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MONEY TO LEND.  I A/wi TO Lend on Freehold Property, ?-J.<??inoneorinvMious))unM. AI)ply to Mr. S. 0. WiUimM, Solicitor, Lhnduduo. 17tn THE NEW CUKVED POINTED PEN 2s. PER GROSS BOX. POST FREE, 2s. 2D. UNRIVALLED MAGNUM BONUM PENS. BOX CONTAINING 12 ]'ENS AND HOLDER, 6D POST FREE, 7D. J. K. DOUGLAS, STA110XER, BANGOR -¡tfi> E AERATED WATERS. ELLIS'S, RUTHIN, SODA WATER. EU.IS'S, RUTHIN, P -TASS WATER. ELLIS'S, RUTHIN, SELTZER WATER. ELLIS'S, RUTHIN, LEMONADE. ELLIS'S LITHIA & POTASS WATER, AX EXCELLENT INTERNAL KEMEDY FOR COUT. The Public arc particularly requested to observe that mrv Cork is branded R. Ellis and Sou. Rutliiu," with- out which none is genuine. ay he ootiiined from all i-espectable Chemists, Con- fectioners, and Hotel-keepers and Wholesale only, from R. ELLIS AND SON Ruthin, North Wales. 31 IMPORTANT TO ADVERTISERS. THE WHITEHAVEN NEWS, (Published every Thtirsilati ««</ Saturday morning,) CIRCULATES, IN ONE ISSUE. MOKE COPIES TIIAX ALL THE OTHEB WHITEHAVEN SEWSPAVKKH PUT TOGETHER. THE Circulation extends throughout the i_ whole of the Couuty of CUlllocrland. II portion of Westmoreland, Lancashire, Dublin, the Isle of Man, Bir kenhead, and Liverpool, in which places there are agents who receive regular parcels of the paper. The list of ilubserihers includes the names of the most influential mercantile and agricultural gentlemen, and iron-ore pro- prietors, its weir as the principal gentry of Cumberland and Westmoreland. PROPRIETOR WILLIAM ALSOP, To whom all orders for Advertisements or Papers must be addressed. Offices 148, Queen Street anll4,1, Roper Street W Intehavcn 4_- KINATIAN'S L. L, WHISKY. DUBLIN FXHIBITION, 1865. This celebrated Old Irish Whisky gained the Dublin Prize Medal. TL T is pure, mild, tncHow.deHdous, and very .L wholesome. Sold in Bottlcs, 3s 8d each, at the retail houses in London by the Agents in the principal towns in England or wholesale, at 8, Great Windmill Street, London, W. CAUTION, The are hereby cautioned against imitations or substitutes, and to observe the red seal, pink label, and cork branded "KINAHAN S L. L. WHISKY." 12(2 n- THE APOTHECARIES HALL, OPPOSITE THE MARKET, HIGH STREET. PRESCRIPTIONS AND FAMILY JL RECIPES carefully Dispensed with the the Purest Medicines. Immediate delivery. HOMOEOPATHIC MKDIClXEs. Distinguished and celebrated WELSH BOU- QUETS, prepared by the Sole Proprietor, 11. HUGHES, CHEMIST, 218, HIGH-STREET, BANGOR. XEW DESIGNS FOR 1867, IN CABINET FURNITURE, UPHOLSTERY, BED- STEADS, GLASSES, &e., at UROU HART AND ADAMSON'S t_j House Furnishing Establishment and North of England Bedding House, 13 and 15, Bold-street, Liver- pool I rt. I 't I Families and Parties furnishing a) epartieulary invited. before ordering elsewhere, to inspect U (HAIil ami ADAMSON'S immense assortment of Cabinet Furniture, &e., suitable for Dining and Drawing Rooms, Parlours, Libraries, Bedrooms, Halls, Kitchens, Offices, and Ships' Cabins. The Goods are Manufactured and Wan-anted by If. and A. of seasoned Materials, first-class Workmanship, and New Designs, and all marked in plain figures at prices that will bear in every respect a favourable com- parison with the Goods offered by uuy other House. The Upholstery Department ombraces every description of Damasks, Chintzes, Silks, Reps, Pekiu Cloths. Velvets, Cornices, &c.; New and Origin II Designs for embroidered Valences and Draperies, with all the new Borders, Trim- mings, kc. Iron and Brass Bedsteads and Bedding. UKQUHAliT and ADAMSON, Cabinet-makers, Up- holsterers, Bedstead and Bedding Manufacturers, and Decorators, 13 and 15, Bold street, Liverpool. WORKSHOPS.—Church-Lane, where Connoisseurs mny select the Wood, and superintend the execution of their own Orders. U. and 1\'8 House Furnishing (,uide may be had on application. The trade supplied. Country Orders packed free. Export and Shipping Oulers to any extent promptly executed. Removing and packing carefully attended to. 0. unL"RRI&K,%T6Cj. J WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. j Pronounced LB Be cawful j by Connoisseurs to ask for | j THE ONLY "LEA & PERRINS"; • lEAiPEMlNSl { GOOD SAUCER SAUCE. j See name on wrapper, label, bottle, and 3 stopper. Sold by Crosse & Blackwell, London? | j andbyaUdealeRinSauees. • BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS, = LEA & PERRINS9  WORCESTER. J 15180 I ———————————   ——————————* r I :¡ I' f ,f"" 'S'" i 'f" i" I MRS. S A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAIR RESTORER AND ZYLOBALSAMUM, Oil HAIR DRESSING, Arc adapted specially to the physiological conditions of the Hair, and have been prepared with a view to supply those elements which re liable to become dciivicnt in the nutrition of this natural product of the skin. They never fail to restore grey Hair to its original youthful colour. The Restorer is not a but restores to the Hair the colouring principle, aud those things which have boon deficiently sup. pUed from the papilla from which it grows. The Z ,1,,1"Mmum or Hair Dressing is used either with be it, .tflrer, of which it facilitates the action, or by to arrest the fall and promote the growth, ncultivate, and beautify the Hair. As a tt;(,s, i;li,, for the Hair it dar excels any kind of j :'i:iatum or oil; it cleanses the scalp, thoroughly eiv.dicatos dandruff, and is suited to both young and 01,J. Ttj -e preparations are sold by most Chemists, Perfumer; and Haiidressers. JVt>ot, 260, High Holborn, London. Mr. Willuuns, Chemist, High-street, Bangor. 