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DENBIGH. THE TOWN COUNCIL. The annual meeting of the Denbigh Town Council was held ou the 9th inst. Present—Or Pierce, John Parry Jones, Esq., R Lloyd W illiams, Esq., H R Hughes, Esq., Ystrad E H Griffith, Esq.; Messrs. Thomas Gee, It Foulkes, draper, R Foulkes, Graig, William Story, William Parry, chemist, John Davies, Lodge, Evan Davies, King's Mills, Martin Smith, borough treasurer, and F Wynne, deputy town clerk. Mr Wynne stated that the first business of the day was- The Election of Mayor. — Mr William Parry begged to propose that Dr Pierce should remain in office for another year. He hoped he would have no objection to do so. He had great pleasure in proposing liis re- election. Mr Foulkes, draper, seconded the motion. Dr Pierce, he said, had made a very good mayor last ycar, aud he dared say that he would make a better mayor the next year. Having been unanimously re-elected, The Mayor said-This time twelve months I had the honour of being proposed to this chair by Mr Richard Owen, and seconded by \[r Gold Edwards. I am very sorry they are not present to-day, particularly Mr Owen, whose absence is caused, ) fiud by a letter from him, by an attack of illness. I am sure we will all sympathise with him, and hope he will soon be well enough to come amongst us again. You are all well aware that I accepted this office with a great deal of reluctance, for several reasons. I am rather abrupt—therefore I feared I should not make a very agreeable mayor. I also thought my professional calling would not enable me to give sufficient time to the duties of this honour- able post. However, it is very pleasing to me to find. after occupying it for twelve mouths, that I still remain in your good opinion and confidence. The duties have not been so troublesome as I anticipated, but they have been attended with considerable anxiety of mind, and some amount of expense for a humble apothecary. (A. laugh.) I thank you very much for the honour you have conferred upon me to-day, and I only hope when I vacate this chair that I shall do so without having given any cause to lose your good opinion ot me. Should I unfortunately give such cause, I can assure you it will be from an error in judgment, and not in sin of the soul. During my mayoralty, we have had very warm de- bates, but W" should be warm upon all subjects worthy of earnest consideration. You know very well that it i. vain for the blacksmith to hammer at a cold iron lie warms it before he attempts to shape it; and so we did with our subjects—we heated them, and hammered at them in good style, (a laugh), and although some hot sparks flew in all directions, we brought our matrers to a happy and satisfactory issue, without inflicting any harm on one another, for this day we are the best of friends. It is an honour to come into this cham- ber. I do not wonder at these intelligent men being anxious to come amongst us, and where is the coward that would not go over a five-bar gate to enter this council. (A laugh.) I like these contests for muni- cipal honours. They give the candidates an opportu- nity of testing their popularity, and of showing their anxiety to sit in the Council, and if they are not anxious to come here, they will do no good, and they are better out. The elections also give the ratepayers a chance of changing us—to introduce fresh blood into the Council, and thus to keep it free from two or three classes of men which I will mention. Firstly, men who say yes'' to everything. I iook at then like withered leaves which are blown with the wind to any and to all quarters. Secondly,—men who have no judgment of their own. They look at their friends in whom they have greater confidence than themselves, and vote as they vote. Just like a patient of mine many years ago, who, when I enquired how he felt, would turn to his wife aud say—" I don't know how am I, my dear!" (Much laughter.) It was very fortu- nate that he was a married man, and not a bachelor like myself—for in that case he would not have had a my dear" to appeal to, and would have died from want of self-judgment. These sort of men (continued the doctor humorously) are to be envied, because their bones will never be collected together, for, having no soul, they have nothing to answer for. The next class of men I shall allude to are dangerous and a disgrace to humanity. I mean those who vote for men and not for principles. They cling to parties and not to truth. I do not envy these characters, for certainly their bones will be minutely gathered, and they shall be j summoned to give a solemn account of themselves. But I must proceed. Good methodical tradesmen it is said often "take stock," and with your permission I will briefly" take stock" of what we have done in this Council during the past year. It is right that we should consider whether we have left undone that which we ought to have done, or done that which we ought not to have done. Thanks to -Mr Martin Smith, our treasurer, of whom we ought to be proud, we can see almost at a glance what our actions have been during the year. He lias prepared a full statement of accounts showing the exact amount of monies received and expended. This is a thing we never had before Mr Smith's appointment. The statement shows that the Corporation is improving. We