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INCoM K WiTit.'UT tilSK.—An AGENCY f?,) t'ile ol ii,e IN I)Ik 'rE A wi)).with moderate in.)nstrv. ins.nP:.?p?t?N'- livill: App)vf..rt.nnsto<iK.(\.mp?nv'sW.whouses?o. Hfat St. Helct.Velorre'avard. lJishop's'¡;'ltc, Publi s'IC.L, tlie Seventh Edition, priced; by post fr e, [¡ 4d. O NRET.TV MMT< OK DKBtUTIKK OF THE OK 0 x ci,iz,r%iN? *ON 1)1,1 -ISIS if) conn^tlf«» «HM.»-lth. 'Imnsla.ed FROM the Unman of I RE Pk:1or(1. ?'?*?.'m.h,)?<r<.i..?..?n.?'.? this work to the F .,RHFL.SSION interested in the  ""« ?" ?la), 2vlh, Mi. N 11(II)LIER,N 219 REGENT Street, London. 971 2uth, t!i'?. ? ???j? ?,9 ?gent StrMt. London. f71 LTSE ONLY THE G LEN FIE L DI STARCH. THE quekns' LAUNDRESS USES NO OTHER 717 4_ THE NEW CnHYED POTNTL-'D PEN •2s. rut ouoss uox. POST FUEE, 2S. 2D. rX)UV\?LED IIOLDER, C)D MAGNr?t ii<'NUM PENS. OX CO?T\)Xt\a 12 D'-?S AD HOLDER, 6D POST F,,I, 71). J. K. DOUCLAS, £ 7' 71 OXER, BANGOR   GUN CCT?TCN PLII:\TKIN THE CHBM'L-sT AM) SAUST EXPLOSIVE I OK .MLMNO AND (JI'VKIIY-NC. I OIL\HOE of ¡;ivell jy'" l'X!')'ts six times /V t))" ) ?Mfr Oiinp.wder. Th? sx?U SPARE at the bottom (.ftL? HOLE tillt.L L.y this dense explosive eiiables the iiii!)(,l to tilt, bl:tst, ati.l to ()I;t kill Ill.- I- of le!?,,t re- »i*taHec. Much i?'?i'?t'n.?')?" before ?nt'h ?)!<.t))"?'m?' the E.'ST of ilnllinsr by reducing the munbei, LIE.' ?iatn?frn'nt the DEPTH of the holes. )'t'?.??'i?'L'?? {"rSt.Uttu!?and)'i)t?rinj;; fine Slate BOCK. FOR partieulars. a)?)1y h'?lr. WitU?m Casson, Phs yn Veniliyu, lVvtmadoe. 34 JMI'OKTAXT TO A1 )VKHTISEUS. TIN; wii:tkiiav;:X NEWS, C?'MMMy«?(!V' T/tawlaii and Siitunlay morniny,) CIRCI?I.ATE: IN ONI? 1*11.1' ALI, TIIE OTHKR WIIRN;MAVI:N NKWSIUPKKS IN:T TOUKTHKU. '["1I E ('il'l'ulntit>1\ ex,I"lIds t:mmg-ho\lt the I (. whole of the County of Cumberland, a portion of Westmoreland. Lancashire," Dublin, the isle of Man, Bir lenhead, mid Liverpool, in whi>LI places theie arc AGENTS wh<.).?c?\'rt?u).t) (?'cc) s of the 'I'lle list of liull{'rih{'l' iuc1ud\i t.ilt.' lIaUIt'S (If tj¡ mo!;t influülltial¡' Biercantile and ;?tic'?tur.? ?nttcrncn, and iron-ore pro" prietors, AS well as the principal gentry of Cumberland ?ul ?'stn?'L'n'L I'm H'lt! kti NT W ILLIAM ALSOP. ,ro must be ADDRESSED. Oilioes 1-M. Uueen Street and 43, Roper Street V\ lutoiiaveii -o-r- 1) 0 0 K K 1 N D I X G. ,0" TO THE PCBLIC. F-vory DOSCIIPTIOU of BOOKBINDING jjcnt'Y .IN L c-xj'-J titioiusly executed at the Xoi't/t Walt# Cltro/tidc and Cronicl CymiHt P :1 "4 I) 0 K D I X D I V 0. AO OIWT ill) KS, LEDGERs, &c.. in YI.lUrn, il1;,¡, wii.H ov vitauui to OP»:U TI^T, RRIMIUT'.U'UUOU < II TIU- PUNIISCS. ) 0 0 K I X J) I X c. TO THE TRADE. ]»::J PTPER KPaging, Number- ing, IV-IFINAIIII^, .VC., EXECUTED at the usua] TracIe I'ricvs at DOUGHS' Stea,lf1 Printing an,1 l'o Works, ifigh Street, ITUU^UR. ->- FIREWORKS FIREWORKS CANONS, PISTOL^, CAps, Gun Caps. An ititniense Stock. OAV'EN, 49, Bliude-hill, M;M- r?HN (YWE, 49, ShuJe-hH!, ?Lm- t3 chrstcr. LHIP«»»ter "f evel-N, oi French, GERMAN, awl other Foreign Meroh^ndise. Shippers. Auctioneers, SHOPKEEPERS, Hawkers, and others, are MOST puvtic\A »rV REIPIESTED to eal\ and IN^PET-T the immense STOCK of N K.VI'LMVAI^S from the Continent, CONSISTING of TOYS of cvpry d('cription, Work H"XES,»L)RC.VSING CASES, NVrittng AL^NUNS, Ladies' CoiHp?u!"HS ?.?'?'?' ??. ???"?'?' Papier Machie goods, LUCRES. Rird Shades, Flower •S hades, Fruit SHADES, «?'D all other hinds of Fancy Goods too CASES OF (iOOJ)S always ready, aud klO to tl5, well sehvted f -R any tra LE. T-*U' \<»tk J KK AI»dki ss 'I'ITI'I OLD KSTABM>hkd Man- chester, G])posite I homas-siievt. 'J\I!US, C ish. No agents OR (ravelins EMPLOYED, prices thereby reduced    tJ.J ?E??PERMNS' | WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. | f  Pronounced ? {])) Becarcfu)' by Connoisseur? £ ■ 1 r byConnoiKeun -?? to?skfot ¡ THE ONLY 'LEA&PERRINS'I ?&OOD SAUCE' SAUCE. ¡ rGooD sauce; sauce. • ¡ j *?* See name on wr?pper? label, bottle, and ¡ ¡ npper. So)dbyCrosse&tHackw€U,Londont; and t,y all deatem in Siu?es. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. i LEA IPERRINS ¡ J WORCESTER. 1 6 t ESTABLISHED 1807. THE NORTH WALES CHRONICLE STEAM 1MUNTINU WOliKS HIGH STREET, UANGOR,   /T\ ¿1' ;I. /< r¡  :f"( )\ VV^R- *II Z,J PP,l NTIN OF EYKRY DESCRIPTION Execute,! WOB XEAIIU ,IR:,I I'.xpeditioti, oil the JLO.-U LTKA<- »KAL:IJE T ELLMS. IPAMPIU-F'S CIRCIM.AHS. j t CATALOL.TIA i 1  .•sOCIETlii">' itl'l.ES, HEP(}HT". "?"nj.s, 1!11.1,. 11, 1)?4 CILEL'K POORS, r\vt'ut.l i:¡ ;l sUI'C,ir¡!' Hlallllt'I'. IAUCTIOIT -.TLTS, POSTERS, &c AVe'I <V- 'I'.YED. AND aijvi'unsiiMi' • j;j i i'iv::d r«'H ai.i. the London anl THE ALLS CHRONICLE pric, D. OFFICE.-laxtou House, High Street, Baiigoi-, MR SELL1S, DENTIST, TOWYN. 15 years Surgical and Mechanical Dentist in London, may be cou- suited at the undermentioned towns, at Miss Evans's, Smith- field-street. p. KTMADOO—Mrs Bennett Williams, Snowdon-street, the 2nd and 4th Wednesday in every month. 328 Steam communio vtion hkta'kkx menai LLAN- J>LIDNO AM) LIVERPOOL.  riVAK City of'Du},¡jn Company's' -LT Steiiiiioi l'iArthur," ("rothcr ????jtj<? ? STEAMERS; are intended to kaye Men:li .t?T?!??_?"