. BEAUMARIS, LLAN. DUDNO AND LIVERPOOL. D?nMCItyot'DuMinCompMy's -.? j?<?? I Steamer Prince Arthur," (or other ???)\ t???. Steamers; are intended to leave Menai I ,£ Bridge, calling off Bangor. IHeaumari., am) Handudno. (weather permitting), through the present month of October, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays From the Princes Landing Stage, Liverpool, the alternate days at 11 o'clock in the nwrning cargi? received at the Clarence Dock ou Wednesdays. City of Dublin Steam Packet Compauy 20, Water Street, Liverpool Post Free for Two Stamps. The most Valuable Book ever Published for Nervous Sufferers r1 pHE SECRET FRIEND by DR. BARNES, i. MD who has for twenty years given lis exclusive attention to the treatment and cure of all Sexuttl Maladies. Nervous and Phvsicial lability, ossof Memory, Pains in the Back, Dimness of Sight, I assitude, Indigestion, Spermatorrhea Impediments to Marriage and other ailments, caused by the follies of youth, which, if neglected, result in consumption, insanity and an early dúath. Dr Karnes's name has been before the Public notice for a considerable time, and the cures he has effected has gained him a far-famed and justly-merited repute for his skill in the treatment of the above, and aU Sexual diseases, without the use of Mercurv. his nudical work, the Secret Friend, is illustrated with numerous Cases and Testimonials from Patients showing the way by which th-y were restored to health and manly vigour it is a true guide to those who require a speedy cure. Sent post free, secure from observation, on receipt of two St tf^Ad>lres3, Dr. Barnes, 30, Thornhili Crescent, Caledonia Road, t ondon, N. 119 T UBIG'S EXTRACT OF MEAT i? GE??I?!E\ Manufactured on the EstaNishmeritsof K TOOTH, Esq, Sydney. Paris Exhihition, "Hors Concours." The chemical analysis of Dr. Miller proves that this Extract is unsurpassed in composition, For Hed-Tea, Soups, and Gravies, one ounce of Extract is equal to two pounds of best gravy beef. -2 UZ s; 4 oz 3. 9d ) Ib" 7s. ttd. 1 lb., 14s., in Jaiswith Thompson's patent stoppers. Insist on having lIIr, TOOTH'S Manufacture. LIE BIG'S EXTRACT OF MEAT BISCUITS (Coleman's Patent:, really delicIOus highly nutritive, and economical in- valuable to Travellers, Sportsmen, Invalids, &c. very suitable for luncheon.—Tins, Is is, aurl s Hd each LIEBIG'S EXTRACT OF MEAT LOZENGES (Coleman s Patent^, iu Boxes, Is., 2s. Od" and 48. 6d palatable and con- venient. Sold by Riciiard Hughes, Chemist, Bangor. W, J COLEMAN 6; CO., 13, St. Mary-at-Hill, london, E.C. 1230 Great Western, and Denbigh, Ruthin, and Corwen Railways. SEA BATHING CllEAP Excursion Tickets, are issued daily to PlIYL as follows :— FarM for the Double Fares for the Double Journey. From a.m. 3rd Class. Polgelley Bontnewydd 0 U ), 4s Od Drws Nant 7 t Llanuwchllyn 7 17 4s 3d Bala 7 3u 39 6d Llindderfel ,,7 41 3s 3d Liandrillo 3s Id Cynwyd. 0 2s lOd Corwen S 10 :!8 6d OwyddeJwcrn ,,8M -'s M Deiwen 8 30 2s Od De.wpn. ,,«M ?Cd Nantclwyd H :) 28 4d Etarth. S *•> 2s Od Ruthin S 0 IB tfd Rhewl „ 8 ;}3 is hd LLinrhaiadr 8 08 Istid Rhyl • • Arr. b These tickets will aho be issued on Saturdays by the 10 10 a.in up train from Corwen and intennedi <te stations, and also On every Saturday, until further notice, 1st and 2nd class return tickets will be issued from Corwen and intermediate sta- tions to Ilhyl by the S 10 a, m and 10 40 a.m. trains, and also by the 4 10 p.m from RvUhin, Rhewl, and Llanrhaiadr, Fares for the Double Journey. 1st Class. 2nd Class Corwen, Gwyddelwcrn, Derwen, Nantclwyd. ;">a 4s 2s 6d All these tickets are available for the day of issue only. Return Arrangements — Passengers for stations between Ey- arth. Corwen and Dolgelley inclusive,return by the train leaving will have time at Ruthin up to September 9th to view the Fine Aits Exhibition, and will be allowed to proceed by the train on producing their tickets. Pas- sengers for Llanrhaiadr, Khewl. and Ruthin, return by the 7 10 p m or 8 p in. Trains from Rhyl. The splendid Promenade Pier open daily, and a One brass band plays upon it and the parade at stated hours during the day. Children under twelve, half-price Tickets not transferable. By Order, T. CARTWKIGHT, General Manager, lluthin Station, August, 1868. 1204 CARNARVONSHIRE RAILWAY. EXCURSIONS TO aberystwith, borth, aherdovey TOWYN, BARMOUTH, AND DOLGELLEY, For Three, or Sixteen Days, and Monthly. ON end after MONDAY, June 15th, and every SATURDAY and MONDAY until further notice' RETURN TICKETS will be issued by any of the Ordinary Trains, available for Three, Einht, or Sixteen Days, and Monthly, at the following fares for the Double Journey :— FROM CARNARVON (PANT STATION). a Davs. (Saturdays 8 Days. 16 Days. Monthly. only. _—— —— lst.c o.c. ist.ee. c. ist.ee. e. istc.;c. c. sd s. d s, d s. d s d d s d's, d, Aberystwith l ] ,I 0 ■!