2315 Just published, Sixth Edition, price 2s; by post 2s 2d. ( )N SPERMATORKCEA and its Cure, by V J F. B, Courtenay, M.R.C.S.E. The aim of the author is to present a common-sense view of a class of Mental and Physical Diseases most pre- valent and distressing, the victims of which have hitherto been too greatly terrified in all sorts of ways by philan- thropists, often ill-advised by physicians, and preyed upon in a most shameless manner by empirics. H. Bailliere, 219, Regent-street. 1834 TO THE NERVOUS AND INDISCREET. pONSULT DR. HAMMOND (of the Lock V Hospital, to.), F.It.A,S F A. F S.A., Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, No. 11, Charlotte-street, Bedford-square, London, W.C in all those Ailments which tend to embitter and shorten life, and especially on nervous, mental, and physical debility. At Home, 9 .) t 2 and 6 to 8 (8unl1a;.g 10 to i2' The "Self-Curative Guide, post free, two stamm B —t.etters, with details of cases, promptly replied to. For distinguished Qualifications vide Diplomas. HEALTH AND MANHOOD RESTORED (Without Medicine1. CURE YOTJESE] .F by the PA TENT SELF- U ADJUSTING CUKATIVK and ELECTRIC BELT. Cures Bpeedilv and permanently — Nervous and physical debility, lassitude depression of spirits, loss of energy and appetite, pains in tll,, back an(i linih-9, timidity and self-distrust, dizzi ness, love of solitude, groundless fears, palpitation of the heart, noises in the head and ears, indecision, impaired sight and memory, indigestion and prostration, which are immediately arrested and cured. Sent on receipt of One Stamp, by H. James, Esq., Percy House, Bedford square, London. CAWION,—Medicine alone can never cure. Nn,-In proof of the efficacy herein advocated, "The Re- medies can be sent and tested, Free of Charge. SUFFER NO LONGER. CURE YOURSELF, Speedily, Safely, and Effectually, of Spermatorrhea, Wasting discharges, Ner- vous Debility, Stricture, and Unfttnessfor Marriage. Full parti- culars sent free for One Stamp.—Address, H. James, Esq., Percy House, Bedford-pquare, London. N.B.—Acting for the sole Inventor and Patentee, I am com- peUed to Caution the Public against a self-styled doctor who copies this advertisement. TO AIX. NEW WORK BY THE AUTHOR OF "THE PEOPLE'S GUIDE TO HEALTH," &c, NKRVOUS DEBILITY: Its CAU"E and CURE; a valuable i.\ Medical no?k of )3.!))<:?. on the Treatment and mrpo) KHRVUSand Physical DKUIL1TY. LOSS of APPETITE, PAINS in the BACK. INDIGESTION, Impediments to Mar. ri isre. Spermatorrhea, &c., resulting from the errors of jouth, whifh if n^o-lected. result in consumption and premature death. lietoie seeking aid from the .n-called remedies Wn iKlUl MEDICINK. read Dr. SMITU'S iuvaluable work, which is illustrated with cases, and contains his highly successful and onlv safe treatment, describing the real cause, symptom*, and evils resulting from til-se diseases, and is a true guide to those who desire a speedy and complete restoration to health. Sent post free on receipt of two postage stamps. Letters of enquirj or details ol cases promptly answered. iTe Address, Dr. SMITH. 8. Burton-eresent, Tavistock-souare, London, W, C. 2158 BOEWICK'S BAKING POW JJER,-HecolUmendecl by the Lancet and the Queen's Private Baker for making pure digestive bread without yeast. BORWICK'S BAKING POWDER was also re- commended by the Queen's Private Baker, and by the late Sir William Burnett, Director-General of the Medical department of the Navy. B:1\K :{ ¡¡(1" BORWICK'S BAKING POWDER makes delicious hot digestive tea cakes in a few minutes, and Norfolk dumplings better than yeast. BORWICK'S BAKING POWDER makes bread with- out fermentation, and preserves the nutritious properties which yeast destroys. nOR\rCK'" ISA KING 110 WDE.11 saves egg" and but- ter in making puddings and pastry, and prevents indiges- tion. BORWICK'S BAKING POWDER as used in the Arctic expeditions, and by the Armies in the Crimea and China, will keep for years in a dry place. Sold Everywhere in Id., 2d., 4d., and M. packets, and in patent boxes Gd,, Is., 2s. (id., and 5s. each. BOP 'I,Y- fj, Kis furniture-cream ) cleanses and gives the most BRILLIANT AND DU- RABLE