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N 0 T 1 C E TO A D V E R T I S E R S. PARLIAMENTARY NOTICES, ELECTHW ADDRESSES, AND L'L ULIO COMPANIES, OIL PER Liue. LAW N TICEi, AUCTIONS, AND MISCELLANEOUS, 4a per Line. TRADES. T.OOKS, CHARITIES, &Cm 3d per Line. In (ITlkr tq render the Advertising (OlUlllll of the NORTH W \LKS CHHON'ICLK m<»to extensively useful to the Public. the folluwius KKl)l'l'BI> SC.U.K OF VHAKGKS is adopted for the undermentioned classes ot HKtPAIO AlJVfcRTIHtMKNTS Clerks, SerV'int*. ?"'?' ?r<t?')''?M'"t?' I.'>t found. '?"' Situa'ions Wanted. ot- to/), Let. «?t.<.)t-.SA?/<'t'ffK??O''??''?t'<. ??t?/<? .?'?'?'?"?-?' <*heL??):tf?).notc\cf-t'din, Twenty ??rds 1?.6<). Thr?fMcrth.u.i.diLt?.ditt? '?  Ttie-c ('IIJipi'ly only to such AIM LI, I l»h- MKVT< »< «uv PAID FOR at the time at the OtH.-e, or foI- which ,t ?tre oi-(Ier, if sent bv Post. and d.'n!tinetudH a1s hy Auction or ordinary Business A ddresses. ^Jcvsons OCllanuti. TITANTUP immediately, a JUNIOR ASSISTANT. Apply personally t<> Messrs. Lewis and ?'?" London ilou< llan^or. H'H?SI:m\II> WANTKIA "1A7AXTK1), u Housemaid, who is cWnly, V\ can wait at table, and i:-õ a '.ûllllee(n.womall: c?ti, wtit;it till,le, HOUSEMAID WANTL-:]).—'Wanted for a Family in Shropshire, a thoroughly competent H?nscn):?d,"f go .d character, and ah..ut? y<'arsof as;e. \?).)yto Mr. Douglas, Xorth Wales < 'lironiele office, Bangor. TO SCHOOLMASTERS. \V\\ 7ANTK1\ at Christmas, a Certitieat"d I t\ MAST)':)!, for TydMcUiu?Sehout.o<.nebut a Singer net.-I Ap)dy to the Hc", J.llll;;h"1\,II\iJ.i.gIc I "\Y\Y J ANTED, an Aucnt, to ?eH a thM-ou?hiy IN ;iii,i Ai-tifi,,iLtl Manure 17i? deniable pro>>f of the quality will be given by refeienee to other Agents. Ali ;tet'v? ,?'uii. (?r it I)ei-s(?ii having constant dE'a1ing with fanners, would make a 1 good commission.- -Addles- •' Agent,' care of 11, Orcen- wood. Advertising Agent, Liverpool. ll->.» THE ENAMELLED SLATE lil'SlNESS. \V 7ANTED, tor a lVnuunmicy, a compe- tent M AN', to take tile active management of K ttusin?s'. Ht' must )?' able to eakulak costs and super- I intend tLt. pradit;d Murki?s "t the ?<?"?'s dcpaitmeuts, kc. ) Address, with full particular* to present employ- m?nt.??t'.an.tsahrv required,t?i!ob.(..I'aUKS.J'?., t'' Commission Ag'-nt. r.s.ol. {Lilian ts. -+ A thirty three years of of moderate viows, wishes to meet with a criiAcv in the Diocese of Bailo r Testimonials good. Addre-« M, the o ftuv of ihi* paper. I rilHE Advertiser bojjs to inform Laiuhd T !'r?pri<'t?r?of being an experienced Land Agent, And fully competent to undertake a Land A?chfy. Hc- t'?rM)c? wi)!Leh.td. A;.j.)vtoA.J!Y..r/A)ru?< <:A)'u;t?,tiicc. Bangor.  NORTH WALKS. T;\ XTED, a Comfortable Resitl»»iici\ with (;nr?<'n!)n? Land, Furnis)n'd or Fnfunlishcd. in the locality of Muimi T.rid^e or iWMumans. If -.uit.??'.w)Ufnh<t<utur?u)eh.?t'  M ?n. h t". t or. .\?d?s?. T W. D<>x A'Manchester. 2. T (i 1,ANI)EI) IMJOl'KIKToks AND IlTHE OvVNKKS. rjllIE Advertiser In-injj a practical Land I Agent, <Ve not fully occupied would be glad to un- dertake u L.'iid ,r tite Lion ,f 't'itlies iii any county »n North Wales. Terms jnodernte. Apply to X.V.Z ('hroni'le Ollice, liatuior. 1U50 MUNKY w\vn;i>. THE Sums (.r £ 2,000, £ 2,j00, ami £ -)M)0 are icquirtd ?nM..rtg.?euf Freehold Lands in ?'ll' I"quirc d oil in For further particulars, :;nd st:itin^ r.iio of interest, OAC., to Mr. "W. A..) i'ostOllice, Upper Hangor, Noith Wales. 115 "—— WANTI:I>. A SIT CATION Wanted l>v a Single Man, ;w years old, as a c.ntiilential Farm S?rYan<.whe ia wining t?w.rk regularly hituself. and also manage a Farm. und»*r the direction i»f a Oentlenian or otherwise. Can he highly recommended by a Clergyman and a Lay- mau ia maji.Vtratv fcr the county), under both of whom he has served iri the :th"\v .-apa'-ity, Apply hv letter, !