■> 4 1; t' 2(1 818 t.W ?0 0 Borth .1? :kol020 41:< e'4 ."ti X'? Ol 0 Aberdovey 1» 3 8MK.(.H 0??1:!?20147 Towvn "H!5S S 15 6W 4 18 8 12 4 20 8'(U 9 ranuouth ..8 11 « «12 0 8 2 14 10 9 9 l« U 10 10 Penm'npoolfor??(;!?6J 14 5 9 n g u 3 19 2I 12 6 Dolgelley .J I [ FROM PENYGROES. a Days, Saturdays 8 Days. 16 Days. Monthly, onlv. HI o 1st v'. C. C. 1st C. C. C 1st C. C. C. istC. C. C. s d s d s d s d, d s. d s d s d. berrstwith 10 b 11 2'1 11 114 U 2:, 0 10 11 '7 9118 9 Borth 15 eM 1 IS 912 622 HL'; 25 016 9 Aburdovey 12 0 8 05 u 10 0 18 0 12 ?20 013 4 Towvn"* W 2,7 P14 0 9 <U1 318 b 12 6 Parmouth 8 8 5 "10 1?7 213 0 R 14 6 V 1 renrn'rwo1, for) 10 "I û !J 1210 8 5 ]5.? 10 2 17 1111 3 Dolgelley I 0> 1_ u_- Noie. The Three days' Tickets will only he Issued on Satur davs. and will lie available for return lip to Monday night. The >:iL'ht and Sixteen davs' Tickets wi 1 he issued on Saturdays or Mondays. The Monthly Tickets daily Sundays excepted: T. PJtICK, General .ilanager. Manager's Oitice, Carnarvon, June, 1808. 911 CARNARVONSHIRE 11V ILWAY. CHEAP EXCURSIONS. —DAY ntlP. ON and after Monday, July 20th, and every following Monday until further notice, a Cheap Excursion Train will run to BORTH and ABER- YSTWITH at the following Cheap Fares for the Double Journey: — To Bortli and Aberystwitli. A. M. First Class. Cov. Carriages. CARNARVON* (Pant! 65ft LLAN WNDA b 5i> 10 b 1 (ilK.KM.Il.N C 0 IS. g"? l'ENVcudlis a r.i nitYNKlK « 17 I 8s. 4s. Returning from Aberystwith at 3-45 p.m., and Borth 4.t) lUll. Children under 12 half-price. BY ORDER. General Manager's Oflke, Carnarvon, July, 1808. 983 THE 11EST FAMILY MEDICINE. Sold by all Chemists, ,\c at Is 1 jd. (Id per Box. KTW s w 0 It P ILLS THE BEST REMEDY FOll INDIGESTION. Sold by all Chemists, Ac., at Is lid, 2s ttd, and 4s (id per B01. K V Y E'S W () i: S D E L L S P L L S THE BEST REMEDY FOR ASTIDH. Sold by all Chemists, ,\c., at Is lid, Box. K Y I-: • S W (» it S D E L I'S P I L L S0 THE BEST REMEDY FOR coVOHS AND COLDS. Sold by all Chemists, Ac., at Is 1 rl, 2s 11t1, and Is Dd per BOI, K A Y E S W Ii S 1) S T IE l'.l'.ST 1 KMKDY FOR BILIOUS IdSOKUKRS. by all Chemists, itc., at ]s 1 ,d. 2s lid, and 4s (id per Hoi. K Y S W < > R S D E LL'S PILLS. TilE BEST REMEDY FOR DISE\«ES OF THE SKIN, oet, and Is (id per Ilox. KTlTT w 0 R S D li L L'S PILLS. TIIF liKST REMEDY FOR Ool'T AND l»i El'M.VlTSM. Sold by all Chemists, A-e.. at Is I'd, 2s !>d, ami 4s (idper Box. y I', ''s"" O It S I) E LL'S PILLS. YE'S W OR Si) EL L'S P] L T, S ME 'f.iST REMEDY FOR NERVOUS tFKECI'lONS. ■t,v au at Is 2s ml ami Is 1;(1 per Box. LLS ■ li 'en in cons.ii'it n-" for nenrlv I'alf aC. ntniy. OUKAT lL U U G r 1 u N son].1 0 Y S' CLOT III N (i \y;\IŒ.A:r\'UlJ i\l]' W( (t, AND MADE ON THE BJ In,]('K JKI;Cnnn t 'il'J S OF Meltoiis, Clieviots, Scotch Tweeds, and Amrolas. Knickerbocker n 2s. 6d. (Itl. SUITS JACKET, VEKT, AND TROUSERS. From 58. 6d. if THE CELEBRATED ORIGINAL ^E 50s, f TIlTS, W' "j Made from the best Welsh and Scotch Tweeds. Imji &0., &c., &c., by JOHN A RON SON, 4 GENTS' SUITS. 1 & 2, BANK ?? ?? "?  MRS. 8. A. ALLEN'S ??'? ? ? t?-T.y r ? ? /??"? ?ZYLOBALSAMUM ?? Lf/ t + fix ^NwZYLOBALSAMUM Wjw M £ A clear transpartnt preparation withont V # ? # i '?? hedinifut. and held in high esteem ?????? .?t< ??Y ?— ?' i?? t ?????n? dimfNt.andheidinhi?heeMem k/J >   by tb"usands of ladies for  %fl W # ? ?? I ??F ? /?t?V < dressiiig their own and children's hah. ?-?  s' j L? /? ??C/ /r?  5?s??- ??? A.N D P R eeesIINS M 1 /*|f c,liIdren'8 tai1, (Combined in one Bottte.?   ?. M ?? ?  J This unequalled preparation never V fails to invigorate and beautify the Hair,  ? J ? # *m )T )S NOT A DYE, BUT )T mL RMTOK GREY HAIR ???? C?f?? Y '? -? TO !TS OR!G)ML COLOUR, ?????.???-?? ?? C' ItaiTests the fail and produces a luxuriant and bealthygro b. PRICE SIX SHILLINCS. Wholesale Dep&t-266, HIGH HOLEORN, LONDON. ,11:' Sold by most Chemists and Perfumers. DR. J. COL LIS BROWNESCHLORODYNE. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. ADVICE TO INVALIDS.—If you wish to obtain quiet refreshing sleep, free from headache, relief from pain and angmsh, to calm and assuage the weary aching of protracted disease, invigorate the nervous media, and reguhte the circuMcK??tetm of the body you will provide yourMtf with tnat marvellous remedy discovered by Dr. J. COLL1S BROWNE (late Army Medical Staff), to which he gave the name of CHLORODYNE, and which is admitted by the Profession to be the most wonderful and valuable remedy ever discovered. CHLORODYNE is the best remedy known for Coughs, Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma. CHLORODYNE effectually checks and arrests thoso too often fatal diseases—Diptheria, Fever, Croup, Ague. CHLORODYNE acta like a charm in Diarrhoea, and is the only specific in Cholera and Dysentery. I CHLORODYNE effectually cuts short all attacks of Epilepsy, Hysteria, Palpitation and Spasms. CHLORODYNE is the only palliative in Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Cancer, Toothache, Meningitis, &0. CAUTION.