polish to all articles of Furniture with very little labour. BORWICK'S FURNITURE CREAM sold in 6d. and Is. bottles is nearly twice the usual size. Manufactory ;-24, Chiswell Street, London. ESTABLISHED 1807.. THE NORTH WALES CHRONICLE STEAM PRINTING WOHKS HIGH STREET, BANGOR, PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Executed with Neatness and Expedition, on the MOST REASONABLE TERMS. PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, CATALOGUES. SOCIETIES' RULES, REPORTS, HAND BILLS, BILL-HEADS, CHECK LOOKS, &c Executed in a superior manner. AUCTION BILLS, POSTERS, &o Well displayed, and on the Shortest Noticc. ADVERTISEMENTS RECEIVED FOR ALL THE LONDON AND COUNTRY NEWSPAPERS. THE NORTH WALES CHRONICLE Is published every Friday night, at Eight o'clock, price 3.J.d. Unstamped, Stamped, 4 £ d OFFICE.-Caxton House, High Street, ISangor I U P T U RES. By Her Alajesty's Royal Letters Patent. WHITE'S MOC-JIAIH LEVER TRUSS REQUIRING no steel spring round the body, is recommended bv the following peculiar- ties and advantages :-Ist, facility or application 2nd, perfect. freedom from liability to chafe or excoriate 3rd, it may be worn with equal comfort in any position of the body, by day or night 4th, it admits of every kind of exercise, without the slightest inconvenience to the wearer, and is perfectly concealed from observation. We do not hesitate to give to this invention our un- rntnlihtul !I111Irnh!\tl0n. and westrennouslv advise the use 'i'44U' 'rl*n_7 nu- of it to all those who stand in need of that protection, which they cannot so fully, nor wit!: the same comfort, obtain from any apparatus or truss as from that which wi have the highest satisfaction in thus recommending. Church and State Ga-ette. Recommended by the following eminent Surgeons William Ferguson, Esq., F. R S., Professor of Surgery in King's College, Surgeon to King's College Hospital, &e. C G. Guthrie, Esq., Surgeon to the Royal Westminster Ophalmic Hospital W. Bowman, Esq., F.R.S., Assist- ant Surgeon to King's College Hospital T. Gall away, Esq Senior Assistant Surgeon to Guy's Hospital; T. Blizard Curling. Esq., F.R.S., Surgeon to the London Hospital W, J Fisher, Esq, Stirgeon-in-Chief to the Metropolitan Police Force Aston Key, Esq., Surgeon to Prince Albert Robert Liston, Esq., F.R.S. James Luke, Esq.|Surgeon to the London Truss Society Eramus Wil. son, Esq., F.R.S., and many others. A descriptive circular may be had by post, and th Truss (which cannot fail to fit) can be forwarded by post on sending the circumference of the body two inches below the hips, to the manufacturer. Mr WHITE, 223, Piccadily, London. Price of a Single Truss, 16s., 21s., 26s. 6d., and 31s. 6d. Postage, Is. Double 31s. (id., 42s., and 52s. 6d. Postage, Is. 8d. Umbilical,, 42s., and 52s. fid., Postago, Is. lOd Post-office orders to be made payable to JOHN WHITE, Post-office, Piccaumy. NEW PATENT 5LASTIC STOCKINGS. KNEE CAPS. ftc. The material of which these are made, is recommended by the Faculty, of as being peculiarly ELASTIC and • "OMPRESSIBLE, and TH E BEST INVENTION forgiving 'tlicient and permanent support in all cases of WEAK- NESS and swelling of the LEGS, VARICOSE VEINS. -,PIIAINS, &c. It is porous, light in texture, and inex- nensive and is drawn on like an ordinary Stocking. Price rom 4s. (id., 7s. Cd., 10s. to lCs. each. Postage, 64. JOHN WHITE, Manufacturer, 228, PICCAILLY LONDON. I Specimens may be seen in the Crystal Palace. GE:Th' SUITS. 1.1; i. A i HLIJUG¡lU. IN BOYS' CLOTHING, "WAIJEAMliD AlL WUU];, AND MADE ON THE HIEJIISES B 3 11 A N D LAJJOFR. KKiCKJLBOCKIR SUITS OF Meltons. Cheviots, Scotch Tweeds, and Angolas, From i 1 2a. Gd. BOYS' SUITS JACKET, VEST,AND TROUSERS. From XI ;"s. Cd. THE CELEBRATED OltlUINAL 50s, HJITS, Made from the best Welsh and Scotch Tweed., &c., &-c., I,y JOHN AKONSON, 1 & 2, BALTIC IUWOIf. Knickerlwcker Suit 22s. Gd. Wines paid duty on in 1866 by W & A Gilbey 437,687 gallons. Vide "Wine Trade Review" This forms a thirtieth part of the total consumption of Wines for the year in the United Kingdom Thi,v forms a q W & A GILBEY Wine Importers & Distillers AGENT-MARY DYKINS GROCER HIGH STRFET & UNION STREET BANGOR SINGLE BOTTLES, or any quantity, can be obtained at the same prices as in London; and as a security that the different qualities are imported and bottled bv W & A Gilbey, all corks and bottles will bear their brands and labels FRENCH RED WINES Each cork will bear Per Per the following brand: Bot Doz. S' CASTLE A' CLARET. This red Wine is the natural Vin J r?? ordinaire in daily use on the Con- tinentatallmeals. It drinks softer, I ???? and is more satisfyingwhen diluted Y -I IA P\?J???'T/ with half or three parts of water, F besides being one of the cheapest I -—? and most wholesome beverages V that can be used 1 (Labelled 'Castle A' Claret, J .Bordeaux.) V ( 'CASTLE C' CLARET. )  B ?