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HO 1, Y 11 W A 1>. JJL SMITH'S MARINE HOTEL, WA T E E S ] I) E, HOLY HEAD, A tiist vV,\ss Family and (\muueu*ial Hotel, eomman- an uninterrupted view of the seit ikii(I the Snowdon- iaii ram:e «>t mountains, replete with every e<>mfort, in- cluding Hot, Cold, and Shaver llalhs, Billiard Koum, &e. Cars for 11 iiv. A 'Bus meets the Trains ami Steamers. Charges moderate. Proprietor—W. R. Auctioneer and Ap}-raiser. "TliE XEW CUiVHD I'oIXrKI) PEN 2s. I'EK GROSS BOX. i'OST FKIiiC, 2s. 2u. UNRIVALLED M VGNU-M liOXILM PENS. BOX CONTAINING 12 PKNS AND HOLDER, Gp l'OST KUKL:, 7l>. J. K. 1) 0 U G L A S, STJ nOSH Ii, BAIMO-O-R. S'Ii{ JAMKS MUHHAY'.S P?RE FLUID M AGS I'Sl A has been prescribed l>y tho Profession cl'iriu" sixty yeni« as ihe 1 >e^t remedy for Acidities, Indi- t;e!iti.'u.tk.?-?'f'??'? Gout. It averts the (i?n.er?'?c'?K'?ti??cau?dbytheUtHof 'Solid Magaciii? (.tt.t.??d?'Ci?'at?s. His Aci.h'L'?'?Lonon Syrup, when mixed with his Fluid, forms a pleasant effervescing aperient, peculiarly adapted for ladies and children. Sold by all Chemists ill Bottles at Is and 2s fid, Cution To guard against spurious imitations, Sir James Murray's name is atlixed to eaeh label. — PCE AERATED WATERS. PLUS'S. Kl'THlN", SODA WATFI' i:i i.iss, HI THIX, skia'jjkk WATER. ELLIS'S, lUTIHX. LEMONADE. ELLIS'S LITHIA & POTASS WATER, AN EXCELLENT INTERNAL KKMEDY FOR non. The Public are pnrtic'ilarly requested to observe that tvci'ti Cork is branded K. Ellis and Son, Ruthin," with- out wliU U iu»ue is ^eiiuiue. Jlav he ootained from all respectable ( honn.at. s, Cnn. feeti<'iu-r<, am! llotel*l»oo|kTs and W lioles.de onlj, frum It. KLLIS AND SON Ruthin. North Wales. GUN COTTOS PRENTICES COM PUKSSED CHAHfiES. T11E I "ill.M'i.sT AND SAFEST EXPLOSIVE FOR M I ING AND QUAKRYING. ACIIAIIGE of given iz(,?ix timeg Atli(- (of Gunpowder. TIll' small sp;He at thS ?ntt.'yn"f the hole tilled by this ?'u<ep\?to-.n?c?.?? ihc)ni)K'rtuitt.')?.)?-rdinnhishthL-)H.w?r?ft?chhL?t'' !mdt.??mt)n'?'??'r).id?n<?thchnu<? )e.L?tn" Sist?'?'c. Mu?)iht\nit' burdens may he plaeeil before otteli tlkit, ill tlle L-1-It (of IL-1111"il)? th(.'n)Ut!?.t)?'?i??)ct(;)'a?d the d(tth (?th<' ]??e.<. Regulate! c!??.< for Splitting and Pillaring fine Slate For pai ticnlars. apply to Mr. William Casson, Plus yn Peto hvn. P.-rtinadoc. To Till'. WHITEHAVEN NKWS. (Pi'Uixhul (>'>)' Thmwht/t and Saturday mommy%) Ci::en.AT! in* oni: I>sck, MOKE coimes THAN ALL THE ,,i ;i;win n:UAVi:s newspaI'I-Kj* PIT togktiiek. TPilH Circulation extends thruu?'huut the I whole of the ('?untvt.f <'mu).fr):u?.a portion of -hn..?)a)n). Lancashire." Dublin, the Isle of Man, Bir kenhead. all.I Liverpool, in which places there are agents who receive regular paicels of the paper. Ihe list of subscribers includes ihe names of the most luHueiitial lucre.mile and agvie vltui'al gentlemen, anil iron-ore pro- I'rid"'<, as well as the principal gentry of Cumberland itml Westuiov 'land. 1\'11,1,TA)l ,\LOP. To whom all .)?< for Advertisements or Paper* must lie addressed. Uttk'ts:HS, Qurei: Street auil lioper Street H liltehaveo -U- .,0 11;IJ.I'L1., Fu T'.inty Years the Medical Vrofession liave approved I-lilv for tli, <;i iCT and JXDiclXi'lOX And as a mild Aperient tor delicate constitutions, espe -lallv a.i.ipt.Hl for ladies, children, and Infants. lull eoiiiwiiie I with the Ai'H>Vl.ATKU T.KMOX SYRVP, It forms a n.ost agi< cable eltcrveseing drauglit, ill winch its a; erient and cooling ipi-dities are much increased. Ill warm seasons ami warm climates this simple preparation, w le.n taken ItECiCI.A K L V, has been touud highly beneficial. Di'.u'.efcrd and Co, Chemists. &c., 7 2, N E \V 11 O X 11 S T i: I-: K T, 1.0 N DON, ,¡I''¡ ?.;?.'?'<.?.<??<r/?M;.?.< ??'?- '?. C?"[H?. S.ct)mt"D:nncf?.!?< is on each ?.:t)t'?'!?rt?) )u'?t)vc)'th?e")')<. TilE i.;]Ll*:ATi-T HHCOVKUV OF THE AGE. BV Am.lXTMKST TO T11D. Ql'KEX. I^AIvl!AN'L"S Gout mid Rhcumatlfi riUs J)? o;?. dose relieves-the tliiril CUIC. Tl-TIMoNIAl.S. From V. 11. Seott, Ksq 4i Plymouth ( opse, near Holywell. "I have great pleasure in Vieai'ing testimony to the efliccv of v.mr pills. I consider them to be invaluable for they have never failed to give lue lelief, aiul 1 should lie sorry to he without them. Sir —Havin" been a martyr to gout for many ye!n's I ?mdu?tLy?A).g?yfn?dt..tryy..ur,?). 'i'li:ee pills effectually lenioved .m ?t?rh, which on former occasions had laid me up for several weeks ■-1 am, i,irY..urs' &? ''S.'?tinD"tth'satlsH.). DAV.u Jones. \(IVNT< Mr. Cregory, Holywell Mr. John Cole, i 'v twilh Mr Orillilhs, liaUL-or and all lespeetable (n-n.isis. Wholesale, l'.arclev Sons. I.ondon Hume* .V Co., Live!pool, York, and Edinburgh Lvatis & Co., Liverpool. miiE UYEUPO(fI-GHn.TLTüRIL 1 IMPLLMl'NT DEPOT. STE DI EXGIXE", Tm:)n\<; y,Y'? rUTMh? HAKUoWS, I'HAV1 ( I- UbK>, 1 tLI ER^, i'AKTS. nUKKNCilNKs. A:ul every I-WUM IMI'LEMKNT. by the lirst makers, at their prices. SOLV. AOEN'I's FlH: THE MAKFS BUTT Ell from Frc<h )lilk in Ten Minutes, and frcm Cream in Three to Five Minutes. THE CHEAPEST CUt'IiX IN THE WOKLl». j. and h. ki:y\VOI:tit and CO., 35, T" \HLKTOX-STI:i:i:T. AND 77, HEt.EXT-KOAD, [:.19í'i:&?