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NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. J*AKM A MKNTAU Y NOTICES, KLKCTION ADDIIESSES AND lMiLic COMPAMLS, <5d j»er initio. LAW Sotlces, AUCTIONS, AND MISCELLANEOUS, 4d per L no. TiiAi»IS, HOOKS, CHAKITTES, kc.,$<\ per Line. Jn order to render the Advertising Columns of the N< >•; I H W A EES Cil U1 >X 1CLE nmre extensively useful to the l*\iolio, tlie following REDl'CED SCALE OF CHAUOES is adopted i\»r the undermentioned classesof PKIPAID ALM'R.URISKMJ.M'S — Situations Wanttd. ClerA'Sk Servant*, <(c., Wanted, Articles or Animate Lo.it or Found. Ofiiw or S/C'us Wan ltd or to be Let. L^doiii'jt and Apartments to Lit. One insertion, not exces. din £ Twenty Words Is. fid. Three Insertion's ditto, ùiH" ::Is. ¡id. These apply only to such ADVERTISE. MENTS as are PAID FOR at the time at the Office, or for which Stamps are enclosed with Order, if sent by Tost, and d. not include bales by Auction or ordiuary Bu^iueiS Addresses. &UntS» WANTED, in Bangor or Garth, a COT- TAOE, at 1*12 or t'14 per annum.—Address, MissS. Holtliafn, Ucbington, Birkenhead. ,TANTEI) to Rant, a House in Iligh- ? street, Bangor, that would tin for a Wine and Spirit VI\\Ilts.-API,ly at A.B. omcc of this paper. MOXKV TO LEVD. 'i /"ANTED, X300 al)oii a 1)(?na-fide ho:(l pr?perty. four times the value. -App1y tp "3>. A," Chronicle Otlice, Bangor. rA\TKD, ontheBmksofthoMMiai Straits, a piece of LYND, from 1 to 3 acres. Mu'th?veat'routa?Ht?thew.ttcr. State lowest price &d Tenuro.—Address, Bnty)r C/i)'«MMf. IIOLVIIEAO LOCAL HOARD. A /"ANTED, to borrow, in one or more >\ suux?t no less than C5W on )?'rtg?gt. of the General I'istrict Kates, to be repaid by thirty e^ual aunu.d instalments, money required for \v«>vks of per- manent drainage, under the sanction of the Secretary of St ite for the Home Department, given in pursviuuce of the 57th sectiou oi the Local Government Act, IS08. For further particulars apply forthwith, stating amount to be lent, and rate of interest required, to Mr. ■John Movd Uritlith, Clerk t >the s.tid Board. 11', >L uket Street, Holyhead, :ast January, -4L. IJrrgon# £ aantrO. ?7'ANH;D, a CL?HATE, iu D?cori's or \V I'ric?'?O.ders.—ApotytJtheVicarofDau- \dloc>. Imiiiediatel),, a Certilicated Yt Master (or ex-pupil TVacher) for the National 1 School nt Llmelidan, ne w Uuthiu. He must be a singer, and it is also dc-iira^ie that he should be able to pla\ the Harmonium. Salary, t'lS a year, *eh-u>l pence, and whole of Govern- ment- ;rant, A go*>d hou*e and ^ardtn. Apply to the Rector, ltèv, 0, Roberta. BANGOR MEDICAL OlTrcER WAXT!?). rnilE Uuur.liuus of tho Ilangor and Doau- i., N%'i)l, at .their 1r'M on ?]n"-dav,the ]?th of lYlmiary ne.it, ).f!?'e<-? to tbO (.tecti.tofa'e)ic.d('m?rfortheXo. 2, AHS?''fy Di-.tn?tof tlle C, 1111 1)1'i,i 115 tile F,tli,lies 1 ,l.n('1wlI. DaoXiaan. Uandc?faH. Utodystbo, LUu- fair!.w!?wy)i,yd.l.htu''adwm,aud Peumyuydd. j)el- alilluill. Candidates must possess one of tne qualifications described in the ,"1)H"I)hlbt-e\1 ,r\hw \It the l\tol' Liw Commissioners dat"d 2Hh July, 1847, and wust be cou- vers,mi with the \N el.sh atol l.uiguu^es. '1'lie aioce salary will include all remunerations specially awnded for operations, and services, and midwifery cases, under Articles 177, 1S2. andl8:i of the ahove men- tioned order, hut not the vaccination fee* under t ie provision of The Vaccination Act of 1847," not the fees for visiting pauper lunatics residing within tne (li,tiriCt: NN-ill I)c to I;eep tile 'J lie (Ink"r AN,ill\e.} will he required to keep the District Medical Kclief ]!k; to make such returns as tin; I'oor Law Hoard rllullldanl of t'.uavdians may from time to time eail for; to attend all meetings ot tin; Guardians when required, and to perform all other duties presciihed within the said order, aud to reside at Alenai Testimonials and certificates of (jimlifieatioiis are to he sent to me, free of e.\]tense, under seal, 011 or beloic Tuesday, the 11th of February aforesaid. Hy ,.r'"r of the i>f>ar'l, JOilN THOMAS, Clerk tu the above li nion. Hoard llooin. t'nion House, llaii^or, lot'u January, ISO. ptllc§,^c» PKNDVFFllVX 131,TCK AVOKKS. I) ED aUll White, prMsed, pert\mtcd and V common );):r''KS..nS-)?. Applv to Vcruuu Darbishire, iendyifryn \Vorks, SULD. iu of the owner leaving the neighbourhood, a pair of Lav Males, live and .-even years old, about L» hands 1 inch high, quiet in double and single liarnets. Applv to the Coachman at, Enviatt, Denbigh. ON SALE. VHAY PONY, M liauds high, a very fast tftH;r.?uettonduordri\e.A)soafour-whccd ?.p!? t" Mr W. H. Wilson.C.lan Conwy. ——— CAltlJIAliK MAItb. mo 1)0 Sold, a Jmndsoint.' dark lby MAKE, with hlack leg*. -1 years old, lo-o in. hi^h, iiuiet tu rille and drive, and warranted sound. Spring Cart, a set of silver-mounted, aud a set of brass- Jlbt'll Harness*. '?.y..f the above may be had separately. To be seen onnppUc itiou at the lv.st-oitice, L^pper Dangor. Co foe Urt. rVI M) i irLi:r, at a m?'d'Tato ront, Nos. 2 '.t.?) :'t'ri."? 'ff'nwe.H?g' Xo. 2 contains ?rc?t.?t. i'ini'?, ?'? J"?' Koom, 7 HèílrOOJO. A?