\ This red Wine is the produce of /&& c<) the St. Estephe district. It hS in to I /?y?"? ?q\ )< full body, good aroma and deb- 1/618/ j\3 ?@? J cacy. As a dinner or even after-  J dinner wine, it will be appreciated. V F (Labelled 'Castle C' Claret, I Bordeaux.) 'CASTLE I' BURGUNDY, This red Wine is from a large pro- J ducing district in the Department # of the Y oone. It is a wine in daily  use on the Continent at all meals, j ??3?? and possesses sufficient body tol 1/ 10/ ? ?p ?? render it pleasant and healthful in F -)?g// i use. It drinks softer and is more l €! satisfyingwhendDutedwithwater, V besides being much cheaper and more wholesome than Beer. 1 (Labelled Castle i' Burgundy, Yonne. ) 'CASTLE 2' BURGUNDY. V This red Wine is the produce of j Beaune, the largest district in the Department of the Cote d'Or. 1 It. possesses fine purple colour, delleate perfume, soft full flavour, 116181 R 'y and good stimulating qualities. A j very favourite wine on the Con- V tinent. (Labelled' Castle 2' Burgundy, v Cote d'Or.) 'CASTLE i'BEAUJOLATS, V This red Wine is from Beaujolais, j a large district on the Rhone, pro- I ducing one of the best moderate <   ,? priced red Wines. Ithaslongbeen I -T T J )g f?.? esteemed on the Continent as the VU^M^ Y/ 1 cheapest dinner wine, and has gained favour in this country since V the alterations of Customs duties. [ (Labelled Castle x* Beaujolais, 1 Rhone. ) For other French Red Wines, see IV & A Gilbey t Book 0/Prices, pages 18 and 19. GERMAN WINES /'CASTLE I'HOCK. This ¡ V white Wine is grown in one of the large districts of the Rhine, and is [ @. oc of the best cheap light white V, I /o 1 Aj B < wines produced in any country. 'AAWit is dry, fine navoured, and very I J refreshing, and is particularly suit- f aMeasadinnerwme. J (Labelled'Castle x'Hock,. Rhine.) ?g? ('CASTLE 2' HOCK. This) ??'? 0 l white Wine is grown in a good f g R distrjetf the R1Jne, It an e 1/618/ V J jcellent light Wine, with softness ( and delicacy. iLabe)ted'Cast)e:'Ho<:?Rhine.( J Por other German Wines, see I-V & A Gilbey1 s Book of Prkes, jage 21. HUNGARIAN RED WINES Each cork will bear Per Per the following brand Bot. Doz, CASTLE I' HUNGARIAN, This red Wine is selected from a I large district in the South of Hun- gary, producing cheap but really fine wine. It resembles in charac- [ ter the Red Burgundy wines, but V 1 ia 1 Af KS JjXj js? with more astringency. As a light f wine for dinner use or a digestive stimulant it will be found particu- V larly suitable. It drinks softer and is more satisfying when diluted 1 with half or three parts of water (Labelled Hungarian) 'J 'CASTLE 2' HUNGARIAN. y This red Wine is selected from one of the large central districts in Hungary. It possesses excellent > 1/921/ aroma, with great stimulating qua. I lities, an will be found very suit- V f able as a dinner wine (Labelled 'Castle 2' Hungarian) 'j For other Red Hungarian Wines, see W & A Gilbert Book of Prices, pages 22 and 23 HUNGARIAN WHITE WINES This white Wine is selected from J one of the large central districts of Hungary, producing cheap but really fine wine. It resembles in V 1/4 10/ 3 character the white wines of the Rhine, but with somewhat more body. As a light wine for dinner V use, or a digestive stimulant, it is i particularly suitable 7 (Labelled 'Castle A' Hungarian) 'J 'CASTLEB' HUNGARIAN. N I This white Wine is selected from one of the large wine-producing j dofti?c ortli-westofhun- ( w ta "< gary. tis excellent in flavour, and > 1 /Q 011 (ppossesses more body ?han is usual,y1 v 1 found in light wines. This wine IS v very suitable for domestic use, and f is a refreshing and stimulating l beverage (Labelled' Castle B' Hungarian) For oihtt White Hungarian Wines, see W i A Gilbert Book of Prices, pages 22 and 33. SPARKLING WINES Brand stamped on the bottom of each cork, thus: CASTLE I CHAMPAGNE ( (Gold Colour). This sparkling J wine is the produce of one of the # largest wine-growing districts in zfg | X 1 France, capabTeof producing really [ good sparkling wine. It possesses 2/5 29/ V«K/ good body, delicacy, flavour, and ??/ J aroma. p or dinner and general I use, it is particularly suitable Each bottle will bear a WH I TE ( LABEL, and the brand on the 1 V cork, as in the margin. I'CASTLE 2 CHAMPAGNE? (Pale Colour). This Sparkling J Wine is the produce of one of the f finest vineyards in the Bouzy dis- ( !S?7 tr,ct. It is an excellent wine, 2/11 35/ ?'ae  possessing body, delicacy, and fine \2/ bouquet I v Each bottle will bear a PINK LABEL, and the brand on the 1 cork, as in the margin. I For other Sparkling Wines, see W & A Gilbey's Book of Prices, pages 24 and 25. Books of Prices, containing descriptions of 200 varieties of Wines and Spirits, can be had, and single bottles or assorted cases obtained, of our Agent, as above; and as a security that the different qualities are impoited and bottled by W & A Gilbey, all Bottles will bear I their I Castle' Trade Mark.  