>. J., IV^t oftjce. Aberystwyth. muij—mnniM.:nw>M miii>ii n ii«ii—— urm Zo be If t I. TO J:F, LKT. From t.iei-Oth N'ovemt'cr. for a term of years. or fl,,iii year to year, ALL that <L'.siraL|r> small Family Rosidoneo, ealletl ('ALU (JUOKS, with 4'iaere.t of good pasture Mid arable laud, and a Cotioge and ()utd)\iiulings. Oaer ("Jroes is within 10 minutes' walk pf tht, tOWII of Llanrw^t, and contains on the ground tl -or o roomn, l»eHide>» Kitchens, &e., alhi 4 good liedruoms, with Dressing U > tm and A l'.ics above. Tho taker can have, in addition to the above, 2 aèrc •f old p;istuf • and accommodation land. Foi, :,tid t"rni?,?p;tv t?)tr.<?rin'ith. JV.dicitor, l.Uurwst. 11 IS ?heitor.thurw?t. l]t.t "I(s. icc. ;Jiõ BE S"IjD. bv 1'nv.?tn Treaty, a House I anll V?Liilt? III lll,,Ii it g,,o(i business was earned ou tor Twelve Years by the late Mr Juo. lir,,ok..i. Also 2 Cott iges and Stable. Apply to Mr W. Williams, Baker, 304, High Street, Bangor, 1K»0 TO i'ii 1N T K li.S, ST ATI ()N Kits, KT< IlOli SAJiM, a 20 illl'h, lWCXDHOLE I'KKl (>ltATI.\(i MACHIN K, by Brightley. As tood an new. Price .t'S, delivered free at the Bangor lwa.v S,\tllo!l, "tv;" IV»m/Uci. ?' H'alfji ITnrohicif oiiue, Bangor. HI I.I.L\I:JI L\J:I,E. SALE, it full sized BILLIAKD m TA!»l-lv, in trood cojidition. with Cues, liests, Billiai'd and p(,.»l (ialls, Basket, and Marking Boards for Milliards and "1. I',i"e 1:4ù, Only paited with to [Hoe ILO,l for an extension of the PIilitill1; Business. iltits Budroi-. T0 1!H S?tU) BY PIUVATH THE\lT ? a )'?''?") Vaim of 45 -c res or thereabouts, in the ,>ari*hot Lgi\vy>fach, in the county of Denbigh, about a .uil and li?lif ttil? 'I'Zll V ',Lill1,. «nd -Nol?tit of (L.-k illi(i p;»eture land, with a southern aspect, eoniuuuiding a b«Autiful views of the ( artiarvonslure range oi mountains, and imi: of th« finest scenery in Wales. F,.r further )'?rtic)?.t)s.tpp!ytu Mr..Jclfrey Thomas, Avu-tioneer, Oroe.s in, near Conway. 7-' Ilt' Lt. 7-'2 public JiJotucs KI'-oriAiNC OF I'Kjutuos I,I.NAVV t IA UCII, Tt'KSlJAY NdVKMllKli -'(Mil. SERVICES at n a.m., when llie LOl;i) BISHOP will preach. t 2 1 1). iii. !It'll tile )?'?.'J.t'.?'??'??Twi!t ■\t tl ;!0 p.m., when the Kev. MOKltl'^ 1UTAMS will preacu. tt'rc:?' S .rvnT. A collection will be ma le after each r\ ;o. Th.?l.?v?r?r.?u.'stt? to appear tli?.?l s?ill)!iCcs. fiunch in the Schoolroom at 1 pw. »h>r-■ -i c iti !»e t iken t ► th • nei^h!> uirrig f ir:us. TO ^ltAI;Y PKOI'IMKTOUS. rPUE Soittliport I'ier (Limited) require L about LKO tons {of 2Jla lbs.) ..f i:?U?h S^one (ay each pieces t > be delivered free ovubt ard at and about their Biei ite.td, und«r the direction of their Manager. Flats of 100 to 12f) tons can come alongside ttt any time of tide. Tenders, stating price per ton net, delivered a above *t*ted, wdl be received up to 24th instant. By Order, JOHN A. KOBINSON, Secretary. public ^oticcs. ST. ASAl'lI. A CHRISTMAS T RE H at the NATIONAL SCHOOLS, ou TULUSDAY. the ?7th UECEM- BEli, lS6t>. Nov. 15th, 1S6*J. r lltl,, of all sorts and L sizes, in very great quantity, of best quality. and at moderate l'riees.-l'l'iccI lists, post free, on apphca- I tiolJ. jvMES DICKSOM AND SONA, (the old-established Nursery and Seed Business), the XEWTOS" XCUSERIES, ('HKSTER. J. THOMAS & SOX8, UUIlJ)KRS AND SLATE MERCHANTS, EE prepared tu execute all Orders for all ¡-).. kind of Joinery, Masonry, in Marble and Slate Works, on the most reasonable tivmt. All Jobbing exe- cuted with despatch. Timber ScuntlinKi sold and cut to dimensions on the premises by steam powei. 1121i TO RAILWAY AND OTHBKS. A/fR. R 1). MORGAN, Engineer, of 23, L Victoria Mace. Bangor. Leve?insai?d Surveying done, Plans, Tracings and Bridge Drawings made. Esti- mates, Valuations, ami Admeasurements taken of barth- works, Masomy. Timber, and IroliwlIrk of every desenp- tioll, Weight of Iron Bridges, ^e., obtained by measure- meat. "'(;'?{\\H\'UNTf):\P!KE TRl'ST. t l HE WARD. WTIEIiF.AS some eYiI disposed person or  persons have destroyed the Wall Fencing near the Llanberis Lake ou the road from Carnarvon to I'eiivgwryd, Notice is Hereby (iiven, that the above reward will he given to anv person or persons who shall give such ill- formation that will lead to the convictiou of the offender or offenders. J. HAYWUOD, Surveyor, Bangor, 7th November, lsiii. 