- K.tc)?., Back K.tr)?..u?aH ,tiler con- ?.hicn?s Xo. ocontains llieaktast 1 arloitr, Dining and ?''?' Kitclieu, Back I),nvi?' ) :<?' :i t'?' Ki-?.<?.?"'?'" t"'?'?"'?"? }.r further )?icuhTsaM?t.?., !r.C???.TL.t'cLk. n.U)), Auctiom-er, HigU Street, and Ty idioudre, C?n,;ur. "'LHM'Ui?<?"?TUW.U;):S; r|I \,» W'iuo amI Spirit Merchants -To bo Let i???.i..initiate possession, eligible and extensive Vrcn.i e<, witli f,ir tile \iiie :Lll,l ?inrtn?.situ..tei?Chu.ch.)ksf.'c?sM"??"- A.a.unm?u?..p.<tti..?.'t? t?.?tth.?).. ?s,.(.i.) whwcauc.\ccH?t business has bem earned for manv years. Apply to Mr. (ieorgeFelton, iucti,)tiecr aii(I Surve),f)i-, ilo.styii blate Ollioes, Llaiuludno. a koltul" ui >T K ir» A XGOK CO.)IPAI;Y, (LIMITED) r1,n1: Directors propnso to let tho Posting cnmeeted with the Hotel by tender KuU particular* mviy he obtained from the Manager at the Hot" on and after the 2iitii iistant The Directors d-» not hind themselves to accept the highest or any 'dfer Tenders sealed a"'t marked "Tenders for I'?-Un?,' in.iv be nt "The Sveretary, George Hotel, !a.ur t'lIjIlP,lIlY, Limitell, lbuci')l' ;'1 up to tIlt) 10th 'J;tllU;lI'Y "VD' PV. xut?. ???" l?<Hh D-e lS<i7. -tII." Jloh'l. 1;II,Sq7 Vublíc Noticto. GOOD lXVlvS'l'MlOXT. TuTOtiACCC MAXl'FACTl'ltiiUS AND I CAI'ITALISTS. rn i disposed of, tho Business of a X ioi.acco Manufacturer )?H''y deceased), sitinted i'a 1* Street I'aruar.'oii. Com;nodious premises, v;l,s,f I,, laigine and Micliineiy Coniple-.e, in good Wiivkia  !!v iett?t't.<' W"?<'</t )?<'ML7t?f?'?- .\?ir.« by rl.etter to 4,<\ Xoi'th Chroni.c! Oilice, CA'i?Ut', North Waks. n public x otícc. COIIOOLITES. I) EST Caaibridgo COPOOLITES in any J L quantity. J. W. LEE k CO., Copoidite Merchants, Queen Street Works, Leicester. LL VNRWST AKO A11KKGELE KOAD TKUST. A1\ T 0T1CE is hereby given, that the General 1 Annual Meeting of the Trustees of the said Turn- pike llond will be helil at the Stag inn, Llangeimew on Wednesday, the 12th day of February next, at 12 o clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of examining and »udi- ting the Treasurer's and Surveyor's accounts of the said Trust for the past year, ending on the olst day of Decem- her last, and transacting any further business relating to tlie Trust that may then and there appear necessary.. Dated this loth day of RICHARO j vMESj Clerk to the Trustees. THE ST. A,kl'il AND CON WAN D E NilTG II AND llHUDDLVlf. AND MOLD AM) DEXUIGH (,iveii, tiiat tile next "VT OTICE L. hereby ??'en, that the next 1" Ueuemi Annual ??eth),; of the Trmtees of the above Turnpike Trusts, will be held at the Ounity Court Hall, ill St. Asaph, oil Tuesday, the third day of March nextat twelve o'clock in tlif- forenoon, for the purpose of examining and auditing the Treasurers' and Surveyors' accounts of the said Trusts for the past year, and tran- sacting any further business relating to the Trusts, that Iuay thcu and the: e appear necessary. Dated this Twenty-third day of January, lhfiS. WYATT i SISSOX, Clerk to the Trustees. 11(j I^YTII: k> N". TO COX I'RACTOKS AXil BlULDEUS. milE Guardians of the llolyhead Union arc -1 desirous of obtaining Tendeis for the l.rertion of a new Workhouse, Infirmaries, Vagrant Wards, and other buildings, at Valley, near Holyhead, Plain aid .SreKififati(.nsn?v beseenatthco)Hceof Mr. it. G. iho- Ai-cbite(?t, Menai Bridge, between the hours of Cue and Si?pnt. Tenders a'?JJUobs?'m to him on or beforc k.lily, the IOLII of 'I'lio do n'.t- l?t.d th?nse:v?.to ac?t the lowest or any tender. The coutr wi1lhe required to name two-Sureties, who wi\! have to enter into i Bond to complete the work and perform the Contract. Any person who may desire to reduce his preyiou. Tender, can do so by writing to the Architect. WILLIAM HUGHES, Clerk to the Guardians. Tycroes, HOLYHEAD DlUIXAGli. milE Holyhead Lüeal JjoarJ am prepared to J_ receive fenders for the execution of works of Per- manent Drainage, of which plans, sections, and specifi- cations may be seen at the ottice of the Board, Ko. IS, Market-street, llolyhead, daily between the hours of 11 a.m. and 2 p-m. ThC' C"ntrd,n' will be required to find sureties to tHfc satisfaction )i the Board for HIe due execution of his contract. • l'orms of Tenders may be had on applicatsi. on, and t,,he Tenders must be delivered at the otlice of the Board before ten o'clock in the forenoon of Thursday, the 2Uth dav of February instant. The Board does not bind itself to accept the lowest o any Tender. JOIIX LLOYD CltIFFlTlI. Cleii; to the Hoard. IS, Market-street, llolyhead, Clc1;; tù the lJo,ml. 1st February, IStJS, falRI&rJtASPRESENTS CHRISTMAS PWfefe IS CHRISTMAS JOHN 0\VKN, 49, SimJc-hiH, Man- ti Chester Importer and dealer in "H kinds of F()):H1C\ and EGLISH FANCY GOODS. Shipjiers, Auctioneers, Shopkeepers, Hawkers, and others, are most partieularlv requested to call and inspect the Stock of t" );EW,\¡atlYAL fl"llI the Continent, consisting of Toys of all sorts. Work Boxes, Desks, Dominoes, "Leather Goods, Lustres, bird Shades, and all othei kinds of Fancy Goods too numerous to nicutiim, CASES OF GOODS always ready, from £ 2 to £ 5, and 1:10 to £ l->, well selected for any trade. CO' THE ADDKKSS :—TUK OLD ESTABLISHED WUDI.KSAI.I; Tov WAWSHOL-SE, 4U, Shudchill, Man- JOHN Proprietor. Terms, Cash. Xo agents or travellers employed, prices thereby reduced. G EXCISE AXD FLOW Kit SEEDS. CillVAS & WEAVEll be^ to announce that their l'J:lCEII C\T \LO¡iTiE of now nnd "enuine GAKDKV and FLOW ER SEEDS is now pub- fislied, and will be forwarded post frcc 011 application. It cú,t:liu Lists "r new \'egetahle ¡lIId Fl,)wt'1' Sel'lIs of merit., l-'loiists' Flowers, imported Flower Seeds in col- leeti'Ois, Annu ds Biennials and Perennials, and a care- fully selected Descriptive List of approved varieties of Vegetable Sjeds, practical Hints as to Culture, and a monthly compaui -it for Amateurs, with a list of Horti- cultural Implements aud other Garden Requisites. COLLECTIONS OF KITCHEN GAUDEN SEEOS COMPLETE, FOR "?? Y?AH'S SUPPLY 0 X. Ii.t:¡ ;¡ 0 i'll, !). ? 0 \t 1 10 U No. ;L. "1 () No. X. 0 ?'' 0 0 in 0 All Ordcis of 20s. in value delivered carriage free. ENGLAND SEED AND IMl'LEMEXT WAREHOUSE, CHESTER. January, 1868.  "QURSUANT to a Decree of the Hi?h I CouttofCh.mccryinadcitmCauseWitUam?rif- fith a<! faiiist WiDiam liasset, the Creditors of Peter Bass't lato of Brjrnmair, Dolgelley, in the County of Merioneth, Gentleman, deceased^ who died m or about the mouth of January, lSGIi, are, on or before the 20th day of February, IMS, to send by post prepaid to Charles Wilkin, of Xo. 10, Tokenhouse Yard, in the City of London, the Solicitor of the Plaintiff, William Griffith, the surviving Executor of the deceased, their christian and surnames in full, addresses and des- witit the christian and surname in full of any up' artner or partners, and fuU particulars of their claims, ? statement of tliuir ?ititl the nature of the Securities (if any) held by them, or in default thereof, they will he peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said Decree. Every Creditor holding any security is to produce the same before the Vice Chancellor, Sir Wil. liam Page Wood, at his Chambers, situMed at No. II, New lllare, Lincoln's Inn, in the County of Middlesex, on tiI 2Jtli day of February, lSthS, at Twelve o'clock.at nndll Iwiug tho time appoiuted for adjudicating on the claims. Dated this 18th day of January, 1S.S. EDWARD BLOXAM, Chief Clerk. CHVRLES WILKIN", Plaintiff's Yard, Loudon. MR. ROBERT ELLIS, DECEASED. PURSUANT to an Act of I)tirlianieilt made and passed in the Session of Parliament, holilcn in the 22nd aud 2.!id years of the reign of her present Majesty (211t.eti entitled An Art to further amend the Law of Property, and to relieve Trustees, Xotice is hereby given, that all Credi- tors of or other persons having claims or demand 11(1011 or *d)i't the estate of Robert Ellis, heretofore of Ruthui, in the County of (or No. 1, Walton Place, Cheslea, in the County of Middlesex, "eiitleman, (who died on the 5ih and whose Will was proved on tltu 12tli day of December, Registry of her Majesly s Court of Probate), arc required to semi in the Of tlio-it- debts cliiuii, or demands, to Mr. Robert Ellis, of li. Shr•ill-Street, in the County of Middlesex, or to Mr. Rich- ard Gre.js.iii Ellis, ot Ruthin, in the County of Denbigh, two of the executors of the deceased, or to us, the iinder- si -U 'd 'Wimber and Ellis, of Giesham Bouse. Otd broad- street, ill the City of London, their Solicitors, 0:1 or be- fore the first day of Match next, after which ocnod the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the saill dece ISLI'I among the partiesentitleiltherelo, having regard to the claims of winch the said executor shaH l'lLU "•'I n.??..nd.L{?r?uch,?n.?tk.s..H..?nt??.U ))?)?Ii'? for tile ttil'N. ]):lit tlicl.eof, so t4, ati?' 1)(,-1.3011 of ixi ili-, ?ntexccu. t<.?.,h.U)?.tt)'mh?ohad !t?n.?.d .tU pc?s !in.tci?dt.<thc-uJ?L.??.?iuc.,?. Xo ?yt.c hnu?tt.[t)?rf..??tivc<)pUj-?u.,v.ita?[[tU?t). ¡ ciót days h'.?nThed.ne h(\L'f. I l U..t?t tius ?ta?)yo:?"?'y.?' Wm??H??LL,?, | S?lici.twstotiteJ?ecutors. ublíc Kotifcg, DRAINAGE AND LAND IMPROVEMENTS. AN DOWNERS contemplating the Drain- ] J age of land, the erection of Farm Buildings and other improvements, and desiring to take up loans for the purpose, are requested to apply to Mr. William Scott, Towyn, agent to the General Land Drainage and Improvement Company for particulars. Mr. Scott will be glad to execute works for Land- owners and others desirous of finding their own capital SIX POUNDS PER WEEK WHILE LAID UP BY INJURY, AND £ 1,000 IN CASE OF DEATH, Caused by ACCIDENT OF ANY KIND. May be secured hy au Annual Payment Of from ,£;3 to £ G lis, to the RAILWAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE COMPANY. RAILWAY ACCIDENTS ALONE May Ktsw be provided against by Insurance Tickets for Single or Double Journieij. For particulars apply to the Clerks at any of the Railway Stations, to the Local Agents, or at the Oilices, (It, CORXHILL and 10, REGENT STREET, LONDON WILLIAM J. VIAX, Secretary. AGENT volt BAXGOR Mll. THOMAS JACKSON, RAILWAY STATION. THE 15 AN KRU PTCY^VC l\~Sbl. IN tho County Court of Carnarvonshire, holdcn at Conway, John George Brookes, of