ON FRO31  ??E?EEmSB?"- PAT E iN T ND E M A,?       COIVTAILYNO PffoSPHOI?,U?;   Sold by CR'£RS, CH£MISTSJRoNMoNCE a ??A?D?f??, jT?r/O/V??? &CEVERVWHERE. WHITECHAPEL ROAD; LoNDolq; E. K EATI-N("S PEIfSIAN INSECT-DESTROYING POWDER, J\. unrivalled in destroying Fleas, Bugs, Flies, Beetles, Moths, and every species of Insect, and harmless to animal life Sold in packets, Is and 2s Cid each, or post free for 12. or treble size forpostage stamps, by T. KEATING, 79, St. Pauls Church- yard, London, E.G. WHY NOT USE THE BEST? When it costs no more than inferior articles. ??e?s?? TheLtxc;:T it?yB, Maizena differs A <.???* ??T?irom aJI other Corn Flours; is very ??Q ?? yj» '?  ?. ure; analogous to Arrow-  L  ?? ?6 ??? mot in its Dietetic pro- ????/ .? <?'? ^Vjiorties, but superior Ma?cs. ???< ? ?? '?? to & ? "?' in a short time, ?? *'t?? ??.? ?'?? ?*?? vour. tuidattrifiingeost, ???0? *?   delicious mtmcman?o, ????/; '? V Cakes, Puddings, &c. espcci?ny???g ?t 6uitab)o for Invalids and ?*?  e? "< Children. Sctd in packets, with  ?tf full directions, by Chemists, Groce ?, ??c C. k, 0. l. TRY IT NCEII   ?T"REMS??  ? INDIGESTION C >. | BpgTOMfjES OIWTLF, ?I SeU everywhere. Botttes Is. lid., 2., 9d., and 11.. IF THIS SHOULD MEET THE EYE 01 any one 1l'oubled with 'V¡IIc1 111 the tomflch. Inùiction or ine»8, take PMJt; WOODCOCK'S WIND PILLS. Their world-wide celebrity provos them of sterling merit. Of all medicine vendors at hllil and 2s 9d t or free by post for 14 or ? stamps from Page D. Woodcock, Chemist, Lincoln. f) F, N T'S PATENT DIPLEIDDSCOPE (or Meri- dian Instrument), for the negnlation of Cloeks and Watches by olitainins True Time by Solar Obscrmtion. Kecent improvements enahle the most inexperienced per- son to fix tlreso Instruments in the Meridian, and thereby furnish the means of ascertaining either Greenwich or Local Tiiii,, Price l2 2s DKNT, Clin k, Watcli and Chronometer Maker to the Queen, and the late Prince Consort, 61. ftrand, (ailjoining (Joutt's Baul;), and 34 and 35, lioyal Exchange, London. Maker of the Great Clock for the House.4 of Parliament. BENT, CHRONOMETER, WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER To the Queen, the Prince of Wales, and the late Prince Consort and Maker of the Great Clock for the Houses of Parliament, invites attention to the Superior workman- ship ami eleganco of design of his extensive Stock of Watches and Drawing-room Clocks. Ladies' Gold Foreign \atchcs 7 Guineas. Gentlemen's ditto 10 Ladies' or Gentlemen's Gold English Lever ditto .]6 it Gentiemen's Gold Compensation Balance ditto 40 Silver ditto ditto 2fi Munne Chronometers 35 Gold aud Silver Pocket Chronometers, Astronomical, Turret, and lirucket Clocks of every description. An ele- gant assortment of London-made Fine Gold Albert and :u?r()Chatna.&c. DENT, fil, Strand (adjoining C<mtts'sBank 34 and :15, Royal Exchange and the Clock and Marine Compass Factory, Somerset Wharf, Strand, London. I MUUIE'S SELKCT LI BEAKY. A LL the best Books of the Season, and of the past Twenty -7! Years, are in circulation at Jhuiie's Select LiOraiJ ■ Book Societies, Town and Village Libraries anù Reachng Rooms supplied on liberal terms, and tby special airanguncnt, carriage free if required. Prospectuses, postage free 011 application. Mudie's Select Library Limited, New Oxford-street, London. TEA CHEAPER THAN EVER. RTItO.N'li ULA'K TBA8, U'6I. 2« Id. VERYEX(!KLLKXT BLACK TEA is now only 2s Cdper lb. PHILLIPS cfc CO., TEA MERCHANTS, JL 8, KING WILLIAM ST., CITY, LONDON, E.C. RAItK CHOICE GENUINE COFFEE, Is Id per Ib, A PHU'i: OUKHKNT PO'T 1'KEL'. A LEADED PACKAGE containing 9 lbs. of really frood BLACK TEA sent Ciirriii^e free to any railway station or market town in E:i<r!anfl, Ireland, Scotland, or Wales,^ on roccintof 20s, by PHILLIPS and Co., tea meichants, 8, Kiug Wiliiiim-street, Citv. Et, PHILLIPS and CO. send all GOODS CABRIAGB FREE, by their own Vans, within Eiuiit miles of No. 8 KIo WiLLrut SrKKtr, CiTY, and seud Teas, Co/Tees and Spices Carriage Free to any railway station or market town in England, Ireland, Scotland, or Wales, if to the valne of 40t and upwards. QEWING MACHINES. TheFLORENCE. It executes iu a superior manner all kinds ofSewinsr ever required in a Family. Makes four different stitches, has patent reversible feed motion, fastens off its seam without stopping. No other Machine has these late Improvements, for which a Gold Medal was awarded by the Committee on Sewing Machines, at the late Exhibition of the American Institute (ut competition with every v:ciU:noxai Machine) held at New York, 1S65. Copy of Committee's Report, and Prospectus, with Sample of Work, post-free. ADDRESS :-rLOREXCE SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, 97, CllEAPSIDK, LONDON; AND 19 AND 21, BLACKFXCIARS STHEET, MANCHESTER; AND AT 83, UNlOS STREET, GLASGOW. Read Illustrated Prospectus, .