1L>;> SHREWSBURY AND HOLYHEAD KOAD. .1:4 HEW A 1!1>. \V\V 7HEREA8 ()IlW evU disposal person W or persons have destroyed theWaHFencinxof the above road betwe?n Bettwsyeocd and Pentrcvoetas. Notice is Hereby (liven, that the above reward will be given to any person or persons who shall give such in- formation that will lead to the conviction of the offender or offenders. .T. ItkYNVOOI), Surveyor. Bangor, 7th November, 1 Sii:>. Uoii MISS 11 <>1 i" l-l:i' S 0 N ]JRESSJfAKER, 3, (Ji:EE.VFlEI.l) TERRACE, MKNAI BKIDtiE, B A N C. 0 It MISS KOlHvRTSi tx beg.s most respectfully 1' to intimate to the Ladies in the vicinity of Bangor that she has commenced business as above, where she hopes, that from considerable expeiienee in the business, combined with strict attention to orders and moderate charges, to merit a share of their support. H70 -U- MISS EDITH WYNNE WILL ORVK A (I'liAXD COXCFRT, AT THE 1'ENRHY? HALL, BAN(iOIi, On jvi:dxi;si>a r, vith. Further particulars will be duly announced. V WLLIIELI. MARUIAGL; FKSTIYITKS. A PUBLIC l)INNi:it, AT Til 11. C U O W X H O TEL, To Celebrate the Marriage of HUGH PCGH, ESQ. of Talcymra, to Miss OWKW of London, "Will take ]»lace on TUESDAY, November 21th., at 0 p.m, Chairman—T. L. I). J. PARRY. Esq. Vice—G. J. I'ICTON Jo.M'S. llsq.. Mayor. -lC¡'lŒUltGE (liAN'GOll) COMrAXY" "VTOTKM'- i'.h?r?h\-o.ivt.n.<hat the FIRST ll OMDfVAIiY GENEBAL MEETIN(J of the Share- holders of the George HotcU'i.n?:;or) Company (Limiled) will be held at the George Hotel. Bangor, in the county j of Carnarvon, on Tuesday, the L'7th day of November i instant, at the hour of li o'clock in the afternoon, to | receive the Directors' Report and Statement of Accounts, i awl Sanction the declaration of a Dividend, and also for the purpose of Electing Directors and Auditors, and for J the tran.-action of the ordinary business of the Company, in accordance with the Articles of Association. The Transfer Bonks of the Company will be Closed from tlie'2-tiil instant until after the Meeting. Dated this lUth day of November, JAMES GREGORY, Secretary of the Company. THE BAKIUTTCY ACT, LSiil. milOMAS JoXKS, of D<?ui Street, Ban- I K" ill the I'aiiit,,r having bcnn adjudged bankrupt in the County Court of Carnarvon- shire, holden .it Bang«»r, on the Sixth I;t%, of November, IS'ill, is hereby required to surrender himself to Henry Lhyd Jones, Esq., a Registrar of the said County Court of Carnarvonshire, holden at Bangor, at the first meeting of Creditors to be held on the Tenth day of December isOG, at ten o'clock in the forenoon precisely, at the Rechabite Hall, Bangor. David Edwards, Esq. of Ban- gor, is the Solicitor acting in thf Bankruptcy. At the imeting the Registrar will receive the proofs of the debts of the Creditors, and the Creditors may choose an Assignee or Assignees of the Bankrupt's Estate and Effects. All persons having in theirposscssion any of the ctfects of the said Bankrupt, mu-t deliver them to the iiegistrar, al1,1 all debts due to the Bankrupt must he paid tu the Registrai. MORGAN EICHAKD.S, High Bailiff of the said Court. DiSTlUCT OE LLAXGOLLK.V. JAV'AL GOVERNMENT ACT. TT AYmw T i'v iiA.uuniM aiti> rAina tli,,tt the FAIRS commencing in lS'i", and thereafter he held as follo\fs 0 On the Tt'ESDAV before the FIRST WEDNESDAY IN tlle i r. The FIRST FAIR under this Order to be held on TCESDAY. the tiist day of JANUARY, 1807, and they will be as follows Tuesday, r- bruary the oth Tm?y,t.UL'ht?.th TueMlay, April the ?nd Tuesday, April the ;>0th Tuesday, June the 4th Tuestlav. July the -ml 1 uesday, August the 0th Tuesday, September tin; .Ird I Tuesday, October the 1st Tuesday, November the oth Tuesday, December the ord Tuesday, December the olst i LtUlgoUPIl Local 1:'J:lI"! Room, November Sth, IfSlio. JOHN l-'DWABDS, Cliairman of the Local Board. CHARLES RICHARDS, Clerk of the Local Board. r 0 K T iia TT OF TUP RIGHT HONORABLE LORD PENKJIYX. VT a (\>uutv Meeting, iii tli(! (:i)iiyify ?? !!all, Carnarvon, on Tuesday, 14th August, lNiiil, It was propo>« d by Capt. J »uft*, seconded by John \Ymi.?n.. E;i., 'i,(n's,.?n] <?rm?)un.tUi:n..uhh'. "That Lord lVnrhyu !»