No. 2S, Madoe Street, Llandutlno having been adjudged Bankrupt 011 the :,r,] day of December, 1867, a public sitting for the said Bankrupt to past his last examination and make application for his discharge, will be liol(I "to the sahI Court, at Conway, on the lllth day of Febniary, 18CS, at u o'clock in the foernoon precisely, tho day last, aforesaid being the day limited for the said Bankrupt to surrender. The Registrar of the said Court is the Official Assignee, and Mr Samuel O. Williams, of Liaududuo, is the Soli- citor acting in the IhHkrnptey. WREXHAM MARCH FAIR. NOTICE is Hereby Givon, that in the pro- sent year and afterwards, until further notice, the fortni"lit's fair for recreation, the sale of merchandize, &c., usually called The March Fair'" WILL be HELD in April instead of in March, aud will commence on the first Thursday after the first Wednesday in April, and cotitiiiiie for fourteen (lays. 1\1 this year the I' oil will commence 011 the Second day of April next. The fair iu March, for horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, seeds, and hops, will be held on the usual day. By order, JOIIN JAm, Town Clerk. Towu-clcrk's Office, Wrexham, 22ml January. lS().'i: 1,1.ANIIWsI TURNPIKE TRUST. AJN TOTICL is Hereby Given, that the General I Auntial Meeting of the Trustees ot the Llanrwst Turnpike Roads will be held at the Eagle's Hotel, ill Llan- rwst, in the County of Denbigh, on Tuesday, the 3rd day of February next, at Twelve o'clock at noon, for the purpose of examining and auditing the I reasurer s and Surveyor's accounts of the said Trust, for the year ending on the olst day uf December last, choosing new Trustees to supply the vacancies 011 the Trust occasioned by death or otherwise, and transacting any other business relating to the Trust that majr "thelk and there appear necessary.. Dated this 30th d,?ii 18r"?. J. 8HH!:g, MITO?S. Trustee ''?''),?)erhtot?f*Trn'!t< FASHIONAJSLE DKtfS.SU.Uvli^T' Life-sized trimmed paper models «f ttV^Pon and Paris styles, with flat patterns to cut from, are sup- plied pot-frce as follows, by M'ni. ■Bum, Hi, Christie Hoad. South Hackney, London. The newest Parisian. Train "ored skirt,, plain round the waist, 2s Od ditto with slcdit fullness, 2s; Crinoline for supporting ditto 2s gored Petticoat to correspond, 2s. The new short Skirt, (to shew the petticoat), 2s; the Petticoat, 2s Cri- noline for same, 2s. The new short walking costume, comprising petticoat, skirt, bodice, and paletot, fis lid. Princease.Dress, cut in one, 3., Od. Morning Peplum Wiapper. 3s Od. Dressing Gowns, 2s Gil. Dress Bodices with sleeves, Is 8d; very clegaut ditto, with the new open sleeve, 2s (id. Low do., 2s. Peplum from waist, Is Od. Sleeves, lOd. Zouaves, Garibaldis and Camesoles, Is (id. Out door Peplum and other Jackets and Paletots, :!s f;ll. Little girl's Prineesse Dress, 2s Od. Boy's out-of-door Peplum ditto, 2s 7d. Knickerocker Suits, 2s tid. Children's Jackets, Is Od. Stamps received in payment. AMLWCH COTTAGE HOSPITAL. ESTIMATED COST OF ERECTION AND FURNISHING, X400. TIIE object of this Establishment will bo to provide proper accommodation, and good nursing oud medical attendance, for the labouring clauses in cases of sickness or accident. Subscriptions. Amount already received 150 0 0 John Palmer, Esq., Amlweh 1 1 0 J. Mathews, N. 1*. Bank, Amlwcli I 1 0 Mr. Jones, Stationer, Ainlweh 0 10 6 W. S. Caine, Elq., Liverpool (yearly) 1 0 0 Mr Hughes, Tycoch, Amlwch 1 1 Mes.-srs. Evans, Sons, & Co., Liverpool 1 1 0 Mr P. Thompson, Liverpool ••• 0 10 0 Additional Subscriptions 1 10 0 N.Trcweek,Esq.,Amiwch 110 Small sums, per 15. Rouse, Eq. 0 12 0 Owen Price, Esq., Cafn tat 1 1 () Collected by Miss Roberts, ditto 0 1; 0 £ 156 0 0 Subscriptions will be thankfully received at the National Provincial liauk, or by the Honorary Treasurer and Secretary, .Mr James Williams, Twrgwyn, Amlwch .BOOKBINDING. '10 THE PUBLIC. » Every description of BOOKBINDING neatly and expeditiously executed at the North It*Chronicle and Cronicl Vyniru 0Iuc.>. U?h-stieet.?AXHOK. n bof'K?rx?ixc. ACCOUNT BOOKS, LEDGERS, &c., in Velluiii" Russia, or Calf, with or without Russia Mauds, and warranted to open flat, manufactured on the prcuii.jes. P b 00!? BINDING. TO THE TRADE. Binding, "Paper Ruling,. Paging, Number- in Perforating, ic., executed at the usua] Trade Prices, at Douglas' JSteam Printing and Book-binding Works, High Street, Bangor. CANDLES. IF you do not want your candles exclusively for show, but with pleasantness »,f appearance re- quire excellence of burning, by "PRICE'S (JOLD- UW AL EALMITINE, or their "StH?tWOOD PAL- 4UTI'<H,"<?r their ^ood old-fashioned t4l>EL3[OXT "]iL?Llio.NT ?V.,XX," tli(,i, "]lest,' "};o: Xo. ur "BA1'l'EnE. COll'OSI'I'E..1 in preference to the finest am) most transparent 1',¡r:I1-1 finec.?KUes. liut if you must have the extreme trans- parency of pure Par.ifline, ,k Price's Paraffine" or their [;Clttl..Iltit)e ivill gi%-e it to you in perfection,and lit ,I more moderate price than is usually charged for any other really tirst-elass ParaiKue Candles. The now toilet soap "Price's Solidifild