\ L. m' ,'c' Ii T '{t 1:,1, tJo. fLA &PERRINS\ WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. j | 1\ Tronounced j fl Be careful I j; by Connoisseurs to ask for ? THE ONLY "lEA & PERRINS" I; ?"GOOD SAUCE; 'J SAUCE. i *„* See name on wMpper, label, bottle, and ¡ ? tapper. SotdbyCrosse&BhckweU.London,; !¡ and by all deters in Sauces. ¡ ? BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. 'j LEA & PERR1NS, L=I.tgf:J.=J a K A v r. •.•> w o i; s D k j. i. • « pills TH"E liK^r FA.MH Y MKUltiM'- Sr.1,1 liy „11, .-ts. vc at l» i;<i. 2S nd, and .IS fid per B(ix._ E 1, 1 L L Sold by nil cliniii ts, s I ]to-X. K V i:' S E I PILLS. TilE In:T I:EmWY FOn ,TIII b.% till Ic at Is 1 A<1, 2s 9d, K Y E' s W I, S D 1, 1, 1, I' I L L S. 'I'llf; I'.KST liEMEDY FOK C 'l liUS ANP CDU*». :it is 1^1, 2-si>d, and 4s ''d per JJox. KAY E' S Ti,r HEST I'KMKDY FOIJ iuliocs IUSOKDKRS. Sol.i hv all i'.ieiiiists. ic., at Is I d. is !M, au.l 4s (id per llox^ Ir 0 I II I: L L' S I' 1 L I, S. 'Utv VFST RFMKDV For. !>l<Kv I'S OF THE SMX. Chemists, «vc., at Is 1 Id, lis :id, and l.s lid per ltox. K Y I" S W 0 I: S D E 1. L S P I L 1, S Tl K I IXT itEMEPY FOB filll T AND KUKUMATISM. 1)% ail rheiiii»ts, &c.. at Is Cd. 2s i«, and 4s (id per Box. K V I S W () H S I) K LL'S t-ILLS. tHi pint BKMKDY nil: F; MALE COVI-LAIXTS. M.1 tiy itll lieliliits, \:c., at I s 2s al)tl 4,s f,d pr Box. PILLS. Till: nDIEDY foR XKRVOUS AFFECTIONS. :ültl all chemists, Ac., at Is ld, 28 Hd and 48 0<1 pcr Uox K A Y i; • S W 0 IZ S 1) E 1, 1, 1 1, L S have been in constant use for nearly Half a Century, I a",1 have met with \:IVER::iAi. SUCChS, o d by all CholuiBLi, Ac,, at Is 1(1. 28 lid, and 4. lid pe Box. 2057 IM1H>HTANT TRANSLATED OF,UMAX WOUK ON I'EUMATOiUIIKKA. Just > Uolished. The .Seventh Edition, Tricc r»s.. post free, r>s Id, J ON TRVtl AND FALSE SPERIIA- TOlUtlKKA, witli a view to the correction of wide- i spread Errors in relation to its Nature, Consequences, and Treatment. Translated fiom the liernmn. U. liailliere, 2W, Kcgent Street and all Booksellers in Town and Country. USE OXLY THE j GLENFIELD STARCH. THE QUEENS' L\UNDRESS USES NO OTHER. A LL. GIVEN AWAYtoNEUVOUS SUFFKRKUS.—Dr. Smith,M IX of the I'niversitv of Jena, has just p«n hslit d for tht' ht'lIl'fit I Ner,tts Slltfl?T I." ?rf';)?hti..nof ht!.t??a).)rH"rh,Hh \H\)?H\?H;t.nr)'tnYA?'.n'.mCAt,mH-.?":? \Ie< 1 i<m 1 11 k of 1:13 ('or,- .?i \H?\<'rs.tm))')n?ea)t)t:?'Y.).')ssof.\Pr).nU.. i'VINS in the 1?A('K. IN D10b>TloX, Impe-iments to Mar. ri>«o Spermatorrhoea, &<rf.utin.;tr?)tht:crr..?nf'OHth. Mhh.h..f.?).cu..)'?uhtn?'K-u"'?'n.?'?' )!t,?.'kin.aidfron.)hf?.-c.?'e"?."??'L,.?,; ?Nllrll'S itiv,illt;il;le work, %vlliel? is illustrated with eases, ami contains his highly suci^stul ami 11111 sale treatment, deseribins? the real cause, symptoms, ami ves"tttll% tr(lill cli?t?ties, ?iiiti i- a fine to who desire a speedy and compete restoration to health, frem po>t tree on receipt of two postage stamps. Letters of enquirj t»r detail* o* cases promptly an-wered. KiT Address, I)r. SMITH. 8. Hurton-cresent, Tavistock.squ.ire, LOHCJOII, W, C. Price Is., or free bN, post for 11 qta lips. (II 1I1E DIET OF IFA(;'l A \) CHILDHOOD, a book ) for Mothers and Nurses -Dictofn)fancy-ehi!?rrnpr<-matnr?y))urh?  ('t,.<T)'?TS.?''? \v,'anill-,vl:'t 1\1.in-{j\\alin{'atio.I"; aud ,|„ne< „i ;i wet nurse-diet after eislit monllis of ;t'In mir- ,.rhrw?u"Kpch.tdrt-nbvh.d-th?!li).?.tk.d?.ftN.Ih — beverages—Viinuu!3 kinds ol iooil—rules lor Hie nursing mother, & London Robert Hardwieke, IM, I'iceadiUy, \V„ and b, order ¡.f all bllokdl\'r. Dil \OU \T HXUHtAKT HAfK.wmsKH_R- MOUST-VOlilKS. and F.YEBIiOWS?-Of the numerous l»re|»arati.n. iiitrwdttred ji«r th^ HCII l'lebrit\ a E;\ITL1E DE\' C1¡1\LEE. which h "UiriinteedTo'[m.ilut'V' Wliiskurs, M.iustaeliios.and Eyebr-uvs in I,w Vill e,ni,?, iitl.% e, I m nounsli- eurlin- and h?uhf..n?h.n?.,<.h.kin?r..Yn?..na). its St?tL't?S. %%czik ?rt?veiltilig its f?tllili? !? ? Iii tlk,, k)i 11-aiT ill frotti wit?ktev..r :? e\d'vh?fi.r.?,O?F.T)UAt.'M)n.ruv..it?astu.u?hin: r U??nur.?ir.s.n.)i.?n?b).tnn.n?'h'-b..?sot. it tiftil Ilea,l t)t 1)(-r bl)ttlc-: Bottl(,, c,?il. ???f?)??,.wt)!?.,t?hth?' ?? the Mimll one?,5s eaeh. Sold by all e"tl,ot fre?,oii receil't of ?4 1-t?liti) t.,? t?N, I)F..kN aii,l C'oui,F.LLL, fl??tir le?t(?rers; Hedlord 1 i'nuse, KusseU-sqaare, London, W .C.—Asen., ilughcs, LX'(IUCTS FnO[ LETTP.Rs;-t'ln th{' hort tinH' of one f.,Tth.t.th?"E"t!tbe.u.u??'m"?.??'?' Wi)-?.rYc"<'?"<?"'?" ??' r i» Imiis Chemi*t. 5, Paradise-stref t, Liverpool. "I?\Ts(?tnH'?'M'?'<?"?"?" Whiskers, &c.. with TMtunonix't, List of Agents, ?e.. sent po?t )wtur(o?r?'n))!t?mpa' __J'. K N 0 \V T 11 Y KLF! THE ()HHnH. GHAVHIOI OOI*T M V V CO I' 1' r.i.l.F, continues her vivid, and useful deli, ,,ctti<.n<?charMH.rfromth(.h.u.d"ritin.'ofin.ii?,).)s.tna yle lit?r (iA% it*1'er?oll, kill)'% iii? tlit?il- o?% it ?eh?t..r.?? '.rth?uofanyfnc.n? ?h.nih?t.m) a 1H'1'iIlH'n 0 '?.. «.<?'?'?'?'' U "? 