—BEWARE of PIRACY and IMITATIONS. CACTMOV.—Vice-Chancellor Sir W. PAOR WOOD stated that Dr. J. COLLIS llnowsH was, undoubtedly, the Inventor of CHLORODYNE: that the story of the Defendant, FITEEMAN, was deliberately untrue, which, he regretted to say, had been sworn to.—See riii,fs, lath July l«(it. Bold in Bottles at Is lid, 2s hl, 4s 6(1 and 118 each. None is genuine without the words Dr. J. ror.LIS BUOW MIS CHLORODYNE on the Government Stamp. Overwhelming Medical Testimony accompanies each bottle. SOLE MAKCFACIUKBH J. T. DA VENFORT, 33 Great Russell Street, Eloomsbury, London.  !IRYANT&MA-i"r" NID t f#A Or ???????EATENT ARE NOT POISONOUS.    ??  e'ONM72V?O.RaM?'?C2?KS'< ?"?L??f?T???????S CBIB?I?EE3????   Sold ?' GROCERS, ???/?7'y.<??AfO/VCf/7?????\? CHANDLERS. ?T/?T'/O/???S' &C,???/t?tV/??/?B. ???V WHITECHAPEL ROAD; LONDON. E. •v. IiOlTDOlT HXHIBITION, 1802.  -?_ Only Prize Medal awarded. "o?'?Jurorii'Report: "Exceedingly ?* G&n"? excelle t for Food. '?.   .?2°?? «A?" Bold Bvery* •eaoqa"—/S where. .?MK i109  < ? ?  '?b??  .uon xud e. r  ??**? ? ?   t? ;o UOIIOGJIOCT  ? <??f 'uoflBpuouunooM  *?/& SntJM?H faaa BJOJnf EQI in'M ???????' 'monon 10 l?peK -'a?HS '1°S ??? '?981 'NOItISOd?S BINT? Post Free, 5 Stamps, from Author, Coombe Lodge, Peckham, NEW EDITION OF Mr. G. T. CONGREVE'S Work os CONSUMPTION Which has now passed through 94 Editions of 1000 each Tins remarkable hook treats of the causes, symptoms and progress of tins fell disease, through all its singes, and the TRUE TREATMENT, WITH AND EXTRAORDINARY CASES OF CURE. TREATS ALSO OF ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, &c. INTERESTING COMMUNICATIONS. I.-From REV. ISAAC COMFORT (late of Forest Hill, and. now of Tonbridge Wells), rela. tivo to his daughter. The patient was brought to me last year, suffering- from creat bronchial irritation and nervous couprh.with tendency to phthisis. Had been under medical treatment without benefit for omc tme. Jan.atst. lts&J. Mr. COMFORT writes me as follows I am thankful to say that by the blessing of God upon vour treatment, my daughter is restored to health I shall circulate your famo far and near, feeling satisfied ZIO,NE NL'ID DESPLIH." 2.-From Mr. J. F. READ, 43 Bassett-street, Bedford.—" My Wlfo had suffered from the most severe coulI tor some vi;ars past. The Rev. W. Jeiiery (wliose name nppears in the book) advisedmetotryyourtrentnient. She and enjoyed good health since. We find your medicine a most VALUABLE VAMILY MKT>ICINK. rake what use you please of my wife's case.Fel). 3rd, 1868. ???ST REMi:?'. ?. INDIGE3TIC- ■PXTRAORIIIXAUY CURES of PATtALYSTS, Bold everywhere. Bottles U. lid., Si. 9d., and til* .1 j ;t!l: I'M J????..???????d l.y i-wiuis of _u_- BoH everywhere. Bottles U. U4., ?. 9?.. MA 11. <<f ..1!!?_rLØ OF T?XTRAOnfIXARY CURES nf PAUALYS?. .tj;t!it_i\t']!!t.n'Y.I?tn(!s'rt<)?,<.hYj-t.-t!i-.?f WHOLE OX'DICA: NRCRI'N\II>N ;I> wcil ;IS the J-nMic. They are NII.RE ]I:.I» NUR.UUS tn,:1\ I'UVCS HY LUTURNL HH,llb All the uua! RCUU'-IICV HID been tried, :1:tJ ^alv;.I)I>;II, hy MENUS of VARUM* innchines, hut in Ya.n. Hal'I'" (ialvanir APPARATUN I"stoii'»l them all 1u IH'al!h, SUE)! :,t1JHl1d¡lI:! CURES nm-T Mircly VNIIVINC" every olio that It palvaiiism I>« resorted to it "houhl HO RIPPLED hr means of Babc'. Galvanic Ajiiiarulu*—partn ulars In pamphlet. Invalids ,1tq¡d IMT IN persuaded aam"t TISM^ "linl.st 'N Calvanic APIKTIAUIS," >iinpH- BEEINW t;»»ir U.V-N MHT-RS have BEEN tr III "'Ii"! IN I' H'INI S ON them, AND have imind them N»< I 'SS, JMR fluml.l th(' listen to the Mli\ remark frct|mntl\ made that" (iahan- ism ft(? t till AS from anyothcr NI:m-!IINC I('h an .^SRRTION IS *impiv NOHM'IISICAL, AS R\ery piactitionei' who ha. been in the hahit of U> IU' liaKe'S apparatus well knows. '• FacS aro stiilihorn thinu'> and tli.