Glycerine," containing half its weight of their concentrated distilled | Glycerine," should be in general use in every house before the win tercotuej on, bccau>e of its admirable effects in preventing ehappin of the hands ami f ice. In every house there ollht also to be one of the sealed bottles of their concentrated Distilled Ulycerine, known evevywhere as <4 Price's Glycerine." and proscribed by t!IC tH. Ii eminent mc{lial mun abroHil as well as at home, MS the one only Glycerine for medicinal use whether ex- ternally or internally. t'ricc'.sF.t.ncyS'ujM of the different sorts usually nnulc arc excellent, and command a constantly increasing sale. The Solidified Glycerine spoken of above is, however, the one fancy soap to use. "Price's New Patent Niht Lights, for burning in dw wide glas;;e;; Me believe,) to be tlie very best Night LLhs lltulc. Price's Childs' Xi jit lights," for burn- iii- without glasses, and their diJiercnt sorts of *• Cham- I b; Candles ure Ro well known, and so generally used 1 and I tts not tu 1I,'J any special notice here. ) IDufcltc Notify. MR. HULSE, PE0EESS0R of MUSIC and DANCING, begs to announce that his professional duties for tH^» ensuing Half-year will be resumed on the 29th Juarv, 1808. Mr. Hulse attends weekly at Ruthin. Denbigh, Llan- dudno, Abergele, Carnnrveu, and Beaumaris. For particulars, address Mr. Hulse, Magazin do Musique, Upper Bangor. TO BUTCHERS CARNARVONSHIRE & ANGLESEY INFIRMARY. fPENDEliS for supplying Meat to the above X Institution for Six montlis, Nvill be received by the Secretary, Bangor. PIANOFORTE TUNING. ME. F. SMYTH, of Birmingham, is now J?t in Bangor. Lfttcraaddrc?cd'tohim,careof Messrs. Catherall aud Nixon, Booksellers, will have the best attention.  'TENsMtLLINGS REWARU. T OST, on tho Htk January, a BIaek and li Tan Terrier I)o,, ai?.vei's to the namc "f Fairy." W?.cYcr will bring the s,?ii?e to Mr Clarke, Photographer, Ki di-street, Bangor, will receive the above reward. Any one retaining the d'.? after this notice, will be prose- cuted. SPIRITS, &c. 'i,TILr.;IA:M liOWLANDS & Co., HIGH C;TIlI:ET. SUPERIOR LONDON GIN. L IltlSll MALT WHISKIES. r FINE OLD SCOTCTl MALT. Martell's, Hennessey's, and other BRANDIES. RUM, G-iiNEVA, PORT, SHERRY, CLARET, CHAM- PAUNE, &«., &c. • Per Dozen. Half Quarts. Piiits. Pilits. October Brewings of Bass ? 001 3 6tl. Co's PALE ALE I Ditto ditto ill Halt Birrels, 3_s. to 3(>s. Ditto ditto MILD ALES, 24s. :!Îs, 30s., Per Dozen. Half Quarts. Pints, pints. G UINNESS & CO'S Be?t Dub- ) 3' lin 10hlbh. ) Ditto ditto in Half-Barrels, 24s DEVONSHIRE CIDER. W. EOWLANDS, & CO., WINE k SPIRIT MERCHANTS, HIGH STREET llANGOn. Orders per post will have immediate attention. (jOUNT V_ritrCAlT.VAlt\"ON. -NOTICE. IN consequence of there hav Eg been regis- tered the names of Four Thousand five hundred men able and willing to serve Her Majesty the Queen in tho capacity of pudal Constables, this is to give notice that the books will be ebMed ou and after the 2nJ day of February, till further orders, T. P. W. ELLIS, Chief Constabe. IUJTHIN AND MOLD TURNPIKE TRUST. NOTICE is hereby givon, that tho General 1 Animal Meeting of the Trustees of this Turnpike Trust will be hel,1 at tlw County Hall, iu Mold, on Thurs- (lity, the twenty-seventh day of February, 1808, at twelve o'clock at noon,for the purpose ot auditing tlie treasurer s and Surveyor's accounts of the said Trust, for the year ended 011 the Thirty-firist December, 1807, and to transact any other business relating to the Trust, that may then and there be neceepary. •- -A,tid Notice is hereby further given, that the said Trustees will at their said meeting apply the sum of £ 1)10 in or toward.* the discharge of monies owing on the security of the Toils of such road, to such Creditors who shall by proposal in writing to be transmitted to mo, before such meeting, offer to accept the lowest composition in respect of the said sum of £ 900, and will apply the sur- liltis (if any) of such sum after payment to such Creditors as nforesaid, in or towards the discharge of monies 011 the security of the said tolls to the Creditors, who by pro- p isil, as aforesaid, shall offer to accept the next lowest in respect of such sum, and so in like manner until the whole sum of £ 900 shall he exhausted and if two or more creditors by proposal, as aforesaid, shall offer to accept an equal rate of composition, the said Trustees will determine by lot the preference between or amongst such creditors, as such Trustees shall think tit. awl if there be no such proposal as aforesaid,and if there be any surplus of the said sum of i".IOO, after apply- ing the same as far as may be necessary, in or towards the discharge of the monies to which such proposals as aforesaid relate, such Trustees will apply tho same rate- ably amongst the Creditors, or will pay the same to such of them as may be determined upon by lot, as such Trustees shall think lit. MARCUS LOUIS, Clerk to the said Trust. I'uthiif, 28th January, 1808. WREXHAM, RUTIUN AND DENBlOIl, WITH TUK C'ERRIG-Y-DRUIDION BRANCH AND TURNPIKE TRUST. Y[ OTICE is hereby given that tho Goneral Trust