-?? bridge, caiUn? off Hangnr. |(>O;mmaria, and Lhmd'idno, (weather J^ennittingh through tin present month of (Kitober, on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays at 10 o'clock in the morning. From the Princes Landing Stage. L verpool, the alternate days at 11 o'clock in the morning. Cargo received at the Clarence Dock on Wednesdays City of Dublin Steam Packet Company 20, Water Stn ct, Liverpool THE llOYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE CORPORATION. For Fire, Life, and Marine Assurance, and for Annuities by Charter of KingOeorge the FIRST, and confirmed by Special Acts of Parliament, Chief Oflice in the Royal Exchange, London, Brauch, 29, P„LL Mall PEliSONS assured with this Corporation incur no liabilities of Partnership. Payment of their claims is secured by a large invested Capital Stock. TlieV en'jov the advantages of modern practice, with the stalnlityuf an office which has been tested by the ex- perience of nearly a Century and a half. 'J'zlbles of the premiums nnd of the I>oiins in the life- Department, may be obtained at the offices of the Cor- poration, or fr-mi its Agents in the principal towns of the United Kingdom. A. HIGH AM, Actuary and Secretary. Post Fru fo-" Tlfo Stamps. The most Valuable Cook EVER Published for Nervous Sufferers 'CUE -MCHKT FH1KND Ly UL;. HAi?HS, MD, who hils for twenty YPARS ?iven hisexflusheitttention to the treatment and cure of all Sexual Maladies. Nervous and PUX&icial Huhilitv, I ossof Memory, 1'ainsiu the Back, Dimness ofSi^ht. t a>sit de, LIULI^ sii<»n, Spermatorrhea liupciliments to MANIASEAND OTLUR aHmel 18, caused by the follies of youth, which, if neglected, result in consumption, insanity aud au I eHlv tleath, L)r. DIIRNCS'S name has BEEN before the Publ, ic notice for a eonsiderabh' time, and the cures he has effected has gained him a FAT-fame«V and justly-meaited repute for his skill in the treatment of the »bove, and al! SEXUAL diseases, without the use of Mer ur » IS m di AL work, the Secret Fiieml, IS illus rated W^LTH numerous C tses ami Testimonials from Patient*, showirg the wav BV which th y were restored t" lietlth an<T manly vigour it is a true guide to those who require a speedy cure. Sent post free, secure from observation, on receipt of two SL 'RESF, Dr. Barnes, 30, Tlmrohili Crescent, Caledonia ltuad, • ondon, N. T IKHIG'S EXTRACT OF MEAT LI (;I:WJNE ranufadnrerl on the Establishments of R. TOOTH, ESQ., Sydney Paris F-xhi1 ition, tiors Collcokirs." The chemical analysis of Dr..Miller pioves that tlj's Kxtract IS unsurpassed In composition, one oum e or* Extract is equal to two pounds of best gravy beef. Thompson s patent stoppers. Insist on having Mr. TOOTH'S Manufacture LIKBKJ'S KXTRACT OF MEAT BlSJUITS (Colemnn's Pate t reallv delicious highly nutritive, AND economical in- valuible to Travellers, Spoitsmen, Invalids, &,c. very suitable for tn'tchoon. —TFR\s, Is U'S AMI 3$. IM. each LII-(; E'I'HIC'I' OF MEAT LOZ"SGE !Coleman'" Piifent ill Boxes, Is., :;8 lid., and -is. od., palatable and con- veiiiei.t. Solil by Richard Hughes, Chemist, Langor. W J. COLEMAN & CO., 13, St. M;»ry-at-llill, I ondon, E C "<Jreat Western, and Denbigh, Ruthin, aud Corwen Uiilways. SEA BATHING CUE VP Excursion Tickets, are issued daily c to as foil's:— Fares for the Double Journey. From a. in. 3rd CLAI-S. Dolgeliey Dep. TI 5s ID Vontnewyf'd 6 4G Drws > N;*nt •. 7 •>) 5, LlanuwchllyU „ 7 17 4s 3d 3S 61I I.hndderfel „ 7 41 3s 3d Uandiilio >>7 •>O 3s 111 Cynwyd.. •• 0 -8 10D (.I'WEN S 10 L's OL (iwyddelwern B -0 -S Cd Deiwcn 3 30 2s 6d Nantclwyd 8 3> 2s 4(1 VI art h 8 4-) 2CJ Od Kuthin •• S 0 Is 9.1 I'.hewl „ 8 ;"3 Is Kd Llanrh iiadr 8 S Is Ud Rhyl Arr. iv .) These tickets will also be issued on Saturdays by the 10 40 a.m. up train from Corwen and intennedi te stations, and also by the 4 10 ]> M from Ruthin, Uhewl, aj.d Uanrh ,iadr. ON everv Sa urday, until furrhei n«>tice. 1st and ,'nd class return tickets will be is.-ued from Corwen and intermediate sta- tions to KhU by the 8 10 a.M and 10 40 a.m. TRAINS, and also by the 4 10 p.m. from Ruthin, Uhewl, and Llaurh i;t,ir. Fares for the Double Journey. 1 st Class. 2nd Class Corwen, Owvddelwern, Derwen, Naiitelwyd.a 4s Evarth, Kuthin, lthewl, Ualirl aiadr 3.4 6d 2s Cd All these tickets are available for the day of issue only. Return "\rraneIllcnt -PHf).;eng;>rs for stations between Ey- arth, Corwen and DOL^'HCY inclusive,return by thet ain leaving Ehyl at 4 1 pIlL. and will have time nt Kuthin up to Sej>tember 0th, to view the Fine Airs Exhibition, and will be allowed to PROCEED by the 0 4 I» in. train on producing their tickets. Pas- sengers «OR Llanrhaiadr, i.'hewl. and nuthin, retltrn by the 7 JO p In or 8 p m. Trains from Uhvl. The splendid Promenade Pier open daily, and a fine brass band plavs upon it and the parade »X stated horns during the dav. Children under twelve, half price Tickets not transferable. By Order, T. CARTWIAOT'T, General Manager. Ruthin Station, August, 186?. 