1" s jtauivs,a»d a.ldr,ssed envelope.to MARIB Coupeli r '.for.! H<? Ku«eell Square, London, i* when they wil r"e. ive t It?titil i)t lite z s, t -iste,, virt ties, Sic oft he writer, with many other thuurs previously on suspected ami ..?c'.)?.??.id''inthL.fvfr\day!.tt..?o<),f< Ihe Choiisaud- who acknowledge the value and accuracy of Miss G. „ ILL'It',?Illl' Wil.IfiVkl)D til.? ?title;tlltl ?ieciirac? of a lei's \oil sent ?r.?n.rfnn.?u.htut. Miss Hall, Atheury, C (i ?tli iii,i?t-tl :it tlio elf?% i r w?iN in Yn?ccr.b..?nT..h.ra.)<.r.J?'?!r?,n).-).);?..<h. ilri 'hton )t'iipron..n..?.d?nitt.?tr?.r.)m?.)?.r?i ll,t"iilt(iii Y(lix iiiv cli?tr:tvlk?r so trtily, ili-,it I  .nt.n't?' "—   .i?- no, l ine done it better."— Louis Itivior. 4,° t \i'1' oFiiltXrl't t'ilK.-X t!eiitle«au who had been Inn ?.tt'ri'?. fr<.m?.'r'd(.p?rah)e?t?<'ofn?vn?neM.?nxnnr ?<.iu.)..).,w..piht-.a).n.t?"sta,.th<d.a..he..unn? of .h)hr..at..p..ddL.{.).?,?sof.?nnnand??.t).n<hort ,J,tt.,r.iovnh..K .mi ev.rithi?th.t render, hf.ph.?,.) ha- been mi.i v.'Honslv restored by verv fiu,le mean,, and as a ,n..dn?f.'?'itir.ru?thrntonhnntai!npLrttht')n?;'m?n.'n .1 others situilarv afl'eeted. on receipt of a directed envelope h.rr-t?-'?"??.!r??.)'iurte,)t.6q..M??"- t';r..n? r?, M.):n?ue Street, Londf). W.C. 478 —" It. P. t.tVKN AWAY' new Medical Wo.k tlit? caii(i (-iiri- of iii t?iire in Nervous ))ehi)in'. Lnp''t?'cv,?.. Mith)!?!.<?'rrfnin'n:g''?r?'i"M??aIiticationsLhat?<!?tr"y )?..h..pin.<"f wedded lite, or I"UY :\L\ HI OW=' {}tH'T()RFnt two tznp¡:l1fJ'f' hrr.av;.t..idtht.n..n.r..n'. i?P't..?"?n?.hf''?f,? publish testiiii'.nials that they write themselves, I"' fi-Tii i!?s!itia,y roi,-s.- to ciir., (ii,- A wj- It ristrkimi,-iit? t! of III and other absnrd- ivies as cruel as they are deceptive. A p) 2-) e,)L E?c,l in the tr,.itniont of u/).ii'tt'?H?'? 'ari?nfnc<vnn..nfr.nn<:ni<ini;th?Tfr..?. will fiend lice 0,1 receipt of n?)p?'ny stamps to prepay postage, a n uiiphlet c .tituinitii* his httrhly successful and null safe treat- m.t"it)!.?)'h?n)?'Mirvp't".eri?t)n;waihi(?r<'ft.nn?hy H'h.,h!.uf)?r!<nmvcu.ethcm!)v?!.ttfit)in?cMt Address .Mr.i.awes.Medic.dpubt?hcr,H,Hai?)cunrt.IIo)born.t.nn- don.. — A FAIR SKIN AND LOVELY COMPLEXIO m-UV'. vl t\w il>e Ot "L f UUM K lit »SA l.I K cm-PELl.E-s EAl! I)E l?ll I S,  OH?rt'n'?'?i"??'??'??' the pub- he. It i, laritely prescribed and usod by the lacu.tj, and it i?erti, t?,?iitiyeta(licites tztii, i,iii,ples, freqkles, red- ?. ,.u?l,xn..rk,.r.m'.??.?"?ctua)ynmnv,.ds. r..).n.t.u.itis..npmt!)nttn?t.th..tunhkehe.'r?t"i?- jnri.vht'r,,n..cntM it is i,erf'ectly to tl?.. s?i,i lt,,If. I), t! ttl?il Ltile iiiisst its m?trvc?11011, t-ft'?ct??, it iii ?kiii ?ilin.st tt.e iie )f l?ii,,enti ar ?1)? ziven intei-iiilly, %I Iiieli too often inflicts i; lasting and irreparable itijnry on the constitution. are many itii,i trashy imitations of the above, »».av various names, and the public M therefore warned that none is ?nm.?..Mnni;thL.rnat?"R,,osA IE ctc?imit ite 1% llicit is I to) ,t-:y. 1'ric(! s. 9d" h. lid. ?dn-r)M.tt .thrush all Chemists in the w..).d,o.'h<? I iie(Itor(i lit)tt?e, ltiti.?ell W.Ci., '"ii rcc.ipt of the amount in uncut postage Stamps. Agent, H h.r'.t'h<?!-t. B,W1!T. "Y.'nrw<.n?M"tinnhasquit(-rFmnvcdth!-rou!:hm'Mand i,nntn..n"-?r.?W?M.??)'"M??Mhh???)u? li IN it,, it Iellc toy ill?'gic "-Cl?ii-it W?t..n) would never have believed that any preparation I effect such a matvcllous change id the complexion as yours (li'l ill l?r.?i% ii. "'H??nartis!ctti"n?tt.tCehu<nthe ?<?.i?u.??h?hth.?th?eyMM.??.arenow?u.tei?.)e- t? ,nk<'n t..nr ..x?i!? J<"i"—J?"<' Su.ith. 478 EXTR?DL?R? S???.;fHB ?W MOD OF TIŒATMENl P(i«t free fornix Stamp*, op*11 eiid-,orLl "'?M' Kn\elope mI VuKMO-T STAKTLINU Tia-THS -tre. eontaiued in the )\T ?'W"K'M'?'?"?'?'?'? rfn-tv removal; t?'?'t''?'?'"?'?"?'? with' rules and niinierot, )'r..?ri).tinn..h.r'h..??ycnrehy tr simple means ol nervousness, debilitj, and all the more coti;- ??! .d?!<?.tm)?r.-)?'?.u?h?m?tcsotU..M't<??- h?tidswiUb..a6t(.ni9htdat)t=.co..t?.t..ii)Ur. ?" F'?i" practical observation in the mostfamons Institn- t ions fh'?o"v?"?"?'?'?"' has had o, ewhat nnnsulil tacilities tor actpiinni; that uniform success, which ha hitherto ('haraderiu-d l?i? tll'atuwnt and he lcfcrs h pride to the numbers he has been instrumental ill restoring t.ttt)?..rr?-ee?yfrr\«?<uu fan<;ruf.-p. t-t'dy? re?st.)r!mdn.Pf?""?tath.- offers even assurance of speedy restoration, l ei>011. at a dl»- "?'t t 't il ftl!,il, 1,?- 1,-Iter, ivitl, » remittance of XI Is, :1?ivice and will be "lot ih'"ire•11111 P..stoMice Orders to be made pavnblc at the General V "t)i?'"K?.W?'.TEnnf. HOOSE. 25, Bedford Place, Bl()oiiisl)itr) tit,itr fill, I;rlti?'t 478 THE MOST WONDERFUL MKDICINE in the WORLD fy I I l U Ll.KS.— I 111'. Ol i t-L \TIÆ ('F(,!?'\U'i.L))'H?H's,t'r"tf!?)byKo??Le'- tt-t?; 1',Itei.t I)Nilie t'ac,illu te itave i iiiiii?1)(-rlvss liroi t-(I their su?friorinot'crcn'rv other .Mhert?!.?.!ifot'='?sit;)e.?Tre.?.<)no?p.rits. fxeiteiuent, distate and incapacity tor society, study or I)Z,ills allot irtipit;,tioli illtljc 'i(le, .'iddth?-nuMt'int?t.