• requested to nit for Ins Portrait to be hung up in thel'ounty Hall, Carnarvon, and that a Subscription be entered into to defray the expanse of it. No eontiihution to c:icecd One Cuinea It was further resolved, I hat Major iiicent W illi uns be requestcil to act as Honorary Secretaiy and Treasuter. Already advertised ±1271 lrj 0 Esq., Carnarvon 1 ] 0 Messrs. E. and A Forrest ami Co. 110 Mr. T. T Parry, Bodifor ] 1 0 I lit-bcrt Roberts, Ltiioi- ] 1 0 James Sparrow, Esq., Holyhead 1 I 0 Mr. Owen Thomas, Foundry, Carnarvon ] 0 0 John Williani>, Sacrist, Bangor 0 BJ f; Morris Pritchard. Cabinet Maker, ditto o 10 b — Hugh Jones, Builder, Claiiadda 0 10 <) — Thos. Hathawaye, Tlte Mount 0 10 G £ 2+3 2 0 All persons wishing to subscribe arc requested to send their names and subscriptions to Mowrs. Williams and CoOld Bank, Bangor. 76ft HILLS' MANURES. 11IIESE L\XUlES, w]Ùh am SpoeiaHy Prepared for CORN, GRASS, anù GREEN ?T CH")'S and ha"e for the !?t Eighteen Years given the greatest stisf"ctiun, are now read" and ma, b< had either from the Works or the Stores of the Agents for North Wales as imder, viz.: HOLYHEAD Mr. Iioht. Piereo, Valley Station. RKDVVHAUP, Mr. Edwd. Jone4, Nantuchaf. CARNARVON' Mr. Joseph Roberts, Llanfagdalen. I'Wt.LHKU. Capt. A. Evans, Coal-Merchact. (',j??Y .Mr. M. T. Edwards, Quay. ]'Kt:sT?TY:f. Mr. Edwd. Hunt, Radway Hotel. I HOLYWFLL Mr, Bobt. Stealey. Milior Cottage. BUTHIN anil OORWEM MR. E. W. Gee, Eglwy. Wen, near Denbigh. WORKS -EAST OHEENWICH, London and AMLWCH, Anglesey. 108 ^tfjolnsttc. GEKM\N, FKHNCH, DRAWING, kc. Monsieur adeesiein, Dr. Ph., Pro- l frssor of French, German, Drawing, and Pamt", iig, wishes to give lessons in Private Families and Schools in Llandudno and neighbourhood. Apply, EDGl'.ASTON HOL'S'K, LLANDUDNO. 11.12 COLLKC.IATK SCHOOL, RHTIIIV. IfEAD-MA.STEH -REV. THOM AS KIRK, M.A. St. John's College, Cambridge. f With Assistants for Draii in; Mnnu\ and DriHtno.) RNILE Com'st'uf Instruct imitutttis?ci?'o! ? inc]udps?')a8sieal .tnd Mathematical subjects, ami is specially suitable for Roys intended for the Medical and Legal'Professions and Commerce, if parents desire it, instruction may be given cliiell.v in English subjects, Neither French nor Lauudress are extra:. Good play ¡¡elt!. There is a class for Youths wishing to pass the r(.roveru- ment Examinations. Next Quarter begins Tuesday, October 9th. For further particulars apply to ^ov* Thomas Kirk. Collegiate School, Ruthin, 1*^ publications. NOW READY In Sinall Crown 8vo., p.p. 306, Cloth, Trice 5s. SERMONS: preached chiefly ati?ui?r s Cathedral, by E. PL'GHE, R.A., iato Senior Vicar of the Cuthedral, now Hector of Llautrisant, Anglesey, and Hural Dean, Parker and Sons, London and Oxford J. K. Douglas, llangor. Ju.it Is.tued. T II E M o MENTOUS QUESTION. CCRINOLINE.— LADIES .should at once ? see THOMPSON'S NEW STVI.Ii, which, Jight, graceful, and elegant inoutli?e,comLines comfort and economy with the very latest fashion. Observe the name, "THOMSON-, and the Trade Mark "A Crowu Sold everywhere. A STR« LOtfYTT ASTRO LOGY. l.UI,«UU SOLD IN ONE WEEK. VSTROLOGY—Just Published—3d, post A free 4d —DO( 'TR1NK of NATIVITIES, by which ereryone may calculate their own Nativity, and learn their own Natural Character, by Eugene Cabona, an Kg\ptian Astrologer. Published by 11. Smith k Co., Newspaper Proprietors and Publishers, 181, 1'leet Street, London. And all ';ew,iiien.- TlieTrit(laitud Hawkers Supplied. Mil A L 1, A -N 0-1, W A S G, 1' I! I 3 7c,, Y liliifyn t.ntaf o'r SUPTl'AGINT, NEI: Y HEinL SANCTAIDD, Yn ol < > ri,-it:ii;td y i- X pyila SYLWAUAU CAN Eo A.NJ>KE\VS, U.K. DYWEIJ rhai o brif Lenorion Cymru fel y canlyn am Y gwaith — IJ- Rectory, Oct., 12, 1 S<I5. "Pear SIR, Tam much OBLIGED to yuu for tho specimen of your translation of the Se))tua«int, which you HAW. been so GEOIL as to send me. Your work, when completed, will, I have no doubt, be of sterling value, and I trust that you will meet with the encouragement which you so well deserve from the public. Pardon the free-loiii of iiiy reiiiari I am anxious the work should be -m perfect AS can be, for a Luost important work I consider it. "TH'J orthography, I may adJ, with the exceptiong just no- tice(l, is exacti.v to tiiv likitig. lev. K AuJruws." 