1'4 CURES AND COMFORT FOR THE BED RIDDEN BY HOLLO WAY'S OINTMENT. This wonderful Ointment acts like magic in relieving and cur-iug oltl sores, wounds, bad kg, ulcers, and er- uptions of the skin, when rubbed on the surface it penetrates AND purities each tissue oil its passage, and EXERTS the most WHOLESOME influence over the internal structures. It lie:ils I)y cle,tiisiii, it]] animal fluids witll which it COMES in contact, and thereby promotes a.sound and permanent cure. Goat and Rheumatism. To sufferers FROM the racking pains of Rheumatism :tll,l (;lit this ointment will drove invaluable. After F"M"lit R II'II with warm water the soothing* action of this Ointment is most remarkable it SEEMS at once to lessen iurtamatiou, ease pain, reduce the swelling, restore natural iuvulati"!). and expels tlw disease. For the above com- claints HOUOWAY'.S Ointment and Pills are infallible I specifics. JJipthiria, Bronchitis, Sore Throats, C'Htyht, and Colds This elas of diseases may be cured by well rubbing the Ointment, three times a day. upon the throat, chests and HAIK of the patient. It will BOllI) penetrate Hncl give immediate relief. In an stages of Influenza, Colds, and bronchitis, this treatment may be followed with efficiency and sitfety-iticie,I. it has never been known to fail. All Dmamt Scrofula and Scurrii. This Oiutnient is a certain cure for Ringworm, Scurvy, Scrofula or KING* I vil, and the most inveterate skin diseases to which the human race is subject. T)icy c:iii- not be treated with a safer or more speedy remedy than jlollowuv's Ointment, assisted by his celebrated Pills, which act so powerfully on titeeonsttution and so purify the blood that these disorders are completely eradicated from the system, and a lasting cure nhtajued. JJropxinil SntUinitt. Beware of this dangerous and stealthy complaint, which frequently creeps upon us by slight squeatnishness or trifling jaundice.of which little or no notice is taken until the legs begins to swell. The cause of the evil must be looked for in the liver and stomach; therefore set to 1work earnestly, BY taking s FAMOUS Pills according to the printed instructions, and rubbing the Ointment very effectively over the pit of the Kt.miaeh and right side, where THOSE organs lie Mo4 dropsical eases will readily yield to the combined influence of the Ointment and Pills. i lJih*t and Internal Inflammation. These complaints are most digressing to both body and mind, false delicacy concealing them from the knowledge I of the most intimate friends. Persons suffer f rr years FROM Piles and similar complaints when they mi ht use HolIoway'.sOintment with instant telief, and effect their own earp without the annoyance of explaining their ailment to anyone. The Pills greatly assist the Oint- mellt, as they purify the blood, regulate its circulation, j renew DISEASED structures, aud invigorate the entire I systcm. Disorders of the Kidneys* Stone, and Orarel [ Are immediately relieved and ultimately cured if this | Ointment be well rubbed, twice a flay, into the small of I the back, over the region of the kidneys.to which it will gradually penetrate, AMI in ALMOST every case give im- mediate relief; but perseverance will be necessary to elfect a thorough cure. I both the Ointment and Pills should be used in the hnloiciuu cases. liii(I Legi HAD lAreasts iiufns bunions Bite of Most-lie toesand Sand I li,, <.o]!.ty Chieg«!-foot Chilblains Chapped hands Corn vSuit/ Cancers Contracted and Sutt'-jeiuts Elephantiasis Fistulas Gout (llautlular Swcl lings Lumbago l'ilc. Rheumatism Scalds Sore-Nippl Sore-Throats -Skin diseases Scurvy Sore heads Tumours Fleers Mounds y itw, Sold at the Establishment of Professor Hoixoway, ■J'JI, Strand, (near Temple Bar), London also by all res- cc! able IMIGGISTS and Dealers iu Medicines throughout I he civilised woild. at the following prices:-Is. lid., yd.. 4s. (id., lis., and ;«s. each Pot. 'I lieic is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. J-,i the guidance of pitients in every disorder are «TTIVCD to each Pot. NO']ICE OF HLMOVAL. The Premises 244, Strain!, being REQUIRED for the new 1.aw Couits, Thomas Holloway'S Pill AND Ointment ..usiue»s will be carried 011 at F>.>3 OXFORD SLUC^R, on and after the 24th June, 1807, although the '\dveitisement will, for seme tiuicjto come, tbear tLe old ADDRESS, "44 btrauJ." 1004 GREAT K..?UCHU? ? jpi B O Y ST ??T?\???TTT?T?? WA1EA1n lJ AI], ({ 1, A11 }!,IJ,¡': UN THE l'RnnE8 ???0? t?,j,?m .?? JD?lij <?ljL/liiiI\<jr ?i ???J AM?t)AH:uj<T?ErttEM]'-E8 ?3???'S??? I, :r-: ] ( 1; J 1 1 ( ( ] j 1. } ',i t- N Scotch Tweeds, and AucoJas. KIICK'B -k FI'"m 1.1 28, fill. s f;,1. SUITS JACKET, VEST, AH) From 5ri. fill. j THE CEL^BKATE1^ °BIGINAL^g ■ \TWJ Made from the best Welsh and Scotch Twceds. &c., &0., &0., hy ??t.?i. "out_io.. JOHN ARONSON, ?M? ? G1"NTSI SCITS. 1 A <, P,W PT -?? Pivnni), < 4 1 R. ') H r!np, pn' "PT' "1 ? ? ?< "?ZYLOBALSAmUM ? ?W-?y ? ?L-? ?? '??? tCR MESONS & BE?'J?.fY.hS 1HE Al??. FT B G MM ? '??Ac!rnrtrMtt'-j)nrt?t??r?M?<'n?:th..nt ?''  ? ? ?? # A Y ?' i/ NCDINIENT. and h( hi m high esteem ? ????? ?. BY 'h"usaM?b of i..d? for ??. < Y]r ?* t ? .i./? ???-t M F ^uiessing their own Md  ?.V /? ? ? ?<t7 ?t ???  ??<? ? ??????  IL'DAREII'SHAIR. AKD S  ?<T? ?It  t? ?R!OE DRESSING?s? 7? (■Combined in o e Bottt?J   iff m ? ?N???f y ————   ??????? ?r? ? ?? ?? This unequalled preparation no er ? *y ?t? ??-? FAUS to invigorate and beautify th Hair, ????? <? ? )T )S NOT A BYE, BUT )T WILL RESTORE GREY HAIR ??? ?'- t TO !TS ORIGINAL COLOUR, ???C "-??Y? It arrests the hUM() produces aiu:uriantanAhet!thygrowtli. *??-?? ?' <-  ? PRICE *SIX 8H)LUNC8. ???     Wholesale DepSt-266, HIGH HOLEORN, LONDON. 