- he.Mt.?e. Thin medicine strengthens the 'Lt?illt% ?l \h.wh.y?.n.?v?.n.r?h.th.m.fk.pL.di)y s tliciiiil)?tire,l i?oxvets of lite, titi(i invi-rates the most ^haltered constituti -n. Forskm eruptions, ro i-e t! ill tlit, a i,l tlio,e (IiAcit.?es in %v)iieli mCl- curn ar(? too oftt,it t(1, to the iitter ruit) .1 iliet,c% ll,,ts ?11IN to ?e tested. to,It ?(iiilti 4in,y make fair unl)rejiidiced trial t it, a,,(I file wiii-trit,i tt?'t reltl?- dies before wasting valuable time in peeking aid trom quavk uo*trums, instruments, galvanism, or similar absurdities they ij()strtiii?s, til?lik?cl%?es aa,itiet Vie exit)rzltioiis o ?,.)??inm imposters "ho have lately receive sucn we If li,,? it? I v,,? tlte ii,st,ztper pre 1 rice 4s M, 11,- oi four UnieMhe la. r at 33s per b-tlle through all Chemist: is the w rid or Iirect trom 2:" Bedford rtace,K?-U S.)M?,).o.)- (1"11,'t' I% III may be etti. ?';nt ttn.??. Chemist, B ?!:('r.'?S -.¥ H_ 'PI HK THitKE D^Y'S UUltb—.NBW KfcMt.UV )Tm);\?B)\'f'n)ifnnn!vadOj.tcdinthe).r'c" ))chhus)nta)s ,„.i 1., notabilities of the Fr-nch faculty; in a remarkably hort \hnc, dteu two or thrred?snnh',without the slightest (or risk, reiiijvcs till discharsMtr<)m tie Iin.eons meml.iaiie.whctlHC of the urinary or other .organs. ft<n.biu(.aH the desiderata to be sought in a .nedicine ol the k,tan<?.'rpa..?s?r}thi..g)ntheru..m).h'vc.).t)?o? of all 'n,?-t'?.?.)?"L.)).tn,??.? M.45Gd.U.amt "13 till ineflicitit? veiitloi so or sent (tirect t-,om I-t (in teo?il)t i)f st iiiips or post ofifc-t- or(ler. The il i/e .ntH!?thr«'Kt 4? 6(1 and. thoe at ??.tuurntthcUi.. T?.ptoim't.'tc"hifhisfe)ony.bMr..the'*ord 'Thc.n .incite )?'r<. by ?)(.r of Bt'f Majesty's Ho, Commis- íOlll'r: ?ho'h?M??<'?retht.nropriet..r!.J..in-.t.ntr.i:emt.n- ,.ro.)'houtth).rn)tedKi!.gdomandtheeotonei.—?.nt, Huuh?,Cht!Hist.B.u?nr. 47$ IV T11E HA' K. ^KAV 1.1., I.I'MIIAGO, GOl'T, P ?? )F!? ,?;))tsMAS);«iTitK":n)?t-.Y-Bf.AD- 1nrr to T?nV cu?PU).XURt.?.U.rHJ,S<ccta?jt. »' ..ch and 'ind'igestion, promote Die hnit;tbn of thp vtr a I ???/?,r..? pr?p?.E!tMeUt the hhdder and k.du.'?'?'?"? ?" T erioti? to t)ies? imlior. taut oralis ,j???n(?i!caknt?.f)ee't?..?M, ,\Ud eOlllplailt loIJ uppoec\1 to )(' fH'f\'OI!s,?ftell lI:jl"(' nh'}; ■aid comp.a l ? j?)c,?inuM)<Kritic6?hK'h -?h?c?t?d ?h.'?" ??r h the kin('rs: c"eral l1n$jhtl)' -houhl ha\t b ll- f.|ce* arise trom the same cause, IIId m:t.\ \Jt <I rl'lj¡I fl'nJHH't l,t?Ac wl'iell ill 19 imo.tIrna.r,uu-r«.T-' "i' ? :I:J por hn t ?h.UCheuu.!ts. m.?'-A'-i?O.;FF 't'M" MALS IAY ? SE?' BY ANY ONB? :'hll \1\ :-nlll¡t'. (ïlf'mlt, Bangor; ,????(;)?,st,Ci.N, iS;i> Gmtith, Kd?r? Chemist, De'i'igtl' Chemist, Hohhead; and Moore l' ('wt¡)\n; 'f i{Mt one a!;ent In almost every. town ?"? T'??i? occnr enclose tlieamoun thy 1'ost-otriceorder o,fie to Hedtord Place,. Illoomsbury Square,Loi.dc 11 ?.\ witl be t 1) ii,'K etl per nturn,  iirjitations of ?' ..? Qt,a,,k3 ?li,i (,, ?er?, who  (0 putr o tt' the:f u.elt's tra-h, st?ffr?rs (o putl ort the r us c .v gnurious or othei ¡rtick., by di,hom'st ,'('ndors, WhD thereby obtain a larger profit. riie f'nllint' ha.\ the words" WALTER UB loos, LONDoN,' printd in hite lctters on the Govemment StaUlp, b' order of SiSsarssi's; d ?itt'sp?rtatioa, GENTS' SUITS. GREAT UiiDUGTIUiN BOYS' CLOTHING, V»^LrAKrIl:D AlL AND MADE ON THE PHEJIISnS B J HAND LA B 0 VR. OF Meltons, Cheviots, Scotcli Tweeds, and Angolas. Frorn il 2a. Gd. BOYS' SUITS JACKET, VEST, AKD TEOfSEES, From £ 1 5s. Cd. < THE CELEBRATED ORIGINAL 50s. FUlTS, Mailc from the best Welsh and Scotch Tweetls. &c., &c., &c., by JOHN ARONSON, 1 & 2, JUNK PL \CE, K A^fim?. Kni chrh(1ehr Suit I Kni "-?s- lid. Suit I A$ ROYS' SPIT, 2, ro], E t'Kcreo? cownp: W & A  pshe.wfn sfttKs?E W & A Gilbey shewn oN the following 'y It '31 WINE IMPORTERS AND DISTILLERS having paid duty on French and German H mesalolleasjollulCs: AGENT-W DYKINS In the year 1863 ^,199 I In the year lslil S'J.jiq GROCER I In the year 18U5 121,069 I- HIGH STREET & UNION STREET BANGOR SINGLE BOTTLES or any quantity of Wines and Spirits j can be obtained, and BOOKS OF PRICES with descriptions of | 200 varieties forwarded, on application to the Agent I 003 & a r.n.iiKi's 11 A TIUI-i: MARK <jN KAe;t COKK. ?? -vKAeTION FRQ?j?        ?mTENT ARE NOT POISON  ARE NOT Plo SONOUS.,  ???MLvJt???r???? Sold by CR;"cERS CHEMISTsJRONMoNCERS. CT/?A?D?f??, STATIONERS &CEVERYWHERV. ??/ WHITECHAPEL ROAD. LONDON. E.  MRS. S. A. ALLEN'S t? ft -?/AZYLOBAL'.z2AI-' UD7 L+J ??' ??   ? FOR CRESS!G & BEAUTiFYiNG THE HAIR. ) "y ?t ? ? ? ????? A c)f?r)rM?p.n'tUtprt)Mt'ation without IL edifil,.Nt. illid liel(i iii bigb esteent ??t ?' <? ?. by thnusunds of hdi? for V- # m g dvebsin^ their own and ??< —? t ?t ???L -???"<?? —— ? ? F ?t V ?' ??e?"'(! °"" "? J0 1 J\ y chiMreu's hair.  IDESSSING^V^ Um ]j^ r- 3 (Combined in one Bottle.) ?? ?t? V Y ??.? ——— ??'??r?C .? ?f?? Thw nn"qua))nd preparation never^—jT M a m f.'ns to inviRornto and beautify the Hair, ^7 IT IS NOT A DVE, BUT IT WILL RESTORE GREV HAIR Ak l f TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOUR, ?.?.  ,?? C" It arrests the fall and I)roaiieLsaluxuriftnta e tbygrowtli, <-  ?t.? J PRICE SIX SHILLINGS. Wholesale Depot-266, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON. — Sold by most Chemists aild Perfuiiiers. COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITAS, &c. CAUTION. CHLORODYNE. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE Is publicly acknowledged by the most eminent physicians of the day to bo tho most effectual remedy ever disco- vered CAUTION.—Be sure to obtain Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. The Ricrht. Hon. Karl Rnssell communicated to the Col- Ico of Physicians and J. T. Davenport that bo had received information to the effect that the only remedy of any service in Cholera was Chlorodyne.—See Lancet, December 31,1864. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE Is the best and most certain remedy in Coughs, Colda, Astlima, Consumption, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, &c. DR. J, COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. CAUTION'.—None crennine without the words "Dr. J.Collis Browne's Chlorodyne" on the Government Stamp. Over- whelming medical testimony accompanies each bottle. Solo Manufacturer, J. T. DAVENPORT, 33, Great Rus- sell Street, Bloomsbury, London.—The immense demand enables the proprietors to reduce the price; it is now gold in bottles", Is. HrL, 2s. SL)., 4s. Od., and lis. J. T. DAVENPORT, 33, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, BLOOMSBUllY, LONDON, I MII V» ] ARAVILLA COCOA. M A A V III A C Q Jh{ [riT¡ i THE PERFECTION OF [?ARAViH-A COCOA URlv:r:r;; fur BREAKFAST, &c. M???"? ?'?SEvr.?' inon QUATJTY MARAVILLA? COCOA, ?lly TITCll QTAT,T7Y IN AN UEQUALLJm UEUlŒE, MARAVILLA COCOA -_P- U M???'-? ?°? ?LICIOUS.?'VIGO.ATING, SUSTAINING TO ALL. MARAVIL.L.A COCO- Sold m Packets only, lb, and \lh each, by an Croccrs?c.  COCOA ARAVILLA C0"C0,A.Rpl5SgABtE T0HO,.W0. PATH?AKU KYSI'Mt'TlUS.  aL CAITTTONI.-See that the words "MA HA VILLA" and "TA YL01 IJROTlIEHS" are 011 each TAYLOR BROTHERS, Sole Proprietors — of the MARAVILLA COCOA. THE LARGEST MANUFACTURERS IN EUROPE. Post Free, 5 Stamps, fivm Author, Coombe Lodge, Peckham, NEW EDITIOX OF Mr. G. T. CONGREVFIS Work ON CONSUMPTION tVliicli has now passed through til Editions of 1000 each! This reni.'irknl.le book treats of the causes, symptoms, and progress of this fell disease, tlmmirb all its stages, and the TRUE TREATMENT, tVITU INTERESTING AND EXTRAORDINARY CASES OF CURE. TREATS ALSO OF ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, Ac. Can of J?™. JV1S. S.lf JTH, hxH of MrtropoUton Tabernacle Cofte<;e, now JUinHxt Miiiixft'r, Jieilhill, Surrey. This ca:<o came under my nutice in March 1SUK Every symptom of Decline was present, and such as accompany the second stnue (see my book). I found tubercle in both luwjs beErinnins to buppwvate. Dr. B., under whose treatment the patient. hall been prior to this, declared one I mi ft rfiwated, ami pronounced the vow hopele* Jn about six weeks J saw Mr, Smith njrnin—(1 had cunes^onded with ilii rIlcall",Iliie)-" illi,i i,i 9111),).,t ceased, brcai.hinfr better, appetite better, but pulse still feeble." In anotl.er month the improvement was still more clecidcd:- No eou.'h, cNjieetoriition very slitrht, eainimr flesh." On e\ainiM;>' :du, "no activc disease now, thnuyh buv-rs weak." And s > {:i< the memoranda of my book testify), by further co:iti:;u«inee with my treatment, the patient gradually re* paitx ii l!t-sli and strength, and resumed his preaching en- g:i:ren:i'nrs. butt'ering from over-exertion, iu the early part or j ist year, a li^ht tonic prescribed by me set him to rights. He'is now the settled minister of the New Chapel, Hedhiif, Surrey. A letter received from him, February loth, reuort a follows:— am tin in >:ood health, and aliall be* pleased fur my name to be (If service iu any wsj.71 Terdoz. Pevdoz. 183.-TARRAGONES-18i3. BOTTLES A-NT) CASKS LNCLl'DliD. Pod Orders on Vire hired. rtflARLEK WARD AND SON, 'U VilNE MEltl'IIAN'iV, lIL\YF.UB, iV, ].U;;DOX, 18. ,r»—CLAB^T—,}:? lAs. REALLY GOOD & 'J/ivULY CIIiiAP aui; THI: ri'AS AND COFF :>:S HV X PHILLIPS & CO., TlA .'lii'inniA.VTS, 8. KIX(1 WTLMAM STJUIKT, l.i .ri\ 1, lis. I< 1 who are n^w ce' ii'ny STIMN't L: f,A:i h- c. 2 (1. VKliV LLKN'T .1 i I .V« K 'i'l-JA is ? (w onlv lL}b. A CIMNKSF. CAI'DV. c .ninmii.pr «'»!!»•>. "f rt*nl!v r*».I Ifl.M'K I M t'nt ("l\'ri;I! tree t'i nny rwilwuv -t'\lI,m ,r timiku !"W\l in nr'aml^ Irc'un.t. -K?;i(.?.?i'?'.t!'s.?"?f-)tnt?)<?'i'ttfLLli'S&(;u..[e& \k"¡IIIII x, Kinir Wil ■ tin-siv. ot. "If v. Pt)ltL[t's'.t';P'.?n!!)f))'.??tst'AtN!)\rtt?r,tf:)HLnnfhn, !Ui>l !<•.(>, 1'oIl!I'4 :nL,1 >|nee» CaiTnut* l-'io,- to Itn, 1'; ¡t., a> .t,I1I <ir id irl>et I'twn ill Nijjrljiud, Ireland, 8cuthmd, or Wale1', if h. tlm \,L.lL of 4U 111.,1 lIl,w.lrrb VP.UAAV* & CO. iio an(I no cuiiiue Lion with any house in Worcester or Swansea. OST REMIE; I .¡;. INDIGESTION 0 J ;(1r btO;IrJE 1?