13elieve nio yours faittiftilly, Portmadoc, December 19, 1 S(IF>. My dear Sir,- I thank you for tiie opportunity of reading the specimen of your NEW translation of the Septuagint, •• Tho original appears tu me to be fititlifully rendered, and some PASSAGES beautifully expressed The notes are original and the KU^LISH quot itiuns have been selected with great care and if tile whole of the work can be supplied with notes and observations etjual to tliesu specimens, you will place your fellow-countrymen all ler heavy obligations to you for this all- dition to our IHCrtlf literature. If you he compelled to pay a heavy penalty for tiiis noblo service, the less said about our nationality the better. '• I remain, My dear Sir, yours truly, Rev. 12. Andrews." \VM AML.LIOSK "St. David's Parsonage, Aug. 3 st. ISM. Dear Andrews.- have lead NO 1. of LXX, and art much pleased with the industry and talent DISPLAYED in iti pages; and tiust you will be able to remunerate yourself for the pains it must have cost you to produce such a work. ) ttil, dear Andrews, very truly yours, "The Uev. Evau Andrews" D. A. WILLIAMS," Archdeacon of Carmarthen Jesus College, Oxford, Sept. 7th. )'3(t). Reverend and I ear Sir,— It is now a long time since 1 re- ceived the tirst number of your translation of the Septuagint. It was sometime before 1 was able to read enough of it to ex- press an opinion. I see that the Commentary is, as I expected, full of learning and ability The hbonr ami ability of the Editor all will recognise, who will examine the book. I am, Kev, and Dear Sir, very faithi'ullv vours, t, ncv. E. Allllrewd" "CUAULKS WILLIAMS." ]Q.'»2 Spurrell, Oyhoeddwr, Caerfyrddin. ^otircs. rnilE CHOLERA.—Hunt aud Co.'s Con- i centrated Solutions of Chlorides of Lime, Soda, and Zinc, as used by the Government for preventing the spread of the Cattle 1'lague in Ireland, are the best lJis- infectants made. To he had of all ivspootnhle Chemists and Druggists. Chemical Works-17, WKSTLANlMtOW, DUBLIN. 1074 MOXKV TO LEND. LOANS froni ??0 to £1,000 at 5 por cont., L ujMMporsonal ami other security, Ciii 'uiekly be <?ht:ni?dhy respectable t?rties, with e.xy repayments, from one to live years. Apply to .Messrs Walkley ami Co., Estate Agents, 13, Great James-street, Bedford-row, London, W. C. N.li.—Oood Mortgages negotiated and all transactions CANDLES. FIELD'S PATE:-iT SELI'-l'lTTIXO CANDLES, From b. per lb. upwards, in all sizes. SAFE, CLEANLY, AND ECONOMICAL, No paper or scraping required. FIELD'S l'lUZIi MHDAI. '■ I'AUAFINE" CANDLES (theorigioai) Is. Kd. per lb. MAHSII, LAMBETH. Sohl by all Dealers in CandleH, CLEAlt COMl'LEXIONST "ilh a Delightful and Laatin;; Fragrance, by using TIIK CU.tBItAT¡W UNITED SERVICE SOAP TABLETS, 4d. anil (!d. each. ^lanufacturcd by FIELD'S MAIM ILL SPERM, J. C. aud J. FIELD, UPPER .MARSH, LAMBETH. Ordei of vour Chemist, (Jroeer, or Chandler. 717 HOLYHEAD UNION. \I'I'OIn(E!\T OF I:ELJEVJ(; OFFICER. milK (jtuivdians of tho llolyheatl Union, I will, at their meeting to he held at the Board Rnnm. V¡dl"y, Tuesday, tl", 4th day of December, ISM), at 10 oYloek 5i,ni., proeced to the, Election of j\ Melieving Officer foj- the .Wierffraw District, eomprising the Parishes of Abertfraw, 15od\vrog, Ceirchiog, Cerrigcein- wen. lleneghvys, Jdanheulan, ldandry^arn, Llallfielo, Ijlaiigwyfna. Llochylehed, sind Trewalehmai. Salary, ijol) per annum. The person appointed will he required to resi(le in the District, and must he fully eomjie.tent to keep the books and accounts 51s prescribed by ttio l'oor Law Hoard. He will bo required to enter into a bond with two approved sureties 10 th<-sum of .WiJO, for the due and faithful performance of Ins duties. The appointment will be subject to the approval of the l'oor Law Hoard. Applications in the handwriting of the candidates, with testimonials as to character and ability, are to be sent to me on or before Saturday, the 1st day oC December Illd, and the candidates are expected to attend tho meeting at their own expense. By order of the Board, WILLIAM HI/fiHES, Clerk to the Guardians. The Viill0Y, „ Holyhead, 7th November, llAAJ. 