have no wish to conceal anything; on the contrary, being representa- tives of the puulic, we are anxious for the whole public to see and understand our affairs. They can examine this statement, and judge for themselves what we have done, I regret that we went into debt. Debt is the great sin of this world,—it is the first cousin to bank- ruptcy, and bankruptcy is one of the greatest curves of our country. Nobody can be respectable and independ- ent as long as they are in debt. Therefore if we are now in debt, let us do as Lord Cardigan did, in a very uncomfortable position (referring to the memorable Balaclava charge)—" Get out of it. as soon as possible." I I am not going to detain you long; but do not think that I am in a hurry, because the hounds are close by (laughter); although hunting is my physic, my motto is, cc busines., before pleasure. (Hear, hear.) I may say regarding the borough rate that we all hated it, but we had no other remedy to meet our difficulties. Kates, like doctors and physic, are necessary evils—and on the whole I think doctors and physic are more acceptable thau rates, especially when you give such a dose as fourpence in the pound. That is enough to sicken the people for a long time, and I hope that as long as I am in the Corporation we shall never give them such a heavy dose again. I think we are in a position now that will not render even a fractional rate necessary for many years. The only way to guard against rates is to pay strict attention to economy. We are now on the point of raising a building for the fire engine, hurdles, a soup kitchen, &c., but, gentlemen, if we want to keep from debt in the future we must keep from brick and mortar. Another thing we have done with the money is a thorough repairing to the Market Hall. That was an essential work, and I am glad to say it has been done at a cost one-third less thau we expected. It has been done well and cheaply. Mr Lloyd Williams, the architect, will tell us that. The hall is at present a credit to the Corporation, and an ornament to the town. I trust the Market Committee will cause it to be kept perfectly clean. We have spent a little money on the town wells; they are now unpolluted, and in a satisfactory state. We have also done more fot the sanitary condi- tion of the town than has been done for many years. This is a subject of the greatest possible importance. We have effected great improvements, without incon- venience or hardship to the poor, but on the contrary added materially to their comforts, by making their homes pure and healthy. We certainly put the land- lords to expense, by compelling them to make proper drains and traps, and all necessary accommodation, in accordance with the spirit of the Sanitary Act,—and by enforcing the act, with the utmost stringency, is the only way to prevent owners building" Tom and Jerry Cottages," with small confined rooms and no drainage, which impoverish the town, and breed all kinds of diseases—and thus the health of the public is sacrificed in order to produce a profit of ten or eleven per cent. What we require here are fine villas, to induce thrifty families to come amongst us to spend their money. This is a beautiful town, and there is not a happier place in the world. I cling to it as I cling to life. Look at the town in a moral point oi view. e ought to be proud of its general discipline, which is the result, to a great extent, of the efforts of my brother magistrates two of whom I am glad to see are at this Council. The Lord's Day is duly observed here. We very seldom wit- ness a drunkard on the street on a Sunday-a fact attributable to the respectability of our publicans. All the public-houses in the town are closed at eleven p.m., and I am in a position to state that this is not done in any other town in North Wales, True, we have no law to compel them to close at that hour, but we have coaxed them to do it. Besides, there are eleven publi- cans in the town who close their premises entirely on Sundays, except for the accommodation of travellers, and in another year I expect eleven more will agree to do the same act. Gentlemen, I again thank you for re- electing me to the civic chair. Now, with your per- mission, we shall go to work. Thanks to Mr Francis Wynne, our worthy deputy town clerk, we have a clear minute book, and everything that is entered therein is strictly carried out. One favour I will beg of you be- fore I conclude. It is this whatever subject is brought before us, confine your whole attention to that subject, and dispose of it before we enter upon any other sub- ject, without indulging in idle conversation, so as not to waste time, for time is valuable to all-espacially to those, like myself, that gain their livelihood by the sweat of their brow. I beg to apologise for trespassing so much upon your time. (Applause) Committees. — The various committees were re- appointed—Mr Gee being elected to act on the Sanitary Committee, in the place of Dr Hughes, and Mr H. R. Hughes on the same committee instead of Dr Tumour. The Fire Engine.