- facts RT^P<TTINX Halso's (ialvanlc Apiiaraftis nit', th:\ the FORE/OIN^' CAVS prove heyoiid TLU' p(llhj1il\" of a dw¡ht that his iiiarhine- ^NCTCED IN inaft.hit curr> in wims w|h.; > c.Ilier MACHINE NOT ONLV fail, hut PROVE p.)»;t IV IY in.iunou* Jlow TUN lhis BE for. If the lie T-. of all TN ichiiic- are the same r 1¡' H ilse )I:I- FR'"HIENTIV KNOWN hI M.'N hni.'s cure ca-es OF PNRALYKIA In « HI eh t lie medit-IL nv 11 have II^I^TT'L !!Id! van i sin WOU'd L>R qÙite Usele.s, •' ;( the patien'.s were ulleriuit fi'om ciIIh r a softeiunir of the brain or Miine." Their recovery «AV MI ev.dent jiroof that I h,y buiieru:I; FIOM neither If they ha I h. en, CA^ARUSM would have H'-EN USI M. a I men V\ HO ARE all .ml to ADUUII^LEI T'ttlvanistn, <■ her know no' hiria MI'. Ualse's APPARATUS, or they ban' he. n IISIN^R !N M CLI. AI> toriun-JU JDUCINII IIKK'IUNES, WH.eli BNNX j»o much DISCREDIT UTI galvanism. Many medkul men huviius tried the,e "mn machinc«, nd LUVIN* found them worse than IWLESO, ate now u>in« "Hal'(" Appfln:lh '• INSTEAD. Indeed, many invalids II"W n'rUj' to HI' «,IIVANI»ED IN :111'1 Oliier apparatus. I>r Hartliill. of (;1;I:OW, in hIs small TrcntI-« U Galvanism, SAW, II d. Appaiatu> IS capable of t!),'(ij( (ltl" in I'.WS IN whIch tlie COAIMUN SMALL machines are hota ii-e|N.D injunous, ); IMN-UCTED entirely lor MEDICAL purpooe*. Iial-E'S -.ILL W\.> ADVANTAM » v, hivb E\PERIL N> e H;I- SM. TH • p. ic ■, i'i I S ni;?Lcthutt.;ttthiKh,but,c?K:t-tn?it.?.:i:f.?, it i R al'y CHEAP. ?op;ni,?n (,f cih,zi I, I,. k 1,1;t Jmi:s.Hmht?n.it?')-?n"i"tt.t?tr.?'. JI. W irv '( ivr ],is g ?. U SIX CARTES DE VISITE, Is 8d; twelve 2s 8RT Carte enlarged to 10 inches on 15 in. by 12 in. India mount, 7s fid Cabinet, 2. Ih1. Send Csute with stamps. Perfect copies returned free. London Photographic Company, 40, High IF-illxirn, London. t. S.1). PHILI,IPS, )fitnager. Per doz. Per doz. 18S.-TARRAGONES-18S. BOTTLES AND CASES INCLUDED. Post Orders on Vere Street. CHARLES WARD AND SON, WINE MERCHANTS, Per doz. MAYFAIR, W., LONDON. Per del. 18s.-TARRAGONES-18s. DENT, Chronometer, Watch and Clock L' Makers to Her Majesty, II. It H. the hinee of Wales, and it 1. Al. the Kmperor of linssia, and Makers of the (ireat Clock for the Houses of Parliament, 01, Strand, and 34 and 35, ltoyal Exchange, London Gold Lever Watuhes £ s d Silver Lever Watches £ s d from lti 10 0 from .5 5 0 Gold Ilalf ( liroiio- Silver Half Chronomo- meters, winding meiers, winding "ith with or without or without a Key key, from 30 15 0 from 26 5 0 Gold Hunting Case I Silver lialf (lironoiiie- extra 5 5 0; ters, in lliuuiiig Cases Gold >1 ruva "at from 27 0 0 ches i min arine Chronometers guarant d from 7 0 36 15 0 Gold chains, lfi and IS carat, from P4 4s. Drawing Hoom and Library Clod s in nrniolu, Marble, £ c., winding with or without a key. Ilisls. liraeket and Astronom- ical Clocks of every description. Turret Cloeks made to order. E. ill:NT it CO., fil, Strand, and 34 and 35, ltoyal Exchange, London. r ARA VI LLA COCOA. THK )'T-I!Fr'f-Trn? OF llit!I'??i'LD MARAvlLLA COCOA,- T,ONDO.N.- If I) Hi JJ :\I-'l'Yf,{n Hn:J, I.()S'DON. of is tile ti-iie Tlicnb • or1, of I.innrr'is. Ou^ofi. iudi^cnous to South Amcnnn. «»i' w.iich M:"Vii-. i:!a is fnvourcd porLi -n. T\YLO!i il )I'Ffllll t'?? exclii,ive Mipv'v of tl-is UXUiY vL:n) ll:ivc, 1, the   t  c pvi'.eiiue" a;i elabj.-ite n:iic'ii :orv. >> • i- *.o trvlo?.! ib!y viin .a'L\ 'iirs )???'nHn co"o. I'?'ti:. r!S.r.?.t??'? ) th? p .'f  ol" p t hs, ::t /I;I'): 'lJ; llr:I¡¡¡;I:f:)! ¡ \) i;¡:¡::JI;tI7,t fo»vd n vat: tu.sii'i ihein have j;rt;:rt)iietrial;id(iph.l tho I'TAKAViLfA COCOA as their constant beverage for brca'ciHsc. lunehe-n. Ac. "AX A(:CUm'J:'HI:n FACT"-Extrnctfrn'n tho www: "TAYLOR BROTIIKKS, ndnpting tlaur nerSect system of prcnarnii m to this lino>t of nil species of'the Thioukoma, have produced an article which «uncr»edet fkvkkv orttt.n Co 'oa in the market. Entire solubility, h delicate nroma, an<l ti rave eoneentrafion of the puiv •' e^Nic-iils; .>t nutr:ti.):i distinguish the MAItAVILLA COCOA above all others. For invalids we could not recommend a more agreeable or iriihmhle beverage." hold TN I'acketb ONLY, tlb. jib. and Ilb., BY ail Grocbm. PRIME NEW SEASON'S TEA. pHILLIPS & CO., TEA MERCHANTS, 8 KING WILLIAM STREET, CITY, LONDON, E.G. Are now wUinn STRONG BLACK TEAS, 1/6, 2/, 2/4. VERY EXCELLENT BLACK TEA is now only 2 6 per lb. RARE CHOICE GENUINE COFFEE, 1/, 1/1,1/2,13,1/41Mb. A PRICR CURRBNT POBT PEBB. SUGARS AT HABKBT PRICES. A CHINESE CADDY containing 16 lbs. of really good BLACK TEA sent carriage free to any railway station or Market Town in England, on receipt of 40s., by PHILLIPS and CO,, Tea Merchants, 8, King William-street, City, E.C. PHILLIPS & CO. send all GOODS CARRIAGE FREE to 811 London, and Teas, Coffees, and Spices Carriage Free to any railway station or market town in England, Ireland, Scotland, or Wales, if to the value of 40s. and upwards. PHILLIPS & CO. have no agents, and no connection with any house in Worcester or Swansea. ?'?? ??'s. /??'I'?'?? /S"?° Dr".)NC'S '\<'? an elion iiinin(. d. f/?'