ø Sold everywhere. Bottles Is, lid., 2s. 9d., and Its. DOMESTIC SEWING MACHIWHS. rppIB "FLORENCE" Sc?? machine, T nithnmh one of tho h?c?t. sccn? ue-nned t> nccupy 0. pre-eminently high position anions mudeni h' useaold rc'Ui- f,;rf's, it lJa\"Ïng- heen just awarded, for tho second time in three yearn, the highest honour attainahle in the UllÎted States '(if not in the world), viz., ihe Gold Medal of the Ante- viean Institute, New York, in addition to another Gold Medal at Lowell, Massachusetts, and the highest premium at Mio recent Paris Exhibition.—irinh Ttni"s\ 30th Aoy. 1m>7. N.B.—If any purchaser of tho Florence is dis. satisfied with it, we will give in exchange any Sewing Machine of similar Price known to the Trade. Fri'tpecfttsrs and Sample* of TTnrlr poxt free. Aqent* wanted. Address FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE CO. tli Chcapside, London 83 Untou-st.. Glasgow; nud Kast-tst., Brighton. Agent—F. BAFTY, 30 Grafton Street, Dublin. TWELVE CARTES DE VISITH, 2s Hd; SIX, Is 8.1. Send Carte with Stamps. Pcrfect ('.lpics nnd Original returned Free. Carte Enlarged to New Cabinet 1 or- trait, 2s Brl; Three Copies, 5s. Londov PHOTOGRAPHIC Com* London. F. S. D. I'iiillip-s, Milliliter. FINE STRONG RICH BLACK TEA, FlT FOR ANY TABLE, is lid per 1h 8 lbs. for 203. free tu all inn-la oil reeeipt of l'ost Ollice onler. OSBORNE & TARRY, Tea,Wine & Spirit Merdiaiite, 431 West Strand, London, W.O. v IJ('-j:i'I¡J:i row{iTljiir:L¿Yi!f,L'I:I'¡'l '1J": (I WM-wick LodfÜ, 40 Atlih^oA-ioi«l, • invites ivivali-ls to :.cnd Lira two st.-fa.n. .'>•• It contains, amori" others. t!"e part ■•.x•; < cure.- 01' jiaralvsis, in tin? of l)v, I?' GILBERT. of Lor.dm, nd L. ili, c Alceste?': cm'('; i: i,Ütn:h til u;(> t :t' whole medirnl nroi's.i«»n, •-••well as ti'? pu'w\ usual remedies and vavitaM !»ah-.mic maViii «\ been tried in vain. Ila'se's calvanie a? ;• \v.< N. B.— M r. jja;^e <"vinfio!:> invalids a;.a i iiht his machines mad' in Mimin'/ham. PARIS EXPOSITION, 1867. ?!??? Sole Silver Medal of Honour, o??? With the ?"?' very flattering 2? *^hS. recommendation, ? ??y ?''??? "Perfection of ?': 4 ? < J!,flil)) Prep?tion." ?<?0?'<  Az, ?SoXrEvery. -OMTtA?  (j* ^oj^where. -??PM "???J??o? 11 J;!p-j) it lQo, .poo? aoi allaoxe  ???e '? A12UTPOODXH ;Iiodon .sjo.mf ???o — — e,t -papjuAVB lupaw eztj,j Aluo jaoaaoi DENT, CHRONOilETER WATCII AND -L7 CLOCK MAKER to the Qitccn, th3 Prince of Wales, and tllC late Prince Consort. awl makcr of the (;rcat Clock for the Houses of Parlmmmt, invites attention to the superior work- m'lnaliip and elegance of design 01 his extensive stoek of Watches and Drawing Room ('locks. Litlies Gold Foreign W.dcl:c3 7 Guineas. Gentlemen's ditto 10 J Ladies'or Gentlemen'* Co d En^li»h Lever do 1(5 „ Gentlemen a uold Compeusatiuii U.ilance do 40 t-i.v.rdiHo.ditto „ Marine Clnonomcten So Crnjd and silver Pocket Chronometers, Astronomical Turret, and Drac ket Clocks of every description. An elf-gant assortment of Lundon-mado Fine Gold Albert and Guard Chains, Arc. I>knt, 01, Strand adjoining Coutts's lJank); iil and .Ti, TJoyal Fxehantre and attheflofk and Marine Compass Factory, Somerset Wharf, Strand, London. fowcxrs IOSAYOZ ANIS f 0ADCF4A'it; ACCORD 5 t 1, A POWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED FOR Coughs, Bronchitis, Asthma, SORE THROAT, DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING, AXD ALL SIMILAR AFFECTIONS OF THE RESPIRATORY ORGANS IS well known to bo an excellent antidote to all chronic aflcctions connected with the Lungs, and, as such, is a serviceable medicine for persons of either sex or any age, but its intrinsic virtue is found in the special properties it possesses for the euro of COUGHS, SORE THROAT, ASTHMA, and all other derangements of the Uronehial Tubes. It allays all symptoms of irritation arising from taking cold, or from exposure to any damp, or unhealthy atmosphere, and arrests the progress of tlioso pulmonary complaints for Tvhieh > many various preventives have been illclidually recommended. Sold by Chemists and Medicino Vendors throughout tlio world, ill bottles Duly, price Is I;d,s 3.1, nnil lis tueu. ESTABLISHED NEARLY HALF A Clmiiiv. CAUTION".—Observe the words- Thomas Powell, Blacljrkws Foacl, London," on tlio Government Stamp, wiihout whieh it cannot bd genuine, and to IMITATE WHICH IS FELONY. .ION KY TO lJ'.X 1>. jp<nn? TO L(?ii(I Oil Property, m f\ f in one or in various sums. Apply to rr, S, n 'in?n?,S..)i<'itor, IJaMilmhio. TivXiV CONLAINIS, BITE, A!iD INI)IGESTIOAI CVHED W THOGT MEKCURY. ONLY two Medicines really upon the Liver (,no i,, Mercnry U or Jtfue Pill, the other Dandelion. Thousands of Constitu- tions have been broken down by Jlercury, JJlue Fill, ur Calomel, The onlv safe remedy is DR. K)XG s DANDELION ANT) Ol'INTNE LTVER PILLS. Would act very pently and efficaciously upon the Liver, liberate Mile, disperse Wind and stren the whole frame. Sold by all Chcluists atHI Patent Medicine Vt-ndoi?. in boxes, at Is. Hd 2s d, and ts nd, or for stamps, from J. KORKK, 47, Mortimer Street, London, W. TO THK NKUVOVS AND INDISCRKET. CONSULT DR. IIAM.MdM) (of tho Loolc llosnltal, A:c,), F.R.A.S, F.A.S., F.S.A., Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeon* No. 11, Charlotte-street, Bedford square, London, W,c. in all thoe Ailments which tend to embitter and shorten life, and especially on nervous, nn.