['< Agents Wanted. Post Free, 5 STAMPS, from the Author, Coombe Lodge, Peckham, ON CONSUMPTION NEW EDITION OF Mr. GEO. THOS. CONGREVE'S Work, which has passed through 73 iiditiom of 1000 each I This remarkable book treats of the causes, symptoms, and progress of this fell disease, through all its stages, and the TRUE TREATMENT, WITH INTERESTING AND EXTRAORDINARY CASES OF CURE. TREATS ALSO OF ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, &0. TWELVE CARTES DE VISITE, 2s 8d; SIX, Is ad. Send Carte with Stamps. Perfect Copies and Original returned Free. Carte Enlarged to New Cabinet Por- trait, 28 fid; Three Copies, 5a, Lo.vnosr PHOTOGRAPHIC COM- PANY, -lOHighHolborn, London. F. S. D. PHILLIPS, Manager. 18s X. -TARRAGONES- R;. 18s BOWLES AND CASES INCLUDED. Post Orders on Charing Cross. CHARLES WARD AND SON, WINE MERCHANTS, MAYFAIB, W., LONDON. 18S per -TARRAGONES- per 18s 18s doz. doz, 18s REALLY GOOD SHILLING SAUCE Suitable to all purposes has been uiuch wanted tM by the public. § T> LETCHFORD&CO.havemtroduceda && —' Sauce that need only be tasted to t satisfy every one it is the Finest Sauce manufactured; the title is "LETCHFORD'S YANKEE RELISH, THE RICHEST SAUCE OUT, from a recipe by BROTHER JONATHAN," of choice flavour and piquancy, without the disagreeable consequence of returning upon Pa^a^e> experienced in the use of o tVr • SIJ Sauces. Made by R. LETCIIFOIID & Co., London. To be obtained of all Chemists. iilli'lniJiiMtf1 Grocers, &e. throughout the Kingdom. ANOTHER KXTRAORI>IN-AI:V CVJn OF PARALYSIS by means of HALSE'S GALVANIC APPARATUS. All persms prejudiced agairst (Galvanism should read the following letter: Haselor, near Alcester, December 28,186il. Mr. Halse, Sir, -It is with much pleasure that I write to inform you of the marvellous effects produced by means of your galvanic ap- paratus, under the blessing of God. You know what a deplora- ble case mine was, as I explained everything t. von when I sent to you for your machine. If you remember. I had lost all my muscular power, and all feeling in the lower ptrt of my body, from my fourth rib to my feet, and I had but little expelling power. I had a sensation as if a band was round my bo ly. I used two small galvanic machines for some months, but without anvbencflt whatever. In June I purchased fiom you one of vour machines, and used it according to your directions, until September, when I was so far recovered as to be able to discon- tinue it. I am thankful to sav I am now quite well. You are at liberty to make my case public if you think well. Believe me to remain, your grateful patient, SAMUEL LANE." The writer of the above lately called on Mr. Halse. He told him that the beneficial effects of the apparatus were noticed be- fore a fortnight had expired, ana tnai tne distressing warn 01 ex- pelling power soon disappeared, Why did not the two small machines he had been previously using do h m any good ? Sim- ply because such machines are useless as remedial agents. In- valids are now proving this for themselves, and are ordering Hake's (;alvanic Apparatus instead. N.B. —Invalids should send two stamps to Mr. Halse, Warwick Lodge, 40, Addison- road, Kensington, for his Pamphlet on Medical Galvanism. DINNEFORD'S FLUID MAGNESIA. For Thirty Years the Medical Profession have approved of this pure solution as the best remedy for AcidityoftheSTOMACH. HEARTBURN. HEADACHE GOUT and INDIGESTION And as a mild Aperient tor delicate constitutions, especially adapted for ladies, children, and Infants. When combined with the ACIDULATED LEMON SYRUP, It forms a most agreeable effervescing draught, in which its aperient and cooling qualities are much increased. In warm seasons and warm climates this simple preparation, when taken EEGUUAULY, has been found highly beneficial. Dinneford and Co., Chemists, &CM 172. NEW BOND STREET, LONDON. Sold "!I all respectable Chemists throur/hovt the World. CAUTIt)N'See that "I)iiiiiefor,i &- Co. is on each bottle and red label over the cork. 1392 TLLF/CIUOATESTLJKC'TVI'.RY OF THE AGE. BY APPOINTMENT TO THE QUEEN. FARRANT'S Gout and Rheumatic Pills. i' One dose relieves—the third euies. TESTIMONIALS. From W. H. Scott, Esq. Plymouth Copse, near Holywell. "I have great pleasure in bearing testimony to the efficacy of your pills. I consider them to be invaluable, for they have never failed to give me relief, and I should be sorry to be without them." "ir,-Hitving been a martyr to gout for many years, I was induced by an Anglesey friend to try your pills. Three pills effectually removed an attack, which on former occasions had laid me up for several weeks,- I am, sir, yours, kc., DAVID JONES. Sold in Bottles at Is lid. AGENTS.