/ BtLIUU9.HVH.?LS. \? V^WITHOU >' MtR'.DRY )'§!] Y? WIT14011i' M?R' .LIRY ? < 7.,i ln.;i.'esii"l', /V ».,V/Nv /■ CANDLES. Askf.1I! FIEr.D'SPATENT Sl-.M-FITTINCi CANDLES &\fet\, Econom".n?') <')''?")in?s'!<'?m?ined. From One iil)wiii,(Is. FT P.LI VS CF.T.KliUATKI) TOfLKT SOAP TARr.i'T-^ Ignited Service, Spermareli, Wlute j'arafRn, and I nit«\l Ki?vrdf»i:i "Unbine the enmlliont propeitii^ ^»f the luost eaivfuily |.rep:sred Soap, with a p<;t fuiiie of dc'ic wy au 12 Jj)uijituaiton0. Just Published, rrHE Religious Statistics of W,,tles a JL Pamphlet-price 2d; or 12s lid per 100. To be had of Mr. Ooughui, Bangor; and of :tll Booksellers. PRlCR REDTCKD FROM 5s. TO 39, In Small Orowii 8vo., p. p. 30i>, Cloth, Price 3s. SERMONS: preached ehietly at Haugor Cathedral, by E. PtUiUE, B. A., late Senior Vicar of the Cathedral, now Rector of Ll&atrUant, Anglesey, and Rural Dean. Parker and Sons, London and Oxford J. K. Douglas, Bangor. TO VISITORS AND OTHEttS. NOW RRady, Dnrd Edition, eid?r?ed and Nc,)rrecte(l, Sixpence, by post Hevenpence, LLAIJUnNO AS IT IS, by HU(}H MULLENHUX WALMSLKY, Colonel Imperial Ottoman Army, author of Journal of a Bashi Bazouk," &c., &e. Published and sold by J. K. Douglas, Chronide Olfice. Bangor Jtist Published. UKQUHaRT AND a damson S NEW BEDDING LIST, MAY he had FTPS by post, or on appL'p?tioit )1 at the o<Ece of this paper, or to FRQUHART ?nd ADAMSON, Cabinet Makers, Upholsterer., &c., The House Furnishing Establishment and North of England Bedding House. 13 and 15. Bold Street. Liverpool. Factories,—Concert Street and Flitt Street. 673 Under the Patron- ,i:, c And the Piincipal age of the Queen .¡j!¡g' Nobility. The only Iteal Cure without inward Medicine is ROPKK'S ROYAL BATH PLASTERS, Rfor Coughs, A.thma, HoarsenesR, Iwligestion, Palpitation of the Heart, Cioup, Hooping Cough, In- fluenza, Chronic Strains, Bruises, Lumbago, or Pains in the Back, Spinal and Rheumatic Affections, Diseases of the Chest, and Local Pains. From Thousands OF Wonderful CURES. Spinal Complaint o¡aU Year's Standing and Rheumatism of ttie Ifil). Nafferton, December 18th, 1802. Messrs. Roper and '-)'(,ii,-G(Dtleinen, I w;is i,dictpil ■with a paiu in the spiue of iuy back for 30 years, and hearing of your Roper's Plasters about two years since, I procured one, and after applying it found relief the first night, and have been free from pain ever since. I was also troubled with Rheumatism in the hip, and applied one with the same results. As 1 have received so much benefit from the use of your Roper's Plasters, I have sent you this for the benefit of others suffering in the same way. Yours, &c., Thomas Bkown. From F. Cupiss, Esq., M.R.V.C., Author of the Prize Essay on the Diseases of the Livd of the Horse. Diss, Norfolk, March 22ud, lfciol. Gentlemen,—For the last three winters Mrs. Cupiss felt a great delicacy of the Chest, accompanied with oe- casional pain, cough, and hoarseness. Having had your valuable Roper's Royal Bath Plaster recommended to her, she made a trial of one, iiid it was attended with the most beneficial effect, in consequence of wh eh she has made frequent use of them, atlll invariahly with the same good results.—I remain, Fuancis C'.tjss. Unprincipled Shopkeepers, for the sake of gain, have vended spurious imitations. Purchasers are, therefore, cautioned to Notice the words, tk Ropers Royal Lath Plasters," engraved on the government stamp, and the Proprietor's Autograph on the back. Prepared only by Rt. Roper and Son, Chemists, Sheffield. On Medico-chemical principles, from Britislfc Herbs and the Gums and Balsams of the Eastern Clinic, where The trees drop balsams, aad on all the boughs Health sits and makes it sovereign as it flows." Full-sized Plasters, Is t;d;andforChitdrcn.!)Meaeh, or direct, by post on receipt of Is 4,1, or Is each la post- age stamps. Sold by most patent medicine vendors in the United Kingdom. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS!—Be particular and ask or Roper's Plasters. 1422 READ THE WARNING VOICE. To the Pebilitated. — ■ 'r. Smith, the CEIETJRAIED PHYSICIAN for THE CURE ol Nervous DeMl.TY, CONTINUES to II) pl1.I, frpf ot rharife, a cnp) pal') a Medical Work on the Cure B>- MEDICINE only ol NeTvuus Pl'hiiity, Painfull)l('all', '-Jeul;i! all,1 PJ¡}i('a; Depre¡.¡iotJ, 1';11- jiitatinns of the Henrt, Noises in the Head anll Kara, Iinieci.-ion, Impaired Sight ..nd Memory, Indirection, LOSS «D K»ier<?> and Appetite. Piiina in the back and Timiitity, ^ELF-DI_STRUST, Uiz- tin)-M, T^ove of SA.itude, Groundless KI-ara, &C. This impoi taut hook contain? the Prejcriptinnn and Instructions by WHICH many tltou*»nd* of Br. Sniitii'S patient.