—The Treasurer stated that there was still a balance due for the fire engine, haying already Mr Parry Jones said that, having guarantee,! a cer- tain sum towards the purchase of the me engine, he proposed that the Town Clerk be instructed to pio luee all documents, bills, &c., belonging to the fire en/ine account, at the next Council meeting, in order to biing the matter to final termination. I Ti¡" motiou was carried. The layor said it would be a nice plan, as by Lieut. Davies, toexerci.se the engine oecati-ua ty at the Market Hall-to keep it clean. Resignation of 1100 of the newly-elected sio),crs.-Tae Deputy Town Clerk read the fallowing letters :— Denbigh, 7th November, 1867. DE\R SIR, To prevent all mi-apprehension in addition to the public announceluent we have made, I deem it proper as well as courteous to inform you offi- cially that Mr Gold Edwards and I claim exemption from the oiffce of Town Councillors on the ground of our having already served the office within the last five years. Believe me, dear sir, Yours truly, J. C. WYNNE EDWAHDS. The Town Clerk, Denbigh." 36, Half Moon-street, London, W., 8th Xovem\'er, J8Gi. "MY DEAR SIR,-I have bad forwarded to me the usual summons from the Town Clerk to attend to-mor- row"; Council. I have already intimated to the Bur- gesses in the joint address of Mr J. C. Wynne Ed- wards and myself that it is not my intention to accept the office of Town Councillor conferred upon me on the Ist iiist. I- It did not occur to me that it was necessary that I should formally intimate this to the Council, bkit if you think it is so, I shall feel obliged if yon make the com- munication for me to the Council to-morrow. It is unnecessary for me to trouble you with the rea.,ous that have induced me to come to this con- clusion. I am, yours faithfully, THUS. GOLD EDWARDS. F. Wynne, Esq., Deputy Town Clerk." Their resignations were accepted, and a notice was signed to fill the vacancies in ten days after the date of this meeting. The Statement of Accounts.-This was in a printed form, and was distributed amongst the members. Mr Foulkes, draper, proposed that copies should be distributed throughout the borough. The motion was agreed to. Mr Parry Jones enquired what was the total income and expenditure of the Corporation, exclusive of the fire engine account, and all other exigencies. The Mayor said he had gone to some trouble with Mr Smith to ascertain that information, and the result was thus average tolls, &c., £ 236; expenditure, £248 3,1 lld; leaving a deifcit of X15 31 11,1. Mr Gee said that inasmuch as the expenditure ex. ceeded its revenue, he thought it would be ad t' te to appoint a committee to examine the corporation ac- counts, with the view of devising the best means of living within their income. Mr Hughes thought the table of tolls might be slightly increased, which would augment the funds without the increase being hardly felt. The tolls were much heavier in other place. than in Denbigh. Mr Carry Jones said he quite agreed with Mr Gee's suggestion, and he would propose that Mr Gee and Mr Hughes who formed the" new blood," be requested to act on the committee, so as to give them an early oppor- tunity ot improving, if possible, the funds of the cor- poration. A committee was then formed, for the purpose stated by Mr Gee, as follows :-The Mayor, Mr Evan !>avies, Mr (iee, and Mr Hughes, to be assisted by the town clerk and borough treasurer. BoRorou PETTY SESSION'S, November 8, before Dr Pierce, mayor; It Lloyd Williams, Esq., and Dr Tumour. A Young Pickpocket.—A little girl, aged twelve ye-o s, named Ellinor Pritchard, was charged by Super- intendent Pugh with the offence of pickpocketting. An elderly woman was called to prove the case. She stated that she was in the Market Hall, at a butcher's stall, oil the pI evious Saturday night, and on going iuto her pocket for her purse, she found it missing. It con- tained lbs tid. Having seen the prisoner, with ano her girl, running about her, she immediately suspected that she had stolen the purse out of her pocket. Siie com- municated her suspicion to the police, who apprehended the prisoner an hour afterwards, and disc iwred the purse aud money in the possession of her mother. The child confessed her guilt. Mr Humphrey Huberts defended the prisoner. The Mayor addressed the prisoner's,mother, who was in com t, in very effective t, rms, pointing out the solemn responsibility that rested upon her to bring her children up in the paths of morality and religion. In order to avoid prison disgrace, the magistrates would impose a fine of 21s including costs. The money was paid. Assciiilt.Ifeshaeli Jones, of Brookbouse, charged Edward Davies, blacksmith, with assaulting him on Saturday night. He had nearly strangled him, it was alleged, on the ground, and his neckerchief had to be cut with a knife to release him from his grasp. Complainant also charged Thomas Kyles, a workman in the employ of Edward Davies, with challenging him to tight. These parties, it appeared, are neighbours, and have been at loggerheads in consequence of quarrels between their wives aud we should say the sooner the better unhappy folks are separated. Davies was lined iOs and costs, and Ryles 2s tid and costs. Drunkards.— Wiiliam Jones, a local celebrity known as "Slanger," was summoned for being drunk and noisy. c. His eminence" did not make his appearance- therefore a warrant to escort him iguouiiniously into court was ordered. Edward Jon(os, another of Sir John Barleycorn's dupes, was fined 2s tid and costs.


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