—Mr. Gregory, Holywell Mr. John Cole. Aberystwitli; Mr Griffiths, Bangor; and all respectable -Chemists. Wholesale, Barclev & Sons, Loudon Raines k Co., Liverpool, York, and Edinburgh; Evitlis & Co., Liverpool. SEWING MACHINES. F. J. AUDSLEY, OF 92, BOLD STREET, LIVERPOOL, nEGS to intimate to his Friends and the N J Public in general that he can supply any of the First-Class Lock Stitcli Sewing Machines. Amongst which mav he named— THE CliLERRAlED "SINGER" MACHINES. THE PRIZE MEDAL "HOWE" MACHINES. THE FAMED "WANZER" MACHINES. THE GENUINE WHEELER AND WILSON'S MACHINES. THE UNIQUE" WEED" MACHINES. THE WESTMORLAND (for putting Elastic into old Boots, kc.) MACHINES, and any other make can be had. Ladies can have Machines to work by hand. Prices, from 35s. No Bootmaker, Tailor, Mantlemaker, Dressmaker, Staymaker, Capmaker, Draper, or Private Family should be without one. Constantly on hand a Stock of Silk, Twist, Thread, Cotton, Needles, Oil, &c., for all kinds of Machines. ADDBESS-F. J. AUDSLEY, 92, BOLD STREET, 23 LIVERPOOL KATE'S \vT)irSETE LI'S PTLLIT. THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE. Sold by all Chemists, Ne, at Is lid. 2s 9d, and 4s Cd per Box. K~A Y E S \(T RS'DELL'S PILLS. THE BEST REMEDY FOlt INDIGESTION. Sold by all Chemists, ke., at Is IJd, 2s M, and 4s 6d per Box. K AYE'S AVORSDEL L'S PILLS. THE BEST HEMEÐY FOR ASTHMV Sold by all Chemists, &c., at Is Jd, 2s ix). and 4a 6d per Box. -D-E-L L 1 8 P I L L S. THE BEST PEMEDY FOR COUGHS AND COLDS. Sold by all Chemists, &c., at Is I ld, 2s 9d, and 4s 6d per Box. K A Y E 'S W O R S I) ELL'S P I I. L S THE BEST KEMEDY FOR BfLIOUS DISORDERS. Sold by all Chemists, &e., at Is l jd. 2s 9d, and 4s 6d per Box. KAY P'S W O R S D E L L S PILLS. THE BEST REMEDY FOR TIISF, v-KS OF THE SKIN. Sold by all Chemists, tc., at Is IJd, 2s 9d, and 4s 6d per Box, K A Y F,' S W O 11 SDELL'S PILLS. THE BEST REMEDY FOR GOUT AND RHEUMATISM. Sold by all Chemists, &c.. at Is ljd, 2s Od, and 4s 6d per Box. X P 1 L L S. kYF§ VO]k DE s THP BEST REMEDY FOR FFMALE COMPLAINTS. Soldbyall Chemists, Arc., at Islid, 2s 9d, and 4s 6d per Box. k-A- -Y E-' S-AO-V R S-D E-T,-L '-S-P- -I L L S. THE nEST REMEDY FOR NERVOUS AFFECTIONS. Sold by all Chemists, Ac., at Is lid, 2s 9d and 4s 6d per Box. K A Y E' S W O R S D E I. I, S P I L L 8 Have been in constant use for nearly Half a Century, and have met with UNIVERSAL SUCCESS. Sold by all Chemists, Lc., at Is lid, 2s 9d, and 4s Od pe Box, 2087 I BLASTING AS NOW ADAPTED BY LENK'S PROCESS. GUN COTTON IS THE CHEAPEST AND SAFEST EXPLOSIVE AND IS FREE FROM SMOKE. Prices and directions for use on application to MR. WILLIAM CASSON, Plas yu Peurhyn, 16 Carnarvon. USE ONLY THE GL E N F I E L D STARCH. TO PAIUiliS FURNISHING. 'I A Al U -L' L (J U I I LI K I o 1, UuLD-S I UEliT, LIVERPOOL. invites the 9tteutiou of Purchasers to inspect his choice and Varied Stuck of Ward-drobes and Tudor Bedsteads, telescope Dining Tal.les, Side Hoards Mid Ciiitfbnjers, WALMUT DRAW 1NG-KOOM SUITES, Gilt Chimuey-Ulasses, Best Improved Spring Bed?, IRON liEL'STEADS AND IIEDDIN(j, Of Every Description with every Suitable iirticle for GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHING. SHOW ROOMS, 19, liOLD-STREET LIVERPOOL. 2U45 BENSON'S WATCHES AND CLOCKS. By special appointment to H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES Prize Medal. London. Class 33 Dublin, Class 10. Makrf of the Gold Caskets presented by the City of London to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales and H.R.H the Duke of Edinburgh. WATCHES— Chronometers, Chronographs, Keyless, Repeaters, Levers, Horizontals, &c. CLOCKS— For Dilling and Drawing- Kooms, Carriages. Churches, &c. JEWELLERY -peeialitis in Monograms, Diamonds, Crystals, and fine Gold for Bridal and other Presents. SILVER AND ELECTRO PLATE—For Presentation, Racing, Diners a la lvusse, or Tea Table. wnRKS OF ART in Bronze by the best Artists. PRICES and Descriptions of Watches, Clocks, Plate kc., ,.ee Illustrated Pamphlet, Post Free. Watches, Clocks, Ie., sent to alt parts of the world. J. W. BENSON, Stehm Factory, and City Show Rooms, 58 and CO, Ludgate Hill, and at 25, Old Bond Street. Paris Exhibition, 1807,—English Section, Class 23. 1809 £ mki & scffsm /???\ ?' ?/ ILLUSTRATED \? \L ?—?CA?TA?LOCm?E?——?) J Contains Designs and Prices of 150 different artielm II 1 150 Bedateadp, and Prices of every description of Bedding?. /li {f of Bed-room Furniture, as well as of — ? ?)\SENT FREE BY r08T./??   I XT* I" J  \{k  ') ?'?'  —'  —-?.  .? )? A  ,?!?s??lj?a? McNAUGHT & SMITH'S CARRIAGES. Awarded Prize Meduls at the International Exhibitions of London, 180*2, and Paris, 18(17. For "Good Proportions, Workmanship, and Materials; and good taste in Colours.' SEVERAL now on view, or in progress, i which may he finished to order. Their MINIATURE LAXDAU.