-have been restored to health and vigour, after Kieciricit) and a:l other talsely-called remedies had failed. S,,i,t tl,c. tititter L,) ri.v :i(ttlress. on receipt of a STAMPED dir- < fcfl «nv»'lope. oau.ped CONSULT A LONDON PHYSICIAN. nr. Smith will, lor the IITM.ETIT 01 RERUNS sulteniijj from Ner vons Debility, ke., on RECEIVINY a description of their caee (en CLOSING a ftonped directed envelop.* fur REPLY), set.d HIS writte opinion, with advice and directions, for the most uccelJsf treatment and cure. Addreso, Dr. Smith, 8, Burton Crescent, London, W.C.1270 DINNEFOED'S FLUID MAGNESIA. For Thirty Years the Medical Profession have approved of this pure solution as the best remedy for Acidityof theSTOJIAClI, HEARTBURN. HEADACHE GOUT and INDIGESTION And as a mild Aperient tor delicate constitutions, especially adapted for ladies, children, and Infants. When combined with the ACIDULATED LEMON SYRUP, It forms a most agieeable effervescing draught, in which its aperient and cooling finalities are much increased. IN warm seisons and warm climates this simple preparation, when taken REGULARLY, has been fouud highly beneficial. Dinneford and Co., Chemists, &c., 172, NEW BOND STREET, LONDON, Sutd by all respectable Chemitts throughout the World. CAUTION.—See that "Dinneford & Co. is on each bottle and red label over the cork. 73 OASHIONABLE Dressm?dun? for the 8 AUTUMN and ?'INT):R of 18ô8 Ladies desirous of dressing WITH elegance in an economical manner,should procure correct life-sized trimmed paper models of the various fashionable styles, by wh:ch any article of dress may be well and easily made- These can only he obtained from Mrs C, E. liiown, 17, MTestbourne Grove, London W, who supplies them post free at the following low prices, including flat patterns to cut from Train gored shirt a paniers, 2S (id short petticoat with second sknt paniers and other new Winter Shapes, 2S 6,1 French Tuniques a paniers, (forming jacket and short upper skirt) ;is (;il the new crinoline without steels in front, 2s Bas. quine Tournoures. Engagcants, puffta Ceiutures, (,'amarg pouffs, &c,, for wearing over ordinary skirts, to produc the fashionable fullness, Is fid each Huoffantes or btiitles; Is little Gills' dresses, with second skirt a paniers, 2s ("I the Winter Train Gored Skirt, a new and gracefully hanging Mode! without gores at the back. 2s0d Demi- tr.dn skirt (not the extreme of fashion), 2s; short petti- coats and upper skirts, 2s each very elegant dress bodi- es Is 8d sleeves, 10(1; New Waterproof Cloak, admit- ting of looping up over the petticoat to forlll a short costume' 2s (id Evening dresses for the season, 5s low bodices, 2S all the new sliajies in under-linen, 2s each baby's Layette, (8 aiticles), as Boy's Highland. SailoR knickerboeker, and tunic costunus, 2s (id Children's Jackets, Is (id etc., etc., comprising more than SCUmoj, recherche desi gns. Stamps received in payment 14tJ RUPTUKE py Her Majesty's Royal Letters Patent, WHITE'S MOC-JIAIX tEVER TRUSS. OEQUIR'XG no stool siinnsr ronnd the I Xj body, is recommended by the following peculiar- ties and advantages :-Ist, facility or application 2nd, perfect freedom from liability to chafe or excoriate 3rd, it may be worn with equal comfort in any position of the body, by day or night 4th, it admits of every kind of b,,), I y, 1) exercise, without the slightest inconvenience to he wearer, and is perfectly concealed from observation. We do not hesitate to give to this invention our un. qualified approbation, and we strenuously advise the use of it to all those who stand in need of that protection, which they cannot so fully, nor with the same cemfort. obtain from any apparatus or truss as from that which w: have the highest satisfaction in thus recommending. Church and State Gazette. Recommended by the following eminent Surgeons William Ferguson, Esq., F.R.S., Professor of Surgery in King's College, Surgeon to King's College Hospital, &c. G. Guthrie, Esq., Surgeon to the Royal Westminster Ophalmic Hospital W. Bowman, Esq., F.R.S., Assist. ant Surgeon to King's College Hospital T. Gallaway, Esq., Senior Assistant Surgeon to Guy's Hospital; T. Wizard Curling. Esq., F.R.S., Surgeon to the London Hospital; W. J Fisher, Esq, Surgeon-in-Chief to the Metropolitan Police Force Aston Key, Surgeon to Prince Albert; Robert Liston, Esq., F. R. S. James Luke- F,sq.,ESurgeon to the London Truss Society Eramus Wil- son, Esq., F.R.S., and many others. A descriptive circular may be had by post, and the Truss (which cannot fail to fit) can be forwarded by pos- on sending the circumference of the body two inches below the hips, to the manufacturer. Mr. WHITE, 223, Piccadily, London. Price of a Single Truss, LFIS., 21s., 2&. fid., and 31s. 6d. Postage, Is. Double, 31s. (id., 42s., and 52s. Cd. Postage, Is. i-IL. Umbilical,, 42S., and52s. (id., Postage, Is. 10 