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KHYL. THE PENNY READINGS. The Rhyl Penny Readings, under the presidency of the Rev. Hugh Morgan, M.A., incumbent, are continued this season with undiminished success. A very interest- ing u.eefing took place in the Town hall on Tuesday eveniug last, John Churton, Esq,, Morannedd, in the chair. The proceedings consisted of readings, recita- tion*, and inu*ie; and ihe performers were—The Chair man, Rev 11 Morgan, \V Dundas, Esq, Rev D Jones, Mr Roberts, painter, and daughter, Master F Nott. Mi, Lizzie Jones, Mr Vine, Mr J Whitley, Mr R Hughes, Mr J E Roberts, dentist, Miss Sutton, Miss Morris, We-.t Parade, Miss Ann Davies, Miss Evans, Market-street, and Miss Mathews. Prizes (in illolit-v) wtreals> awarded to Miss Sutton and Master J K Roberts for the be-t letters of appli- cation for a situation; to Miss Davies, Kinmel-street, for a Weldi translation of u I >eful M txim>, by Poor Richard; and to Master Williims, Post-otfice, for the beet s how card fnr a hop willdnw beating the words Welsh Flannel, Is.jid. per yard. Mr. A. Rowlands adjudicated the letters and trans- lations, and Mr. Roberts, painter, the cards. Tiie Chairman, in opening the meeting, spoke to the following eil'ect La li.s and gentlemen—I feel exceed- ingly complimented in being placed in the chair on the present occasion. I can assure you it is not for want of desire to support institutions )f tlii, kind that lhave hitherto not taken anypirt in the Rhyl .Penny Rend- ins*. It lilY be known to many of you that during hist winter I was very unwell, and therefore unable to attend your meeting- nevertheless I very highly appre- ciated them, and 1 have been very much pleased to tind on reading the public journals that they have been attended have gliMUed, none of the Penny Reading* in the county have been conducted with happier results than those of Rhyl. (Applause.) At tirst some little prejudice mose against them thiough the misbehaviour of a tew disorderly boys, but now I am gratified to find that, they no longer dis- turb the meetings, but have entered intotheir spirit, anti appreciated the benefits to be derived front them. (Cheers.) I must bo allowed to notice the additional feature giveu t > these ^meetings, by the offer of pre- miums for translations, and compositions. (Applause) Tue committee, I think, have in this respect given a atep in the right direction. vlbar, hear.) The other morning, I had the pleasure of seeing some specimens of penmanship, sent for competition at this meeting, and ready thev wvic b«autitnl!v executed, and would do ciedit not only to Rhyl, but to the metropolis. (Loud cheers.) At the clo.e, The Rev. H. Morgan said he was sure the audience would join with him iu giving the most c udial thanks to Mr. Churton for his kindness in taking the chair. (Cheers.) He could testify that he had attended the meeting at some inconvenience to himself, for they were all aware that his health had not been as good as they wished, anlb.ing shut u;> in a badly ventilated room (the Town-hall) b-r two boms would t^-t t- >\ to improve it.. However, he had venini-- I theiv. atm iheir especial thanka were due to him. {Ap,■! Mr. Dundas was requited to.-e. I the motion. He **id it was a forma! duty, but on-- e performed with great pleasure. I he whole audicne-. he was quite sure, seconded it with heart and mmd. (Cheers.) Mr Chnrt on courteously ackn mledged the compli, nwnt., aud said he was very highly satis!ied with the proceedings. He w(>uld have great pleasure, before the season was over, to hand over a sum of money to the committee to give awiy ill prizes for translations from Welsh i!ltd E!lg:i-d, or rir n r< or for anything tle-y thought pr-per. (l/wd cheers.) Mr. M ugan announced that the Reading-room established in connection with the Penny Readings was open daily, iii titt- Town-hall, from bait-past twelve till ten in the evening. The committee desired not only to atf »i\l amu>em. ut one a fortnight, but also information and instruction »-v- rv year. A comfortable tire would be found in the Reading-room for the young men, to- gether with a large number of newspapers, at one shil- !ng j^cr ve ir. ih- y lu-p-d, meanwhile, as their funds increased, to >upp!y it with periodicals. (Applause.) "TlIl ROSI: O|- CHKi!iTos\The Rev. H. Morgan, M. A., by sp-'cid request, kin Uv gave an excellent read- ing of the well-known ballad oititled "The Rose of Cheriton," in the lown-haM, on Ftiday evening, the SHh instant, to a seleet and intellsgeiit audience. The read- ing occupie ab «ut one hour and a half, and was fre- quently applauded.

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--.-In I'arlittmt'nf—Sttttum…