will be held at the County Hall, in Kuthin, on Tuesday the third day of March 18US, at Twelve o'clock atnoon,forthepurposeof auditing the Treasurer's and Surveyor's accounts of the said Trust for the year ended on the tliiity-filat December, 1W, and to triiusact any other business relating to the Trust that may then and there be necessary. And Notice is hereby further given, that the said .Trustees, wjJJ at their said meeting,apply the sum of ±,'200 in or towards the discharge of monies owing on the security (If the Tolls of such road, t" such Creditors, who shall, by proposal in writing, to be transmitted to me before such meeting, offer to accept the lowest- composition in respect of the said sum of £ J00, and will apply the sur- plus (if any), of such sum payment to such Credi- tors as aforesaid, in or towards the di.«i of monies oil the security of the said tolls to the Creditors, who by proposal as aforesaid, shall offer to accept the next lowest composition in respect of inch sum, and so in like man- uer, until the whole sum of £ '200 shall be exhausted and if two or more Creditors by proposal as aforesaid, shall offer to accept an cliual rate of composition, the said Trustees will determine by lot the preference between or amongst such Creditors, as such Trustees shall think fit; and if there be no such proposal as aforesaid, and if theie be any surplus of the said sum of £ 2J0, after applying the same as far as may Do necessary, in or towards the dis- charge of the monies to which such its relate, such Trustees will apply the same rateably amongst the Creditors, or will pay the same to such of them as may be determined upon by lot, as such Trustees shall think lit. MARCUS LOUIS, Clerk to the said Trust. Ruthin, 27th January, IMS. THE "T'0-UWEX AND EDEKMON TL'HXPJKE A?NI) EDI?"I:NIO-?; TUI?-NPIKE NOTICE is hereby Giveu, that the General 1. Annual Meeting of the Trustees of this Turnpike l'i-ii,t ivill be held at tlie Justice Hoom, in Corwen, on Friday, the 28th day of February next, at one o'clock in the afternoon,for the purpose of auditing the Treasurer's and Surveyor's accounts of the said Trust for the year ended on the 31st day of December, 1x07. and to transact any oilier business relating to the Trust that may tlk.n and there appcarneecssary. And Notice is hereby further given, that a Composition or Compositions will be paid to such Creditor or Creditors as shall be willing to accept the smallest composition upon liis or their debts to the amount of tlOO in hand for that purpose, and such Creditors are required to transmit proposals in writing, sealed up, to the Trustees, at the said Meeting, specifying therein the smallest rate per ccntuiu which such Creditor or Creditors will accept, and take for their, his, or her debt, or in part discharge tliti-elif and the Creditor or Creditors,whosepronosat or proposals shall specify the lowest rate per cei Ituiii, which he, she,or they, shall be willing to accept and take for such debt, or any part thereof, intended to be paid off, shall have the preference, :it tl be paid such sum or sums as he, she, or they may he willing to accept for the same, by the Treasurer, to the said Trustees, at the expiration of one calendar month next after such meeting, with all interest then due for the same,and if two or more of tlie said Creditors shall deliver in proposals at the same meeting for accepting a composition for their respective debts nt an equal rate per centum per annum, then ami in ?uch case it shall be forthwith determiuedbylottowhich of thes?id Creditors preference shall be given in payment of such composition or compositions; and the Creditor or Creditors having the casting lut, shall be paid his, her, or their com- position or compositions, at the time, and iu manner here- inbefore mentioned, but if no proposals are delivered in at^he said meeting, by any such Creditor or Creditors, then th->said Trusteoswill proceed to apply the said sum of £ 100 in the manner provided by the 2oth faction of the ^Merionethshire Turnpike Road Acts, Session h'o'J. MARCUS LOl'jfci, [ jiuthiu, 28th Jail., 1%8. Clock tu (i.lç aiù Trustees,. SELLING OFF AT A GREAT SACRIFICE! TIIE Elegant and Extensive Stock of new HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE comprising _L Drawing, Dining, and Bedroom Suites, in Walnut, Rosewood, Mahogany, Maple, &c., on the premises occupied by the late MR. JOHN WILLIAMS, CABINETMAKER, 256, HIGH STREET, BANGOR. The whole of this Stock of first-class Furniture, (malIc on the premises by skilled workmen,) has been carefully gone over, and marked at very much below the usual Selling Price. MR. SCOTT, BEXTIST, ALBION HOUSE, CARNARVON, INVITES the attention of nervous and dolicate persons to his improverl process of supply- ing artificial teeth. No extraction is necessary loose teeth and roots are supported and covered over a soft astic material is used as a lia.se, and they .ill be found within the reach of the must economical. May be con ulted with gratis once a mouth at CONWAY, the first Tuesday, at Mr. Robert Davies', tailor and draper, Jligh-street. LLANRWST, first Wednesday, Mr. Prichard, Confectioner, Denbigh street. PWLLIIELLI, the second Wednesday, at Shop Crigan, PORTMADOC, seeourl Thursday, 73, High Street. BETHESDA, Pay day at Quarries at Mr. R. Hughes. Flour-deoler. Hr. Scott's Treatise on the Toetlu in which will lie found the cause and remedy for the tooth ache for 4 stamp THE" NORTH WALES CHRONICLE" STEAM PRINTING AND STATIONERY ESTALISHMENT. JOHN KENMUIR DOUGLAS, LITHOGRAPHIC, COPPER-PLATE, AND LETTERPRESS PRINTER, STATIONER, AND BOOKBINDER, HIGH STREET, BANGOR, PRINTING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS FOR BANKERS, BROKERS, INSURANCE COMPANIES, PUBLIC COMPANIES,SOLICITORS, AUCTIONSliltS, ETC., EXECUTED WITH PROMPTITUDE. PROSPECTUSES. ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION. CATALOGUES. INVENTORIES. CtMt;L?HS. f BUSINESS AND ADDRESS CARDS. PLACARDS. INVOICES. HILL- H EADS. CHECK BOOKS. THE STATIONERY DEPARTMENT IS REPLETE WITH EVEllY DESCRIPTION" OF COMME" "IAL S TATiOXERY, ACCOUNT BOOKS LKIIOKHS. CASil IioOKS, ETC. MAGAZINES AND PERIODICALS Sl'Pl'LIliD OX DAY OF PUBLICATION. ADVERTISEMENTS INSERTED IN ALL THE LOXDOX AND PROVINCIAL NEWSPAPERS. $)uiiUc Notices. "CYN CODI CWN OA I'.R." 44 c 00 DOG! Poor Fellow!! I litil If that! yon-are Inliell ptensoil with W. Clyn Evans' patent fooll j-shall hilve it most assuredly, anil .tl¡at quickly." Northgate-street, Chester. THOMAS BISMOL] respectfully invites Visitors to Liverpool to inspect his STOCK OF JEWELL E KY, which, in style, quality, and workmanship, is of the hif{hest class. I Likewise. SILVER PLATE and ELECTRO-PLATED ARTICLES of the best manufacture. The new registered Figit Knives and lorks, Present- ation Plate, Marriage and Christening Presents, The following arc the prices of Spoons and Forks, of superior mtalitv, No. 1 having silver ends. As the silver are charged by weight, they will be more or less 1 accordingly, and if for exportation will be subject to a deduction of Is. fiù. per ounce for drawback of the (iiity:- Silver. Electro. Fiddle Pattern No. 1. No. 2 c a. (1. 4 a. d. ic s.d TableSpoons, per dozen 11 0 0 3 10 0.2 I0 0 Table Forks, per dozen 11 0 0 3 10 0 10 0 )?rt Spoon<,per dozen.. 7. 10 0 — 2 lU 0 2 0 0 1 )CSSCrt I)eT tli)zen 7100. 0 10 0. 2 U 0 Tei Spoons, per dozen 4 u 0 -10 » •••• 1 •> « Gr?vy Spoons, each 1 1» 0 .10 0 0 8 0 Sauce Ladles, each 1 "0-' 0 0 0 — 0 a 0 Soup Ladles, each 3 18 0 0 J • J J Sugar Tonga, each 0 10 0 0 5 0. 0 4 0 THOU A S DISMORE. SILVERSMITH AND JEWELLER TO THE QUEEN, BOLD-STREET, LIVERPOOL. CUPISS'S CONSTITUTION HORSE BALLS. 110 Sportsmen, Agriculturists, Postmasters, and all Proprietors of Horses, these Halls arc inrtii'ularly recommended in all cases of swelled legs, cracked lieels, loss of appetite, and Coughs, Colds, Fever or Inflammation, they are the best medicine that can he administered, moreover their operation, though effectual, is so mitd.that they require no alteration of diet, and if given with a bran mash on Saturday night, will not inter- I fere with the ensuing woek's regular work. NEAT CATTLE. The Constitution Balis are strongly recommended by many highly respectable Gentlemen, for Cowa and Oxen as a most valuable medicine in cases of Hove or Blown, Scouring on turning out to grass, or from bad food, Gargate, Hide Bound, Loss of Appetite, Staring Coat, Distemper, Epidemic, or Iniluenza. Bullocks fat much faster by oecassionally giving a Ball. See Testimonials with each Packet, PREPARKD BY THE PROPRIETOR. FRANCIS CUPISS, M.ILV.C.S., Author of the Prize Kim// Oil the Discuses of the Liver of the Horse, Diss, Norfolk. Sold by "ll Ciwlllists and Medicine Vonilors. in packets with directions at Is !Jt1 and Us 1),1 each or 7 large Packets for One Guinea, or 7 small for Half-a-Guinea. Any Gentlemen using the Bails may consult the Pro- prietor gratuously, eitlierpersonally, or by letter, post-paid BY IWYAL APPOINTMENT To HER MAJESTY, A A J* TO tlie PRINCE of WALES By Special WamintZSeffmR By Special tt'amnt, dated Dec. 27, datedFeb.1)), 1800. T\AY, SON, AN D HEWITT, I Original and Sole Proprietors of the STOCK- BREEDERS' MEDICINE CilEST for DISORDERS in HORSES, CATTLE, CALVES, SHEEP, and LAMBS. Patronised by upwards of Seventy Thousand of the principal Stoek Breeders, Horse Proprietors, and Agri- culturists of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. The only true and original Day's Chcmical Com- pounds" are prepared expressly by us. The Chest con- tains the following matchless preparations:- Half a Dozen CHEMICAL EXTRACT, at oOs per dozen. one Dozen GASEOUS FLUID, at 20s per dozen. at 13s per dozen. One Dozen RED PASTE BALLS, at 7. ¡¡d per dozen. Adapted for all ailments among Stock during the pre- sent season. Price of Chest complete, with shilling hook on Farriery, t2. lGs. (id,, carriage paitl. Either prepara- tion may be had separately in boxes. TESTIMONIALS. The Lttmbin;! Season.—The "Chemical Extract" is unequalled for bad cases in drawing Lambs, and to stop heaving aud straining. Mr. Woods, in his Lecture on the "Breeding and Manajement of S heep," saysMy shepherd declares it to be worth a guinea a bottle.