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Family Notices




BANGOR LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH. The fortnightly meeting of this board was held on Thursday last, the 14th instant, when the following members were present :Itiglit I íonourable Lord Peu- rhyn, Aiessrs. George Simpson, Meshach Roberts, Thos. Lewis (Frondeg), aud C. liicknell. The minutes of the previous meeting were read over as usual. Neglect in Dc/ire; ing Cheques. — Mr Bicknell com- plained that the Clerk had neglected to hand over a cheque, which had been signed three weeks ago, until Monday last, and which neglect he hoped would not be repeated whilst he was a member of that board. The keeping of the cheque could have been of no manner of use to Ni r Hat-die, whilst the practice of keeping them so long may occasionally greatly inconvenience parties. The Gas and Water Company.—The Clerk stated that he, acting upon the instructions of the board, had written a letter to Mr White, Manager of the Gas and Water Company, requesting to be informed when it would be convenient for the Board to meet the Company to dis- cuss questions relating to the Gas and Water, but he had not received any reply to his letter. Subsequently Mr White waited personally upon the board; when.it was agreed that the meeting should take place in the Magistrates' Room, at the Police Station, at 12 o'clock on Saturday (this day). The Extension of the Sewerage Drain in Upper Bangor. —Four tenders were received to do the work connected with the extension of the drain in Upper Bangor, the length of such extension being 100 yards. Wm. ltobei-ts' offered to do the work for Gs lOd p;-r yard Thomas Davies for 6s 4d per yard if the ground were soil, or 7s lid if it be rock. Evan Hughes—if s >il, 6s 8d per yard if rock, 7s Sd. John Davies—soil, 6s 6d rock, 7s 6d. The Clerk stated, in reply to questions put to him by Lord Penrhyn and Mr Bicknell, that in the specifica- tions, he had gone upon the assumption that the board would take to the old pipes, which would be taken back by the Messrs. Thomas at cost price, and the above ten- ders were formed upon that understanding. This led to some sharp remarks, in ismuch as the board had, Mr Bicknell stated, decided that the contractors should have the old pipes and make their own bargain with Messrs. Thomas for the new ones. The tenders, the Chairman observed, were very un. satisfactory, as only one made any mention of pipes at all. He then asked to be shown the specifications. The Clerk said that the specifications were with Wm. Roberts, who ought to have returned them to him, and he had no copy of them, A messenger was then sent in quest of Roberts, but he could not be found. Nothing, therefore, was decided in the matter. Mr Bicknell also asked Mr llardie to explain how it was that his estimate of the work was only X12 10s Od; whereas the lowest of the tenders sent in came to nearly 1:40 1 Mr Hardie explained that it was owing to the pipes not being included. Six-inch pipes cost Is 3d each, of two feet. Mr Bicknell-But that would not make your estimate more than £ 20. Mr Hardie replied that he was willing to do the work himself for the sum of £ 12 10s Od. The Road on the Deanfield Property.—Mr Dixon at. tended the board personally to explain matters relative to a proposed entrance to a road to some houses which he is about to build at Deanfield. At a previous meet- ing he had asked, through the Clerk, to allow the entrance to the back of the cottages there to be less than what was required for a carriage road, and this the board refused to do for two reasons, first, because it would be an infringement of their own act; and, secondly, the board had, about a year ago, passed the plan with the said road marked upon it, and it could not be altered, nor even considered, without there being a wiitten ap- plication from Mr Dixon, in the first instance. Mr. Dixon explained that he had not the slightest intention to put himself up in opposition to the board, and he was quite willing to abide by any decision of theirs, as he was one that thought that such regulations were necessary. As to the road referred to, and which was marked on the plan, it was not intended for a car- riage road, only for a footpath to the houses, and neither did he ever intend to build houses in that spot. He also said he was willing to put up turnstyies at each end of the road so as to prevent the possibility of carta being taken along it. After some explanatory remarks by the Chairman and other members, Mr Hardie observed that if there were not a carriage- way to the back of the houses, it would be very iucon venient to the inhabitants of them, as they would have to go along way around in that case. Mr Dixon then said he saw the force of Mr Hardie's remark, and he thought after all it would be best to make the road there of the required width of twenty-one feet. As this settled the question, the matter dropped. ne Xew Rat"The Clerk produced his estimate of money which would be required by the Board during the enduing six months, the total amount being £ 639. The item set down for gas was iCI52 7s Od, as against X281 for the corresponding half-year of 1866-7. The Chairman asked what caused auch a great differ- ence between the two estimates ( The Clerk explained that last Je cr they burnt the gas all night; but the floird had sine" decided not to burn it after twelve o'clock at night. He had calculated the cost at an average of six hours a night. The Hoard appeared to be of opinion that f-ixhoura was too short a time and Mr Simpson, and Mr Lewis said that the gas was now put out at about half-past eleven which was much too early. L'fthuatety it was decided to let the matter stand over until after the meeting with the Gas Company. The cost for a new hose, and other matters, were then consi lere-i, when the rate-question was adjourned until the next meeting. Private Improvements.—These bonks were again ex- amined and great dissatisfaction was expressed at the way they are kept by the ( lei k. He was also severely blamed for making the gulleys in the Carnarvon Road last February, for Mr I lay wood, on behalf of the Car- narvon itoad Trust, without having a written order frolU .\Ir lLtywond to dn RO, as the morwy, J,ll;¡ had Dot been repaid. Mr Hardie was directed to write to the Clerk of the Trust, on the subject, but on his own account. The Proposed Pleasure Grounds.