113 Sold by meet Chemists and Perfumert. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. ADVICE TO INVALIDS.—If you wish to obtain quiet refreshing sleep, free from headache, relief from pain and anguish, to calm and assuage the weary nrhing8 of protracted disease, invigorato the nervous media, and REGULATE the circulating systems of the body you will provide yourself with tnui marvellous remedy discovered by Dr. J. COJiLIS BROWNE (late Army Medical Staff), to which he pave the aume of CHLORODYNE, and which is ADMITTED by the Profession to bo the most wonderful and valuable remedy ever discovered* CHLORODYNE is the best remedy known for Coughs, Consumption, Bronchifcis, Asthma. CHLORODYNE cffectuallychecks and arrests those too often fatal discases-Dipthcrin, Fever, Croup, Ague. CHLORODYNE acts like a charm in Diarrhoea, and is tho only specific in Cholera and Dysentery. CHLORODYNE effectually cuts short all attacks of Epilepsy, Hysteria, Palpitation and Spasms. CHLORODYNE is the only palliative in Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Cancer, Toothache, Meningitis, &e. CAUTION.—BEWARE of PIHACY and IMITATIONS. CA "TION-Vice-Ch.,incellor Sir IN'. PAOK WOOD stnted that Dr. J. CoLns Hffowxt. was, undoubtedly, the Inventor of CHLORODYNE; that the story of the Defendant, Fbeluan, was deliberately untrue, which, he regrcued to say, had been sworn to.—See Times, 13th July LS6I. RollI in Bottles at Is H<1, 2s nd, Is 611 and lis each. None is genuine without the words Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLOHODYNE"ontheGovernmentStamp. Overwhelming Medical Testimony accompanies each bottle. SOLE MANCKACTUIII:H:—J. T. DAVENPORT, 33 Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, London. CARSON VA 1114 The British GoVEDKMEXT, I Tub Indian CiOVF.It."MENT, I THE Colonial Govkhxmot, The Russian (Jovkhxmunt, I RAIT WAY n",1 CANAl, ('orl'¡E", I COLL[ li?ON MASTERS, ,c, 6,600 OF THE AOBtI.IT* AND UENTRT, For nil kinds of OUT-DOOR T^T-O^ITZ., And is proved, after a test of 70 years, to surpass any other Paint. It is especi.,ill)- al,l,licztl,le to Iron Park Fencing, Farm aId other Buildings, Bridges, Hurdling, Farm Implements, Carts and WAGONS, LIAL-S, &c. &c. and all exposed work, aud whore a Saving of more than 50 per cent. may in the end be safely reckoned upon, as not only is it cheaper in th first place when purchasing, but last. twice as long as any other paint, and CAN BE LAID ON BY UNSKILLED LABOUR. Per Cwt. m. OURS. Per Cwt. White TRADE MARK. BritrhtRnd JjKht Stone TRADE MARK. J Bath Stone 1)?ti-k l?ed .? 2?),B. l,ittii -)tol)e .NTICOR 11 I- Brown. liath Stone f ?30s. ?''?''??7 ?'HP'r??? t< B!auk )J9' I?ht Portland Stonei | daiux M Black Port) .nd Stone ? ? r?"'?' Tortl .nd Stone ) fMLT:Het!;???/?—??.? ? Br..n7.o(,recn ) Buff  ?-—' ? iMir,i.?,hwt?t.j.cm \j Oak colour ) PJ-N;  S?- ]>eep Green 12s. Leadcotuur ?*°' .???0?.- ..?.?.?? ?ua ) Prepared Oil Mixture for the Anti-Corrosion Oils, Turpentine, Varnishes, Brushos &C. CARSON S' PAINT, For Public LDLVICM, Mansions, Villas, and every kind of Brick, Stone, Compo, &-c, is unrivalled, and is th.: only Paint that will effectually resist the rays of the sun upon Conservatories, Greenhouses, Frames, &o. 3 Cwt. of the Powder in all cases delivered Cauriagk Fkkk to all Railway Stations in the United Kingdom. Patterns and Testimonials sent Post Free. WALTER CARSON & SONS, LA BELLE SAUVAGE YARD, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.G., (Tine Doors Koat of Rail<ra>i Vaidxict.) Xo Agents, )ARSONS' mm P AINX  Ii U \i ;L;t: T»ROTBCnON TROMPte*  PATENT  ? .t:.Ü.1 J "(I\t)£ MA ABE NOT POiSONOUS??g???  ?  C<3A'7M7???JP/;1M?WC?Ky..????  "t 1. ""r¡<A.. I ;i-<: MR.?'? ?-1?.?..???i?L,*????7?j3L??'? ?????'????f ???f ???y ????'??-'??Ss?- 1r' '7oldíy C;:}R ;-CHEMISTSJRoNMoNC;1 W* C//?A????/??. JT?T'/O/V??'? &C.???/???//f/??, "??'y WHITKCHflnpL ROAD, LoiMTXTN- B l?.H.Mft i?.iL;<? B I-.IXI.-JV.. I.J T?HH.)i?&CO..T)':A?i)':HC!L\?TS, J" Kl:\1< WILI.T.\)r ;I'!¡¡'T. "IT\ L():\l'();, !;(', A ■ „«».«.>< NI,I l\ 'I'VS. 11;. -I. 2 1. y: FY' ¡:T CLACK 'PE.\ i !loW (1lh' I¡ '1' Ih. R.?.?:[;I;<H''m'')'?:.).?.?.?.f"). Ip' N. I'OM l'It, r(1:,I. \1' t.\KKET IMIK ES. J LNRKCI T„.v;ii:I KI^L.IIUL, »n VI-tvi:|o> LV VillbblPS HIHi (,o T' H, KIUU ,V; I '«M -T • Cuv. E{'. I'll n Lf"S "(). l'nd nIl nr"li) I ), Tun,\ f )'? all LOI:-?.»n, FIN L Tea.Ct<N'eos. und SPIRES (I JC K'-CTFTO m V»;J? .IJI (»J* towo 'N I-' :iu d ;• V V. i: I,, "he V;I!I:C ;I :■ R.; N\ B-'VE v.. NN«l n>, CI.-UAI LINR \V' «•■< LOWDOW BXHIBITION, 1862. Only Prize Medal awarded. ?° ??? Jurors' Report: "Exceedingly °? > ?.. excellent for Food.  IS, exocllent for Pood." .9?t?- ??.?V ?- r)04  ? Sold Every- ?OQ? t? ?? ? ??? ??' :SJ"A,q PIOS 10 ?*<< '? b ??*?? .non?BdaJd: ??? ?'? b? ?'?? jonopoojjaj: ??S?? Jw' 'au;)'6ptMtttmooM   £ /O^ SANAWIY S.IOAUTM 000 I 'Til Iq it Itrtto00 'jnonoH jo fpow JQAITG EIOG '?.981 'NOIMSOAXA SIava TIIK I'I:NFEI'TTON OP MARAVtLLA COCOA. ,(,W,O,A? TiJl?: 1,T?r.FP.('TTON' Oil I F*OLT'' PKC*' 'D 1 L'» 10 M?:AV!LLA CQCGA. KUUS., J.u!J(). T! N,'AO) of i, tile, triie Th.'LB-1 mia of Cf)Cw.i'<in.U?eH..nsto6?Hi AM rie:of whieh M::vi.viua is a favoured POI'iiou. 'r'Y?))' U;L LTUH'IVIN'I' secared t'ie ERCCLUS_I^E pni))?.r.rt)ns?'<'RIY'L?'?'<?'?' HY ?'