Post-omce orders to he made payable to JOHN WHITE, Post-office, Piccamny NEW PATENT ELASTIC STOCKINGS. FNII-1, CIE f, & The mail rial of which these are made, is recommended bv the Faculty, of as being peculiarly ELASTIC and c( IMPRESSIBLE, and TIIF, l!i>ST IN VKNTIOX forgiving elVicieiit and permanent support ill all cases of \YF,K- K'KSS and swelling of the LEGS, VARICOSE VEINS. STRAINS, &C. Tt is porous, light in texture, and inex- pensive and IS drawn on like an ordinary Stocking. Price R oni -I to Ids. each. Postage, lid. .Hi! IN* WlnTE, Manufaeh-er, 228, I'K'OAILLV LONIX X. Specimens may besccu i i the 'rystal Pvl.ic3. It 4i ukic il I I L L jIS'S PATHNT' iFJaFi'Vo' mLT? E the I)k?.?t :III, I (??ie I)est Nil for aU S"ITS of Sheds, ()lit I;t, It:kpi, &-c. Sold wholesale mid retail by S Ellis an.I Co, )lanufao- turers, 23, Strand Street. I.iverpoul, and respectable Ironmomers and others throughout the country. C?r- rfagep.!id to all Railway Stations. Abo Sheathin Fca. Hair Boiler Felt, and Portland Cement. 1U1 LLANRWST PUBLIC DYKING EST VBMSH MKNf. /AWING to tho sudden diittk of Mr Wil- Ham Pritchard, tlie celebrated Dyer MRS PHLTCHAHU.hiii widow, begs to inform the inhabitants of North and South Wales, that she will continuo t» carry on the business altogether the same as before, as she has the same directions, materials, opportunities, and workmen, and also the same agents everywhere. Chief Agent; Mr William Jones, Glinadda, Bangor, North Wales, who will occasionally visit every part at tlie Principality. 604 Everything will be carried on the as ) y. WSKFC) PURE AERATED WA TER S. ?'?) ?E? ?? ELLIS'S, RUTHIN, SODA  p." WATE}{. ???Mp ELLIS'S, RUTHIN, NT'" v ELLIS'S, RUTHIN, SELTlJER WATER. ELLIS'S, RUTHIN. LEMONADE. ELLIS'S LITHIA & POTASS WATER, AN KXCKLLKNT IXTKlt.VAL ILEMEDY FOR GorT. The Public are particularly requested to observe that every Cork is branded R. Ellis and Son, Ruthin." with- out which none is genuine. May lie oolained from all respectable Chemists, Con. fectioners, and Hotel-keepers and Wholesale only, from R. ELLl" AND SON Kuthin. Not-tli Wales. 5 THE GlUf) PROMOTERS OF HEALTH. 110 L 1, 0 W A Y' S PILLS. The grand secret of attaining happiness is to securs good health, without which life is stripped of all its plea- sures. The first irregularity of any function should be checked fln,1 set right by appropriate doses of these fine purifying Pills, which strengthen the system by thorough- ly cleansing the blood from all impurities. They balance disordered action, lemove the cause of disturbance, and restore its normal and natural power to every organ, without inconvenience, pain, or any other drawback. Derangement of the Bowels, Liver and Stomach Complaints. This medicine is so well known in every part of the world, and the cures effected by its use are so wonderful, a to astouish everyone. Its pre-eminence as a remefly for bilious and liver complaints, and derangement of tho stomach and bowels, is no longer a matter ot dispute of doubt. In these diseases the beneficial effects of llollo way's invaluable Pills are so permanent and extensive that. the whole system is renovated, the organs of diges- tion strengthened, and full and easy assimilation pro- moted, so that both physical autlulOral energy are in- creased. Determination or Blood to the Head. This is generally occasioned by some irregularity of the stomach and bowels, which, if not quickly attended to, frequently terminate fatally. A few doses of these fa. mous Pills never fail to give tone to the stomach, regu- larity to the secretions, and purity to the fluids. Vertigo, dimness of sight, and other indications of approaching apoplexy, arc entirely dissipated by a course ot this ad. mirable medicine. The Female's Best Friend, For all debilitating disorders peculiar to'the sex, and in every contingency perilous to the life of women, youthful or aged, married or single, this mild but speedy remedy is recommended with friendly earnestness. It will correct all functional derangemeuts to which they are subject. Scrofula and all Skin Diseases. For all skin diseases, however inveterate, these medi- cines are a sovereign remedy. While the Pills act upon the blood, which they purify, the Ointment passes through the pores of the skin, and cleanses every struc- ture, as water saturates the soil or as salt penetrates meat. The whole physical machinery is thus rendered healthy regular, and vigourous. Coughs, Colds and Asthmas. No medicine will cure colds of long duration or such a are settled upon the chest so quickly as these famous Pills. Even in eases where the first stage f asthma has appeared, these Pills maybe relied on as a ecltain and never-failing remedy, particularly