1166 I, SttWI* 120ticto. PWLLHELI. PORTRAIT OF R. LLOYD EDWARDS, Esq., NANHORN. A S all Accounts are to be made up as soon as possible, Subscribers are respectfully requested to pay their Subscriptions forthwith at Messrs Casson's Bank or to the Secretary, OWEN OWEN. Pwllheli, 1st November, 1866. 1124 NORTH WALES TRAINING COLLKOE FOR rjllIE Annual Examination of C:mdid:ttM Is 1 l,.I,, this oil tlki?, 3(l in I)L.(,oiiibor, by her Majesty's Inspector of Schoo)s.when those who succeed in obtaining a place in either the First or Second Class became at once entitled to admission. No entrance fee is required; butth.?e who pass the Examination pay lOsper quarter as "Caution" money, which is returned, with a donation of £ (! in addition. on obtaining their Parchment. The College allows them 3rd class fare for two journeys each way yearly. The scholar- ship is tenable for two years, and covers the whole expense of tuition, residence, board, washing, and medical attend- ance. The College also supplies Books at two-thirds the published price. Board and Lodging in the College, free oi charge, are provided for the candidates durin the Examination. All who desire to avail themselves of tho opportunity are requested to give immediate notice to the lcv. J. Sidney Boucher, Priucipal 11U5 ESTABLISHED, 1837. JOHN W I L L I A M .S S FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT LONDON PLACE, HICiH-STREET, 11 A N G 0 It, J WILLIAMS begs respectfully to inform the inha- is I)it;illts, of JJangor ami the sniToiimlin# localities, that he has removed the whole of his large and first-class Stock of FURNITURE from Dean-street, to the back of his extensive premises iu Loudon Place, High street. The SHOW ROOM Is now open for the inspection of the Public, and it wiil be found to comprise the best- and newest articles in the trade, all of which can be guaranteed as being genuine, and made of the very best materials. J. W. likewise begs to add he invariably purchases the best new Curled Hair and Feathers, well cui-ed and never in any instance has I", ubecl old materials, or old Hair or Feathers. This he will gnarallte." so tbat the Public can depend upon having zlontiifde article at this Establishment. London Place, Bangor November 2n,I, 1866, lloo NOTICE FOI LETTING TOLLS. OTICE is Hereby Given that t]1(1 Tolls arising at the several Turnpike G.ites Oil the Turn- pike Koad lending from Denbigh to Halkin, from Afon- wen to Mold, and from Blackbrook to l'antnewydd, together with the several Chains or Side-bars belonging thereto, called th« Mold and Denbigh District of Roads and also the several Turnpike Gates on the Turnpike Road lending from Denbigh to Rhuddlan, and the Branch Gates belonging thereto, ciilleti 'The Denbigh and Rhud' dlan District of l{t)iuls;' allll also the several Turnpike Gates oil fit() Turnpike loall from Pant Evan Brook to Conway Ferry-house, called or known by the several names of Pant livan Gate, St. George Gate, Ahcrde Gate Sam, Marl, and Dolwyd Gates, together with the Chains or Side bars at Colwvn Bridge and Colwyn Sta- tlOll, called -The St. Asaph and Conway District of Roads will be Let by Auction, to the highest bidder, at the County Court Hall, St. Asaph, on Thursday the 2flth tile ('0111it3? ('otil't fiall, St. ?k s:i p ll, oil 'I'litirsility tllt! 2?itli November, IKoIj, between the hours of Eleven and Three o'clock in the mdnncr directed by the Acts passed in the Third and Fourth year of the Reign of His late Majesty King teorge the Fourth,—'for Regulating Turnpike Roads;" which Tolls produced last year the undermen- tioned Sliiiis Mold and Denbigh Denbigh aud Rhuddlan District, let at. 4.)0 St. Conwav District, let at 0O0 Above the Expenses of Collecting the same and will be put up at those or such other sums, for one year, from the First day of ,January 1°" to the 31st day of De conberfonowing, as the said