?' A^ONLBN of THEIR "^OLUB.O PRUIEIJ'IO and elaborate MACMU'M'V NR elti""d 'v'!T. I^ so U'ideiii;dil\ •■ tiIk :r:;iim'Ti(>N of VIISI-AITUP oocoa," lizli If-,t only F;Pelli.o(l til(? Iff)'Il(P and Cocoa drinkers trenerally. but many who had hitherto not tt?nt(a.??v'M!mtio:?<H'tt)ie!nh!tVf?'!eruuct.'j?ht.).i?.d THE MAHAVj.UiA COCOA AS their commit be% 1,)r B :q, l\w! '1. ,\(' A it I:T) FACT. "Xtr,,)ct fi-oiii ihoG?»hr: MTAYB(>R UROTlli IIS. ND;I)>TIN^ their R>ev(ect SYSTEM ofpro!:ara:io!» to this uuest A:* all species of the T«I:obkoma, have J)roduced pn artic'O which snncrsedrs I:vri;Y odihh COF-O4 in the market. Entire solubility, a delicate aroma, and N ravo conceiitrnfiou of the purest elements of nutrition DISTINGUISH the MARAVlLLA COCOA above all odiers. For invalids we could not recommend a more agreeable or VIABLE beverage." SOL" TY PXCKJJIS ONLY, lIb. ilb. AND lib., my ALL Giiocu& «»• (,.I IS 8(1: TWELVE I ) -s SI I Carte enlarged to P: inclies on In in. by 12 in. Indiamount. 7s Ud ( abinet. 2S Gd. Send C-ute with STJIMJIS. Perfect copies returned free. London Photographic Company, 40, High Holborn, London. F. S. D. PHILLIPS, Manager. FINE STRONG RICH BLACK TEA, FIT FOR ANY TABLE, 2s 6d per lb.; 8 lbs. for 20s. free J' to all parts on receipt of Post Office order. OSBORNE & TARRY, Tea,Wine & Spirit Merchants, 434 West Strand, London, W.O. TOMLINSON & CO,'8 BUTTER POWDER, for TO :,}j,} ,H? E\,t;P:'P' .(: n?'[j.)'fium?Lh<jL'n.ro!t'uirhu:<'ttoaU::tf;.su/!i"'n'.s !O JAIIJUTOS: :md rjiki:I'/ iivvay any uni'Ieasaut TASTE of T ir- L Mii.iv;-4'is, \'?i-m.?: \Veeds. ?'?'?'?' ??'. ■••• -f1 ;(>< .'j ]. 1;1, ]<, ,irl 7; Ud e;i. TEA IS GETTING DEARER. BUT NOW. P-1 HILLIPS & CO., TEA MERCHANTS, 8 KING WILLIAM STREET, CITY, LONDON, E.G. Are now telling STRONG BLACK TEAS, 1.10, 2/, 2/4. VERY EXCELLENT BLACK TEA is now only 2,6 per lb. RARE CHOICE GF."m:'Œ r:01>'1o'EE, 1/, 1/1,1:2, 1,3, 1Wtlb. A PRTCK CURRKNT POST rilKE. SUGARS AT MARKET PRICES. A CHINESE CADDY contttining 16 lbs. of really good BLACK TEA sent carriage free to any railway station or Jlarket Town in England, on receipt ot 40s., by PIIILLIPS and CO., Tea Merchants, 8, King WilUam-strcet. City, E.G. PHILLIPS & CO. send oil GOODS CARRIAGE FREE to all London, and Teas, Coffees, and Spices Carriage Ilree to anr RAILWAY station or market town ip England, Ireland, Scotland, or AVales, if to the value of -10s. and upwards. PHILLIPS & CO. have no agents and BO connection with any hoime in Worcester or Swansea. DENT, Chronometer, AVatch and Clock i J Makers to LIE Majesty, H. R H the Prince of Wales, and H I.M. the Emperor of Russia, anti Makers of the Great Clock for the Houses of Parliament, til, Strand, and 34 and Royal Exchange, London Gold Lever WATCHES £ 8 d from lG 10 0 Gold Half Chrono- meters, WINNING with or without key. fr<>M 36 lill 0 GoltÍ IlulltilJg Case ol( VIC a ches nn TE guarant d from 7 0 Silver Lever Watches t d from 5 5 0 Silver Half Chronowo- me ers, winding with or without a Key from 20 5 0 Silver Half Chronome- ters. in KIIUVING Cases from 27 1; 0 arine Chronometers 30 15 0 Gold Chains, 11 and 18 carat, from J-1 4s. Drawing Room and Library Clocks in Ormolu, Marble, &C., winding vith or without, a key. Dials. Eracket and Astionom- lcal clocks of every description. Turret Clocks itinde to orde K. DENT & CO., 61, Strand, and 34 and 35, Royal Exchange, London. Per D I/ iVi'doz. 183.-T ARRAGONES-18s. EOTTUIS AM) CAM-S INVL.UPED. !'■'<( (),( 1'3 (<n !C Street. pHAK).KS' W,\ IW AND SON, J WINK V.liHCIIAN'T.S, Per.LOJ. JtAYKAIi!, W„ LONDON. Per -loa. I83.~TAB.RAG QNES-I8s.# I mJ^V. -•- INDIGESTIC. f 8old everywhere. Bottles is. LID,, 2A. 9d" AND lift. -PXTIUORDIVARY CURES of PARALY?S, JJRtU'.t;MATtS\t.nt!?H't'Y.lS!)KU?T!<<,A<t?-)u<u?'if »AI.M:'S GAI.VAMI' AL'I'A];A ITS."—Till' HT;trvollous M'v«T> of Mrs. Klennor L>tvif's, of TITIkiiiiic ^'CLJ IU. )H':II- I/DNPCTRR, WALO, of UR. HEUUI'TT OiilK'I T.of LONDON OT Mr. SIDIX'Y I).ivi>,or.NT»WC.K:II' on- Tync- of Mr. I.nno, of Aicotcr; .UUL otlir I-s. IMVC ilia WTIOICTIU'TLICJU profi s<ii>n ,h 1\{1l a the PIIMIV. Tlioyair n¡t¡¡'t' LIKE minu'los tli;UI CIUV.s bv natural means. All thl' U.-IU! ROU.FTIIR!I:IJ VON tri"I5. NKO TFAH'aii'.on, by NU-AIT^ of variouo II<*LI»UC->, 1H1t in ,;¡:n, Kalsr's (ialvanie Apparatuv P'.stoivd rlipin all.tn HE tltlt. K\U'H ac<nm;¡\n' tuns NNI^T ,.unh TUININN' »-very ONF 'Int if frulvaiiisni is REV(,RTE<L to it «.IK>ii!II t>O .•»J>pl:c-ii by IIMUHIS of U.D-O's Gatvank API*vat.us."—S<?T? PAT TU viliu'S IH 11:lqll\kt. Invalids ,twuhl not bn P^R>UADI-IL :1:IJI1..t TR>in^ "llnlso'S (iatvanic AP^arufiK," simply borau>I> their me.tiiiil IIII-n or nthl" Iwvc BEEN trying other ;N.N bines on them, :lnJ h.ive found them N-< LOS<, nor hou¡d tiiev !¡t!'n fo the jll remark Ireqin-ntly mado ttLI (ialvan- jHI frotol INIE 111adliup jo;quilp a'I'f1,tu;l! AS FROM :111.(1111' r SAEH M awr: iott is SIMPLY noilvn^II al, a- ev rv INNER m ho lias B«:on in the luihit OL H.IWI' > :I))])NNITNS WI-LL kn.I« ». L> L-'aets NRO fitiilihorn things." ald the f.U ts N,SP"CT':M.' lIa'( (j:I]"lnir' Apparatus aiv, that the 10"1'11:'1111. cavs pvov«* HEYOUD THE POSSIII.IITY OF a In"ht. that his machines SUCCEED In nr:t1\ÍI1' < urr-.s 111 (:1'1:, m LICI'i» oilier in:u'hiii,,s not only fail, but prove PO^IIVIV injurious. 