—A memorial was sent in digued by! he Kev. C. Jones and several other inhabitants childly of Upper liangor, praying that the Recreation Grounds be made in Upper liangor, and not on the 1 own Mountain. The Chairman, amidst much laughter, pointed out that one person was designa- ted ys''a gentleman," when there was a mark put to his name, as le supposed he could not write, The loilowing memorial was also read, and it was more numerouslyalld iLfluentiully feigned than the other To the Rij'ht Hon. Chairman, and Members of the Paw/or Local Poanl of Health. Ily LORD, AND GKNTLEMKN*,—We, the uiidersigned, beiniz ratepayers within the distiict of the liangor Hoard of Health, but principally of that part of it which is comprised in Upper iijiiigor and (;aitli, beg tesl)cctftilly to iiiejiiora!ise your board on the subject of the proposed recreation grounds for the people of liangor and tii-; occasional visitors to the town. 1 hat it is desirable that some place should he set flpart and appropriated tor pleasurable recitation is generally admitted, as it will have a (tirect tendency to promote health and amuse- mcnt, alHl form an additional attraction to visitors and others, the w.tnl of which has long been feit and complained of, as in most other tow ni similar to Unn^or, there is to be found some piace of public recreation in which persons can walk, other than tho turnpike toad or highway, and without bang looked upon as trespassers. The omy point, therefore, to be settled is, where is the best s te for such grounds, all things considered ? Two places have I)ee;A iia i,c I aii(I I)oizite(i out, atid both are on property belonging to Lord Penihvn, namely, on the hill between Upper liangor and Garth and the other on the hill in Lower Bangor, known as the Town Mountain. Lord Penrhyn, with his ch iracterisbc liberality, ha, loft the choice practically in the hands of Jonr b lard, subject in each case to certain reason- able conditions; and, therefore, the sole responsibility of the decisioli will rest entirely with you, in your collective capacity. "Originally, and when the proposal was first mooted by Mr John H()herts, Bra/lfard House, your board was unanimous in favour of the hill by Silliwen but since then other influences, it would appear, have bem brought to bear. and the board now seem disposed to adopt the town hill in preference and it is in reference to this decision that we, the undersigned,respectfully beg f r a hearing. Public prolw,ty should be f"r the benefit of the public, or the majority of the public. Pleasure g ounds for a town should he ?n*ily accas.blo and available to all persons in it, whether they be the settled inhabitants or only casual visitors. Con- sidered from this pobt or view, th re is really no comparison between the two sites referred to. The hill by MUiwen is easily accessible; it is almost equally available from Lower Bangor, Upper liangor, and Garth and it is within easy distance from where the bulk of t.ie visitori (who iieneiit the whole town) lbually top; awl the scenery is beautiful, varied, and gener- ally admiivd. The Town Mountain, on the contrary, is almost inaccessible even to strong and healthy parties, but positively so to valetudinarians, elderly people, an t young children so tliut the pleasure grounds would virtually be cut otf from Upper liangor and Garth, and the inhabitants of those neighbour- hoods. To make the pleasui e grounds where it is now proposed, would be in fact, to sacrifice the interests of the many to those of the few, and to practically nu:lify the o,i," i, I iiteittloit of the board. We respectfu ly ask -why should this be done ? No im- partial person, viewing and examining the two sites, would or could give a preference to the I own Hill; what loeally-iutorest- ed parties can sometimes do, you, gentlemen, know as well as we do. w "We, the undersigned, in conclusion, respectfully ask the board to leconsider the matter before you iirevocibJy decide; and in making this we do so upon public grounds only, believing as we do that a recreation ground for the town, on tIte Garth Hill, would greatly advantage the whole of Bangor; whilst, if made upon the Town llill, it would be of no advan- tage to any one. or to any class, not even to twos'* who live in the centre of High-street, and under its shadow. As to the visitor-, we beg to state, not as an opinion, but as a fact, that although the mostly reside in Upper Bangor, it is Lower liangor which profits most by them, and particularly the large sliops of all khds in High-street; and as a plain proof of this we have only to point to the difference of the trade of the town, and in Lower liangor especially, in summer and winter." Here followed about sixty or seventy signatures in- cluding all the principal householders of Upper Bangor. The Chairman said that when people wanted ground for anything, they always pointed out the name of L"nl Penrhyn." In Upper Bangor, there was land owned by Col. Williams, which was more suitable for pleasuregrounds than the Garth Ilill, and there also was land belougingto Vaynol; but it was to Lord Peni-hyn to whom they applied. He then asked what was to be done in the matter ? The object of the two memorials was identical. Mr Biekuell remarked they were signed by the in- habitants of Upper Bangor solely, and it was very plain that they did not care for the interests of the people of Lo,i,er Bai),r. MrMesach Roberts observed that he believed the majority of the ratepayers were opposed to the expense of making Pleasure Grounds, as shown in the public meeting. Mr Simpson denied that if the public meeting were to be taken as a test, as the meeting was in favour of them being made. Mr Roberts replied that he believed if the town were canvassed that it would be against making Pleasure Grounds. The Chairman said he certainly was not disposed to give ground for the sake of "Casual Visitors." Mr Sitnpson disagreed with Air M. Roberts; the people did not object to Pleasure Grounds, but they may object to paying towards them perhaps. Mr Bicknell said something should be done soon for persons trespassed upon his property on the town hill regularly, and pulled down and broke hurdles, and did other mischief; and donkeys also trespassed upon it, and he could not prevent them. The Chairman suggested that he should impound them. ihe memorialists said something about their "having a hearing" —was there any one in attendance who wished to speak to the board ? The Clerk said there was not. Vhe matter then dropped without anything being decided upon in reference to the memorials. The remaining business of the board was taken up with financial matters, the Clerk's Books, &c.


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- - - - -THE FENIANS.