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TO CORBKSPONDUNTS• No notice can be taken of anonymous communications. What ever is intended lor insertion must be authenticated by the name and address of the writer; not necessarily for public ation but as a guarantee of his good faith. We cannot undertake to return rejected communications. The Letter from Hirael on Local Taxation will be noticed in our Iluxt Is BANOOR A CITY ?-rtillgOCi$& city. A city, in En-Ilaiid does not signify, as it does in most countries, a large fortified town, but it whether Jarge orsuiail, whi<h contains the Cathedral I'ltutch of an Episcopal Diocese, liangor, the.efore, is a city equally with London or York, and soaisuare tiiesinall village-tow ns of *;t. Asaph and LandalV. For this reason, Chester is a city, whilst ShrewdLmry i not; as is also Man- chester and not Liveipool. STKBET NI;is.vM t:s.—Mr. Daniel Williams writes to complain of boys causing an obstruction on the streets of Bangor. A fortnight or sn ago, lie states, he was walking up Dean-street at night, when he was met by a crowd of boys running at rail- way speed when Ilresentlya truck. on which two or three buys were riding, struck him on the legs, and fiora the ettects of which collision he has been confined to his house ever since. He asks in conclusion Ithere no remedy ? Have not the police power to keep the streets <•)#»* 00 tiiat a pet son ""S^t walk an<!) £ them without Deing molested in this maniier ? Mr Wdlianis should put the question direct to Mr. Supeiin- tendent Jones; but if the Bangor Police can make boys conduct themselves fit it decorous and orderlv manner in Bangor, they will accomplish a feat winch they fail to achieve elsewhere. Boys will run and chase about in despite of all the police in the world. ODE TO TIIK MAH^VIS OF WESTMINSTER.—These verses ar- rived too late for insertion in this week's number. Thev shall appear in our next. All poetical contributions should be sent early in the week, otherwise they cannot be inserted in ?h,? curr"'Dt num}wr of the paper E. S W-, London.—We quite agree with our correspondent in his remarks on the desirability of keeping up old customs, and also in reference to the particular matter too by him. lie will find, however, fit this day's Chronicle, that the Mayor s dinner has been resuscitated, and that the subject of his com- plaint has ceased to cxht Under these circumstances it would be worse than useless to publish his letter. TO ADVEKTISKRS. Whi'st we take care to secure the correct p-rintingof advertisements «M??<)t<Mf?M)W"t??<0)'t)tftCct(r([CtM,or for any consequence arist?to n


Family Notices




[No title]


- - - - -THE FENIANS.