1iow can lhíl ho accounted for. if tlie clfe. TK of all m.U fniics ARE th,' cune ? Mr. Iblsr has FRECJIIONTLY UNOW n LN> .U.I; hino, < ure RASES..>f para"'11 IN WHICH the med'ie; men han' INSJ^TTVL (HAT galvanism WOULD ho ointe IISD E-S. •' as the patients WI-RE SNIICI INU' IN.M ei'lscr a sfiftcnim.' oi I be hvain or MU'AP. Thetr H'VA'CRJ whmhi VVVDCIIT that thev m suiter,N^' (. I>M neither. 11 they had BEEN, -'II! vanisin would have been ,u.f')'-??t'!ir.t)nt<'):?i)<))'(-' afraid to ADMINISTER tralvaniMn, rvher know no'h;lI of Mr. LIAISES Apparatus, or they have bpen 1I'ln, hrse cheap TORTURC-PRUDUI'IIIG machine*, which brinj? u much discredit OU palvani-M. ?f.un'mc'iic?m?n having tried tho«P miihII MACHINE, and having found them worse than NSELI'SS, AN- no*v N^IMR JlaNe's Apparatus instead. Indeed, many invalids now R'.FII'E to be GALVANISED bv NNT OTHER APPARATUS. DR HavtlnU, OT'TILUSAOW, in his small Troat;F ON 1al\a]nSIn." 'Say", ")tit??\Ap)):)rtf?-.j<.('jpn?!?<)f effectir? CURS n CASES iu which the COMMON MIUU MACHINES <11'" hotli UM'II'SS and in urious. HNNIR cim-trncted entirelv FOR medical PURPOSES, HALSO'I ;11 ¡¡jl ;1; J ): j II tlII,1 1t ( ,ï: h I: :>r: r t! ;'1: rtl Tt)'p!n'.jC!?i?,t)iay?th?u-!t)thi?t),but,constdcm?it!.(uf'[uits, it is really CHEAP Such i<'j)t't!!trH)iil?op!nionf)f"trn!f'«H!)!v;tn!cAp!'nmt!)- INV.ili-is SHOULD send two STUMPS to Mr. W. if. HA -.e, Warwick I,m?r. 4?. Adduon Road, KENSINGTON, London for his pamphlet un GaIvaftfSin. _?..?JL. I'.I.M. 1"¡'I.¡ .> umiu .Aamor, I..ioinoc J4(¡d)!o, iVc.;HAUJ, NEW EDITION OE G. T. CONG-SSYS'S Work nn? Q H??DT!n?S ¡¡ ¡ I.¡ Ë ¡¡ ¡ uu? uu H?r U n p:l thl'r,n:Jl !fHt.ion r¡f lOflO e.'1l'I! \?: p" lthi-u"t??'tion'=!nF'l<?M<j' I. of LIIL.S I'ELL disease, THROUGH all its uud the VilUE TBI.ATMENT, WITH INT.TI:STIN. AND KXTIIA'.>NINARY t. ,11" 11'.1 r.u :rH" OASiSS OF cuas. ¡. .i..OoMo. ,u.. W' ALSO OF astjima, BRONCHITIS, &C. RSTFII:3TH\Q COMMUNICATIONS. ISAAC COM^OBT (into of Forcjt Ir111, 1,.lld now of TOLLBRIDGE Wells), rela- tive t• j his ILRJI.^HTER. The P:itieut was brought to me last year, sufTerinff from £ TC:>T L>ro;U"II: ivn't.-ition :IR: I nervous con^'h.witli tendency to JIH'HI.S-IS. IFA'lbmnt'.Mlev mrdica I treatment without benefit for SOMO time. Jan.UVT. L^FFS, ?,!r. ("omiokt w:-ites me AS follows I AM thankful to SHY that by the HU. -^INO; of God U MI J n your TR''•:UNLE}L, tny DNU FILTER is restored to health. I SHAH circnhuc your lame far and near, feeling satisfied 2.-From Mr. J. F. READ, 43 Bnssott-street, BEDFORD.—" My WILB had ^UIRI'I-ED iYom the ny.-r SEVERE c-JIURU tor some years past. The Rev. W..letievy (whose name iu the book) advir-ed me to try your treatment. Si>a itiittpii'e /»>,•«'ccrrd, and enjoyed jjrood health since. We iind your medHneamost VH(:nJ.r; FAf1LY IEDICINE Make what use you please of my wife's case."—FEB. 3rd, rnnE ONLY SILVER IEDAL-First Prize—Paris Exhibition, of 27 Com- petitors (making 5 Medah awarded). MBLLKU'S COD Livkh OIL. Purest Norwegian. The best and purest made from the fresh, ami not from putrid livers, as the darker Oils. Invaluable in CONSUMPTION, Bronchitis, Scrofula, and geueral debility. See J>. Abbotts Smith, Dr. Hassall, Dr.Cregeen, Dr. W. Boeck. Dr. de Bescbe, Lancet, Mediant Tim.s. xv.. Sold in capsuled bottles, half-pints tit 2s 3D, pints, 4s each, by all Chemists. Hee Moller's name on label. Circulars and Testimonials of Peter Mollor. 22, Mincing Lane, London, L.O., Contractor to the North London Consumption Hospital. 503 BEAD THE WARNING VOICE. To TJIF. Eebimtatup. —,Jr. Smith, tlie celehratpd Phy?ici«n fnr?h.'<'un!()'?f?"t)chi]tty.ffH?hnit?t"Sf?.() hy POST, free ntrhart;<aroptnfh?in'a!?.b!w.?)..n?'W..rni??V"kt'(!M p:It'} a .M e»lic;I! Work on the Cure hy Mctioiue only of Ner*ou> f?n,m.)'.uuhdI)??'hs.\?'ht?an? )'h?ic.tJ De. REGION, I'al- pilatioiis uf the H'-art, ()iI'" IN tin- Ht-ad AND Kars, LU'teci^ion. IMPAIRED ,o.d Memory. Ituti^e-tioo, BOSS OF H"f!?nd Appetite.['.onsi? the H.'<eti.tn?Ttnu.!?\, "l,Ir.f)Ifrurl Diz- Z:nes«, Lnve of So itmle, (JRONMLK^^ KENR?, THIA \N>poitar.t hook contains the Pn -cnptieii.- AND INFRACTION* hy whioli NRTN> THOUSANDS ot Dr*. SU ita'S p.itient-ha\e been rc>tored to HEALTH AND vigour, after Klec;ricitj and a L oilier laiscly-cal!"d REMFTIIES IIA-L failed. SENT tree, under *EDL, to any addrl's. ell rcceipt of <\ I-UMPV:U DIRECTED EUVCL' PO. CONSULT A LONDON PHYSICIAN. 1)r, Smith vmIi. ior the linn-lit m I'EVTO.NS >TOBRSTO* from Ner- vous Debi.ity, .vr., on r» ccivine a (BSERIPTION of their CA^E (en- his written OPINION, with advice and directions, lor the most *uecesstn tiodtnient and cine. Address. Dr. Smith, 8, Barton Crescent, London, W.C. 754 DTNNKL'OMRS FLUID MAGNESIA. For Thirty Years the MeJical ProfessOn have appruved of this pure sohuioii as the best remedy (or VeuUtyof the STOMACH, HIvAliTlU'llX. HEADACHE GOUT and IXUIOESTIO.V And as a mild Aperient tor delicate constitutions, especially adapted for ladies, childrcn, aud [nfants, hen combined with the acidulated lemon syrup, It forms a most agreeable effervescing draught, in which its aperient and cooling ijnalities are much increased. Iu warm seasons and warm climates this simple preparation, when taken HEGUI.AI{LY, has been found highly beneficial. Dinnefoid and Co-, Chemists, &c., 7 2, M KV>' IIOUD STUEKT, LONDON, Sold hii all respectable Chemists throuuhout the World. Caution.