trustees shall think tit, and subject to such conditions as shall be determined upon by the said Trustees. {^"Whoever happens to be the hest Hidller or Lidders, u|n*t immediately give Security, with sulHeient Sureties, ti the satisfaction of the Trustees for the payment of the Kent at which such Tolls shall be let, monthly, or HI such other proportions, and in advance, if required, as shall be directed and no second bidding will be received by the said Trustees from any Bidder, without the names of the intended Sureties being tirst ileliverell in Writing to the said Trustees; and no Ridding will be received by the said Trustees from any Persons who shall stand indebted to them for Tolls arising under their manage- Mcnt. "\VY ATT SISOX, Clerks to the Trustees. St. Asaph, 20th October, ISlili. 109.) CARNARVONSHIRE TURNPIKE TRUST. TOLLS TO BE LET FOR 18(57. NOTICE is hereby given that ou Saturday the 8th day of December, IHOI;, will be Let by action, at the'.uddHaR. in the Town of Carnarvon, to commence at Three ock p. m subject to conditions then to he produced, to he bc,t approved bidder, thc Tots arising under an Act, the 2nd Wm. IV., and other Qenei d Ads, and payab;e at the several under-me,, ? jT?C'ttcs in.tc?'rdai?ce and in manner directed Wihe Xs, in IH' 3d and 4th Years of the Reign "?" t??tv(;eo,e IV.. and other Acts for  R:.u n.. Turnpike Roads which Tolls produced ? )?t ye^r (Oear of the cost of collecting) the respec- vc Hums oppmnte each (,??tL. Cikr?, or Cair i a,,es, ?he T.Ils from ?t?ige Coache, Cars or Carriage.. ticensedtocarry Passengers, are reserved. LGwvdyrGate.near Man, wst £ 1J0 0 S.GyninGate.nearConway IO 0 3. Sarn-y-mynach Gate. near L)ansantfT)a.d ;tII [(,f tile 1',O?,,l oftbatdistnct n A 4 ConwaY' marsh Gate IO 0 0 5: I'en.m,;w'mawr Gate !? ? « « 6 Tan-y-lon Gate, Korth of Talybout 130 0 0 7.BangorGate)(???t. ?7000 8. Vaenot Gate) r? t()00 0u !).Tan.v-gns)au(iate 0 10. Bod-iual Gate, near Carnarvon 3.) 0 0 11 fen )Ivn Gate 'near Danbert.s 2?)1)0 0 ? (! ?Inant 01 z?,tqi(ie of Llanberis 75 0 0 1-1 Glaii-^wna Gate.nearC.u!iarvon roOOO U Klivd°(hlu Gate, east i.f Quellyii Lake l.iU 0 0 16. (,'itte, clu.trsl'.Lllt-(Ill Gate :io0 0 16. Pant-du Gate, clears Gelli and Dolydd 0 t6.Pant?t Gate; dearsGeUi an d Doiydd ? () I) 17 DoVvdd Gate, cIetrs)'ant-du 14" 0 0 18] Berth Gate, s.mth of Llaiillyfiii 13j. 0 0 19. Maes-niawr Gate, near Pwllheli JO 0 0 20. Clynnog Gate V 0  ..00 0 21. Seiont Gate, near ( arnarvon ••• (|30 0 0 And thev will be put up as above, or m Lots, at thOt or sue! 't r?ms as the Trustee* shaU th-ndirect (or may )?veaut).orised us so to do), for one year, from the lst ,f r .mi irv to the 31st of December, )?0f. ?o Bidding will be received unless the Bidder before, or at the tile, hands to us the undertaking of two or more sureties or Joint-Takers, satisfactoiy to 11s. The party b.-ing the highest accepted bidder, will be required at the time to sign a contract and other en- easement, with two sufficient Sureties or Joint-lakers, to the satisfaction of the Trustees present or ourselves for the due performance of the Agreement and payment of fill I)v proportionate Quarteily Insta.uents. or in advance, as the Trustees or ourselves shall then re- P?rtics intending to become Takers, are requested to send us the undertaking of their intended Sureties of Joint-Takers, on or before Saturday, the 10th day or November, 1SG*». 0. JONES & O. JONES, JUN., Clerks to the Trustees of the Carnarvonshire Tunipiku Truat. Castle Square, Carnarvon, im anh October, 1866. 1094 GRIFFITH DA VIES, DRAPERY ESTABLISHMENT, ZEE I G JrL STREET, BANGOR. G. D. most respectfully informs his numerous Friends and Patrons, that he is now showing the NOVEL- TIES for the SEASON, in the various DEPARTMENTS, which have been selected with the greatest care at the first Parisian and London Houses. GENERAL MOURNING ESTABLISHMENT. FAMILY GKOCEIi AND ITALIAN WAREHOUSE. 