-ntthnndp]]ysi(.ttldebi)ity. At Dome, i'» till 2 and (j to 8 The Self-Curative Guide," post free, two stamps. N.J» -I-ettei.s, with details of cases, promptly replied to. For Distinguished Qinditicati-'iis vith. Diplon.ius, HEALTH ANT) MANHOOD RESTORED (Without Medicine (mRE YOTJESK], by tho P., TENT SFTF- ) AWrs'NNVi Cl'HATIVK and Kf.ECl'KIC BELT wliieli Cures speedily and permanently—Nervous and physical debility, lassitude, depression of spirits, loss of energy and appetite pains in the ba"k and limbs, timidity and self-distrust, dizzi- ness, love of solitude, groundless fears, palpitation of the heart noises in the head and ears, indeei-ion, impaired sight and memory, indigestion and prostration, which arc immedintely arrested and ^nred Sent on receipt of One Stamp, by II. James, Esei Medical Electrician tothe London Hospitals, Percy House Bedford-square, London. Cai tion.—Medicine alone can never cure. X.B.—Tn proof of the etlicacy herein advocated. "The Re- medies "can be sent and tested, Free of Charge. Reference to the leading physicians of the day. SUFFER %TO LO-N(;ER. PURE YOUHELF hv the ELECTRO- ?J GALVANIC IMPROVED SIIL?'-AT)JITSTIN(-? (T'RATl VE A PPL1 \NcE for ihe relief and < uie of every des- eription of constitutional debility, a d other diseases, sent free f ir one stamp. Address, It. I-'Iee',riti:tn, Percy House, Bedford Square. London. N.R.-Actinix for the sole inventor and patentee, 1 am compelled to c;iutionthepublie against a self-styled doctor who copies thi< advertisement. Note «ny announcement for the V.>t fourteen years in the various Papers, and then decide Wlio is THE ORIGINAL? Final Evidence A Test gratis ami a Copy of Patent Free, or ulOO deposited with any Newspaper Ollice till originality proved. Kuware of spurious and worthless Irritations, concoted for gain, and to deceive and mislead the atilicted. ('Al'TIOX.-TRADE AtARK. HILL, EVANS and COMPANY, Vineffnr Nf;ikCl?s, C,kUTIO,' !III Persoll.4 against RE-FILLIN<i C" AS ICS bearing their TRADE MARK OR I:t;AXD WITH VINEGAR not manufactured by HILL, EVANS Ar Co, Particulars of their recent proceedings acainst Mr Charles Fothcrgill, of Lancaster, and asainst Fardon's Mnerfir Company Limited, of Birmingham, ut.der the Merchandise Marks Act, 1 B2 and in the High Court of Chancery, against Mr Henry Turner, of No. 47, Shude-hill, Manchester, may be obtained on application to Hid, Evans and Co., or any of their agents. For the protection of their Customers from imposition and themselves from injury, similar proceedings will be taken by Hill, Evans and Co. against all persons who shall, after this caution, use their Casks for Vinegar not made by them. Pur- chasers who deire to havû Vinegar of Hill, Evans and Co.'s make, arc requested to huy only direct from them or their agents, or from dealers on whom implicit reliance can be placed. January, lS'te. JOSEPH MAYER, MANUFACTURING GOLD AND SILVER SMITH, ELECTHO PLATER, AND JEWELLER, 118 k 70, LORD-STREET, LIVEIU'OOL, RESPECTFULLY calls attention to the M constant succession of New Designs in itwellevy, Silver and Electro Plate, Watches, Clocks, and Rrouzcs, to be found in his large Stock. THE JEWELLERY Consists of every Fashionable Arlieloiu Cold, Diamonds, Emeralds, Rubies, Sapphires, Rcarls, Turquoises, and other Precious stones, THE SILVER AND ELECTRO PLATE Contain a mostu\toiisive variety of Patterns in Rreakfast, Dinner, and Tea Services, Kper^nes and Dessert ct, Spoons, Forks, EUli Table Knives and Carvers; alsu H. large assortment suitable for Presentation. THE WATCHES Comprise a largo collection of Patent Lever, Horizontal, and Duplex Movements, in Gold and Silver Cases, of English ami Geneva Manufacture. THE CLOCKS _iiclti(le a of Algeri:ivi oiiyx, Ormolu, und Sevres Porcelain. Marble, and Rronze, fur the Draw- ing-room, Library, and Dining-room. THE BRONZES By the most celebrated Artists, with many reductions from the. Antique. J. M. has a Service of Piute for Hire. JOSEPH MAYER, Manufacturing Gold and Silver Smith, Electro Plater and Jeweller, 68 & 70, LORD-STREET, LIVERPOOL, EOT WATER APPARATUS. C"('80. :¡- 1,r.n:fUI4 ei 80» N 'I ^7i*V-i«?k. ("C r-r.l PI(> N:6\' .'2 ;r ti' C.l.I;ØCI"'tn 'It" TEE 12 TttlS t»i. :«sTtt "1 nL\O 'THII Tr.r., nt." ??-—?'-? M MH ? II & ? S"?* ;9.irjt UÓ' N'OA Jt.. Og" f 'O!l[s'r'(T 1/,f,C 1' :lIIr   S  ;.¡  ?"   N:I$ ti- 2 K,S N°15JJ" N'" ??..< .—— ?'e??-? j?.l??.M??'?? f.'(" UÐ K ??J? ?  \???\&?? a; &   -w>°wi S?tgt ???? '"S??  • 11"" •* A\CM PItC'S ?—? "?'"  ru,\O N?3s I %? w3,A = ""r '"NCE H..wl rLAftCt p.2c,?z N N" ?  't? H'MdL S'-ft le'»* CLB0« TO..lB«*roP SPICO-MI.VB s  ?   H '4f", 4. N W49. 5a  <[" ,jj ..9 1"1 I¡; k' llRlISS ;'Pl!56  y *5(^ H-5? M'53? 5+'1 N:ci ¡¡:ff=l J JUKES & SONS have the largest stock 01 HOT WATER PIPES with all connection?, Wrought and Cast Iron Cylinder and Saddle Boilers, Canubn Boilers, Portable Boilers., &c., and will bo happy to forward priccs for the same either at tho Wharf in London, or delivered to any Railway Station or Shipping Port in the United Kingdom. a. JONES & SONS, IRON MKIICHAXTS, 6, BANK SIDE, LONDON, S.E. HOT VATKTl A-PPAI?ATri KUKCTFD COMPLETru. p- CITY OF DUJlMN STEAM PACKET COMPANY. Wl.VI'Klt SAILINCS. /N and after Friday, 1st .i f"'?