-For the first time this valuable Carriage is now brought well within the power of one horse. Their PRIZE MEDAL WAGGONETTF, in various sizes, pony, single-horse, or pair. Their No. 7 J'HAETON, the most economical and useful Pony Carriage of the day. Their Malvern and Worcester DOG-CARTS, from 20 to 50 guineas. Their LUGGAGE CART, at JE21. 225, or £ 30. Terms, net Cash or otherwise, to suit purchasers. Their Illustrated Catalogue, with prices of almost every kind of modern Carnage. Dog Cart, Basket Carriage, and Harness, forwarded on application. Repairs executed on the Lowest Terms consistent with Efficient Workmanship. Estimates given. HANRESS AND SADDLERY of every description Manufactured on the Premises. Show Msoms and Manufactory, WORCESTER, CURES AND COMFORT FOR THE BED-RIDDEN BY HOLLO WAT *S OINTMENT. This wonderful Ointment acts like magic in relieving and curing old sores, wounds, bad legs, ulcers, and er- uptions of the skin, when nibbed on the surface it penetrates and purities each tissue on its passage, and exerts the most wholesome influence over the internal structures. It heals by cleansing all animal fluids with which it comes in contact, and thereby promotes a sound and permanent cure. Goitt and Rheumatism. To sufferers from the racking pains of Rheumatism and Gout this Ointment will drove invaluable. After fomentation with warm water the soothing action of this Ointment is most remarkable; it seems at once to lessen inflamation, ease pain, reduce the swelling, restore natural circulation, and expels the disease. For the above com- plaints Holloway's Ointment and Pills arc infallible specifics Dipthcria, Bronchitis, Sore Throats, Coitf/hs, and Colds This class of diseases may be cured by well rubbing the Ointment, three times a day, upon the throat, chests and back of the patient. It will soon penetrate and give immediate relief. In all stages of Intluenza, Colds, and Bronchitis, this treatment may be followed with efficiency and safety—indeed, it has never been known to fail. All Virictics of Skin Diseases, Scrofula aizd.Scitriy. This Ointment is a certain cure for Ringworm, Scurvy, Scrofula or King's Ivil, and the most inveterate skin diseases to which the human race is subject. They can- not be treated with a safer or more speedy remedy than Holloway's Ointment, assisted by his celebrated Pill., which act so powerfully on the constitution and so purify the blood that these disorders are completely eradicated from the system, and a lasting cure obtained. Dropsical Swellinos. Beware of this dangerous and stealthy complaint, which frequently creeps upon us by slight squcamishness or trifling jaundice, of which little or no notice is taken until the legs begins to swell. The cause of the evil must be lookt-d for in the liver and stomach therefore set to work earnestly, by taking Holloway's famous Pills according to the printed instructions, and rubbing the Ointment very effectively over the pit of the stomach and right side, where those organs lie. Most dropsical cases will readily yield to the combined influence of the Ointment and Pills. Piles, Fistulas, and Internal Inflammation. These complaints are most distressing to both body and mind, false delicacy concealing them from the knowledge of the most intinute friends. Persons suffer f jr years from Piles and similar complaints when they mi, ht use Holloway's Ointment with instant relief, and effect their own cure without the annoyance of explaining their ailment to anyone. The Pills greatly assist the Oint- ment, as they purify the blood, regulate its circulation, renew diseased structures, and invigorate the entire system. Disorders of the Kidneys, Stone, and Gravel Are immediately relieved and ultimately cured if this Ointment be well rubbed, twice a day, into the small of the back, over the region of the kidneys, to which it will gradually penetrate, and in almost every case give im. mediate relief; but perseverance will be necessary to effect a thorough cure. Both the Ointment and Pills should be used in the following cases. Bad Legs Chiego-foot Fistulas Rore-Nipples Bad Breasts Chilblains Gout Sore-Throats Burns Chapped hands Ulandular Swel-Skin diseases Bunions Corn .Soft) lings Scurvy Bite oOlosche. Cancers Lumbago Sore heads toes and Sand Contracted and Piles Tumours Flies Stiff-joints Rheumatism Ulcers Coco-Bay Elephantiasis Scalds Wounds Yaws Sold at the Establishment of PKOFRSSOR HOLLOWAY 224, Strand, (near Temple Bar), London also by all i-es. pectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicines throughout the civilised world, at the following plices: -Is, lid., 2s. Od., 4s. 0d., lis., 22s., and 33s. each Pot. There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N.B.-Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorfc are affixed to each Pot.