—See that Diimcford & Co. is on each bottle and reil label over the cork. 73 R r t r AS e ny Her JIaji TJ's Royal Letters Patent, WRIRRS MOC-MAIN1 LKVELT TtiUSS. I') EQVl IU(} no steel sprniir round the I V body, is recommended hy the ftdlowing peculiar- ties and advantages 1st, facility OR application 2nd. perfect freedom from liability to chafe or excoriate 3RD, it may he worn with equal comfort in any position of the body, by day or night 4th, it admits of every kind of exercise, without the slightest inconvenieuco to he wearer, and is perfectly concealed from observation. 44 WE do not hesitate to give to this invention our un- qualified approbation, and we strenuously advise the use of it to all those WHO stand in need of that protection, which they cannot so fully, nor with the same comfort, obtain from any apparatus or truss as from that which w, have the highest satisfaction in thus recommending. Church and State Gazette. Recommended by the following cmincnt Surgeons William Ferguson, Esq., F. R.S., Professor of Surgery in King's College, Surgeon to King's College Hospital, See. C. ('. Outhrie, Ksq., Surgeon to the Royal Westminster Ophalmic Hospital W. I»o\vmnn, Ksq., F. R.S., Assist- ant Surgeon to King's College Hospital T. Callaway, Eq., Senior Assistant Rurgeon to Guy's Hospital; T. P,lizard Curling. Esq., F.H.S., Surgeon to the London Hospital; W. J Fisher, Esq, Surgeon-in.Chicf to the Metropolitan Police Force Aston Key, Esq., Surgeon to Prince Albert HUBERT Liston, Esq., E.R.S. James Luke- E^Q.Surgeon to the London Truss Society Erantus Wil- son, Esq., F.H.S., and many others. A descriptive circular may be had hy post, and the TVU^S (which cannot fail to tit) cau he forwarded by pos- on sending the circumference of the body two inches below the hips, to the manufacturer. Price of a Single Truss, iii., 2bs. (id., and 31S. 6d. Postage, Is. Double 6d. Postage, b. Sd. „ Umbilical., 42s.. (id., Postage, Is. 10 Post-office orders TO be made pavaldo TO JOHN WHITE, Post-offcc, Piccaitiiiy NEW PATENT ELASTIC STOCKINGS. KUSE CAP S, &. The material of which these are made, is rccommendid bv the L-'ac'ILLY, of as being peculiarly KI.ASTIC and t'')?n'):KSSUU.r'.audTiiHH)?T)?\'):?T)0\foY'givu,.e e!)?'ic)?t and pcr'nanent support in a)i eases of W EAK- N I'.SS and swelling of the LEGS. VA):H'OSE VEINS. SL'KALNS. KE. It is ponms, ligbl in toxtnie, and inex- pensive and is drawn on like an ordinary Stocking. Price from 4s. (id., 7s. (id., 10s. to Ills, each. Postage, (id. JOHN WHITE, Munnfactn-er, 2'28, PICCAtLLY LONIX N. Spccimeaa may be seen in the Crystal Palace. 6 W—MP 0+ ON LY two .Medicines riailly act upon the J.ivcr one is Merc*ry or hllle PUI, tho HthtJ' 1Jal"ltdion 'I LINU&ANDS of Censtitu- tioa-s have beei. lnokfa DOWN by Alereviry, lu Pill, ortalowel. 'liiei'iilv S.feieineily is 1,\( KINIIS 11,\ !>U,rON AND olild act very gel.tly and ctlicaciously NJ-on the Liver, liberal AIILE, ilisperse \VIML, ami -tr.-U ti.CN tiic waole frame, T-old b? all I hcaiistsand I'atei.T-Mediciii,: T'S 2d, and lid, or lor staiiip.5, from J. ltoiiKK, 47, Mortimer Sic et, London, 54 KA Y E 'S W O II s n E L r.. S PILLS. THE I'EST KAMI Y .MEHICIXK. SROD IIY all Clicniis; K A Y \i)-Il "PL'LTS T E ISESI' BEMKOV EO ( INIIFGI'STIUN. K A Y P T L L S' THE BEST I.EMKIIV F«HL ASTIIJI ». Sold by nil Clieinists \c., at Is lid, lid, and IS'id I er Boi. K AYE'S W OKSitli L L'S PI 1. L S THE HI'.ST t: EM BUY FOR AXD CWTOS. ^OLD by all Chemists, AC., at Is I ID, 2S yd, and 4s (id per Cox. K A V E'- W (I K S O E P L L S T lv 1U5ST KMKDY FOR lilHOt S UI^OKDKBH. KAY E' W O K SUliLI/S PILL S. TilE LIESL HDfEDY FOR DISE KS OF THE SKIN. KTYI I L L s. TIIE UEST REMEDY FOR GOVT An R'iEL'MATlSM. K A Y S 0 H s D E L L' S P I L L S. TH 1 1IRST RKMKUY FOR F MALE COMPLAINTS. BOLD by all Chemists, ,vc., at Is Ud, Us 'Jd, and 4S (id per Box. K A V E 'S W O IT S D E LL'S P 1 L L S THE 111 ST REMEDY FOR NKItVOUS AFFECTIONS. Sold by all Chemists, ,VC tt It .d,2_}- OTI per Box. K A V E'S W IIRSirE IFL S PILLS Have been in constant nse for nearly ':alf a 'cntury, un.1 have met with NI KLTSA L SUCCESS. Sold by ail Chemists, tc., at Is LID, 28 Id, and 4s (id per Box. 22 ASK FOR FIELD'S PA TEXT SELF-FITTING CANDLES Safet.Y, Economy, and Cleaidiiicss c, inbined* I'MIII One Shilling PER lb. ujnvaids SOAPS. FIELD'S CKLEBIIATKO TOILET SOAP TABLETS R'nitod Service, Spermaceti. White Paraffin, ai:d United Kingdom combine the emollient properties of the most carefully prepared Soap, with a perfume of nnrirnUfd delirneii and permanence. 1220 Ail Mux o C' !tov;:J! .t t, ..i.w\& CYfH)U)DYD¡U AX; .\H una Gan H. IIlJ.elPH £ tEY$ CA £ iYitARFOlf, Ac ar werth gan y Ll/frwertlM'yr yn gylfieJinol. Llyfiau Addysg a Gvvyb.idaeth Gyffredinol. A I>l>VSCi CI.ambers Bohl, rlwy gyfrol, Heir, 3S.; lhan 3) < iit.olioii o Ail'lvs^ C:in al>e)'s iV bobl byidlaa 5 0 ir>, ;n !»>ir U.i-it ioni <eth, iraa !L ilugiiei (T'^ai) Ujlhati 1 6 ii' in n!i'u CMnraeu. kfiiii H Hughe* John (eHdui June", 0 ft ) IJ. :ror I)i»vy!liefbg. gin brwerth (ilan A led, man 2 Mi.r; i.lur C>niraeg I* Saewaet;, em Arfonwyson, lledr I 0 inn I'yim-wyddydd i Gviiiro ddystju yr iaitn Siesoneg 1 0 liii iih a d.l'Tcliog ar ServdUiiieta, <ax\\ Arioawyson 0 6 i 'limiii; *e» CydyuiHith y VWaijf aV l-'orwyn, lllaa :;vr it <ln(i Cerfylan, t*n J. W. Uarey, o America 0 Ù Jji.es, 4 6 Ilyfraa Carddorol G" LM M; Tonau CyiuiDei 'fioMs; uyda p'tapnr UineUedtg )6 ?L'):r?.S'n.?ew?t'y!?