^ The Gaseous Fluid" is famous for debility and ex- haustion in ewes after lambing for diarrhea in calves 1 and sheep, and for colic and gripes in horses and cattle. Mr. Bowiek, in hi* prize essay on the HHearing of Calves," savs The Gaseous Fluid i sufficient for all the ills that Caifhood is liable to. I have reared 2li calves this year, an,l !Jy the IISC of the' Ga.eolls l'lllid.' I hav" lIot lost one." Mr. Thomas Rigby, (Cheshire), in his lecture on "Summer Grazing of Sheep," sayi—Day, Son, and Hewit" t's Gaseous Fluid is the best coi-reetive of scour in Sheep I have ever tried. I can strongly recommend their Nle,ticine as most valuable auxiliary to stock- keepers of atl kinds, but especially to shepherds. With the medicines they give plain directions for use, which any man may understand. Orders sent by post will be promptly attended to. if Mediciue Factory, 22, Dorset Street, Baker Street, London, W.; or Wantage, Berks. on Ca'.ve-],' three stamps, l.oih free by post., AGENT. ? Chester—G, H, Brierly, Chemist, 16, Forgate-strcet. 1131-iblic Noticto. KEATING'S COUCH LOZENGES.—'The best and a?Nt remedy for COUGHS. K-];aTlNir. CõUGïïr:Z;(;Ë-eliews the ditlieUIty J\. breathing in ASTHMA. KRATING'S COUGH LOZKNGES. Important remedy in cases of INCIPIENT CONSUMI'T ON. i?,??T ?, G'?S COUGH LOZKNHE&—A certain remedy i0[ H. relieving the IKKITATIO\ of the MMXUHITAL TUBES KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES are daily recommended by K the Faeutty- Testimoui?ts from the m.Mt eminent of whom may be seen. TESTIMONIAL. Copy of a letter from the late Colonel Hawker (the well-known Author on "(inns and Shooting' Longparish House, near Whitchurch, Hants. Sir-I cannot resist informing you of the extraordinary effect I have experienced by taking only a few of your Lozenges. I had a cough for several weeks that deifed all tint had been prescribed for rae and yet I got completely rid of it by taking about lulf a small box of your lozenges, which I timl are the only ones that relieve the cough without deranging the stomach or digestive organs I am. Sir, rnur humble servant, P. ilAWKEU. To Mr. Keating, 79, St, Paul's Churchyard. Prepared and sold in boxp, Is lid, and tins, 2s 9d. 4s 6d, and 10s Od each, by Thomas Keating, Chemist, Arc., 79, St. Paul's Churchyard, London, ftetail by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Vendors in the World. Bangor— Mr. W. Griliith, High-street Beaumaris—Mr. J. Slater. High street Carnarvon—Mr. K. Griliith, High-street Conway—Mr. T. A. Koberts, High-street IJubluatioms. Just Published, THE Religious Statistics of Wulcs; a JL Pamphlet—price 2d; or 12s (id per 100. To be had of Nir, Douglas, Bangor and of all Booksellers. PHASES OF DISSENT: A REPRINT of a Series of Articles in the I1.. U KOCIIDALE PILOT," from July 14th to December 1st, lSGii, by MALCOLM DOUGLAS. Sold at the" Pilot" Otlice, Rochdale and by all Book- sellers. Price Fourpence. Post Free, on receipt of Five Stamps PRICE REDUCED FROM 5s. TO os. In Small Crown SvoM p.p. ;>0G, Cloth, Priced. SERMONS: preached chictly at ?an?or s C?thedrat, by E. t'CGHE. n.A., latc Senior Vicar I of the Cathedral, now Kectur of Hautris.tut, Anglesey, and ltuml Dean, Parker and Sons, London an,1 Oxford J. K. Douglas, P>an £ or. Kl ■■■■I l_ — -■ I .1.11 ..I I ——— cbolatic. MISS WATKINS, AIOUNT HOUSE, UPPER BAXGOR. PUPILS will re-assomblo on January J. 29th, 1868. FRENCH, ITALIAN, AND CLASSICS. THE Huv. F. Luusard D'Elbeno, B.A., of Turin Universty, attends Anglesey and Bangor every week, on TUlStby and Friday, to give lessous in schools and private families. Classes aud Private Tuition at his resideuce, 7, Crowil Street, Carnarvon. 1595 IttiVN oWEN, MENAI BRIDGE. A T tho above delightful Country Residence i V pupils are prepared for Commerce, the Professions, ali,l I'll Iie kil) ititiiietits. -Civil and Military. Every clfort ii made t" secure for the Estahlishment the etfi- eieu.y of the Public Schools, with the comforts and the careful disciplined a well-ordered Private Institution. The next Term commences January 28th. Prospectus,' &e., on application to the Principal. lr. J. Evitus, lin n Owen. Menai Bridge. j RUTHIN SCHOOL RE-OPENS on Tucs- R day, Feb. 4th. Head Master. Rev. J. W. Irecborn, M.A., Wore. Coll., Oxford. Master. llev. D, Itughes, M.A., Jesus Coll., Oxford. Assistant Masters. Rev. 1,1. Thomas, U. A.. Jesus Coll., Oxford. Stafford Penley, KSIJ., (French and German.) For Particulars apply to the Rev. The Head Master. Ruthin, Jan. :50th, 1808. WREXILUr GRAMMVH SCHOOL. rllIIE regular School course includes Classics, K Vrench. Arithmetic, Mathematics, and English subjects, thoroughly. Illivs are prepared for the Universities, for special examinations—in which former pupils have been very successful—or for entrance upon professional or commer- cial life. If parents desire it, their sons may give more attention to arithmetic, and subjccU required for commerce, aud le.;s to classics. Uo.vs arc admitted from tho age of senu years. Tho dormitories and school room arc excellent. F(ir terms apply to the Rev. Thomas Kirk, JI." A.' Grammar School, Wrexham.