if the Ointmejt be simultaneously well rubbed into the chest and throat night and morning. Bilious Headache. These complaints may sometimes be considered trifling but it should he borne in mind that, by inattention and neglect, they often end most seriously. Give early thought to a deranged stomach, take Holloway's Pills, rub his cele- brated Ointment over the pit of the stomach, and you will shortly peleeive a change for the better in your digestion, spirits, appetite, strength, and energy. The improvement, though it may be gradual, will be thorough and lasting. Holloway's Pills are the lest remedy known in the world for the fulloiciio!i Diseases Ague Dropsy Liver cotii Secondary Asthma Dysentery plaints Symptons Bilious Coin- Erysipelas Lumbago Tic-dnulourex, plaints Female Irregu- Piles Tumours Blotches on larities Rheumatism Ulcers the skin Feversofall Retention of Veiieral affec- Bowel com- kinds Urine tions plaints Fits Scrofula, or Worms Colic cout King's Evil Constipation Headache Sore Throats Wounda 01 the bowels. Indigestion Stone and Uravel Sold at the Establishment of Professor Holloway, 2"4, Strand, (near Temple Bar), London alsoby all respecta- ble Druggists and Dealers in Medicines, throughout the civilised world, at the following prices:-Is ljd. 2s 9d, 4s GD, lis 22s, and 33s each pot. There is aconsiderable saving by taking the larger sizes N.B.—Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder arc- attixed to v.tcii r.-)t Shipping. (SHORT SEA PASSAGE.) CANADIAN MAIL STEAMERS (KLLAN LINE), UF.TWKEN- LIVERPOOL AND CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, In connecting with the GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, and (under Contract icith Her Majesty's Provincial Government foI. tlte Conveyance of the Mails.) THE Moxtueal Ocean Steam-ship Company's first-class powerful Mail Steamers PRUSSIAN (Building) GERMANY Capt. J. Giuham. AUSTRIAN. Capt. J. Wylie. NESTORIAN .Capt. J. E. DUTTOlf. PERUVIAN Capt. Bau.antink, ? „ MORAVIAN R. Buow.v.  HIBERNIAN W. H. SMITH. '"■HI NOVA SCOTIAN „ A. D. AI;;D. ;] ¿"' ,ovl -il. .-???N AMEtUCAN „ RAKEWEt.L BELGIAN W. R)cHABMO:f DAMASCUS M. TKOCKS. (yrrOWA „ Auchkb. ST. DAVID WATTS. ST. GEORGE JONES. ST. ANDREW SCOTT. ST. PATRICK. „ Richie. Are intended to Sail trom I.1VFUPOOL TO QUEBEC E'.EHY THURSDVY, NOVA SOOTlANOct 29 PERUVIAN Oct. 15 AUSTRIAN Nor. 5 NESTORIAN Oct. 22 ] From Q C E HKC to LIVERPOOL every SATURDAY Calling at L NDOXDERRY, (Ireland.) on the followiug day, to embark Passengers and Her Majesty's Mails; and Calling at LONDONDERRY to land Mails and Passengers llate of Freight to Quebec or Montreal 50s. per Toll. Measurement, and 5 per Cent. Primage. Rough and heavy freight subject to agreement. Cabin Passage Money to Quebec, EIGHTEEN GUINEAS, and FIFTEEN GUINEAS, including Provisions, but not Wines or Liquors, which can he obtained on board. Steerage passage at reduced rate, to Quebec. Portland. Boston, or New York, including a plentiful supply of cooked provisions. By arrangements made with the Gran,] Trunk Railway Company of Canada, Bills of Lading and Passage Tickets are granted in Liverpool for the conveyance of Goods and I'^seugers, at very moderate through rates, to all the Principal Towns in Canada. Baogage taken from thl Ocean Steamships to the Rail- Wau Cars Free of Expense. For Freight or Passage apply, in Glasgow, to JAME and ALEXANDER ALLAN, 70, (ireat Clyde-street, in Lon. don to MONTUOMERIK and GHEENHOKNE, 17, Gracechurck street; or to ALLAN BROTHERS and CO., Alexandra buildings, James-street, Liverpool- 85, Foyle Street, Londonderry. 37 NATIONAL LINF, STEAM FROM LIVERPOOL TO NEW VORl: EVERY WEDNESDAY, AND FROM QUEENSTOWN EVERY THURSDAY. "TVTATIONAL STEAM SHIP -??'??? i? COMPANY (LIMITED) The new full-powered British Iron Screw 'SsKEiMii# Steam-ships Ships. Tous. Ships. Tons, France.GrMa. 3200 Helvetia, Cutting. 3325 The Queen, Grogan Pennsylvania, llail .2873 England, Thompson 3400 j Virginia, Thomas 2876 Erin, Webster 3200 IlJéUlllark, Thompson 287. Louisiana, Forbes 2210 W ill be despatched from Liverpool to New York as followH HELVETIA Wednesday, Oct. 28th ENGLAND Wednesday, Nov. 4th. DENMARK .Wetlne..¡"y, :OY. Hih, And from Queenstown the following days. The Saloon accommodation on board these Steamers is very superior. Kate of Passage from Liverpool to New York.FtftecnCumeas. Return Tickets, Twenty-Firs Guineas. is gers, and a tull supply of Cooked Provisions so. ,*ed up by the Company's Stewards. Passengers booked tnrough to Aspiuwall, -Sall Fraa- cisco,—the inland towns of Canada and of the United States on favourable terms. For ircigla Ol- passage, apply 11 2t aa,i Wkier-Htive!, Liverpool, jw t„t .'Idi.N !,L;n!f\.e"n.