(??t?)n?,)'?.M,!h?n3U Vi Atiir.k'.v i>rd(ioiol, t'iii D.ivi.l Ungues, L?tnJ'!cnsant 0 6 6 bi> h'.n at ysjjrifenu CcrudonaetU yr un, o tic. I 5 0 Llyfr .u Ys3; 1. &11, \)!F.wv<t<t.)r?'?.?m?.?.))?(?.yd?)n) yrnnOM YL:'hts?.w..h!ir?('v.ttt?u) yr un 0 1 Y l.ivfr■ Ih.y \f,i:1iIl;: y V rue Knyh-h Ibmledore yr un 0 & r.fjyfr yr V^oi Sa.'Doifiul, HIVI-.«iH id ne'vydd. 6e a 4 0 I.r. ti v *»'«u AiUr.iw. at nadA eytvu o'r t'r^euodou >»'f Ah- *p?.o:ion yn c*i Ue-"t!" (Is dt- y dwsin) yr uu 0 .viran (JwoNrwvuii i Itlant Da N- y dwhiuj yr un 0 01 Ml (Vvobrwyoi 2 < „u liat; Mwv -v'n cvijwj » Km yn i H.e h,n K'o t l M on a Kvert-tt y urts.n) yr nn 0 1 Yr UoaedyddCribbonotfol cis y uwv.o) yr ua 0 3 Diriuniau, &c. DARLl'N )' Pari-li. Owe" l.lui 'lnin 2 UiMrnnv?(r<'h.i).?.?K"'<C.MrK.in<on. «;?t?n y <!?v.tr!!?rthn!o'?\y' .<* !Mrinny.nw?.I.rM.trch.)..hn!;h.is,o!'? )< Durhin y Fan-It T!i'»uias A"»M-««v • • ? J D.irlii'i v diweddir BR ch J.mii Uryait, Caernarfon 6 Mr. VV Caer^ybi. K; ;n ".va Gilt Frame a Gvrydr 3 0J Podwar ar hi:irliu o D.J.irlMniau Y?r'thyn.) yro!jtm)0 Wi'slev. HamHtoa, a C"?'??'?e''??'tynfi;'tum.:hamet Twin r>Y N'a-.t — (i'iimi JVris—'iewi Wvn o Kifion— L^wla Morrb o Fon-K^ob llehpr-Tnos. Peon mt, yr HyH«f- l.n tliwr -RobynUd-i—Kieiiai-.l Mwvd, Beaumaria-yrtm 0 6 Meds vb Owen {map cywrain o OgleddCyinru) h.; I\iw¡ci 1 6 )'tp"rL'Mhvr.n)'?'DarLif)iau. y ,w\in; eto, llai I 0 l/yfr Darhnian n olyirfi'ydd yn Nsravmru, 2s. fic.; un rcwy A 0 )'m)unof\'rth?Cymru.tnew?f:M?nUyune?, '? '!??')?t 6 F,o 00. o?i?tH)!i;nw*.n6ch..Uiwie<ti);<<! Cabell Csernarton, JnbiU v t'?! <tym!teHh«. )s 6c; mwiedi? 2 6 )'.r?yfi.H)en?aHr!Mnnia<3'<)dwrth?)3a6e.eto.na?)0 TreraChM!enCaemarf..nt3?m..d.w.th)ft)33<i<6to,t?tO M,tp!i.w.cdicoO?!eddCymru(!ttyn"c:?) ,° We?eyynprecethu??nytrodm'edddf.n; htWtMi?to Anfonir gwerth swllt ac uchod drwy y Post yn DDI- ORAUL. ar dderbyniad gwerth yr hyn a fydd eisiafl !ItØWIl post-office Order, neu Stamps, cyfeiriedig Mr HUMPHREYS. Printer, Carnarvoa CAHXARVoySHIKH HAtLWAY. PIC-NIC Oli PLKASUHE PARTIES TO CAMBRIAN RAILWAYS. ON and after Wednesday, the 1st of July, and duringtho "nnnmer months. 1st, 2nd. and 3rd Class lleturn Tiekcts, at SINGLE FAKES for theVouble Journey, will be i^ued (with certain limitation*) at all Stations on the Carnarvonshire Railway, to PWLLL'ELI, POltTMAUOd HARLECH, B vRMul TH, PEVMAKN- POOL (for JJOLÜELLEY), TOWYX, DOK'I'H. and APEKYSTWITII, to Parties of not less than Six First or Ten Sceond or Third Clans Passengers desirous of making Pleasure Excursions to these places. The Tickets will he available for return any day within vme week from the day of issue, and parties can only pro- eeed and return by the Trains which stop at the Stations where they wish to join and leave the Uailway, not Lav- ing that dass of carriage attached for which they have takcu tickets. To obtain these Tickets, application must be made at any of the stations not less than three days before the ex- cursion, stating the following particulars, viz. :— That it is exclusively a Pleasure Party the stations from and to which the tiekcts are required for what Class of carriage the date of the proposed Excursion and the probable number of the Party. The power of refusing any application is reseived and, if granted,an authority will be sent to the applicant (in course of post or otherwise), which is to he delivered to the Looking Clerk at the Station where the Tickets will be issued. T. PRICE, General Manager. Manager's Office. 5, Church-st., Carnarvon, June, 18GS. 912 CARNARVONSHIRE RAILWAY. EXCURSIONS TO ABERYSTWITH, BCRTH, ABERDOVEY TOWYN, BARMOUTH, AND DOLGELLEY, For Three, Eicht, or Sixteen Days, and Monthly. ON and after MONDAY, June 15th, and every Saturday and Mosday until further notice' RETURN TICKETS will be issued by any of the Ordinary Trains, available For Three, Eight, or Sixteen Days, and Monthly, at the jolIowiiiK fares for the Double Journey :— FROM CARNARVON (PANT STATION). 3 Davs. Saturdays 8 Days. 16 Days. Monthly TO ist.c e. c\ ist. c:c. t\ ist. cm*, c istc.,c\ c. td?. d s d 's. d ,1 d d s. d. Ahrrystwith 17 11 1:2 e-j -1 (ti 'i» «♦ IS C ;>0 0:20 0 JJorth Hi I' Mi 10.20 4 l:i t 4 Hi 5*27 0'18 0 Aherdovey t:> H S t'. U f 2 ??i. 2 014 7 Towyn 12 f> S :5|J/> (ijlO 4 "8 S 12 4 8:13 • Yarmouth ft 11 t) wl:! 0 8 2 14 10 !> Ui 6il0 10 ]'enm'npool for) I' ?::??.?!- ? «] M s| 9 F. IT 3| 11 S ? < FROM PENYGROES. It Pays. Saturdays 8 Days Mr?. Montbly ? ?? 1st O C. e IstC C C. IstC.lC. C. 1st c. c. c. d.s d.s. d s. d" d s.d.t. d t d Aberystwith U> 8 11 A 20 1 14 ( 2*» 010 11:7 FL 18 • Hortli ).?01o)]Si'!2?'J?).M()I<t Ahordovey OS < l."> 0)?018(?2?20 OX 4 Tnwyn." 11 'j t'14 (1\ H (i It) till 8118 1 I Yarmouth b b f> 0 10 1' 7 2 115 OS {>14 6 07 W:} '<' ? 6 1"1' ?  "«I M 2J « 1 11 < Holgelley t ,) 0: 17 1 11 I Non;, The Three da* s' Tickets will only he i supd on Satur 1 davs. and will he available for return up to Monday nfht. Th. Eight and S>xt« rn dav*' TiHetswil ho issued on Saturday# «y Mondays. The Monthly Tickets dnily Sundays excepted). T. t-RK-E. General Alauaftr. Maoager's Otlic., Carnarroa, June, 1C. m