106 ESTABLISIIED 1844. ISAAC ITOBERTS, BUOT AND SHOE ESTABLISHMENT, 3 0 4,, HIGH STEET, BANGOR. Centlemen's First-class Shooting Boots. Ditto Ditto ditto ditto Side spring JJoot% ditto double toles. single Soles. Ladies' Levant HENSIAN Boots. Ditto Morocco do Oitto Kid, lr every style and fashionable. Children's do. in all variety. N.B. -All of our own manufacture, and all stitched work. Gentlemen and Ladies leaving their orders tMy rely on obtaining a really first-class article. 494 K V AN JO W ES, FAMILY AND DISPENSING CHEMIST, A r 1-3: E- -E i v MEDICAL HALL, 21, VICTORIA PLACE, (NEAR THE RAILWAY STATION), 1JANG0R. E. JONES E, GS rospoctfully to announce to tho inhabitants of Bang-or and its vicinity generally, that i ) ho has commenced business a- a Family and Dispensing Chemist; and trusts, by strict personal attention to any order, with wlii, It ho may bo favoured, and a scrupulous regard to the genuine character and purity of avwy article, to merit and obtain a share of public patronage and support. E. J. likewise begs to state that he has had upwards of i'> years' experience in the Dispensing Business. Physicians' Prescriptions and Family Recipes prepared with the greatest accuracy and despatch. qoio proprietor of Jones's (Conway,) celebrated Vegetable An ti bilious Pills, a most excellent remedy in Bilious and Liver (-'onil)lai tits, tand in most I)ist)rderi of the Stomach and Bowels. Crosse atlll Blackwell s I Purveyors to the Queen L Pinkies, Sauces, Marmalade, Jams, etc. Soda, Potash, and Seltzer Waters. Lemonade, &e. Soda, Seidlits, ani Oinger Beer Powders. A clioice. assortment of I-iiglisli and Foreign Perfumery. Genuine Teas, Coffees, Spices, & genuine Patent Medicines, ilorse and Cattle Medicines, ,vc. 1^5 NEW FURNISHING & GENERAL IRONMONGERY ESTABLISHMENT (Midway between tho I'ost-olltce and Market,) 237, HIGH SI'KEET, BANGOR. JOSIAIJ HUGHES, PROPRIETOR. IMPROVED KITCHEN RANGES, REGISTER AKD OIllEH GRATES, FENDERS, FIRE lltOXS, &E. Baths, Tea Trays, Coal Vases and Waggons, Iron Bud- I xtc.Mia.M.tttressca.&e. Cast Kain Gutters, Pipes, Heads, &c GaR Pipes, Cocks, Bends, &c Bar aud Sheet Iron, Steel, Nails, Pitch, Tar, Oils, Paints, and Colours Joiners and othea Mechanics' Tools Electro Plate, Britannia Metal, Brass, Copper, and Tm Goods Table and Pocket CuUcry.Sciasors.?c RopGH, Twines. Mats, Brushes, ?c Locks, H inges, and builders' Ironmongery. Best Parittin and Colz" uils. A "I Mdiigles, Dairy Utensils, Pig Troughs, and Agricultural Implements supplied at the Maker's Prices. Agent for Dodge's India Hubber llose, lielting, Door Mats, &o. JIIUGHES, has personally selected his Stock from the- best makers. The whole i* J ETll: EL y NEW, and marked at ? amaU profit; and he trusts, that by keeping gw([ artide?, charging reasonable prices, to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. GOODS MADE TO 0 U I) E K. tfy Goods not in Stock supplied from Drawiug.i and Samples at the shortest notice without extra charge. 8:18 -u_ N()TI(,K:! R. AND J. DICK, GUTTA PEECHA BOTTOMED BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTURERS, (From Manchester) RESPECTFULLY solicit one Trial of their far-famuli Gutta Perch a Bottomed Boots and Shoes with Leather Tops and Iu-soles, which, for Cheapness and Dmability are Un-eipi.illed. They keep the Feet Dry and Warm, are more easily repaired, and Wear nearly Double the time of Leather-Soled Goods. Branch Establishment# ill every town of importance in Ureat Britain aud Ireland. Sales, upwards of 20,000 Pairs Weekly. IAHK THE ADDEESS-217, IIIGII STREET, (Two Doors from tho Market Hair, BAXGOH. N.B.—All hinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired with Gutta Perchn, on the most improvedjirincipV 91 ;—; The increased consump- tion of Liyht is shewn by the following figures: W A Qilbey having paid duty on French and Geiman Wines alone as follows: Gallons In the year 18C3 IntheyfMtSM 87,511} lu the year ISO ••• 131,069! W & A Gilbey WINE IMPORTERS AND DISTILLERS AGENT-W DYKINS GROCER HIGH STREET & UNION STREET BANGOR SINGLE BOTTLES or any quantity of Wines and Spirits can be obtained, and BOOKS OF PRICES with descriptions of 200 varieties forwarded, on application to the Agent tOOl A UfLniT'* CAST" T*4I)P UAEK ON KA6U Cu&L.