-?- L? ? Xnven.bcr. the CHmpauy intend t"~Ti sailing the Prince (.f ?'.?p'<,ototherof 3t6S?TSS.! tln ir Steamers. (nntIl further Notice.) From MKNAI lil'.IDUE, on Fii.Iiiys. LIVERl'tiOL, on \Vediie-iliiy.«. OuoiU will lie received ut the Xorth end of Clarence Duck, on Tuesdays. Company's Ofliec, ,Aleti:ti I;i?i (i ?r<t (^tober,  'i?XCOKT AKU n?THK?tA ,\D FEXEHYN SLATE QUARRIES. ?t"? ( T?OUR-nOR?E ?.???'?'?<& 6 ?.d <?.)i""s 0?[- ?<? ? "??' -?'?'-  ?X?i'.sKS will run daily ::í¡ ?. ',J (Suni'avs exi-epte.l) from ?.?J:?.'r '.? ':? J.. ]!an?.r HaHway Station and the Railway Hotel, to Bethesda and back, at the uiKH-nnentioiieil hour, Fro1lt !:an?.r From Reihesda t) ]'?L.m. 4 'a.111. 74.) ii.iii. 10 4, 1 ;!0p.m. 12 -) I?')O  0" H „ .< 0 4 1.) 6 0 ??:: ??: The above 'Buses are large and commodi. ous, well teamed, and arc driven by sober and experienced tuen. The Ilus running from Bangor at a.m.. is one of tho lavg^t and finest to be met with in the Principality of Wales. THE RAILWAY HOTEL, Near the Rangor Station, has every accommodation. Dinners or Luncheon on the Shortest Notice; Post Horses, kc. THE DOUGLAS ARMS, Near the iVnrhyn Mute Quarries), on tlie banks of the River Ogwen. Roats on O;w(>lI take; tuj<1cs to Carnedd Llewelyn, now becoming a favourite tnp HIIGHRS AND LfTTLER, Propnetors. Places of interest which can be seen all,1 visited by going with this Omnibus;—Penrhyn Slate Quarries; el of Nant Pianeon oummit of Cariudd Llewelyn; Lakes Ogwen and Idwal: Twll Du, or llcvii's Kitchen; Falls of the Ogwen and Gaseg. Foot Walk to Llanbcris over the mountain 7 miles Ditto Capel Curig 10 mils Ditto Bettws y Cord 14 miles Ditto Ogwen Lake 5 miles ESTABLISHED 1807- THE NORTH WALES CHRONICLE STEAM PRINTING WORKS HIGH STREET, BANGOR, ??? ?i'? ? ?) ????' <  ?t..  ?. ?viMt!??? 1' ?'??'?'?.?:?'?'?'"?'- ?.. ? W/yC.   PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Executed with Neatness and Expedition, on the MOST REASONABLE TERMS. r.nrPHLFTS, CIRCULARS, CATALOGUES. REPORTS, IUXD BILLS, BILLHEADS, CHECK BOOKS, &c Executed in rL superior manner. AUCTION BILLS, POSTERS, &a. "Well displayed, and on the Shortest Noticc. ADVI-nrnslCMENTS JII-CF.IVED FOR ALL THE LONDON" A>"D THE r.Giini WALES CHRONICLE Is jtubli^ied evury Friday night, at Figlit o'clock, price ;Ud. OFFICE.—Caxton House, High Street, Bangor. B U P T U 21 E S. ,¿. :v.. !U ). By Ilcr Majesty's Royal cotters Patent. ifj' f )'" ':¡, '?' '1 "l7') 1r"'Y..N J t-{.I\I TKIJSS REQriRlXG no stool s)ii'ina' round the body, is reeomnicniled by tlie fnltowiiig peculiar, ties mid advantages 1st. facility or application 2nd, perfect freedom from liability to chafe or excoriate 3rd, it may be worn with cfiual comfort in any position of the body, by day or niglit -1th, it admits of every kind of exercise, without the slightest inconvenience to he wearer, and is perfectly concealed from observation. We do not hesitate to give to this invention our un- qualified approbation, and we strenuously advise the use of it to all those who stand in need of that protection, which they cannot so fully, nor with the same emnfort.. obtain from any apparatus or truss as from that which Wf have the highest satisfaction in thus recommending. Church and State Gazette. Recommended by the following eminent Surgeons William Ferguson, Esq., F.R.S., Professor of Surgery in King's College, Surgeon to King's College Hospital, &e. C. (j, Guthrie, Esq., Surgeon to the Royal Westminster Ophalmic Hospital W. Bowman, Esq., F. R.S., Assist- ant Surgeon to King's College Hospital T. Gallaway, Eq., Senior Assistant Surgeon to Guy's Hospital; T. Blizard Curling. Esq., F.R.S., Surgeon to the London Hospital W. J Fisher, Es(I Surgeon-in-Chief to the Metropolitan Police Force Aston Key. P,q., Surgeon to Prince Albert; Robert Liston, Esq., F.R.S. James Luke Esq.,{Surgeon to the London Truss Society Eramus Wil son. Esq., F.U.S., and many others. A descriptive circular may he had hy post, and th Truss (which cannot fail to fit) can he forwarded hypos on sending the circumference of the body two incites below the hips, to the manufacturer. ;II r. Ii lTE, :?:1, l'icc:Hlily, ¡,oll,lon, Price of a Single Truss, lfis., 2ls" Ms. Oil., and 31s. 6<L Postage, Is. Postage, Is. Btl. Umbilical., 42s., and 52s. lid., Postage, Is. 10 Post-ofifce orders to be made payable to JOHN WHITE, Post-office, Piccadniy NEW PATENT ELASTIC STOCKINGS. KNEE CAPS. The material of which these arc made, is recommended by the Faculty, of as being peculiarly ELASTIC and COMPHI'.SSI RLE, and THE BESTINVENTION forgiving efficient and permanent support in all cases of WEAK- NESS an.t swelling of the LEGS, VARICOSE VEINS. SPRAINS, &c. It is p.irons, light in texture, and inex- pensive and is drawn on like an ordinary Stocking. Priee from 4s. fid., 7s. Gd., 10s. to lfis. each. Postage, fid. JOHN WHITE, Manufacturer, 228, PICCAILLY LONDCN. Specimens may be seen in the Crystal Pal.vcs.